Spelling suggestions: "subject:"verver"" "subject:"cerver""
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Generell DDL-Generering: metodik för olika databashanterare : Undersökning av metoder för generisk DDL-kod-generering över olika databassystemGabrielsson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en generell applikation som kan generera DDL-skript från tre olika databaser: Oracle, SQL Server och DB2, genom att enbart använda en JDBC-uppkoppling. Behovet av denna studie kommer från att databasadministratörer och utvecklare effektivt ska kunna hantera databaser med olika system med varierande syntax och struktur. Processen genomfördes i IDEAn IntelliJ med java.sql-APIt för databasoperationer. Resultatet visade att trots skillnaderna mellan dessa databaser var det möjligt att utveckla en generell process för att extrahera DDL-kod med endast en JDBCuppkoppling. Dock krävdes vissa specifika anpassningar för varje databassystem. En observation var hanteringen av primärnycklar och index mellan systemen. Denna applikation har potential att vidareutvecklas till ett kraftfullt verktyg för databashantering, vilket sparar tid och resurser. Områden för framtida undersökning inkluderar hantering av komplexa datatyper och strukturer, samt prestanda med stora databaser. / This study was aimed at developing a generic application capable of generating DDL-code from three different databases: Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 by using JDBC. This research necessity origins from database administrators and developers need to effectively manage databases across different systems with different syntax and structure. The process was conducted in the IDEA IntelliJ using the java.sql-API for database operations. The result showed that despite the differences between these databases it was possible to develop a generic process for extracting DDL-code only using a JDBC connection. However, some specific adaptions were required for each database system. An observation was the managing of primary keys and indexes across the systems. This application has the potential to be developed further into a powerful tool for database management that saves time and resources. Areas for further investigation is handling of complex data types and structures and performance with large databases.
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En utvecklingsmiljö för MALHanstad, Erik, Villarroel, Lucas January 2021 (has links)
Många utvecklare förlitar sig på moderna utvecklingsmiljöer med stöd för språkspecifika funktioner som underlättar utvecklingsprocessen. Nyutvecklade språk saknar ofta denna möjlighet, Meta Attack Language (MAL) är ett av dessa. Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka betydelsen av en integrerad utvecklingsmiljö i MAL med avseende på användarupplevelsen genom att utveckla en prototyp av en integrerad utvecklingsmiljö för MAL. Avhandlingen inleds med en litteraturstudie inom de relevanta områdena MAL, utvecklingsverktyg och kodanalys. Utifrån den insamlade informationen fastställs det att prototypen utvecklas som en Visual Studio Code-extension med en language server i enlighet med Language Server Protocol (LSP). För att mäta användarupplevelsen av en utvecklingsmiljö för MAL används User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) som mäter användarupplevelsen utifrån sex perspektiv: attraktivitet, tydlighet, effektivitet, pålitlighet, stimulering och innovativitet. Mätningarna sker i forma av två likadana enkäter där MAL-utvecklare besvarar frågor angående användarupplevelsen av att utveckla i MAL. Den första enkäten undersöker användarupplevelsen utan prototypen och den andra undersöker användarupplevelsen med prototypen. För att undersöka om skillnaden med och utan prototypen är av statistisk signifikant utförs t-test för varje perspektiv. Avhandlingen har resultaterat i en Visual Studio Code-extension som tillhandahåller intelligent kodifyllning, diagnostics, go to definition och syntaxmarkering för MAL. Resultaten av enkäterna visar på en ökning på alla mätta perspektiv med en statistisk signifikant förbättring på attraktivitet, tydlighet och effektivitet. För att utveckla arbetet och dra större slutsatser skulle prototypen behöva utvecklas mer samt att svarsunderlaget till enkäterna vara större. / Many developers rely on modern development environments with support for language-specific features that facilitate the development process. Newly developed languages often lack this possibility, Meta Attack Language (MAL) is one of these. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the importance of an integrated development environment in MAL with regard to the user experience by developing a prototype of an integrated development environment for MAL. The dissertation begins with a literature study in the relevant areas consisting of MAL, development tools and code analysis. Based on the information gathered, it is determined that the prototype is developed as a Visual Studio Code-extension with a language server adhering to the Language Server Protocol (LSP). To measure the user experience of a development environment for MAL, the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is used, which measures the user experience from six perspectives: attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation and novelty. The measurements take the form of two surveys of the same kind where MAL developers answer questions regarding the user experience of developing in MAL. The first survey examines the user experience without the prototype and the second examines the user experience with the prototype. To investigate whether the difference with and without the prototype is statistically significant, t-tests are performed for each perspective. The dissertation has resulted in a Visual Studio Code-extension that provides intelligent code completion, diagnostics, go to definition and syntax highlighting for MAL. The results of the surveys show an increase in all measured perspectives with a statistically significant improvement in attractiveness, perspicuity and efficiency. In order to develop the work and draw greater conclusions, the prototype would need to be developed more and the response basis to the questionnaires greater.
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Performance analysis of the FRRouting Route ServerStåhl, Emil January 2021 (has links)
The delivery of IP traffic on the Internet depends on the complex interactions between a set of autonomous systems that exchange routing information about IP prefix destinations utilizing the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Autonomous systems are often connected to a route server located at an Internet eXchange Point, which facilitates the administration of BGP peering arrangements for all parties connected to it. One of the most popular open-source implementations of BGP is the FRRouting software suite, making it an important part of the Internet infrastructure. This thesis investigates the performance of FRRouting, configured as a route server, in terms of its capabilities of announcing routing information on the network to a set of peers emulating autonomous systems. The routing information consists of a set of distinct IP prefixes that FRRouting receives from its peers. With various benchmarks of different configurations, we relate the number of received prefixes to the number of prefixes that FRRouting has announced on the network to its peers in a given time span. The output of the thesis is a wide overview of how the performance of FRRouting is impacted by different configurations such as filtering of specific prefixes that are not announced to the peering networks. The obtained results show that there exists a divergence between the number of prefixes that have been received and announced by FRRouting. Specifically, the discrepancy shows that FRRouting, in our benchmarks, is incapable of announcing prefixes at the same rate as it receives these prefixes from its peers. In general, the number of announced prefixes is dependent on how the prefix filter is configured. However, one can question what real-world limitations this may result in. Suggestions for future work include developing a more realistic benchmarking environment that does not rely on emulated peers as well as improving how the routing information is recorded. There also exists a wide variety of other metrics and configurations of FRRouting that may reveal further limitations. / Leveransen av IP-trafik på Internet beror av komplexa interaktioner mellan en uppsättning autonoma system som utbyter dirigeringsinformation med hjälp av Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Autonoma system är ofta anslutna till en dirigeringsserver belägen vid en Internetknutpunkt vilket underlättar administrationen av BGP-förbindelser mellan de parter som är anslutna till dirigeringsservern. En av de mest populära implementationerna av BGP med öppen källkod är FRRouting vilket gör denna mjukvara till en betydelsefull komponent för Internets infrastruktur. Detta arbete undersöker prestandan av FRRouting konfigurerad som en dirigeringsserver vad gäller dess kapacitet att behandla och via nätverket vidarebefordra dirigeringsinformation till en uppsättning autonoma system. Dirigeringsinformationen består av en samling IP-prefix som FRRouting erhåller från de autonoma systemen. Genom att variera konfigurationen av FRRouting undersöker vi hur antalet mottagna IP-prefix relaterar till den mängd IP-prefix som FRRouting har vidarebefordrat till de autonoma systemen under en given tidsperiod. Arbetet resulterar i en bred genomgång av hur prestandan för FRRouting påverkas av olika konfigurationer såsom filtrering av specifika prefix. De erhållna resultaten visar att antalet vidarebefordrade IP-prefix skiljer sig markant från antalet prefix som dirigeringsservern erhållit från de autonoma systemen. Denna avvikelse visar att FRRouting inte är kapabel att vidarebefordra IP-prefix i samma takt som dessa mottages från de autonoma systemen. I allmänhet beror antalet vidarebefordrade IP-prefix av hur prefixfiltreringen konfigurerats. Det kan dock ifrågasättas vilka verkliga begränsningar detta kan resultera i. Förslag på framtida arbeten inkluderar att utveckla en förbättrad testmiljö som inte förlitar sig på emulerade autonoma system samt att förbättra tekniken för insamling av vidarebefordrade IP-prefix. Det existerar även ett stort antal andra mätvärden och konfigurationer av FRRouting som möjligtvis kan resultera i att ytterligare begränsningar uppdagas.
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Offloading Workloads from CPU of Multiplayer Game Server to FPGA : SmartNIC implementation with UDP Communication / Avlastning av arbetsbelastningar från CPU till FPGA för multiplayer Game Server : SmartNIC-implementering med UDP KommunikationBao, Junwen January 2022 (has links)
For multiplayer games, the performance of the server’s Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the main factor that limits the number of players on the server at the same time. Compared with the CPU, the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architecture has no instructions set and no shared memory. Offloading some tasks from the CPU to the FPGA may help the CPU improve processing efficiency. This thesis explores which tasks on a CPU can be offloaded to a FPGA and how to design such a circuit system. The performance of the developed system also needs to be measured. We decided to offload communication tasks and data processing tasks to an FPGA. The result is that the FPGA server is available for work, the maximum number of users is 80, and the maximum network latency is 30-40 ms. The most important result is that a FPGA can be used as a multi-player server. One of the severe limitations of this design is the number of hardware resources. A 7-series FPGA is divided into several similar clock regions, which means the number of Flip Flop (FF)s near the same clock edge is fixed. If adding more FFs in the same component, the routing delay can not meet the set-up time requirements. Previously, people used the FPGA as the support accelerator to the server CPU. The CPU still works as a paramount communication link with one or several multi-connection parts and connects to the FPGA via the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) to use the FPGA to process data or pack/unpack Ethernet frames. We have designed and implemented a whole multi-connection server in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) and downloaded the resulting hardware in an FPGA. / I spel med flera spelare är serverns CPU-prestanda (Central Processing Unit) den viktigaste faktorn som begränsar antalet spelare som servern samtidigt kan hantera. Jämfört med CPU:n har en FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) inga instruktioner och inget delat minne. Avlastning av vissa uppgifter från den CPU till FPGA:n kan hjälpa CPU:n att förbättra bearbetningseffektiviteten. I denna avhandling undersöks vilka uppgifter på en CPU som kan överföras till en FPGA och hur man utformar ett sådant kretsystem. Prestandan hos det utvecklade systemet måste också mätas. Vi har beslutat att avlasta kommunikationsuppgifter och databehandlingsuppgifter. till en FPGA. Resultatet är att FPGA-servern är tillgänglig för arbete, det maximala antalet användare är 80, och den maximala nätverksfördröjningen är 30-40 ms. Det viktigaste resultatet är att en FPGA kan användas som en server för flera spelare. En av de allvarliga begränsningarna med denna konstruktion är antalet hårdvaruresurser. En FPGA i 7-serien är uppdelad i flera liknande klockregioner, vilket innebär att antalet Flip Flop (FF)s nära en klocka är fast. Om man lägger till fler FF:er i samma komponent, kommer fördröjningen inte att uppfylla tidskraven för setup. Tidigare har folk använt sig av FPGA:n som en stödaccelerator till serverprocessorn. CPU:n fungerar fortfarande som en viktig kommunikationslänk med en eller flera anslutningar och ansluter till FPGA:n via Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) för att använda FPGA:n till att bearbeta data och paketera/packa upp Ethernet-ramar. Vi har implementerat en hel server med flera anslutningar med hjälp av hårdvaruvarubeskrivande språk (HDL) och laddat ner den resulterande designen i en FPGA.
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Client-server based statistical computingLehmann, Heiko 18 May 2004 (has links)
Viele statistische Problemstellungen erfordern in der heutigen Zeit den Einsatz von Computern. Der von uns in dieser Dissertation vorgestellte Ansatz kombiniert die Fähigkeiten der statistischen Softwareumgebung XploRe, mit den Vorteilen einer verteilten Client/Server Anwendung und den Möglichkeiten, die sich durch das Internet eröffnen. Um den Client einer großen Gruppe von Anwendern zugänglich zu machen, wurde Java zu seiner Realisierung verwendet. Das Ergebnis ist ein Statistikpaket, nutzbar via World Wide Web, das wie ein herkömmliches statistisches Softwarepaket verwendet werden kann, ohne die Notwendigkeit, das gesamte Softwarepaket zu installieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die notwendige Softwareumgebung und erläutert die generelle Struktur der XploRe Quantlet Client/Server Architektur. Die Arbeit zeigt außerdem Anwendungen, in die diese Architektur bereits integriert wurde. / In today’s world, many statistical questions require the use of computational assistance. Our approach, presented in this thesis, combines the possibilities of a powerful statistical software environment, with the advantages of distributed client/server applications, and the opportunities offered by the Internet. In order to offer the client access to a large community, the Java language is used to implement the client’s functionalities. The result is a statistical package - usable via the World Wide Web - that can be used like a traditional statistical software package, but without the need for installing the entire software package on the user’s computer. This thesis provides an overview of the desired software environment, and illustrates the general structure with the implementation of the XploRe Quantlet Client/Server architecture. It also shows applications, in which this architecture has already been integrated.
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Portable TCP/IP server designJolliffe, Robert Mark 25 August 2009 (has links)
There are a number of known architectural patterns for TCP/IP server design. I present a survey of design choices based on some of the most common of these patterns. I have demonstrated, with working code samples, that most of these architectural patterns are readily portable between UNIX and Windows NT platforms without necessarily incurring significant performance penalties. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computer Science)
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Securing Print Services for Telemetry Post-Processing ApplicationsHines, Larry, Kalibjian, Jeff 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2006 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Second Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 23-26, 2006 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / One of the primary goals of telemetry post processing is to format received data for
review and analysis. This occurs by both displaying processed data on video monitors
and by printing out the results to hardcopy media. Controlling access (i.e. viewing) of
telemetry data in soft form (i.e. video monitor) is achieved by utilizing the existing
framework of authentication and authorization on the client/server machines hosting the
telemetry data (and post processing applications). Controlling access to hardcopy output
has historically been much more problematic. This paper discusses how to implement
secure printing services for telemetry post processing applications.
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ITC/USA 2007 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Third Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2007 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper presents a case study of the Western Range Centralized Telemetry Processing Subsystem (WR CTPS). This system was developed by Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems and Global Services and L-3 Communications Telemetry-West as part of the Range Standardization and Automation (RSA) IIA program. Requirements included real-time simultaneous acquisition of 16 PCM streams at rates of up to 30M bits per second; real-time processing; and data display on workstations connected over a gigabit Ethernet network. This system is designed for range safety and needs to be fault-tolerant while maintaining 100 percent data availability in the event of a single failure during an operation. The development of such a system demanded a rigorous Systems Engineering approach to ensure the successful upgrade and deployment onto the range infrastructure. This case study provides an overview of the system technical requirements and its architecture. The summary presents challenges encountered during the development and lessons learned while meeting them.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / This paper describes a distributed network client-server system developed for researchers to perform real-time or near-real-time analyses on ensembles of telemetry data previously done in post-flight. The client-server software approach provides extensible computing and real-time access to data at multiple remote client sites. Researchers at remote sites can share similar information as those at the test site. The system has been used successfully in numerous commercial, academic and NASA wide aircraft flight testing.
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A novel platform incorporating multiple forms of communication to support applications in a mobile environmentElton, James January 2014 (has links)
This thesis discusses the creation of a novel platform that incorporates multiple communication methods, including SMS, email and web-based technologies, for interacting with users of mobile communication devices. The platform utilises people in a mobile environment to solve a range of different application problems, where each problem is a separate and distinct scenario type with unique objectives. There are existing applications available that interact with users of mobile communication devices to provide a service, such as regular weather updates to the users. Other applications have been designed to manage and coordinate the users to perform tasks within a mobile environment, such as performing field studies for scientific purposes. However, the existing applications are designed for only one specific scenario, with the design and implementation solely focused on solving the objectives of that scenario. Each component of these applications needs to be developed from scratch in order to cater for the application s requirements. There is currently no integrated communications platform that offers a framework for supporting a range of different scenario types. The new platform, entitled the Connected-Mobile Platform, aims to support the rapid development and implementation of new scenarios. This platform is composed of a framework of generic components that enable the active running of multiple scenarios concurrently, with the ability to tailor to the requirements of new scenarios as they arise via a structured process. The platform facilitates a means to coordinate its users in order to tackle the objectives of a scenario. The thesis investigates several system architectures to determine an appropriate architectural design for constructing the proposed platform. The platform has a generic framework, based on a client-server architecture, to facilitate the inclusion of a multitude of scenarios. A scenario represents a problem or an event, whereby the platform can utilise and interact with users of mobile communication devices to attempt to solve the objectives of the scenario. Three mobile communication methods are supported; the Short Message Service, electronic mail and web-forms via the mobile internet. Users are able to select and switch between the different methods. The thesis describes the platform s tailored communication structure for scenarios and autonomous analysis of messages. The thesis discusses case studies of two different scenarios to evaluate the platform s facilities for rapid scenario development. The Diet Diary scenario, which is for individual users, aims to manage a user s daily calorie intake to help them reach their desired weight goal. The focus is on the platform s functionality for analysing and responding to messages autonomously. The Missing Persons scenario, which utilises multiple users, involves tracking and locating people who have been reported missing. The focus is on the platform s functionality for coordinating the multiple users, through the creation of assignments, in order to distribute the scenario objectives. The thesis concludes by highlighting the novel features of the platform and identifying opportunities for future work.
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