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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undersökning kring lärares perspektiv på högre undervisning i Second Life

Wikström, Lena, Bergström, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar lärares perspektiv på högre undervisning med Second Life som undervisningsplattform. Second Life (SL) är en virtuell värld där olika lärosäten världen runt har egna ”öar” och bedriver olika former av undervisning. Inledningsvis beskrivs vad SL är och hur det kan användas i undervisningssyfte. Här presenteras även de frågeställningar som behandlades, vilka var: ”Vilka positiva och negativa aspekter kan lärare uppleva vid användandet av SL som undervisningsplattform?” samt "Hur upplever man som lärare i Second Life skillnaderna i förutsättningar gentemot traditionell klassrumsundervisning?” För att belysa problematiken gjordes litteraturstudier om olika pedagogiska modeller och teorier för undervisning i virtuella världar, undervisningsformer, bedömning samt olika typer av problem som kan uppstå. Uppsatsförfattarna skaffade sig även personliga erfarenheter av Second Life och samlade relevanta lärarkontakter till en sändlista. De faktorer som ansågs intressanta att analysera delades in i följande områden: · användning av virtuella världar i högre utbildning · förutsättningar för undervisning via virtuella världar · skillnader mellan traditionell och virtuell undervisning. Med detta material som utgångspunkt skrevs en enkät som innehöll både öppnafrågor och frågor med givna svarsalternativ. Denna skickades till 73 personer vid olika lärosäten världen runt. Endast 14 personer besvarade enkäten, vilket begränsar resultatens användningsområde och tillförlitlighet. Undersökningens viktigaste resultat är följande: Användning av virtuella världar i högre utbildning: · antalet lärare som använder SL i undervisning har minskat · SL-lärare använder pedagogiska modeller som i en eller annan form bygger på social konstruktivism. Förutsättningar för undervisning via virtuella världar: · attityder till undervisning i Second Life som lärare möter från sina respektivelärosäten är i anmärkningsvärt hög grad negativa · det behövs en pålitlig och effektiv metod för identitetskontroll av studenter · problem med tekniken är mycket vanliga, liksom att det ofta är svårt för nybörjare att ”komma in i” och snabbt lära sig använda miljön. Skillnader mellan traditionell och virtuell undervisning: · språkundervisning verkar ha större likheter mellan traditionell undervisning och undervisning i Second Life · kursförberedelser och undervisning i SL tar mer tid än motsvarande undervisning i mer traditionell form.


Chlebík, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Komunikace je v dnešní době základním klíčem k úspěchu. Rychlost, dostupnost a kvalita předávaných informací je schopna ovlivnit nejen budoucnost firem, ale také jedinců. Cílem práce je poskytnout ucelený přehled o dostupných IT a SW prostředcích pro firemní komunikaci. E-mail, hlasová komunikace, videokonference, portály, ale také virtuální prostředí jsou postaveny proti klasickým formám komunikace jako je meeting a korespondence. V práci je vytvořena metodika umožňující srovnání jednotlivých forem komunikace z pohledu jejich vlastností, vhodností jejich použití pro různé modelové typy komunikace a možnosti jejich nasazení v interní a externí firemní komunikaci. Poslední kapitola práce demonstruje možnost aplikace zjištěných závěrů a získaných poznatků na středně velkou stavební firmu.

The Influence of Interactivity and Online Store Atmospherics of a 3-D Retail Store in Second Life on Consumer Purchase Intentions

Thombre, Avantika 08 1900 (has links)
Second Life, a 3-D virtual world, has evolved as a shopping channel for both consumers and retailers. This channel of retailing offers interactive environment, allows designing atmospherics, and provides enjoyable shopping experience as compared to website stores. The purpose of the study was: (1) to identify the key features of Second Life stores and (2) to determine the relationship of the Second Life store features with consumer purchase intentions. The online survey was administered in Second Life by an external research agency, and 249 usable surveys were collected. The data were analyzed utilizing factor analysis and regression. Three key features of Second Life stores were explored in this study. These three features were: (1) interactivity via the two components of two-way communication and active control, (2) store atmospherics, and (3) shopping enjoyment. Regression analysis showed that shopping enjoyment and two-way communication (i.e., the presence of an avatar sales representative) were significant predictors of purchase intention in Second Life stores, while active control and store atmospherics did not influence purchase intentions.

Religion Evolved 1:1 : En pilotstudie av virtuellt rollspel och vernakulär religiositet i samtiden utifrån ett deltagarperspektiv. / Religion Evolved 1:1 : A pilot study of virtual role-play and contemporary vernacular religiosity from a participatory perspective.

Sollén, Jeanette January 2020 (has links)
The overall purpose of this thesis is to introduce aspects of the popular cultural expression of virtual role-play in the context of religious studies. It is based on theories particularly of lived and vernacular religion as well as of mediatization. The aim is to deepen the knowledge around intra-actions between contemporary existential and religious dimensions, popular cultural frameworks (play-based roleplaying), and media technologies (virtual digital platforms). The thesis also presents a model for role-playing formats based on the concepts of play versus game. The analysis of the material - consisting of five qualitative, in-depth interviews with role-players in the online virtual world of Second Life - shows that all participants to varying degrees explore, express and generate understandings and experiences that revolve around their own understanding of life, including existential and/or religious perspectives. This is explicitly manifested in direct relation to a pronounced religiosity and religious purpose via the role-play for some of the participants. For others, it may appear through more subtle - in some cases unexamined and/or implicit – experiences. Based on the thesis' understanding and theory, these can be said to touch on existential, religious and philosophical dimensions. The study shows how the respondents' role-play overall intra-acts with the factual reality regarding the formation of their life worlds. Furthermore, it suggests that virtual, play-based role-play can be understood as a socio-cultural – and a socio-occultural - structure, as well as a complex intra-active medium for exploring, expressing and generating religiosity.

Effect of the affordances of a virtual environment on second language oral proficiency

Carruthers, Heidy Patricia 01 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The traditional language laboratory consists of computer-based exercises in which students practice the language individually, working on language form drills and listening comprehension activities. In addition to the traditional approach to the laboratory requirement, students in the study participated in a weekly conversation hour focusing on improving oral proficiency. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to determine the effect of two different types of conversation hours, face-to-face and virtual, on the oral proficiency levels of students enrolled in intermediate Spanish classes at the college level. Oral proficiency was measured using the Simulated Oral Proficiency Interview (SOPI), before and after treatment. The face-to-face conversation hours took place at the language laboratory in a classroom and the virtual conversation hours took place in the online multi-user virtual environment known as Second Life. The research question was: What is the effect of attending virtual conversation hours or face-to-face conversation hours on students' oral proficiency? The statistical data analysis was conducted using the conversation hours as the independent variable (face-to-face or virtual), the SOPI posttest scores as the dependent variable, and the SOPI pretest scores as the covariate. A total sample of 52 students was involved. Posttest data were collected following 14 weeks of treatment during which students in each group attended the weekly conversation hours. Data analysis showed there was significant difference in oral proficiency gain between the face-to-face group and the virtual group. The results of the ANCOVA test allowed the rejection of the null hypothesis, as there was a significant difference in effect on the adjusted SOPI posttest scores of the participants in the virtual conversation group versus those in the face-to-face conversation group. The virtual group improved their oral proficiency significantly better than the face-to-face group. In addition, the SOPI scores of both groups increased significantly. The SOPI posttest scores were significantly higher than the SOPI pretest scores for both groups. Therefore, both face-to-face and virtual conversation hours could yield a supplemental method to the traditional approach of the language laboratory to improve communicative competence.

Looking to Sell: Assessing the Real World Value of Virtual Property

Mezhvinsky, Dimitry 23 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Translator for Converting JT Models to Second Life

Paul, Ratnadeep 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Val för lagring och hantering av elbilsbatterierna i End-of-Life / End-of-Life Storage and Treatment Options for Electric Vehicle Batteries

Nilsson, Gunnar January 2020 (has links)
Norge är det nordiska land där elbilsmarknaden har växt allra mest under 2010-talet. På grund av detta kommer landet under 2020-talet sättas under press för hur elbilarnas batterier ska tas hand om när de lämnar bilarna. Batterier som inte längre uppfyller elbilarnas energikrav kallas “End-of-Life”-batterier (EOL).  Batterierna klassas som farligt gods och innehar stora risker för termiska rusningar som kan uppstå via kortslutningar. De innehåller också fortfarande en hel del energi lagrad i dem efter förbrukning i elbilarna, som skulle kunna användas i en “Second-Life”-applikation. Vidare går det åt stora kostnader för att tillverka batterierna, delvis på grund av de dyra metallerna inuti, dessa är därför viktiga att återvinna.  Examensarbetet hade därför som mål att identifiera flödes- och värdekedjor för de olika batterierna i Norge, och komma med information om hur batterierna ska hanteras och lagras när de når “EOL”. Projektet tog också upp vilka applikationer batterierna kan återanvändas i från ett norskt perspektiv, samt komma med förslag på återvinningsmetoder för batterierna. På detta sätt ges en tydlig bild om hur batterihanteringen ska gå till, vad som redan görs för att ta hand om dem och vad som kan förbättras. Projektet bestod till störst del av en litteraturstudie som tar upp känd kunskap angående dessa områden. Dessutom genomfördes intervjuer med ledande personer inom marknaden för att få kunskap om vart batterierna tar vägen när de når EOL.  Kunderna lämnar in bilarna till Ragn-Sells när de inte längre uppfyller deras behov. Ragn-Sells demonterar bilarna och tar hand om batterierna tills de hämtas upp av Batteriretur. Hos Batterireturs fabrik i Fredrikstad demonteras batterierna till modul- och cellnivå och de kvarvarande batteridelarna behandlas som avfall. Efter kontrollering av “State-of-Health” (SOH) byggs nya moduler upp av de celler med tillräcklig mängd kapacitet. Resten av cellerna skickas till materialåtervinning i Tyskland och Frankrike. Kostnaden för återvinning av batterierna uppgår till 25 Nok/kg.  Volymen på EOL-batterier kommer att öka stort under 2020-talet när folk lämnar in sina bilar, nya lagringsfabriker kommer därför behöva byggas. För att minimera risken för en brand och snabb åldring av batterierna får de inte utsättas för höga temperaturer, vibrationer och shocker. Personal bör bära säkerhetshandskar och glasögon vid hantering av batterier för att minimera skaderisk. Batterierna ska lagras under låga laddningstillstånd i torra miljöer och bör vara lagrade i brandceller för att minska risken för en brandspridning om en väl händer. Batterierna som kan användas i en “Second-Life”-applikation kommer behöva lagras till marknaden för dessa är mogen. Vilket sannolikt kommer att hända när tillräckligt många EOL-batterier är i Cirkulation i mitten på 2020-talet. Batterierna kan återanvändas som energilagringssystem för förnybara energikällor som vind- och solkraft. På detta sätt löser man problemet med dessa energikällors intermittenta natur, och folk kommer kunna dra elektricitet från batterierna de timmarna när elen är dyrare, som under kvällen. Vidare kan batterierna användas som energilagring vid Norges fiskodlingar som i 30 % av fallen opererar utanför nätet, på så sätt behöver de inte generera lika mycket elektricitet från dieselmotorer. EOL-batterierna kan konkurrera med nya likartade batterier om vetskap om deras energikapacitet är tillgänglig, priserna är på en rimlig nivå och om batterierna kan justeras för att anpassas till sin nya applikation.  Två tredjedelar av kostnaderna för återvinning av batterierna angår logistik, vilket gör att det skulle på sikt bli billigare om batteriåtervinningen flyttades helt till Norge. Två beprövade metoder föreslogs som Norge kan ta efter. Den ena är en kombinerad pyrometallurgisk och hydrometallurgisk process från Umicore, den andra en kombination av mekaniska och hydrometallurgiska metoder från Duesenfeld. Umicores metod är mer automatiserbar medan Duesenfelds metod kan återvinna nästan allt material i cellerna. / Norway is the Nordic country where the market for electric vehicles has grown the most during the 2010s. Because of this, the country will be under pressure in the 2020s for how the batteries from the electric vehicles will be taken care of when they leave the cars. Batteries that no longer fulfill the energy requirements for the electric vehicles are called “End-of-Life” (EOL) batteries.  The batteries are classified as hazardous waste and carry great risks of thermal run-offs that can occur through short circuits. They also still contain a lot of energy stored in them after being used in the electric cars, which could be used in a "Second-Life" application. Furthermore, considerable costs are incurred in manufacturing the batteries, partly because of the expensive metals inside, which are therefore important to recycle.  The thesis project therefore aimed to identify the flow and value chains for the different batteries in Norway, and provide information on how the batteries should be handled and stored when they reach “EOL”. The project also brought up which applications the batteries can be reused from a Norwegian perspective, and suggestions on recycling methods for the batteries. In this way, a clear picture is given of when the battery management should focus, what is already done to take care of them and what can be improved. The project consisted largely of a literature study that takes up known knowledge about these areas. In addition, interviews with leading people in the “EOL”-battery market were conducted to gain knowledge of where the batteries are going when they reach EOL.  Customers hand in the electric cars at Ragn-Sells when they no longer have a need for them. Ragn-Sells then dismantle the cars and take care of the batteries until they are picked up by Batteriretur. At Batteriretur’s factory in Fredrikstad, the batteries are dismantled to module and cell level and the remaining battery parts are treated as waste. After checking the "State-of- Health", new modules are built up of the cells with sufficient capacity. The rest of the cells are sent for recycling in Germany and France. The cost of recycling the batteries amounts to 25 Nok/kg.  The volume of EOL batteries will increase significantly in the 2020s as people hand in their cars, so new storage factories will need to be built. To minimize the risk of a fire and rapid aging of the batteries, they must not be exposed to high temperatures, vibrations and shocks. Personnel should wear safety gloves and glasses when handling batteries to minimize risk of damaging themselves. The batteries shall be stored under low charge conditions in non humid environments and should be stored in fire cells to reduce the risk of a fire spreading, during for instance if a fire were to happen. The batteries that can be used in a "Second-Life" application will need to be stored until the market for them has emerged. Which will probably happen when enough EOL batteries are in circulation in the middle of the 2020s. The batteries can be reused as energy storage systems for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. In this way, the problem with the intermittent nature of these energy sources will be solved, and people will be able to draw electricity from the batteries during the hours when electricity is more expensive, like during the evening. Furthermore, the batteries can be used as energy storage in Norway's fish farms, which in 30% of cases operate off the grid, in this case they do not need to generate as much electricity from diesel engines. The EOL batteries can compete with new similar batteries if customers are aware of their energy capacity, prices are at a reasonable level and if the batteries are adjusted to adapt to their new application.  Two-thirds of the costs of recycling the batteries relate to logistics, which means that in the long run it would be cheaper if the battery recycling were moved completely to Norway. Two tried and tested methods were proposed that Norway can adopt. One is a combined pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical process from Umicore, the other a combination of mechanical and hydrometallurgical methods from Duesenfeld. Umicore's method is more automated while Duesenfeld’s can recycle almost all of the materials in the cells.

Using avatars in weight management settings: a systematic review

Horne, M., Hill, A., Murells, T., Ugail, Hassan, Irving, Chinnadorai, R., Hardy, Maryann L. 05 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / Obesity interventions rely predominantly on managing dietary intake and/or increasing physical activity but sustained adherence to behavioural regimens is often poor. Avatar technology is well established within the computer gaming industry and evidence suggests that virtual representations of self may impact real-world behaviour, acting as a catalyst for sustained weight loss behaviour modification. However, the effectiveness of avatar technology in promoting weight loss is unclear. Aims: We aimed to assess the quantity and quality of empirical support for the use of avatar technologies in adult weight loss interventions. Method: A systematic review of empirical studies was undertaken. The key objectives were to determine if: (i) the inclusion of avatar technology leads to greater weight loss achievement compared to routine intervention; and (ii) whether weight loss achievement is improved by avatar personalisation (avatar visually reflects self). Results: We identified 6 papers that reported weight loss data. Avatar-based interventions for weight loss management were found to be effective in the short (4–6 weeks) and medium (3–6 months) term and improved weight loss maintenance in the long term (12 months). Only 2 papers included avatar personalisation, but results suggested there may be some added motivational benefit. Conclusions: The current evidence supports that avatars may positively impact weight loss achievement and improve motivation. However, with only 6 papers identified the evidence base is limited and therefore findings need to be interpreted with caution. / National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) [RfPB programme (project reference PB-PG-1215-20016)].

Do segundo corpo: reflexões sobre os investimentos na imaterialidade / The second body: reflections on investments in the immateriality

SANTOS, Flávia Martins dos 05 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:22:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Martins.pdf: 1499750 bytes, checksum: fda568da0414b9faeb33f02677beea08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-05 / In the act of making the body more competitive in the market for appearances and more consistent with the subjectivity of individuals, two trends are evident: the expenditure of time, money and pain in an attempt to enhance the body by processes such as fitness, cosmetics and surgical interventions, and the desire to overcome the physical reality by means of scanning processes of the body, exemplified by the various moving avatars in virtual worlds third dimension such as Second Life. This study aims to identify the projection of contemporary subjectivities in the construction of virtual bodies, spurred by a supposedly imaginary post-human as well as reflect on the nature of the avatar, to identify investments for the construction and improvement of virtual bodies, and analyze the experiences bodily and everyday communication in cyberspace. For this purpose it is necessary for theoretical covering the body, subjectivity and cyberspace, composed by authors such as Foucault (1977, 2000, 2003, 2007), Le Breton (2007), Sibilia (2003, 2004), Deleuze (1988, 1991 ), Rüdiger (2002, 2007), Levy (1996, 1999, 2003), Baudrillard (1991, 1995, 2003), Guattari (1996, 2006), Maffesoli (1996, 1998, 2005), Lipovetsky (2004, 2005, 2007 ), among others. Through virtual ethnographic research technique, proposed by Hine (2004) and Kozinets (1997), was created avatar researcher Lia Olifone, which spent six months in interaction with other avatars within Second Life. In conclusion of this ethnographic experience, we establish the thesis that the avatar in that environment appears to be far beyond a mere representation body, but a locus of free trial, a marker of presence and status, which appears to be closely linked to individual that controls for subjective process. In its construction process, the avatar still has a strong influence of consumer society. It was observed that despite the numerous opportunities offered by reconfiguring the metaverse, there is a tendency to reproduce the social structures and patterns present in the body "first life". However, this reproduction features a one body sociality and aseptic, seeking to root out the negative traits considered, especially with regard to the embodiment, showing some influence of the imaginary post-human. / No ato de tornar o corpo mais competitivo no mercado das aparências e mais coerente com a subjetividade dos indivíduos, duas tendências tornam-se evidentes: o dispêndio de tempo, dinheiro e dor na tentativa de aprimorar do corpo por processos como o fitness, a cosmética e as intervenções cirúrgicas; e o desejo de superação da realidade corporal por meio dos processos de digitalização do corpo, exemplificados pelos diversos avatares que circulam em mundos virtuais de terceira dimensão como o Second Life. O presente trabalho pretende identificar a projeção das subjetividades contemporâneas na construção de corpos virtuais, impulsionadas por um suposto imaginário pós-humano, bem como refletir sobre a natureza do avatar, identificar os investimentos na construção e melhoramento de corpos virtuais, e analisar as vivências corporais e comunicacionais cotidianas do ciberespaço. Para tanto faz-se necessário um aporte teórico que contemple corpo, subjetividade e cibercultura, composto por autores como Foucault(1977; 2000; 2003; 2007), Le Breton (2007), Sibilia (2003; 2004), Deleuze (1988; 1991), Rüdiger (2002; 2007), Lévy (1996; 1999; 2003), Baudrillard (1991; 1995; 2003), Guattari (1996; 2006), Maffesoli (1996; 1998; 2005), Lipovetsky (2004; 2005; 2007), dentre outros. Por meio da técnica de pesquisa etnográfica virtual, proposta por Hine (2004) e Kozinets (1997), foi criado o avatar-pesquisador Lia Olifone, que esteve por seis meses em interação com os demais avatares dentro do Second Life. Como conclusão dessa experiência etnográfica, estabelece-se a tese de que o avatar naquele ambiente revela-se muito além de uma mera representação corporal, mas um lócus de livre experimentação, um marcador de presença e status, que mostra-se intimamente ligado ao indivíduo que o controla por vias subjetivas. Em seu processo de construção, a avatar apresenta ainda uma forte influência da sociedade de consumo. Observou-se que, apesar das inúmeras possibilidades de reconfiguração oferecidas pelo metaverso, existe uma tendência a reproduzir as estruturas sociais e os padrões corporais presentes na primeira vida . Contudo, essa reprodução apresenta uma socialidade e um corpo assépticos, que buscam extirpar os traços considerados negativos, principalmente no que diz respeito à corporeidade, revelando certa influência do imaginário pós-humano.

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