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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formy spolupráce firem a neziskových organizací v rámci CSR strategií vybraných firem / Collaboration forms between Business and Nonprofits within CSR strategies

Řehounková, Václava January 2015 (has links)
Recently in the Czech Republic, more attention has been focused on the social responsibility of companies. Companies become members of professional platforms, in which they gain and deepen their knowledge. The vital part of CSR is cooperation within the civil sector. The goal of this thesis is to focus on this cooperation within the Czech environment. For my own research I have been using the typology of the authors Wymer and Samu, who look at different ways of management and the benefits gained from different types of cooperation. I compare and find differences in this typology through analysis of documents and questionnaires of companies active in professional platforms. The cooperation established between companies and NGOs is different in the case of agreements on the use of the logo and the name of non-profit organizations, sponsorship, joint issue promotion and corporate philanthropy, both greater involvements of the non-profit sector, and given benefits.

Improving Measurement of SectorConcentration Risk in Credit Portfolios : Evaluation of sector classification and approaches to concentration measure characteristics / Beräkningsförbättringar av sektorkoncentrationsrisk  i kreditportföljer : Utvärdering  av  industrisektorklassifikation ochkoncentrationsmåttsegenskaper

GLANS, GUSTAV, ROSENBERG, JESPER January 2015 (has links)
På en teknisk nivå utgör beräkningen av sektorkoncentrationsrisk ett särskilt utmanande problem. I befintlig teori är riktlinjer till såväl hur industrisektorer ska indelas som risknivån beräknas begränsade. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera och analysera olika tillvägagångssätt till sektorkoncentrationsrisk i kreditportföljer. Detta har utförts i två separata delar där både indelningen i sektorer och riskberäkningen behandlats. Sektorindelningen har utvärderats genom att jämföra korrelationsstrukturen mellan två speciellt intressanta indelningsmetodiker; enligt Morgan Stanely Capital Investment (MSCI) och den av Finansinspektionen föreslagna sektorindelningen (SFSA). Riskberäkningen har utvärderats genom att applicera en rad olika koncentrationsmått på portföljer av varierande koncentrationsgrad. Resultaten visar att en minimering av inter-sektoriella korrelationer samt en maximering av intra-sektoriella korrelation är av stor vikt då sektorer indelas. Med andra ord, för att koncentrationen ska generera en faktisk risk krävs det att sektorerna är tydligt särskilda samt internt homogena. Utöver detta ska individuella exponeringar tydligt kunna placeras inom en sektor och de behandlade sektorerna ska inte vara av diversifierad natur. Resultaten tyder vidare på att MSCI presterar bättre för att hantera sektorkoncentrationsrisk på alla dessa punkter. När det kommer till riskberäkningen, visar resultaten att förutom  ördelningen av exponeringar är även sektorspecifika kreditkvaliteter samt korrelationsstrukturer av vikt för att bestämma risknivån. Risken från koncentration är större om risknivån är hög eller om exponeringen är mot korrelerade sektorer. Men framförallt tyder resultaten på att en uniformt fördelat portfölj inte är att se som okoncentrerad. För att ta hänsyn till naturliga koncentrationer är det därför av yttersta vikt att koncentration istället ses i förhållande till den aggregerade kreditmarknaden. / On a technical level, the measurement of sector concentration risk poses a particularlychallenging problem. Existing literature lacks direct suggestions both regarding how sectors are to be divided and the risk-level measured. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and analyse different measures of - and approaches to sector concentration risk in credit portfolios. This has been addressed both by analysing sectorial division and which aspects that are of interest for determining the concentration imposed risk- level. The sectorial division has been addressed by comparing the correlation structures of two especially interesting sector classification methods; the standardised Morgan Stanley Capital Investment industry classification (MSCI) and the proposed sector classification of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (SFSA).  The sector concentration risk measurement has been analysed through employing different risk-measures on portfolios with varying concentration levels. The results show that in order to capture the risk-level from concentration, the main approach for sectorial division should seek to minimise inter-sector correlations and maximise intra-sector correlations. I.e. sectors should be distinct from each other and internally homogeneous. Moreover, an unambiguous sorting of individual exposures towards one sector should be possible and the considered sectors should not be of a diversified nature. It is also found that MSCI outperforms SFSA for assessing  sector concentration risk on all fronts. When it comes to the risk measure, it is found that apart from exposure distribution; credit qualities and correlation structures are of great interest. The risk induced from a concentrated exposure is greater if credit qualities are low or if the exposure is high towards highly correlated sectors. But  above all, the results imply that a uniform distribution is not to be seen as unconcentrated. In order for concentration measurement to incorporate natural concentrations it is thereby greatly important that concentration instead is considered as relative towards the aggregate credit market.

Faktory ovlivňující funkčnost spolupráce mezi firmami a NNO v rámci programu CSR v České republice / Factors influencing cross-sectorial cooperation within CSR programs in Czech republic

Gedeonová, Hedviga January 2013 (has links)
Synopsis The diploma thesis is focused on cross-sectorial cooperation between corporations and nonprofit organizations. The main goal of the thesis is to find the factors, which influence cross-sectorial cooperation. Furthermore, the aim is to determine typology and foundations of cross-sectorial cooperation and how this cooperation is presented in public within the Czech Republic. Several theories dealing with types of cross-sectorial cooperation and the theory that characterizes basic factors that influence cross-sectorial cooperation are introduced and compared in the theoretical part of this thesis. Research part presents conclusions and findings based on qualitative research, conducted in both corporations and nonprofit organizations. The results and the goals of the thesis are summarized in the conclusion of this thesis.

Análisis y evaluación económica de sistemas de salud: logro en salud, desempeño y aspectos organizativos

Caballer Tarazona, María 07 May 2008 (has links)
La evaluación de los logros y la eficiencia en los sistemas de salud es un objetivo de investigación central en la economía de la salud. En esta tesis se realiza un análisis de los logros y desempeño de los sistemas sanitarios, partiendo de un estudio general hasta llegar a un análisis micro de la eficiencia. Se trata de evaluar los sistemas de salud desde un plano económico, organizativo y operativo a través de tres casos de estudio desarrollados en tres capítulos. - En primer lugar, se parte de un análisis macro que evalúa el logro en salud de dos grupos de países (países europeos y latinoamericanos) mediante análisis multivariante. Se ha tomado como variable representativa del logro en salud, la esperanza de vida, y se ha determinado que variables de carácter socio-económico-sanitario la determinan en mayor medida. - Seguidamente, se ha identificado Italia como el país que presenta mayores similitudes con España en cuanto a organización sanitaria y características socio-culturales-epideomológicas, con el fin de estudiar ambos sistemas de salud y determinar las fortalezas y debilidades. - Por último, y descendiendo a un nivel de análisis micro, se ha estudiado el desempeño de los hospitales de la Comunidad Valenciana mediante el estudio de la eficiencia de algunos servicios sanitarios de estos hospitales. Para este estudio se han utilizado técnicas no paramétricas, más concretamente el modelo DEA (Análisis Envolvente de Datos), con el fin de clasificar a los servios en función de su eficiencia/ineficiencia. Se proponen además, instrumentos alternativos de medida de la eficiencia, concretamente se construyen dos indicadores de fácil manejo que pueden ser de mayor utilidad a nivel de gerencia de un hospital. Se ha comprobado la validez de estos indicadores con métodos estadísticos. / Caballer Tarazona, M. (2007). Análisis y evaluación económica de sistemas de salud: logro en salud, desempeño y aspectos organizativos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1971

La descentralización universitaria como planificación del desarrollo local en los países del MERCOSUR. El papel de las intendencias en su gestión

Brotóns Muró, Luis Francisco 21 July 2008 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente tesis es analizar la distribución geográfica de la oferta universitaria en cada uno de los países del MERCOSUR y proponer un modelo de descentralización universitaria gestionado por las propias Intendencias o Gobiernos Departamentales del Uruguay. El estudio toma como referencia el proceso de integración del MERCOSUR, y su impacto sobre las inversiones y los recursos humanos en los cuatro países miembros. La descentralización universitaria en los países miembros del MERCOSUR, es examinada atendiendo a criterios geográficos y poblacionales. Se centra el análisis en Uruguay, observando como los factores políticos afectan a la descentralización de la educación universitaria. Son identificadas las necesidades de educación universitaria en dos departamentos del país. Justificándose la descentralización en relación a la población y a las oportunidades laborales. Se propone un modelo de educación universitaria donde la iniciativa se realice desde las propias Intendencias Departamentales. El modelo propuesto tiene como objetivo hacer protagonistas a las Intendencias, para evitar la emigración de la población joven y las consecuencias negativas y sociales que produce. Dos encuestas fueron realizadas en 2002 y 2004 para determinar las necesidades de educación universitaria en una región del país. / Brotóns Muró, LF. (2008). La descentralización universitaria como planificación del desarrollo local en los países del MERCOSUR. El papel de las intendencias en su gestión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2605

On a Fokker–Planck equation coupled with a constraint

Huth, Robert 09 August 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir zwei Modelle, die das Laden und Entladen einer Lithium-Ionen Batterie beschreiben. Beide Modelle spiegeln eine Hysterese in dem Spannungs-Ladungs-Verlauf wider. Wir skizzieren den Modellierungsprozess von einem diskreten vielteilchen Modell sowie einem kontinuierlichen vielteilchen Modell. Das erste führt zu einer axiomatischen Beschreibung der Evolution makroskopischer Größen, während das zweite in eine nichtlineare Fokker-Planck Gleichung mündet. Wir zeigen die Existenz und Eindeutigkeit von Lösungen der nichtlinearen Fokker-Planck Gleichung und untersuchen deren qualitative Eigenschaften. Wir benutzen Interpolationsräume und Halbgruppen sektorieller Operatoren um den semilinearen Charakter der partiellen Differentialgleichung auszunutzen. Um globale Existenz zu erhalten, schätzen wir die Dissipation einer mit dem Modell verknüpften Energie ab. Diese Energie ist verwandt mit der L-log-L Norm, welche wir mithilfe einer Gagliardo-Nirenberg Ungleichung zu der L^2 Norm in Verbindung setzen können. Die notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen zur globalen Existenz von Lösungen sind aus physikalischer Sicht plausibel. Der Ladezustand der Batterie muss innerhalb der Werte Voll und Leer sein. In numerischen Experimenten untersuchen wir das qualitative Verhalten von Lösungen. Wir zeigen die Konvergenz der numerischen Lösungen zu den exakten Lösungen. Dafür nutzen wir ähnliche Techniken wie bei der lokalen Existenztheorie. Wir beobachten die Tendenz von Lösungen sich um bestimmte Punkte zu konzentrieren. Unterstützt durch die formale Asymptotik zeigt dies für eine bestimmte Wahl von Parameter-Skalierungen, dass Lösungen gegen Dirac-Maße konvergieren. In diesem Grenzverhalten wird das System durch die Evolution von makroskopischen Größen beschrieben, welche wir auch in dem diskreten vielteilchen Modell wiederfinden. In diesen makroskopischen Größen lässt sich eine Hysterese beobachten. / We discuss two models which describe the charging and discharging of a lithium-ion battery and especially the hysteretical behaviour therein. We give an overview on the modelling process for a discrete many particle model and a continuous many particle model. The former results in an axiomatic description of macroscopic quantities while the latter gives a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. The nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation is analysed with respect to existence and uniqueness of solutions as well as qualitative behaviour of solutions. The nonlinearity in this partial differential equation stems from a coefficient which depends on the solution first non-local and second in a higher order. We use interpolation spaces and semigroups generated from sectorial operators to show the existence and uniqueness of solutions locally in time. The global existence in time relies on estimates for the dissipation of an energy. The suitable energy is related to the L-log-L norm and so a Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality is needed to connect this back to L^2 estimates. It turns out that the conditions for global in time existence of solutions are physical reasonable. One needs that the loading state of the battery shall stay between totally empty and totally full. In numerical experiments we investigate the qualitative behaviour of solutions to the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. We are able to show convergence of the numerical solutions to the exact solution. We observe that solutions tend to concentrate at certain points. Supported by results from formal asymptotic expansions, we document the limiting behaviour in a certain scaling of the appearing parameters, which is the formation of Dirac measures. The evolution of the global quantities, which we observe in numerical simulations, is the same as what results from the discrete many particle model and one observes hysteretic behaviour in macroscopic quantities.

O desenvolvimento da indústria de veí­culos elétricos no Brasil: o papel das polí­ticas públicas / Development of the electric vehicle industry in Brazil: the role of public policies

Silva, Marcelo Luiz Risso Rodrigues da 07 December 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo central discutir o papel das políticas públicas no desenvolvimento da emergente indústria de veículos elétricos no Brasil, dado o potencial transformador que os mesmos podem ter no processo de renovação da indústria automotiva nacional e na redução das emissões de CO2. Nessa direção, o país tem grandes vantagens para o avanço dessa indústria localmente, aproveitando-se da tendência de crescimento do mercado mundial. A expectativa é que até 2030 estejam rodando 160 milhões de unidades pelo mundo, contra os 2 milhões existentes em 2016. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um framework com os principais componentes de Políticas Públicas, de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I) das Empresas e de Características de Mercado pertinentes ao setor, a partir de adaptações do Sistema Setorial de Inovação e Produção de Malerba (2002) à realidade brasileira, com contribuições do framework setorial de Oltra e Saint Jean (2009) e do Ecossistema de Negócios de Lu et al. (2014). Durante a investigação, foram realizadas entrevistas com os mais relevantes stakeholders da indústria de veículos elétricos e analisados dados secundários que caracterizam as incipientes iniciativas e a inexpressiva contribuição das políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento deste setor industrial. Foram identificados e hierarquizados sete componentes fundamentais de políticas públicas que influenciam diretamente a indústria de veículos elétricos no Brasil. Em termos práticos, esta pesquisa busca subsidiar os stakeholders do setor para direcionar de forma mais eficiente seus esforços, visando o incremento deste setor no país. / The main objective of this research is to discuss the role of public policies on the development of the emerging electric vehicle industry in Brazil, given the transformative potential they can have in the process of renewing the Brazilian automotive industry and reducing CO2 emissions. The country has excellent comparative advantages to develop this industry locally and take advantage of the world market growth, since the expectation is that EVs fleet will grow from 2 million in 2016 to 160 million units by to 2030. Thus, this work presents a framework with the main components of Public Policies, Companies\' Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) and Market Characteristics pertinent to the sector, based on adaptations to Brazilian reality of the Sectorial Innovation and Production System of Malerba (2002), with contributions from the sector framework of Oltra and Saint Jean (2009) and Business Ecosystem of Lu et al. (2014). During the investigation interviews were conducted with the most relevant stakeholders of the electric vehicle industry and secondary data that characterize the incipient initiatives and inexpressive contribution of public policies to the development of this industrial sector were analyzed. Seven fundamental components of public policies that directly influence the electric vehicle industry in Brazil were identified and ranked. In practical terms, the paper aims to subsidize stakeholders to target more efficiently their efforts towards the development of this industry in Brazil.

A indústria brasileira no limiar do século XXI: uma análise da sua evolução estrutural, comercial e tecnológica / Brazilian manufacturing at the turn of the 21st century: an analysis of its structural, trade and technological evolution

Morceiro, Paulo César 10 October 2018 (has links)
A indústria de transformação, que havia liderado o crescimento econômico do Brasil nas cinco décadas precedentes a 1981 na fase de industrialização, perdeu dinamismo desde início dos anos oitenta. Desde 1981, o produto manufatureiro brasileiro cresceu pouco e abaixo da modesta taxa de crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil. Com isso, o setor manufatureiro tem contribuído cada vez menos para a formação do PIB brasileiro e encolhido bastante relativo a indústria global, desde 1981 até 2017. Esta pesquisa realiza uma avaliação da estrutura produtiva e tecnológica bem desagregada setorialmente da indústria de transformação brasileira, desse modo, ela oferece um diagnóstico mais detalhado da perda de dinamismo industrial. Esta pesquisa procurou responder as seguintes perguntas: i) os setores manufatureiros diminuíram participação no PIB de maneira uniforme ou foi concentrado setorialmente? ii) os setores intensivos em conhecimento e tecnologia seguem uma trajetória de desindustrialização normal ou prematura? (iii) o tecido industrial do país está mais oco ou rarefeito nos anos 2000? (iv) o país é um montador que faz pouca transformação industrial em algum segmento manufatureiro? (v) os segmentos industriais que mais importaram insumos e componentes são também aqueles que mais exportaram? Ou seja, o Brasil tem uma inserção ativa nas cadeias globais de valor (CGV)? (vi) os setores de serviços são relevantes na realização de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) no país de modo que a desindustrialização é irrelevante da perspectiva tecnológica? Para responder essas perguntas foram criadas sérias inéditas de longo prazo da participação dos setores manufatureiros no PIB. Também foi obtida uma tabulação especial do IBGE com informações para 258 subsetores industriais que permitiu avaliar o grau de adensamento produtivo deles. E por fim foram utilizados dados das Contas Nacionais do Brasil, das matrizes de insumo-produto e de investimento setor por setor para fazer um retrato setorial da produção e uso de P&D, através de técnicas de insumo-produto. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que o desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro está estagnado desde 1981 e a manufatura apresenta uma retração de longo prazo do produto manufatureiro real per capita. Esta pesquisa também apresentou uma abordagem setorial da desindustrialização pelo PIB de forma inédita, revelando que parte da desindustrialização brasileira é normal (ou esperada) e parte é prematura (e indesejada), dado o nível de desenvolvimento do Brasil. A desindustrialização prematura ocorreu nos setores intensivos em tecnologia, que também possuem baixo grau de adensamento produtivo ao importar parcela substantiva dos insumos e componentes intensivos em P&D. Também foi constatado que o Brasil se insere de forma passiva nas CGV, pois as classes industriais que mais importaram insumos e componentes não exportaram. Por fim, os setores de serviços - que ganharam bastante peso no PIB nas últimas décadas - conduzem no Brasil poucos investimentos em P&D e em menor magnitude que os setores manufatureiros. Portanto, da perspectiva tecnológica, a prematura mudança estrutural rumo aos serviços tem implicações relevantes quanto ao progresso tecnológico futuro do Brasil. / Brazilian manufacturing sector, which had led Brazil\'s economic growth in the five decades preceding 1981 in the industrialization phase, lost dynamism since the early 1980s. Since 1981, Brazilian manufacturing product grew slightly below the modest growth rate of Brazil\'s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With this, manufacturing sector has contributed less and less to the formation of the GDP. Brazilian manufacturing sector has also shrunk a lot relative to the global manufacturing from 1981 to 2017. This research makes an evaluation of the productive and technological structure well disaggregated sectorally of the Brazilian manufacturing industry, thus offering a detailed diagnosis of the loss of industrial dynamism. This research sought to answer the following questions: i) have the manufacturing sectors decreased their share in GDP uniformly, or have been sectorally concentrated? ii) are knowledge and technology intensive sectors following a trajectory of normal or premature de-industrialization? iii) are the production chains of the country more hollow or rarefied in the 2000s? iv) is the country an assembler who does little industrial transformation in some manufacturing subsector? v) are the manufacturing subsectors that more imported inputs and components also the ones that more exported? That is, Brazil has an active insertion in global value chains (GVC)? vi) are services sectors relevant in conducting research and development (R&D) in Brazil so that de-industrialization is irrelevant from the technological perspective? To answer these questions, the author created an unpublished long-term series of the participation of manufacturing sectors in GDP. A special tabulation of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics was also obtained, with data for 258 manufacturing subsectors, which allowed evaluating the degree of productive densification. Finally, data from Brazil\'s National Accounts, input-output matrices, and investment matrices were used to make a sectoral portrait of the production and use of R&D, through input-output techniques. Results showed that Brazilian manufacturing development is stagnant and occurs a long-term retraction of real per capita manufacturing output since 1981. This research also presented a sectoral approach to deindustrialization by GDP in an unpublished way, reporting that part of Brazilian deindustrialization is normal (or expected) and part is premature (and undesirable) given the level of development of Brazil. Premature deindustrialization occurred in the technology-intensive sectors, which also have a low degree of productive densification by importing a substantial portion of the inputs and R&D-intensive components. It was also observed that Brazil inserts passively in the GVC since the manufacturing classes that more import inputs and components do not export. Finally, service sectors - which have gained considerable weight in GDP in recent decades - conducted little investment in R&D in Brazil and to a lesser extent than manufacturing sectors. Therefore, from the technological perspective, the premature structural change towards services has relevant implications for the future technological progress of Brazil.

O desenvolvimento da indústria de veí­culos elétricos no Brasil: o papel das polí­ticas públicas / Development of the electric vehicle industry in Brazil: the role of public policies

Marcelo Luiz Risso Rodrigues da Silva 07 December 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo central discutir o papel das políticas públicas no desenvolvimento da emergente indústria de veículos elétricos no Brasil, dado o potencial transformador que os mesmos podem ter no processo de renovação da indústria automotiva nacional e na redução das emissões de CO2. Nessa direção, o país tem grandes vantagens para o avanço dessa indústria localmente, aproveitando-se da tendência de crescimento do mercado mundial. A expectativa é que até 2030 estejam rodando 160 milhões de unidades pelo mundo, contra os 2 milhões existentes em 2016. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um framework com os principais componentes de Políticas Públicas, de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I) das Empresas e de Características de Mercado pertinentes ao setor, a partir de adaptações do Sistema Setorial de Inovação e Produção de Malerba (2002) à realidade brasileira, com contribuições do framework setorial de Oltra e Saint Jean (2009) e do Ecossistema de Negócios de Lu et al. (2014). Durante a investigação, foram realizadas entrevistas com os mais relevantes stakeholders da indústria de veículos elétricos e analisados dados secundários que caracterizam as incipientes iniciativas e a inexpressiva contribuição das políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento deste setor industrial. Foram identificados e hierarquizados sete componentes fundamentais de políticas públicas que influenciam diretamente a indústria de veículos elétricos no Brasil. Em termos práticos, esta pesquisa busca subsidiar os stakeholders do setor para direcionar de forma mais eficiente seus esforços, visando o incremento deste setor no país. / The main objective of this research is to discuss the role of public policies on the development of the emerging electric vehicle industry in Brazil, given the transformative potential they can have in the process of renewing the Brazilian automotive industry and reducing CO2 emissions. The country has excellent comparative advantages to develop this industry locally and take advantage of the world market growth, since the expectation is that EVs fleet will grow from 2 million in 2016 to 160 million units by to 2030. Thus, this work presents a framework with the main components of Public Policies, Companies\' Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) and Market Characteristics pertinent to the sector, based on adaptations to Brazilian reality of the Sectorial Innovation and Production System of Malerba (2002), with contributions from the sector framework of Oltra and Saint Jean (2009) and Business Ecosystem of Lu et al. (2014). During the investigation interviews were conducted with the most relevant stakeholders of the electric vehicle industry and secondary data that characterize the incipient initiatives and inexpressive contribution of public policies to the development of this industrial sector were analyzed. Seven fundamental components of public policies that directly influence the electric vehicle industry in Brazil were identified and ranked. In practical terms, the paper aims to subsidize stakeholders to target more efficiently their efforts towards the development of this industry in Brazil.

Criminal compliance in the peruvian criminal law / Criminal compliance en el derecho penal peruano

Clavijo Jave, Camilo 10 April 2018 (has links)
First, this work proposes a study of the origin, elements and application of the Compliance Program or, also named, Regulatory Compliance Program. The aforementioned program is understood as an internal device that corporations use not only to comply with the current legislation but also to prevent and detect legal violations they could be found in or as part of the activities they carry out.Second, it tries to explain and develop the connection between, on one hand, the new risks in the financial and technological development and, on the other hand, Criminal Law as a protective body of important legal assets for society. The aim is to analyze Criminal Compliance to get the corporationto manage its activities under current legislation, especially Criminal Law.In this regard, it enlarges the sectoral developments based on the Peruvian Government’s implementation of the the Compliance Program in the legal framework.Finally, it analyzes the impact of Criminal Compliance in the criminal legal framework. For that end, it refers to the criminal liability system in Peru and in what way it impacts on the application of Criminal Compliance. / El trabajo propone, en primer lugar, un estudio del origen, los elementos y la aplicación del Compliance Program o, también llamado, Programa de Cumplimiento Normativo, entendido como un dispositivo interno que las empresas implementan para cumplir con la normatividad vigente, así como para prevenir y detectar las infracciones legales que se produzcan dentro de las mismas o como parte de las actividades que estas realizan. Asimismo, se intenta explicar y desarrollar la relación entre los nuevos riesgos, debido al desarrollo económico y tecnológico, y el derecho penal como ente protector de bienes jurídicos de importancia para la sociedad. Esto último tiene como finalidad analizar el Criminal Compliance, destinado a que la empresa ordene su actividad conforme a la normativa aplicable, en especial la ley penal. En tal sentido, se desarrolla la aplicación que el Estado peruano ha realizado del referido Programa de Cumplimiento Normativo en el ordenamiento jurídico, en concreto los avances sectoriales. Finalmente, se analiza el impacto del Criminal Compliance en el ordenamiento jurídico penal. Para ello, se hace una referencia al sistema de responsabilidad penal adoptado en el Perú y de qué manera esto impacta en la aplicación del Criminal Compliance.

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