Spelling suggestions: "subject:"selfassessment"" "subject:"elfassessment""
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O vídeo feedback como técnica de qualificação do processo comunicativo para educação permanente em saúde de mediadores de grupos educativos / The video feedback as technique to qualify the communicative process for permanent education in health of educational groups mediatorsDébora Aparecida Santiago 08 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Os grupos educativos de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional tendem a contemplar os propósitos da Promoção da Saúde quando se configuram como ambientes de interação harmoniosa que prezam pelo alcance da autonomia e do empoderamento dos participantes. Entendendo o processo comunicativo como fator que interfere nessa interação, considera-se pertinente os profissionais da saúde, que atuam como mediadores de grupos, produzirem conhecimentos sobre comunicação verbal e não verbal, a partir da autoavaliação, a fim de desenvolverem competências que fortaleçam a prática profissional. Objetivo: Identificar a aplicabilidade do vídeo feedback como técnica de qualificação do processo comunicativo para Educação Permanente em Saúde de mediadores de grupos educativos realizados na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: Pesquisa exploratória à luz da abordagem qualitativa, sob a perspectiva teórica do Interacionismo Simbólico, realizada em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de São Paulo com mediadores de grupos em cujo(s) encontro(s) fosse abordado o tema alimentação e nutrição. O estudo envolveu 2 momentos de investigação correspondentes a 2 dias de produção de dados com cada profissional, sendo que o primeiro dia contemplou as etapas: (I) observação sistemática, por meio de filmagem, do profissional da saúde mediando um grupo educativo; (II) vídeo feedback; (III) entrevista semi-estruturada; e (VI) qualificação do processo comunicativo. Já o segundo dia envolveu apenas as etapas I, II e III. Os dados gerados a partir das entrevistas foram transcritos e sistematizados segundo o método da Análise de Conteúdo Temática, proposto por Bardin. Resultados: Onze profissionais participaram do estudo, tendo suas respostas contemplado a formação de 4 categorias em cada um dos 2 momentos da investigação: o vídeo feedback e a autopercepção da comunicação, as implicações da comunicação na mediação de grupos educativos, considerações sobre a utilização do vídeo feedback na prática educativa em saúde e o vídeo feedback e a percepção dos mediadores de grupos sobre sua aplicabilidade. Conclusão: O vídeo feedback é uma técnica capaz de qualificar o processo comunicativo de profissionais da saúde que atuam como mediadores de grupos educativos, em especial por evidenciar características da comunicação que interferem na efetividade das interações harmoniosas no cuidado em saúde. / Introduction: Educational groups of Food and Nutritional Education tend to contemplate the Health Promotion purposes when configured as harmonious interaction environments that value the reach of autonomy and empowerment of the participants. Understanding the communication process as a factor which affects this interaction, it is considered relevant to the health professionals working as groups mediators to produce knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, by means of self-assessment in order to develop skills to strengthen the professional practice. Objective: To identify the applicability of the video feedback as a qualification technique of the communicative process for Permanent Education in Health of educational groups mediators working in Primary Health Care. Methods: Exploratory research with qualitative approach, -under the theoretical perspective of Symbolic Interactionism, held in one Basic Health Unit of São Paulo with groups mediators in which meeting addressed the issue of food and nutrition. The study involved two research moments corresponding to two days of data production with each on of the professionals.The first day included the steps: (I) systematic observation of the health professional conducting the educational group, through filming; (II) video feedback; (III) semi-structured interview; and (VI) qualification of the communicative process. The second day involved only steps I, II and III. The data generated from the interviews were transcribed and systematized according to the method of Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin. Results: Eleven professionals participated in the study, and their responses contemplated the formation of four categories in each of the two stages of research: \'the video feedback and perception of communication\', \'the implications of communication in mediation educational groups\', considerations on the use of video feedback in educational practice in health, and video feedback and perception of groups mediators on its applicability\'. Conclusion: The video feedback is a technique that allow to qualify the communicative process of health professionals who act as mediators of educational groups, in particular by highlighting the communication features that interfere in the effectiveness of harmonious interactions in health care.
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Tror jag att jag kan det här? : En kvantitativ studie om elevers tilltro till sin egen matematiska förmåga i relation till faktisk prestation i metod-och problemlösningsuppgifter / Do I believe I can do this? : A quantitative study of student´s confidence in their own mathematical ability in relation to actual achievement in method and problem solving tasksAlgotsson, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa forskningsrapport inriktar sig på hur elever uppfattar sin egen matematiska förmåga, vilken grad av tilltro eleverna har till sin förmåga och hur de presterar i matematikämnet med särskilt fokus på metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. Den litteratur som ligger till grund för studien baseras på vad det innebär att tro på sin egen förmåga, förmågan att kunna värdera sig själv och sin förmåga samt matematikuppgifters betydelse för skapandet av självuppfattning och tilltro till den egna förmågan. Den forskningsmetod som används för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar är av kvantitativ karaktär och består av ett självskattningsformulär där syftet är att synliggöra elevernas grad av tilltro till den egna matematiska förmågan samt ett tillhörande matematiktest där eleverna löser metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. Lösningsfrekvensen av de olika uppgiftstyperna analyseras i relation till elevernas grad av tilltro. Studien genomsyras av ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv och resultatet teoretiseras genom att utgå från den socialpsykologiska teorin om själveffektivitet samt symbolisk interaktionism. För att analysera sambanden har materialet även analyserats ur ett statistiskt perspektiv genom analysverktyget SPSS. Resultatet av studien visar att det verkar finnas ett samband mellan elevernas grad av tilltro till sin matematiska förmåga och hur de presterar i både metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. / This quantitative study focuses on how students perceive their own mathematical ability, what degree of confidence students have in their ability and how they perform in mathematical tasks that focuses on method and problem solving ability. The literature underlying the study is based on the importance of believing in your own ability, the ability to assess yourself and your ability, and the importance of mathematics to maintain and create opportunity to develop self-perception and confidence in your own ability. The research method used to answer the questions of the study is of a quantitative nature and consists of a self-assessment form that aims to visualize the students' degree of confidence in their own mathematical ability and a mathematics test where students solve method and problem solving tasks. The dissolution rate of the different types of tasks is analyzed in relation to the students' degree of confidence. The study is pervaded by a social psychological perspective and the result is theorized by starting from the social psychological theory of self-efficacy as well as symbolic interactionism. To analyze the relationships, the material has also been analyzed from a statistical perspective, using the SPSS analyzing tool. The result of the study shows that there seems to be a connection between the students' degree of confidence in their mathematical ability and how they perform in both method and problem solving tasks.
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Självbedömning i förhållande till uppnått resultat : Nationella prov och processbarhetsanalys på sfi / Self-assessment compared to achieved results : National tests in Swedish and processability theory in Sfi.Gustavsson, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate which of the goals in the syllabus, and with that what knowledge of Swedish, four students taking the SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) level 3 course believed themselves to have attained and to compare their self-assessments with their results on the National Test of Swedish for adult immigrants. The method used for the investigation is the individual interview. In addition to taking the National Test, the participants in the investigation were asked to mark the goals they believe themselves to have attained. The results show that the informants who best demonstrated awareness of their own knowledge are able to talk freely about their knowledge and difficulties, and when they mark the goals they believe they have attained, these correspond, on the whole, to how they responded in the interviews. One of the informants finds it more difficult than the others to assess her knowledge. A comparison between her experiences and the National Test results revealed several inconsistencies. For example, she claims that she can communicate in Swedish, but still she didn’t pass the test.
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Sebehodnocení a vrstevnické hodnocení při tlumočnickém samostudiu / Self-assessment and peer assessment in interpreter self-trainingNavrátilová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical-empirical thesis deals with the importance of self-assessment and peer assessment for interpreter self-training. The first part is focused on the theoretical foundations of the thesis. First, the thesis covers the question of interpreting quality, its definition, and the assessment of interpreting in interpreter training. The thesis then presents the expertise theory, both in general and in the field of interpreting studies specifically, and provides recommendations by several theoreticians as to how to apply this theory in interpreter training. The next chapter clarifies certain concepts from learning theory that often appear in literature on interpreting didactics. The theoretical part concludes with a presentation of two types of tools that can be used in interpreter self-training, namely e-learning tools and reflective diaries. The empirical part then analyses data collected in two pieces of research. The first of these is a questionnaire research that aims to map the self-training habits of MA interpreting students at the Institute of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and to find out whether the students, while self-training, act in line with the expertise theory. The second piece of research is focused on peer feedback that interpreting students give to...
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Formativní hodnocení ve výuce na 1. stupni základní školy / Formative Assessment in Primary School EducationKopecká, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis Formative Assessment in Primary School Education deals mainly with the classroom assessment, which provides the pupils with purposeful feedback on their learning at the time when their performance can still be improved. It is a very frequent assessment of pupil's progress. The first part of this diploma thesis deals with classroom assessment and describes the different types of assessment, its forms and tools. After embedding formative assessment to the context of classroom assessment, the thesis deals with the definition of this term and it closely clarifies its history, different approaches, and it especially specifies the use of formative assessment in practice. Part of the text, which is concerned with formative assessment strategies, closely explains concepts such as feedback, dealing with mistakes, questioning or peer-feedback. Major part of this work is dedicated to formative assessment techniques, which may function as a collection of valuable ideas and recommendations for teachers about working with pupils and assessing them in class. The second part of this diploma thesis presents an empirical research concerned with assessment of two teachers of Social Science and Czech language and literature at the selected primary school. Through case-study are examined these: in...
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Formativní hodnocení na 1. stupni ZŠ / Assesment for learning at a primary schooolŠtěpánová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis follows up on the topic of an increasingly used method called formative assessment. The goal is to analyze formative assessment as a complex method. It includes its development, psychological context of assessment, essential methods and techniques of this kind of assessment and a part about competences mainly of a teacher beginner to be a professional evaluator, whose methods reflect his personality and individual principles based on the best intentions. The first chapter of the practical part introduces qualitative research which took a place in Czech Republic and foreign countries. Results from Czech Republic refer to the fact, that Czech teachers use techniques of formative assessment, but not yet as a complex system. The results from foreign countries connect teachers' working conditions for using formative assessment based on the adjustment of schooling curriculums in the countries they teach in. The second chapter of the practical part is a methodological collection of formative assessment techniques. KEYWORDS Assessment, personal approach to a pupil, classroom climate, evaluation norms, self- assessment, peer-assessment, criteria, learning objectives, motivation, core competencies.
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Approches didactique et pédagogique de la biologie humaine au lycée en Tunisie : étude exploratoire, en contexte culturel tunisien, de l’intégration de l’autocorrection et de l’auto-évaluation en classe de terminale dans les cours sur la reproduction humaine / Didactical and pedagogical approaches to human biology in Tunisian high school : exploratory study in Tunisian cultural context, of self-correction and self-assessment integration in twelfth grade in courses on human reproductionFarhane, Fadhila 24 June 2016 (has links)
Notre travail s’inscrit dans le champ de la didactique de la Biologie en général et celui de la reproduction humaine en particulier. Nous nous intéressons spécialement à une « tentative » d’autonomisation des apprenants - plus exactement des élèves - tunisiens en classe de terminale scientifique par le biais de l’autocorrection/auto-évaluation dans l’apprentissage de la reproduction humaine et l’éducation à la sexualité. Le choix de notre sujet de recherche plonge ses racines dans les méthodes et procédés utilisés dans les apprentissages scolaires en rapport avec l’appartenance des apprenants, tout comme les enseignants, à une société arabo-musulmane, où, parler de reproduction reviendrait à parler de sexualité qui est un terme « sale », « vulgaire », « honteux » et l’évoquer pourrait bien être contre la morale, donc une attaque à la pudeur. Mais, cette conception qui empêcherait les élèves, jeunes adolescents, de parler ouvertement de sexualité et de reproduction, est-elle d’ordre religieux ? Ou qu’elle n’est qu’une construction sociale ? La pratique religieuse fait-elle obstacle à l’évocation des questions se rapportant à la sexualité dans la mesure où celle-ci n’est aucunement abordée au sein des familles où les parents sont musulmans pratiquants ? L’Islam comme religion incitant à la pudeur et la chasteté, fait-il de la sexualité un tabou ? Grace à des questionnaires nous avons tenté d’apporter de l’éclairage à tous ces questionnements. De par notre ancienne expérience professionnelle d’enseignante de Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, nous avons remarqué chez les apprenants une réticence manifeste, qui s’exprime par un manque, voire une absence de participation lors de la construction des savoirs allant jusqu’à s’abstenir de poser des questions. Rien qu’un silence assourdissant qui règne dans la salle de classe lors de l’apprentissage de la reproduction humaine. Nous entendions une voix muette mais opprimée me disant : « Allez, faites vite ! Et pourvu de ça finisse ! ». Cette passivité jouait, éventuellement en faveur d’un paradigme éducatif purement transmissif. Notre idée première était de contraindre, d’une manière ou d’une autre, les apprenants à communiquer entre eux autour de ce thème « problématique » qu’est la reproduction humaine. Cette initiative était aussi bien dans le but de tenter de briser des obstacles éventuels qui pourraient s’interposer d’une part entre les apprenants des deux sexes et l’enseignant et, d’autre part, entre les apprenants et le savoir, que de laisser aux apprenants l’occasion de corriger eux-mêmes leurs propres erreurs, peut-être ne les reprennent-ils plus. Tant de questionnements nous sont venus à l’esprit : bien que non habitués aux pratiques autocorrectives/auto-évaluatives, les élèves tunisiens sont-ils en mesure de porter des jugements corrects à leurs propres travaux ? Si, travaillant en petits groupes dans l’élaboration d’un cours en vue de co-construire un savoir, seront-ils plus performants dans leurs auto-évaluations quant à ce même savoir ? Autocorrection et auto-évaluation, seraient-elles synonymes de remédiation efficace d’erreurs ? Notre expérimentation a porté sur 71 élèves de trois classes de terminale scientifique que nous avons mixées et répartis en trois groupes présentant la même répartition des moyennes en SVT en classe de troisième (niveau précédent). Ces trois groupes étaient : - « A.Auto » et noté « AA » formés des élèves ayant participé à la construction du cours et se sont auto-corrigés et auto-évalués suite à un test préliminaire; - « B.Auto » et noté « BA » composés des élèves ayant reçu un cours magistral, mais se sont auto-corrigés et auto-évalués par suite du même test préliminaire; - « Trad » et noté « T » cet échantillon correspond aux élèves qui ont reçu un cours et une correction traditionnels, comme habituellement. ... / This work falls within the field of Biology didactics in general and that of human reproduction more particularly. We are more specifically interested in a learners’ empowerment attempt that is more precisely related to Tunisian final year science students through self-correction/self-evaluation in the learning of human reproduction and sex education. The choice of our research topic is rooted in the methods and processes used in school learning in connection with learners’ as well as teachers’ belonging to a Muslim Arab society, where, speaking about reproduction would be to talk about sexuality which is a “dirty”, “vulgar”, “shameful” word. If just mentioned, it might be against morality, so an attack against decency. But is this design -that prevents students, young teenagers, to talk openly about sexuality and reproduction- religious? Or is it just a social construct? Is religious practice an obstacle when it comes to issues related to sexuality that there is no way to raise them in families where parents are practicing Muslims? Does Islam as a religion inciting to modesty and chastity, consider sex a taboo? Thanks to some questionnaires we tried to highlight all of these questions.From our old professional experience as a teacher of Life and Earth Sciences, we noticed in learners an obvious reluctance, expressed by a lack of participation in the construction of knowledge and even beyond that to refrain from asking questions. Nothing heard in the classroom but a deafening silence when it comes to learning human reproduction. We heard a silent but oppressed voice saying “Come on, hurry up! And provided it to end!”. This passivity was playing, possibly for a purely transmissive educational paradigm. Our main focus was to force learners, one way or another, to communicate with each other around the "problematic" theme; human reproduction. This initiative was rather designed to try to break any obstacles that might interpose, in the one hand, between students of both sexes and teachers and in the other, between learners and knowledge, than to give learners the opportunity to self-correct their own mistakes, which, perhaps, they would never make again. So many questions came to our mind: although not accustomed to self-correcting/ self-evaluative practice, are Tunisian students able to provide correct judgments of their own work? If they work in small groups in the development of a course to co-construct knowledge, will they perform better in their self-assessments related to that particular knowledge? Would self-correction and self-assessment be synonyms to effective remediation of errors?Our testing focused on 71 students from three final year science classes we have mixed and divided into three groups with the same distribution of averages SVT third class (the previous level). These three groups were:- "A.Auto" and rated "AA" trained students who participated in the construction of the course and have self-corrected and self-assessed following a preliminary test;- "B.Auto" and noted "BA" composed of students who received a lecture, but have self-corrected and self-assessed following the same preliminary test;- "Trad" and rated "T" This sample corresponds to students who received a traditional course and a correction, as usual....
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Information System Quality Assessment Methods / Metody hodnocení kvality informačního systémuKorn, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores challenging topic of information system quality assessment and mainly process assessment. In this work the term Information System Quality is defined as well as different approaches in a quality definition for different domains of information systems are outlined. Main methods of process assessment are overviewed and their relationships are described. Process assessment methods are divided into two categories: ISO standards and best practices. The main objective of this work is application of gained theoretical knowledge in process assessment with CobiT 4.1 and CobiT 5.0 frameworks, and comparing results. The objective was achieved through consultation with processes owner and the completed questionnaires filled in by management of OnLine S.r.l. Additionally targeted level of capability in CobiT 5.0 is compared with actual, achieved level.
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Model zralosti Green ICT jako východisko při zavádění Green ICT praktik v malých a středních podnicích / Green ICT maturity model as a starting point for the implementation of Green ICT practices in small and medium-sized enterprisesMlejnek, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The general topic of this thesis is Green ICT and its support. But specifically is this work focused on Green ICT maturity model, as a starting point for the implementation of Green ICT practices in small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. The main goal of this thesis is therefore the definition of this maturity model. This definition primarily consists of defining the questions, possible responses and assigning weights for these responses from the perspective of Green ICT maturity. By answering these questions, Green ICT maturity of any small or medium-sized enterprise can be measured. To achieve the main goal, the areas of Green ICT and Green ICT maturity levels for small and medium-sized enterprises were defined. However, for making this maturity model a relevant result of the thesis, testing it in practice was necessary. For this purpose was therefore created an interactive website with self-assessment form, through which companies were able to evaluate their Green ICT. Than the results of this self-assessment, were analyzed. The personal benefit of this thesis is definition of the Green ICT maturity model with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, including implementation and verification in practice. This part is considered as practical. For theoretical part I consider defining the areas of Green ICT for small and medium-sized enterprises, which is also seen as personal benefit.
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Hodnocení vyspělosti procesů IT / Evaluation of IT processes maturityHorká, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of IT processes maturity. In the theoretical part, management of information technologies and methods of assessment in the organization are described. Four methods are selected and used for the maturity assessment of the Release Management process in Česká pojišťovna a.s. In the practical section, a questionnaire is evaluated and the Release Management process maturity level is set. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate maturity of Release Management process and suggest possible improvements. The objective was achieved through the completed questionnaires of Česká pojišťovna a.s. employees and subsequent consultations with the process owner. The thesis consists of six parts. The first chapter deals with the management of information technology in an organization. The second chapter is devoted to the evaluation of process maturity and description of the selected methods of maturity evaluation. The third chapter maps processes according to ITIL, Cobit 4.1 Cobit 5 and provide their introduction. The fourth chapter introduce the organization of Česká pojišťovna a.s.. The fifth chapter describes the specific process Migrating applications in the Česká pojišťovna a.s.. The sixth chapter focuses on the actual comparison of individual methods of evaluating and interpretation of the results.
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