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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prisustvo i raširenost virusa životinja i ljudi u površinskim vodama Vojvodine / Presence and prevalence of animal and human viruses in surface water in Vojvodina Province

Lazić Gospava 22 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Vi&scaron;e od 100 vrsta virusa ljudi i životinja se izlučuje u spolja&scaron;nju sredinu. Prisustvo ovih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama reflektuje fekalnu kontaminaciju i ukazuje na<br />opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Na području Srbije se ne prati prisustvo patogenih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama, pa&nbsp; čak ni u vodama za piće, a nije uspostavljena&nbsp; ni&nbsp; metodologija ovih ispitivanja. Shodno tome, cilj disertacije je da se utvrdi i analizira prisustvo animalnih i humanih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama primenom najsavremenijih metoda koncentrovanja i detekcije virusa. U okviru disertacije ispitano je prisustvo sledećih virusa u povr&scaron;inskim vodama na teritoriji Vojvodine: humanih adenovirusa (HAdV); norovirusa (NoV) i hepatitis A virusa (HAV), adenovirusa svinja (PAdV),&nbsp; poliomavirusa goveda (BPyV) i hepatitis E virus (HEV).</p><p>Ispitano je ukupno 108 uzoraka povr&scaron;inskih i otpadnih voda koji su prikupljani od oktobra 2012. godine do juna 2014. godine. U radu su primenjene najsavremenije metode koncentrovanja i detekcije virusa u vodi, koje se u Srbiji nisu koristile za ovu namenu. Sprovedenim ispitivanjima dokazano je da su animalni i humani virusi prisutni u povr&scaron;inskim vodama na području Vojvodine. Najče&scaron;će detektovan&nbsp; virus u povr&scaron;inskim vodama je humani adenovirus (42,4%), a potom norovirusi GII i GI (40,4% i 15,2%), adenovirus svinja (11,1%), poliomavirus goveda (7,1%) i hepatitis E virus (3,0%). U ukupno 9 testiranih uzoraka gradske kanalizacione vode najče&scaron;će je detektovan HAdV (44,4%), NoV GII i GI&nbsp; (66,7% i 22,2%), BPyV je detektovan u samo jednom od 9 uzoraka, a niti u jednom nisu detektovani PAdV i HEV. Hepatitis A virus nije detektovan u uzorcima, a eksperimentalno je potvrđeno da su metode primenljive i za detekciju ovog virusa. Na osnovu rezultata prinosa procesne kontrole i utvrđenog prisustva virusa u uzorcima,&nbsp; zaključeno&nbsp; je da se ove metode mogu veoma uspe&scaron;no koristiti za detekciju virusne kontaminacije&nbsp; povr&scaron;inskih voda. Izvr&scaron;ena je igenotipizacija virusa iz odabranih uzoraka metodom sekvenciranja dela virusnog genoma. Indirektno je potvrđeno da su infekcije&nbsp;&nbsp; detektovanim virusima prisutne u populaciji životinja i ljudi. Prisustvo virusa u&nbsp;&nbsp; povr&scaron;inskim vodama i uzorcima gradske kanalizacije odražava infektivni status stanovni&scaron;tva, ali predstavlja i značajan rizik za zdravlje životinja i ljudi na području koje gravitira ispitanim vodama.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Over 100 types of pathogenic viruses are excreted in human and animal wastes. The presence of human and animal pathogenic enteric viruses in water environments reflects fecal contamination and indicates a risk to public health.&nbsp; Republic of Serbia does not implement surveillance for the presence of pathogenic human and animal viruses in surface waters and even in drinking water, neither is the established methodology of these studies in any institution in Serbia.&nbsp; Accordingly, the aim of the study was to determine and analyze the presence of human and animal viruses in surface water,&nbsp; using the latest methods&nbsp; of&nbsp; concentration and detection of the viruses.&nbsp; Within the dissertation examined the presence of the following viruses in surface waters in Vojvodina:&nbsp; Human adenoviruses&nbsp; (HAdV), noroviruses (NoV)&nbsp; and hepatitis A virus), Porcine adenovirus (PAdV) and Bovine polyomavirus (BPyV)&nbsp; and&nbsp; Hepatitis E virus (HEV).<br />A total of 108 samples of surface water and waste water were collected from October 2012 to June 2014. The paper are applied the most advanced methods and the concentration of virus detection in water, which in Serbia are not used for this purpose. The conducted tests have proven that the animal and human viruses present in surface waters in Vojvodina. The most commonly detected virus in surface water was human adenovirus (42.4%), followed by Norovirus GI&nbsp; and GII (40.4% and 15.2%),&nbsp; Porcine adenovirus&nbsp; (11,1%),&nbsp; Bovine polyomavirus&nbsp; (7.07%) and hepatitis E virus (3,0%).<br />In total of&nbsp; nine analysed sewage samples human adenovirus was detected in 44,4%&nbsp; of&nbsp; samples. The prevalence of norovirus GII and GI in sewage&nbsp; samples was&nbsp; 66,7%&nbsp; and 22,2%. Bovine&nbsp; polyomavirus was detected in one of nine samples while porcine adenovirus and hepatitis E virus were not detected in any of analyzed samples.&nbsp; Hepatitis A virus was not detected in samples, but&nbsp; it has been experimentally confirmed that the methods applicable for detection of the virus. Based on the results of process control and yield determined the presence of virus insamples, it was found that these methods can be successfully used to detect viral contamination of surface waters. Also, in these study was performed genotyping of viruses from selected samples by sequencing a part of the viral genome. Indirectly it is confirmed that the infection detected viruses present in a population of animals and humans. The presence of virus in samples of surface water and urban sewage reflects the infectious status of the population, but also constitutes a significant risk to the health of animals and people in the area that gravitates with tested waters.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Razvoj hemijske proizvodnje u doba antike na teritoriji današnje Srbije / Development of chemical production in the ancient history on the territory of present day Serbia

Kalamković Snežana 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu se proučava bogatstvo arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta sa teritorije dana&scaron;nje&nbsp;Republike Srbije sa aspekta razvoja hemijske proizvodnje, tj. materijalne kulture, koja je&nbsp;postignuta, za to doba, karakterističnom proizvodnjom metalne robe i građevinskog&nbsp;materijala. Uzorci koji su kori&scaron;ćeni, u većini slučajeva, nisu imali prethodni tretman ili su&nbsp;vađeni direktno iz leži&scaron;ta arheolo&scaron;kih nalaza, uz odobrenje lokalnih i regionalnih muzeja:&nbsp;&bdquo;Muzej Vojvodine&rdquo; u Novom Sadu, &bdquo;Zavičajni muzej&rdquo; u Rumi, &bdquo;Muzej Srema&rdquo; u Sremskoj&nbsp;Mitrovici, &bdquo;Muzej Viminacium&rdquo; kod Kostolca, &bdquo;Arheolo&scaron;ki muzej Đerdapa&rdquo; u Kladovu,&nbsp;Muzej &bdquo;Đerdap 2&rdquo; u Turn Severinu, Rumunija, &nbsp;&bdquo;Muzej Krajine&rdquo; u Negotinu, &bdquo;Narodni&nbsp;muzej&rdquo; u Zaječaru, &bdquo;Muzej Mediana&rdquo;, kraj Ni&scaron;a. Uzorci građevinskog materijala, opeke i&nbsp;vezivnog materijala potiču sa arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta: Mihajlovac-Klevora (<em>Clevora</em>), Trajanov&nbsp;most, Medijana (<em>Mediana</em>), Dijana <em>(Diana</em>), Najsus (<em>Naissus</em>), Feliks Romulijana <em>(Felix&nbsp;Romuliana</em>), Frateniza, &Scaron;arkamen, Hrtkovci i Viminacijum (<em>Viminacium</em>). Uzorci rimskih&nbsp;novčića su: iz perioda vladavine Flavia Julia Constantiusa, sa arheolo&scaron;kog lokaliteta Sirmium&nbsp;i drugih arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta dana&scaron;nje AP Vojvodine i sa arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta Istočne&nbsp;Srbije. Metode ispitivanja arheolo&scaron;kih uzoraka su: Mikroskopija, metalur&scaron;ki mikroskopi&nbsp;<em>Leitz</em>, <em>Orthoplan</em>, (x100) i <em>Carl Zeiss Jena</em> (x1000), gemolo&scaron;ki mikroskop <em>Konig electronic&nbsp;</em>(200X), skenirajući elektronski mikroskop (<em>Scanning electronic microscopy</em>, SEM), JEOL&nbsp;JSM-6460LV; Spektroskopske metode, Energetski disperzivni spektroskop (<em>Energy&nbsp;dispersive spectroscopy</em>), EDS Oxford Instrument; Rendgenska fluorometrija <em>(X-ray&nbsp;fluorescence </em>XRF), <em>Thermo Fisher,</em> NITON XL 3t-950.</p><p><em>Poglavlja u radu</em>: I Teorijski deo: Teorijski deo čine dva poglavlja: uvod i op&scaron;ti deo.&nbsp;<br />U prvom poglavlju su istaknuti razlozi i ciljevi odabira građevinskog materijala i metalnih&nbsp;novčića, kao polazna tačka istraživanja razvoja hemijske proizvodnje u doba &nbsp;antike na&nbsp;teritoriji dana&scaron;nje Srbije. Vojna inženjerija je bila inicijator razvoja tehnologije građevinskog&nbsp;materijala i metalnih novčića, dok je ostala hemijska proizvodnja bila na nivou zanatskih&nbsp;ve&scaron;tina. Drugo poglavlje čini pet tema: Op&scaron;i deo, Istorijske i dru&scaron;tvene prilike u doba antike u&nbsp;Rimu i na teritoriji Balkana, Istorijske i dru&scaron;tvene prilike u doba antike na teritoriji dana&scaron;nje&nbsp;Srbije, Proizvodnja opeke u doba &nbsp;antike i Metalurgija u doba antike na teritoriji dana&scaron;nje&nbsp;Srbije. II Metodologija istraživanja: Poglavlje Metodologija istraživanja obuhvata: Predmet&nbsp;istraživanja, Problem istraživanja, Cilj istraživanja, Zadatke istraživanja, Hipoteze. III &nbsp;<br />Ekspeimentalni deo: Eksperimentalni deo je podeljen u dve veće celine: Materijal i Metode.&nbsp;Celinu Materijal čini sedam odlomaka: Uzorkovanje materijala, Uzimanje uzoraka&nbsp;građevinskog materijala, Detekcija uzoraka građevinskog materijala vizuelnim putem,&nbsp;Kalupljenje uzoraka građevinskog materijala, Digitalna fotografija i optička mikroskopija&nbsp;uzoraka opeke, Detekcija metalnih novčića. Celinu Metode čini pet odlomaka: Terenska&nbsp;istraživanja, bibliografska, muzeolo&scaron;ka, arhivska i kartografska istraživanja, Lociranje&nbsp;arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta (geofizička merenja), Fotografije arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta, Hemijske&nbsp;analize građevinskog materijala (Skenirajuća elektronska mikroskopija <em>(Scanning electronic&nbsp;microscopy</em>, SEM); Energijsko disperziona spektroskopija (<em>Energy dispersive spectroscopy</em>,&nbsp;EDS)), Hemijske analize metalnog novca (Mikroskopska analiza metalnog novca;&nbsp;Rendgenska fluoroscentna analiza (<em>X-ray fluorescence analysis</em>, XRF) metalnog novca). IV&nbsp;Diskusija rezultata istraživanja: U diskusiji rezultata istraživanja su: Prikaz, Interpretacija&nbsp;rezultata analiza; Diskusija dobijenih rezultata; Uporedne analize podataka. V Zaključak: Na&nbsp;osnovu istraživanja, konstatovano je da je hemijska proizvodnja u kasnoj antici, bila&nbsp;usmerena: ka dobijanju kvalitetnog građevinskog materijala i prema razvijenoj metalurgiji u&nbsp;kovnicama metalnog novca. VI Prilog: Prilozima se prikazuju: biografski i bibliografski&nbsp;prikazi arheologa, istraživača arheolo&scaron;kih lokaliteta, deo karte rimskih puteva &bdquo;Tabula&nbsp;Peutingriana&rdquo;, odlomak iz Vitruviusovih knjiga, izgled novčića sa likovima rimskih&nbsp;imperatora koji su rođeni na tlu dana&scaron;nje Republike Srbije, rad kojim se dokazuje da je&nbsp;opeku, najče&scaron;će, proizvodila vojska, podaci o glini, kao osnovnoj sirovini za proizvodnju&nbsp;opeke, mineralni sastav zemlji&scaron;ta, odrednica hemijskog sastava građevinskog materijala,&nbsp;rezultati hemijske analize ručno pravljene opeke, kao i rezultati hemijske analize savremene&nbsp;opeke. VII Literatura: U ovom radu je navedeno 445 naslova.&nbsp;</p><p>Ova doktorska teza objedinjuje regije koje su istraživali poznati naučnici, tj. sve veće&nbsp;arheolo&scaron;ke lokalitete na teritoriji dana&scaron;nje Republike Srbije, tako &nbsp;da otvara put za dalja&nbsp;uporedna istraživanja i ispitivanja u hemiji, arheologiji, muzeologiji, arhitekturi, kao i&nbsp;poslovima restauracije, &scaron;to, do sada, nije u dovoljnoj meri učinjeno.&nbsp;</p> / <p>This paper examines the wealth of archaeological sites on the territory of present-day&nbsp;Republic Serbia in terms of the development of chemical production, material &nbsp;culture, which&nbsp;is achieved, for the time, the typical manufacture of metal goods, and building materials. The&nbsp;samples that were used, in most cases, they had no prior treatment or were extracted directly&nbsp;from the deposits of archaeological finds, with the approval of local and regional museum:&nbsp;&rdquo;The Museum of Vojvodina&rdquo; in Novi Sad, &rdquo;Heritage Museum&rdquo; in Ruma, &rdquo;The Museum of&nbsp;Srem&rdquo; in Sremska Mitrovica, &rdquo;Museum Viminacium&rdquo; near Kostolac, &rdquo;Archaeological&nbsp;Museum Đerdap&rdquo; in Kladovo, Museum &rdquo;Đerdap 2&rdquo; in Drobeta Turn-Severin, Romania,&nbsp;&rdquo;Museum of Krajina&rdquo; in Negotin, &rdquo;National Museum&rdquo; in Zaječar, Museum &rdquo;Mediana&rdquo;, near&nbsp;Ni&scaron;. Samples of building materials, bricks and connective material originating from&nbsp;archaeological sites: Mihajlovac-Clevora, Trajanʼs Bridge, Mediana, Diana, Naissus, Felix&nbsp;Romuliana, Frateniza, &Scaron;arkamen, Hrtkovci and Viminacium. Samples of Roman coins are&nbsp;from the &nbsp;reign of Constantius Julia Flavia, the archaeological site of Sirmium and other&nbsp;archaeological sites today Vojvodina and from archaeological sites in Eastern Serbia&nbsp;(Prahovo). Test methods for archaeological samples are: Microscopy, Metallurgical&nbsp;Microscopes Leitz, ORHTOPLAN (x100) and Carl Zeiss Jena (x1000) Gemmological Konig&nbsp;Electronic Microscope (200X), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), JEOL JSM-6460LV;&nbsp;Spectroscopic Methods, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS), Oxford Instrument; X-Ray&nbsp;Fluorometry (XRF ), Thermo Fisher, NITON XL 3t- 950th.&nbsp;</p><p>Chapters in the paper: I Theoretical part: The theoretical part consists of two chapters:&nbsp;introduction and general part. In the first chapter of the prominent causes and objectives of&nbsp;the selection of building materials and coins, as a starting point for research on the&nbsp;development of chemical production in ancient times on the territory of Serbia. Army Corps&nbsp;of Engineers was the initiator of the technology of building materials and coins, and other&nbsp;chemical production was at the level of craft skills. The second section consists of five topics:&nbsp;General part, historical and social conditions in ancient times in Rome and in the Balkans,&nbsp;historical and social conditions in ancient times on the territory of Serbia, Manufacture of&nbsp;bricks in ancient times and Metallurgy in ancient times on the territory of Serbia. II Research&nbsp;Methodology: Research Methodology Chapter includes: The research, research problem,&nbsp;research objectives, the tasks of research hypotheses. Ekspeimentalni part III: The&nbsp;experimental part is divided into two major parts: Materials and Methods. Whole material&nbsp;consists of seven sections: Sampling materials, sampling of construction materials, building&nbsp;materials detection patterns visually, molding samples of building materials, digital&nbsp;photography &nbsp;and optical microscopy samples of bricks, Detection coins. Whole methods&nbsp;consists of five sections: Field research, bibliographic, museum, archival research and&nbsp;mapping, locating archaeological sites (geophysical measurements), photos of archaeological&nbsp;sites, the chemical analysis of building materials Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),&nbsp;Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), the chemical analysis of coins (Microscopic&nbsp;Analysis; X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF). IV Discussion of research results: In the&nbsp;discussion of the research results are: Preview, interpretation of the results of analysis;&nbsp;Discussion of the results obtained; Comparative analysis of the data. In Conclusion: Based on&nbsp;the research, it was found that the chemical production in late antiquity, was directed: in&nbsp;obtaining high-quality building materials to advanced metallurgy in the mints coins.&nbsp;Appendix VI: Articles are displayed: biographical and bibliographical representations of&nbsp;archaeologists, researchers archaeological sites, part of the map of Roman roads &bdquo;Tabula&nbsp;Peutingriana&rdquo; section of &nbsp;Vitruviusovʼs books, coins with the appearance of the characters of&nbsp;Roman emperors were born in the territory of present-day Republic of Serbia, the work of&nbsp;proving that the bricks, usually producing army, data on clay, which is the basic raw material&nbsp;for the production of bricks, the mineral content of the soil, the term chemical composition &nbsp;of&nbsp;building materials, the results of chemical analysis handmade bricks, and the results of&nbsp;chemical analysis of contemporary brick. VII Literature: In this study indicated 445 titles.&nbsp;</p><p>This doctoral thesis combines the region explored by famous scientists, ie. all major&nbsp;archaeological sites on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, so that it opens the way for&nbsp;further comparative research and studies in chemistry, archeology, museology, architecture&nbsp;and restoration operations, which, so far, has not &nbsp;been sufficiently done.</p>

Komparativní volební inženýrství v postjugoslávském prostoru / Comparative Electoral Engineering in the Post-Yugoslav Area

Höfer, Karel January 2013 (has links)
Bc. Karel Höfer Komparativní volební inženýrství v postjugoslávském prostoru KP IPS FSV UK Diplomová práce ABSTRACT The thesis deals with the topic of electoral engineering and electoral design in the Post- Yugoslav area. It can be classified within social sciences as a part of political science, specifically as a part of comparative political science and electoral studies. The subject of this thesis is electoral design and electoral engineering. Its cases are political and electoral systems in the Post-Yugoslav area up to 2012. The importance of this topic consists in the fact that it is not entirely explored topic. On that account it deserves attention from both empirical and theoretical perspective. The research of electoral design and electoral engineering is one of the most promising courses of contemporary political science. The Post-Yugoslav area offers an ideal environment for comparative political science in general and comparative approach due to its common historical and institutional grounds, but different political and institutional development after the disintegration. The primary objective of this work is the comparison of electoral design and electoral engineering in the Post-Yugoslav area. An important component of this work is also original and comprehensive theoretical framework for a...

IPA Most na Dunaji: Přeshraniční spolupráce a společenská obnova Slavonie a Vojvodiny / IPA Bridge on the Danube: Cross-border Co-operation and Social Reconstruction in Slavonia and Vojvodina

Vienne, Cassiopee January 2014 (has links)
The relations between Croatia and Serbia are determining for regional peace and stability and for the course of the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans. The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the funding mechanism designed for the implementation of the EU's enlargement policy in the Western Balkans. This research investigates the extent to which IPA has integrated to the local cross- border initiatives in culture and youth and has fostered social reconstruction between Croats and Serbs in Slavonia (Croatia) and Vojvodina (Serbia). Co-operation in the cultural sector is an important element of social reconstruction, as it favours contacts and the erosion of antagonistic prejudices against the other ethnic group. The objective of this research is defined as two-fold, firstly to test a model of cross-border co-operation devised from EU integration theories and, secondly to provide an accurate picture of the cross-border initiatives in Slavonia and Vojvodina based on ground-level experience. The analysis of the data collected shows mixed results. On one hand IPA has integrated successfully into the landscape of local cross-border initiatives by stimulating socialisation between civil society organisations. IPA has also increased local ownership of cross-border co-operation amongst the...

Крестовый поход 1443–1444 гг.: тактический аспект Варненской битвы : магистерская диссертация / The Crusade of 1443-1444: the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna

Миронов, М. В., Mironov, M. V. January 2023 (has links)
В настоящей работе анализируется тактический аспект Варненской битвы 1444 г. Автор приходит к выводу, что причины поражения антиосманской коалиции кроются главным образом в различиях военных систем и организации армий двух сторон противостояния. / This paper analyzes the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna in 1444. The author concludes that the reasons for the defeat of the anti-Ottoman coalition lie mainly in the differences in military systems and the organization of the armies of the two sides of the confrontation.

Status of Women from National Minorities in the Serbian Higher Education System – Focus on Women from the Hungarian National Minority / Položaj žena iz nacionalnih manjina u sistemu visokog obrazovanja Srbije – osvrt na žene iz mađarske nacionalne manjine

Lendak-Kabok Karolina 23 July 2019 (has links)
<p>The primary objective of this research was to identify and<br />analyse the challenges faced by ethnic minority students<br />while studying and building an academic career in the higher<br />education system of Serbia. The secondary objective was to<br />analyse the unconscious and conscious gender biases towards<br />ethnic minority women, when building their academic careers<br />and in reaching decision-making position in academia. The<br />tertiary objective of was to raise awareness about the<br />increased demand for human resources in the technical fields<br />and that therefore more women should be steered towards the<br />studying engineering.<br />The research was conducted based on 2192 filled in<br />questionnaires and 45 semi-structured interviews. The<br />research results showed that language, intersecting with<br />gender, ethnicity and class result in a new inequality concept.<br />It was shown that women are under-represented in technical<br />fields, which has its roots in gender stereotypes. Finally, it<br />was shown that women are less motivated to reach higher<br />positions in the Serbian higher education system than men.<br />The author proposes a set of policy recommendations for<br />solving/mitigating the identified challenges, e.g. deconstruction<br />of gender stereotypes via improved teaching<br />aids in elementary and high schools, optimised Serbian<br />language teaching to eliminate the language difficulty faced<br />at the start of their higher education; as well as the founding<br />of an ethnic minority research centre, which would research<br />the challenges faced by ethnic minority communities.</p> / <p>Primarni cilj istraživanja je identifikacija i i analiza prepreka<br />u sistemu visokog obrazovanja tokom studiranja i izgradnje<br />karijere u akademskoj zajednici žena iz nacionalnih zajednica<br />sa posebnim osvrtom na žene iz mađarske nacionalne<br />zajednice. Sekundarni cilj je analiza nesvesne i svesne rodne<br />pristrasnosti prema ženama etničkih manjina u toku izgradnje<br />akademske karijere i pri dosezanju visokih pozicija unutar<br />akademije. Tercijarni cilj istraživanja je podizanje svesti o<br />tome, kako je potražnja za ljudskim resursima na trži&scaron;tu rada<br />u oblasti tehničkih nauka značajna i da je stoga potrebno<br />usmeriti veći broj žena ka tim oblastima. Istraživanje je<br />sprovedeno pomoću 2192 popunjena upitnika i 45 polustrukturirana<br />intervjua. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da jezik,<br />koji je u intersekciji sa rodom, nacionalno&scaron;ću i klasom,<br />rezultira novim konceptom nejednakosti. Takođe je dokazano<br />da su žene nedovoljno zastupljene u tehničkim oblastima, &scaron;to<br />je najvećim delom moguće pripisati rodnim stereotipima.<br />Konačno, utvrđeno je da su žene manje motivisane da<br />dosegnu visoke pozicije od mu&scaron;karaca u sistemu visokog<br />&scaron;kolstva. Autorka predlaže skup mera za re&scaron;avanje i/ili<br />ublažavanje identifikovanih izazova, npr. dekonstrukcija<br />rodnih stereotipa pomoću unapređenih nastavnih materijala u<br />osnovnim i srednjim &scaron;kolama, prilađen program učenja<br />srpskog jezika za učenike iz etničkih manjina sa ciljem<br />izbegavanja jezičke barijere na početku studija; odnosno<br />osnivanje centra za istraživanje statusa i izazova zajednica<br />etničkih manjina.</p>

Ethnienbildung von Muslimen als Abwehr von Antiziganismus

Lichnofsky, Claudia 15 January 2015 (has links)
Sowohl Ägypter als auch Ashkali sind heute in der Verfassung der Republik Kosovo festgeschriebene communities mit Minderheitenrechten. Ihre Angehörige sind mehrheitlich muslimisch. Ashkali und Ägypter sind albanischsprachig während Roma meist einen der drei im Kosovo vorkommenden Dialekte des Romanes sprechen. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie und vor welchem Hintergrund neue ethnische Identifizierungen in Konfliktgesellschaften entstehen, welche historischen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen dafür gegeben sein müssen, damit sie sich erfolgreich etablieren und was der jeweilige Vorteil für eine Identifizierung mit der einen oder der anderen Gruppe ist. Historisch-kritisch untersucht wurden schriftliche Ego-Dokumente von Ägyptern und Ashkali (Webseiten, Offene Briefe, Artikel und Monographien) sowie problemzentrierte Interviews, Statistiken, Menschenrechtsberichten und Artikel aus serbischen und kosovarischen Zeitungen. Der Zusammenhang von Antiziganismus und dem Wunsch nach Schaffung einer neuen nationalen Kategorie wurde dabei in der historischen Perspektive deutlich: in den 1960er/70er Jahren grenzten sich jugoslawische Roma von den negativen Stereotypen und ihrer Bezeichnung als „Zigeuner“ ab, promoteten die Bezeichnung ''Roma'' und vernetzten sich mit Roma anderer europäischer Ländern. Ab Ende der 1980er Jahre versuchten in Südwest-Mazedonien einige Menschen sich zu organisieren und ihr Image als „Zigeuner“ zu verlieren, ohne gleichzeitig den Albanern zugerechnet zu werden, die sich von Jugoslawien separieren wollten. Sie organisierten sich über die Republik Mazedonien und auch Jugoslawien hinaus und schafften es, in Serbien und Mazedonien als positive Alternative zur albanischen Minderheit anerkannt zu werden und ihre eigene Kategorie in der Volkszählung zu erhalten. Die Ashkali entstanden 1999 als Ausweg aus der Nachkriegs-Gewalt im Kosovo. / Both Egyptians and Ashkali are formally defined as communities with minority rights in the current constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. Their members are overwhelmingly Muslim. Ashkali and Egyptians are Albanian-speaking whereas Roma tend to speak one of the three Romany dialects spoken in Kosovo. This work examined how new ethnic identifications originate in societies in conflict and the causes behind this development; the historical and political conditions that must be in place to enable these new identities to become successfully established and what the respective benefits are behind identifying with one group over another. Written autobiographical documents from Egyptians and Ashkali (web sites, open letters, articles and monographs) as well as problem-centred interviews, statistics, human rights reports and articles from Serbian and Kosovan newspapers were critically examined from a historical standpoint. The relationship between antiziganism and the desire to establish a new national ethnic grouping is evident when viewed from a historical perspective: in the 1960s and 70s the Yugoslav Roma distanced themselves from the negative stereotypes associated with the name “Zigeuner” (gypsy), promoted the name Roma and built links with Roma from other European countries. At the end of the 1980s groups in south-west Macedonia joined together to shed their “Zigeuner” (gypsy) image, creating a group distinct from the Albanians who in turn were trying to separate themselves from Yugoslavia. The groups became more organised, extending beyond the Republic of Macedonia and Yugoslavia and they succeeded in being recognised as a positive alternative to the Albanian minority in Serbia and Macedonia where they were included in the census as a separate ethnic category. The Ashkali identity was created in 1999 in response to the post-war violence in Kosovo.

Компаративна анализа програма биологије за основну школу у Србији и другим европским земљама / Komparativna analiza programa biologije za osnovnu školu u Srbiji i drugim evropskim zemljama / Comparative Analysis of Biology Curriculum in Primary Schools in Serbia and Other European Countries

DŽamić Šepa Nada 22 December 2014 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; ранијих истраживања и&nbsp; званичних докумената&nbsp;Министарстава образовања&nbsp; изложена&nbsp; компаративна&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; обавезног образовања и Наставних&nbsp;програма биологије у Србији,&nbsp; Хрватској, Словенији, Аустрији, Финској&nbsp; и Руској&nbsp; Федерацији.&nbsp; Циљ&nbsp;истраживања&nbsp; је био да&nbsp; се сагледају&nbsp; њихове међусобне сличности и разлике&nbsp; и могућност да се&nbsp;<br />позитивна искуства у реформи образовања и програма биологије других земаља &nbsp;примене&nbsp; за&nbsp;унапређење образовног система и наставе биологије у Србији&nbsp; у наредном периоду.</p><p>Анализом је утврђено постојање значајних разлика у образовним системима анализираних&nbsp;земаља које се односе на: структуру, дужину трајања, дужину трајања појединих образовних&nbsp;циклуса, број ученика у одељењу, број наставних дана у години, дужину наставног часа, рад школа&nbsp;по сменама, заступљеност обавезних, изборних и факултативних предмета...&nbsp;</p><p>Анализом је утврђено постојање значајне разлике&nbsp; и&nbsp; у заступљености наставних &nbsp;предмета&nbsp;Природа и Биологија по разредима, недељном и годишњем фонду часова, васпитно-образовним&nbsp;циљевима, обиму садржаја по разредима, као и у структурним елементима програма.</p><p>Поређењем Наставних програма Природе и Биологије&nbsp; у&nbsp; анализираним земљама, њихове&nbsp;концепције и карактеристика, констатовано је:<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Да су програми растерећени од сувишних садржаја&nbsp; и да&nbsp; се&nbsp; ослањају на савремена&nbsp;научна достигнућа и перспективу биологије, као науке XXI века.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Постоји&nbsp; корелација&nbsp; садржаја&nbsp; програма природних наука и њихова примереност&nbsp;интересовањима и потребама ученика&nbsp; као и поступност и систематичност у&nbsp;презентовању садржаја.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Основни&nbsp; елементи&nbsp; садржаја&nbsp; су&nbsp; дефинисани&nbsp; у складу са узрастом ученика, што&nbsp;доприноси квалитетнијем и трајнијем усвајању знања и могућности његове примене у&nbsp;конкретним животним ситуацијама.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Садржаји програма Природе и Биологије васпитавају ученике за хуман однос према&nbsp;природи и живим бићима, развијају њихову еколошку свест и одговоран однос према&nbsp;сопственом здрављу.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; У&nbsp; Словенији, Аустрији, Финској и Русији садржаји из биологије се у једном или више&nbsp;разреда обрађују интегрисано са садржајима Географије, Физике и Хемије, &nbsp;са&nbsp;нагласком на еколошки аспект и одрживи развој&nbsp; у његовој реализацији.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Програми Природе и Биологије у Словенији, Аустрији и Финској подељени су у&nbsp;<br />тематске области, за које нису прцизирани типови ни број часова, тако да наставник&nbsp;распоређује годишњи фонд часова према карактеристикама наставних целина.&nbsp;<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Структурни елементи програма предмета Природа и Биологија су: васпитно-образовни&nbsp;циљеви, оперативни задаци по разредима, дидактичке препоруке, очекивана постигнућа&nbsp;ученичка по образовним циклусима, оцењивање и вредновање ученичких постигнућа.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Стандардизацијом програмских захтева и садржаја, тежиште образовања је померено&nbsp; са&nbsp;наставних програма и наставника ка резултатима учења и ученицима, што&nbsp; је допринело&nbsp;квалитетнијој реализацији наставних садржаја,&nbsp; објективнијој провери ученичких&nbsp;постигнућа, трајнијим и квалитетнијим знањима &nbsp;ученика.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; У свим анализираним земљама напуштају се традиционални облици, методе&nbsp; и технике&nbsp;рада у настави, а примењују савремени дидактичко-методички&nbsp; приступи интерактивног&nbsp;учења/наставе: тимска, проблемска, програмирана и&nbsp; пројектна настава,&nbsp; непосредно и&nbsp;посредно посматрање&nbsp; природних појава, истраживања,&nbsp; излети и екскурзије. Овакав рад&nbsp;захтева многобројне ученичке активности које се огледају у: организацији и планирању&nbsp;активности на терену, формирање базе и збирки података, организовање и учествовање&nbsp;у дебатним и панел дискусијама, израду мини пројеката и слично.</p><p>У односу на Републику&nbsp; Србију, најновије реформе образовања у Хрватској, Словенији,&nbsp;Аустрији, Русији, а нарочито Финској одвијале су се брже и темељније. Реформи образовања у овим&nbsp;земљама је приступљено креативно,&nbsp; са&nbsp; оријентацијом&nbsp; на модерне узоре, а&nbsp; да&nbsp; при том&nbsp; ове земље&nbsp;нису изгубиле сопствену оригиналност&nbsp; у образовању. Циљеви реформе&nbsp; основног&nbsp; образовања у&nbsp;Србији,&nbsp; која је&nbsp; започела 2000.&nbsp; и завршена&nbsp; 2010.&nbsp; године,&nbsp; су били слични онима у Финској и другим&nbsp;анализираним земљама, али она није довела до суштинских промена у основношколском образовном систему.&nbsp; Постављени циљеви нису остварени,&nbsp; па исти задаци остају за неку следећу реформу.</p><p>Важећи&nbsp; Наставни програм биологије у&nbsp; Србији (иако је недавно реформисан)&nbsp; је&nbsp; и даље&nbsp;традиционалан, са линеарним рапоредом садржаја, писан је као листа тема са обимним садржајима у&nbsp;свим разредима,&nbsp; без&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; изборних садржаја.&nbsp; Непостојање корелација садржаја са другим&nbsp;предметима, али и у оквиру саме биологије по разредима, онемогућава интегрисање &nbsp;садржаја.</p><p>Оцене реформисаног Наставног програма биологије&nbsp; за основну школу у Србији на основу&nbsp;проведене анкете за наставнике&nbsp; биологије, крећу се од крајње позитивних, преко умерених до&nbsp;крајње негативних.</p><p>Због наведених и других разлога потребна је нова коренита промена основног образовања и&nbsp;Наставног програма биологије&nbsp; у основној школи у Србији која би се радила студиозно и пажљиво,&nbsp;са реално постављеним циљевима и задацима. У програм&nbsp; биологије&nbsp; треба&nbsp; увести&nbsp; кључне&nbsp; наставне&nbsp;области&nbsp; из биолошке науке,&nbsp; које би се&nbsp; сагледавале комплексно и интегрисано (као&nbsp; у Словенији,&nbsp;Аустрији и Финској), у складу са потребама ученика у реалном животу, &nbsp;а реализовале&nbsp;интерактивном наставом са много више креативности и наставника и ученика.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; ranijih istraživanja i&nbsp; zvaničnih dokumenata&nbsp;Ministarstava obrazovanja&nbsp; izložena&nbsp; komparativna&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; obaveznog obrazovanja i Nastavnih&nbsp;programa biologije u Srbiji,&nbsp; Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Austriji, Finskoj&nbsp; i Ruskoj&nbsp; Federaciji.&nbsp; Cilj&nbsp;istraživanja&nbsp; je bio da&nbsp; se sagledaju&nbsp; njihove međusobne sličnosti i razlike&nbsp; i mogućnost da se&nbsp;<br />pozitivna iskustva u reformi obrazovanja i programa biologije drugih zemalja &nbsp;primene&nbsp; za&nbsp;unapređenje obrazovnog sistema i nastave biologije u Srbiji&nbsp; u narednom periodu.</p><p>Analizom je utvrđeno postojanje značajnih razlika u obrazovnim sistemima analiziranih&nbsp;zemalja koje se odnose na: strukturu, dužinu trajanja, dužinu trajanja pojedinih obrazovnih&nbsp;ciklusa, broj učenika u odeljenju, broj nastavnih dana u godini, dužinu nastavnog časa, rad škola&nbsp;po smenama, zastupljenost obaveznih, izbornih i fakultativnih predmeta...&nbsp;</p><p>Analizom je utvrđeno postojanje značajne razlike&nbsp; i&nbsp; u zastupljenosti nastavnih &nbsp;predmeta&nbsp;Priroda i Biologija po razredima, nedeljnom i godišnjem fondu časova, vaspitno-obrazovnim&nbsp;ciljevima, obimu sadržaja po razredima, kao i u strukturnim elementima programa.</p><p>Poređenjem Nastavnih programa Prirode i Biologije&nbsp; u&nbsp; analiziranim zemljama, njihove&nbsp;koncepcije i karakteristika, konstatovano je:<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Da su programi rasterećeni od suvišnih sadržaja&nbsp; i da&nbsp; se&nbsp; oslanjaju na savremena&nbsp;naučna dostignuća i perspektivu biologije, kao nauke XXI veka.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Postoji&nbsp; korelacija&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; programa prirodnih nauka i njihova primerenost&nbsp;interesovanjima i potrebama učenika&nbsp; kao i postupnost i sistematičnost u&nbsp;prezentovanju sadržaja.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Osnovni&nbsp; elementi&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; su&nbsp; definisani&nbsp; u skladu sa uzrastom učenika, što&nbsp;doprinosi kvalitetnijem i trajnijem usvajanju znanja i mogućnosti njegove primene u&nbsp;konkretnim životnim situacijama.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Sadržaji programa Prirode i Biologije vaspitavaju učenike za human odnos prema&nbsp;prirodi i živim bićima, razvijaju njihovu ekološku svest i odgovoran odnos prema&nbsp;sopstvenom zdravlju.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; U&nbsp; Sloveniji, Austriji, Finskoj i Rusiji sadržaji iz biologije se u jednom ili više&nbsp;razreda obrađuju integrisano sa sadržajima Geografije, Fizike i Hemije, &nbsp;sa&nbsp;naglaskom na ekološki aspekt i održivi razvoj&nbsp; u njegovoj realizaciji.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Programi Prirode i Biologije u Sloveniji, Austriji i Finskoj podeljeni su u&nbsp;<br />tematske oblasti, za koje nisu prcizirani tipovi ni broj časova, tako da nastavnik&nbsp;raspoređuje godišnji fond časova prema karakteristikama nastavnih celina.&nbsp;<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Strukturni elementi programa predmeta Priroda i Biologija su: vaspitno-obrazovni&nbsp;ciljevi, operativni zadaci po razredima, didaktičke preporuke, očekivana postignuća&nbsp;učenička po obrazovnim ciklusima, ocenjivanje i vrednovanje učeničkih postignuća.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; Standardizacijom programskih zahteva i sadržaja, težište obrazovanja je pomereno&nbsp; sa&nbsp;nastavnih programa i nastavnika ka rezultatima učenja i učenicima, što&nbsp; je doprinelo&nbsp;kvalitetnijoj realizaciji nastavnih sadržaja,&nbsp; objektivnijoj proveri učeničkih&nbsp;postignuća, trajnijim i kvalitetnijim znanjima &nbsp;učenika.<br />&ndash;&nbsp; U svim analiziranim zemljama napuštaju se tradicionalni oblici, metode&nbsp; i tehnike&nbsp;rada u nastavi, a primenjuju savremeni didaktičko-metodički&nbsp; pristupi interaktivnog&nbsp;učenja/nastave: timska, problemska, programirana i&nbsp; projektna nastava,&nbsp; neposredno i&nbsp;posredno posmatranje&nbsp; prirodnih pojava, istraživanja,&nbsp; izleti i ekskurzije. Ovakav rad&nbsp;zahteva mnogobrojne učeničke aktivnosti koje se ogledaju u: organizaciji i planiranju&nbsp;aktivnosti na terenu, formiranje baze i zbirki podataka, organizovanje i učestvovanje&nbsp;u debatnim i panel diskusijama, izradu mini projekata i slično.</p><p>U odnosu na Republiku&nbsp; Srbiju, najnovije reforme obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji,&nbsp;Austriji, Rusiji, a naročito Finskoj odvijale su se brže i temeljnije. Reformi obrazovanja u ovim&nbsp;zemljama je pristupljeno kreativno,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; orijentacijom&nbsp; na moderne uzore, a&nbsp; da&nbsp; pri tom&nbsp; ove zemlje&nbsp;nisu izgubile sopstvenu originalnost&nbsp; u obrazovanju. Ciljevi reforme&nbsp; osnovnog&nbsp; obrazovanja u&nbsp;Srbiji,&nbsp; koja je&nbsp; započela 2000.&nbsp; i završena&nbsp; 2010.&nbsp; godine,&nbsp; su bili slični onima u Finskoj i drugim&nbsp;analiziranim zemljama, ali ona nije dovela do suštinskih promena u osnovnoškolskom obrazovnom sistemu.&nbsp; Postavljeni ciljevi nisu ostvareni,&nbsp; pa isti zadaci ostaju za neku sledeću reformu.</p><p>Važeći&nbsp; Nastavni program biologije u&nbsp; Srbiji (iako je nedavno reformisan)&nbsp; je&nbsp; i dalje&nbsp;tradicionalan, sa linearnim raporedom sadržaja, pisan je kao lista tema sa obimnim sadržajima u&nbsp;svim razredima,&nbsp; bez&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; izbornih sadržaja.&nbsp; Nepostojanje korelacija sadržaja sa drugim&nbsp;predmetima, ali i u okviru same biologije po razredima, onemogućava integrisanje &nbsp;sadržaja.</p><p>Ocene reformisanog Nastavnog programa biologije&nbsp; za osnovnu školu u Srbiji na osnovu&nbsp;provedene ankete za nastavnike&nbsp; biologije, kreću se od krajnje pozitivnih, preko umerenih do&nbsp;krajnje negativnih.</p><p>Zbog navedenih i drugih razloga potrebna je nova korenita promena osnovnog obrazovanja i&nbsp;Nastavnog programa biologije&nbsp; u osnovnoj školi u Srbiji koja bi se radila studiozno i pažljivo,&nbsp;sa realno postavljenim ciljevima i zadacima. U program&nbsp; biologije&nbsp; treba&nbsp; uvesti&nbsp; ključne&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp;oblasti&nbsp; iz biološke nauke,&nbsp; koje bi se&nbsp; sagledavale kompleksno i integrisano (kao&nbsp; u Sloveniji,&nbsp;Austriji i Finskoj), u skladu sa potrebama učenika u realnom životu, &nbsp;a realizovale&nbsp;interaktivnom nastavom sa mnogo više kreativnosti i nastavnika i učenika.</p> / <p>Based on earlier research and official documents of the Ministry of Education, the PhD thesis&nbsp;gives the comparative analysis of compulsory education and Biology curriculum in Serbia, Croatia,&nbsp;Slovenia, Austria, Finland and the Russian Federation. The aim of the research was to observe their&nbsp;similarities and differences and the possibility to use the positive experiences of the reform of education&nbsp;and Biology curriculum in these countries in order to improve educational system and Biology teaching in&nbsp;Serbia in the times to come.</p><p>The analysis shows the existance of considerable differences in educational systems of the anаlyzed&nbsp;countries regarding: structure, length, length of certain educational cycles, number of students in a class,&nbsp;number of schooldays, length of a lesson, working in shifts, presence of compulsory, optional and&nbsp;facultative subjects.&nbsp;</p><p>The analysis also shows a considerable difference in the presence of subjects Nature and Biology&nbsp;in grades, number of lessons per week and year, educational objectives, scope and content in different&nbsp;grades as well as in the structural elements &nbsp;of the curriculum.</p><p>Comparing Nature and Biology curriculums of the analyzed countries, their concepts and&nbsp;characteristics, the following was concluded:<br />-&nbsp; The curriculums are unburdened of unnecessary contents and&nbsp; they rely on contemporary scientific&nbsp;achievements and the perspective of Biology as a science of the 21<sup>st&nbsp;</sup>century.<br />-&nbsp; There are cross-curricular links among natural sciences and they are adapted to the interests and&nbsp;needs of students, and there is a gradual and systematic approach in presenting contents.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; Basic elements of the content are defined in accordance with the age of students which contributes&nbsp;to a better and more permanent knowledge acquisition and makes it possible to use the knowledge&nbsp;in everyday&nbsp; situations.<br />-&nbsp; The content of Nature and Biology curriculums teach children to be humane to the nature and&nbsp;other living beings, to develop environmental awareness and responsible attitude to their own&nbsp;health.<br />-&nbsp; In Slovenia, Austria, Finland and Russia Biology content is taught together with Geography,&nbsp;Physics and Chemistry content in one or more school years with emphasis on environmental&nbsp;aspects and sustainable development in their realization.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; Nature and Biology curriculums in Slovenia, Austria and Finland are divided into units without&nbsp;recommended type or number of classes so that a teacher distributes the annual number of lessons&nbsp;according to the characteristics of the units.<br />-&nbsp; The structural elements of the program of subjects Nature and Biology are: educational aims,&nbsp;operational tasks per year, didactic recommendations, expected achievements of the students in&nbsp;each educational cycle, marking and evaluating students&rsquo; achievements.&nbsp;<br />-&nbsp; By standardizing the program requests and contents, the focus of education&nbsp; is shifted from&nbsp;teaching programs and teachers to the results of learning and students, that contributed to better&nbsp;realization of the teaching contents, more objective evaluation of students&rsquo; achievements, long -lasting and knowledge of a higher quality.<br />-&nbsp; In all the analyzed countries the traditional teaching methods and techniques are dismissed and&nbsp;modern didactic and methodical approach of interactive teaching/learning is applied: team work,&nbsp;problem solving, programmed and project teaching, direct and in direct observation of natural&nbsp;phenomena, research, trips and excursions. This kind of work requires extensive students&rsquo;&nbsp;activities such as: organization and planning of field activities, creation of database and data&nbsp;collections, &nbsp;organizing and participating in debates and panel discussions, development of mini-projects and the like. &nbsp;</p><p>Contrary to Serbia, the latest reforms of education in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Russia and&nbsp;specially in Finland were carried out faster and more thoroughly. The education reform in these countries&nbsp;was approached in a creative way, bearing in mind modern models without losing their own national&nbsp;educational originality. The aims of the reform of primary education system in Serbia, which started in&nbsp;2000 and finished in 2010, were similar to those in Finland and other analyzed countries, but it &nbsp;has not&nbsp;made substantial changes in primary education system in Serbia. The set aims were not reached thus the&nbsp;same tasks are left for some future reform.</p><p>The current Biology curriculum in&nbsp; our country (although reformed recently) is still traditional,&nbsp;with linear distribution of the content, written as a list of topics with extensive content in each year without the possibility of optional contents. The lack of correlation with other subjec ts, as well as within Biology content in one year prevents the integration of the contents.</p><p>According to a survey carried out with Biology teachers, the evaluation of the reformed Biology&nbsp;curriculum for primary schools in Serbia vary from utterly positive, moderate to &nbsp;utterly negative.</p><p>For all the mentioned and some other reasons, a new radical change of primary education and&nbsp;Biology curriculum for primary schools in Serbia is necessary. It should be carried out carefully and&nbsp;thoroughly with aims and tasks set objectively. Biology curriculum should include key teaching areas of&nbsp;Biology as a science that would be considered in a complex and integrated way (as in Slovenia, Austria and&nbsp;<br />Finland), in accordance with the needs of students in the real life, and realized through interactive lessons&nbsp;with much more creativity on the part of both teachers and students.</p>

Чланови династија југоисточне Европе у средњовековној Угарској / Članovi dinastija jugoistočne Evrope u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj / The members of the dynasties of South EastEurope in medieval Hungary

Krstić Aleksandar 18 November 18204 (has links)
<p>Tokom srednjeg veka u Ugarskoj su se na&scaron;li i<br />mnogi pripadnici dinastija iz susednih, ali i iz<br />drugih evropskih zemalja. Predmet istraživanja<br />u ovoj tezi su clanovi dinastija iz zemalja<br />jugoistocne Evrope, odnosno sa Balkanskog<br />poluostrva (Srbija, Bosna, Vizantija, Bugarska,<br />Osmansko carstvo), koji su u periodu od 12. do<br />prvih decenija 16. veka boravili u Ugarskoj<br />kraljevini i bili ukljuceni u njen državno-pravni<br />sistem. U fokusu istraživanja su srpski župan i<br />ugarski palatin Belo&scaron; iz 12. veka, njemu<br />savremeni bosanski ban Boric i njegovi<br />potomci, sinovi biv&scaron;e vizantijske carice<br />Margarite Jovan An&#39;eo i Viljem od Sentomera,<br />bosanski banovi iz 13. veka, narocito Prijezda I<br />i njegovi sinovi, srpski kralj Stefan Dragutin,<br />bosanski ban Stjepan (( Kotromanic i njegova<br />kci Jelisaveta, supruga ugarskog kralja Lajo&scaron;a (,<br />zatim sinovi kralja Vuka&scaron;ina Dmitar i Andrija&scaron;,<br />despoti Stefan Lazarevic, &amp;ura&#39; Brankovic i<br />njegovi potomci, srpski despoti u Ugarskoj iz<br />druge polovine 15. stoleca, bosanski kraljevi<br />pocev od Tvrtka I do Stefana Toma&scaron;evica,<br />herceg Vladislav Kosaca i njegovi naslednici, i<br />konacno, bugarski carevic Fružin i osmanski<br />princevi Murat i Davud Celebija. Njihov<br />položaj u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj razlikovao<br />se u zavisnosti od vremena i okolnosti u kojima<br />su do&scaron;li u ovu zemlju (bracne i porodicne veze<br />me&#39;u dinastijama, izbegli clanovi vladarskih<br />porodica koji su na&scaron;li utoci&scaron;te u Ugarskoj,<br />vladari susednih država koji su kao vazali<br />ugarskih kraljeva dobijali posede na teritoriji<br />kraljevine). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na<br />osnovu raspoloživih podataka u istorijskim<br />izvorima sagleda položaj clanova dinastija iz<br />zemalja jugoistocne Evrope u pravnom i<br />politickom sistemu Ugarske kraljevine, njihovi<br />posedi, uloge koje su ove licnosti imale u<br />odnosima Ugarske sa zemljama iz kojih su<br />poticale, i, na kraju, da se na taj nacin bolje<br />osvetli politika ugarskih vladara prema<br />njihovim jugoistocnim susedima u srednjem<br />veku.</p> / <p>During the Middle Ages many members of the<br />dynasties from neighboring countries came to<br />Hungary, as well as from other European<br />countries. In this Ph.D. thesis members of the<br />dynasties from South Eastern Europe are<br />studied, that is from the Balkan countries<br />(Serbia, Bosnia, Byzantium, Bulgaria, Ottoman<br />Empire), those who stayed in the Kingdom of<br />Hungary during the period from 12th to the<br />early decades of the 16th century and were<br />involved in its state and legal system. The study<br />focuses on the Serbian župan and Hungarian<br />Palatine Belo&scaron; from the 12th century, his<br />contemporary Bosnian ban Boric and his<br />descendants, the sons of former Byzantine<br />Empress Margaret John Angel and William of<br />Saint Omer, Bosnian bans from the 13th<br />century, especially Prijezda I and his sons,<br />Serbian king Stefan Dragutin, Bosnian ban<br />Stjepan II Kotromanic and his daughter<br />Elizabeth, the wife of Hungarian King Lajos I,<br />then the sons of King Vuka&scaron;in Dimitar and<br />Andrija&scaron; (14th century), Despots Stefan<br />Lazarevic, George Brankovic and his<br />descendants, who became Serbian despots in<br />Hungary in the second half of the 15th century,<br />then Bosnian kings from Tvrtko I to Stefan<br />Toma&scaron;evic, Duke Vladislav Kosaca and his<br />successors, and finally, Bulgarian prince Fružin<br />and Ottoman princes Murat and Dawud Celebi.<br />Their position in medieval Hungary differed depending on the time and circumstances in</p><p>which they came to this country (marriage and<br />family ties between dynasties, exiled members<br />of royal families who have found refuge in<br />Hungary, the rulers of neighboring countries,<br />who had received estates in the Kingdom as<br />vassals of the Hungarian kings). The aim of the<br />study is to perceive, based on the data available<br />in historical sources, the position of members of<br />the dynasties from the South-East Europe in the<br />legal and political system of the Kingdom of<br />Hungary, their possessions, the roles that these<br />persons have played in Hungarian relations with<br />the countries from which they were originated,<br />and, finally, to better highlight policies of<br />Hungarian rulers to their southeastern neighbors<br />in the Middle Ages.</p>

Recognition Denied: An Examination of UK and US Foreign Policy towards the Republic of Croatia

Ljubic, Maria Christina 02 May 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of decision making taken by two countries, the United Kingdom and the United States, in response to Croatia’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia. The focus is on the recognition process and the reasoning and rationale used by the government officials and diplomats of the United Kingdom and United States to arrive at their policy decisions and opinions. The concentration is mainly on events from the early 1990s until mid 1992. Topics explored include matters such the politics behind non-recognition, democratic social norms, respect for human rights and Western national interests. The thesis first hypothesizes, then analyses, which International Relations theory, that is, realism or constructivism, possesses the best capacity explain why these nations initially withheld their recognition of Croatia’s independence before moving to accept the Republic of Croatia as an independent state. The role of the International Relations theories is to offer an interpretation and understanding of these events and decisions. Subsequently, they are judged on their ability to do so. The thesis finds that via the insight of scholars, analysts and theoretical perspectives that both the John Major government of the UK and the George H.W. Bush Administration of the United States behaved mostly according to realist principles, with some instances of constructivist manner. / Graduate / 0615 / 1616 / 0335 / cljubic9@gmail.com

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