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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formative Assessment in Postsecondary Quantitative Reasoning Courses

Budhathoki, Deependra 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Re-injury anxiety inventory : Översättning och kultutrell anpassning till svenska idrottare / Re-injury anxiety inventory : Translation and cultural adaptation for Swedish athletes

Johansson, Emil, Magnusson, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Bakgrund: Främre korsbandsskada är en allvarlig men vanlig skada inom idrott som resulterar i psykologiska konsekvenser, en av dessa är oro för att skada sig igen och detta kan påverka deras återgång till idrott negativt. Oro och andra psykologiska konsekvenser mäts vanligtvis med det smärtcentrerade frågeformuläret Tampa scale of kinesiophobia (TSK), även fast idrottare med korsbandsskada sällan upplever smärta senare i rehabiliteringen. Re-injury anxiety inventory (RIAI) belyser ångest och andra psykologiska faktorer inom rehabilitering (RIAI-R) och återgång till tävlingssammanhang (RIAI-C) som idrottare kan uppleva. Detta frågeformulär finns dock inte på svenska, vilket gör att svenska fysioterapeuter saknar ett självskattningsformulär som mäter ångest för att skada sig igen. Syfte: Att översätta och tvärkulturellt anpassa RIAI från originalspråket engelska till svenska och testa den på en mindre målgrupp. Metod: Kvalitativ och kvantitativ studiedesign. Fem-steg: Steg 1: Översättning av enkät: Steg 2: sammanfogning av översättningarna från steg 1. Steg 3: Återöversättning till originalspråk. Två separata översättningar genomfördes vid steg: 1 och 3. Steg 4: en expertkommitté granskade den sammanfogade versionen. Steg 5: Prefinala versionen testades genom intervjuer med 13 personer som hade genomgått främre korsbandsrekonstruktion (ACLR) och slutliga korrigeringar gjordes i enlighet med detta för att skapa den slutliga versionen. En korrelationsanalys med 18 personer genomfördes även av RIAI-SE och TSK. Resultat: Den prefinala versionen bestod efter intervjuerna och en svensk version RIAI-SE skapades. RIAI-SE och TSK jämfördes, det visade ingen signifikant korrelation P>0,093.  Slutsats:  Översättningen och kulturella anpassningen av originalformuläret RIAI, resulterade i en svensk version, RIAI-SE. Inga korrelationer mellan RIAI-SE och TSK bekräftar att de mäter olika begrepp. RIAI-SE kan komma att användas av fysioterapeuter på svenska idrottare med allvarliga skador efter att verktyget har visat sig ha god validitet och reliabilitet.

The enhancement of quality education using self-assessment strategies in the Zambezi region of Namibia

Matakala, Vincent Mubiana 06 1900 (has links)
This sequential explorative mixed methods study aims to explore how selfassessment strategies can be used to enhance quality education in schools in the Zambezi region of Namibia. The researcher posits that teachers are key in enhancing quality education if accorded appropriate recourses to innovate and explore the use of self-assessment strategies in schools. A pragmatic research approach was used to guide this sequential explorative mixed methods study. The study sought participants’ perceptions on four sub-problems of the study: What entails quality and quality education? How can self-assessment strategies be linked to quality and quality education in general terms? What recourses are available to ensure that quality education is realised by the use of self-assessment strategies in the Zambezi region? How can self-assessment strategy models be developed to enhance the quality of education in the Zambezi region? Purposefully sampled school principals and heads of departments of five combined schools participated in the study. During the first phase, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the five participating school principals while the HoDs were engaged in a focus group interview. The qualitative data was later used to inform the design of the second phase of the study (quantitative). In the second phase, fifty-four teachers completed Likert-scale questionnaires which were analysed using IBM SPSS.19 and Microsoft Excel to compare with the qualitative data. This study revealed that schools have common understandings of quality and quality education albeit defined differently. The study also revealed that external professional support is inadequate to support teachers in continuous professional development activities. Furthermore, the study showed that the available recourses are seldom utilised to enhance quality education in schools. Finally, the study revealed that the use of one type of teacher self-evaluation (TSE) deprives innovative teachers from initiating and exploring other viable self-assessment strategies. Therefore, this study propagates the use of alternative self-assessment strategies that can contribute towards the enhancement of quality education in schools in the Zambezi region of Namibia. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed.

Mehr Feedback für bessere Lehre. Möglichkeiten des E-Assessments

Riedel, Jana, Berthold, Susan, Möbius, Kathrin 26 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Broschüre ist Teil einer Publikationsserie, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Medienformate von digitalen Texten über elektronische Tests und Wikis bis hin zu digitalen Simulationen gibt. Dieses Heft widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig den verschiedenen Formen des E-Assessments, mit deren Hilfe Sie Ihren Studierenden mehr Feedback ermöglichen und Ihre Lehre so verbessern können. Anhand von Ergebnissen einer Online-Befragung im Jahr 2016 und Interviews, die Beispiele aus der Lehre sächsischer Hochschullehrender vorstellen, wird aufgezeigt, welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten derzeit an den sächsischen Hochschulen genutzt werden. Sie bieten Inspiration für die Entwicklung eigener mediengestützter Lehrkonzepte. Hinweise auf Werkzeuge zur Erstellung digitaler Lehrangebote und Antworten zu häufigen Fragen bei der Nutzung der einzelnen Medienformate bieten Anregungen und Informationen, wie der Einstieg in die digital gestützte Lehre möglichst ohne großen Initialaufwand gestaltet werden kann. Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, praktische Tipps und rechtliche Hinweise geben eine erste Orientierung und Sicherheit bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien. Dabei erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie die einzelnen medial gestützten Formate mit der klassischen Präsenzlehre verbinden und wie unterschiedliche Einsatzszenarien miteinander kombiniert werden können.

Mehr Feedback für bessere Lehre. Möglichkeiten des E-Assessments

Riedel, Jana, Berthold, Susan, Möbius, Kathrin 26 January 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Broschüre ist Teil einer Publikationsserie, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Medienformate von digitalen Texten über elektronische Tests und Wikis bis hin zu digitalen Simulationen gibt. Dieses Heft widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig den verschiedenen Formen des E-Assessments, mit deren Hilfe Sie Ihren Studierenden mehr Feedback ermöglichen und Ihre Lehre so verbessern können. Anhand von Ergebnissen einer Online-Befragung im Jahr 2016 und Interviews, die Beispiele aus der Lehre sächsischer Hochschullehrender vorstellen, wird aufgezeigt, welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten derzeit an den sächsischen Hochschulen genutzt werden. Sie bieten Inspiration für die Entwicklung eigener mediengestützter Lehrkonzepte. Hinweise auf Werkzeuge zur Erstellung digitaler Lehrangebote und Antworten zu häufigen Fragen bei der Nutzung der einzelnen Medienformate bieten Anregungen und Informationen, wie der Einstieg in die digital gestützte Lehre möglichst ohne großen Initialaufwand gestaltet werden kann. Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, praktische Tipps und rechtliche Hinweise geben eine erste Orientierung und Sicherheit bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien. Dabei erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie die einzelnen medial gestützten Formate mit der klassischen Präsenzlehre verbinden und wie unterschiedliche Einsatzszenarien miteinander kombiniert werden können.:Grußwort 3 Grundlagen des E-Assessments 4 Gute Gründe für das E-Assessment 6 Elektronische Tests 7 Trend: E-Klausuren 15 Trend: Online-Self-Assessment (OSA) 21 Live-Abstimmungen in der Vorlesung 25 E-Portfolio 33 Studentische Medienprodukte 41 Trend: Peer-Assessment 49 Unterstützung, Services, Kontakt 55

Instructional supervisory practices of Zimbabwean school principals

Tshabalala, Thembinkosi 03 1900 (has links)
This study had two major purposes: (a) to investigate and compare the perceptions of principals and teachers towards instructional supervision in Zimbabwe, and (b) to attempt to come up with a framework that would improve the effectiveness of instructional supervision in Zimbabwean schools. The study highlights the impact of political, cultural and social realities on instructional supervision in developing countries (including Zimbabwe) from which any theories of effective instructional supervision must derive. The phenomenon of instructional supervision and its related concepts is explored and analysed. The approach and methods used in the study are discussed and finally, the thesis provides a suggested framework for effective instructional supervision in Zimbabwean primary schools which concerns perceptual data which were obtained from 176 principals and 572 teachers drawn from three of Zimbabwe's ten provinces. Factor analysis of the existing situation in Zimbabwe's primary schools produced five major variables that were perceived to be associated with instructional supervision in Zimbabwean primary schools: Lack of a clear vision about what should constitute effective instructional supervision; instructional supervision models that do not promote the professional growth of teachers; ineffective leadership styles; internal and external overloads that significantly interfere with the principal's instructional supervision program; and inadequate principal capacity building for effective instructional leadership. This percetual data, subsequently crystallized into the following suggested instructional supervision initiatives: Utilization of instructional supervision models that encourage interaction between the principal and the teacher as opposed to using models that promote fault-finding or principal dominance during the instructional supervision process; establishment of a school climate that is conducive to effective instructional supervision; establishment of a staff development program that promotes effective instruction; establishment of government policies that reduce interference with the instructional supervision programs of principals; and establishment of mechanisms for building skills for principals so that they can effectively conduct instructional supervision / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Učitel a jeho možnosti při tvorbě sebepojetí žáka / Teachers and their possibilities of building pupils' self-realization

Kulková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis entitled "Teachers and their possibilities of building pupils' self- realization" is both, theoretical and empirical. Its objective is to map the problems of pupils' self-realization in school environment. It pays close attention to the self-realization of pupils and the possibilities of its shaping by people participating on the educational process. The thesis attempts to define the likely causes of pupils' failure to succeed and do well at school. It also provides possible solutions which might help shape pupils' personality and build their self-realization. The solutions might be of great use to teachers in their classes. The objective of the empirical part in the first place is to analyze the connection between pupils' self- realization, teachers' assessment of pupils' self-realization and pupils' attainment. Key words: selfhood, personality, self-realization, teacher, pupil, school success and failure, self-esteem, self-assessment, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, pupils' (school) self- realization level, attainment

Role učitele v procesu utváření sebepojetí žáka / Teacher and his role in the process of pupil's self-conception forming

Volfová, Kamila January 2012 (has links)
Theoretical and empirical thesis "Teacher and his role in the process of pupil's self- conception forming" aims to explore the theme of self-conception from the perspective of those involved in the educational process. Primarily in terms of personal and social development, whose major component is the development of self-conception of pupil. The thesis explores the possibilities and limits of teaching experience and tries to find some starting points and recommendations that can help teachers better manage claims that contemporary society places on education of children. It also seeks to give teachers a tool that would simply and effectively determine the level of their work on self-development of their pupils.

De l'auto-évaluation aux émotions : approche neuromimétique et bayésienne de l'apprentissage de comportements complexes impliquant des informations multimodales / From self-evaluation to emotions : neuromimetic and bayesian approaches for the learning of complex behavior involving multimodal informations

Jauffret, Adrien 11 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif la conception d’une architecture de contrôle bio-inspirée permettant à un robot autonome de naviguer sur de grandes distances. Le modèle développé permet également d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes biologiques impliqués. De précédents travaux ont montré qu’un modèle de cellules de lieu, enregistrées chez le rat, permettait à un robot mobile d’apprendre des comportements de navigation robustes, tels qu’une ronde ou un retour au nid, à partir d’associations entre lieu et action. La reconnaissance d’un lieu ne reposait alors que sur des informations visuelles. L’ambiguïté de certaines situations (e.g. un long couloir) ne permettait pas de naviguer dans de grands environnements. L’ajout d’autres modalités constitue une solution efficace pour augmenter la robustesse dans des environnements complexes. Cette solution nous a permis d’identifier les briques minimales nécessaires à la fusion d’informations multimodales, d’abord par le biais d’un conditionnement simple entre 2 modalités sensorielles, puis par la formalisation d’un modèle, plus générique, de prédictions inter-modales. C’est un mécanisme bas niveau qui permet de générer une cohérence perceptive : l’ensemble des modalités sensorielles s’entraident pour ne renvoyer qu’une perception claire et cohérente aux mécanismes décisionnels de plus haut niveau. Les modalités les plus corrélées sont ainsi capables de combler les informations manquantes d’une modalité défaillante (cas pathologique). Ce modèle implique la mise en place d’un système de prédiction et donc une capacité à détecter de la nouveauté dans ses perceptions. Ainsi, le modèle est également capable de détecter une situation inattendue ou anormale et possède donc une capacité d’auto-évaluation : l’évaluation de ses propres perceptions. Nous nous sommes ensuite mis à la recherche des propriétés fondamentales à tout système d'auto-évaluation.La première propriété essentielle a été de constater qu’évaluer un comportement sensorimoteur revient à reconnaître une dynamique entre sensation et action, plutôt que la simple reconnaissance d’une forme sensorielle. La première brique encapsule donc un modèle interne minimaliste des interactions du robot avec son environnement, qui est la base sur laquelle le système fera des prédictions.La seconde propriété essentielle est la capacité à extraire l’information pertinente par le biais de calculs statistiques. Il est nécessaire que le robot apprenne à capturer les invariants statistiques en supprimant l’information incohérente. Nous avons donc montré qu’il était possible d’estimer une densité de probabilité par le biais d’un simple conditionnement. Cet apprentissage permet de réaliser l’équivalent d’une inférence bayésienne. Le système estime la probabilité de reconnaître un comportement à partir de la reconnaissance d’informations statistiques apprises. C’est donc par la mise en cascade de simples conditionnements que le système peut apprendre à estimer les moments statistiques d’une dynamique (moyenne, variance, asymétrie, etc...). La non-reconnaissance de cette dynamique lui permet de détecter qu’une situation est anormale.Mais détecter un comportement inhabituel ne nous renseigne pas pour autant sur son inefficacité. Le système doit également surveiller l’évolution de cette anomalie dans le temps pour pouvoir juger de la pertinence du comportement. Nous montrons comment un contrôleur émotionnel peut faire usage de cette détection de nouveauté pour réguler le comportement et ainsi permettre au robot d’utiliser la stratégie la plus adaptée à la situation rencontrée. Pour finir, nous avons mis en place une procédure de frustration permettant au robot de lancer un appel à l’aide lorsqu’il détecte qu’il se retrouve dans une impasse. Ce réseau de neurones permet au robot d’identifier les situations qu’il ne maîtrise pas dans le but d’affiner son apprentissage, à l’instar de certains processus développementaux. / The goal of this thesis is to build a bio-inspired architecture allowing a robot to autonomouslynavigate over large distances. In a cognitive science point of view, the model also aim at improv-ing the understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms. Previous works showed thata computational model of hippocampal place cells, based on neurobiological studies made onrodent, allows a robot to learn robust navigation behaviors. The robot can learn a round or ahoming behavior from a few associations between places and actions. The learning and recog-nition of a place were only defined by visual information and shows limitations for navigatinglarge environments.Adding other sensorial modalities is an effective solution for improving the robustness of placesrecognition in complex environments. This solution led us to the elementary blocks requiredwhen trying to perform multimodal information merging. Such merging has been done, first,by a simple conditioning between 2 modalities and next improved by a more generic model ofinter-modal prediction. In this model, each modality learns to predict the others in usual situa-tions, in order to be able to detect abnormal situations and to compensate missing informationof the others. Such a low level mechanism allows to keep a coherent perception even if onemodality is wrong. Moreover, the model can detect unexpected situations and thus exhibit someself-assessment capabilities: the assessment of its own perception. Following this model of self-assessment, we focus on the fundamental properties of a system for evaluating its behaviors.The first fundamental property that pops out is the statement that evaluating a behavior is anability to recognize a dynamics between sensations and actions, rather than recognizing a sim-ple sensorial pattern. A first step was thus to take into account the sensation/action couplingand build an internal minimalist model of the interaction between the agent and its environment.Such of model defines the basis on which the system will build predictions and expectations.The second fundamental property of self-assessment is the ability to extract relevant informa-tion by the use of statistical processes to perform predictions. We show how a neural networkcan estimate probability density functions through a simple conditioning rule. This probabilis-tic learning allows to achieve bayesian inferences since the system estimates the probability ofobserving a particular behavior from statistical information it recognizes about this behavior.The robot estimates the different statistical momentums (mean, variance, skewness, etc...) of abehavior dynamics by cascading few simple conditioning. Then, the non-recognition of such adynamics is interpreted as an abnormal behavior.But detecting an abnormal behavior is not sufficient to conclude to its inefficiency. The systemmust also monitor the temporal evolution of such an abnormality to judge the relevance of thebehavior. We show how an emotional meta-controller can use this novelty detection to regu-late behaviors and so select the best appropriate strategy in a given context. Finally, we showhow a simple frustration mechanism allows the robot to call for help when it detects potentialdeadlocks. Such a mechanism highlights situations where a skills improvement is possible, soas some developmental processes.

O vídeo feedback como técnica de qualificação do processo comunicativo para educação permanente em saúde de mediadores de grupos educativos / The video feedback as technique to qualify the communicative process for permanent education in health of educational groups mediators

Santiago, Débora Aparecida 08 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Os grupos educativos de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional tendem a contemplar os propósitos da Promoção da Saúde quando se configuram como ambientes de interação harmoniosa que prezam pelo alcance da autonomia e do empoderamento dos participantes. Entendendo o processo comunicativo como fator que interfere nessa interação, considera-se pertinente os profissionais da saúde, que atuam como mediadores de grupos, produzirem conhecimentos sobre comunicação verbal e não verbal, a partir da autoavaliação, a fim de desenvolverem competências que fortaleçam a prática profissional. Objetivo: Identificar a aplicabilidade do vídeo feedback como técnica de qualificação do processo comunicativo para Educação Permanente em Saúde de mediadores de grupos educativos realizados na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: Pesquisa exploratória à luz da abordagem qualitativa, sob a perspectiva teórica do Interacionismo Simbólico, realizada em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de São Paulo com mediadores de grupos em cujo(s) encontro(s) fosse abordado o tema alimentação e nutrição. O estudo envolveu 2 momentos de investigação correspondentes a 2 dias de produção de dados com cada profissional, sendo que o primeiro dia contemplou as etapas: (I) observação sistemática, por meio de filmagem, do profissional da saúde mediando um grupo educativo; (II) vídeo feedback; (III) entrevista semi-estruturada; e (VI) qualificação do processo comunicativo. Já o segundo dia envolveu apenas as etapas I, II e III. Os dados gerados a partir das entrevistas foram transcritos e sistematizados segundo o método da Análise de Conteúdo Temática, proposto por Bardin. Resultados: Onze profissionais participaram do estudo, tendo suas respostas contemplado a formação de 4 categorias em cada um dos 2 momentos da investigação: o vídeo feedback e a autopercepção da comunicação, as implicações da comunicação na mediação de grupos educativos, considerações sobre a utilização do vídeo feedback na prática educativa em saúde e o vídeo feedback e a percepção dos mediadores de grupos sobre sua aplicabilidade. Conclusão: O vídeo feedback é uma técnica capaz de qualificar o processo comunicativo de profissionais da saúde que atuam como mediadores de grupos educativos, em especial por evidenciar características da comunicação que interferem na efetividade das interações harmoniosas no cuidado em saúde. / Introduction: Educational groups of Food and Nutritional Education tend to contemplate the Health Promotion purposes when configured as harmonious interaction environments that value the reach of autonomy and empowerment of the participants. Understanding the communication process as a factor which affects this interaction, it is considered relevant to the health professionals working as groups mediators to produce knowledge about verbal and nonverbal communication, by means of self-assessment in order to develop skills to strengthen the professional practice. Objective: To identify the applicability of the video feedback as a qualification technique of the communicative process for Permanent Education in Health of educational groups mediators working in Primary Health Care. Methods: Exploratory research with qualitative approach, -under the theoretical perspective of Symbolic Interactionism, held in one Basic Health Unit of São Paulo with groups mediators in which meeting addressed the issue of food and nutrition. The study involved two research moments corresponding to two days of data production with each on of the professionals.The first day included the steps: (I) systematic observation of the health professional conducting the educational group, through filming; (II) video feedback; (III) semi-structured interview; and (VI) qualification of the communicative process. The second day involved only steps I, II and III. The data generated from the interviews were transcribed and systematized according to the method of Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin. Results: Eleven professionals participated in the study, and their responses contemplated the formation of four categories in each of the two stages of research: \'the video feedback and perception of communication\', \'the implications of communication in mediation educational groups\', considerations on the use of video feedback in educational practice in health, and video feedback and perception of groups mediators on its applicability\'. Conclusion: The video feedback is a technique that allow to qualify the communicative process of health professionals who act as mediators of educational groups, in particular by highlighting the communication features that interfere in the effectiveness of harmonious interactions in health care.

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