Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aemantic betworks"" "subject:"aemantic conetworks""
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Uncovering and Managing the Impact of Methodological Choices for the Computational Construction of Socio-Technical Networks from TextsDiesner, Jana 01 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis is motivated by the need for scalable and reliable methods and technologies that support the construction of network data based on information from text data. Ultimately, the resulting data can be used for answering substantive and graph-theoretical questions about socio-technical networks.
One main limitation with constructing network data from text data is that the validation of the resulting network data can be hard to infeasible, e.g. in the cases of covert, historical and large-scale networks. This thesis addresses this problem by identifying the impact of coding choices that must be made when extracting network data from text data on the structure of networks and network analysis results. My findings suggest that conducting reference resolution on text data can alter the identity and weight of 76% of the nodes and 23% of the links, and can cause major changes in the value of commonly used network metrics. Also, performing reference resolution prior to relation extraction leads to the retrieval of completely different sets of key entities in comparison to not applying this pre-processing technique. Based on the outcome of the presented experiments, I recommend strategies for avoiding or mitigating the identified issues in practical applications.
When extracting socio-technical networks from texts, the set of relevant node classes might go beyond the classes that are typically supported by tools for named entity extraction. I address this lack of technology by developing an entity extractor that combines an ontology for sociotechnical networks that originates from the social sciences, is theoretically grounded and has been empirically validated in prior work, with a supervised machine learning technique that is based on probabilistic graphical models. This thesis does not stop at showing that the resulting prediction models achieve state of the art accuracy rates, but I also describe the process of integrating these models into an existing and publically available end-user product. As a result, users can apply these models to new text data in a convenient fashion.
While a plethora of methods for building network data from information explicitly or implicitly contained in text data exists, there is a lack of research on how the resulting networks compare with respect to their structure and properties. This also applies to networks that can be extracted by using the aforementioned entity extractor as part of the relation extraction process. I address this knowledge gap by comparing the networks extracted by using this process to network data built with three alternative methods: text coding based on thesauri that associate text terms with node classes, the construction of network data from meta-data on texts, such as key words and index terms, and building network data in collaboration with subject matter experts. The outcomes of these comparative analyses suggest that thesauri generated with the entity extractor developed for this thesis need adjustments with respect to particular categories and types of errors. I am providing tools and strategies to assist with these refinements. My results also show that once these changes have been made and in contrast to manually constructed thesauri, the prediction models generalize with acceptable accuracy to other domains (news wire data, scientific writing, emails) and writing styles (formal, casual). The comparisons of networks constructed with different methods show that ground truth data built by subject matter experts are hardly resembled by any automated method that analyzes text bodies, and even less so by exploiting existing meta-data from text corpora. Thus, aiming to reconstruct social networks from text data leads to largely incomplete networks. Synthesizing the findings from this work, I outline which types of information on socio-technical networks are best captured by what network data construction method, and how to best combine these methods in order to gain a more comprehensive view on a network.
When both, text data and relational data, are available as a source of information on a network, people have previously integrated these data by enhancing social networks with content nodes that represent salient terms from the text data. I present a methodological advancement to this technique and test its performance on the datasets used for the previously mentioned evaluation studies. By using this approach, multiple types of behavioral data, namely interactions between people as well as their language use, can be taken into account. I conclude that extracting content nodes from groups of structurally equivalent agents can be an appropriate strategy for enabling the comparison of the content that people produce, perceive or disseminate. These equivalence classes can represent a variety of social roles and social positions that network members occupy. At the same time, extracting content nodes from groups of structurally coherent agents can be suitable for enabling the enhancement of social networks with content nodes. The results from applying the latter approach to text data include a comparison of the outcome of topic modeling; an efficient and unsupervised information extraction technique, to the outcomes of alternative methods, including entity extraction based on supervised machine learning. My findings suggest that key entities from meta-data knowledge networks might serve as proper labels for unlabeled topics. Also, unsupervised and supervised learning leads to the retrieval of similar entities as highly likely members of highly likely topics, and key nodes from text-based knowledge networks, respectively.
In summary, the contributions made with this thesis help people to collect, manage and analyze rich network data at any scale. This is a precondition for asking substantive and graph-theoretical questions, testing hypotheses, and advancing theories about networks. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary and computationally rigorous approach to work towards this goal; thereby advancing the intersection of network analysis, natural language processing and computing.
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Σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση ενός συστήματος αποκομιδής ορισμένης πληροφορίας από τον παγκόσμιο ιστό, με τη χρήση σημασιολογικών δικτύων λημμάτων / Design and implementation of a topical-focused web crawler through the use of semantic networksΚοζανίδης, Ελευθέριος 28 February 2013 (has links)
Η συγκεκριμένη διατριβή στοχεύει στον σχεδιασμό της μεθοδολογίας που θα εφαρμοστεί για την υλοποίηση ενός προσκομιστή πληροφορίας από τον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό, ο οποίος θα λειτουργεί λαμβάνοντας υπόψη θεματικά κριτήρια. Τέτοιου είδους προγράμματα ανίχνευσης πληροφορίας, είναι ευρέως γνωστά ως θεματικά εστιασμένοι προσκομιστές ιστοσελίδων. Κατά τη διάρκεια της μελέτης μας, σχεδιάσαμε και υλοποιήσαμε ένα καινοτόμο σύστημα θεματικής κατηγοριοποίησης ιστοσελίδων που κάνει εκτεταμένη χρήση των σημασιολογικών δεδομένων τα οποία περιέχονται στο σημασιολογικό δίκτυο WordNet. Η απόφαση για την αξιοποίηση του WordNet ελήφθη με τη φιλοδοξία να αντιμετωπιστούν αποτελεσματικά φαινόμενα ασάφειας εννοιών που μειώνουν τις επιδόσεις των διαθέσιμων θεματικών κατηγοριοποιητών. Η καταλληλότητα του WordNet για την επίλυση της σημασιολογικής ασάφειας έχει αποδειχθεί στο παρελθόν, αλλά ποτέ δεν εξετάστηκε σε ένα σύστημα εστιασμένης προσκόμισης ιστοσελίδων με τον συγκεκριμένο τρόπο, ενώ ποτέ δεν έχει αξιοποιηθεί στην κατηγοριοποίηση ιστοσελίδων για την ελληνική γλώσσα. Ως εκ τούτου, ο θεματικός κατηγοριοποιητής που υλοποιήσαμε, και κατά συνέπεια, και ο εστιασμένος προσκομιστής στον οποίο ενσωματώνεται ο κατηγοριοποιητής, είναι καινοτόμοι όσο αφορά τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αποσαφηνίζουν έννοιες λέξεων με στόχο την αποτελεσματική ανίχνευση του θεματικού προσανατολισμού μίας ιστοσελίδας .
Ένας προσκομιστής ιστοσελίδων είναι ένα πρόγραμμα που με αφετηρία μία λίστα διευθύνσεων ιστοσελίδων (URLs) αρχικοποίησης προσκομίζει το περιεχόμενο των ιστοσελίδων που συναντά και συνεχίζει ακολουθώντας τους εσωτερικούς τους συνδέσμους με απώτερο σκοπό την προσκόμιση όσο το δυνατό μεγαλύτερου υποσυνόλου δεδομένων του Παγκόσμιου Ιστού (ανάλογα με τους διαθέσιμους πόρους, την χωρητικότητα του δικτύου, κλπ.). Δεδομένου ότι ο όγκος των δεδομένων που είναι διαθέσιμα στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό αυξάνεται με εκθετικό ρυθμό, είναι πρακτικά αδύνατο να προσκομιστούν όλες οι ζητούμενες πηγές πληροφορίας ανά πάσα στιγμή. Ένας τρόπος για να αντιμετωπίσουμε το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα είναι η εκμετάλλευση συστημάτων εστιασμένης προσκόμισης ιστοσελίδων που στοχεύουν στη λήψη ιστοσελίδων συγκεκριμένης θεματολογίας που εκφράζουν κάθε φορά το θεματικό προφίλ του χρήστη, σε αντίθεση με τους προσκομιστές ιστοσελίδων γενικού σκοπού που καταναλώνουν πόρους άσκοπα προσπαθώντας να προσκομίσουν κάθε πιθανή πηγή πληροφορίας που συναντούν. Οι εστιασμένοι προσκομιστές χρησιμοποιούνται εκτενώς, για την κατασκευή θεματικά προσανατολισμένων ευρετηρίων ιστοσελίδων, κάθε ένα από τα οποία έχει την δυνατότητα να εξυπηρετήσει αιτήσεις χρηστών με συγκεκριμένο θεματικό προσανατολισμό. Με αυτό τον τρόπο είναι δυνατόν να αντιμετωπιστεί το πρόβλημα της υπερφόρτωσης πληροφοριών.
Προκειμένου να επιτελέσουμε την συγκεκριμένη εργασία μελετήσαμε εκτενώς υπάρχουσες τεχνικές εστιασμένης προσκόμισης, στις οποίες στηριχθήκαμε ώστε να ορίσουμε την μεθοδολογία που θα ακολουθήσουμε. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι η υλοποίηση ενός θεματικά εστιασμένου πολυνηματικού προσκομιστή, ο οποίος ενσωματώνει τις εξής καινοτομίες: είναι ρυθμισμένος προκειμένου να εκτελεί εστιασμένες προσκομίσεις σε ιστοσελίδες ελληνικού ενδιαφέροντος, αποσαφηνίζει το κείμενο που αντιστοιχεί σε ιστοσελίδες προκειμένου να ανακαλύψει τον θεματικό τους προσανατολισμό. Επιπλέον προτείνουμε μία σειρά υποσυστημάτων τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να ενσωματωθούν στο σύστημα εστιασμένης προσκόμισης προκειμένου να ενισχύσουμε την απόδοσή του. Τέτοια συστήματα είναι το υποσύστημα ανίχνευσης όψεων που αντιστοιχίζονται σε επώνυμες οντότητες καθώς και το υποσύστημα εξαγωγής λέξεων κλειδιών που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως χαρακτηριστικά κατηγοριοποίσης από το αλφαριθμητικό των διευθύνσεων (URL) ιστοσελίδων.
Για να παρουσιάσουμε την αποτελεσματικότητα της προτεινόμενης μεθόδου, διενεργήσαμε μία σειρά πειραματικών μετρήσεων. Συγκεκριμένα αξιολογήσαμε πειραματικά τα ακόλουθα: την αποτελεσματικότητα του αλγορίθμου αποσαφήνισης που ενσωματώσαμε στον προσκομιστή, την απόδοση του θεματικού κατηγοριοποιητή ο οποίος καθορίζει την συμπεριφορά του εστιασμένου προσκομιστή σχετικά με το αν μια σελίδα θα πρέπει να κατέβει ως θεματικά σχετική με το θέμα ενδιαφέροντος ή όχι, την απόδοση του εστιασμένου προσκομιστή καταγράφοντας τον ρυθμό απόκτησης που επιτυγχάνει κατά την διάρκεια της εστιασμένης προσκόμισης χρησιμοποιώντας κάθε φορά διαφορετικά χαρακτηριστικά κατηγοριοποίησης, την καταλληλότητα του υποσυστήματος εξαγωγής λέξεων-κλειδιών από το αλφαριθμητικό URL για την περιγραφή του θεματικού προσανατολισμού της ιστοσελίδας και τέλος τη χρησιμότητα του συστήματος αναγνώρισης επώνυμων οντοτήτων στην οργάνωση ιστοσελίδων των οποίων η σημασιολογία δεν αναπαρίσταται ικανοποιητικά σε σημασιολογικούς πόρους γενικού σκοπού συμπεριλαμβανομένου του σημασιολογικού δικτύου WordNet.
Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα επιβεβαιώνουν τη συμβολή του θεματικά εστιασμένου προσκομιστή που προτείνουμε στην προσκόμιση περιεχομένου ειδικού ενδιαφέροντος από τον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό. Παράλληλα αποδεικνύουμε ότι όλες οι μέθοδοι που ενσωματώσαμε στο σύστημα εστιασμένης προσκόμισης είναι δυνατό να συνεργαστούν κατά τρόπο που να βελτιώνει την απόδοση του προσκομιστή .
Τέλος από τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα αποδεικνύεται ότι η προτεινόμενη τεχνική είναι εξίσου αποτελεσματική για ιστοσελίδες στα αγγλικά και στα ελληνικά. Επιπλέον πιστεύουμε ότι μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί με επιτυχία και σε ιστοσελίδες που περιέχουν κείμενα άλλων φυσικών γλωσσών, με προϋπόθεση την ύπαρξη σημασιολογικών πόρων, αντίστοιχων με το WordNet και διαθέσιμων εργαλείων που θα επιτρέπουν την ανάλυση των δεδομένων κειμένου τους. / This dissertation aims at the specification of an algorithmic methodology that will be applied towards the implementation of a web crawler, which will operate upon thematic criteria. Such crawlers are widely known as topical focused web crawlers. To realize our objective, the utilization of a web page thematic classification system (either existing or newly developed one) is imperative. In the course of our study, we designed and implemented a novel thematic classifier that makes extensive use of the semantic data encoded in WordNet semantic network and such decision was taken with the aspiration of tackling effectively sense ambiguity phenomena that degrade the performance of available classifiers. The suitability of WordNet towards resolving semantic ambiguity has been previously proven but never examined in a focused web crawling application and has never been exploited for the Greek language. Therefore, our thematic classifier and consequently our focused crawler that integrates it are innovative in the way in which they perform word sense disambiguation for achieving the effective detection of the web page topics (themes).
In a broad sense, a web crawler is a program that based on a seed list of URLs it downloads the contents of the web pages it comes across and continues following their internal links with the utmost objective of fetching as much as web data as possible (depending on available resources, network capacity, etc.). Given that the web data grows at exponential rates, it is practically impossible to download all the web sources at any given time. One way to tackle such difficulty is to implement and employ topical focused crawlers that aim at downloading content of specific topics (potentially of interest to the user) rather than waste resources trying to download every single data source that is available on the web. Topically focused crawlers are extensively used for building topical focused indices, each of which can serve specialized user search requests, therefore dealing partially with the information overload problem.
To carry out our work, we have extensively reviewed existing approaches with respect to topically focused crawling techniques upon which we relied for defining our own focused crawling methodology, which resulted into the implementation of a topical focused crawler that incorporates the following innovate features: it is tailored to operate on the Greek web, it disambiguates the web pages in order to uncover their topic and it incorporates numerous features, such as a named entities recognizer, a URL keyword extractor, personalization techniques, etc., in order to maximize its performance.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we have applied our topical focused crawler on several datasets and experimentally evaluated the following issues: the efficiency of the sense resolution algorithm incorporated into our crawler, the performance of the topical classifier that the crawler consults prior to making a final decision as to whether a page should be downloaded as topically relevant to a subject of interest or not, the suitability of the URL keyword extractor module for judging the subject of a web page based entirely on the analysis of its URL, the usefulness of the named entities recognizer in organizing pages whose semantics are poorly represented within the contents of general-purpose semantic resources (including WordNet semantic network).
Experimental results confirm the contribution of our topically focused crawler in downloading web content of specific interest and show that all the methods and techniques that we have successfully integrated into the crawler can interoperate with its other in a manner that improves the crawling performance while allowing for flexibility in the downloading process at the same time. Last but not least, experimental results showcase that our crawling methodology is equally effective for both English and Greek and we believe that it can be fruitfully applied to other natural languages provided that there the respective semantic resources and tools are available for analyzing their textual data.
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Are you experienced? Contributions towards experience recognition, cognition, and decision makingChada, Daniel de Magalhães 08 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Daniel Chada (danielc2112@gmail.com) on 2017-01-10T13:25:02Z
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chada.phd.2017.01.09.pdf: 5177057 bytes, checksum: a6174d9f2ba0b373776e750def2a23aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-23T11:48:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-08 / Este trabalho consiste em três contribuições independentes do âmbito da modelagem cognitiva ao campo de management science. O primeiro aborda Experience Recognition, uma teoria inicialmente introduzida por Linhares e Freitas [91]. Aqui ela é estendida e delineada, além de se discutir suas contribuições para a ciência cognitiva e management science. A segunda contribuição introduz a framework cognitiva chamada Rotational Sparse Distributed Memory, e fornece uma aplicação-exemplo de suas características como substrato para um fortemente relevante campo da management science: redes semânticas. A contribuição final aplica Rotational Sparse Distributed Memory para a modelagem de motifs de rede, flexibilidade dinâmica e organização hierárquica, três resultados de forte impacto na literatura recente de neurociência. A relevância de uma abordagem baseada na modelagem neurocientífica para a decision science é discutida. / This work is comprised of three independent contributions from the realm of cognitive modeling to management science. The first addresses Experience Recognition, a theory first introduced by Linhares and Freitas [91]. Here it is extended and better defined, and also its contribution to cognitive science and management science are discussed. The second contribution introduces a cognitive framework called Rotational Sparse Distributed Memory, and provides a sample application of its characteristics as a substrate for a highly relevant subject in management science: semantic networks. The final contribution applies Rotational Sparse Distributed Memory to modeling network motifs, dynamic flexibility and hierarchical organization, all highly impactful results in recent neuroscience literature. The relevance of a neuroscientific modeling approach towards a cognitive view of decision science are discussed.
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Um método para descoberta de relacionamentos semânticos do tipo causa e efeito em sentenças de artigos científicos do domínio biomédicoScheicher, Ricardo Brigato 28 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-28 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Recently, there is an enormous amount of scientific material written in textual format and published in electronic ways (paper on proceedings and articles on journals). In the biomedical field, researchers need to analyse a vast amount of information in order to update their knowledges, in order to get more precise diagnostics and propose more modern and effective treatments. The task of getting knowledge is extremely onerous and the manual process to annotate relationships and to propose novel hypothesis for treatments becomes very slow and error-prone. In this sense, as a result of this master s research it is proposed a method to extract cause and effect semantic relationships in sentences of scientific papers of the biomedical domain. The goal of this work is to propose and implements a solution for: (1) to extract terms from the biomedical domain (genes, proteins, chemical components, structures and anatomical processes, cell components and strutures, and treatmens), (2) to identify existing relationships on the texts, from the extracted terms, and (3) to suggest a knowledge network based on the relations of cause and effect . Over the approach using textual patterns, our proposed method had extracted semantic relations with a precision of 94,83 %, recall of 98,10 %, F-measure of 96,43 %. / Atualmente, existe uma enorme quantidade de material científico escrito em formato textual e publicado em meios eletrônicos (artigos em anais de eventos e periódicos). Na área biomédica, pesquisadores necessitam assimilar uma grande parte deste conteúdo com a finalidade de se atualizarem e, por conseguinte realizarem diagnosticos mais precisos e aplicar tratamentos mais modernos e eficazes. A tarefa de obtenção de conhecimento é bastante onerosa e o processo manual para anotar relacionamentos e propor novas hipóteses de tratamentos torna-se muito lento. Neste sentido, como resultado desta pesquisa de mestrado, foi proposto um método para a extração de relacionamentos semânticos do tipo causa e efeito em artigos científicos do domínio biomédico. Mais especificamente, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor e implementar uma solução para (1) extrair termos do domínio biomédico de documentos científicos (genes, componentes químicos, proteínas, estruturas e processos anatômicos, componentes e estruturas celulares e tratamentos), (2) identificar relacionamentos existentes nos textos, com base nos termos extraídos, e (3) sugerir uma rede de conhecimento baseada nos relacionamentos extraídos. Através de uma abordagem utilizando regras e padrões textuais, o método proposto extraiu relacionamentos semânticos com uma precisão de 94,83 %, cobertura de 98,10 % e Medida-F de 96,43 %.
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Conhecimento sobre energia e?lica: um estudo explorat?rio a partir das redes sem?nticas naturais de estudantes da cidade de Natal / Knowledge about wind energy: an exploratory study taking into account natural semantic networks of students from Natal-RNPessoa, Viviany Silva 31 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:40:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The human being has a fundamental role in issues concerning scarcity of energy resources as well as in the success of technologies which favor the use of renewable sources, such as wind energy. But what does wind energy mean for people? What are the psychological meanings concerning this term? Aiming to answer these questions, the general objective of this dissertation was to identify and to analyze the knowledge about wind energy taking into account a network of psychological meanings. One hundred and ninety one (191) university students from Natal-RN participated in the study, being male the majority (53%); aged between 17 and 51 years old (M=23.3 years; SD=5.7). Participants responded to self reports using the Natural Semantic Networks (NSW) technique, as well as to several sociodemographic questions. The results showed a consistent, positive and useful general semantic network. In this semantic network, knowledge about wind energy was represented by words that correspond to the appeal of (pro) environmental stance (e.g., clean and nature), that evinced both the technological aspect (e.g., force) and the economic aspect (e.g., economy). Results from different groups were also analyzed. The first set of groups (non-environemental and environmental) was divided considering the course (e.g., ecology and economy). The second set of groups(non-caretaker and caretaker) was divided based on the practice of environmental care expressed. Subtle differences were observed in the semantic networks of caretakers, who emphasized environment, an attribute not mentioned by non-caretakes. This indicates a construction of knowledge that is influenced by the presence or absence of the environmental commitment. Such findings may be useful in the construction of instruments for surveys and in the development of public and educational policies. Additionally, they may assist the media towards a more objective performance concerning wind energy / O ser humano tem um papel fundamental tanto nas quest?es relacionadas ? escassez dos recursos energ?ticos como no sucesso das tecnologias que favorecem o uso de fontes renov?veis, como a energia e?lica. Mas o que as pessoas entendem por energia e?lica? Quais os significados psicol?gicos atribu?dos a este termo? Para responder estas perguntas foi definido como objetivo geral da disserta??o identificar e analisar o conhecimento sobre energia e?lica a partir de uma rede de significados psicol?gicos. Participaram 191 estudantes universit?rios da cidade de Natal-RN, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino (53%), com idades variando de 17 a 51 anos (M = 23,3 anos; DP = 5,7). Esses responderam ? t?cnica de auto-relato conhecida como Redes Sem?nticas Naturais (RSN), al?m de perguntas sociodemogr?ficas. Os resultados analisados a partir de uma an?lise explorat?ria, identificaram uma rede sem?ntica geral consistente, positiva e ?til. Nela, o conhecimento sobre energia e?lica ? representado por palavras que atendem ao apelo (pr?-) ambiental (ex. limpa e natureza), que evidenciam o aspecto tecnol?gico (ex. for?a) e o aspecto econ?mico (ex. economia). Os resultados tamb?m foram analisados a partir de diferentes grupos. O primeiro bloco de grupos (n?o-ambiental e ambiental) foi dividido a partir do curso (ex. ecologia e economia). O segundo bloco de grupos (n?o-cuidadores e cuidadores), foi dividido em fun??o do n?vel de comprometimento ambiental expressado. Foram observadas diferen?as sut?s nas redes sem?nticas dos cuidadores, que, por exemplo, enfatizaram meio ambiente, atributo n?o mencionado pelos n?o-cuidadores. Isso sinaliza uma constru??o do conhecimento influenciada pela presen?a, ou aus?ncia, do comprometimento ambiental. Tais achados poder?o se mostrar ?teis na constru??o de instrumentos para survey, no desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas e educacionais, al?m de auxiliar uma atua??o mais objetiva da m?dia frente ? energia e?lica
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Poesiemaschinen - MaschinenpoesieLink, David 20 January 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation analysiert Textgeneratoren aus der Frühzeit der Computergeschichte, seit den 1970er Jahren, ausgehend von ihrem Quelltext. Variablenskripte, Joseph Weizenbaums "Eliza", Kenneth Colbys "Parry", frühe Adventurespiele und Terry Winograds "SHRDLU" werden auf die ihnen zugrundelegienden metaphorischen und algorithmischen Strukturen untersucht. Alle diese Programme lassen sich auf den Glauben der formallogischen Tradition zurückführen, Sprache und das in ihr repräsentierte Wissen von Welt stellten vollständig explizierbare und sogar formalisierbare Sachverhalte dar, wie er in Ludwig Wittgensteins "Tractatus" kulminiert. Technisch werden hier optionale Elemente in Baumstrukturen angeordnet und erzeugen scheinbar unerschöpfliche Varianz. Dem wird eine zweite Traditionslinie gegenübergestellt, die statt an Optionen an Operationen arbeitet und mit dem Dadaisten Tristan Tzara, der Wiederentdeckung des russischen Mathematikers Andrei Markov durch Claude Shannon und den Cutup-Experimenten von William S. Burroughs verbunden ist. Als deren Weiterführung beschreibt die Arbeit das im Rahmen dieser Promotion entwickelte Computerprogramm "Poetry Machine", einen auf semantischen Netzwerken basierenden, interaktiven Textgenerator, der sich selbständig mit Informationen aus dem Internet versorgt. Im Anhang findet sich die Übersetzung des grundlegenden Textes "Ein Beispiel statistischer Forschung am Text ''Eugen Onegin'' zur Verbindung von Proben in Ketten" von A. Markov ins Deutsche. / The present dissertation analyses text generators from the early times of computer history, since the 1970ies, starting from their source code. Variable scripts, Joseph Weizenbaum''s "Eliza", Kenneth Colby''s "Parry", early adventure games and Terry Winograd''s "SHRDLU" are investigated regarding their metaphorical and arithmetical structure. These programs can be traced back to the belief of the formal-logic tradition that language and the knowledge about the world represented by it can be fully explained and even be formalised, like it culminates in Ludwig Wittgenstein''s "Tractatus". Technically, optional elements are arranged in tree-like structures and generate seemingly endless variance. A second line of tradition is opposed to this, that works on operations rather than on options. It is linked to the dadaist Tristan Tzara, the re-discovery of the Russian mathematician Andrei Markov by Claude Shannon and the cutup-experiments of William S. Burroughs. As a continuation, the computer program "Poetry Machine" is described in detail, which was developed within the framework of the present dissertation. This interactive text generator is based on semantic networks and acquires its information autonomously from the internet. The translation of the fundamental text "An Example of Statistical Investigation of the Text ''Eugene Onegin'' Concerning the Connection of Samples in Chains" by A. Markov into German is given in the appendix.
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Thérèse Raquin d’Émile Zola : Répétitions lexicales, réseaux sémantiques et leurs traductions suédoises / Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola : Lexical repetitions, semantic networks and their Swedish translationOlsson Lönn, Eva M. January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Emile Zola’s novel Thérèse Raquin (1867). The principal aim is to examine lexical repetitions and their importance for semantic networks. The thesis studies the use of the noun cou and certain of its co-occurrences, as well as the use of colours and their derivatives. Employing the methods of Greimas and Rastier, the study is based upon two analyses, one narratological and the other thematic, an approach which allows us not only to study the importance of lexical repetitions, but also to study another aspect of the writing, Zola’s various sources of inspiration. This approach aids in showing the stylistic profile of the novel from a new perspective. Our second aim concerns the Swedish translations of the text. The degree of equivalence of lexical repetitions and their transmission has been studied in three versions (Wilson, 1884, Bjurman, 1911, and Bouleau, 1953). Our analysis draws on Berman’s and Heldner’s ideas about the critical evaluation of translated literary texts. The results of this thesis show that Zola, in Thérèse Raquin, uses lexical repetitions to create a stylistic effect that not only draws inspiration from literary and artistic sources, but that is also inspired by real events of the time. These stylistic properties, such as the system of colour leitmotivs, must be conveyed in a translation that is to be considered faithful to the original. The findings of this study suggest that there is a dependency between two of the examined versions and that it would be desirable to produce a new Swedish translation of the novel, equivalent to Zola’s text. / Le roman Thérèse Raquin (1867) d’Émile Zola est l’objet d’étude de la présente thèse. Le premier but est d’y examiner des répétitions lexicales et leur importance pour des réseaux sémantiques. Nous y étudions l’emploi du nom cou et certaines de ses co-occurrences, ainsi que des couleurs et leurs dérivés présents. Suivant des méthodes de Greimas et Rastier, l’étude s’effectue au moyen de deux analyses, l’une narratologique, l’autre thématique, ce qui nous permet non seulement d’examiner l’importance des répétitions lexicales, mais aussi d’étudier un aspect supplémentaire de l’écriture, les diverses sources d’inspiration de Zola. Cette approche contribue à montrer, dans une perspective nouvelle, le profil stylistique du roman. Notre deuxième but concerne des traductions suédoises du texte. Dans trois versions (Wilson, 1884, Bjurman, 1911, et Bouleau, 1953), est évalué le degré d’équivalence des répétitions lexicales et la transmission des répétitions lexicales examinées. Pour notre analyse, nous nous servons des idées de Berman et de Heldner, qui traitent le sujet d’évaluation critique de textes littéraires traduits. Les résultats de la présente thèse montrent que Zola, dans Thérèse Raquin, utilise les répétitions lexicales pour créer un effet de style qui puise son inspiration non seulement dans des sources littéraires et artistiques, mais aussi dans des événements de la réalité de son époque. Ces propriétés stylistiques, comme la systématique des leitmotivs des couleurs, doivent être rendues dans une traduction censée être fidèle à l’original. Les analyses de notre étude évoquent qu’il y a une dépendance entre deux des versions examinées et qu’il est souhaitable de produire une nouvelle traduction suédoise du roman, équivalente au texte de Zola.
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Advancing cyber security with a semantic path merger packet classification algorithmThames, John Lane 30 October 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates and introduces novel algorithms, theories, and supporting frameworks to significantly improve the growing problem of Internet security. A distributed firewall and active response architecture is introduced that enables any device within a cyber environment to participate in the active discovery and response of cyber attacks. A theory of semantic association systems is developed for the general problem of knowledge discovery in data. The theory of semantic association systems forms the basis of a novel semantic path merger packet classification algorithm. The theoretical aspects of the semantic path merger packet classification algorithm are investigated, and the algorithm's hardware-based implementation is evaluated along with comparative analysis versus content addressable memory. Experimental results show that the hardware implementation of the semantic path merger algorithm significantly outperforms content addressable memory in terms of energy consumption and operational timing.
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Investigating the universality of a semantic web-upper ontology in the context of the African languagesAnderson, Winston Noël 08 1900 (has links)
Ontologies are foundational to, and upper ontologies provide semantic integration across, the Semantic Web. Multilingualism has been shown to be a key challenge to the development of the Semantic Web, and is a particular challenge to the universality requirement of upper ontologies. Universality implies a qualitative mapping from lexical ontologies, like WordNet, to an upper ontology, such as SUMO. Are a given natural language family's core concepts currently included
in an existing, accepted upper ontology? Does SUMO preserve an ontological non-bias with respect to the multilingual challenge, particularly in the context of the African languages? The approach to developing WordNets mapped to shared core concepts in the non-Indo-European language families has highlighted these challenges and this is examined in a unique new context: the Southern African
languages. This is achieved through a new mapping from African language core concepts to SUMO. It is shown that SUMO has no signi ficant natural language ontology bias. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computer Science)
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Proposing a New System Architecture for Next Generation Learning EnvironmentAboualizadehbehbahani, Maziar January 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The emergence of information exchange and act of offering features through external interfaces is a vast but immensely valuable challenge, and essential elements of learning environments cannot be excluded. Nowadays, there are a lot of different service providers working in the learning systems market and each of them has their own advantages. On that premise, in today's world even large learning management systems are trying to cooperate with each other in order to be best. For instance, Instructure is a substantial company and can easily employ a dedicated team tasked with the development of a video conferencing functionality, but it chooses to use an open source alternative instead: The BigBlueButton. Unfortunately, different learning system manufacturers are using different technologies for various reasons, making integration that much harder.
Standards in learning environments have come to resolve problems regarding exchanging information, providing and consuming functionalities externally and simultaneously minimizing the amount of effort needed to integrate systems. In addition to defining and simplifying these standards, careful consideration is essential when designing new, comprehensive and useful systems, as well as adding interoperability to existing systems, all which subsequently took part in this research.
In this research I have reviewed most of the standards and protocols for integration in learning environments and proposed a revised approach for app stores in learning environments. Finally, as a case study, a learning tool has been developed to avail essential functionalities of a social educational learning management system integrated with other learning management systems. This tool supports the dominant and most popular standards for interoperability and can be added to learning management systems within seconds.
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