Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sedentary behaviour"" "subject:"edentary behaviour""
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Electronic-based sedentary behaviour among children within the family home environment : a descriptive studyGranich, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This descriptive study identified correlates of electronic media use among pre-adolescent children (10-12 year olds). It specifically focused on the potential influence of individual factors and the social and physical environment within the family home setting. The prevalence of overweight/obesity in children is escalating. Sedentary behaviour in the form of electronic media use (comprised of television (TV) and video/DVD viewing, video and computer gaming, and computer use) is a contributing and a modifiable risk factor for overweight/obesity. To date, research focused on sedentary behaviour has been largely derived from physical (in)activity data where the absence or observed low levels of physical activity participation or TV viewing only has been used as a proxy for sedentariness. Little is known about the specificities of children's electronic media use; its impact on children's overall leisure and screen-time; and, the potential influencing factors that may operate at the home level. The family home is a context-specific setting where electronic media use is a daily practice for most children. To better understand electronic-based sedentary behaviour among children the following specific aims were addressed; 1) To describe children's leisure time, particularly time spent with electronic media. 2) To explore children and parents' perceptions about electronic-based sedentary behaviour. 3) To determine the prevalence of children's electronic-media use at home. 4) To examine the influence of individual, family social and home physical factors associated with different levels of electronic media use by children. ... The availability and accessibility of a variety of electronic equipment at home, especially in the child's bedroom (particularly among boys), was also associated with children's screen behaviour. Physical aspects of the family home (i.e., lay-out and yard size) had a mixed effect on children's electronic media use. Overall, the nature of electronic media use among children is complex and is influenced by dimensions that present at children's individual, family social and physical home level. The knowledge generated from this study about specific correlates of electronic media use has extended the understanding about its impact on children's discretionary time. Future prospective longitudinal research is warranted given that most studies investigating electronic media and sedentary behaviour are of cross-sectional design. Including other forms of sedentary behaviour such as sitting and talking with friends and family, reading and/or using telephones may provide a more comprehensive measure of sedentariness in the future. Further studies should use multivariate statistical analyses (i.e., modelling) to improve clarity of relationships between multiple variables and gauge mediating factors. This study also calls for future intervention research. Findings on gender-specific correlates of electronic media use provide superior information for the development of tailored behaviour modification strategies aimed at girls and boys respectively. Active involvement of household members in the intervention is also warranted. Utilising this study's findings may strengthen intervention outcomes towards a more directed and sustained behaviour change
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An investigation of body fat accrual in an ethnically diverse cohort of British Columbian children and youth: patterns, obesity classification, and determinantsMcConnell-Nzunga, Jennifer 01 September 2017 (has links)
Obesity during childhood and adolescence is a serious public health concern in Canada and globally. Obesity is a complex disease with genetic, environmental, social, and behavioural determinants. However, our understanding of obesity and its development is limited by a reliance on proxy measurements of adiposity such as body mass index (BMI) and cross-sectional study designs that limit our ability to assess temporality. In this dissertation, I present the first set of body fat percent (BF%) accrual and velocity percentile curves for Canadian children and youth, investigate the relationship between BMI- and BF%-based definitions of obesity, and examine the longitudinal influence of sedentary time, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and caloric intake on the development of BF%.
My analyses are based on the UBC Healthy Bones III Study (HBSIII), a mixed longitudinal study of boys and girls aged 8-12 years at baseline, measured between 1999 and 2012. In HBSIII, adiposity was measured directly as BF% from total body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans and MVPA and sedentary time were measured objectively using accelerometers.
For the first study in my dissertation, I used generalized additive models for location scale and shape (GAMLSS) to develop sex- and ethnic-specific BF% accrual and velocity percentile curves. I present separate curves for Asian and Caucasian boys and girls aged 9-19 years at the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 95th, and 97th centiles. In this descriptive study, I found materially different shaped BF% percentile curves for Asian and Caucasian girls but not for boys.
Second, I examined the relationship between BMI- and BF%-based definitions of obesity for Asian and Caucasian boys and girls aged 9-19 years. I used multivariable regression models, sensitivity and specificity analysis, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and Youden’s Index to explore this relationship. I found that BMI identified <50% of those classified with obesity based on BF%, and that classification performance of BMI differed significantly by age and sex subgroups for Asian and Caucasians.
In my third analysis, I explored the longitudinal relationship between BF% and sedentary time, MVPA, and caloric intake as boys and girls mature. I fit polynomial multilevel models using MO (years from age at peak height velocity, APHV) as the time variable. Rate of change in BF% across maturity differed between boys and girls and differences in MVPA, sedentary time, and caloric intake between individuals influenced BF% at APHV (MO=0) and rate of change in BF% across maturity.
Together, these studies advance our understanding of how body fat accrues as children and youth mature, and highlight the heterogeneity in predictors of adiposity and adiposity measurement accuracy across age, sex, and ethnic groups. / Graduate
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Temporal patterns of physical activity and sedentary time and their association with health at mid-life:the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 studyNiemelä, M. (Maisa) 11 November 2019 (has links)
Physical activity reduces mortality and morbidity and improves physical and psychological health. Lately, the detrimental health associations of excess sedentary time have also been acknowledged. It is still unknown how temporal patterns of physical activity and sedentary time are associated with health, as previous studies have mainly focused on summary metrics of these behaviors; for example, the weekly duration of moderate to vigorous physical activity.
This study aimed to investigate the associations between the amount and temporal patterns of physical activity and sedentary time and health at mid-life. Physical activity and sedentary time were objectively measured for two weeks using an accelerometer-based activity monitor in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 46-year follow-up (n=5,621). Participants attended clinical examinations and completed health and behaviour questionnaires. A machine learning method (X-means cluster analysis) was used to identify distinct groups of participants with different patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviour based on the activity data.
A positive, dose-response association was found with perceived health and self-reported leisure time and objectively measured moderate to vigorous physical activity. Higher prolonged sedentary time was associated with better heart rate variability but not with resting heart rate or post-exercise heart rate recovery. Four distinct physical activity clusters (inactive, evening active, moderately active and very active) were recognised. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease was significantly lower in the very active cluster compared to the inactive, and in women also in the moderately active cluster compared to the inactive and evening active clusters. On average, the cardiovascular disease risk was low, indicating good cardiovascular health in the study population.
Prolonged sedentary time was associated with cardiac autonomic function, which in this study was not explained by physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness level. Higher cardiovascular disease risk was found in the activity clusters in which the amount of physical activity was lower and in women took place later in the evening. Results of the study can be used for designing feasible interventions for risk groups with unhealthy physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns. / Tiivistelmä
Fyysinen aktiivisuus vähentää sairastavuutta, kuolleisuutta sekä parantaa fyysistä ja psyykkistä terveyttä. Viime aikoina on lisäksi tunnistettu liiallisen paikallaanolon terveyshaitat. Vielä ei tiedetä, miten fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaanolon ajallinen jakautuminen päivän aikana vaikuttaa terveyteen, koska aiemmat tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet enimmäkseen tiettyihin summamuuttujiin kuten kohtuullisesti kuormittavan liikkumisen määrään viikossa.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaanolon määrän ja ajallisen jakautumisen terveysyhteyksiä keski-iässä. Fyysinen aktiivisuus ja paikallaanolo mitattiin kiihtyvyysanturipohjaisella aktiivisuusmittarilla kahden viikon ajan Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortin 46-vuotistutkimuksessa (n=5621). Tutkittavat osallistuivat kliinisiin tutkimuksiin ja täyttivät kyselyitä terveydentilastaan ja käyttäytymisestään. Koneoppimismenetelmällä (X-means cluster analysis) tutkittavat luokiteltiin aktiivisuusdatan perusteella ryhmiin, joissa fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrä ja ajallinen jakautuminen päivän aikana poikkesi mahdollisimman paljon ryhmien välillä.
Positiivinen annos-vasteyhteys löydettiin koetun terveyden ja itseraportoidun vapaa-ajan liikunnan sekä mitatun kohtuullisesti kuormittavan liikkumisen väliltä. Suurempi pitkittynyt paikallaanoloaika oli yhteydessä parempaan sykevälivaihteluun mutta ei leposykkeeseen tai harjoituksen jälkeiseen sykkeen palautumiseen. Neljä aktiivisuusryhmää tunnistettiin (inaktiiviset, ilta-aktiiviset, kohtuullisen aktiiviset ja erittäin aktiiviset). Sydän- ja verisuonitautien sairastumisriski oli merkitsevästi pienempi erittäin aktiivisessa ryhmässä verrattuna inaktiiviseen ryhmään ja lisäksi naisilla kohtuullisen aktiivisessa ryhmässä verrattuna inaktiiviseen ja ilta-aktiiviseen ryhmään. Sairastumisriski oli keskimäärin matala viitaten hyvään sydänterveyteen tutkimusjoukossa.
Pitkillä paikallaanolojaksoilla oli yhteys sydämen autonomiseen säätelyyn, jota tässä työssä ei selittänyt fyysinen aktiivisuus tai aerobinen kunto. Korkeampi sydän- ja verisuonitautien riski löydettiin aktiivisuusryhmistä, joissa fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrä oli vähäisempää ja naisilla painottunut myöhäisempään iltaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää interventioiden suunnittelussa riskiryhmille, joiden fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaanolon piirteet ovat terveydelle haitallisia.
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Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in young men:the determinants and effectiveness of a tailored, mobile, gamified interventionPyky, R. (Riitta) 25 November 2019 (has links)
Physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour (SB) are harmful to health, but both globally and in Finland, 80% of adolescents are not physically active enough and they sit too much. Unhealthy behaviour seems to accumulate in young men. Factors underlying unhealthy behaviour should be identified, and based on these, effective interventions for health promotion should be developed. In this study we aimed to clarify the determinants of physical activity (PA) and SB in young men. In addition, we studied the effects of a gamified, tailored, mobile PA intervention on PA and subjective wellbeing.
Population-based data were collected in call-ups organized by the Finnish Defence Forces in 2010, 2012 and 2013 in the Oulu area, Finland. Altogether 2526 approximately 18-year-old men filled in a questionnaire, attended physical performance tests and went through a medical examination. In 2013, all 811 men who attended physiological measurements were invited to participate in a six-month randomized controlled trial, and 496 (61%) of them agreed to do so and were randomized into intervention (n=250) and control (n=246) groups. The intervention group got access to a mobile service developed in this study. PA and SB were continuously monitored during the trial. The PA and SB of the controls was measured without feedback on behaviour.
The profiles “exercising but sitting”, “feeling unhappy”, “symptoms of disordered eating”, “being unfit with appearance-related motivation” and “gaming” were found among the sedentary young men. The men living in both built and natural environments were equally physically active. The mother’s PA was associated with PA in men living in the built environment and the father’s PA with PA among natural environment residents. The intervention had a borderline positive effect on moderate-to-vigorous PA, but there was no change in SB or light PA. Life satisfaction improved both in the intervention group and the control group. Various functionalities related to the PA of the mobile service were considered important. However, the compliance in using the service was limited. Improvements in PA, self-rated health and life satisfaction were seen, especially among the men in the intervention group with low levels of PA and poor subjective wellbeing at baseline.
This study complements existing knowledge on the PA and SB of youth and the findings on the effects of technology-based PA promotion. The study adds to literature on individual, environmental and parental factors underlying SB and PA in young men. These findings highlight the importance of individually designed health promotion among young men. / Tiivistelmä
Fyysinen inaktiivisuus ja liiallinen istuminen ovat terveydelle haitallisia. Siitä huolimatta nuoret Suomessa ja muualla maailmalla eivät liiku riittävästi ja istuvat liian paljon. Epäterveelliset elintavat näyttävät kasaantuvan erityisesti nuorille miehille. Liikkumattomuuden taustatekijät tulisi tunnistaa ja kehittää uusia menetelmiä nuorten aktivointiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää nuorten miesten fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja paikallaan olon taustatekijöitä sekä pelillistetyn, räätälöidyn ja mobiilin intervention vaikuttavuutta.
Väestöpohjainen aineisto kerättiin Oulun alueen kutsunnoissa vuosina 2010, 2012 ja 2013. Yhteensä 2526 keskimäärin 18-vuotiasta nuorta miestä täytti hyvinvointikyselyn, osallistui kuntotesteihin ja kävi lääkärintarkastuksessa. Satunnaistettuun, kontrolloituun, kuuden kuukauden interventioon osallistui 496 nuorta. Interventioryhmä sai käyttöönsä tutkimuksessa kehitetyn mobiilin palvelun, joka sisälsi pelillisiä elementtejä. Lisäksi ryhmään kuuluneiden fyysistä aktiivisuutta mitattiin jatkuvasti koko intervention ajan kiihtyvyysanturimenetelmällä ja he saivat siitä palautetta. Kontrolliryhmän aktiivisuus mitattiin, mutta he eivät saaneet palautetta.
Viisi erilaista profiilia tunnistettiin paljon istuvien nuorten miesten vastauksista: paljon istuvat liikkujat, elämäänsä tyytymättömät, syömishäiriöillä oireilevat, huonokuntoiset ulkonäöstä motivoitujat ja pelaajat. Luonnollisessa ja rakennetussa ympäristössä asuvat nuoret liikkuivat yhtä paljon. Äidin runsas liikkuminen oli yhteydessä rakennetussa asuinympäristössä asuvien poikien suurempaan fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, kun taas isän liikkumisella oli positiivinen yhteys luonnollisessa ympäristössä asuvien poikien liikkumiseen. Interventio lisäsi jonkin verran poikien kohtuukuormitteisen tai raskaan fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrää. Paikallaan olon tai kevyen aktiivisuuden määrä ei muuttunut. Elämäntyytyväisyys koheni sekä interventio- että kontrolliryhmässä. Vaikka tutkittavien sitoutuminen tutkimukseen oli kohtuullisen heikko, he pitivät monia tutkimuksessa kehitetyn mobiilin palvelun fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen liittyviä ominaisuuksia kiinnostavina. Erityisesti niillä nuorilla, jotka olivat liikkuneet vähän tai kokeneet hyvinvointinsa huonoksi tutkimuksen alussa, havaittiin positiivisia muutoksia intervention aikana.
Tutkimuksessa saatiin lisää tietoa yksilöllisten sekä ympäristöön että vanhempiin liittyvien tekijöiden merkityksestä nuorten liikkumiselle ja paikallaan ololle. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa pelillistetyn, räätälöidyn mobiiliteknologian mahdollisuuksista nuorten miesten aktivoinnissa. Tulosten perusteella yksilöllinen räätälöinti on tärkeää nuorten miesten terveyden edistämiseen tähtäävissä interventioissa.
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Vilken betydelse har sportighet? : Yngre elever resonerar kring betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet och fysisk självkänslaJacobsson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Min avsikt med studien var att undersöka yngre elevers (8-10 år) attityder och upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet, samt vilken roll barnen tilldelar fysisk förmåga och upplevd fysisk självkänsla vid spel och lekar tillsammans med andra barn. Metod Urvalet bestod av 12 elever, 8-10 år med vilka en semistrukturerad intervju genomfördes. Vid intervjun användes bilder som föreställde barn i olika situationer. Utöver Intervjun genomfördes en föräldraenkät för att få en bakgrundsinformation om föräldrarnas syn på barnens fysiska aktivitet och deras egna motionsvanor. Intervjusvaren bearbetades utifrån frågeställningarna, analyserades och tolkades med utgångspunkt från ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Resultat Eleverna beskriver den egna fysiska självkänslan i termer av god idrottslig motorisk kompetens. Då respondenterna resonerar kring andras goda kompetenser beskrivs dessa i termer av fysisk styrka och kondition. De fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) eleverna tenderar att vara tydligare i sina motiveringar till varför de är duktiga på idrott eller är sportiga. Majoriteten av respondenterna väljer umgänge och gemensam aktivitet baserat på rörelsekompetens och sportighet. Samtliga respondenter beskriver en positiv upplevelse av ämnet idrott och hälsa. Det förekommer dock i intervjusvaren berättelser om kamrater som beskrivs som fysiskt inaktiva och ej roade av ämnet. De fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) respondenterna har lättare att beskriva vad som är roligt i ämnet och de har en något tydligare bild av ämnets investeringsvärde. Dock legitimeras ämnet enligt ett investeringsvärde snarare än av ett egenvärde av samtliga respondenter. Slutsats Samtliga respondenter äger en hög grad av fysisk självkänsla, som beskrivs i termer av god idrottslig motorisk kompetens. Ur ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv verkar fysisk aktivitet, att vara sportig, ha en viss betydelse för yngre elever då det gäller val av umgänge och fria aktiviteter på exempelvis raster. Detta framträder som mer betydelsefullt för de fysiskt aktiva (föreningsbundna) eleverna och för de äldre eleverna. Dock verkar sportighet ej ha någon betydelse för social positionering eller företräda ett hierarkiskt värde för yngre elever. / Aim My aim was to exploreexperiences and attitudes towards physical activity among juniors (children aged 8 to 10 years), in particular the influence of physical activity and physical self-esteem when playing and interacting with others. Method Interviews with 12 randomly selected juniors from grades 2 to 4, i.e. aged 8 to 10 was carried out. Pictures presenting children in different situations were used during the interviews. The interviews were also supplemented with a questionnaire where the parents views on physical activity andexpectations on their children were displayed. The answers were categorized, compared and analyzed from an interactionist perspective. Results The respondents own physical self-esteem is described in terms of high athletic motor competence. When the respondents argue about others high competence, they use terms of physical power and cardiovascular health. Juniors with memberships in sport clubs tend to be more explicit when giving reasons why they are good at sports. The majority of the respondents choose company and activities based on physical competence and sports performance. All respondents express favourable experiences from physical education (PE). Yet, the interviews include stories about friends who are physically inactive, and who does not seem to experience a pleasure in, or enjoy participating in PE. Membership in sports clubs is associated with a higher ability to describe what is stimulating in the subject and also associated with having a slightly more distinct picture of the investment value of the subject. However, the subject is justified by an investment value, rather than an intrinsic value by all respondents. Conclusion All of the respondents have a high level of physical self-esteem, which is described in terms of high athletic motor competence. From an interactionist perspective, physical activity, being sporty, seems to have certain significance to juniors concerning choice of company and free activities, e.g. in school breaks. This is even more obvious for pupils with membership in sport clubs, and also for the older pupils. However, being sporty does not seem to have any value of hierarchy, nor does social position seem to depend on being sporty.
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