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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visuell identitet på Instagram : En kartläggning av grafik på second handföretags instagramkonton / Visual identity on Instagram: A survey of graphics on second hand companies' Instagram accounts

Carlstein, Maja, Axelsson, Kristin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Medvetenheten om vår miljöpåverkan och intresset för ett mer hållbart konsumtionssamhälle har ökat. För att uppnå de globala målen för en hållbar utveckling, behöver miljöpåverkan från konsumtionen minska. En del av lösningen är second hand-försäljning som också är en av de konsumtions-trender som ökar i störst omfattning. Konsumenterna uppskattar företag som bedriver hållbara verksamheter och behöver information från företagen för att kunna fatta medvetna köpbeslut. Sociala medier som Instagram används av second hand-företag för att nå ut med sin information. Dock kan det vara svårt att synas genom den stora mängd information som florerar i flödena. Detta ställer krav på att second hand-företagens visuella identiteter utvecklas för att nå den önskade målgruppen. Syfte Studiens syfte är att kartlägga hur second hand-företag använder grafik som en del av deras visuella identitet för att utmärka sig på Instagram. Metod Som datainsamlingsmetod användes en visuell innehållsanalys. Urvalet bestod av elva second hand-företag vars inlägg på Instagram innefattades av kläder och inredning. Resultat/slutsatser I denna studie var användningen av de grafiska elementen jämnt fördelad totalt sett för gruppen av second hand-företag. De grafiska element som företagen använder i inlägg är illustrationer, logotyper/symboler, tonplattor och text. Av det totala antalet inlägg som second hand-företagen publicerar, består 34% av inlägg med grafik. Totalt sett för gruppen av second hand-konton var inlägg med grafik i kombination med fotografisk bild den vanligaste typen av inlägg att publicera. För den totala gruppen företag används färger ur kategori röd, gul, grön, blå, svart, vit, grå och magenta varav röd användes i störst omfattning i inläggen med grafik. Second hand-företagen använder typsnitt ur huvudklasserna Sanserif, Seriff och Display i inläggen, varav typsnitt i huvudklassen Sanserif används i störst omfattning. Inom underklasserna tillhörande de olika huvudklasserna används Neogrotesque, Grotesque, Transitional och Processed/Manipulated i störst omfattning. / Background The awareness of our environmental impact and the interest for achieving a more sustainable consumer society has increased. The impact from consumption must be reduced in order to reach the global goals for a sustainable development. Second hand sales is a part of the solution towards a more sustainable future and is also one of the most increasing consumption trends. Consumers appreciate companies that take sustainable actions, and they need information from the companies to make more conscious buys. Social media platforms, such as Instagram, are being used by second hand companies to reach out with their information. However, it can be difficult to be seen amongst the large amount of information that overflows in Instagram feeds. Therefore, the companies need to develop their own visual identities in order to reach their desired target group and attract buyers. Aim The purpose of this study is to map how second hand companies uses graphics as a part of projecting their visual identities on Instagram. Method A visual content analysis was used to collect data for the study. Eleven second hand companies, whose Instagram posts contained clothing and home interior, was selected for the analysis. Results/conclusions The result of this study shows that the second hand companies total use of different graphics was spread evenly amongst the following elements: illustrations, logos/symbols, solid color surfaces and text. Of the total number of posts that were published by the second hand companies, 34% consist of posts with graphics. Posts that consisted of graphics were most often used in the combination of photographic images and graphics. These types of posts were the overall most common for the second hand companies in this group to publish. The colors that the group of second hand companies uses in their posts consisting graphics, were found in the categories: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, gray and magenta of which red was used in the greatest extent. The typefaces that were used in the posts were classified as Sanserif, Seriff and Display but Sanserif typefaces were the more often used than the others. This study also covered these typeface classifications subclasses in which Neogrotesque, Grotesque, Transitional and Processed/Manipulated are used to the greatest extent.

Visual Merchandising : Har visual merchandising en betydande roll inom second hand? / Visual Merchandising : Does visual merchandising have a considerable role in second hand?

Pettersson, Linus, Johansson, Emma, Enström, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
Second hand-handeln i Sverige växer allt mer och antalet aktörer inom marknaden ökar. Konsumenter sätter allt större krav på hur företag framställer sina produkter och designar sina butiker. Konventionell handel skiljer sig åt från second hand-handeln då strategier inom visual merchandising följs mer noggrant. Fast-fashion utgår ifrån att företag producerar nya plagg snabbt och billigt där företagens hållbarhetsaspekter ifrågasätts allt mer. Second hand är ett mer miljövänligt konsumtionsalternativ där begagnade varor säljs. Visual merchandising används inom konventionell handel genom att på olika sätt skapa en bra butiksmiljö som är eftertraktad hos konsumenterna. Företags värderingar och budskap förmedlas genom användandet av visual merchandising och detta hjälper företag att differentiera sig mot andra företag. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts med semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex kunder och två butiksanställda från butiken Veras samt en observation av butiken. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka vilken roll visual merchandising spelar inom second hand-butiker. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte har ett teoretiskt ramverk formulerats genom litteratursökning inom området visual merchandising. Dessa teorier har legat till grund för de frågor som ställts till intervjudeltagarna. Kunderna har svarat på frågor om deras generella åsikter inom second hand samt hur de upplever butiken Veras i Borås. Butikspersonalen har svarat på frågor om hur deras butiksdesign ser ut och hur de arbetar med visual merchandising. Av resultaten från intervjumaterialet och observationen har slutsatser dragits om att visual merchandising spelar stor roll för både kunder och företag inom second hand, då kunders butiksupplevelse förhöjs med hjälp av verktyg som visual merchandising. Kunder upplever visual merchandising som viktigt och positivt för att hitta inspiration och för att förhöja deras butiksupplevelse. Det är viktigt att butiker förmedlar butikernas tema och att det stämmer överens med butikens identitet och värderingar. Konkret fönsterskyltning, tydligt förmedlande av butikens sortiment, utnyttjande av strategier inom doft och ljud samt ha en strukturerad strategi inom produktexponering, är de viktigaste områdena inom visual merchandising för second hand-butiker att följa. / Second hand trade in Sweden is growing and the number of players in the market are increasing. Consumers puts higher demand on how companies manufacture their products and design their stores. Conventional trade differs from second hand in that visual merchandising strategies are more closely followed. The fast fashion business model is based on companies producing new garments quickly and cheaply, where companies' sustainability aspects are increasingly questioned. Second hand is a more environmentally friendly consumer alternative where used goods are sold.Visual merchandising is used in conventional trade by creating a good retail environment that is sought after by consumers in various ways. Corporate values and messages are conveyed through the use of visual merchandising and this helps companies differentiate themselves from other companies.A qualitative study was conducted with semi-structured interviews of six customers and two store employees from the Veras store as well as an observation of the store. The purpose of the study was to investigate the role visual merchandising plays in second hand stores. In order to answer the study's purpose, a theoretical framework has been formulated through literature search in the area of visual merchandising. These theories have been the basis for the questions asked to the interview participants. Customers have answered questions about their general opinion on second hand and how they experience the store Veras in Borås. The staff of Veras has answered questions about what their store design looks like and how they work with visual merchandising.From the results of the interview material and the observation, conclusions have been drawn that visual merchandising plays a big role for second hand companies, since customers find it important how a store's environment is perceived. Veras clients are experiencing Veras visual merchandising techniques as positive, since they think it contributes to an inspiring shopping environment and inherence the clients experience. It is important that stores communicate the stores' theme and that it matches the store's identity and values. Concrete window display, clear communication of the store's product assortment, utilization of strategies in fragrance and sound as well as having a structured strategy in product exposure, are the most important areas of visual merchandising for second hand stores to follow.

Storytelling hos hjälporganisationer : en växande bransch / Storytelling for aid organisations : a growing industry

Jonasson, Jennifer, Levinsson, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Det finns i dagens samhälle en uppåtgående trend när det kommer till att ta socialt ansvar – hos såväl privatpersoner som organisationer. Att agera hållbart är sålunda ett omtalat ämne som debatteras nu mer än någonsin tidigare. Ett sätt att agera hållbart är att konsumera second hand. Andrahandsförsäljningen har till följd av samhällets diskussioner ökat drastiskt under de senaste åren. I och med att second hand-branschen är aktuell är branschen i sig av intressantkaraktär. Vi har sålunda valt att studera branschen utifrån teorier kring storytelling. Det finns i dagsläget inte mycket tidigare forskning kring storytelling kopplat till just second hand och välgörenhet – vilket ökar denna studies relevans. Forskning inom detta område kan således bidra med ökad förståelse och kunskap inom ett fält som än så länge inte har applicerats i vidareutsträckning. Studiens framtagna kunskap kan exempelvis användas för branschens förståelseför hur de med hjälp av att bygga en stabil röd tråd kring sina berättelser kan bygga sittvarumärke. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka tre verksamma hjälporganisationer i Göteborgsområdet – Erikshjälpen, Reningsborg och Myrorna – som samtliga har en secondhand-butik vars mål är att göra världen en aning bättre. Studien undersöker dessa trehjälporganisationer ur ett storytellingperspektiv för att dels se huruvida deras berättelser på olika varumärkeskontaktpunkter är koherenta eller inte, dels för att jämföra skillnader och likheter mellan de olika hjälporganisationerna. Frågeställningarna som ställdes var: 1. Vilket innehåll och berättelser kommunicerar hjälporganisationerna ut och är dessa koherenta? 2. Vad finns det för likheter respektive skillnader hos hjälporganisationerna i deras kommunicerade innehåll? För att svara på studiens frågeställning har studien antagit en kvalitativ ansats där det genomförts tre fallstudier med ett komparativt inslag. Studien inleddes med en mer omfattandeobservation i vardera butik där butiken granskades utifrån förutbestämda teman. Observationer har även genomförts online på organisationernas hemsidor samt sociala medier för att få enklarare bild över organisationernas kommunicerade innehåll. Sedermera genomfördes tvåintervjuer hos vardera organisation – en intervju med en högre anställd, till exempel en butikschef, samt en medarbetare. Målet med studien var att få en tydlig bild över vilket innehåll de olika organisationerna väljer att kommunicera ut och hur de resonerar kring studiens frågor. Studiens empiri indikerar att det finns en betydelse av att ha en stark koherent berättelse kring varumärket då det ökar organisationens trovärdighet och transparens. Genom att inneha en tydlig kommunikation kring organisationens mål och även till exempel vart pengarna går tillför olika ändamål underlättar detta för organisationens medarbetare då det finns en tendens att kunderna vill ta del av denna information. Gällande studiens tre studieobjekt har samtliga en koherent berättelse, men med en viss skillnad över hur berättelsen förstärker varumärket eller inte. Studien indikerar även att det finns flera likheter samt skillnader mellan de olika organisationerna. Erikshjälpen och Reningsborg upplevs vara mer lika då de både arbetar på ett likartat sätt. Myrorna särskiljer sig till stor del både i arbetssätt men även i vilket innehåll de väljer att kommunicera ut. / In society, today there is an upward trend when it comes to taking a bigger social responsibility for both private individuals and organisations. Acting sustainably is a hot topic that is being debated more than ever before, and one way to act sustainably is to consume second hand products. Second hand sales have increased dramatically in recent years as a result of community discussions about the environment. As the second-hand industry is more than ever current the industry itself is of interesting character. Thus, we have chosen to study the industry based on theories of storytelling. There is currently very little previous research on storytelling linked to just second-hand products and charity which increases the relevance of this study. Research in this area could contribute to increasing the understanding and knowledge in a field that has so far not been widely applied. The study's acquired knowledge can, for example, be used for the industry's understanding of how they can build their brand by building a stable red thread around their stories. The main purpose of the thesis is to investigate three active aid organisations in the Gothenburg area - Erikshjälpen, Reningsborg and Myrorna - all of which opened second hand shops whose main aim were to make the world a little better, thereby benefitting everyone. The study examines these three aid organisations from a storytelling perspective to see whether their stories from different brand contact points are coherent, understandable and feasible if put into use and partly to compare the differences and any similarities between the different aid organisations. This essay will be written in Swedish and the questions this study examines are: 1. What content and stories do the aid organisations communicate and are they coherent? 2. What are the similarities and differences of the aid organisations in their communicated content? In answering the study's questions, the study has adopted a qualitative approach where three case studies with a comparative element have been carried out. The study began with a more comprehensive observation, where each store’s examination was based on pre-determined themes. Online observations were also conducted on the organisations websites and social media to gain a clearer picture of the organisations communication content. Subsequently, two interviews were conducted with each organisation - an interview was held with a high positioned employee, i.e. a store manager and also an employee. The aim of the study was to obtain a comprehensive overview over what type of content the organisations choose to communicate, and how they resonate with the research questions. The study's results indicate that it is very important to have a strong, coherent story built around the brand as it increases the organisation's credibility, benefits and transparency by having clear communications about the organisation's goals and also where the money is spent for various purposes. This helps the organisation's employees and customers to recognise their credibility and sends a clear-cut message as there is a tendency for customers wanting to share this information. Regarding the three organisations they all have a coherent story, but with some differences over how the story increase the brand value or not. The study also indicates that there are several similarities and differences between the different organisations. Erikshjälpen and Reningsborg are perceived to be more similar as they both work in a similar way whereas Myrorna differ to a great extent both in the way they work but also in what content they choose to communicate.

Svenska konsumenters inställning och syn vid köp av second hand kläder : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar köp av second hand kläder / Swedish consumers' attitudes and perception when buying second hand clothes : A qualitative study of factors that affect the purchase of second hand clothes

Farokhizadeh, Allan, Abdulahad, Gebrail January 2022 (has links)
Problem: There are a lot of studies on second hand clothing consumption. But there are very limited studies that explore the main motivating factors for Swedish consumers to buy second hand clothes, but also dampening factors for buying second hand clothes. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore what motives there are that influence the consumer to buy second hand clothes and contribute with an increased understanding of what factors make one not want to buy second hand clothes. Method: For this study, a qualitative and abductive approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a convenience selection. Analysis: Analysis of data for this study was hand coded, through the transcription of the interviews recorded. The transcription was performed immediately after the interview was completed in order to have a fresh memory and to remember small details from the interview. An analysis was then carried out in connection with the various themes identified in the theory section. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the motivating factors for buying second hand clothes were price awareness, environmental awareness and hedonistic motives. The most common reason for not buying second hand clothes was fashion interest.

Second hand- och vintagekläder Vs. Nyproducerade kläder : En studie kring huruvida köp av andrahandskläder leder till lägre konsumtion av nyproducerade plagg. / Second hand and vintage clothing Vs. New produced clothes : A study about whether the purchase of second hand clothing leads to lower consumption of newly constructed garments

Bernestål, Sofia Margareta, Börjesson, Johanna, Janitzek, Malin January 2012 (has links)
I dagens Sverige konsumeras årligen stora mängder kläder. Nyproduktion av textil har en betydande miljöpåverkan med bland annat stor åtgång av vatten samt mängder av kemikalier. Ett alternativ till allt nyproducerat skulle kunna vara andrahandsmarknaden för kläder.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om de kvinnliga kunderna hos butikerna Myrorna och Beyond Retro konsumerar färre nyproducerade plagg för att de konsumerar second hand- och vintagekläder.Vi har använt oss utav en kvantitativ undersökning där vi intervjuat totalt hundra stycken respondenter i anslutning till Myrorna och Beyond Retros butiker. Vidare har vi genomfört fem stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med vana konsumenter hos ovannämnda butiker, för att fånga deras resonemang bakom svaren.De kvantitativa intervjuerna visar på att en liten majoritet anser sig konsumera färre nyproducerade plagg för att de konsumerar second hand- och vintagekläder. Samt att det överhängande motivet bakom köpen var att second hand- och vintagekläder är unikt och trendigt. I de kvalitativa intervjuerna var resultatet på vår huvudfråga omvänd, och ett djupare resonemang fördes kring deras agerande. Dessa respondenter visade sig i vissa fall ha överskattat sitt konsumerande av second hand- och vintagekläder i förhållande till nyproducerade plagg.In Sweden today we are consuming large quantities of clothes. Production of textiles have significant environmental effects, including high consumption of water and chemicals. An alternative to all the new produced clothes could be the second hand- clothes market.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the female clients of the stores Myrorna and Beyond Retro consume fewer newly garments because they consume second hand- and vintageclothes.We have used a quantitative study where we interviewed a total of one hundred respondents in connection with Myrorna and Beyond Retro stores. Furthermore, we have conducted five qualitative interviews with consumers of the above stores to capture respondents' reasoning behind the answers.The quantitative interviews show that a small majority consider themselves to consume fewer newly constructed garments when they consume second hand- and vintageclothes. The largest motive behind the purchase was that the second hand- and vintageclothes is unique and trendy. In the qualitative interviews were the result to our main question in reverse, and a deeper reasoning on their actions were disused. These respondents appeared in some cases have overestimated their consuming of second hand- and vintageclothes in relation to the newly constructed garments. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Social factors that influence consumers’ decisions when buying second-hand cars in China—Based on EKB model

WU, XIANGYU, ZHENG, YI January 2016 (has links)
Today more and more people buy second-hand products on internet. As the typical durable goods, second-hand cars are very popular among consumers. In recent years, the sale of second-hand cars increases quickly in China. In addition, there is still potential in the second-hand market. On the other hand, consumers are the subject in the second-hand market. So what consumers take into consideration is important when buying second-hand cars. We have chosen some social factors that influence consumers’ decision when they purchase second-hand cars. Furthermore, we have analyzed the importance of these social factors and the relationship between factors.The purpose of this study is to give vehicle dealers a guide how consumers with different characteristics will pay attention to different factors of the cars but also to guide consumers to make a rational decision when they buy second-hand cars.We have chosen the EKB model as our basic theory. A quantitative research approach and cross sectional research design were used in this study. The link of our questionnaire was published in Baidu Tieba after being designed by SOJUMP and we collected 151 responses. Then, respondent demographics, cross tabulations analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, and sorting analysis were analyzed.The results show that information about the real condition of the car is the most important factor influencing customers when purchasing second-hand cars, price is the second most influencing factor, vehicle model and brand are the third and the fourth respectively, after-sales service ranks the least as most influencing factor.

Riches from rags or persistent poverty? : inequality in the transnational second-hand clothing trade in Mozambique

Brooks, Andrew January 2012 (has links)
One of the understudied geographies of the world economy is the large-scale export of second-hand clothing form the global North to Africa. The consumption and re-use 0 clothing traces a transnational gradient of inequality between the rich and poor. This thesis examines the (re )production of second-hand clothing commodities in Britain, the international economic geographies of the used-clothing trade and the labour activities of African market traders. Coordinated and non-integrated patterns of trade are investigated through a theoretical approach which draws upon Fine's 'system of provision' analysis from heterodox economics and connects this to existing commodity studies approaches in geography. Within global second-hand clothing networks there are differential power relations between charities, companies and individuals. The socially and historically embedded roles of British charities and firms in the collection, processing and export of second-hand clothing are introduced. This is connected to the main empirical exploration of the downstream social and economic impacts of second- hand clothing imports in Africa. Linkages are made across the new and used clothing sectors and in the relationships between the decline of clothing industries across Africa, economic liberalisation and the growth of used-clothing imports. Patterns of import are investigated, with specific reference to Mozambique, where Indian merchants control distribution. Second-hand clothing markets are widespread in African urban centres and retail activities in Maputo are examined in-depth drawing upon twelve months of ethnographic research. Through specific social formations market traders have precarious livelihoods. Incomes do not provide opportunities for Mozambicans to progress out of poverty. By examining different processes at various locations in the international economy, it is demonstrated how it is not second-hand clothes which create economic relationships, but definite social relations between people.

Second-hand smoke : the evolution of children's exposure

Evans, Karen January 2012 (has links)
Second-hand smoke exposure (SHSe) causes significant morbidity and mortality in children. A large proportion of children with smoking parents do not live in smoke-free homes, however, to date, little is known about the prevalence of partial smoking restrictions and their efficacy in reducing children’s SHSe. Given the lack of convincing evidence on how to achieve further reductions in children’s SHSe in the home, the identification of the modifiable factors associated with childhood SHSe is imperative to reduce the burden of disease resulting from childhood SHSe. Analysis of the Omnibus Survey (OS) revealed that the prevalence of smoke-free homes in England did not increase significantly between 2006 and 2008. Only 30% of smokers reported a smoke-free home in 2008. However, during the same time period, the proportion of smokers (who did not have a smoke-free home) reporting that they did not smoke when in the same room as a child increased significantly from 62.5% to 74.8%. Using the Health Survey for England, biologically validated self-reported measures of child SHSe revealed that in 2008 and 2009 approximately 50% of children living with a smoking parent were not exposed to SHSe in the home (0.30ng/ml, 95% confidence interval 0.27-0.32ng/ml). Of the 50% of children who remained exposed inside the home, 29% had a parent that smoked in one room only in the home. These children had significantly lower cotinine concentrations (1.13ng/ml, 95% CI 1.05-1.22) than the 21% of children with smoking parents who smoked in 2 or more rooms in the home (2.36ng/ml, 95% CI 2.08-2.68ng/ml). Although smoking in one room equates to lower risk it does not equate to no risk and so interventions are required to change indoor smoking to outdoor smoking. The OS data found that good knowledge of SHS-related illnesses was predictive of both full and partial smoking restrictions in the home. Increases in the proportion of respondents with good knowledge occurred during 2003-2006, a period when frequent anti-SHS mass media campaigns were aired. A case-study evaluation of a brief mass media campaign in the North West and North East of England, which aimed to move smoking parents to smoke outside, was found to have no statistically significant effect on home smoking behaviour in the short term, however knowledge that SHS caused both heart attack and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome increased in this region following the campaign whilst simultaneous decreases were found in the rest of England. Following the identification of those children most exposed to SHS, and the modifiable factors associated with this exposure, this thesis suggests that a comprehensive multi-level approach to tobacco control policy, which includes emotive media campaigns which include information on SHS-related illnesses, will contribute to the continued reduction of childhood SHSe.

Second hand : the MeWe generation as a driving force

Johansson, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
The second hand and vintage clothes market is increasing and the attitude and perception of the clothes are changing. Demographic age groups are important driving forces for change of attitudes and values. The purpose of the thesis is to get a better understanding of the MeWe generation, people born in the mid 80’s, as a driving force behind the increasing interest in second hand/vintage clothes. In this thesis their values are connected with their attitudes and motivations towards second hand and vintage clothes consumption. Qualitative method has been used and interviews with five representatives of the MeWe generation have been conducted. As a theoretical framework the survey of the MeWe generation by Lindgren et al is used along with research about second hand and vintage clothes. The conclusion of the thesis is that the MeWe generation can be considered to be an important driving force behind the growing second hand and vintage market. Their attitudes towards second hand clothes can be explained by their values. In this thesis the concepts of individuality, authenticity and post-materialism is in focus. They are important traits of the MeWe generation and can be used to explain the shifting perception of second hand clothes and the growing market / Program: Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring

Vad styr ett second hand- köp? : en undersökning om hur de fyra P:na påverkar butikerna Myrorna och Beyond Retr / What affects a second hand purchase? : a survey on how the four P:s influence the stores Myrorna and Beyond Retro

FUES, ESTER, NORBERG, EMMA MARIA January 2011 (has links)
”Det finns en chans att man hittar ett unikt plagg som ingen annan har.”(Kommentar från undersökningen)Idag används second hand kläder flitigt av trendsättare och kändisar och är ofta ett återkommande tema i modetidningar och styling jobb. Kända personer som skådespelerskan Josephine Bornebusch och artisten Agnes Carlsson förespråkar second hand och har alla second hand- kläder i sina garderober. Två detaljhandelsföretag som är välkända inom second hand- branschen är företagen Myrorna och Beyond Retro. Trots att de är verksamma inom samma bransch, andrahandskläder, har de enligt oss fokuserat på olika element som gör dem konkurrenskraftiga. Exempel på dessa olikheter är butikernas sortiment, lokalernas lägen, priset på varorna och deras yttre påverkan. Rapporten utgår ifrån de fyra P: na (pris, plats, produkt, pverkan), vilka är grunden i Kotlers marknadsmix. Med hjälp av en enkätundersökning ger rapporten svar på vilken faktor som avgör kundernas köp i butikerna. Enkätundersökningen har utförts i en Myrorna- och en Beyond Retro- butik i Göteborg. Resultatet är baserat på 200 svarande på undersökningen, med en fördelning på 100 svaranden per butik.I uppsatsen analyseras de olika faktorerna vid köp och visar ett tydligt svar. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade i Myrorna butiken ansåg att priset på produkterna var det som styrde köpet. Beyond Retros tillfrågade kunder hade dock en annan uppfattning och procentantalet visar att deras produkter är överlägsna vid köp. “There is a chance that you will find a unique garment that no one else has.”(Comment from our survey)Today second hand clothes are frequently used by trendsetters and celebrities and are often a recurrent theme in fashion magazines and styling jobs. Famous people like actress Josephine Bornebusch and artist Agnes Carlsson advocate second hand and have second hand clothing in their closets.Two retail companies that are well known in the Swedish second hand clothing industry are Myrorna and Beyond Retro. Although they operate in the same industry, this paper shows that they have focused on different elements that make them competitive. Examples of these differences are the selection of products, the location of the shops, the prices of goods and the impact on their customers.This report is based on the four P: s (price, place, product and promotion), also called Kotler´s marketing mix. With help of a survey response we come to a conclusion of which factors determine the costumer´s purchases in the stores. The survey was conducted in one Myrorna and one Beyond Retro shop in Gothenburg. The result is based on 200 respondents to the survey, with a distribution of 100 respondents per store.The report examines the importance of the four P´s in the two stores and displays a clear result. The majority of respondents in the store Myrorna felt that the price of the products was the most important P when purchasing. Beyond Retro´s customers had a different view. Their customers believe that their products are more important than the price. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode

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