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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Domain-Specific Perfectionism in Adolescents: Using Expectancy-Value Theory to Predict Mental Health

Koerten, Hannah R. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Self-Compassion in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Mediation Study

Constantakes, Arianna K. 24 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Developing and evaluating a compassion-based therapy for trauma-related shame and posttraumatic stress

Au, Teresa Mingchi 09 November 2015 (has links)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been primarily conceptualized as a fear-based disorder, but accumulating research indicates that shame can also strongly contribute to the development and maintenance of PTSD. Existing evidence-based treatments for PTSD typically focus on dysregulated fear responding and do not directly target the affective experience of shame. Interventions that promote self-compassion have shown promise for reducing shame related to various clinical problems, but this approach has not been systematically evaluated in traumatized individuals. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a brief compassion-based therapy, with the hypothesis that it would reduce trauma-related shame and PTSD symptoms. The intervention consisted of six weekly individual therapy sessions focused on promoting self-compassion in response to a traumatic event and its sequelae. Using a multiple baseline design, the intervention was evaluated in a community sample of trauma-exposed adults (N = 10) with elevated shame and PTSD symptoms. Participants completed assessments on a weekly basis during a 2-, 4-, or 6-week baseline phase and 6-week treatment phase, and at 2- and 4-weeks after the intervention. By the end of treatment, 90% of participants demonstrated reliable decreases in PTSD symptom severity (p < .05), while 80% of participants showed reliable reductions in shame (p < .05), relative to their respective scores at baseline. These improvements were maintained at 2- and 4-week follow-up, with large effect sizes for PTSD symptom severity (d = 2.26) and shame (d = 2.12), compared to scores at baseline. The intervention was also associated with improvements in self-blame (d = 2.61), self-compassion (d = 2.28), mindfulness (d = 2.21), positive affect (d = 1.07), and negative affect (d = 2.14). Greater increases in self-compassion from baseline to follow-up were correlated with greater reductions in PTSD symptom severity (r = -.76, p < .05) and in shame (r = -.79, p < .01). Participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the intervention. The results from the present study support the hypothesis that compassion-based therapy is associated with reductions in trauma-related shame and PTSD symptoms. The marked improvements observed during the relatively brief intervention suggest that the intervention may be useful as either a stand-alone treatment or as a supplement to other treatments.

Compassion - i kontexten psykisk ohälsa : En begreppsanalys

Beck, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Compassion är ett stort och ofta använt begrepp inom omvårdnad och ses av de allra flesta som arbetar eller forskar inom vård som en förutsättning för en bra vårdrelation. Den nytillkomna forskningen pekar dessutom på att om vi förmår möta patienterna med compassion och tränar oss i compassion med oss själva kan det få goda effekter på vårdrelationer, bidra till lindrat lidande för patienten, stimulera till ökad motivation och egenvård hos patienten samt minska risken för empatitrötthet hos vårdpersonal. Begreppet compassion är väl dokumenterat i omvårdnadslitteratur men inte särskilt väl definierat. Existerande litteratur saknar tydlighet i hur compassion representeras och förstås som begrepp och dess funktion kopplat till psykisk hälsa. Syftet med denna uppsats är att klargöra innebörden i begreppet compassion och att förtydliga begreppets betydelse i kontexten psykisk ohälsa. En begreppsanalys utifrån Walker och Avants modell (2014) har genomförts. Resultatet utgörs av en lexikal del och en litterär del som sedan vägs samman till definierande attribut för compassion. I den litterära delen presenteras fyra teman: Närvaro; Medmänsklighet; Agera på lidande och Emotionella egenskaper. Analysen har frambringat attributen: Vänlighet, Hjälpsamhet och Medmänsklighet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur compassion och dess attribut kan förstås i en kontext av psykisk ohälsa utifrån perspektiven: konsekvenser, empatitrötthet, self-compassion och lidande. Compassion är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp. Men resultatet har ändå bringat viss kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen av att ha varit i närheten av compassion. Förståelsen kan ge kunskap om vad som är viktigt för att kunna förmedla compassion till andra och till sig själv.


Enbom, Ludvig, Forsell, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Psykologiska aspekter inom E-sport är ett relativt obeforskat område. E-sport skiljer sig från traditionell sport i att den inte ställer samma fysiska krav, men inom andra områden är kraven liknande. I E-sport ställs höga krav på koncentration och beslutsfattande, samt förmågan att hantera emotioner som stress och prestationsångest. I denna studie undersöktes korrelationer mellan självskattad self-compassion, coping, ångest, stress, tillfredsställelse samt självskattad prestation och Average Damage per Round (ADR). Vidare genomfördes en kort intervention för att undersöka om 3 dagars övning i self-compassion har en effekt på självskattad self-compassion, coping, ångest, stress, tillfredsställelse samt självskattad prestation och ADR. Övningen bestod av en självadministrerad, skriftlig uppgift med syfte att träna viktiga komponenter i self-compassion. Deltagarna (N = 8) var manliga gymnasieelever i åldrarna 16-19 år, med Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) som E-sportsinriktning. Studien har en kvasiexperimentell inomindividsdesign. Data samlades in med digitala självskattningsformulär vid två tillfällen; före (T1) och efter (T2) interventionen. De formulär som användes var Self-compassion Scale (SCS), Brief COPE, samt enskilda frågor kring emotioner och subjektiv prestation. ADR insamlades via spelklienten. Det fanns ett negativt samband mellan Stress och ADR och ett positivt samband mellan Mindfulness och Tillfredsställelse. Mellan T1 och T2 ökade även poängen på subskalan Denial i Brief COPE. Sammanfattningsvis visar analyserna tendenser till förändringar i coping och self-compassion, men få signifikanta resultat fanns. Resultaten bör dock tolkas med försiktighet med tanke på det låga deltagarantalet och indikationer behöver styrkas med vidare studier inom ämnet.

Att få ett slut på ältandet : Kan komponenterna av självmedkänsla predicera ruminering?

Sjölund, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Ruminering är en maladaptiv emotionsregleringsstrategi som definieras av repetitiva, återkommande, okontrollerbara och påträngande tankar. Ruminering har visats vara starkt kopplat till depression. Självmedkänsla är en adaptiv emotionsregleringsstrategi som består av komponenterna mindfulness och motpolen överidentifiering, self- kindness och motpolen self-judgement och common humanity och motpolen isolering. Studiens syfte var att undersöka sambandet mellan de sex komponenterna av självmedkänsla och ruminering samt om komponenterna av självmedkänsla kunde predicera ruminering, kontrollerat för kön och ålder. Åttio deltagare varav 57 kvinnor, svarade på en online enkät som mätte självmedkänsla, ruminering samt demografiska variabler. Korrelationer visade, som förväntat att ruminering hade negativa samband med mindfulness, self-kindness och common humanity samt positiva samband med deras motpoler. En hierarkisk regression visade att överidentifiering kunde predicera 6.5% av ruminering kontrollerat för kön och ålder. Ju mer överidentifiering desto mer ruminering. Resultatet från studien kan vara viktigt i arbete med att förebygga ruminering då ruminering kan kopplas till depression.

The Relationship of Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Social Support to Psychological Well-being in NCAA Female Athletes during COVID-19

Mikesell, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
When COVID-19 hit the United States in spring of 2020, collegiate student-athletes, who had sport seasons canceled and were forced to move off-campus, were uniquely and significantly impacted. Psychosocial resources, such as social support, self-compassion, and resilience, may have been used to help athletes cope with the stress of COVID-19. I used structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship of resilience, self-compassion, and social support to collegiate female athlete's (n = 3,924) psychological well-being at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, the more supported, self-compassionate, and resilient the athletes reported being, the less psychological distress they said they were experiencing (resilience to psychological distress (β = -.215, p < .001), self-compassion to psychological distress (β = -.533, p < .001), and social support to psychological distress (β = -.187, p < .001)). Further, self-compassion and social support were related indirectly (and inversely) to psychological distress, to the extent that they contributed to the athletes perceiving themselves as more resilient (Self Compassion X Resilience X Psychological Distress: β = -.106, 90% CI [-.148, -.069]; Social Support X Resilience Psychological Distress: β = -.065, 90% CI [-.099, -.041]). The total effect of social support, which included the direct and indirect effects, also was significant (β = -.253, 90% CI -.307, -.196]), as was the total effect of self-compassion (β = -.639, 90% CI [-.679, -.597]). Although I collected my data in the context of this pandemic, the supported relationships have application beyond it and can guide how sports medicine professionals intervene with athletes and their general mental health concerns.

Negative Life Events and Suicide Risk in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-Compassion

Hirsch, Jameson K., Hall, Benjamin B., Wise, Haley A., Brooks, Byron D., Chang, Edward C., Sirois, Fuschia M. 01 January 2021 (has links)
Objective: Suicide risk is a significant public health concern for college students and may be exacerbated by hopelessness resulting from negative life events (NLE), yet may be ameliorated by self-compassion. We examined the mediating role of hopelessness in the relation between NLE and suicidal behavior, and the moderating influence of self-compassion on all model paths. Participants: Participants were 338 undergraduates (89% white; 67% female). Data were collected from December 2014 to December 2015. Methods: Participants completed the Life Events Checklist for College Students, Beck Hopelessness Inventory, Self-Compassion Scale, and Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire–Revised. Results: Negative life events were related to greater hopelessness and, in turn, to more suicidal behavior, yet self-compassion attenuated this effect. Conclusions: Self-compassion may buffer the NLE–hopelessness linkage, thereby reducing suicide risk among college students. Therapeutic promotion of self-compassion, and reduction of hopelessness, may be important suicide prevention strategies on college campuses.

Self-Compassion and Suicide Risk in Veterans: When the Going Gets Tough, Do the Tough Benefit More from Self-Compassion?

Rabon, Jessica Kelliher, Hirsch, Jameson K., Kaniuka, Andrea R., Sirois, Fuschia, Brooks, Byron D., Neff, Kristin 01 December 2019 (has links)
Objectives: Veterans are at particular risk for suicide due to psychopathological, emotional, and interpersonal risk factors. However, the presence of individual-level protective factors, such as self-compassion, may reduce risk, becoming more salient at increasing levels of distress and psychopathology, per theory. We examined the relation between self-compassion and suicide risk, and the moderating effects of depression, PTSD symptoms, anger, shame, and thwarted interpersonal needs. Methods: Our sample of US veterans (n = 541) in our cross-sectional study were mostly male (69.1%) with an average age of 49.90 (SD = 16.78), who completed online self-report measures: Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised, Multidimensional Health Profile-Psychosocial Functioning Screening Tool, PTSD Checklist-Military Version, Differential Emotions Scale-IV, and the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Results: The linkage between self-compassion and suicidal behavior in our veteran sample was moderated by distress-evoking risk factors, including depression, anger, shame, and thwarted interpersonal needs, such that, as level of risk severity increases, the inverse association between self-compassion and suicidal behavior is strengthened. Conclusions: Our findings highlight an emergent protective process that may prevent suicide in times of distress. Therapeutically bolstering the ability for self-compassion may provide a proactive coping strategy that can be brought to bear in times of crisis, reducing suicide risk for veterans.

Negative Life Events and Suicide Risk in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-Compassion

Hirsch, Jameson K., Hall, Benjamin B., Wise, Haley A., Brooks, Byron D., Chang, Edward C., Sirois, Fuschia M. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Objective: Suicide risk is a significant public health concern for college students and may be exacerbated by hopelessness resulting from negative life events (NLE), yet may be ameliorated by self-compassion. We examined the mediating role of hopelessness in the relation between NLE and suicidal behavior, and the moderating influence of self-compassion on all model paths. Participants: Participants were 338 undergraduates (89% white; 67% female). Data were collected from December 2014 to December 2015. Methods: Participants completed the Life Events Checklist for College Students, Beck Hopelessness Inventory, Self-Compassion Scale, and Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire–Revised. Results: Negative life events were related to greater hopelessness and, in turn, to more suicidal behavior, yet self-compassion attenuated this effect. Conclusions: Self-compassion may buffer the NLE–hopelessness linkage, thereby reducing suicide risk among college students. Therapeutic promotion of self-compassion, and reduction of hopelessness, may be important suicide prevention strategies on college campuses.

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