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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Process design in an information-intensive service delivery system : an empirical study

Ponsignon, Frédéric January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to explore the design of operational processes in information-intensive service delivery systems. Empirical data is presented which builds upon existing literature within the Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Operations Management (SOM) disciplines. Adopting a theory building mode, the thesis concludes with the formulation of several research propositions which specify the design characteristics of the processes that provide the service concept to the customer. The research addresses a number of gaps in the literature. First, there is little empirical evidence concerning the relationship between the service concept, customer inputs, and process design. Second, service classification schemes promote homogeneous thinking in the design of service systems delivering diverse service concepts. Third, the BPM literature provides generic process design principles which offer limited theoretical insights into the design requirements of operational processes. Finally, there is a need for process design research in information-intensive service organisations. A research framework that integrates theoretical models addressing service process design is investigated using a single case study approach. Fieldwork was carried out over a sixteen-month period in a large electricity supplier in the UK. In contrast to the macro-orientation found within the literature, this study employs a more granular level of analysis to address the unique requirements of ‘service concept – processes’ pairs. This approach results in a number of important findings which, in several instances, are in contradiction to current thinking. First, the results empirically validate the theoretical relationship between service concept, customer inputs, and process design. Different service concepts lead to different process designs, and the more customised the service concept, the more the process is uniquely designed. Significant differences in the design of the individual processes that collectively provide the service concept to the customer are highlighted. The results also provide some new insights into the design of front office – back office activities as well as into the design characteristics of processes characterised by low customer contact. In addition, the study refutes the view that generic process design principles are universally applicable irrespective of the context in which the processes operate. Finally, the research findings show that a process-based view of service systems allows for heterogeneity; that is differences in the design of service delivery processes within the same organisation.

連鎖服務業服務傳送系統之研究 / Study on the Service Delivery System of Chain Operation for service Industry

王文信, Wang, Wen Shinn Unknown Date (has links)
基於「服務傳送系統為服務業管理活動的重心」之研究動機,本論文主要 在探討服務傳送系統的內涵、類型及影響其設計與管理的關鍵因素,採用 八個不同業態、業種且具代表性之連鎖服務企業之實證個案進行定性探索 性之研究,據以推論不同類型的連鎖服務業,其服務傳送系統的類型及影 響因素有何不同?服務傳送系統是將服務傳給顧客的過程活動,具有生產 與消費的特性,因此,涵蓋行銷與作業領域的服務傳送系統在設計上應兼 顧服務設計、服務程序的選擇、以及實體環境的呈現等構成要素之配合。 本論文以服務完成量及顧客參與度等構面將服務傳送系統分為連線式、零 工式、專案式等三類型,並以服務工廠型、大量服務型、服務工站型、專 業服務型等四類型的連鎖服務業,分別探討其間的關係,並推演出相關命 題。本論文之研究結論包括(1) 連鎖服務業的服務傳送系統與其服務作業 的標準化程度有關。(2) 不同類型的服務傳送系統,其服務程序的類型之 之選擇亦不同。(3) 不同類型的連鎖服務業,其服務傳送系統的選擇亦不 同,服務工廠型及大量服務型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用連線服務式,其資 訊化程度較高;服務工站型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用零工服務式,其前後 場的服務作業配合程度較高;專業服務型的連鎖服務業傾向於採用專案服 務式,其服務人員的專業程度較高。最後,本研究並提出對連鎖服務業採 行服務傳送系統的類型及影響因素之建議,以及對後續研究之建議。

Not just the right for a wheelchair but the right wheelchair : a multi-site study of the wheelchair public service provision in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil

Maximo, Tulio P. dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
For decades the care of disabled population in Brazil has been neglected by the government and was provided largely by the charitable institutions. It was as only recently, as in the year 2011 that Brazilian government created the national plan for the rights of the disabled people. The plan articulates policies regarding social inclusion, access to education, accessibility and health care. The last section of the plan includes the provision of wheelchairs free of cost to the Brazilians citizens, who are in need of a wheelchair. It is common knowledge that a wrong wheelchair specification can lead to physical damage for the user and the carer; the abandonment of device, and wastage of time and resources involved in the wheelchair provision. The World Health Organization has propounded several good practices and training material with reference to wheelchair services towards enabling of right wheelchair fit to the user characteristics. Though, there is no evidence that the service provided in Brazil adheres to these guidelines or any other wheelchair service good practice. This research reviews the wheelchair service provision in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil with the aim to understand the functionality of these services in order to provide context-specific interventions and recommendations to improve the design of current services. Herein, three main studies were conducted using a mix of methods: A first exploratory study was conducted to assess the Belo Horizonte assistive technology services and identify a research focus. A second study was conducted to develop an in-depth insight on the understanding of the wheelchair service provided and to collect the necessary information towards creating a context-based and collaborative designed intervention. A third study was conducted to evaluate and improve the proposed interventions. A total of sixty-six interviews were conducted (n=66) with service stakeholders and two hundred and fifty user care observed (n=250) from which ninety-five (n=95) tested the proposed interventions.

服務業之服務傳送系統與企業經營績效之研究-以有線電視系統經營者之訂戶服務為例 / The relationship between the service delivery system and the business performance - with the CATV system operators as example

詹祖光, Chan, Chu Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在探討:服務傳送系統的意義與內涵為何?有線電視系統業者的服務傳送系統應該如何設計,方可導致良好的企業經營績效?有線電視系統業者將來在關於服務傳送系統上,重要的發展計劃為何?   針對上述研究目的,以全省有線電視系統業者為對象抽樣,發出問卷107份,回收有效問卷27份。經由文獻探討,以及因素分析、集群分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、主成份分析、變異數分析,獲致下列發現:   1. 服務傳送系統的意義是“用系統的觀點來看前場服務之提供”。就此系統的目標而言,是提供服務去滿足顧客的需求;就其組成要素而言,可以用7Ps來表示,包括:產品或服務、訂價、地點或通路(含實體設備、環境及氣氛)、促銷、銷售過程、顧客參與、服務人員,而這些要素彼此之間有交互影響的關係。   2. 影響CATV系統業者設計其服務傳送系統型態的七個重要因素:注重客戶服務因素、不走低價競爭因素、注重節目因素、注重促銷因素、注重播送設備優劣因素、跟隨競爭者訂價策略、注重頻道數目眾多因素。   3. 將CATV系統業者就其服務傳送方式予以分群,可得到下列主要的六大集群:   一、強調節目,跟隨訂價群   二、不注重服務傳送系統群   三、頻道數目多,畫質佳群   四、全面重視6Ps,且價格稍高群   五、重服務、頻道多,跟隨訂價群   六、注重軟體群   其中第一、四、五、六群的績效較佳(績優組),第二和三群的績效較差(不良組)。   4. 績優組與不良組在服務傳送系統的作為上,主要是在“注重客戶服務”、“不走低價競爭”與“注重節目”三個因素有顯著差異。   5. 未來CATV系統業者有關服務傳送系統的重要計劃   在節目方面,未來十分強調自製節目的重要性,並將朝地方性、顧客參與性、文化知性及常態化的方向來努力。   在客戶服務方面,較注重提供資訊服務,以及透過市調、開放外界人士參觀、參與地方活動等方式,來加強與地方的互動程度。   在訂價方面,部分業者表示未來將朝分級收費、合理訂價來努力。   在促銷方面,較注重發行刊物、與異業合作設立有線電視加盟店,以及透過舉辦地方性活動來塑造公司形象。   在服務人員方面,由於目前有線電視人才普遍不足,所以加強人才培訓為各家系統業者的當前要務。   在服務流程方面,業者正朝向制定出一套完善、確實、電腦化的作業流程而努力。 / The purposes of this paper are: What is the service delivery system? What's the relationdhip between the service delivery system and the business's performance? The discories are:   1. The meaning of service delivery system is: To view the providing of front offece service with the point of view of system. The objective of the system is to satisfy the customers' demand. The subsystems are: product, pricing, place, promotion, process, participant and people.   2. There are 7 factors to affact CATV system operators designing their service delivery systems: emphasizing client service factor, resisting low price competition factor, emphasizing programs factor, emphasizing promotion factor, emphasizing equipment factor, emphasizing the numbers of channel, price following factor.   3. The are 6 groups: 1)emphsizing program, price following group 2)taking little consider of service delivery system group 3)many channels group 4)good service delivery system ,and high pricing group 5)emphasing service and channel, price following group 6)emphasing software group

多層次傳銷服務傳送系統之研究 / A Study of Service Delivery System of Multi-level Marketing

陳立偉, Chen, Lee Wei Unknown Date (has links)
多層次傳銷近年成長快速,目前國內已有200 餘家的傳銷公司,每年銷售額高達百億以上,預期未來將持續快速成長。當有上百萬人加入傳銷公司,成為「直銷商」的今天,對於此種攸關民生發展的新型態服務業,實有必要加以深入研究,以掌握時代脈動,本研究希望能夠從服務傳送系統的角度發覺其實際的運作方式。   本研究希望能達至的目的為:   1.探討多層次傳銷其服務傳送系統的內涵,即傳銷公司、直銷商與顧客之間的互動關係。   2.了解在其服務傳送系統中,哪些環節是其關鍵成功之處。   3.分析在此服務傳送系統中的潛在問題,及其可能的解決之法。   此一研究乃是以個案訪談的探索性實證方式進行,選擇安麗、丞燕、雙鶴作為個案訪問的公司,據此來發展相關命題,及提出結論建議。   文中將服務傳送系統分成前場及後場,前場包含產品、相關服務、服務人員、及顧客,後場則為後勤系統、激勵制度、教育訓練及理念灌輸,以及廣告、形象等八大構面,來分析多層次傳銷的運作方式,把多層次傳銷的產品特色、直銷商角色、獎金制度、榮譽階級等,都做了一個簡單的介紹,盼能夠對於從事相關行業及對多層次傳銷有興趣的人提供些許的幫助。

以關鍵成功因素探討服務傳送系統之內涵 / A Study of Content of Service Delivery System Based on Key Success Factor Theory

何明城, Her, Ming Cherng Unknown Date (has links)
民國77年,服務業佔GDP 之49.3%,佔三級產業之首。而78年,前三 季服務業佔GDP 之比重更突破50%的大關,顯示服務經濟的時代已來臨。 「服務傳送系統」之任務為傳遞服務品質。並使顧客期望與知覺的品 質水準能夠一致。而服務業與製造業最大的不同處即在於「生產與消費的 不可分離」,故產銷配合分外重要。本研究以關鍵成功因素來整合產╱銷 兩大變數,並認為服務傳送系統之設計應與關鍵成功因素配合才可創造良 好的績效。 因此,本研究目的有四:1.服務業應以何種分類方式來 分類才可順利地找關鍵成功因素﹖2.在上述分類下,各類型之服務業其 關鍵成功因素的內涵為何﹖3.服務傳送系統之設計應如何配合關鍵成功 因素﹖4.服務傳送系統之本質與內涵為何﹖ 本研究採個案研究法, 以「技術特性」與「交易複雜度」兩構面分析,不同的產業脈絡下,其關 鍵成功因 素之差異,並據此發展命題。 此外,本研究之結論有:1 .服務業之分類方式應以「技術特性」與「交易複雜度」兩構面來分析, 才可達成產銷配合之任務。依此分類方式可將服務區分成專業服務、間斷 式服務與大量服務。2.不同之服務型態,其關鍵成功因素有所不同:( 1)專業服務之KSF為:專業能力、形象、團隊合作、界面管理與分權 。(2)間斷式服務之KSF為:形象、聲譽、品牌、規模、業務能力、 設計╱多樣化的能力。(3)大量服務之KSF為:標準化的制度、產銷 配合、採購能力、顧客關係、等候線管理、立地與遞送。3.專業服務為 產品導向,著重效能的服務傳送系統。4.大量服務為過程導向,著重效 率的服務傳送系統。5.間斷式為一著重彈性、過程與產品兼具的服務傳 送系統。

服務核心、服務傳送系統與績效關係之研究 : 以台北市服飾零售業為實證對象

魏正元 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 分類是研究的第一步,服務業理必須基於有意義的分類,才 可能提出規範性的結論。此外,服務業的無形產出,必須透過細緻的 服務傳送系統設計來傳遞給顧客。因此服務業的研究首要工作,在從 抽象的層次中提出對服務業無形特性的有效分類。經由文獻檢討及實 務觀察,本文提出三項服務業的產出分類構面:經濟性、社會性及心 理性利益,稱之為服務核心。以此三構面將台北市的服飾零售業分為 四種類型:經濟心理性、心理性、混雜性及經濟性零售店。各類型零 售店中較績優者,相互之間服務傳送系統的差異非常明顯,顯示績效 的殊途同歸性是明顯的。用一類型零售店組內的比較分析中,以類神 經網路求得影響績效最重要的服務傳送系統項目:經濟心理性最重要 的活動與商品無直接的關連;心理性零售店最重要的是人員專業性與 商品風格與品味;經濟性零售店的服務傳送系統則是愈簡單愈好。文 末並提出相關的討論是建議。 / ABSTRACT keywords: service industry, service core, service delivery system, retail industry, neural network Classification is the first step for research. Normative suggestions cannot be provided unless meaningful classification is available in service management. Meanwhile, intangible output in service organizations usually is transferred to customers through delicate service delivery system. Therefore the primary task in service management research is to devise efficacious, theoretical classifications to govern inherent intangibility in service management. Through literature review and field study, this paper proposed three classifying dimensions for fashion retailing, which were termed service cores consisting of economic , social , and psychological benefits. Based on these three dimensions, four types of retailing firms were derived with clustering analysis: eco-psychological, psychological, and economic types. Between groups, better performers were extracted to compare with each other, which demonstrated the significances of equifinality towards performance and differences between these four retailing types. Within groups, neural network analysis was employed to determine important factors in service delivery system. In eco-psychological type, important factors were irrelevant to merchandises. Professional salespersons and special merchandise were critical to psychological stores. Better economic stores were all rated low in most delivery activities. Relevant suggestions and discussions were given to conclude the findings.


魏正元 Unknown Date (has links)

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