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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Cut and Break"-beskrivningar i svenskt teckenspråk : Barns och vuxnas avbildande verbkonstruktioner / "Cut and Break"-descriptions in Swedish Sign Language : Children's and adults' depicting verb constructions

Simper-Allen, Pia January 2016 (has links)
Previous studies on children’s acquisition of depicting verbs in signed languages have chiefly studied the use of classifiers in verbs of motion and location, particularly the order in which the different classes of handshape are acquired. The age of the children in these studies have ranged from age three to thirteen, and an important finding has been that classifier constructions are not fully acquired until early adolescence. Most of these studies have used an elicitation tool to investigate the production and comprehension of classifiers, but have not provided any adult target norms of the test items when scoring children’s achievement. The present dissertation provides a detailed description of both adults’ and children’s verb constructions in descriptions of cutting and breaking events in Swedish Sign Language (SSL), specifically focusing on the number of hands used in signing, handshape category and hand activity, which has not been previously described for any sign language. As part of this study, 14 deaf adults (ages 20–72) and 11 deaf children (2;1–6;6) of deaf parents, all native-users of SSL, performed a task that involved describing 53 video clips of cutting and breaking events. The clips show an event in which an actor separates material, either with the aid of a tool or without. Additionally, some clips show an entity separating by itself without an actor being involved. The adults described the events with depicting verb constructions that are produced with two hands. The analysis of the handshapes produced three categories: substitutor, manipulator and descriptor. The most frequent construction in the description of events without a tool was two acting manipulators (depicting a hand handling an object), whereas in descriptions of events with a tool the combinations were acting substitutor or manipulator with a non-acting manipulator. The acting hand referred to the tool and the non-acting manipulator to the affected entity. In descriptions of events without an actor, either two substitutors or two manipulators were used. In addition to depicting verb constructions, the descriptions also contained resultative complements, i.e. signs carrying information about the result of the activity being carried out. The complements were either lexical signs or some form of depicting verb construction. Similar observations have not been noted for any other signed language. In the manner of the adults, the children used depicting verb constructions in descriptions of cutting and breaking events (681 tokens), but they also used pointing and lexical signs (64 tokens). Nearly half of the verb constructions that were used by the children corresponded to the adult target forms. The majority of the constructions describing events without a tool corresponded to the adult target forms using two acting manipulators, even among the youngest informants. In events with a tool, only a third of the constructions corresponded to the adult target forms (emerging at 4;8 – 5;0); the remaining two-thirds were deviating constructions in terms of number of hands, handshape category and hand activity. Resultative complement are sparsely used by children (57 tokens), the most chosen type of complement being lexical signs. Pervasive features of children’s constructions were the addition of contact between the hands and a preference for substitutors, something not found in adults’ constructions. These features were elucidated within the framework of Real Space blending theory, with the study showing that children first use visible blended entities and that invisible blended entities do not emerge until 4;8–5;0. / <p>Disputationen teckenspråkstolkas</p>

Acquisition of reference to self and others in Greek Sign Language : From pointing gesture to pronominal pointing signs

Hatzopoulou, Marianna January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation explores the emergence of the linguistic use of pointing as first- and non-first-person pronoun in Greek Sign Language. Despite the similarity in form between the pointing gesture and pronominal pointing signs, children acquiring sign language pass through the same stages and acquire personal pronouns at about the same age as children acquiring spoken language. According to Petitto (1984, 1987, 1994), the transition to pronominal pointing in American Sign Language is characterised by: (a) a period of discontinuity in which children avoid using pointing directed towards persons, and (b) the occurrence of reversal errors before the acquisition of first and second-person pronouns. The present study offers additional evidence on the acquisition of personal pronouns through the investigation of: (a) the manner and the age at which pronominal pointing signs are acquired by a child exposed to Greek Sign Language, (b) the use of other signs for reference to persons and self, and (c) the existence of reversal errors in the child’s early use of pointing. Data consist of video-recorded spontaneous interaction between a deaf boy and his family every fortnight from the age of 12 to 36 months. Thirty hours of the child’s communicative behaviour have been transcribed and all sequences that included pointing were analysed in terms of reference and function. This study confirms that language modality plays a restricted role in language acquisition. The time and the frequency of occurrence of pronominal pointing signs correspond to the general developmental pattern observed in the acquisition of ASL. However, there are also important differences: (a) common nouns and proper names are used for reference to others before the acquisition of pronominal pointing, but to a limited extent (b) the existence of only one erroneous pointing sign indicates that the deaf child, from the beginning, uses pronominal signs correctly, and (c) there is no evidence of discontinuity in the transition from the early communicative pointing gesture to pronominal pointing signs. / <p>För att köpa boken skicka en beställning till exp@ling.su.se/ To order the book send an e-mail to exp@ling.su.se</p>

Die invloed van die spraakbenadering van onderwys vir dowe kinders op die maatskaplike funksionering van die dowe

Heyns, Mimi January 1982 (has links)
From Introduction: Gehoor speel 'n belangrike rol in die leerproses, in aanpassing by die omgewing asook in aanpassing by sosiale omstandighede. Gehoorverlies plaas die individu in 'n situasie van vereensaming, veroorsaak deur 'n beperktheid in kommunikasievermoë. (Roux, 1979:1) Dr Roux, Direkteur van Gesondheidsdienste van die Departement van Gesondheid, Welsyn en Pensioene, het tydens die Goue Jubileum-Kongres van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Raad vir Dowes daarop gewys dat gehoorverlies vandag meer Amerikaners affekteer as hartsiektes, kanker, blindheid, tuberkulose, veneriese siektes, sklerose en niersiektes tesame. (Roux, 1979:1) In Suid-Afrika word beraam dat 0,06% van aIle babas totaal doof gebore word en dat die aantal persone met ernstige gehoorprobleme, volgens die skatting van die Departement van Gesondheid, Welsyn en Pensioene, 65 000 beloop. Hierdie getal sluit Swartes uit. (Roux, 1979:1) ... Die probleem van doofheid is kompleks en soms so ingewikkeld dat dit te betwyfel is of die horende individu die omvang daarvan begryp en insig in die situasie van die dowe kan ontwikkel. Empatie met die dowe en begrip vir sy leefwêreld is vir die horende persoon problematies. 'n Wêreld sonder klank is moeilik om te visualiseer en 'n wêreld sonder taal lê buite die begripsvermoë van die horende. Daar bestaan op velerlei gebiede verwarring ten opsigte van die dowe. Die horende persoon besef gewoonlik dat daar 'n eiesoortige wêreld van ervaring en denke vir die dowe is anders as die van die horende, maar begrip vir die omvang van die andersheid van die dowe ontbreek.

Sprachproduktionstest zu narrativen Kompetenzen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (NaKom DGS) - eine Testadaption

Kolbe, Vera 09 February 2023 (has links)
Diese Erwerbsstudie beschreibt die Adaption eines Testverfahrens aus der Britischen Gebärdensprache von Herman et al. (2004) in Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS). NaKom DGS ist ein Testverfahren das narrative und grammatische Kompetenzen in Kindererzählungen analysiert. NaKom DGS elizitiert Erzählungen mittels eines kurzen sprachfreien Stimulus-Videos und ist für Kinder im Alter von 4-11 Jahren validiert. In einer Querschnittsstudie wurde das Testverfahren mit 97 Kindern deutschlandweit durchgeführt, um das Testverfahren zu validieren. Die Referenzwerte für NaKom DGS basieren auf den Erzählungen von 72 Kindern mit Zugang zu DGS ab Geburt durch taube in DGS kommunizierende Eltern. Durch diese Studie wurden neue Erkenntnisse zum Spracherwerb von DGS gewonnen. Die gefundenen Erwerbsverläufe bieten Wissenschaftler_innen in vielen der untersuchten Strukturen erste Anhaltspunkte für den Spracherwerb in DGS, mit denen zukünftige Forschungsergebnisse verglichen werden können. Ausgewertet werden als narrative Kompetenzen Strukturelemente nach dem globalen Strukturmodell von Labov and Waletzky (1973), sowie Erzählinhalt und Reihenfolge der Erzählung. Als grammatische Kompetenzen werden in Anlehnung an Johnston (2016) auf kleiner satzähnlicher Ebene Verbmodifikationen analysiert: Modifikationen der Art und Weise, direktionale Modifikationen, aspektuelle Modifikationen und abbildende Verben. Auf Textebene, d.h. in Bezug zur gesamten Erzählung, wird konstruierte Aktion untersucht. Die Referenzwerte von NaKom DGS werden cross-linguistisch mit den Ergebnissen des Grundlagentests, sowie einer weiteren Adaption in Amerikanische Gebärdensprache (Enns et al. 2019) verglichen und dadurch zusätzlich bestätigt. / This acquisition study describes the test adaptation process of the British Sign Language (BSL) Productive Skills test from Herman et al. (2004) to German Sign Language (DGS), resulting in the new assessment tool „Sprachproduktionstest zu narrativen Kompetenzen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache“ (NaKom DGS). NaKom DGS analyzes narrative and grammatical competences in children´s narrations, that are elicited via a short language free videoclip. In a nationwide cross-sectional study NaKom DGS was validated with data from 97 signing children, 4-11 years old. The standards for the test are derived from the results of 72 native signing children, that acquire DGS from Deaf DGS signing parents. This study provides new insights in language acquisition in DGS. Up to now research in DGS acquisition is sparse, therefore the results of NaKom DGS are the first insights in many of the analyzed areas. The results provide scholars with first insights and stepping stones for future research. This study focuses on narrative competences as the global structural elements from the model of Labov and Waletzky (1973), as well as narrative content and narrative sequence. Grammatic competences specifically modifications of verbs are analyzed on the level of small clause like units, following Johnston (2016): indicating directional modifications, depicting verbs, aspect and manner. On text level constructed action is analyzed across the whole narration. Additionally the newly developed standards for NaKom DGS are compared to the standards from the BSL test as well as another adaptation to American Sign Language (Enns et al. 2019). This cross-linguistic comparison supports the validity of the German test results.

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