Spelling suggestions: "subject:"small scale"" "subject:"small acale""
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Análise experimental em escala reduzida de ligações entre paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos cerâmicos submetidas a ações verticais / Experimental small-scale analysis of the connections between structural clay block work masonry walls submitted to vertical loadsMoreira, Elian Marcos da Silva 15 January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise comparativa com três tipos de ligações entre paredes de alvenaria estrutural submetidas a ações verticais. O primeiro tipo de ligação é feito através de amarração direta de paredes de alvenaria. O segundo por amarração indireta solidarizada por telas metálicas e o terceiro, também com amarração indireta, porém, enrijecida por grampos metálicos ancorados em furos grauteados. O estudo é baseado em resultados obtidos por meio de um programa experimental realizado no laboratório de estruturas da EESC-USP. Os modelos utilizados são paredes em formato H, com cinco fiadas, em escala reduzida 1:3, os quais foram propostos por Capuzzo Neto (2005). A partir da análise experimental é obtida a resistência ao cisalhamento da interface no plano vertical de ligação entre a parede central e o flange todos os modelos ensaiados. Conclui-se que os modelos com amarração direta possuem maiores resistências ao cisalhamento, o que reforça o fenômeno da interação de paredes submetidas a ações verticais, além de apresentarem forma de ruptura caracterizada como frágil. Os modelos com amarração indireta, tanto com telas quanto com grampos, possuem resistências ao cisalhamento aproximadamente igual a 60% da encontrada para amarração direta, contudo, apresentam ruptura dúctil, com destaque para a ligação com grampos. / This work presents a comparative analysis of three types of connections between structural masonry walls under vertical loads. The first type is a set of running bond interconnected masonry walls. The second connection is obtained by means of steel meshes and the third, also stack bond, is hardened by metallic staples anchored in grouted holes. The study is based on an experimental program carried out in the laboratory of structures of the EESC-USP. The test specimens are H shaped third scale walls, with five courses, as proposed by Capuzzo Neto (2005). The experimental analysis allows for the evaluation of the shear strength of the vertical interface between the central wall and the flanges. The study shows that the models with running bond provide the largest shear strength, which corroborates the phenomenon of the walls interaction under vertical loads, and a fragile failure type. Both the stack bond specimens present a shear strength of roughly 60% of the running bond type, with ductile failure, specially for the stapled connection.
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Exploring Barriers to Women Entrepreneurs in Enugu State, NigeriaAmaechi, Ezenwayi 01 January 2016 (has links)
Women play an important role in the development of their families and communities economically; however, in comparison to men, they disproportionately experience barriers such as low income households, poverty, unemployment, lack of training, and discrimination. The purpose of this mini-ethnographic case study was to explore the perceptions of women entrepreneurs in Enugu State, Nigeria on what information they need to overcome possible barriers in their business and economic development. The 5M (market, money, management, motherhood, meso, and microenvironment) framework provided the theoretical lens for this investigation. The data gathering process involved face-to-face semistructured interviews with 15 women entrepreneurs in 3 local markets in Enugu State, in addition to direct observation, field notes, and reflective journal entries. Data were inductively analyzed and then triangulated to ensure trustworthiness of findings. The major themes revealed that these women needed information in the areas of marketing, customer relations, accounting procedures, financing strategies, and formal business training to grow their businesses. Embracing the results of this research may contribute to positive social change by providing information on how small scale women entrepreneurs could reduce their dependence on their husbands, partners, and relatives.
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Preparing Employees for Entrepreneurship in Retirement: A Case StudyAikhuomogbe, Samuel Omonowa 01 January 2016 (has links)
In Nigeria, 92% of retirees live in poverty because of insufficient preparation for entrepreneurship that could serve as an alternative income in retirement. Guided by the human capital theory, the purpose of this case study was to explore how 15 civil service employees in Grade Levels 15-17 at the public service attained small scale business information before retirement. All employees had knowledge, training, and experience in small-scale business operation. Fifteen employees participated in individual interviews and 5 participated in a focus group; data were also gathered from, employee training records, organizational policy documents on training, and public service documents regarding capacity building. Using Yin's 5 step data analysis process, member checking, and triangulation, key findings emerged on financial institutions, mentoring, and vocational training opportunities as avenues employees can attain small scale business information required for entrepreneurship. The study findings may create awareness on how employees can attain small scale business information regarding sources of funding, mentorship, and vocational training during their final years of employment. This awareness may promote positive social change by preparing these individuals for entrepreneurship in retirement, thereby reducing the rate of post-retirement poverty.
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Transports collectifs et initiative individuelle : approche des transports collectifs artisanaux par l'auto-organisation et les systèmes multi-agents / Transit system and individual initiative : studying small-scale transports with self-organization theories and multi-agents systemWester, Lea 08 June 2018 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses métropoles, il n'existe pas de transports collectifs centralisés, publics ou privés. Des solutions alternatives se sont développées grâce à des systèmes de transports artisanaux qui reposent sur l'éclatement de la propriété et l'autonomie des équipages de véhicules. Leur mode d'organisation permet aux transports artisanaux de s'adapter à la demande de manière dynamique. Nous proposons d'analyser les caractéristiques de ces systèmes grâce à la modélisation multi-agents et les théories de l'auto-organisation. A travers plusieurs modèles, nous verrons comment les structures et les dynamiques de ces systèmes dépendent des stratégies individuelles et de la structure urbaine. A travers la question de l'adaptabilité du transport en commun, les transports artisanaux nous amènent à nous interroger sur les dimensions urbaines de la mobilité collective mais également sur la flexibilisation des services de transport. / Several metropolises have not any centralized collective transport system, neither private nor public. Alternative solutions appeared, their caracteristics are principally that the ownership is spread out and the vehicle crew is self-directed. The mode of organization of these transports allows them to adapt dynamically to the demand.We propose to analyse the caracteristics of these systems by means of multi-agents modeling and self-organization theory. Using several models, we show how structures and dynamics of these systems are linked to individual strategies and urban structure.Through the question of adaptability of collective transport, small-scale transports led to concern about urban dimensions of collective mobility and flexibilisation of transport services.
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Capability building for the manufacture of photovoltaic system components in developing countriesBruce, Anna Gabrielle, Photovoltaics & Renewable Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) system components has a role to play in the industrialisation and poverty reduction strategies of developing countries. It has also been suggested that small scale local manufacture of balance of systems components has the potential to improve the maintenance, installation and use of the technology. However, PV is a complex technology and most developing countries have not been able to build the capabilities required to manufacture PV system components of an appropriate quality and price, either in the modern or small scale sectors. The factors that determine the success of PV manufacturers in developing countries are therefore of interest. Previous studies on learning in the PV industry have been focused on industry-wide concerns and have not explicitly addressed enterprise-level capability building or challenges specific to developing countries. In particular, there has been very little published about small scale PV manufacture. This thesis therefore aims to improve understanding of the factors that influence capability building, with a view to assisting decision making in relation to PV manufacture in developing countries. The aims of the study have been fulfilled by the development and assessment of a software simulation training tool for PV cell production line engineers, the development of an analysis framework, and application of it to several case study PV enterprises. Through the application of the framework to the case studies, it has been possible to assess the role of software simulations, the suitability of countries with different types of infrastructure for hosting PV manufacturing and the institutional arrangements or interventions that could be used to promote capability building for PV manufacturers in developing countries. While further case studies are required to make more than tentative conclusions, the framework developed and tested in this thesis may now be used as a tool to systematically and rapidly analyse the appropriateness of different types of PV manufacture in particular countries, to identify the weaknesses in their PV technological systems and therefore to suggest where resources should be invested and where appropriate institutional changes could be made. The simulation software has been demonstrated to be an effective capability building tool, thus providing one of the key elements required for successful manufacturing.
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Frivilliga avsättningar i gröna skogsbruksplaner - en fallstudie av sex skogsfastigheter samt en enkätundersökning i Östergötland / Voluntarily Protected Forests in Green Management Plans – a case study of six forest estates and a query in the county of ÖstergötlandPettersson, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Frivilliga avsättningar av skog med höga naturvärden är en viktig del för att nå Miljömålet ”Levande skogar”. Det finns dock tveksamheter om de naturvårdsbiologiska kvalitéerna i dessa avsättningar. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om den skog som avsätts frivilligt av privata skogsägare är den skogsmark som har de högsta naturvärdena på fastigheten. Vidare studerades också markägarens naturvårdskunnande, utbildningsnivå och attityd till naturvård. Detta kan påverka viljan att avsätta skog frivilligt, hur långsiktig avsättningen blir samt kvalitén på avsättningarna. Studien består av inventeringar på sex skogsfastigheter i Östergötland med frivilliga avsättningar, samt en enkätstudie till skogsägare. Det visade sig att skogsägarna i huvudsak avsatte de bestånd med högst naturvärde på fastigheten. Tre bestånd (en lövskog, en tallskog samt en källmiljö) av totalt 59 hyste högre naturvärde än de frivilligt avsatta. De avsatta skogarnas hade lägre virkestäthet än produktionsbestånden och bestod i större utsträckning av lövskog. Majoriteten av skogsägarna avsatte skogen långsiktigt för kommande generationer. När skogsägarna fick rangordna syftet med sin skogsfastighet prioriterades virke i första hand, naturvård värderades betydligt lägre. En mätning av kunskaper i tillämpad ekologi och artkännedom visade att skogsägarnas kunskaper i regel var bristfälliga när det gällde igenkänning av indikatorarter samt viktiga trädslag för artbevarande. Majoriteten av de som var negativa till att göra frivilliga avsättningar kunde tänka sig att ändra åsikt vid ”skälig ersättning”. Mer omfattande studier behövs för att avgöra om mina resultat var representativa och om de frivilliga avsättningarna verkligen hyser fastighetens högsta naturvärden och lever upp till miljömålet levande skogar.</p> / <p>Voluntarily protected forests with high nature conservation value are an important part of fulfilling the environmental objective "Sustainableforests". The aim of this study was to evaluate if the voluntarily protected forests are those with the highest conservation value for threatened species<sup>1</sup> on the estate. Another purpose was to investigate the knowledge in applied ecology among small-scale foresters, their educational level and attitudes towards conservation. The study contains inventories at six different estates in the county of Östergötland and a query targeted to small-scale forest owners. The foresters in my study set aside the areas with the highest conservation values on the estate with few exceptions. Three areas (one deciduous forest, one pine forest and a well) out of 59 had a higher conservation value than the areas set aside voluntarily. The voluntarily protected forests had less timber density than the productive areas and contained more deciduous forest. A majority of the foresters voluntarily protected forests where intended to remain for future generations. As part of my study the foresters also got to rank the purpose of the forest estate. Timber got the highest rank while nature conservation got a considerable lower rank. A measurement of the small-scale forester's knowledge in applied ecology and indicator species showed that their knowledge often was inadequate regarding indicator species. A majority of those negative to voluntary forest conservation areas on their own estate were willing to change view if they were given adequate economic compensation.</p><p>1 according to the Swedish Red list</p>
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Design and evaluation of stationary polymer electrolyte fuel cell systemsWallmark, Cecilia January 2004 (has links)
The objectives of this doctoral thesis are to give a basisincluding methods for the development of stationary polymerelectrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) systems for combined heat andpower production. Moreover, the objectives include identifyingprerequisites, requirements and possibilities for PEFC systemsproducing heat and power for buildings in Sweden. The PEFCsystem is still in a pre-commercial state, but low emissionlevels, fast dynamics and high efficiencies are promisingcharacteristics. A thermodynamic model to simulate stationary PEFC systemshas been constructed and pinch technology and exergy analysesare utilised to design and evaluate the system. The finalsystem configuration implies a high total efficiency ofapproximately 98 % (LHV). A flexible test facility was built in connection with theresearch project to experimentally evaluate small-scalestationary PEFC systems at KTH. The research PEFC system hasextensive measurement equipment, a rigorous control system andallows fuel cell systems from approximately 0.2 to 4 kWel insize to be tested. The simulation models of the fuel processorand the fuel cell stack are verified with experimental datataken from the test facility. The initial evaluation andsimulation of the first residential installation of a PEFCsystem in Sweden is also reported. This PEFC system, fuelled bybiogas and hydrogen, is installed in an energy system alsoincluding a photovoltaic array, an electrolyser and hydrogenstorage. Technical aspects of designing a fuel cell system-basedenergy system, including storages and grid connections, whichprovides heat and power to a building are presented in thisthesis. As a basis for the technical and economic evaluations,exemplifying energy systems are constructed and simulated. Fuelcell system installations are predicted to be economicallyunviable for probable near-term conditions in Sweden. The mainfactor in the economic evaluations is the fuel price. However,fuel cell system installations are shown to have a higher fuelutilisation than the conventional method of energy supply. The methods presented in this thesis serve as a collectedbasis for continued research and development in the area. Keywords:Small-scale, stationary, fuel cell system,polymer electrolyte fuel cell, PEFC system, reformer,thermodynamic modelling, pinch technology, exergy analyses,system configuration, test facility, experiments, application,simulation, installation, energy system, energy storage, heatand power demand.
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Entrepreneurs and Small-Scale Enterprises : Self Reported Health, Work Conditions, Work Environment Management and Occupational Health ServicesGunnarsson, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focused on factors contributing to improved work environment in small-scale enterprises and sustainable health for the entrepreneurs. In Study I, implementation of the provision of Systematic Work Environment Management (SWEM) with and without support was investigated. Two implementation methods were used, supervised and network method. The effect of the project reached the employees faster in the enterprises with the supervised method. In general, the work environment improved in all enterprises. However, extensive support to small-scale enterprises in terms of advice and networking aimed at fulfilling SWEM regulations had limited effect – especially considering the cost of applying these methods. Studies II, III, and IV focused on entrepreneurs’ health, work conditions, strategies for maintaining good health, and utilisation of Occupational Health Service (OHS). A closed cohort of entrepreneurs in ten different trades responded to two self-administered questionnaires on health and work conditions, with five years between the surveys: at baseline, 496 entrepreneurs responded, and 251 entrepreneurs responded at follow-up. Differences were tested by Chi2-test, and associations estimated with logistic regression analyses. Qualitative interviews on entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health were included. In Study II, the most frequently reported complaints, musculoskeletal pain and mental health problems, were associated with poor job satisfaction and poor physical work environment. In Study III, consistent self-reported good health, i.e. good health both at baseline and at follow up, was associated with self-valued good social life when adjusted for physical work conditions and job satisfaction. Entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health included good planning and control over work, flexibility at work, good social contact with family, friends and other entrepreneurs, and regular physical exercise. Study IV concerned entrepreneur’s utilisation of OHS. Entrepreneurs affiliated to OHS had either better or more adverse work conditions than non-affiliated entrepreneurs. Medical care and health check-ups were the services most utilised. Affiliation to OHS correlated with use of specific information sources and active work environment management. The entrepreneurs were not consistently affiliated to OHS over the five-year-period.
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Small-scale mango farmers, transaction costs and changing agro-food markets: evidence from Vhembe and Mopani districts, Limpopo ProvinceAphane, Mogau Marvin January 2011 (has links)
<p>The main objective of this study was to identify ways in which transaction costs can be lowered to improve small-scale farmers&rsquo / participation in and returns from agricultural output markets, with specific reference to small-scale mango farmers in Limpopo province. This study hypothesizes that transaction costs are lower in informal spot markets and increase when small-scale farmers sell in more structured markets (formal markets). This study builds on transaction cost economics (TCE) to demonstrate how to overcome transaction cost barriers that small-scale mango farmers face in the agro-food markets. The approach to collect primary information was sequenced in two steps: first, key informant and focus group interviews were conducted and, secondly, a structured survey instrument was administered in two districts of Limpopo. A total of 235 smallscale mango farmers were interviewed. A binary logistic regression model was used to estimate the impact of transaction costs on the likelihood of households&rsquo / participation in formal (=1) and informal (=0) agro-food markets. STATA Version 10 was used to analyse the data. This study found that a larger proportion of male than female farming households reported participation in the formal markets, suggesting deep-seated gender differentiation in market participation. The average age of small farmers participating in formal markets is 52, compared to 44 for those in informal markets, implying that older farmers might have established stronger networks and acquired experience over a longer period. Farmers staying very far from the densely populated towns (more than 50 km) participate less in the formal markets than those staying closer (0 &ndash / 25 km and 26 &ndash / 49 km), which implies that the further they are from the towns, the less the likelihood of farmers selling in the formal markets. Farmers who own storage facilities and a bakkie (transportation means) participate more in formal markets compared to those who do not own these assets, which suggests that these farmers are able to store mangoes, retaining their freshness and subsequently delivering them to various agro-food markets on time. Households that participate in formal markets have high mean values of income and social grants. However, this study found that the likelihood of a household&rsquo / s participation in the markets is less as income and social grants increase. This suggests that households do not invest their financial assets in order to overcome market access barriers. A large proportion of households that own larger pieces of arable land participate in the formal markets, which implies that they are able to produce marketable surplus. Households that have a high mean value (in Rand) of cattle participate more in formal markets than in informal markets. However, this study found that the likelihood of a household&rsquo / s participation in the markets does not change with an increase in the value of its livestock. These findings suggest that households do not sell their cattle in order to overcome market access barriers. Reduced transaction costs for small-scale mango farmers in Limpopo should improve their participation in and returns from the agro-food markets. Policy interventions to support this need to focus on: access to storage and transportation facilities, enforcement of gender equity requirements in existing policies, and better access to information about markets.</p>
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Stories from a Chair: A Life ExquisiteBlinkhorn, Jessica Elaine 04 April 2010 (has links)
Exquisite is defined as carefully selected or sought out. I believe myself to be a selected soul placed in a body of circumstance. My work is self-explorative and telling of those circumstances in hopes of evoking empathy. Our bodies function and exist on many different levels. What I understand as normal for most differs vastly from what is normal for me. I aim to offer my perspective on the world, establish understanding, and blur the lines of normalcy.
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