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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Аналитика друштвених мрежа као фактор промоције хотела у Србији / Analitika društvenih mreža kao faktor promocije hotela u Srbiji / Social network analytics as a factor of promotion of hotels in Serbia

Kalinić Časlav 13 March 2019 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; докторској&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; су&nbsp; кроз&nbsp; девет&nbsp; поглавља&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доноси&nbsp; аналитика&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа.&nbsp; Конкретно&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; су&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; које доносе друштвене мреже&nbsp; у склопу промотивних активности хотела.&nbsp; Истраживањем је обухваћено&nbsp; утврђивање&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; интернет&nbsp; маркетинга,&nbsp; и&nbsp; у&nbsp; склопу&nbsp; тога&nbsp; маркетинга&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама&nbsp; за&nbsp; туристички&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотелски&nbsp; сектор,&nbsp; приказан&nbsp; је&nbsp; концепт друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; најактуелнијих&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; на глобалном нивоу. Дат је и преглед техника аналитике друштвених мрежа и области и начини&nbsp; примене,&nbsp; са&nbsp; освртом&nbsp; на&nbsp; велике&nbsp; количине&nbsp; података.&nbsp; Такође,&nbsp; истраживањем&nbsp; јеобухваћено и утврђивање фактора који утичу на ангажовање корисника на друштвеним мрежама,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; налога&nbsp; и&nbsp; метаподатака&nbsp; објава&nbsp; прикупљених&nbsp; на анализираним&nbsp; налозима.&nbsp; Под&nbsp; основном&nbsp; јединицом&nbsp; посматрања&nbsp; сматрани&nbsp; су&nbsp; сви категорисани&nbsp; угоститељски&nbsp; објекти&nbsp; врсте&nbsp; хотел&nbsp; који&nbsp; се&nbsp; налазе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Републици&nbsp; Србији. Прикупљање података обухватало је комбинацију мануелних и аутоматских метода, уз помоћ којих су прибављени подаци о налозима хотела на најактуелнијим друштвеним мрежама. Истраживање је&nbsp; потврдило&nbsp; прву хипотезу да су хотели у Србији препознали значај&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; за&nbsp; промоцију,&nbsp; на&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; на&nbsp; тренутно&nbsp; водећим платформама на тржишту. У раду је делимично потврђена друга хипотеза која сматра аналитику&nbsp; друштвених&nbsp; мрежа&nbsp; вредним&nbsp; каналом&nbsp; за&nbsp; прибављање&nbsp; информација&nbsp; о потрошачима, а која&nbsp; се могу користити као основа за промотивне активности хотела. Истраживањем је потврђена и трећа хипотеза&nbsp; да различите карактеристике објава које креирају&nbsp; корисници&nbsp; и&nbsp; хотели&nbsp; на&nbsp; друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама,&nbsp; различито&nbsp; утичу&nbsp; на ангажованост корисника, а самим тим и на значај за промоцију. На основу теоретских сазнања о промотивним активностима на друштвеним мрежама и практичних потреба отела&nbsp; у&nbsp; Србији,&nbsp; дат&nbsp; је&nbsp; предлог&nbsp; модела&nbsp; за&nbsp; вршење&nbsp; промотивних&nbsp; активности&nbsp; на друштвеним&nbsp; мрежама.&nbsp; Поред&nbsp; тога,&nbsp; у&nbsp; раду&nbsp; су&nbsp; представљене&nbsp; и&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; за&nbsp; будућа<br />истраживања у овој области.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; su&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; devet&nbsp; poglavlja&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donosi&nbsp; analitika&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža.&nbsp; Konkretno&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; su&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; koje donose društvene mreže&nbsp; u sklopu promotivnih aktivnosti hotela.&nbsp; Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; internet&nbsp; marketinga,&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; sklopu&nbsp; toga&nbsp; marketinga&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama&nbsp; za&nbsp; turistički&nbsp; i&nbsp; hotelski&nbsp; sektor,&nbsp; prikazan&nbsp; je&nbsp; koncept društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; najaktuelnijih&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; na globalnom nivou. Dat je i pregled tehnika analitike društvenih mreža i oblasti i načini&nbsp; primene,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; osvrtom&nbsp; na&nbsp; velike&nbsp; količine&nbsp; podataka.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; istraživanjem&nbsp; jeobuhvaćeno i utvrđivanje faktora koji utiču na angažovanje korisnika na društvenim mrežama,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; naloga&nbsp; i&nbsp; metapodataka&nbsp; objava&nbsp; prikupljenih&nbsp; na analiziranim&nbsp; nalozima.&nbsp; Pod&nbsp; osnovnom&nbsp; jedinicom&nbsp; posmatranja&nbsp; smatrani&nbsp; su&nbsp; svi kategorisani&nbsp; ugostiteljski&nbsp; objekti&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; hotel&nbsp; koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; u&nbsp; Republici&nbsp; Srbiji. Prikupljanje podataka obuhvatalo je kombinaciju manuelnih i automatskih metoda, uz pomoć kojih su pribavljeni podaci o nalozima hotela na najaktuelnijim društvenim mrežama. Istraživanje je&nbsp; potvrdilo&nbsp; prvu hipotezu da su hoteli u Srbiji prepoznali značaj&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; za&nbsp; promociju,&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; na&nbsp; trenutno&nbsp; vodećim platformama na tržištu. U radu je delimično potvrđena druga hipoteza koja smatra analitiku&nbsp; društvenih&nbsp; mreža&nbsp; vrednim&nbsp; kanalom&nbsp; za&nbsp; pribavljanje&nbsp; informacija&nbsp; o potrošačima, a koja&nbsp; se mogu koristiti kao osnova za promotivne aktivnosti hotela. Istraživanjem je potvrđena i treća hipoteza&nbsp; da različite karakteristike objava koje kreiraju&nbsp; korisnici&nbsp; i&nbsp; hoteli&nbsp; na&nbsp; društvenim&nbsp; mrežama,&nbsp; različito&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na angažovanost korisnika, a samim tim i na značaj za promociju. Na osnovu teoretskih saznanja o promotivnim aktivnostima na društvenim mrežama i praktičnih potreba otela&nbsp; u&nbsp; Srbiji,&nbsp; dat&nbsp; je&nbsp; predlog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; za&nbsp; vršenje&nbsp; promotivnih&nbsp; aktivnosti&nbsp; na društvenim&nbsp; mrežama.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; radu&nbsp; su&nbsp; predstavljene&nbsp; i&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; buduća<br />istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>Throughout&nbsp; nine&nbsp; chapters,&nbsp; this&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; analytics.Precisely,&nbsp; this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; possibilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; carrying&nbsp; out&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social network sites. The research study included determining of internet marketing importance, and within that importance of marketing on social network sites&nbsp; tourism and hospitality. Also, the concept of social network sites is presented as well as characteristics of the most current global ones.&nbsp; Within the scope of the reseatch is also a review of the techniques of social network analysis and areas and application modes, with reference to large amounts of data. The survey included determining factors that influence the user engagement on social networks, as well as the characteristics of accounts as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; posts&#39;&nbsp; metadata&nbsp; collected&nbsp; on&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; accounts.&nbsp; All&nbsp; categorized&nbsp; hotel facilities&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Republic&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; were&nbsp; considered&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic&nbsp; unit&nbsp; of&nbsp; observation.&nbsp; Data collection&nbsp; encompassed&nbsp; a&nbsp; combination&nbsp; of&nbsp; manual&nbsp; and&nbsp; automatic&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; through&nbsp; which information&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; hotel&#39;s&nbsp; accounts&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; current&nbsp; social&nbsp; networks&nbsp; was&nbsp; obtained.&nbsp; The research confirmed the first hypothesis that the hotels in Serbia recognized the importance of&nbsp; social network sites for promotion, at the level of presence at the current leading platforms in the market. The second hypothesis is partially confirmed that considers the analytics of social network sites a valuable channel for obtaining consumer information, which can be used as the basis for the hotel&#39;s promotional&nbsp; activities.&nbsp; The&nbsp; study&nbsp; also&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; the&nbsp; third&nbsp; hypothesis&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; different characteristics of the posts created by users and hotels on social network sites have different effect on&nbsp; user&nbsp; engagement,&nbsp; and&nbsp; therefore&nbsp; the&nbsp; importance&nbsp; of&nbsp; promotion.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; theoretical&nbsp; knowledge about&nbsp; promotional&nbsp; activities&nbsp; on&nbsp; social&nbsp; network&nbsp; sites&nbsp; and&nbsp; practical&nbsp; needs&nbsp; of&nbsp; hotels&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; this study proposed&nbsp; the model for performing promotional activities on social network&nbsp; sites. In addition, the paper presents possibilities for future research in this area.</p>

Six Weeks in Belgrade : A Comic Book on Participatory Architecture and Citizen Initiatives in Urban Planning / Sex Veckor i Belgrad : En seriebok om medborgarinitiativ och deltagande i arkitektur och stadsplanering

Kautsky, Matilde, Kedborn, Klara January 2014 (has links)
The project “Six weeks in Belgrade” is a comic book and an exhibition of our research on citizen participation in the planning process in Belgrade, Serbia.   The project discusses how participation can be used to improve the way we plan and build our cities: If, and how, participation can result in a more democratic planning, aiming at a more long-term sustainable and less market-driven urban development. It presents current planning conditions in Belgrade, and current actors and projects in Belgrade. It also introduces a speculative method for a participatory practice through fiction and the visual language of comics. The project maps both formal and informal initiatives in the field of urban planning.The research was done on the basis of interviews, books and articles. By mapping these initiatives we wanted to show their importance, hoping that people will get inspired and involved in the planning and making of the city, and also to strengthen already existing initiatives. The research is presented in the form of a comic narrative, presenting an alternative mode of communicating ideas in architecture and planning. Something which is of specific importance for the development of a participatory practice. / Projektet “Sex veckor i Belgrad” är en seriebok och en utställning baserad på vår undersökning av medborgardeltagande i stadsplaneringen i Belgrad, Serbien. Utställningen var på KTH, Arkitekturskolan 2-5 juni 2014. “Sex veckor i Belgrad” diskuterar hur deltagande i stadsplanering kan användas för att förbättra hur vi planerar våra städer: Om och hur deltagande kan leda till en mer demokratisk stadsplanering i en strävan mot en mer långsiktigt hållbar och mindre marknadsstyrd stadsutveckling. Det diskuterar dagens förutsättningar för stadsplanering i Belgrad genom att titta på stadsplaneringshistorien där. Och genom intervjuer med planerare, politiker, akademiker och framförallt aktivister kartläggs både formella och informella initiativ inom stadsbyggandet i Belgrad. Genom att kartlägga dessa initiativ vill vi stärka dem och visa på deras betydelse, och hoppas att fler blir inspirerade och involverade i planeringen och skapandet av staden.     Projektet föreslår ett nytt sätt att jobba på, med deltagande i praktiken och en spekulativ metod som tar avstamp i fiktion och serieteckningens visuella språk. Resultaten av undersökningen är presenterad i form av en narrativ seriebok, och visar en alternativ metod att kommunicera idéer inom arkitektur och stadsplanering. Något som är angeläget vid en utveckling av en deltagande praktik.

Стратегија развоја хотел менаџмента и одрживи развој у заштићеним природним подручјима Србије / Strategija razvoja hotel menadžmenta i održivi razvoj u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima Srbije / The development strategy in hotel management and sustainable development in the protected natural areas in Serbia

Janićević Sava 23 August 2004 (has links)
<p>Основни приступ истраживању стратегије развоја хотел менаџмента и одрживог развоја у заштићеним природним подручјима Србије, проистиче из потребе детаљне туристичке валоризације и истовременог очувања заштићених подручја. Природне и антропогене туристичке вредности заштићених предела Србије бројне су и разноврсне. Међутим развој туризма у истим није сразмеран потенцијалима. Валоризација ових простора и пословање објеката хотелијерства у њима почива на традиционалним основама и не даје задовољавајуће резултате. Већим туристичким прометом истичу се Национални парк Копаоник, Национални парк Тара, Национални парк Ђердап, Парк природе Палић и Специјални резерват природе Лудошко језеро. У заштићеним природним пределима не треба да постоји дилема између комерцијалног и одрживог туризма. Стратегија развоја хотел менаџмента у србији треба да уважава позитивне и проверене ставове из света и да их прилагођава нашој стварности, посебно у заштићеним пределима, уважавајући реалне капацитете простора.</p> / <p>Osnovni pristup istraživanju strategije razvoja hotel menadžmenta i održivog razvoja u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima Srbije, proističe iz potrebe detaljne turističke valorizacije i istovremenog očuvanja zaštićenih područja. Prirodne i antropogene turističke vrednosti zaštićenih predela Srbije brojne su i raznovrsne. Međutim razvoj turizma u istim nije srazmeran potencijalima. Valorizacija ovih prostora i poslovanje objekata hotelijerstva u njima počiva na tradicionalnim osnovama i ne daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Većim turističkim prometom ističu se Nacionalni park Kopaonik, Nacionalni park Tara, Nacionalni park Đerdap, Park prirode Palić i Specijalni rezervat prirode Ludoško jezero. U zaštićenim prirodnim predelima ne treba da postoji dilema između komercijalnog i održivog turizma. Strategija razvoja hotel menadžmenta u srbiji treba da uvažava pozitivne i proverene stavove iz sveta i da ih prilagođava našoj stvarnosti, posebno u zaštićenim predelima, uvažavajući realne kapacitete prostora.</p> / <p>l management should draw on positive and tried-and-tested approaches applied internationally and adapt them to our reality, especially in the protected areas bearing in mind their realistic capacities. There should not be conflict between commercial and sustainable tourism in the protected natural areas. The protection regime is determined and firmly defined and thus close to the approach of sustainable tourism development. In this context, the hotel management strategy as its clear conclusion identifies the need for the realisation of the following activities and measures: ownership transformation in hotel facilities, redirection of capacities to market business operation. Raising the service level, expansion of the options offered to visitors, working together with facilities in the vicinity to make a joint offer of services, qualification of personnel for all jobs and types of work, business planing for individual seasons and the whole year.</p>

Komparace postavení současné maďarské menšiny ve Vojvodině a v Transylvánii / Comparison of the position of the current Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and Transylvania

Hanušová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the position of the Hungarian minority in Serbian Vojvodina and Romanian Transylvania using the comparative method. Hungarians in Serbia and Romania represent a very large national minority and they became an integral part of the local culture and society. The level of Hungarian minority rights in the host countries is compared in four areas: legislation, political representation and institutionalization of the minority, mother tongue education opportunities and the Hungarian minority media. Apart from a brief outline of the historical context, the work focuses exclusively on the period after the fall of communism in both states to the present. During these years, there has been the biggest shift in the area of minority rights. The concept of ethnic parallelism is applied to all researched areas. Related to this, the so-called ethnolinguistic vitality approach is used, which deals with the conditions for the preservation of minority languages in the majority society. Special attention is paid to the influence of the Hungarian government under Primer Minister Viktor Orbán on the life of Hungarians abroad, which is significantly growing.

L'État de Droit, facteur déterminant à l'entrée des investissements étrangers directs : le cas de la Serbie

Bijelic, Ana 07 1900 (has links)
La réduction importante de l'aide internationale au développement et le processus de mondialisation ont fait en sorte que les investissements étrangers directs (IBD) sont considérés de nos jours comme une source importante de capital et de croissance économique dans un pays d'accueil comme la Serbie. Les IBD sont réputés stimuler la concurrence, l'innovation, l'épargne, la création d'emplois et le développement des ressources humaines dans les pays les plus pauvres et ceux en transition. Les institutions internationales encouragent la promotion des IBD dans tels pays et incitent leurs gouvernements à œuvrer à leur promotion active en tant que localité attrayante pour les obtenir. Il existe aussi un consensus selon lequel les investisseurs étrangers sont attirés par les pays dont le système juridique est stable et prévisible et qui réglemente l'économie selon le modèle d'une économie de marché. Si les réformes juridiques sont incontestablement importantes pour attirer les IBD, notre étude cherche à vérifier quel est le véritable impact du droit interne et des institutions étatiques du pays d'accueil sur l'établissement des entreprises étrangères et sur l'exercice de leur activité économique dans ce pays. Il s'agit de voir de quelle manière la présence des investisseurs étrangers contribue à la consolidation de l'État de droit dans le pays d'accueil. Pour analyser ces questions de plus près, nous avons choisi l'étude de cas de la Serbie, dont le système juridique est en chantier depuis le changement de régime en 2000. Notre hypothèse de travail a supposé que l'instauration de l'État de droit était importante pour l'implantation des investisseurs étrangers dans le pays, car les institutions étatiques et juridiques pourraient offrir des garanties pour le bon déroulement de l'activité économique étrangère. Après avoir étudié le cas de la Serbie, il y a lieu de conclure que la réforme du cadre juridique interne joue un rôle important, mais toutefois non déterminant dans le choix de la localisation d'un investissement étranger. Notre étude montre que la motivation en matière d'investissement ne tient généralement pas compte de la normativité juridique comme facteur à considérer, c'est-à-dire parmi les facteurs définis par la théorie du OLI Paradigm de John Dunning. Toutefois, ce facteur joue un rôle politique par le fait qu'il est véhiculé dans le droit international et dans le discours des organisations internationales. Les investisseurs demeurent également attentifs à la législation pouvant influencer leur propre activité économique. Nos entretiens ont révélé l'existence d'une véritable volonté de la part des investisseurs de favoriser les réformes juridiques du pays d'accueil. Leur perception du cadre juridique favorable au plan économique peut éventuellement jouer un certain rôle dans la transformation de l'État de droit et des institutions juridiques du pays d'accueil. Mais les entrepreneurs n'attendent pas un cadre juridique reformé dans le pays d'accueil pour décider d'y investir. En résumé, l'amélioration des institutions de l'État de droit concerne au premier chef des services sociaux de qualité et des meilleures conditions économiques pour ses citoyens. La promotion des IBD dans le pays ne constitue pas un objectif en soi mais s'inscrit dans la politique d'un État de droit en tant qu'outil indispensable de réformes et constitue un facteur favorable au développement économique. / Foreign direct investments (FDI) are considered an important source of capital and economic growth, due notably to significant restrictions of development aid in poor countries and countries in transition and to globalization. FDI are presumed to stimulate competition, innovation, savings, employment and quality of human resources. International financial institutions encourage governments to promote their countries as an attractive destination to FDI. At the same time, they insist on the fact, in states in transition, that FDI require the respect of the Rule of Law and predictable local legal norms suitable to the market economy. If the reform of law is of crucial importance to attract FDI, our thesis is trying to evaluate and analyze the impact of law and stable state institutions on FDI entry and economic growth in Serbia, our case study. It is also exploring to what extent the presence of the FDI contributes to the consolidation of the Rule of Law in this country. It is studying the legal system that has been put in place in Serbia between 2000 and 2007 and since the change of political regime. Our hypothesis was that the Rule of Law is important for FDI as it offers a good starting point for the increasing of economic activity in the host state. But our conclusion is that the improvement of the local legal system plays an important but not decisive role in localization of foreign investments. The case study shows that investors' motivation to invest is complex and determined by more than one factor. Sometimes, investors are not considering the fragile state of the legal system of the host country to invest. Our thesis confirms Dunning's OLI Paradigm. However, our interviews have revealed that investors can pay special attention to the improvement of legislation that has a specific impact on their own economic activity and may influence the reform of private law in the host state. At the same time, investors do not fear that the deficiencies of local law will have a detrimental impact on their investments. In conclusion, States in transition must be concerned, first of all, by the improvement of social and economic services to their citizens. Therefore, FDI promotion should also be tied to this aim to promote legal reform and economic development in states in transition.

Operace Spojenecká síla ve vybraných českých denících / Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers

Božková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Thesis: Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers Author: Mgr. Lucie Božková Annotation In my thesis Operation 'Allied Force' in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers I am tracing the representation of the topic - NATO's air strikes in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the so called Operation 'Allied Force') in 1999 in selected Czech Daily Newspapers. I am observing the effects, media's impact, frames and agenda setting. To support the integrity of the topic I added a chapter about the Kosovo crisis which enlightens the initiation of the air attacks. Furthermore, and mainly I am focusing on professional studies dealing with military news. The dominant theme of these articles is the foreign media coverage of the Kosovo War. In the experts 'outputs I predominantly center on their choosing and the method of analysis, on which I then base my analysis on. I decided to use the method of the quantitative content analysis for my own research. The first period of exploration is the bombing period (March 24, 1999 - June 10, 1999). Here the aim of my analysis is to find out what attention have the daily newspapers MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny, Právo and Blesk paid to the Operation 'Allied Force'. In addition, I followed the placement of the articles, media resources and also the presentation of...

Architecture, 'coming to terms with the past' and the 'world in common' : post-war urban reconstruction in Belgrade and Sarajevo

Badescu, Gruia January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation discusses the rebuilding of cities after war in the context of the changing character of warfare and the increased expectations for societies to deal with difficult pasts. Departing from studies that approach post-war reconstruction focusing on the functional dimension of infrastructural repair and housing relief or on debates about architectural form, this dissertation examines reconstruction through the lens of the process of 'coming to terms with the past'. It explores how understandings of victimhood and responsibility influence the rebuilding of urban space. Conversely, it argues that cities and architecture, through the meanings ascribed to them by various actors, play an important role in dealing with the past. Building on the moral philosophy of Theodor Adorno and Hannah Arendt, it discusses the potential of reconstruction for societies to work through the past, then it engages with frictions highlighted by three situations of rebuilding after different types of war. First, it examines the rebuilding of Belgrade as the capital of socialist Yugoslavia after the aerial bombings typical of the Second World War. Second, it analyses reconstruction debates in the same city after the 1999 NATO bombings, a high-tech operation, framed by NATO as a preventative, humanitarian intervention against a 'perpetrator' state. Third, it discusses rebuilding processes in Sarajevo, where destruction was inflicted between 1992 and 1995 by actors internal to the country, albeit with international ramifications, exemplary of Mary Kaldor's 'new wars'. Based on thirteen months of fieldwork conducted in Belgrade and Sarajevo between 2012 and 2015, it analyses intentions and consequences of reconstruction acts. It suggests the potential and the challenges of a reflective reconstruction, which engages critically with the past, and of a syncretic place-making reconstruction, which focuses on place and its agonistic promise. Its main contribution is to highlight the essential relationship between reconstruction and coming to terms with the past, arguing for an understanding of reconstruction with regards to conflict itself.

Modeli upravljanja ruralnim razvojem u Srbiji i zemljama Zapadnog Balkana u uslovima evropskih integracija / The models of management in rural development in Serbia and the countries of the Western Balkans in the conditions of European integrations

Vujičić Milan 11 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Beginning with the theoretical survey of social, economic, ecological and institutional<br />relevancy of rural development, the work explores vital potentials, priorities and<br />challenges of rural development, together with basic reasons for contrivance of the<br />model of rural development in the Republic of Serbia and the countries of the Western<br />Balkans in the conditions of Euro integrations. After the insight into the related<br />literature, the necessity of solving problems of rural development as integrated and<br />compatible with specificity of particular region in contemporary conditions is<br />emphasized, since no generally accepted universal model of sustainable rural<br />development exists, but depends on rural developmental potentials and social and<br />economic surroundings. Although the policy of sustainable rural development of<br />European Union is not perfect per se, it still provides the best and strongest support to<br />social and territorial cohesion of rural regions and is significant primarily as a reference<br />base for the outline of further strategy and policy of rural development of the Republic<br />of Serbia and the countries of the Western Balkans from the viewpoint of their more<br />effective endogenic development and EU integration. The countries of the Western<br />Balkans have suitable preconditions for successful application of the concept of integral<br />rural development; however, there are numerous limitations in the development of these<br />regions in the process of European integrations. These countries are faced with<br />significant structural changes in the economic, organizational and management<br />structure in terms of new EU rural policy. Therefore, all countries conduct reforms<br />aimed at harmonization and strengthening connections with major priorities of EU rural<br />development; hence a suitable model of rural development is still being shaped in<br />practice. The ultimate effect of these changes is related to strengthening of local<br />entrepreneuring and organizational activities and initiatives, the network of local<br />organizations of civic society and local action groups in the function of improvement of<br />competitive abilities of rural economy. Defining clear and realizable strategic aims and<br />priorities, as well as their implementation will be of decisive importance for<br />contrivance of the model of rural development in the Republic of Serbia and other<br />countries of the Western Balkans in the future. Significant unsolved issued were<br />identified together with the courses of regulatory reforms of development of rural<br />regions in these countries.<br />Intersectoral and interregional connection, decentralization and strengthening the role<br />of local factors in the creation and realization of strategies in policy, model and practice<br />of rural development have a strong effect on more efficient activation of localresources, increase of attractiveness for investment in rural regions and more rational</p><p>utilization of finance for the development of rural communities. Demographic<br />revitalization of rural regions, promotion of rural economy and entrepreneurial<br />stimulation of the programs of development of small and medium enterprises, as well as<br />environmental protection and facilitation are of vital significance</p>

Акватични коридори биљних инвазија у Србији / Akvatični koridori biljnih invazija u Srbiji / Aquatic corridors of plant invasions in Serbia

Anđelković Ana 25 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Имајући&nbsp; у&nbsp; виду&nbsp; значај&nbsp; површинских&nbsp; вода&nbsp; у продору&nbsp; и&nbsp; ширењу&nbsp; страних&nbsp; инвазивних врста,&nbsp; циљеви&nbsp; овог&nbsp; рада&nbsp; били&nbsp; су&nbsp; да&nbsp; се представи&nbsp; актуелно&nbsp; стање&nbsp; присуства&nbsp; и дистрибуције&nbsp; акватичних&nbsp; инвазивних биљних&nbsp; врста&nbsp; у&nbsp; површинским&nbsp; копненим водама,&nbsp; анализира&nbsp; степен&nbsp; инвазије рипаријалних&nbsp; зона&nbsp; на&nbsp; подручју&nbsp; Србије, одреди&nbsp; везаност&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; инвазивних<br />врста&nbsp; за&nbsp; поједине&nbsp; типове&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; у рипаријалу река и канала и анализира утицај различитих&nbsp; станишних&nbsp; и&nbsp; антропогених фактора&nbsp; на&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; и&nbsp; абунданцу&nbsp; 26 одабраних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; Теренска истраживања&nbsp; вршена&nbsp; су&nbsp; у&nbsp; периоду&nbsp; од&nbsp; 2013. до&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; године.&nbsp; За&nbsp; потребе&nbsp; овог&nbsp; рада анализирано је 250 локалитета, од чега 217 у рипаријалу&nbsp; 39&nbsp; река&nbsp; и&nbsp; 33&nbsp; у&nbsp; рипаријалу&nbsp; шест<br />деоница&nbsp; канала&nbsp; хидросистема&nbsp; Дунав-Тиса-Дунав.&nbsp; Уз&nbsp; податке&nbsp; о&nbsp; бројности&nbsp; и<br />покровности&nbsp; заступљених&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врста, сакупљани&nbsp; су&nbsp; и&nbsp; подаци&nbsp; о&nbsp; типу&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; (у складу&nbsp; са&nbsp; EUNIS&nbsp; класификацијом), релевантним&nbsp; физичким&nbsp; и<br />хидроморфолошким&nbsp; карактеристикама истраживаних&nbsp; водотокова&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминантним антропогеним&nbsp; утицајима&nbsp; на&nbsp; истраживаном локалитету&nbsp; (у&nbsp; складу&nbsp; са&nbsp; стандардним протоколом&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; методе).&nbsp; Статистичка обрада&nbsp; података&nbsp; вршена&nbsp; је&nbsp; у&nbsp; софтверу CANOCO&nbsp; 5.0,&nbsp; применом&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; главних компоненти&nbsp; (РСА),&nbsp; канонијскe коресподентнe&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; (CCA)&nbsp; и&nbsp; анализе редундантности&nbsp; (RDA).&nbsp; На&nbsp; територији Србије&nbsp; забележено&nbsp; је&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; осам акватичних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врстаПрема&nbsp; броју&nbsp; налаза&nbsp; истичу&nbsp; се&nbsp; врсте Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides и Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii.&nbsp; Примарно су заступљене у текућим,<br />у односу на стајаће воде, при чему се мрежа&nbsp; канала&nbsp; ХС&nbsp; ДТД&nbsp; и&nbsp; речни&nbsp; токови&nbsp; који&nbsp; припадају&nbsp; сливу&nbsp; Дунава&nbsp; могу&nbsp; сматрати&nbsp; основним&nbsp; акватичним&nbsp; коридорима&nbsp; њиховог&nbsp; ширења.&nbsp; Од&nbsp; 26&nbsp; таксона&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљака&nbsp; чије&nbsp; је&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; праћено&nbsp; и&nbsp; анализирано&nbsp; у&nbsp; рипаријалним&nbsp; подручјима,&nbsp; таксони&nbsp; са<br />највећим&nbsp; бројем&nbsp; налаза&nbsp; су&nbsp;<em> Xanthium&nbsp; strumarium</em>&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; <em>italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia&nbsp; и&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli.</em>&nbsp; Речни&nbsp; сливови Дунава,&nbsp; Јужне&nbsp; Мораве,&nbsp; Западне&nbsp; Мораве&nbsp; и&nbsp; Тимока&nbsp; истичу&nbsp; се&nbsp; по&nbsp; заступљености&nbsp; истраживаних таксона. На основу података о дистрибуцији,&nbsp; бројности&nbsp; и&nbsp; покровности&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; таксона&nbsp; сливови&nbsp; Дунава, Колубаре и Западне Мораве издвојили су се&nbsp; као&nbsp; коридори&nbsp; ширења&nbsp; највећег&nbsp; броја<br />истраживаних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; Четири&nbsp; типа&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; издвојила&nbsp; су&nbsp; се&nbsp; према<br />заступљености&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; биљних&nbsp; врста.&nbsp; Таксони који су забележени у највећем броју&nbsp; типова&nbsp; станишта&nbsp; су:&nbsp; <em>Amorpha&nbsp; fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp;</em> <em>Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli&nbsp;</em> и&nbsp; <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>.&nbsp; <em>italicum.</em>&nbsp; Као&nbsp; резултат&nbsp; нумеричких&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; издвојени&nbsp; су&nbsp; физички&nbsp; и<br />хидроморфолошки параметри истраживаних&nbsp; водотокова&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминантни&nbsp; антропогени&nbsp; утицаји који на истраживаном локалитетима утичу&nbsp; на&nbsp; присуство&nbsp; и&nbsp; абунданцу&nbsp; анализираних&nbsp; таксона.&nbsp; У&nbsp; условима&nbsp; глобалних&nbsp; климатских&nbsp; промена&nbsp; може&nbsp; се&nbsp; очекивати да ће се&nbsp; у наредном периоду под снажним&nbsp; притиском&nbsp; ширења&nbsp; и&nbsp; доминације&nbsp; инвазивних врста наћи сливови Саве, Велике Мораве&nbsp; и&nbsp; Јужне&nbsp; Мораве.&nbsp; У&nbsp; рипаријалним областима на југозападу наше земље (долине Лима,&nbsp; Ибра&nbsp; и&nbsp; њихових&nbsp; притока)&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; рипаријалним&nbsp; зонама&nbsp; планинских&nbsp; и високопланинских&nbsp; области&nbsp; такође&nbsp; је очекивано&nbsp; да&nbsp; ће&nbsp; доћи&nbsp; до&nbsp; повећања&nbsp; броја присутних&nbsp; инвазивних&nbsp; врста&nbsp; и&nbsp; њиховог даљег ширења.</p> / <p>Imajući&nbsp; u&nbsp; vidu&nbsp; značaj&nbsp; površinskih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; u prodoru&nbsp; i&nbsp; širenju&nbsp; stranih&nbsp; invazivnih vrsta,&nbsp; ciljevi&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp; da&nbsp; se predstavi&nbsp; aktuelno&nbsp; stanje&nbsp; prisustva&nbsp; i distribucije&nbsp; akvatičnih&nbsp; invazivnih biljnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; u&nbsp; površinskim&nbsp; kopnenim vodama,&nbsp; analizira&nbsp; stepen&nbsp; invazije riparijalnih&nbsp; zona&nbsp; na&nbsp; području&nbsp; Srbije, odredi&nbsp; vezanost&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; invazivnih<br />vrsta&nbsp; za&nbsp; pojedine&nbsp; tipove&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; u riparijalu reka i kanala i analizira uticaj različitih&nbsp; stanišnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; antropogenih faktora&nbsp; na&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; i&nbsp; abundancu&nbsp; 26 odabranih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Terenska istraživanja&nbsp; vršena&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; periodu&nbsp; od&nbsp; 2013. do&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; godine.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; potrebe&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada analizirano je 250 lokaliteta, od čega 217 u riparijalu&nbsp; 39&nbsp; reka&nbsp; i&nbsp; 33&nbsp; u&nbsp; riparijalu&nbsp; šest<br />deonica&nbsp; kanala&nbsp; hidrosistema&nbsp; Dunav-Tisa-Dunav.&nbsp; Uz&nbsp; podatke&nbsp; o&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; i<br />pokrovnosti&nbsp; zastupljenih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrsta, sakupljani&nbsp; su&nbsp; i&nbsp; podaci&nbsp; o&nbsp; tipu&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; (u skladu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; EUNIS&nbsp; klasifikacijom), relevantnim&nbsp; fizičkim&nbsp; i<br />hidromorfološkim&nbsp; karakteristikama istraživanih&nbsp; vodotokova&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantnim antropogenim&nbsp; uticajima&nbsp; na&nbsp; istraživanom lokalitetu&nbsp; (u&nbsp; skladu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; standardnim protokolom&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; metode).&nbsp; Statistička obrada&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; vršena&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; softveru CANOCO&nbsp; 5.0,&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; analize&nbsp; glavnih komponenti&nbsp; (RSA),&nbsp; kanonijske korespodentne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; (CCA)&nbsp; i&nbsp; analize redundantnosti&nbsp; (RDA).&nbsp; Na&nbsp; teritoriji Srbije&nbsp; zabeleženo&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; osam akvatičnih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrstaPrema&nbsp; broju&nbsp; nalaza&nbsp; ističu&nbsp; se&nbsp; vrste Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides i Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii.&nbsp; Primarno su zastupljene u tekućim,<br />u odnosu na stajaće vode, pri čemu se mreža&nbsp; kanala&nbsp; HS&nbsp; DTD&nbsp; i&nbsp; rečni&nbsp; tokovi&nbsp; koji&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; slivu&nbsp; Dunava&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; smatrati&nbsp; osnovnim&nbsp; akvatičnim&nbsp; koridorima&nbsp; njihovog&nbsp; širenja.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; 26&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljaka&nbsp; čije&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; praćeno&nbsp; i&nbsp; analizirano&nbsp; u&nbsp; riparijalnim&nbsp; područjima,&nbsp; taksoni&nbsp; sa<br />najvećim&nbsp; brojem&nbsp; nalaza&nbsp; su&nbsp;<em> Xanthium&nbsp; strumarium</em>&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; <em>italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia&nbsp; i&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli.</em>&nbsp; Rečni&nbsp; slivovi Dunava,&nbsp; Južne&nbsp; Morave,&nbsp; Zapadne&nbsp; Morave&nbsp; i&nbsp; Timoka&nbsp; ističu&nbsp; se&nbsp; po&nbsp; zastupljenosti&nbsp; istraživanih taksona. Na osnovu podataka o distribuciji,&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; pokrovnosti&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; slivovi&nbsp; Dunava, Kolubare i Zapadne Morave izdvojili su se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; koridori&nbsp; širenja&nbsp; najvećeg&nbsp; broja<br />istraživanih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Četiri&nbsp; tipa&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; izdvojila&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; prema<br />zastupljenosti&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; biljnih&nbsp; vrsta.&nbsp; Taksoni koji su zabeleženi u najvećem broju&nbsp; tipova&nbsp; staništa&nbsp; su:&nbsp; <em>Amorpha&nbsp; fruticosa, Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp;</em> <em>Robinia&nbsp; pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp; <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>.&nbsp; <em>italicum.</em>&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; rezultat&nbsp; numeričkih&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; izdvojeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; fizički&nbsp; i<br />hidromorfološki parametri istraživanih&nbsp; vodotokova&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantni&nbsp; antropogeni&nbsp; uticaji koji na istraživanom lokalitetima utiču&nbsp; na&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; i&nbsp; abundancu&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; U&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; globalnih&nbsp; klimatskih&nbsp; promena&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; očekivati da će se&nbsp; u narednom periodu pod snažnim&nbsp; pritiskom&nbsp; širenja&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominacije&nbsp; invazivnih vrsta naći slivovi Save, Velike Morave&nbsp; i&nbsp; Južne&nbsp; Morave.&nbsp; U&nbsp; riparijalnim oblastima na jugozapadu naše zemlje (doline Lima,&nbsp; Ibra&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovih&nbsp; pritoka)&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; riparijalnim&nbsp; zonama&nbsp; planinskih&nbsp; i visokoplaninskih&nbsp; oblasti&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; je očekivano&nbsp; da&nbsp; će&nbsp; doći&nbsp; do&nbsp; povećanja&nbsp; broja prisutnih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; i&nbsp; njihovog daljeg širenja.</p> / <p>Bearing&nbsp; in&nbsp; mind&nbsp; the&nbsp; significance&nbsp; of&nbsp; inland surface waters for the introduction and spread of invasive&nbsp; alien&nbsp; species&nbsp; (IAS),&nbsp; the&nbsp; aims&nbsp; of&nbsp; this research&nbsp; were&nbsp; to&nbsp; present&nbsp; the&nbsp; contemporary records&nbsp; of&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plant&nbsp; species&nbsp; in surface&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; analyse&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasion&nbsp; of riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; Serbia,&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; habitat preferences&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; IAS&nbsp; and&nbsp; determine the effects of different habitat characteristics and anthropogenic&nbsp; influences&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; presence&nbsp; and bundance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 26&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plants. Field&nbsp; research&nbsp; was&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; 2013-2016&nbsp; period.&nbsp; A&nbsp; total&nbsp; of&nbsp; 250&nbsp; field&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were analysed&nbsp; as&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; research,&nbsp; 217&nbsp; in&nbsp; the riparian zones of 39 rivers and 33 in the riparian zones&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp; six&nbsp; canal&nbsp; sections&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; hydrosystem Danube-Tisa-Danube&nbsp; (HS&nbsp; DTD).&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to data on the cover and abundance of the analysed plant species, data on habitat type (following the EUNIS&nbsp; classification),&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; physical&nbsp; and hydromorhological&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; studied watercourses&nbsp; and&nbsp; dominant&nbsp; anthropogenic influences an analysed field sites were recorded (following&nbsp; the&nbsp; standard&nbsp; RHS&nbsp; protocol). Statistical&nbsp; data&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; was&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; CANOCO 5.0&nbsp;&nbsp; software,&nbsp; using&nbsp; the&nbsp; principal&nbsp; component analysis&nbsp; (PCA),&nbsp; canonical&nbsp; correspondence analysis (CCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Eight&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plant&nbsp; species&nbsp; were recorded for the territory of Serbia. Species with the highest number of records were:&nbsp; Vallisneria spiralis,&nbsp; Azolla filiculoides&nbsp; and&nbsp; Elodea nuttallii. They&nbsp; are&nbsp; primarily&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; running,&nbsp; in comparison&nbsp; with&nbsp; standing&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; canal network&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; HS&nbsp; DTD&nbsp; and&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; of&nbsp; the Danube catchment area are considered to be their main&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; corridor&nbsp; of&nbsp; spread.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; the&nbsp; 26 invasive plant taxa whose presence&nbsp; was recorded and&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; Serbia,Xanthium strumarium&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; italicum,&nbsp; Amorpha fruticosa,&nbsp; Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia pseudoacacia&nbsp; and&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-&nbsp; galli&nbsp; were taxa&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; records.Catchment&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Danube,&nbsp; Južna&nbsp; Morava, Zapadna&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; and&nbsp; Timok&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; were characterised&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; levels&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasion. Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; their&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; data,&nbsp; cover&nbsp; and abundance of the analysed taxa, catchment areas of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Danube,&nbsp; Kolubara&nbsp; and&nbsp; Zapadna&nbsp; Morava rivers&nbsp; are&nbsp; highlighted&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; corridors&nbsp; of spread for the majority of the studied IAS. Four habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; stand&nbsp; out&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; of analysed IAS. Taxa which were recorded in the highest&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; types&nbsp; are:&nbsp; Amorpha fruticosa,&nbsp; Erigeron&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Robinia pseudoacacia,&nbsp; Echinochloa&nbsp; crus-galli&nbsp; and Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum.&nbsp; A number of&nbsp; physical&nbsp; and&nbsp; hydromorphological&nbsp; parameters and&nbsp; dominant&nbsp; anthropogenic&nbsp; influences&nbsp; of&nbsp; the studied&nbsp; field&nbsp; sites&nbsp; were&nbsp; shown&nbsp; to&nbsp; affect&nbsp; the presence&nbsp; and&nbsp; abundance&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; studied&nbsp; invasive plants.&nbsp; The catchment areas of the Sava, Velika Morava&nbsp; and&nbsp; Južna&nbsp; Morava&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; are&nbsp; excpected to&nbsp; be&nbsp; under&nbsp; a&nbsp; strong&nbsp; pressure&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; spread&nbsp; and dominance&nbsp; of&nbsp; IAS&nbsp; unnder&nbsp; the&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; of global&nbsp; climate&nbsp; changes.&nbsp; Riparian&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; the southwestern parts of Serbia (valleys of&nbsp; Lim and Ibar&nbsp; rivers&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; tributaries)&nbsp; and&nbsp; riparian zones&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; mountain&nbsp; and&nbsp; high- mountain&nbsp; areas are also expected to experience an increase in the number&nbsp; of&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; their&nbsp; spread rates.</p>

L'État de Droit, facteur déterminant à l'entrée des investissements étrangers directs : le cas de la Serbie

BIJELIC, Ana 07 1900 (has links)
La réduction importante de l'aide internationale au développement et le processus de mondialisation ont fait en sorte que les investissements étrangers directs (IBD) sont considérés de nos jours comme une source importante de capital et de croissance économique dans un pays d'accueil comme la Serbie. Les IBD sont réputés stimuler la concurrence, l'innovation, l'épargne, la création d'emplois et le développement des ressources humaines dans les pays les plus pauvres et ceux en transition. Les institutions internationales encouragent la promotion des IBD dans tels pays et incitent leurs gouvernements à œuvrer à leur promotion active en tant que localité attrayante pour les obtenir. Il existe aussi un consensus selon lequel les investisseurs étrangers sont attirés par les pays dont le système juridique est stable et prévisible et qui réglemente l'économie selon le modèle d'une économie de marché. Si les réformes juridiques sont incontestablement importantes pour attirer les IBD, notre étude cherche à vérifier quel est le véritable impact du droit interne et des institutions étatiques du pays d'accueil sur l'établissement des entreprises étrangères et sur l'exercice de leur activité économique dans ce pays. Il s'agit de voir de quelle manière la présence des investisseurs étrangers contribue à la consolidation de l'État de droit dans le pays d'accueil. Pour analyser ces questions de plus près, nous avons choisi l'étude de cas de la Serbie, dont le système juridique est en chantier depuis le changement de régime en 2000. Notre hypothèse de travail a supposé que l'instauration de l'État de droit était importante pour l'implantation des investisseurs étrangers dans le pays, car les institutions étatiques et juridiques pourraient offrir des garanties pour le bon déroulement de l'activité économique étrangère. Après avoir étudié le cas de la Serbie, il y a lieu de conclure que la réforme du cadre juridique interne joue un rôle important, mais toutefois non déterminant dans le choix de la localisation d'un investissement étranger. Notre étude montre que la motivation en matière d'investissement ne tient généralement pas compte de la normativité juridique comme facteur à considérer, c'est-à-dire parmi les facteurs définis par la théorie du OLI Paradigm de John Dunning. Toutefois, ce facteur joue un rôle politique par le fait qu'il est véhiculé dans le droit international et dans le discours des organisations internationales. Les investisseurs demeurent également attentifs à la législation pouvant influencer leur propre activité économique. Nos entretiens ont révélé l'existence d'une véritable volonté de la part des investisseurs de favoriser les réformes juridiques du pays d'accueil. Leur perception du cadre juridique favorable au plan économique peut éventuellement jouer un certain rôle dans la transformation de l'État de droit et des institutions juridiques du pays d'accueil. Mais les entrepreneurs n'attendent pas un cadre juridique reformé dans le pays d'accueil pour décider d'y investir. En résumé, l'amélioration des institutions de l'État de droit concerne au premier chef des services sociaux de qualité et des meilleures conditions économiques pour ses citoyens. La promotion des IBD dans le pays ne constitue pas un objectif en soi mais s'inscrit dans la politique d'un État de droit en tant qu'outil indispensable de réformes et constitue un facteur favorable au développement économique. / Foreign direct investments (FDI) are considered an important source of capital and economic growth, due notably to significant restrictions of development aid in poor countries and countries in transition and to globalization. FDI are presumed to stimulate competition, innovation, savings, employment and quality of human resources. International financial institutions encourage governments to promote their countries as an attractive destination to FDI. At the same time, they insist on the fact, in states in transition, that FDI require the respect of the Rule of Law and predictable local legal norms suitable to the market economy. If the reform of law is of crucial importance to attract FDI, our thesis is trying to evaluate and analyze the impact of law and stable state institutions on FDI entry and economic growth in Serbia, our case study. It is also exploring to what extent the presence of the FDI contributes to the consolidation of the Rule of Law in this country. It is studying the legal system that has been put in place in Serbia between 2000 and 2007 and since the change of political regime. Our hypothesis was that the Rule of Law is important for FDI as it offers a good starting point for the increasing of economic activity in the host state. But our conclusion is that the improvement of the local legal system plays an important but not decisive role in localization of foreign investments. The case study shows that investors' motivation to invest is complex and determined by more than one factor. Sometimes, investors are not considering the fragile state of the legal system of the host country to invest. Our thesis confirms Dunning's OLI Paradigm. However, our interviews have revealed that investors can pay special attention to the improvement of legislation that has a specific impact on their own economic activity and may influence the reform of private law in the host state. At the same time, investors do not fear that the deficiencies of local law will have a detrimental impact on their investments. In conclusion, States in transition must be concerned, first of all, by the improvement of social and economic services to their citizens. Therefore, FDI promotion should also be tied to this aim to promote legal reform and economic development in states in transition.

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