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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of Membrane Asymmetry in Nanoparticle-Erythrocyte Interactions

Bigdelou, Parnian 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Antireflective Polyimide Based Films

Cao, Yuanmei 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Priprema i karakterizacija nanokompozita polimlečne kiseline i silicijum (IV) oksida namenjenog za pakovanje hrane / Preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on polylactic acid and silica nanoparticles for food packaging application

Radusin Tanja 13 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Poli(mlečna kiselina) (PLA) predstavlja jedan od najpopularnijih komercijalnih biorazgradivih polimera. Iako može da zameni neke od najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenih sintetskih polimera, neka njegova svojstva (lo&scaron;a barijerna, termička i mehanička) jo&scaron; uvek predstavljaju prepreku u &scaron;iroj primeni, posebno za pakovanje hrane. Jedan od najsavremenijih načina prevazilaženja nedostataka u svojstvima biopolimera predstavljaju nanotehnologije.<br />U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj dodatka različitih koncentracija hidrofobnih nanočestica silicijum (IV) oksida (od 0.2 mas.% do 5 mas.%) pripremom uzoraka u rastvoru, i rastopu na toplotna, mehanička, i barijerna svojstva PLA. Morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike uzoraka nanokompozita snimljene su pomoću skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Ostvarena je izuzetno dobra disperzija i distribucija hidrofobnih čestica silicijum (IV) oksida koje su u malim udelima dodavane u poli(mlečnu kiselinu). Dobra disperzija i distribucija hidrofobnih čestica silicijum (IV) oksida ostvarena je kako pripremom nanokompozita metodom u rastvoru, tako i metodom u rastopu.<br />Toplotna svojstva PLA i pripremljenih nanokompozita proučavana su primenom diferencijalnog skenirajućeg kalorimetra (DSC), dok je stepen kristalnosti određen rasipanjem X zraka pod &scaron;irokim uglom(WAXD). Mehanička svojstva su ispitivana da bi se odredio uticaj dodatka nanočestica SiO2 na prekidnu čvrstoću i izduženje čistog PLA. Iako su prilikom pripreme materijala metodom u rastvoru, pobolj&scaron;anja mehaničkih i barijernih svojstava postignuta pri udelima silicijum (IV) oksida u rasponu od 0,2 do 5 mas.%, najznačajnija pobolj&scaron;anja postignuta su za najmanje udele nanočestica (0,2 mas.% i 0,5 mas.%). Pobolj&scaron;anja mehaničkih i barijernih svojstava nanokompozita, primenjenih metodom u rastopu, su registrovana i za udele silicijum (IV) oksida od 0,2 do 3 mas.%.<br />Takođe je ispitana mogućnost primene pripremljenog nanokompozita na osnovu poli(mlečne kiseline) i silicijum (IV) oksida za pakovanje prehrambenih proizvoda na primeru pakovanja svežeg svinjskog mesa (M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum). Ispitivanjem uticaja materijala za pakovanje svežeg mesa u vakuumu, na parametre tehnolo&scaron;kog (pH, boja), senzorskog, i mikrobiolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta mesa, utvrđeno je da su PLA kao i nanokompoziti na osnovu PLA sa različitim udelima silicijum (IV) oksida, pogodni za vakuum pakovanje i skladi&scaron;tenje svežeg svinjskog mesa.</p> / <p>Poly(lactic acid) presents one of the most popular bio-polymers for diverse applications. However, the use of PLA as food packaging material is limited due to poor barrier and mechanical properties. These properties could be improved by incorporation of nanoparticles into polymer matrix.<br />In this work neat PLA films and PLA films with different percentage of hydrophobic fumed silica nanoparticles (0,2 wt.% to 5 wt.%) were prepared by solution casting and melt blending methods. Several procedures were used to characterize the influence of different silica content on dispersion (SEM), crystalline behavior (WAXD), thermal stability (DSC, TGA), mechanical and barrier properties. It is shown that the applied techniques and selection of specific hydrophobic spherical nanofiller provide a good dispersion and distribution of silica nanoparticles in poly(lactic acid) for both film preparation methods.<br />Characteristics of films prepared by solution casting method showed improvements in mechanical and barrier properties for all loadings of nanofiller but the most significant improvements were achieved for lowest silica content (0,2 wt.% and 0,5 wt.%) The improvements in material characteristics (mechanical and barrier) for melt blending method were also achieved (for concentrations from 0,2 wt.% to 3 wt.%).<br />After film preparation, selected cuts of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum were packed in prepred films of polymer nanocomposites, and the shelf-life characterisation was conducted on technological, sensory and microbiological paramethers of quality. After shelf-life characterisation it can be concluded that polymer nanocomposites based on PLA and silica nanoparticles could be used for packaging od fresh pork meat in vacuum.</p>

Plateforme Nano Bio Intelligente : membrane biomimétique pour la reconstitution d'une cascade calmoduline dépendante / Intelligent Nano Bio Platform : Biomimetic membrane for the reconstitution of a Calmodulin dependent cascade

Veneziano, Rémi 25 November 2013 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ces travaux de thèse est de développer des modèles membranaires biomimétiques pour la reconstitution et l'étude d'interactions protéine/membrane. Dans ce but, deux approches sont adoptées : l'une mettant en œuvre une plateforme basée sur des nanoparticules de silice/Au recouvertes de lipides et l'autre comprenant la formation de bicouches lipidiques découplées d'un support solide d'or. Dans la première approche, nous avons synthétisé des particules de silice de taille nanométrique contenant des grains d'or inclus dans la matrice silicique. Ces nanoparticules sont ensuite recouvertes par différents phospholipides. Les propriétés plasmoniques acquises grâce aux grains d'or sont caractérisées puis utilisées pour suivre l'interaction avec les lipides et/ou les protéines. Le suivi de ces interactions est également visualisé par analyse de la mobilité électrophorétique des particules. La deuxième stratégie développée, consiste à assembler un système membranaire sur une surface solide d'or. Dans un premier temps, une couche de calmoduline est liée à la surface de manière stable. Dans un deuxième temps, une bicouche est formée au-dessus de la couche de calmoduline par deux méthodes. La première méthode consiste à ancrer la bicouche directement sur la couche de protéine par un mécanisme faisant intervenir des lipides chélateurs. Alors que dans la deuxième méthode les lipides sont liés à la surface et découplés grâce à l'utilisation d'une surface d'or modifiée par de la cystéamine et à des lipides fonctionnalisés. L'ancrage est assuré par des groupements succinimidyl et le découplage par des polymères de polyéthylène glycol porté sur un même lipide. Dans les deux stratégies, un réservoir sub-membranaire est créé entre la bicouche étanche et le support. Le suivi des constructions moléculaires est réalisé par résonance plasmonique de surface et analyse du retour de fluorescence. De plus le système est implémenté par des électrodes afin d'étudier l'effet d'application de potentiel sur la bicouche. Après caractérisation, le modèle membranaire est validé par la reconstitution de la translocation de la toxine CyaA de Bordetella pertussis. Cette protéine dispose en effet d'un mécanisme d'internalisation singulier qui permet d'explorer tout le potentiel de notre modèle membranaire. / The main objective of this work is to develop biomimetic membrane models for the reconstitution and study of protein/membrane interaction. Two devices were designed: one operate a nanometric platform composed of phospholipids coated lipid silica/Au nanoparticles, while the other including tethered lipid bilayer reconstitution on a gold surface. The first approach needs the synthesis of nanometer sized gold/silica particles and that are subsequently coated with different phospholipids. The plasmonic properties provided by gold seeds are characterized and they are of utility to follow the interaction between lipids and/or proteins at the surface. Following of these interactions was also realized with electrophoretic mobility analysis. The second biomimetic device involves a membrane assembly on a gold surface. In a first time, a calmodulin layer is bound on the surface. In a second time, a lipid bilayer is assembled above the calmodulin layer by two approaches. In the first approach the lipid bilayer is anchored on the protein layer with chelators lipid and His-Tag bearing by the proteins. While, in the second approach, lipids are bound on the surface and tethered with the use of a cysteamin modified gold surface and functionalized lipids. The anchorage is realized by succinimidyl group and the tethering by polyethylene glycol group wearing by one kind of lipid. A sub-membrane reservoir is created under the lipid bilayer. The biomimetic model formation was followed by plasmonic resonance and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. After their characterization the tethered model is validated by reconstitution of a particular mechanism: the CyaA toxin from Bordetella pertussis translocation.

Nanoparticules pour l’imagerie et la thérapie photodynamique des cancers : vers un ciblage thérapeutique spécifique des rétinoblastomes / Nanoparticles for imaging and photodynamic therapy of cancers : toward a specific therapeutic targeting of retinoblastoma

Gallud, Audrey 19 September 2014 (has links)
L'avancée technologique dans les nanosciences a permis le développement d'une large gamme de matériaux nanostructurés aux applications biomédicales. Ces outils, constitués de matériaux différents, ont été développés à des fins de diagnostic et de thérapie pour réaliser notamment le ciblage, le marquage cellulaire, l'imagerie médicale et pour concevoir des systèmes de délivrance de médicaments pour le traitement de cancers ou de maladies infectieuses. La création de nano-objets regroupant l'ensemble de ces propriétés de type théranostique constitue une étape essentielle vers un traitement personnalisé et non invasif des cancers solides de petite taille. Dans cette thèse, une première partie est consacrée à la mise au point et à l'utilisation de nanoparticules de silice mésoporeuse pour le traitement des rétinoblastomes. Ce travail visait à améliorer la thérapie photodynamique en augmentant la biodisponibilité de molécules actives dans les cellules cancéreuses par deux stratégies : leur vectorisation par un nano-objet et le ciblage spécifique des cellules cancéreuses. Pour cela, les profils d'expression des récepteurs du mannose ont été analysés et les récepteurs MRC2 et CD209 se sont révélés être de bons candidats pour une thérapie ciblée du rétinoblastome. La deuxième partie des recherches réalisées s'oriente vers l'élaboration de différents nanosystèmes pour le traitement des cancers et l'imagerie médicale. Premièrement, des nanotransporteurs de principe actif à relargage pH-sensible, structurés à partir de nanoparticule de silice mésoporeuse, ont été étudiés. Ces systèmes de délivrance, sous l'effet de stimuli internes, se sont révélés être très efficaces in vitro et ex vivo pour le traitement du cancer du côlon. Deuxièmement, le potentiel de délivrance contrôlée de molécules anticancéreuses renfermées dans des nanomachines soumises à une activation externe biphotonique, a été démontré sur des cellules de cancer du sein. Enfin, les propriétés de nanoparticules magnétiques de polymères de coordination cyano-pontés se sont révélées très prometteuses pour une utilisation en tant que nouvel agent de contraste intravasculaire pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique in vivo. / The technological advance in nanoscience has allowed the development of a wide range of nanostructured materials for biomedical applications. These tools, composed of different materials, have been developed for diagnosis and therapy, in particular to achieve targeting, cellular labeling, medical imaging and to design drug delivery systems for the treatment of cancer or infectious diseases. The elaboration of nano-tools possessing these theranostic properties would be a major step towards personalized and non-invasive treatments of small solid cancers.In this thesis, the first part is devoted to the development and the application of mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the treatment of retinoblastoma. The aim of this work was to improve photodynamic therapy by increasing the bioavailability of active molecules in cancer cells following two strategies: their vectorization through nanodevice and the specific targeting of cancer cells. For this, expression profiles of mannose receptors were analyzed and both MRC2 and CD209 receptors were found to be interesting candidates for targeted therapy of retinoblastoma.The second part corresponds to a multidisciplinary approach focused on the research of different nanosystems designed for cancer treatment and medical imaging. We first studied pH-operated hybrid silica nanocarriers designed for drug release. Under internal stimuli, these delivery systems have shown to be very efficient in vitro and ex vivo against colon cancer. Then, we demonstrated the potential of nanoimpellers designed for anticancer drug delivery mediated by external two-photon activation on breast cancer cells. Finally, we report the promising use in vivo of new magnetic cyano-bridged coordination polymer nanoparticles as an efficient intravascular magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent.

Otimização da inativação fotodinâmica de E. coli por fotossensibilizadores veiculados por nanopartículas de sílica / Optimization of the photodynamic inactivation of E. coli by photosensitizers carried by silica nanoparticles

Amaral, Larissa Souza 03 February 2016 (has links)
A nanotecnologia tem sido aplicada para o desenvolvimento de materiais para diversas aplicações inclusive na inativação de patógenos. As nanopartículas de sílica (npSi) destacam-se pela alta área superficial, facilidade na alteração da superfície para aumento da eficiência adsortiva, penetrabilidade e toxicidade para bactérias gram-negativas sendo biocompatíveis para células de mamíferos e mais foto-estáveis que a maioria dos compostos orgânicos. Devido as suas vantagens, as npSi podem ser usadas para veicular fotossensibilizadores (FSs) uma vez que permitem sua utilização em solução aquosa em que os FSs geralmente são insolúveis. Além disso, o uso de FSs em vez de antibióticos, permite a inativação microbiológica pela Terapia Fotodinâmica sem que as bactérias adquiram resistência por mecanismos genéticos. Esse processo ocorre pela interação entre um FS, luz e oxigênio molecular produzindo oxigênio singleto que é extremamente reativo danificando estruturas celulares. O objetivo desse estudo foi otimizar a fotoinativação dinâmica de E .coli utilizando Azul de Metileno (AM) e Azul de Toluidina O (ATO) veiculados por npSi. As npSi foram preparadas pela metodologia sol-gel, caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e submetidas à adsorção de AM e ATO em sua superfície. A presença de AM e ATO na superfície das npSi foram analisadas por espectroscopia no infravermelho; espectroscopia de fluorescência por raio-X e análise termogravimétrica. O planejamento experimental, iniciado pelo fatorial 23 e modelado ao composto central em busca das condições ótimas foi adotado pela primeira vez nessa aplicabilidade, visando a fotoinativação de E. coli empregando AM e ATO em solução e em seguida com npSi. AM e ATO veiculados por npSi permitem a fotoinativação em concentrações mais baixas de FS (20 e 51% respectivamente), causando desestruturação da integridade bacteriana demonstrada por MEV. Os resultados sugerem que a veiculação de AM e ATO por npSi é extremamente efetiva para a fotoinativação dinâmica de E. coli e que o planejamento composto central pode levar à completa inativação das bactérias. / Nanotechnology has been applied to the development of materials for several apllications inclusive inactivation of pathogens. The silica nanoparticles (npSi) are distinguished by high surface area, ease of change the surface in order to increase the adsorption efficiency, penetrability and toxicity in gram-negative bacteria being biocompatible with mammalian cells and more photo-stable than most the organic compounds. Due to its advantages, npSi can be used to carry photosensitizers (PSs) since they allow its use in aquous solution in which PSs are frequently insoluble. Furthermore, the use of PSs instead of antibiotics, allows the microbiological inactivation by Photodynamic Therapy without bacteria to develop resistance by genetic mechanisms. This process occurs by the interaction among a PS, light and molecular oxygen producing singlet oxygen, which is extremely reactive, causing damage to cellular structures. The aim of this study was to optimize the photoinactivation of E. coli using Methylene Blue (MB) and Toluidine Blue O (TBO) carried by npSi using the central composite design. The npSi were prepared by sol-gel method, characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and subjected to adsorption of MB and TBO on its surface. The presence of FSs on the surface of npSi were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence X-ray spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The experimental design, initiated by the factorial 23 and modeled by the central composite in search of the optimal conditions was adopted for the first-time for this applicability, aiming the E. coli photoinactivation employing MB and TBO in solution and then with npSi. MB and TBO carried by npSi allowed the photoinactivation in lower concentrations of PS (20 and 51% respectively), causing disruption of bacterial integrity demonstrated by SEM. The results suggest that MB and TBO carried by npSi are extremely effective for dynamic photoinactivation of E. coli and the central composite design can lead to complete inactivation of bacteria.

Characterization of nanoparticle transport in flow through permeable media

Metin, Cigdem 19 November 2013 (has links)
An aqueous nanoparticle dispersion is a complex fluid whose mobility in porous media is controlled by four key factors: the conditions necessary for the stability of nanoparticle dispersions, the kinetics of nanoparticle aggregation in an unstable suspension, the rheology of stable or unstable suspensions, and the interactions between the nanoparticles and oil/water interface and mineral surfaces. The challenges in controlling nanoparticle transport come from the variations of pH and ionic strength of brine, the presence of stationary and mobile phases (minerals, oil, water and gas), the geochemical complexity of reservoir rocks, and pore-network. The overall objective of this work is to achieve a better understanding of nanoparticle transport in porous media based on a systematic experimental and theoretical study of above factors. For this purpose, the critical conditions for the aqueous stability of nanoparticles are identified and fit by a theoretical model, which describes the interaction energy between silica nanoparticles. Above critical conditions nanoparticle aggregation becomes significant. A model for the aggregation kinetics is developed and validated by experiments. A mechanistic model for predicting the viscosity of stable and unstable silica nanoparticle dispersions over a wide range of solid volume fraction is developed. This model is based on the concept of effective maximum packing fraction. Adsorption experiments with silica nanoparticles onto quartz, calcite and clay surfaces and interfacial tension measurements provide insightful information on the interaction of the nanoparticles with minerals and decane/water interface. The extent of nanoparticle adsorption on mineral/water and decane/water interfaces is evaluated based on DLVO theory and Gibbs’ equation. Visual observations and analytical methods are used to understand the interaction of nanoparticles with clay. The characterization of nanoparticle behavior in bulk phases is built into an understanding of nanoparticle transport in porous media. In particular, the rheology of nanoparticle dispersions flowing through permeable media is compared with those determined using a rheometer. In the presence of residual oil, the retention of silica nanoparticles at water/oil interface during steady flow is investigated. The results from batch experiments of nanoparticle adsorption are used to explain the flow behavior of these nanoparticles in a glass bead pack at residual oil saturation. / text

Caracterização e controle nanoestrutural da silica para fotonica produzida pelo metodo de aerosol em chama / Characterization and nanoestructural control of silican made by flame aerosol synthesis

Tomazi, Rodrigo Guevara 22 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Kenichi Suzuki / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T16:36:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tomazi_RodrigoGuevara_M.pdf: 828846 bytes, checksum: 4932ee70e0a24f3445ebebdf1bfefa80 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: As preformas nanoestruturadas de sílica produzidas pelo método de aerosol em chama constituem-se em precursores estratégico para aplicações tecnológicas em fotônica, tais como fibras óticas especiais e lentes com elevada transmissividade ótica na região ultravioleta. Para conseguir tais propriedades torna-se de fundamental importância o controle das características nanoestruturais nas preformas de sílica, tais como a distribuição de tamanho de partículas e a nanoporosidade. Neste sentido, a técnica de SAXS foi utilizada no presente trabalho para a caracterização nanoestrutural das preformas de sílica, com o auxílio das técnicas de ARX, BET, MEV e FRX. Com o tratamento matemático dos dados de SAXS pelo método GNOM, foram obtidas curvas de distribuição de tamanhos de heterogeneidades com dimensões entre 1 e 100 nm e, através dos efeitos observados nestas heterogeneidades com: (i) variação da carga em amostras de preformas prensadas uniaxialmente, (ii) variação das condições de temperatura em preformas tratadas termicamente e (iii) incorporação de íons de érbio foi possível estabelecer um entendimento efetivo da nanoestrutura da sílica produzida por aerosol em chama sob o aspecto tanto quantitativo, quanto qualitativo. Este resultado possibilita a determinação e o controle da distribuição de tamanhos de nanopartículas e nanoporos, condições essenciais para o desenvolvimento e a produção de dispositivos avançados de sílica para fotônica / Abstract: The nanostructured silica preform made by the flame aerosol method represents a strategical precursor for technological applications in photonics, such as special optical fibers and high optical transmissivity lenses for ultraviolet radiation. In order to attain such a properties, it becomes particularly important to control the nanostructured characteristics of silica preforms, such as nanoporosity and particle size distribution. In this sense, SAXS technique has been used for the characterization of silica preforms in conjunction of several other techniques, ARX, BET, MEV and FRX. Using the mathematical treatment of SAXS data by the GNOM method, structural heterogeneities in the range 1-100 nm were measured. Additional nanoscale information was observed through various effects induced by: (i) impinging a mechanical stress, (ii) thermal treatment in controlled atmosphere and precise temperature control, (iii) erbium ions doping. It was then possible to attain an effective understanding of nanostructure properties of the high purity flame aerosol silica, both on qualitative and quantitative aspects. The present result allows the control of size and size distribution of nanoparticles and nanopores, that is essential for the development and the production of advanced silica devices for photonics / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Uso de copolímeros em bloco na modificação de superfície de nanopartículas de prata e de sílica para preparação de nanocompósitos poliméricos / Use of block copolymers in the surface modification of silver and silica nanoparticles for polymeric nanocomposites preparation

De Farias, Marcelo Alexandre, 1986- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria do Carmo Gonçalves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T19:34:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeFarias_MarceloAlexandre_D.pdf: 6813625 bytes, checksum: 734f14c74ec0690013d0549463dd8b09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O principal objetivo desta tese consiste na síntese de nanopartículas de prata e de sílica e sua posterior modificação de superfície. Visando atribuir um caráter hidrofóbico às nanopartículas, sintetizou-se o copolímero em bloco de poliestireno-bloco-poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona) (PS-b-PVP), via técnicas de polimerização radicalar controlada. A metodologia utilizada produziu copolímeros de PS-b-PVP com baixa polidispersidade e massa molar controlada, capazes de estabilizar a emulsão de água em clorofórmio. Nanopartículas de prata (AgNP) produzidas à temperatura ambiente exibiram diâmetros médios de 8 e 11 nm, utilizando PVP ou PS-b-PVP como agentes estabilizantes, respectivamente. Nanopartículas de sílica (SiO2NP) foram sintetizadas pelo método de Stöber e apresentaram diâmetros aproximados de 40, 80 e 150 nm. Também foram utilizadas SiO2NP comerciais, que apresentaram duas populações com diâmetros médios de 12 e 25 nm, além de aglomerados. Por este motivo, a adsorção de PVP ou de PS-b-PVP à superfície das SiO2NP só foi caracterizada adequadamente com as SiO2NP sintetizadas. Mapas elementares de carbono, obtidos por imagem espectroscópica de elétrons (ESI-TEM) de dispersões de AgNP ou SiO2NP, mostraram que ambas as nanopartículas tiveram sua superfície modificada por PVP ou PS-b-PVP. Adicionalmente, as nanopartículas foram incorporadas em matrizes de poliestireno-bloco-polibutadieno-bloco-poliestireno (SBS) para produção de nanocompósitos. Observou-se por espalhamento de raios X de baixo ângulo (SAXS) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM) que filmes de SBS puros apresentaram elevado grau de auto-organização da microestrutura de cilindros empacotados hexagonalmente, devido às condições de tratamento térmico e de casting utilizadas. Os nanocompósitos contendo SiO2NP apresentaram o mesmo comportamento termomecânico que a matriz de SBS, embora perturbações na microestrutura da matriz tenham sido observadas. Imagens de microscopia de força Kelvin mostraram a presença de domínios com potenciais elétricos distintos, indicando a ocorrência de uma forte interação entre o SBS e as AgNP/PS-b-PVP. Análises de DMA e TEM sugeriram que as AgNP/PS-b-PVP apresentaram maior interação com os cilindros de PS da matriz de SBS, em comparação com as AgNP/PVP. O conjunto de resultados obtidos neste trabalho indica que foi possível modificar superficialmente as nanopartículas inorgânicas empregando o copolímero PS-b-PVP / Abstract: The main objective of this thesis is the synthesis and surface modification of silver and silica nanoparticles. Aiming towards a hydrophobic character for the nanoparticles, the polystyrene-block-poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PS-b-PVP) amphiphilic block copolymer was synthesized by controlled radical techniques. This methodology produced PS-b-PVP block copolymers with low polydispersity and controlled molar mass, which are able to stabilize water/chloroform emulsions. Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) produced at room temperature showed 8 and 11 nm mean diameters when using PVP or PS-b-PVP, respectively. Silica nanoparticles (SiO2NP) synthesized by Stöber method showed 40, 80 and 150 nm mean diameters. Commercial SiO2NP was also used and presented two populations with mean diameters of 12 and 25 nm, as well as agglomerates. The adequate characterization of PVP or PS-b-PVP adsorption onto SiO2NP surfaces was only possible using the SiO2NP obtained by the Stöber method. Carbon maps, obtained by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI-TEM) showed that AgNP and SiO2NP were both surface modified by PVP or PS-b-PVP. Additionally, the nanoparticles were incorporated into polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-polystyrene (SBS) matrices to produce nanocomposites. Small angle X ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that SBS films presented a high self-assembly degree of the hexagonally packed cylinder due to annealing and casting conditions. Similar thermal-mechanical behavior was observed for the nanocomposites containing SiO2NP in relation to pure SBS, although perturbations in the SBS microstructure had also been observed. Kelvin force microscopy (KFM) showed domains with different electrical potentials, indicating a strong interaction between SBS and AgNP/PS-b-PVP. DMA and TEM analysis suggested that AgNP/PS-b-PVP interacted preferentially with SBS matrix PS cylinders. The results obtained in this work indicate that the inorganic nanoparticle surfaces were successfully modified by the PS-b-PVP copolymer / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências

Approches Click en Chimie Sol-Gel / Click Approaches in Sol-Gel Chemistry

Noureddine, Achraf 26 September 2014 (has links)
Nous visons dans ce travail de thèse à développer une méthodologie de fonctionnalisation par chimie click des silices hybrides synthétisées par voie sol-gel. La réaction click de cycloaddition azoture-alcyne catalysée au cuivre (CuAAC) offre une tolérance exceptionnelle pour les fonctions organiques en plus de conversions très élevées. Dans cette optique, nous avons mis en œuvre en premier lieu des matériaux clickables à base d'organosilice pure (organosilice à mésoporosité périodique (PMO) et silsesquioxanes pontés (BS)) qui ont permis une conversion quasi-quantitative de greffage par CuAAC. Nous avons ensuite utilisé cette particularité pour contrôler les propriétés de surface des BS en modifiant leur caractère hydrophile/lipophile. Dans le second axe de travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'apport de la chimie click pour la préparation de nanoparticules mésoporeuses de silice multifonctionnelles, dites mécanisées, pour des systèmes à délivrance contrôlée de principes actifs. / The present work aims to develop a trustful methodology of functionalization for hybrid silica materials made by the sol-gel process using the copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC)Click reaction. This transformation can be highly useful in materials science thanks to its high conversions and the excellent functional group tolerance. In this prospect, we have synthesized fully clickable bridged silisesquioxanes and periodic mesoporous organosilica that show high extents of click grafting. CuAAC was then used for tailoring the surface of bridged silsesquioxane and fine-tuning the hydrophilic/lipophilic balance. Finally, the click reaction was used as an efficient way to obtain multiply functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles in order to make nanomachines for controlled delivery of cargo molecules.

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