Spelling suggestions: "subject:"secrecy"" "subject:"secrecys""
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Relations that unite and divide : a study of Freedom of Information legislation and transparency in ScotlandJohn, Gemma January 2009 (has links)
This research (the first long-term ethnographic study of FOI in Britain) investigates concepts at the heart of FOI - transparency, trust, secrecy, truth, private, public, power and agency. Eighteen months participant observation fieldwork, alongside policy-makers, practitioners, and end-users facilitated in depth, study of the radical subject-object transformations that FOI requires, and the aesthetics that underpin it. The introduction of FOI entailed a 'culture change' - from a culture of secrecy to one of disclosure - driven, in Scotland, by the Scottish Information Commissioner through conferences. These were an opportunity for practitioners to come into new knowledge about the Act, their shared knowledge dissolving the divisions between them. But new divisions then opened between practitioners and colleagues; culture change being in the replication of a form of a relationship that previously lay between government and citizens. In their replicated form, individual practitioners disappeared - were made 'transparent' - only to reappear on being differentiated, leaving them acutely aware of the personal relations this fissure disclosed, and throwing into sharp question a theory of people's division as indicative of their 'secrecy'. Transparency, here, depended on whether people were divided or combined - acting in their own capacity, or that of the organization. While making personal relations absent from new disclosures was necessary for FOI compliance, this concealment hid a complex network of relations, and turned knowledge into 'information'. Yet the division between information and knowledge was not crisp: end-users continued to read practitioners' personal relations in disclosed information, thus relations were both absent from and implied in the information released. Whether information was public (and accessible) depended on the undifferentiated status of those who created, handled, or were the subjects of, information. As people came into new knowledge, invoking their divided or common footing, they alternated between appearing 'private' or 'public' - person or thing - a division between individuals reflecting a division within each of them.
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Le secret bancaire et l'entraide internationaleGourramen, Meriem 10 1900 (has links)
Parmi les indicateurs de la mondialisation, le secret bancaire est au centre d'un débat animé en ce moment historique, caractérisé par la globalisation de l'économie, les exigences de sécurité croissantes, l'urgence de la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux provenant d’activités criminelles et l’internationalisation expansive des réseaux bancaires. La tendance vers le renforcement de la coopération internationale, met en discussion la forte sauvegarde du secret bancaire de plusieurs pays. La question dirimante est plutôt claire. Il s'agit, effectivement, de savoir jusqu'à quel point le secret, dans sa conception la plus inextensible et inflexible, devient par contre un instrument décisif pour contourner les règles communes,faire une concurrence déloyale sur les marchés et assurer des véritables crimes, par exemple de type terroriste. Pour faire évoluer les situations jugées problématiques, la démarche parallèle des trois organismes BÂLE, l’OCDE puis le GAFI est d’autant plus significative, qu’elle a été inspirée par les préoccupations exprimées au sein du G7 sur les dangers que présenteraient pour l’économie internationale certaines activités financières accomplies sur et à partir de ces territoires. L’ordre public justifie aussi la mise en place de mesures particulières en vue d’enrayer le blanchiment des capitaux provenant du trafic des stupéfiants. Selon les pays, des systèmes plus ou moins ingénieux tentent de concilier la nécessaire information des autorités publiques et le droit au secret bancaire, élément avancé de la protection de la vie privée dont le corollaire est, entre autres, l’article 7 et 8 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés et l’article 8 de la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales du citoyen, et donc de l’atteinte à ces libertés. Nous le verrons, les prérogatives exorbitantes dont bénéficient l’État, l’administration ou certains tiers, par l’exercice d’un droit de communication et d’échange d’information, constituent une véritable atteinte au principe sacré de la vie privée et du droit à la confidentialité. Cette pénétration de l’État ou de l’administration au coeur des relations privilégiées entre la banque et son client trouve certainement une justification irréfutable lorsque la protection est celle de l’intérêt public, de la recherche d’une solution juridique et judiciaire. Mais cela crée inévitablement des pressions internes et des polémiques constantes,indépendamment de l’abus de droit que l’on peut malheureusement constater dans l’usage et l’exercice de certaines prérogatives. / Among the indicators of globalization, banking secrecy is currently at the centre of a historic and heated debate over the globalization of the economy, growing security requirements, the urgency of the fight against the laundering of funds from criminal activities and the expansive
globalization of banking networks. The trend toward strengthening international cooperation calls into question the firm safeguarding of banking secrecy in several countries. The telling question is quite clear: it essentially involves knowing how far secrecy in its most restricted and
inflexible form nevertheless becomes a decisive instrument in bypassing common rules, making for unfair competition in the markets and ensuring real crimes: terrorism, for instance . In the development of situations considered problematic, the parallel approach of the three organizations, the Basel Committee, OECD and FATF, is all the more significant for having been inspired by the concerns expressed within the G7 about the dangers to the international economy presented by certain financial activities performed on and from these territories. Public order also justifies the implementation of dedicated measures to curb the laundering, of funds from drug trafficking. Depending on the country, more or less ingenious systems attempt to reconcile the necessary informing of the public authorities and the right to banking secrecy, an advanced element in the protection of private life, the upshot of which are, among others, Articles 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Article 8 of the European Convention for the Safeguarding of Citizens’ Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties, and the corresponding breach of these liberties. As we shall see, the exorbitant prerogatives the State, the administration or certain third parties enjoy by exercising a right to public performance and information exchange constitute a veritable breach of the hallowed principle of private life and the right to confidentiality. This penetration by the State or the administration into the heart of privileged relations between banks and their customers certainly finds irrefutable justification when protection involves the public interest – the search for a
juridical and judicial solution. But this inevitably creates internal pressures and constant controversy, regardless of the
abuse of law that can unfortunately be seen in the use and exercise of certain prerogatives.
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Enjeux et conséquences de l'application de la directive européenne sur la fiscalité de l'épargne au LuxembourgTalbioui, Adile 02 July 2012 (has links)
A la suite de la signature de l'Acte Unique Européen en 1986 fixant les bases de l'achèvement du marché intérieur, l'Union européenne s'était mise à la recherche d'une formule qui aurait permis une taxation effective des revenus de l'épargne dans Il a fallu attendre de nombreuses années pour qu'une mesure concrète puisse voir le jour. Le 3 juin 2003, le Conseil ECOFIN adopta une directive européenne sur la fiscalité de l'épargne d'application depuis le 1er juillet 2005. Luxembourg a obtenu de déroger à la règle générale de l'échange d'informations et a bénéficié d'un régime transitoire qui consiste en une retenue à la source. Quel est l'impact réel de l'application de la directive sur le maintien du secret bancaire dans le grand-duché du Luxembourg ?Comment se positionne t-il par rapport aux autres pays appliquant ce principe et au mouvement en faveur d'une plus grande transparence fiscale ? De quelle manière la place financière luxembourgeoise a-t-elle dû s'adapter afin de répondre aux dispositions communautaires introduisant le prélèvement à la source ? / .
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Utajený výkon veřejné moci a hodnoty chráněné ústavním pořádkem / The concealed performance of public power and values protected by the constitutional orderKlaban, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma paper is to analyse and define the nature of secret exercise of public authority and to asses this phenomena in respect of the fundamental principles of the democratic rule of law. Any secrecy in exercising public authority is in fact a clear contradiction to a natural concept of the human rights and fundamental freedoms. Therefore the republic, as a public institution, should not have too many secrets to hide away from the people if its own principles are not to be completely disgraced. Secrecy in exercising public authority is a specific feature often related to the areas such as securing the sovereignity and territorial integrity of the Czech Republic, protecting its democratic foundations, protection of the lives and health of the population as well as the right to own the property. This is in full accordance with the constitutional duty of the state. Limited access to the information has a unique and 84 inevitable role in these areas and it is clearly mentioned in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the European Convention of Human Rights and Freedoms and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The question of choice between the security and the liberty has been recently heavily discussed by the people as a natural follow up to the...
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“Tax evasion as a predicate offence for money laundering”Zoppei, Verena January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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Dire et faire dire l'indicible : Entre secret et stigmate, l’analyse d’un processus d’enquête sociologique sur le ballonnement / Say and bring to say the inexpressible : Between secrecy and stigma, analysis of a sociological investigation process on bloatingBonnet, Agathe 29 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse aux enjeux méthodologiques présents en situation d’enquête de terrain. Les enquêtes qualitatives réalisées dans le cadre de cette recherche visaient à explorer un trouble de santé. L’enquête portant sur le trouble du ballonnement met notamment en avant le jeu interactionnel entre enquêtée et enquêtrice, et fait apparaître les concepts de stigmate et de secret. L’analyse des interactions sociales entre ces deux acteurs invite à percevoir l’enquête comme un processus au sein duquel différentes phases se déclinent et interagissent ensemble. A partir du recrutement jusqu’à la clôture du terrain, les effets de l’enquête sont observés et analysés à travers le double regard de l’enquêtrice et de l’enquêtée. Nous qualifions cette démarche méthodologique d’ « observation interactive », puisant ses fondements au sein de la méthode d’observation participante et de la tradition de l’interactionnisme symbolique. Une réflexion est également menée sur les effets de réciprocité entre l’élaboration de stratégies d’enquête et le déroulement de l’enquête soumise à l’imprévisibilité du terrain. / This thesis concerns methodological matters existing in the situation of fieldwork. Here the qualitative survey realized in the frame of this research was to explore minor health issues. The survey conducted on bloating issue does notably shed light on the ‘interactional game’ between a female interviewee and a female interviewer revealing the key concepts of stigma and secrecy. Indeed, the analysis of social interactions between both actors incites to perceive the notion of fieldwork as a process where different phases decline and interact altogether. From the recruitment procedure to the closure of the survey, the effects of the investigation are observed and analyzed through a dual “eye”, the interviewee and interviewer. We qualify this methodological approach as “interactive observation”. This “interactive observation” feeds its very principle within the methodology relative to the ideas of participative-observation and the tradition of symbolic interactionism. A reflection is lead on the effects of reciprocity between the elaboration of the fieldwork’s strategies and the unfolding of the study submitted to the unpredictability of the fieldwork.
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Análise do uso de novas tecnologias na troca e armazenamento de informações de saúde e o segredo profissional / Analysis of the use of new technologies in the exchange and storage of health information and in relation to the professional secrecyJacob, Carlos Henrique 26 February 2010 (has links)
O caráter privativo das informações de saúde, reconhecido e valorizado desde a antigüidade clássica, hoje é considerado como um dos fatores indispensáveis à manutenção da sociedade, das garantias constitucionais de liberdade e também, em última instância, à própria democracia. Essa importância é demonstrada pela existência do segredo profissional, que, para as profissões da área da saúde (como medicina, odontologia, psicologia, nutrição etc.) de um modo positivo, coloca aos profissionais a necessidade de se guardar segredo a respeito de todas as informações sobre as quais adquire-se conhecimento no exercício de suas profissões. No Brasil, a questão da manutenção do segredo profissional das profissões de saúde adquire um caráter dramático quando se leva em consideração a implementação da Troca de Informações em Saúde Suplementar por parte da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, autarquia especial que regula o setor de saúde suplementar. Pretendendo facilitar a troca de informações entre prestadores de serviços e operadoras, e também permitir e homogeneizar a obtenção de informação para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas, a Troca de Informações em Saúde Suplementar já é realizada desde 2008, envolvendo todas as informações de saúde de mais de 52 milhões de beneficiários. A utilização de tecnologias de troca de informação e a criação de bancos de dados, associados a um histórico de vazamento de dados sensíveis, criam dúvidas sobre a manutenção do segredo profissional e o caráter privado das informações de saúde. Neste trabalho, foi analisada a legislação estruturante da Troca de Informações em Saúde Suplementar no que diz respeito aos requisitos de segurança para a troca e armazenamento de informação sensível com o intuito de verificar se essa legislação supre, de modo eficaz, a exigência de proteção à manutenção do caráter privativo das informações de saúde que existe nos Códigos de Ética Profissionais e no Código Civil Brasileiro. Apesar das exigências para a segurança das informações ser, hoje, adequada à manutenção do segredo profissional enquanto essas informações são trocadas ou encontram-se armazenadas nas operadoras de planos de saúde, a norma se fia nos requisitos estabelecidos por um órgão privado cujas prioridades, naturalmente, podem, no futuro, não estar vinculadas exclusivamente ao maior bem social. Ademais, não se observa na legislação uma atenção ou recomendações dedicadas ao profissional em consultório isolado e que armazena os dados de seus pacientes em computadores pessoais previamente ao envio via internet. Além disso, em consultas realizadas à ANS em agosto e setembro de 2009 a respeito dos dados transmitidos pelas operadoras à Agência para o cumprimento do disposto nos artigos 20 e 32 da lei 9656/98, não se obteve resposta a respeito de quais dados são repassados pelas operadoras à ANS, nem sobre quais os padrões de segurança a que estes dados estão submetidos, nem, tampouco, sobre quais os indivíduos que têm acesso a estes dados, indicando falta da necessária transparência que é essencial a uma autarquia regulatória de um setor de interesse social. Estes fatos indicam claramente que a manutenção do segredo profissional está em risco nas atuais condições. / Health information is valued and recognized as sensible and private since ancient times. It is also considered one of the most important factors in maintaining and supporting the fabric of society, the constitutional guarantee of liberty and also, democracy itself. Health professionals have the duty to keep all their patients information private. In Brazil, this acquires a dramatic character when one considers the recently implemented Information Exchange in Suplementary Health (TISS) by the Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, governments regulating bureau for the suplementary health sector. Intending to facilitate the information exchange between service providers and health operators, and also to standardize the process of obtaining and providing information for policy makers, the Information Exchange has been in use since 2008 and involves identifiable health information of more than 52 million users. Technologies to allow health information exchange and the creation of data banks associated with sensible information data leaks raise doubts over the ability to keep health information safe from prying eyes. In this study, the structural legislation of the Information Exchange in Suplementary Health was analysed regarding the safety requirements proposed for the health information exchange and storage, to verify if it addresses the demand that exists in professional codes of ethics and also in Brazils Código Civil to protect the privacy of health information. Although - by todays standards - the requirements for information security are deemed adequate for the safekeeping and in addressing the need for privacy and security while the information is exchanged or stored by the health plans operators, theres no dedicated attention to recomendations for the professionals on their small practice offices, who hold their patients information on their personal computers. Also, the law establishes that a private agency is responsible for dictating the requirements that keep the information safe, a measure that is not entirely risk-safe as the interests of the private sector may shift with the market, leaving the social needs/interests behind. Besides these facts, when consulting the Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar in august and september 2009 regarding what kind of data is transmitted by the Health Plans operators and what kind of security measures are undertaken to protect this data, no answer was obtained, indicating a lack of transparency that is apalling in a regulatory bureau that serves the society. These facts clearly indicate that the maintenance of professional secrecy and patient privacy is threatened in current conditions. Keywords: computer systems security management, professional secrecy, information accountability, Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (Brazil)
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[pt] A coexistência de valores e interesses diversos nas
sociedades atuais exige que o ordenamento jurídico não se
deixe mover por normas unilateralmente fixadas ou valores
absolutos. No Brasil, a Constituição que assegura o
direito à intimidade, considerado pela doutrina e
jurisprudência fundamento do sigilo bancário, estabelece
ser facultado à administração tributária, especialmente
para conferir efetividade ao princípio da capacidade
econômica do contribuinte, identificar, respeitados os
direitos individuais e nos termos da lei, o patrimônio, os
rendimentos e as atividades econômicas dos contribuintes,
sendo vedado atribuir tratamento desigual àqueles que se
encontrem em situação equivalente. Além disso, é inegável
o fato de que as instituições financeiras vêm sendo
utilizadas com finalidade ilícita, servindo de meio para a
realização de crimes como a lavagem de dinheiro e a evasão
de divisas, cujo combate tem sido intensificado tanto no
Brasil, quanto no cenário mundial. Neste processo, surge a
tensão entre o interesse público na obtenção, pela
autoridade fiscal, de dados que podem comprovar a
realização de ilícitos e proporcionar a concretização dos
princípios da isonomia e da capacidade contributiva, e a
necessidade de proteção da esfera privada do indivíduo,
objeto da presente dissertação. / [en] The coexistence of valuables and several interests in the
current societies demand that the legal system will not
make any movement on account of rules that have been
established by one-sided only, or on account of values
that are absolute. In Brazil, the Constitution that
assures the right to intimacy (privacy s right),
considered by the doctrine and by the jurisprudence as a
ground of the bank secrecy, establishes that it is
facilitated to the tax administration, specially to onfer
effectiveness to the principle of the economic capacity of
the taxpayers, to identify, respected the individual
rights and the law terms, the assets, their incomes and
their economic activities, being forbidden to attribute
different treatment to those who are found under an
equivalent situation. Moreover, the fact that the
financial institutions are being used for illegal purposes
is undeniable, serving as a way for the performance of
crimes such as money laundering and foreing currency s
evasion, which combat has been intensified as much as in
Brazil as in the world scenery. In this process, the
tension between the public interest raises, to obtain from
the fiscal authority, the data that can prove the
performance of illegal acts and that can provide the
realization of the isonomy principles and of the tax-
paying ability, as well as the protection needed of the
individual private sphere, object of this present work.
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La franc-maçonnerie et la notion de secret dans l'Angleterre du XXe siècle : de la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux années 2000 / Freemasonry and the notion of secrecy in 20th century EnglandBrown-Peroy, Amanda 21 October 2016 (has links)
Les motivations de cette organisation ont toujours intrigué, voire dérangé, de nombreux observateurs extérieurs, pour des raisons qui allaient de pair avec l’époque : les questions religieuses ont toujours occupé une place prépondérante, au XVIIIe siècle comme de nos jours, bien que le débat se soit déplacé quelque peu. Une certaine incompréhension demeure toujours, alimentée par les francs-maçons eux-mêmes et la nature même de la fraternité, à savoir son aspect secret, ou du moins discret. Une constante qui est partagée à travers les siècles et les pays, et que les francs-maçons de toutes les grandes loges tentent de contrer, niant l’accusation selon laquelle la Franc-maçonnerie serait une « société secrète », admettant seulement le fait qu’elle est une société « avec des secrets ». La distinction étant ténue, elle est souvent perdue aux yeux des « profanes », c'est-à-dire des non-initiés, qui bien souvent portent un regard si ce n’est négatif, du moins prudent, sur cette association qui tait volontairement une partie de ses rites au public. On ne peut discuter de la nature secrète de la Franc-maçonnerie sans évoquer la contrepartie négative qu’elle soulève, à savoir « l’anti-maçonnisme » et la théorie du complot, apparu dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle, et régulièrement « ressuscité ». Nous étudierons plusieurs affaires soulignant ces accusations conspirationnistes, dont les médias, notamment durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, se sont fait le relai. Cette étude abordera plusieurs grandes thématiques liées au secret : la place des femmes, la religion, la presse et les médias, la police et la justice, les enjeux de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale etc. / The goals of this fraternity have always intrigued, nay disturbed, many outsiders, for reasons which were linked to the historical context of the time : religious questions have always been in the forefront of the debate on freemasonry, from the XVIIIth century until the present day, although the debate has somehow slightly shifted. However, a feeling of uncertainty remains, fuelled by the masons themselves and the very nature of the fraternity, that is to say its secret aspect, or if not secret, at least very discreet. This trend is shared between all countries and across the centuries, but is a notion the masons of every Grand Lodge try to refute, arguing that, contrary to common belief, freemasonry is not a “secret society” but a “society with secrets”. The distinction is quite slim and is often lost on the profanes, those who are not initiated, who therefore often have a negative view, or are, to say the least, wary of this organization which keeps its secrets well hidden. One cannot discuss the secret nature of freemasonry without broaching on the corollary aspect it inevitably raises, that is to say anti-masonry and conspiracy theory, which appeared as early as the XVIIIth century, and regularly rise up to the surface. We shall study different cases underlining this conspiracy theory, related by the media, especially in the second half of the XXth century. This thesis will broach several themes related to the notion of secrecy : the position of women, religion, the press and the media in general, the stakes of World War II etc.
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Preciso te contar?: paternidade homoafetiva e a revelação para os filhosMoris, Vera Lúcia 12 December 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-12-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / We conducted a qualitative study based on individual and group interviews with
seventeen men, who are fathers involved in homoaffective relationships. Our
clinical-theoretical approach was supported by critical studies on men and
masculinities and homoaffectivity. We sought to understand the processes
underlying the secrecy and disclosure of these fathers homoaffective relationships to
their children. The group was quite heterogeneous and had different ages and
professions. Most of these men come from privileged social backgrounds, and
became aware of their homoaffectivity when they were already adults and fathers.
These are modern fathers engaged in their children s daily routine and care; many of
them are experiencing conflicts associated with divorce and separation from their
children. Such conflicts can be heightened by inner homophobia and by their feeling
threatened of losing privileges that they enjoy as hegemonic men. The results not
only show that they take a distinct stand upon the disclosure of their homoaffectivity
to their children, but also reveal their continuous clash with mainstream
heteronormative ideas, which engenders a need for resignifying their concept of
masculinity and paternity ruled by heterosexuality. The continuous confrontation
associated with their need to seek other ideological vectors mark their personal
emotional life inexorably. Their homoaffective orientation was a personal aspect
which they resisted, while experiencing great difficulties to integrate it into their
personality as they perceived themselves to be different from what is ascribed to men
and fathers in their family, peer group and even internally. The practice of
maintaining secrecy about their homosexuality towards their children, as an
expression of their own resistance, may be an instrumental resource or may function
as a repression domain that causes great psychic suffering and pain. These fathers are
alone, and find it difficult to equip themselves, and to bring about the inner
transformation necessary to assume their homosexuality and come out to their
children. Overcoming these inner aspects coping instrumental resource or
resistance or integrating aspects related to their new self-concept as man and father
are demands that imply the need for clinical psychological support / Realizamos um estudo qualitativo por meio de entrevistas individuais e em grupo
com dezessete homens, pais que têm envolvimento homoafetivo. Nosso aporte
teórico clínico remonta aos estudos críticos sobre homens e homoafetividade.
Buscamos compreender os processos subjacentes à manutenção de segredo e à
revelação para os filhos do relacionamento homoafetivo por parte do pai. Tratou-se
de um grupo diversificado com profissão e faixa etária ampla. São homens em sua
maioria provenientes de camadas sociais privilegiadas, tendo tomado consciência da
homoafetividade já adultos e pais. São pais modernos atuais, envolvidos com a
rotina diária e cuidados próximo de seus filhos; muitos estão vivenciando conflitos
associados ao divórcio e distanciamento dos filhos, que podem ser acirrados pelos
temores homofóbicos internalizados e por sentirem-se ameaçados de perder os
privilégios que como homens de grupos hegemônicos desfrutam. Os resultados além
de mostrar que se posicionam de formas distintas diante da revelação de sua
homoafetividade para os filhos, também desvelam o continuo confronto com o
ideário heteronormativo, que engendra uma necessidade de re-significar sua
concepção de masculinidade e parentalidade, pautada na heterossexualidade. Os
enfretamentos continuados associados a esse confronto, à necessária busca de outros
vetores ideológicos que os contemplem marcam sua vida afetiva emocional de forma
implacável. Sua orientação homoafetiva foi um aspecto pessoal a qual resistiram,
sofreram para integrar em sua personalidade, à medida que se percebiam diferentes
do que era prescrito para os homens e pais em seu grupo, em sua família e mesmo
internamente. A manutenção de segredos para os filhos em torno da homoafetividade
do pai, como expressão dessa resistência pode ser instrumental, como um recurso, ou
pode ter caráter de repressão gerando sofrimento psíquico. Esses homens pais estão
sós para enfrentar suas incertezas e proceder às necessárias transformações. A
superação tanto desse movimento interno recurso instrumental ou de resistência
como a integração de aspectos de sua nova concepção como homem e pai despontam
como demanda por suporte para a psicologia clínica
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