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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samlade upplevelser av self-compassion och dess inverkan på kost : En integrerande sammanställning av det kvalitativa forskningsläget / Collected experiences of self-compassion and its impact on diet : An integrated compilation of the qualitative research field

Bengtsson, Emma, Lidholm, Saga January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kostvanor och relation till kost påverkas av flera faktorer och self-compassion har en inverkan på båda enligt tidigare forskning. Self-compassion grundar sig i tre komponenter som är self-kindness, mindfulness, common humanity. Syfte: Syftet ämnar skapa en fördjupad förståelse för den upplevda kopplingen mellan selfcompassion och kost. Metod: En litteraturstudie i form av en integrerande sammanställning av kvalitativ forskning. Resultat: Resultatet redovisar tre teman: self-compassion påverkar relationen till kost, selfcompassion påverkar kostbeteenden och self-compassion är ett ständigt pågående arbete. Slutsats: Self-compassion har gett olika erfarenheter så som ökad medvetenhet, höjd närvaro, samt ökat fokus på behov, näring och känslor relaterat till kost jämfört med tidigare. Vardagliga beteenden kring kost har förbättrats genom self-compassion då personer ätit långsammare och överätit i mindre utsträckning. Self-compassion kan dock kräva arbete. Deltagare upplevde över lag att self-compassion påverkade dem positivt. / Backround: Dietary habits and the relationship to dietary habits are influenced by several factors and self-compassion has an impact on both according to previous research. Selfcompassion is based on three components which are self-kindness, mindfulness, common humanity. Aim: The aim of this study was to create a deeper understanding of the perceived connection between self-compassion and diet. Method: A literature review in the form of an integrative compilation of qualitative research. Result: The results report three themes: self-compassion affects the relationship to diet, selfcompassion affects dietary behaviors and self-compassion is a constantly ongoing work. Conclusion; Self-compassion has given different experiences such as increased awareness, increased presence, as well as increased focus on needs, nutrition and feelings related to diet compared to before. Everyday behaviors around diet have improved through self-compassion as people ate more slowly and overeat to a lesser extent. However, self-compassion takes work. Participants generally felt that self-compassion affected them positively.

Self-Compassion and Its Relation to Nonsuicidal Self-Injury

Wiseman, Justin M. 05 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Axelsson, Susanne, Kihlberg, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Sjukskrivningstalen är höga bland terapeuter och handledning ses som ett viktigt stöd i både utbildning och yrkesutövning. Trots det så har få metoder fokuserat på terapeuters egna upplevelse av handledning. Några nya metoder med syfte att öka intrapersonell och psykologisk kapacitet hos terapeuter i arbete med klienter är Deliberate Practice (DP), Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) och Self-compassion (SC). Under 2018 användes dessa metoder av två handledare som handledde sex studentterapeuter under utbildning. Denna studie undersöker hur studentterapeuterna upplevde det nya arbetssättet. Studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats tematiskt utifrån en induktiv ansats. Resultatet visar att ett upplevelse- och feedbackbaserat arbetssätt uppfattades som tidseffektivt, strukturerat och målinriktat. Detta skapar aktivitet och delaktighet, en stark gruppdynamik samt god allians med handledarna vilket ger gott klimat för inlärning och utveckling. Några negativa aspekter på arbetssättet är att det är tidskrävande, att fokusering på prestation och feedback upplevs som ett hinder som kan skapa stress, ångest samt en känsla av att utvärderingen inte blir rättvis. Sammantaget visar resultatet att arbetssättet uppfattas som gynnsamt för studentterapeuter i utbildningsterapi gällande utveckling av både terapeutiska färdigheter och intrapersonell kapacitet. En utmaning för arbetssättet är att handledningen är obligatorisk, hierarkisk och betygsgrundande. För att generera goda förutsättningar för arbetssättet behövs mer utrymme i utbildningen skapas, fördelarna med arbetssättet belysas och ett tillåtande klimat med fokus på allians mellan studenter och handledare upprätthållas. Därtill är det också viktigt att beakta studenternas förmåga att vara självmedkännande. / There are high rates of sick-leave among therapists and supervision is seen as an important support in both professional practice and during education. Despite this, there are few methods that focuses on therapists' experience of supervision. Some new methods with the aim to increase the intrapersonal and psychological capacity of therapists in work with clients are Deliberate Practice (DP), Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) and Self-Compassion (SC). During 2018, these methods were used by two supervisors who supervised six student therapists during training. This study examines how the student therapists experienced the new way of working. To collect the data semi-structured interviews were conducted, to further be analyzed thematically based on an inductive approach. The result showed that an experience- and feedback-based approach was perceived as efficient, structured and goal-oriented. This created activity and participation, a strong group dynamic and a good alliance with the supervisors, which provided a good climate for learning and development. Some negative aspects of the work method were that it’s a time-consuming. Further, focusing on performance and feedback was perceived as an obstacle that could create stress, anxiety and a feeling that the evaluation was not fair. The result showed overall that the way of working was perceived as beneficial for student therapists in education therapy regarding the development of both therapeutic skills and intrapersonal capacity. A challenge is that supervision is mandatory, hierarchical and that it’s a graded task. In order to generate good conditions for the work method more available space is needed within program. The advantages of the method need to be highlighted and an open climate with focus on alliance between students and supervisors need to be maintained. It is also important to consider the students' ability to be self-compassionate.

Facets of mindfulness in health professionals and patient adjustment to cancer

Sinclair, Ashleigh Karen January 2014 (has links)
Systematic Review: Healthcare professionals work in highly emotive environments and are considered to be at high risk of developing burnout due to the nature of their roles. There has been increased interest in applying mindfulness-based interventions for stress reduction in healthcare professionals. Previous reviews have tended to include a heterogeneous mix of patients, healthcare students and healthcare professionals. The inherent differences in these roles limits the conclusions that can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for healthcare professionals. The current review aimed to address this gap in knowledge by reviewing mindfulness-based interventions specifically for healthcare professionals. Eight studies were included in the review. It was concluded that despite some methodological weaknesses there was promising evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing stress and improving well-being particularly when baseline levels of stress were high. The evidence in support of reducing burnout was less conclusive. Future studies employing larger samples using active controls and longitudinal designs will provide valuable information on the long-term efficacy of these interventions. Empirical Research Study: Several studies have identified psychological adjustment as one of the most important factors correlating with psychological distress and quality of life in people with cancer. Identifying ways to promote positive adjustment to cancer is an important goal in helping to alleviate distress and improve quality of life for this client group. This can be facilitated by identifying robust predictors of distress. Previous studies have identified a number of useful predictors, such as coping styles and psychological adjustment styles. The current study aimed to explore the predictive power of two newer constructs aligned to mindfulness-based processes: self-compassion and cognitive fusion - in determining adjustment to cancer. 114 adults with various cancer diagnoses completed the Mini Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale, Brief COPE, the Self-Compassion Scale, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire; and two outcome measures: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Functional Analysis of Cancer Therapy – General. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to explore relationships between predictor variables: mental adjustment, coping style, self-compassion and cognitive fusion, and outcome variables: distress and quality of life. Results showed that a known predictor, emotional avoidance coping and the newer construct, cognitive fusion were significant predictors of distress over and above other known predictors. Emotional avoidance coping was the only significant predictor of quality of life over and above known predictors and the newer constructs under examination. Self-compassion did not account for any significant incremental variance in distress or quality of life after controlling for other known predictors. The results of this study indicate that interventions focused on reducing cognitive fusion and emotional avoidance are warranted and potentially beneficial in reducing distress in this population.

Hur perfekt får en vara? : Prediktorer för förändring vid internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi för perfektionism / How perfect can you be? : Predictors of change in Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism

Skoglund, Malin, Trosell, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Perfectionism has been seen to predict treatment outcome and symptom severity in clinically relevant diagnoses such as depression and anxiety disorders. It has also been suggested to be a transdiagnostic phenomenon. The aim of this study was to investigate, for the first time, predictors of change in Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism. The chosen predictors were perfectionism severity, comorbid diagnosis and degree of self-compassion. The study was a part of the Devin-project; a randomized controlled trial with 150 participants that were allocated to active treatment (N=73) or a waitlist condition (N=77). Multiple linear regression analysis was used for the analyses. Variables chosen a priori did not significantly predict the treatment outcome (R2=.10, p = .099). A post hoc-analysis showed that perfectionism severity, as measured with CPQ, predicted symptom change after treatment (B = .783, β = .56 p < .001). The results indicate that perfectionism severity doesn’t impair the treatment effects and that the treatment is effective, independent of comorbid diagnoses. Self-compassion was investigated on an explorative basis but the results can indicate that the variable is not a risk factor nor a protective factor for perfectionism. As Devin is the largest randomized controlled study of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism to date, this study generates important implications and suggestions for future research. / Devin


Matsuyuki, Masami 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the process of forgiveness and the relationship among state forgiveness, self-compassion, and psychological well-being experienced by Buddhists in the United States. An integral feminist framework was developed for this mixed-method study. For the quantitative component of this study, a convenience sample of 112 adults completed an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was performed to examine: (a) the impact of gender, age, and the years spent in Buddhist practice on state forgiveness and self-compassion; (b) the outcome of psychological well-being in relation to state forgiveness and self-compassion; and (c) self-compassion as a mediator for the relationship between state forgiveness and psychological well-being. Quantitative results indicated: (a) state forgiveness positively predicted psychological well-being; (b) the years spent in Buddhist practice positively predicted self-compassion; (c) self-compassion positively predicted psychological well-being; and (d) self-compassion partially mediated the relationship between state forgiveness and psychological well-being. Age did not predict any of the three primary variables. Gender did not predict state forgiveness. For the qualitative component of this study, this researcher purposefully selected four adults from a local Buddhist community in central Kentucky and conducted two in-depth interviews to explore their subjective experiences of forgiveness within their own contexts. A holistic-content narrative analysis revealed unique features of each interviewee’s forgiveness process interwoven with the socio-cultural, family and relational contexts. From a phenomenological analysis, common themes and elements of the interviewees’ forgiveness processes emerged. Qualitative findings corresponded to the quantitative results concerning state forgiveness as a route to psychological well-being, the positive relationship between Buddhist practice and compassion, and the role of self-compassion in the relationship between state forgiveness and psychological well-being. Qualitative findings also suggested the following. First, two-way compassion toward self and the offender was a facilitating factor for forgiveness that may be unique to Buddhists. Second, one’s actual experience of forgiveness may encompass not only cognitive, affective, and behavioral changes, but also transformation of self and perspective on meaning and purpose in life. Third, Enright and his colleagues’ (1998) stage and process models of forgiveness were useful to understand Buddhists’ experiences and processes of forgiveness.

Självmedkänsla och stress : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om ungdomar

Drake af Hagelsrum, Johanna, Krantz, Per January 2017 (has links)
Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka sambandet mellan självmedkänsla ochgenerell, upplevd stress hos svenska ungdomar, 15-19 år. Förutom att undersökaovanstående fråga undersöktes även hur väl självmedkänsla predicerade generell,upplevd stress i samma stickprov, när effekten av ålder och kön kontrollerades för.Studiens deltagare bestod av 226 ungdomar studerande vid högstadie- ellergymnasieskola i södra Sverige och data samlades in via Self-Compassion Scale ShortForm (SCS-SF) och Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) och i klassrumsmiljö. Resultatetvisade en signifikant, negativ korrelation mellan självmedkänsla och generell, upplevdstress. Självmedkänsla var också en signifikant prediktor för stress, efter det att effektenav ålder och kön hade kontrollerats för, och förklarade ensam 29,3 % av variansen istress. Detta resultat indikerar att självmedkänsla kan komma att spela en viktig roll iden fortsatta utvecklingen av förebyggande och stressreducerande behandlingar. / The current study aimed at exploring the correlation between self-compassion andgeneral, perceived stress among Swedish adolescents, age 15-19 years. Furthermore, theextent to which self-compassion predicted general perceived stress, when controlling forthe effect of age and gender, was explored. The participants of the study consisted of226 adolescents attending the Swedish equivalent to high-school (year 9-12) in southernSweden, and data was collected with Self-Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF) andPerceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) in classroom settings. Results showed a significant,negative correlation between self-compassion and general, perceived stress. Selfcompassionremained a significant predictor for stress, after controlling for the effect ofage and gender, and uniquely explained 29,3 % of the variance in stress. This resultindicates that self-compassion may be useful in the future development of preventionand stress-reducing treatments.

Hur behandlar jag mig själv i svåra stunder? : Uppfattning av självmedkänsla och Self-Compassion Scale bland vuxna med adhd.

Pavlik, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare psykologisk forskning har visat på samband mellan hög grad självmedkänsla och välbefinnande samt att låg grad självmedkänsla haft samband med psykopatologi. Lite vårdvetenskaplig forskning har gjorts om självmedkänsla och begreppet anses fortfarande relativt okänt. Syfte: Att beskriva hur vuxna personer med adhd uppfattade begreppet självmedkänsla och samtal utifrån Self-Compassion Scale. Hur såg vuxna med adhd på begreppet självmedkänsla och dess innebörd? Vilka utmaningar och vilken behållning beskrev de i användandet av Self-Compassion Scale? Hur var deras självmedkänsla? Metod: Undersökningen hade en QUAL + quan, mixed method design. Fyra personer deltog i kognitiva intervjuer i den kvalitativa delen och i den kvantitativa delen fyllde 23 personer i Self-Compassion Scale. Intervjuerna genomgick en innehållsanalys medan skattningsskalorna har analyserats numeriskt. Resultat: Intervjuerna redovisar tre kategorier; Självmedkänsla innefattar välbefinnande och relationen till sig själv och andra, Samtal leder till självinsikt och Att utforska problem och lösningar är givande och utmanande. Personerna skattade totalt 2,6 i självmedkänsla, vilket betyder medelnivå (medelnivå = 2,6-3,5 ). Slutsatser: Att samtala om självmedkänsla kan vara utmanande och betydelsefullt för personer med adhd. Att som specialistsjuksköterska inom psykiatri ha kunskap om självmedkänsla kan vara värdefullt för patientens hälsa och återhämtning. / Background: Research has shown correlation between high self-compassion and wellbeing as well as low self-compassion has been correlated with psychopathology. Little research of Self-compassion in nursing science has been done and the concept is still relative unknown. Aim: To describe how adults with adhd percived the concept of self-compassion and conversation  with Self-Compassion Scale as starting point. How did adults with adhd perceive self-compassion and it´s meaning? Which challanges and profits did they describe in the use of Self-Compassion Scale? How was their self-compassion? Method: The study had a QUAL + quan, mixed method design. Four participants performed cognitive interviews in the qualitative part and in the quantitative part 23 participants performed Self-Compassion Scale. The interviews underwent content analysis and the assessment tools has been numerically analyzed. Result: The interviews present three categories; Self-compassion contains wellbeing and the relationship to oneself and others, Conversation leeds to self-awareness and To explore problems and solutions is rewarding and challenging. Persons rate a medium-level self-compassion of 2,6 in total (medium level = 2,6-3,5). Highest scores for the categories isolation and over-identified. Conclusion: To converse about self-compassion can be challenging and important for persons with adhd. For the nurse within psychiatric care to have knowledge of self-compassion can be valuable to patient’s health and recovery.

Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of Neff’s Self-Compassion Scale in a Swedish Sample

Anderson, Azadeh January 2015 (has links)
The self-compassion conceptualization developed by Neff (2003a, b) and its corresponding 26-item inventory (SCS) has gained interest in recent years. SCS have proven good validity and reliability, but its suggested six-factor model cannot always be replicated. Recent studies have shown a more promising two-factor model for the SCS. The aim of this study was to test the structural validity of a translated Swedish SCS in university students (n = 464; 22% men). The results showed good construct validity, test-retest and internal reliability (ICC = .97; α = .86). Partial confirmatory factor analysis could not confirm the six-factor model but did support the two-factor model consisting of a positively worded (self-compassionate attitude) and a negatively worded (self-critical attitude) factor. The modified scale (SCS-Swe22) showed good reliability and construct validity (ICC = .96; α = .89). Despite promising results, additional work is required to secure the structural construct of SCS-Swe22.


Tanner, Katie J., Pugh, Kelley C., Britton, Peter C., Pigeon, Wilfred R., Sirois, Fuschia M,, Hirsch, Jameson K. 05 April 2018 (has links)
Veterans in the United States experience heightened suicide risk, compared to civilians, accounting for approximately 7,400 suicides annually. Among many potential risk factors, insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep) is prevalent in veterans. Individuals with insomnia often encounter difficulties in daily functioning (e.g., fatigue, difficulty concentrating, decreased work performance) and, as a result, may experience perceived burdensomeness (i.e., perceptions of being restrictive or taxing to others), a known contributor to suicide risk. However, not all veterans who suffer from insomnia or perceive themselves as a burden engage in suicidal behaviors, perhaps due to individual-level protective factors. One such factor, self-compassion (i.e., the extension of kindness to oneself in adverse or difficult times), is comprised of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness, and may reduce suicide risk by buffering against negative self-evaluations regarding sleeplessness and performance. However, this premise has not been previously investigated; therefore, in the current study, we examined the mediating role of perceived burdensomeness on the relation between insomnia and suicide risk and, further, the moderating role of self-compassion on these paths. At the bivariate level, we hypothesized that insomnia, perceived burdensomeness, and suicidal ideation would be positively related, and self-compassion would be inversely related to these factors. At the multivariate level, we hypothesized that the relation between insomnia and suicide risk would be mediated by perceived burdensomeness, and that this association would be moderated by self-compassion on all model paths; such that increased insomnia would be associated with higher levels of perceived burdensomeness and, in turn, suicide risk, and that self-compassion would weaken these deleterious linkages. Participants (N=551; Mean Age=50.4, SD=16.6) were community-dwelling veterans, most of whom were White (85.1%) males (69.3%) and were recruited via online invitations distributed to veteran-related social media groups and organizations. Participants completed an online survey, including: Insomnia Severity Index, Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire, Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire – Revised, and SelfCompassion Scale Short-Form. All bivariate hypotheses were supported, with significance at the p

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