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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svensk översättning och validering av The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS)

Stölten, Katrin, Svanell, Klara January 2011 (has links)
Självskattningsformulär utgör ett viktigt kliniskt redskap för både utredning och intervention av röstproblem men i nuläget är tillgången till olika formulär i Sverige begränsad då antalet validerade svenska översättningar är få. Syfte med studien var att översätta och preliminärt validera The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) som består av 30 frågor tilldelade komponenterna Nedsättning, Emotionellt och Fysiskt. Den svenska versionen av VoiSS framtogs genom ”Forward-backward Translation” med en efterföljande pilotstudie. Sammanlagt deltog 203 vuxna individer som rekryterades via webb- och pappersenkät. Av dessa uppgav 86 deltagare att de upplevde röstbesvär. Resultaten visade på tydliga gruppskillnader där gruppen Med upplevda röstproblem genererade högre genomsnittliga svarspoäng än gruppen Utan upplevda röstproblem. Inga överlappningar kunde konstateras. En principalkomponentanalys (PCA) var i stort sett förenlig med en trekomponentstruktur som tillsammans med gruppseparationen visade på hög konstruktvaliditet. Vidare noterades samstämmighet mellan den svenska versionen och VoiSS-originalet. Sensitivitets- och specificitetsvärden bekräftade en hög diagnostisk validitet. Slutsatsen drogs att formuläret med god validitet förmår att diagnosticera upplevelse av röstproblem. Den preliminära valideringen visade således att den svenska versionen av VoiSS kan användas som ett instrument vid utredning av röstproblem men att ytterligare forskning behövs för att säkerställa formulärets användbarhet i klinisk verksamhet. / Self-assessment questionnaires are important clinical instruments for both investigation and intervention of voice problems but at date access to various questionnaires in Sweden is limited due to few validated translations. The objective of this study was to translate and preliminary validate the Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) consisting of 30 questions assigned Impairment, Emotional and Physical. The Swedish version of VoiSS was developed through ”Forward-backward Translation” followed by a pilot study. The questionnaire was completed by a total of 203 adults who were recruited by web and paper survey. Out of these, 86 participants experienced voice problems. Obvious group differences were observed in that the group With experienced voice problems generated higher mean scores than the group Without experienced voice problems. No overlaps were observed. A principal component analysis (PCA) was largely consistent with a three component structure that, combined with the group separation, affirmed high construct validity. Moreover, concurrence between the Swedish version and the VoiSS-original was found. Calculated values of sensitivity and specificity confirmed a high diagnostic validity. The conclusion was made that the self-assessment questionnaire with good validity was able to diagnose experience of voice problems. In conclusion, preliminary validation showed that the Swedish version of VoiSS can be used as a diagnostic tool in assessing voice problems. However, more research needs to be done to ensure the questionnaires adaptation to clinical context.

Sparandedirektivet : En uppsats om direktivets effekter i Sverige

Hellström, Maria, Tångring, Nina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sparandedirektivets syfte är att effektivisera beskattningen av ränta på sparande inom EU genom att räntan ska beskattas i betalningsmottagarens hemviststat. Direktivet gäller endast fysiska personer och gränsöverskridande räntebetalningar. Syftet ska uppnås genom ett utbyte av information medlemsstaterna emellan. I stället för att utbyta information kan en medlemsstat välja att ta ut källskatt på ränta och vidarebefordra en viss del av källskatten till betalningsmottagarens hemviststat. De svenska bankernas kontrolluppgiftsskyldighet för begränsat skattskyldiga sparare har i och med direktivets införande utvidgats. Bankerna skickar uppgifterna till Skatteverket som i sin tur vidarebefordrar dem till behörig myndighet i spararens hemviststat.</p><p>Direktivet innehåller ett undantag, de minimis-regeln, som innebär att medlemsstaterna om de vill får undanta vissa ränteinkomster som härrör från fondföretag. Syftet är att undanta aktiefonder som måste investera i fordringar av likviditetsskäl. Regeringen har valt att inte införliva undantaget i svensk lag. Detta medför enligt vår åsikt en konkurrensnackdel för de svenska fondbolagen. På grund av Regeringens beslut måste dessa bolag, för att kunna sälja sina fonder inom EU, kunna redovisa hur stor del av en utdelning som hänför sig till ränta. Kan de inte göra detta betraktas hela beloppet som ränta och omfattas därmed av kontrolluppgiftsskyldighet.</p><p>Sparandedirektivet har implementerats i svensk lag genom en paragraf i lagen om självdeklarationer och kontrolluppgifter (LSK) som stadgar att direktivet gäller som svensk lag. Utöver detta har ett antal ändringar införts i LSK. Vi anser att implementeringen kan strida mot direktivet som föreskriver att medlemsstaterna ska anta de lagar och förordningar som krävs för att uppfylla direktivets föreskrifter. Vi anser inte att LSK på ett tillfredsställande sätt har anpassats till direktivet eftersom LSKs regler ibland överlappar direktivet och ibland motsäger det. LSK innehåller två undantag från kontrolluppgiftsskyldigheten. Dessa undantag strider mot direktivet som inte innehåller några dylika undantag. Vi anser dock att undantagen är rimliga eftersom de undantar konton utan betydelse för informationsutbytet och att liknande undantag bör införlivas i direktivet.</p><p>Med anledning av sparandedirektivets införande har de svenska bankerna, i rollen som betalningsombud, föranletts merarbete och kostnader. Kostnaderna har uppstått bland annat då bankerna har ändrat sina datasystem för att kunna uppfylla direktivets kontrolluppgiftsskyldighet. De har även fått komplettera sin information om begränsat skattskyldiga kunder.</p><p>Skatteverket är den behöriga myndigheten i Sverige och ska således vidarebefordra de uppgifter om personer som är begränsat skattskyldiga i Sverige som lämnas av betalningsombuden. Eftersom Sverige sedan tidigare har ett väl utbyggt kontrolluppgiftssystem och har deltagit i informationsutbytet inom OECD har sparandedirektivets införande inte medfört särskilt stora kostnader för Skatteverket.</p><p>Sparandedirektivet förväntas leda till ökade skatteintäkter för de stater vars obegränsat skattskyldiga personer placerar sina tillgångar utomlands. Emellertid finns det risk för att dessa personer placerar sina tillgångar i andra typer av sparande eller placerar tillgångarna i stater som inte omfattas av direktivet för att undgå beskattning. Vi anser därför att det finns risk för att sparandedirektivet blir ett slag i luften.</p> / <p>The aim of the Savings Taxation Directive is to ensure an effective taxation of income from savings in the form of interest payments within the EU. This shall be done through taxation of the interest payment in the Member State where the beneficial owner, the saver, has his residence. The directive is only applicable on individuals and on cross-border payments. The aim shall be achieved through an exchange of information between the Member States. Instead of exchanging information, a Member State can choose to levy a withholding tax. A certain amount of that tax shall be transferred to the Member State of residence of the beneficial owner. The obligation for Swedish banks to forward statements of earnings concerning foreign savers has been extended through the directive. The banks sends the information to the Swedish tax authority which then forwards the information to the competent authority in the savers state of residence.</p><p>The directive contains an exception, the de minimis rule, that states that Member States can choose to exempt certain interest payments deriving from Undertakings for the Collective Investment of Transferable Securities (UCITS). The aim of the exception is to give the Member States a possibility to exclude undertakings which invest mainly in equity but which must hold some debt for liquidity purposes. The Swedish Government has chosen not to implement the exception into Swedish law. In our opinion, this leads to a competitive disadvantage for Swedish UCITS. Due to the Governments’ decision, the Swedish UCITS must, in order to be able to sell their products within the EU, be able to show the interest part of a dividend. If this cannot be done, the entire amount is considered as interest and must be reported as such.</p><p>The directive has been implemented into Swedish law through a paragraph in the Law of Self Assessment and Statement of Earnings. It states that the Savings Taxation Directive shall be applied as Swedish law. Besides the implementation, some parts of the law have been changed. We think that the implementation may be in breach of the directive, which states that Member States must pass laws and decrees necessary to fulfill the regulations in the directive. We do not think that the Swedish law has been adjusted to the directive in a sufficient way since the Swedish law sometimes overlap the directive and sometimes contradict it. The Swedish law contains two exceptions from the obligation to give statements of earnings. These exceptions breach the directive since the directive does not contain any exceptions of this kind. However, we think that the exceptions are reasonable since they exempt bank accounts which are of no importance for the exchange of information stated in the directive. Similar exceptions should therefore in our opinion be included in the directive.</p><p>The implementation of the Savings Taxation Directive has caused the Swedish banks, in their role as paying agents, supplementary work and costs. The costs have occurred when the banks have had to adopt their computer systems in order to fulfil the criteria in the directive. The banks also had to complete their information about foreign savers who are liable to tax in Sweden.</p><p>The Swedish tax authority is the competent authority in Sweden and shall therefore report the information, concerning foreign tax payers, that is forwarded by the paying agents. Sweden had, even before the implementation of the directive, a well functioning system for statements of earnings. The state also participates in the exchange of information that takes place within the OECD. Therefore, the implementation of the directive has not caused any costs of importance for the Swedish tax authority.</p><p>It is expected that the Savings Taxation Directive will give rise to increased tax revenues for the Member States whose tax payers invest abroad. However, there is a risk that these savers invest in other products or transfer their assets to states that are not within the scope of the directive in order to avoid taxation. Because of this, we think that the Savings Taxation Directive might be a waste of effort.</p>

銀行作業風險與內控自評實務 / The operational risks and self-assessment practices of internal control for the banking industry

周毓玲, Chou, Y.L. Unknown Date (has links)
銀行是商業金融活動中不可或缺的一環,其經營管理的良窳直接與經濟、財政之穩定息息相關。近年來,銀行經營環境丕變,業務日趨龐雜,不論是金融界或監理機關,都已意識到作業風險管理的重要性。對於銀行業這樣一個關乎國計民生的重要產業,深入了解其作業風險應有之程序,以及其進行作業風險管理時之內控作為,應有見微知著之管理意義。 新版巴塞爾資本協定(The New Basel Capital Accord,亦稱”Basel II”)已於2004年6月底正式定案,預計2006年底開始實施,其中進階方法將在2007年底適用,Basel II的修訂範圍頗大,將對各國銀行業及金融監理機關產生重大影響,各國為因應新巴塞爾資本協定的實施也早已開始進行各項研究評估及法案研擬。我國金管會為使國內銀行資本適足性管理及風險管理能力符合國際水準,已於民國九十三年九月二十一日發函通知銀行,參照國際規範修訂我國「銀行資本適足性管理辦法」及「銀行自有資本與風險性資產計算方法說明」等規定,預定將與國際同步於民國九十五年底正式實施新巴塞爾資本協定,因此各家銀行必須及早規劃以因應新巴塞爾資本協定相關措施,並建立妥善風險管理機制,以確保法規遵循及提昇競爭力。 而美國國會為強化證券市場之監控及公司治理,亦已於2002年7月30日公布SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002(沙氏法案),為美國自30年代推行公司治理架構以來,影響最為重大之財經改革法案。沙氏法案針對公司治理提出一系列的要求,為避免企業在資訊揭露方面造假或扭曲,特別針對內部控制的建立、維持及其有效性,要求企業管理階層必須負起責任,同時亦要求企業必須出具對有關財務報導之內部控制有效性的評估報告。 Basel II與沙氏法案有其相異之處,前者係對全世界銀行業者之規範,後者則係美國針對公開發行等級以上公司所作之規範,舉凡已屬公開發行之公司,其任何資訊揭露均足以影響投資人決策,而發行公司任何不實或虛偽資訊揭露,均可能影響資本市場,使廣大投資人權益受損。雖然Basel II著眼在銀行,沙氏法案重點在證券市場公司之治理,然則兩者均著重有系統的由內而外、由上而下的控制機制,不獨要求業者必須建立良好之控制機制,同時在各項控制機制上亦必須有書面做為佐證,而兩項規範亦均導入外控機制,在Basel II為第三支柱之市場紀律,在沙氏法案則為會計師對企業內控有效性之意見,兩者自有其神似之處。 作者任職於美商銀行從事後台管理工作多年,擬藉本論文之撰寫及探討,補強銀行業者對銀行作業風險及控制自評全貌之了解。

Formativ bedömning : En litterturöversikt med analys

Borg, Emma, Edvinsson, Kristin January 2012 (has links)
Genomförda undersökningar visar att formativ bedömning förbättrar elevers inlärning och förståelse. Den svenska läroplanen från 2011 ger tydliga indikationer på att formativ bedömning ska inkluderas i undervisningen. Vår diskussion i denna uppsats är därför aktuell och den visar hur forskare artikulerar fenomenet formativ bedömning. Litteraturstudien inkluderar information om vad formativ bedömning innebär och förslag på hur man kan arbeta utifrån ett sådant arbetssätt. Vår studie visar att de viktigaste komponenterna inom formativ bedömning är att tydliggöra målen, återkoppling samt själv- och kamratbedömning. Beskrivningarna av dessa resulterar i en analys där vi diskuterar det formativa arbetssättet. Både positiva och negativa aspekter tas upp. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att införskaffa djupare kunskaper om formativ bedömning likväl för oss själva som för redan aktiva lärare. Vi har en föraning om att många lärare inte har tillräckliga kunskaper kring ämnet och vår förhoppning är att denna uppsats kan fungera som ett verktyg för lärare som arbetar med eller skulle vilja arbeta med formativ bedömning. / Previous research shows that formative assessments improve pupils’ learning and understanding. Also, the Swedish Curriculum 2011 gives clear guidance that formative assessment should be included in school. Our discussion in this essay is therefore needed and it deals with how researchers articulate the phenomenon formative assessment. The study includes information about what formative assessment means and suggestions for how to work with it are given. The main parts within formative assessment are to clarify learning goals, feedback and self- and peer assessment. The information about these main parts ends in an analysis where a discussion about formative assessment and its positive and negative effects takes place.   Furthermore, the purpose of this essay is to inherit deeper knowledge about formative assessment as well for ourselves as for teachers already on duty. We anticipate that many teachers do not have sufficient knowledge about formative assessment and our expectation is that this essay can function as a tool for teachers who work or would like to work with formative assessment.

The Generation and Evolvement of Ideas in the Lifeworld of Artists and the Practice of Their Art: Implications for Education

Kellow, Amanda Lee January 2005 (has links)
How artists develop their ideas has been envisaged as a mysterious and intriguing process, difficult to understand or emulate. The "mystery" of how art ideas evolve has carried through to education, where students and teachers may view the introduction of how to formulate ideas as an unachievable task. Art educators have recognised the investigation of how artists think through the progression of their own practice as being an important aspect of understanding the evolvement of art ideas, and have advocated that approaches to teaching and learning should be grounded in such artistic thinking. This study was based on the notion that it is important for research to give insights into the differing ways visual art ideas are constructed and to also identify the influences that may impact on this process. Through researching the formulation of art ideas over time in influential contexts, a revealing picture of the process of art idea evolvement emerged. The findings of the research are presented as qualitative categories of description based on the participants' own knowledge and lifeworld experiences as artists.

Getting smarter music : a role for reflection in self-directed music learning

Lebler, Don January 2007 (has links)
Conservatoires all over the world are re-examining their educational roles and practices in a changing cultural and economic context, including re-evaluating their function as sites of relevant learning. This dissertation by publication contributes to this re-examination by investigating understandings of assessment, evaluative reflection, the relationship between know-how and knowledge, autonomous learning, community of practice and the student experience of these pedagogies in one Queensland conservatorium. The study is presented in the form of a synopsis and five publications, with additional data that will form the basis of further post-doctoral publication. It is focused on non-traditional pedagogical processes operating within a bachelor of popular music program, processes that have been intuited by the academic teacher who is also the author of this dissertation. What these processes have in common is the philosophical rejection of teacher-led pedagogy and an insistence upon, and scaffolding of, self-directed student action and reflection. The aim of the dissertation, in keeping with the rationale for a professional doctorate, is to subject this approach to systematic theoretical and empirical scrutiny, and thereby to further refine and strengthen the practices in terms of their capacity to engage young people in self-directed approaches to quality music making. John Biggs's presage/process/product learning model (1999) provides a structure for this systematic evaluation of the pedagogical work. The study understands the learning characteristics that students bring to the program, combined with the structures and pedagogical approaches in place in the program, to be the key presage elements; the learning activities (including assessment as learning) that occur within the program are the key process elements; the key products are the learning outcomes for the students and the ongoing development of the program and pedagogical approaches informed by reflection on empirical data including data collected as part of this research. The study demonstrates the significance of recognising and valuing presage and process elements that enable students to perform from the basis of their intuitive know how while being recorded, and then apply their knowledge-based critical reflection skills to an appraisal of their own work and the work of their peers while hearing the recording played back. While not displacing the teacher as mentor and critical friend, this moves responsibility for learning to the student as a self-monitoring, strategic decision-maker about the nature and quality of their learning products. The program requirement that students write meaningfully about the process appears to encourage the embracing of both conscious and unconscious ways of knowing and doing. As a documentation of this type of teaching, the study presents an argument for a broader incorporation of student-led pedagogy into higher education in general and conservatoria in particular. It concludes that aspects of education that enhance students' abilities to learn, including self- and peer assessment, self-directed learning, reflective practice, and both independent and collaborative work that incorporates program-wide learning, are likely to enhance integrated creative practice. This project has made it possible to disseminate a scholarly engagement with such processes through publication in academic and professional contexts.

Instructional supervisory practices of Zimbabwean school principals

Tshabalala, Thembinkosi 03 1900 (has links)
This study had two major purposes: (a) to investigate and compare the perceptions of principals and teachers towards instructional supervision in Zimbabwe, and (b) to attempt to come up with a framework that would improve the effectiveness of instructional supervision in Zimbabwean schools. The study highlights the impact of political, cultural and social realities on instructional supervision in developing countries (including Zimbabwe) from which any theories of effective instructional supervision must derive. The phenomenon of instructional supervision and its related concepts is explored and analysed. The approach and methods used in the study are discussed and finally, the thesis provides a suggested framework for effective instructional supervision in Zimbabwean primary schools which concerns perceptual data which were obtained from 176 principals and 572 teachers drawn from three of Zimbabwe's ten provinces. Factor analysis of the existing situation in Zimbabwe's primary schools produced five major variables that were perceived to be associated with instructional supervision in Zimbabwean primary schools: Lack of a clear vision about what should constitute effective instructional supervision; instructional supervision models that do not promote the professional growth of teachers; ineffective leadership styles; internal and external overloads that significantly interfere with the principal's instructional supervision program; and inadequate principal capacity building for effective instructional leadership. This percetual data, subsequently crystallized into the following suggested instructional supervision initiatives: Utilization of instructional supervision models that encourage interaction between the principal and the teacher as opposed to using models that promote fault-finding or principal dominance during the instructional supervision process; establishment of a school climate that is conducive to effective instructional supervision; establishment of a staff development program that promotes effective instruction; establishment of government policies that reduce interference with the instructional supervision programs of principals; and establishment of mechanisms for building skills for principals so that they can effectively conduct instructional supervision / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Teachers' practices of assessment for learning in science education at East Gojjam preparatory schools, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

Askalemariam Adamu Dessie 11 1900 (has links)
Empirical research evidences have confirmed the pedagogical power of formative assessment to improve students‟ learning, particularly in science education. Thus, this study investigated science teachers‟ practice of assessment for learning in second cycle secondary schools at East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State. To meet this objective mixed method research design, particularly concurrent mixed method was used. The subjects of the study were all of science teachers in the randomly selected schools. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and observation were used to collect the data. From 186 science teachers, 153 teachers properly filled and returned the questionnaire. Moreover, 8 purposively selected teachers were included in the interview and observation sessions. To analyze the quantitative data, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-sample t-test, multiple regression, MANOVA, and ANOVA were used. For the qualitative data content analysis was used. The results of the quantitative and qualitative data showed that the practice of assessment for learning in the selected schools was very low. Most science teachers administered tests, home works, assignments, and class works at the end of the lesson to consolidate what they taught and to collect marks, but they did not integrate different assessment for learning methods throughout their instruction for the sake of learning. Teachers mentioned lack of science resources, large class size, shortage of instructional time, inadequate school support, lack of appropriate professional development activities, lack of instructional materials, students‟ and teachers‟ negative perception on formative assessment, teachers‟ lack of knowledge and skill about formative assessment, and large content of courses as major factors for not implementing assessment for learning. Besides, this study revealed a significant relationship between teachers‟ perception and school supports with teachers‟ overall practice of assessment for learning. Teaching experience has also significant effect on the combined practice of assessment for learning, particularly teaching experience significantly affects the collection of learning evidences than other factors. However, class size, subject taught, and teaching load per week have no significant effect on the combined practice of assessment for learning. Moreover, the pre-service and in-service assessment trainings have no significant contributions to the practice of assessment for learning. Therefore, comprehensive and relevant assessment trainings should be given for science teachers on a regular basis to integrate assessment with daily instruction to improve learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

The use of quality formative assessment to improve student learning in West Ethiopian universities

Fisseha Mikre Weldmeskel 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the ways by which student learning improvement and the self-regulation of learning are possible through the use of quality formative assessment in the teaching of a university course. In recent years, researchers in educational assessment are showing an increased interest to the improvement of learning resulting from the use of formative assessment. Formative assessment is generally recognised as an improvement oriented assessment. It is believed to result in instructional effectiveness. Quality formative assessment includes formative feedback, self-assessment and peer assessment. Previous studies show the contribution of each of these quality formative assessments to learning improvement. However, less attention has been given to studying the combined effect of quality formative assessments on learning improvement. On the other hand, the predominant use of summative assessment remains a challenge to the improvement in instruction. Thus, the question was to determine the extent to which the use of quality formative assessment improves learning. The literature review in this study show an over reliance upon summative assessment in the context of higher education classrooms. There is also recognition in that formative assessment improves learning and enhances self-regulation. This study followed a mixed-methods research design of the type partially mixed sequential and applied a quasi-experimental intervention, where the educators used quality formative assessment on lessons with the students in the intervention group. The quasiexperimentation was implemented with 378 (214 male and 164 female) first year students of three universities enrolled for “General Psychology” course and six educators who were teaching the course. The students in this study were taken from intact classes, because this is possible in quasi experimental research. Data for the quantitative part of the study were generated using a structured questionnaire and achievement tests. Interviews with the educators, focus group discussions with the students, and classroom observations were used to generate data for the qualitative phase of study. The pretestposttest scores as well as the students’ perceptions on self-regulating learning were compared between the intervention (N =191) and the comparison (N = 187) groups. The quantitative analysis used different inferential statistics, which proved the presence of statistically significant variations between the intervention and comparison groups for the outcome measures (posttest achievement and perception about self-regulating learning). Although the qualitative study showed the presence of positive perceptions towards quality formative assessment, the practice was found to be inconsistent. Perhaps, this may be because of the predominantly summative assessment tradition and the reluctance to use quality formative assessment. Finally, recommendations were made to promote the use of quality formative assessment aiming at the improvement and the self-regulation on learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Avaliação institucional: o caso da UFSCar / Institutional assessment: the case of UFSCar

Santos, Joelma dos 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:39:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5853.pdf: 4186685 bytes, checksum: fb2ecf17572a25d7181b7a21be25147a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This dissertation aims to investigate the performance of the Self Evaluation Commission (CPA) in conjunction with the processes of institutional self-evaluation, for both make use of a case study in UFSCar that the division of institutional assessment were investigated with four undergraduate courses face of the institution, all of the São Carlos campus. To this end, this study was guided from the qualitative, so research made use of desk research, semistructured interviews, the literature review and the online questionnaire closed. Documentary research was analyzed in the legislation of public policies for higher education evaluation, the period from 1996 to 2008, and the internal regulations of the institution. For bibliographic bibliometrics, which allowed analyzing 54 studies among theses, dissertations and articles in national and international researchers who investigate thematic educational assessment. Participated in semi-structured interviews of the following actors: coordinator or deputy coordinator of each course, a former member of CPA/UFSCar, and a former member of the Organizing Committee of the Project Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching UFSCar. Finally, the closed online questionnaire was administered to students regularly enrolled in the penultimate and last year, the teacher who teaches discipline penultimate and last, and the administrative technician investigated each course. The results achieved through the collection of data showed that there was a poor articulation of the outcomes of institutional self-evaluation that occurs in courses with the actions taken by the CPA and the Management UFSCar. To sensitize the academic community to participate in the processes of institutional assessment would need to enhance information management within the IES, so that the CPA can be known to then be recognized. The little time to build the self-assessment report on the institution does not provide time for reflection and discussion with the community. There were times that the regulatory review predominated in the institution, but there were those that prevailed in the critical evaluation in daily practice, it became evident in two courses investigated. It was found that the construction of an evaluation design is a contentious field, as there are, within the institution, social actors who want to review the ranking and classification, as there are those who want the formative and emancipatory. / Esta Dissertação de Mestrado tem o objetivo de investigar a atuação da Comissão Própria de Avaliação (CPA) em articulação com os processos de autoavaliação institucional. Para tanto fez uso de um estudo de caso na UFSCar em que foi investigada a articulação da avaliação institucional em quatro cursos presenciais de graduação da instituição, todos do campus de São Carlos. Para tal, o presente estudo orientou-se a partir da pesquisa qualitativa, assim, fezse uso da pesquisa documental, da entrevista semiestruturada, do levantamento bibliográfico e do questionário fechado online. Na pesquisa documental foi analisada a legislação das políticas públicas para avaliação da educação superior, do período de 1996 a 2008, e as regulamentações internas da instituição. Para o levantamento bibliográfico foi utilizada a bibliometria, o que possibilitou analisar 54 trabalhos entre teses, dissertações e artigos de pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais que investigam a temática avaliação educacional. Das entrevistas semiestruturadas participaram os seguintes atores: coordenador ou vicecoordenador de cada curso; um ex-membro da CPA/UFSCar; e um ex-membro da Comissão Organizadora do Projeto de Avaliação do Ensino de Graduação UFSCar. Por fim, o questionário fechado online foi aplicado aos discentes regularmente matrículados no penúltimo e no último ano; aos docentes que lecionam disciplina no penúltino e no último ano; e ao técnico administrativo de cada curso investigado. Os resultados alcançados por meio da coleta de dados demostraram que houve uma fraca articulação dos resultados da autoavaliação institucional que ocorre nos cursos com as ações desenvolvidas pela CPA e pela Gestão da UFSCar. Para sensibilizar a comunidade acadêmica a participar dos processos de avaliação institucional, seria necessário intensificar a gestão da informação dentro da IES, para que a CPA possa ser conhecida para, então, ser reconhecida. O pouco tempo para construção do relatório de autoavaliação institucional não propicia momentos de reflexão e de discussão com a comunidade. Houve momentos em que a avaliação regulatória predominou na instituição, contudo houve aqueles em que prevaleceu a avaliação emancipatória nas práticas cotidianas, evidenciando isso em dois cursos investigados. Constatou-se que a construção de uma concepção de avaliação é um campo conflituoso, pois há, dentro da instituição, atores sociais que querem a avaliação para o ranqueamento e para a classificação, como há aqueles que querem a avaliação formativa e emancipatória.

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