Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sequentiality"" "subject:"sequentiallity""
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Index Reduction of Overlapping Strongly Sequential SystemsTOYAMA, Yoshihito, SAKAI, Masahiko, NAGAYA, Takashi 20 May 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Approche ethnométhodologique de l'accomplissement d'une figure à deux : spatialité et temporalité dans la pratique de l'aïkido / Ethnomethodological approach of a both-accomplished figure : spatiality and temporality in the practice of aikidoLefebvre, Augustin 18 February 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’appuie sur un corpus de données vidéo d’une dizaine d’heures, filmées dans un dojo d’aïkido à Tokyo. L’aïkido est une pratique martiale qui exclut toute notion de compétition. Les partenaires organisent leur pratique en s’orientant vers l’accomplissement de gestes spécifiquement attendus pour chacun des deux rôles disponibles tori [défenseur] et uke [attaquant]. Dans une perspective ethnométhodologique, l’enjeu de cette recherche est d’examiner la relation mutuellement constitutive des ressources dont les membres disposent sous forme de savoir faire corporel et la coordination d’actions situées. Il s’agit également de tester les outils développés par l’analyse conversationnelle pour décrire des interactions dans lesquelles les ressources verbales ne pas mobilisées. Je décris les spécificités de l’organisation séquentielle d’une interaction dont le but est l’accomplissement d’une figure, à partir de gestes. J’observe en particulier comment les pratiquants peuvent identifier sur le corps de leur partenaire le moment pertinent pour apporter leur contribution à la figure. Ce phénomène intervient tant dans l’interaction entre membres que dans l’interaction entre membre et novice. L’identification séquentiellement organisée du contour des gestes est ainsi une ressource qui intervient à la fois dans la coordination des corps en mouvement et dans la transmission d’un savoir faire, laissant entrevoir que la limite entre pratique et transmission du savoir faire se dissout dans le processus de maintien de l’intersubjectivité. / This research draws on video recordings filmed in an aikido dojo in Tokyo, Japan. I propose a description of the organization of interaction between the two available roles, tori and uke, which correspond to defender and attacker. I show that this kind of interaction documents a sequentiality drawing on gestures and normative expectancies. The core of this sequentiality is the ability of members to anticipate the sequel of a gesture from the visual or tactile perception of its beginning. This ability allows them to select themselves to accomplish a next relevant action. The in situ identification of gesture is a resource for showing beginners how to relevantly contribute to the activity as well. Embodied sequentiality appears then as a procedural resource to produce and maintain intersubjectivity even between a member and a beginner.
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Programmer le parallélisme avec des futures en Heptagon un langage synchrone flot de données et étude des réseaux de Kahn en vue d’une compilation synchrone / Programming parallelism with futures in Heptagon a synchronous functional language, and, study of Kahn networks aiming synchronous compilationGérard, Léonard 25 September 2013 (has links)
Les langages synchrones ont été fondés pour modéliser et implémenter les systèmes réactifs temps-réels critiques. Avec la complexité toujours croissante des systèmes contrôlés, la vitesse d'exécution devient un critère important. Nous sommes donc à la recherche d'une exécution parallèle, combinant efficacité et sûreté.Les langages synchrones ont toujours intégré la notion de parallélisme, mais ce, pour l'expressivité de la modélisation. Leurs compilations visent principalement les circuits ou la génération de code séquentiel. Tous ont une sémantique formelle, qui rend possible la distribution correcte du code. Mais la préservation de cette sémantique peut être un obstacle à l'efficacité du code généré, particulièrement s'il est nécessaire de préserver une notion d'instant global au système.Le modèle sémantique qui nous intéresse est celui des réseaux de Kahn. Ces réseaux modélisent des calculateurs distribués, communiquant au travers de files de taille non bornée. Dans ce cadre, la distribution ne demande aucune communication ni synchronisation supplémentaire. En considérant l'histoire des files de communication, la sémantique de Kahn permet de s'abstraire de l'exécution effective, tout en garantissant le déterminisme du calcul. Pour cela, chaque nœud du réseau doit avoir une sémantique fonctionnelle continue.Le langage que nous développons est Heptagon, un langage synchrone fonctionnel du premier ordre, déscendant de Lustre. Son compilateur est un prototype universitaire, apparenté à l'outil industriel Scade. Grâce à sa sémantique de Kahn, la distribution d'un programme Heptagon ne pose pas de question, son efficacité beaucoup plus.L'efficacité requiert de minimiser les synchronisations. Cela revêt deux aspects non indépendants. Avoir un découplage suffisant des calculs : il y a des délais dans les dépendances entre calculs. Avoir une granularité importante des calculs : un fort ratio temps de calcul sur fréquence de communication. Or la sémantique synchrone et les horloges d'un programme Heptagon reflètent exactement l'inverse. Elles permettent au programmeur de se contenter d'un découplage d'un instant et à chaque instant, au maximum une valeur est calculée. De plus, les instants sont typiquement courts, pour assurer que le système réagit rapidement.Des précédents travaux sur le sujet, nous tirons deux constats.Le premier est que nous souhaitons le contrôle du parallélisme par le programmeur, directement dans le code source. Il doit pouvoir maîtriser à quels instants il y a communication ou synchronisation. La solution que nous proposons dans ce manuscrit est l'utilisation des futures dans Heptagon. Ils fournissent ce pouvoir au programmeur, tout en restant des annotations qui peuvent être supprimées sans changer la sémantique dénotationnelle du programme.Le deuxième constat est que la question de la granularité des calculs est une question profonde, touchant en particulier aux questions de dépendance de données, de choix des horloges et de compilation modulaire. Heptagon, comme ses parents, restreint les réseaux de Kahn qui peuvent être écrits, de telle sorte que ces trois questions se traitent séparément. Pour mieux comprendre le lien entre ces éléments, nous revenons aux réseaux de Kahn. Notre principal résultat est la définition de la sous-classe des réseaux ordonnés réactifs. Ceux-ci sont les seuls pour lesquels nous pouvons décrire modulairement le comportement avec des horloges, sans restreindre les contextes d'appels. Ces réseaux ont une signature d'horloge en forme normale, qui maximise la granularité. Pour l'exprimer, nous introduisons les horloges entières, décrivant la communication de plusieurs valeurs en un seul instant. Nous appliquons ensuite nos résultats pour voir sous un nouveau jour Heptagon, Signal, les politiques des objets de Lucid Synchrone, mais aussi proposer une analyse pleinement modulaire de Lucy-n langage synchrone le plus fidèle aux réseaux de Kahn. / Synchronous languages are used to program critical reactive systems. Today, systems require to find a way to execute them safely and in parallel. Parallelism has always been part of synchronous langages, but for modeling purpose. Their formal semantics allow to distribute them, but preserving the semantics may be ressource costly and prevent good parallel execution.The Kahn networks model is of great interest. It models distributed computers, communicating through unbounded FIFOs, ensuring that the computed values are deterministic, without any need of added synchronization.We develop the langage Heptagon, a first order functional synchronous son of Lustre.The compiler is an academic prototype of the industrial tool Scade. Thanks to its Kahn semantics, it can be distributed. In order to be efficient, one need to maximize the decoupling of computations and maximize the computation granularity. However, synchronous langages allow for very tight computation coupling and usually require thin computation granularity to ensure reactivity of the system.We opt for two research directions. The first one is to give the control of the execution parallelism to the programer. To this mean, we add futures to the source langage Heptagon. They provide control over starting and end of parallel computations, while preserving the functional semantics. Moreover, we provide a compilation for embedded systems, using statically allocated memory. The second one is to study Kahn synchronous semantics to understand data dependencies and maximize granularity of the computations. This touches deeply to the synchronous languages, mixing the usually separated questions of causality and clock calculus. We define the class of reactive ordered Kahn networks. They are the one which may be modularly compiled and whose behavior may be expressed with a clock signature. Moreover, we show that their is a normal form for this signature, maximizing the granularity of the network. To express it, we extend clocks to integer clocks. Then we come back to the synchronous languages we know to understand how to use it. The result is fully used and explained on Lucy-n, the synchronous language closest to Kahn networks.
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Serialita v české a slovenské komiksové naraci. Žánry - modely - světy / Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres -Models - WorldsKořínek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The PhD thesis Seriality in Czech and Slovak Comics Narration. Genres - Models - Worlds intends to deepen our understanding of the historically most prevalent serial form (as in "form of organization") of comics' texts, which phenomenon is here described and further studied building upon the material base of the Czechoslovak comics of the 20th century. At the same time, this seriality is considered here as both the topic of research and its main analytical tool, since the thesis aims to advance our knowledge of history of local comics, as well as to propose seriality-related theoretical tools and concepts. On the historical and interpretative level, the Czechoslovak tradition of comics is conceptualized through its dominant publication-presentation types (comics being presented in the periodicals context) of episodic segments with their strictly limited space/page allowance, with focus on formats and models of periodicity, as well as on genre and composition related topics. Further chapters are dedicated to specific sub-categories of comics narratives (either format-based - comic strip, or genre-oriented - funny animal comics). These not only give an appropriate historical overview of the individual topics, but also serve as the prerequisites for consideration of general, arguably even...
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[pt] Atualmente, diferenças de visões de mundo, especialmente as de natureza ideológica e política, vêm promovendo um clima de polarização, seja no ambiente off-line ou online. Uma das munições utilizadas na guerra do nós contra eles é o conhecimento. Discussões acaloradas são sustentadas por uma disputa de quem tem razão, quem está certo ao defender determinada posição. À luz de uma abordagem que integra a teoria do conhecimento aos estudos sobre postura epistêmica, na perspectiva da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, este trabalho tem por objetivo examinar como são construídas as batalhas epistêmicas na seção de comentários de um jornal digital, hospedado no YouTube, que posta vídeos de operações policiais avaliadas como abusivas. Os resultados demonstram que os participantes buscam derrotar o oponente invocando um desiquilíbrio epistêmico entre as partes. Para tanto, mobilizam diferentes recursos linguísticos para reivindicar uma postura epistêmica de mais conhecimento e deslegitimam posições que não são sustentadas por conhecimentos fundamentados e confiáveis. Os resultados revelam também que, em termos de efeitos argumentativos, as batalhas epistêmicas são um jogo sem vencedores. Elas não contribuem para modificar crenças enganosas, informações falsas e preconceitos. Elas servem apenas para reforçar a construção de identidades totalizantes, dificultando qualquer possibilidade de entendimento mútuo, ainda que não haja acordo. / [en] Currently, differences in worldviews, especially those of ideological and political nature, are promoting a climate of polarization, whether in the offline or online environment. One of the ammunitions used in the we versus they war is knowledge. Heated discussions are supported by a dispute of right or wrong, that is, who is right in defending a determined position. In the light of an approach that integrates the theory of knowledge to the studies on epistemic stance, from the perspective of the Conversation Analysis, this paper aims to examine how epistemic changes are constructed in the comments section of a digital newspaper, hosted on YouTube, which posts videos of police operations evaluated as abusive. The results demonstrate that the participants seek to defeat the opponent by invoking an epistemic imbalance between the parties. To this end, they mobilize different linguistic resources to claim an epistemic stance of more knowledge and delegitimize positions that are not supported by reliable and well-founded knowledge. The results also reveal that, in terms of argumentative effects, epistemic battles are a game with no winners. They do not contribute to modifying misleading beliefs, false information, and prejudices. They only serve to reinforce the construction of totalizing identities, hindering any possibility of mutual understanding, even if there is no agreement.
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L’art de combiner des fragments : pratiques hypertextuelles dans la littérature oulipienne (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino, Jacques Roubaud) / The art of combining fragments : hypertextual practices in oulipian literature (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino, Jacques Roubaud)Martín Sánchez, Pablo 20 December 2012 (has links)
En s'appuyant sur les outils fournis par la théorie de la littérature et la littérature comparée, cette thèse vise à mettre en évidence les relations entre la littérature hypertextuelle et la littérature potentielle développée par le groupe Oulipo (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle). Plus précisément, l'analyse des oeuvres hypertextuelles des principaux écrivains du groupe (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino et Jacques Roubaud, sans que cela soit un obstacle à en convoquer d'autres) est une tentative de démontrer l'importance de l'Oulipo pour la naissance, le développement et la consolidation de l'hypertexte, compris comme une forme d'écriture multiséquentielle où différents fragments textuels reliés entre eux offrent un choix d'itinéraires de lecture. Cette conception structurelle du phénomène accueille à la fois les hypertextes sur support papier et les hypertextes numériques, tout en permettant de parcourir parallèlement l'histoire des littératures potentielle et hypertextuelle, depuis les années soixante (où sont forgés les deux termes), jusqu'à nos jours / The present dissertation aims to reveal the connections between hypertextual literature and potential literature developed by Oulipo (Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle) using the tools given by the literary theories and comparative literature. More precisely, analysing the hypertextual works of the main driving forces of this literary group - Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino and Jacques Roubaud, among others - represents a way of proving the capital importance of Oulipo in the birth, developing and consolidation of hypertext as a form of multi-sequential writing, in which different parts of a text offer different itineraries for a particular reading. Conceiving this phenomenon structurally means including paper hypertexts as well as digital hypertexts, and makes possible a parallel journey along the history of potential and hypertext literature from the 1960s decade - where both terms where coined - to the present moment.
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Estratégias de computação seqüenciais e paralelas sobre espaços coerentes / Sequential and parallel computational strategies of coherence spacesSchneider Sellanes, Ruben Gerardo January 1996 (has links)
As estruturas de dados concretas (cds) são quaternas (C, V, E, l-) que contêm um conjunto C de células, um conjunto V de valores, um conjunto E de eventos e uma relação de habilitação l-. O conjunto de estados de uma cds é um domínio concreto que pode ser considerada a parte "abstrata" das cds. Da mesma maneira tem-se que os domínios de eventos (que são generalizações dos domínios concretos) são a parte abstrata das estruturas de eventos. Mostra-se a relação dos domínios concretos e domínios de eventos com os espaços coerentes, assim como também das teias de espaços coerentes com as cds e estruturas de eventos. Intuitivamente, uma cds é uma teia de um espaço coerente se toda célula c de C não é habilitada por nenhum evento (ou equivalentemente, é habilitada pelo conjunto vazio), isto é, V C E C, 0 F c. Outra forma de expressar isto é dizer que uma cds e uma teia de um espaço coerente se o conjunto de estados da cds é um espaço coerente. Definem-se os algoritmos lineares como sendo estados de uma cds no estilo dos algoritmos seqüenciais do Curien ([CUR 86]). Em particular as cds consideradas são teias de espaços coerentes. Mostra-se como obter a cds !A—>B, a partir de uma função estável f. A —> B. O algoritmo linear desta cds possui todas as estratégias de computação (seqüenciais e paralelas) que computam a função subjacente f, o que implica que os algoritmos lineares podem ser considerados meta-algoritmos. Mostra-se que para toda estratégia de computação seqüencial de um algoritmo linear, existe um algoritmo seqüencial de Curien que computa a mesma função, e vice-versa. A definição de estratégia de computação é dada de maneira tal que permite se dar semântica a segmentos de programas. Define-se uma operação de composição de estratégias, de forma tal que se pode obter uma estratégia de computação de um programa, a partir da composição das estratégias dos segmentos. / The concrete data structures, or cds, (C, V, E, l-) consists of a set C of cells, a set V of values. a set E of events and an enabling relation l-. The set of states of a cds is a concrete domain, that can be considered the "abstract" counterpart of the cds. In the same way we have that the events domains (that are more general that the concretes domains) are the abstract counterpart of the events structures. We show the relation between the concretes domains and events domains with the coherence spaces, as just as the relation between the cds and events structures with webs of coherence spaces. Intuitivelly, a cds is a web of a coherence space if any cell c is not enabled for any event, i.e. Vce C, 0 F c. We can say that a cds is a web of a coherence space if the set of states of the cds is a coherence space. We define the linear algorithms as states of a cds following the Curien's sequential algorithms ([CUR 86]). In particular the cds considered are webs of coherence spaces. We show how to obtain a cds !A—>B from a stable function f. A —> B. The linear algorithm of this cds contain all the computational strategies (sequentials and parallels) that compute the subjacent function f; this implies that the linear algorithms can be considered a kind of meta-algorithms. We show that for all sequential computational strategy of a linear al gorithm exists a Curien's sequential algorithm that compute the same function and conversely. We define the computational strategies in such a way that we can give semantic of segments of programs. We define a composition operation for strategies. This operation has the advantage that we can obtain the computational strategy of a program as the composition of the segments of it.
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Estratégias de computação seqüenciais e paralelas sobre espaços coerentes / Sequential and parallel computational strategies of coherence spacesSchneider Sellanes, Ruben Gerardo January 1996 (has links)
As estruturas de dados concretas (cds) são quaternas (C, V, E, l-) que contêm um conjunto C de células, um conjunto V de valores, um conjunto E de eventos e uma relação de habilitação l-. O conjunto de estados de uma cds é um domínio concreto que pode ser considerada a parte "abstrata" das cds. Da mesma maneira tem-se que os domínios de eventos (que são generalizações dos domínios concretos) são a parte abstrata das estruturas de eventos. Mostra-se a relação dos domínios concretos e domínios de eventos com os espaços coerentes, assim como também das teias de espaços coerentes com as cds e estruturas de eventos. Intuitivamente, uma cds é uma teia de um espaço coerente se toda célula c de C não é habilitada por nenhum evento (ou equivalentemente, é habilitada pelo conjunto vazio), isto é, V C E C, 0 F c. Outra forma de expressar isto é dizer que uma cds e uma teia de um espaço coerente se o conjunto de estados da cds é um espaço coerente. Definem-se os algoritmos lineares como sendo estados de uma cds no estilo dos algoritmos seqüenciais do Curien ([CUR 86]). Em particular as cds consideradas são teias de espaços coerentes. Mostra-se como obter a cds !A—>B, a partir de uma função estável f. A —> B. O algoritmo linear desta cds possui todas as estratégias de computação (seqüenciais e paralelas) que computam a função subjacente f, o que implica que os algoritmos lineares podem ser considerados meta-algoritmos. Mostra-se que para toda estratégia de computação seqüencial de um algoritmo linear, existe um algoritmo seqüencial de Curien que computa a mesma função, e vice-versa. A definição de estratégia de computação é dada de maneira tal que permite se dar semântica a segmentos de programas. Define-se uma operação de composição de estratégias, de forma tal que se pode obter uma estratégia de computação de um programa, a partir da composição das estratégias dos segmentos. / The concrete data structures, or cds, (C, V, E, l-) consists of a set C of cells, a set V of values. a set E of events and an enabling relation l-. The set of states of a cds is a concrete domain, that can be considered the "abstract" counterpart of the cds. In the same way we have that the events domains (that are more general that the concretes domains) are the abstract counterpart of the events structures. We show the relation between the concretes domains and events domains with the coherence spaces, as just as the relation between the cds and events structures with webs of coherence spaces. Intuitivelly, a cds is a web of a coherence space if any cell c is not enabled for any event, i.e. Vce C, 0 F c. We can say that a cds is a web of a coherence space if the set of states of the cds is a coherence space. We define the linear algorithms as states of a cds following the Curien's sequential algorithms ([CUR 86]). In particular the cds considered are webs of coherence spaces. We show how to obtain a cds !A—>B from a stable function f. A —> B. The linear algorithm of this cds contain all the computational strategies (sequentials and parallels) that compute the subjacent function f; this implies that the linear algorithms can be considered a kind of meta-algorithms. We show that for all sequential computational strategy of a linear al gorithm exists a Curien's sequential algorithm that compute the same function and conversely. We define the computational strategies in such a way that we can give semantic of segments of programs. We define a composition operation for strategies. This operation has the advantage that we can obtain the computational strategy of a program as the composition of the segments of it.
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Estratégias de computação seqüenciais e paralelas sobre espaços coerentes / Sequential and parallel computational strategies of coherence spacesSchneider Sellanes, Ruben Gerardo January 1996 (has links)
As estruturas de dados concretas (cds) são quaternas (C, V, E, l-) que contêm um conjunto C de células, um conjunto V de valores, um conjunto E de eventos e uma relação de habilitação l-. O conjunto de estados de uma cds é um domínio concreto que pode ser considerada a parte "abstrata" das cds. Da mesma maneira tem-se que os domínios de eventos (que são generalizações dos domínios concretos) são a parte abstrata das estruturas de eventos. Mostra-se a relação dos domínios concretos e domínios de eventos com os espaços coerentes, assim como também das teias de espaços coerentes com as cds e estruturas de eventos. Intuitivamente, uma cds é uma teia de um espaço coerente se toda célula c de C não é habilitada por nenhum evento (ou equivalentemente, é habilitada pelo conjunto vazio), isto é, V C E C, 0 F c. Outra forma de expressar isto é dizer que uma cds e uma teia de um espaço coerente se o conjunto de estados da cds é um espaço coerente. Definem-se os algoritmos lineares como sendo estados de uma cds no estilo dos algoritmos seqüenciais do Curien ([CUR 86]). Em particular as cds consideradas são teias de espaços coerentes. Mostra-se como obter a cds !A—>B, a partir de uma função estável f. A —> B. O algoritmo linear desta cds possui todas as estratégias de computação (seqüenciais e paralelas) que computam a função subjacente f, o que implica que os algoritmos lineares podem ser considerados meta-algoritmos. Mostra-se que para toda estratégia de computação seqüencial de um algoritmo linear, existe um algoritmo seqüencial de Curien que computa a mesma função, e vice-versa. A definição de estratégia de computação é dada de maneira tal que permite se dar semântica a segmentos de programas. Define-se uma operação de composição de estratégias, de forma tal que se pode obter uma estratégia de computação de um programa, a partir da composição das estratégias dos segmentos. / The concrete data structures, or cds, (C, V, E, l-) consists of a set C of cells, a set V of values. a set E of events and an enabling relation l-. The set of states of a cds is a concrete domain, that can be considered the "abstract" counterpart of the cds. In the same way we have that the events domains (that are more general that the concretes domains) are the abstract counterpart of the events structures. We show the relation between the concretes domains and events domains with the coherence spaces, as just as the relation between the cds and events structures with webs of coherence spaces. Intuitivelly, a cds is a web of a coherence space if any cell c is not enabled for any event, i.e. Vce C, 0 F c. We can say that a cds is a web of a coherence space if the set of states of the cds is a coherence space. We define the linear algorithms as states of a cds following the Curien's sequential algorithms ([CUR 86]). In particular the cds considered are webs of coherence spaces. We show how to obtain a cds !A—>B from a stable function f. A —> B. The linear algorithm of this cds contain all the computational strategies (sequentials and parallels) that compute the subjacent function f; this implies that the linear algorithms can be considered a kind of meta-algorithms. We show that for all sequential computational strategy of a linear al gorithm exists a Curien's sequential algorithm that compute the same function and conversely. We define the computational strategies in such a way that we can give semantic of segments of programs. We define a composition operation for strategies. This operation has the advantage that we can obtain the computational strategy of a program as the composition of the segments of it.
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