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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antiinflammatorische Zytokine in der Pathogenese des Asthma bronchiale

John, Matthias 21 May 2002 (has links)
Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit weisen mehrfach auf eine defizitäre IL-10 Produktion in Alveolarmakrophagen von Asthmatikern hin. Die reduzierte IL-10 Expression auf Protein- und Genebene korrelierte mit einer erhöhten Produktion proinflammatorischer Zytokine (TNF-?, MIP1-?, GM-CSF). Diese Beobachtung impliziert einen Defekt in der IL-10 Synthese, der in einer verstärkten und prolongierten pulmonalen Entzündungsantwort resultiert. Daraus läßt sich schlußfolgern, dass beim Asthma bronchiale eine Dysbalance zwischen pro- und antiinflammatorischen Zytokinen pathogenetisch von Bedeutung ist. Die verringerte Sensitivität von Alveolarmakrophagen auf die inhibitorischen Effekte von exogenem IL-10 im Vergleich zu Blutmonozyten ist durch Unterschiede in den Mechanismen der Signaltransduktion bedingt (37, 54). Der Nachweis der Expression von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen in Bronchialmyozyten (RANTES, IL-8) führte zu einer Neubewertung dieser Zellen als Immuneffektorzellen in der Pathogenese des Asthma bronchiale. Neben der Kontraktilität sind Myozyten auch aktiv an der Aufrechterhaltung der Atemwegsentzündung beteiligt. Die inhibitorischen Effekte von IL-10 und IL-13 auf die Synthese proinflammatorischer Chemokine (RANTES, IL-8, MIP-1() in migrierten Entzündungszellen und residenten Bronchialmyozyten konnten in verschiedenen Arbeiten gut dokumentiert werden. Die Vielzahl antiinflammatorischer Effekte von IL-10, die sich auf unterschiedliche Zellsysteme wie Monozyten, Makrophagen und Bronchialmyozyten erstrecken, unterstreicht die pathogenetische Bedeutung dieses Zytokins. Der molekulare Mechanismus, welcher die IL-10 Wirkung vermittelt, ist derzeit noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Angenommen wird eine rezeptorvermittelte Inhibition von Transkriptionsfaktoren des Stat Systems und NF-(B (76). Zukünftige molekularbiologische und klinische Studien sind jedoch notwendig, um den Kenntnisstand der Effekte antiinflammatorischer Zytokine zu vertiefen, und die Gabe von rekombinantem IL-10 als möglichen Ansatz zur Therapie chronisch entzündlicher Lungenerkrankungen zu evaluieren (81). / The results of this present thesis show a deficiency of IL-10 production in alveolar macrophages in asthma. The reduced IL-10 expression on protein and m-RNA level correlated with an increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-(, MIP1- ( and GM-CSF. These observations implicate an impaired IL-10 synthesis in asthma with a subsequent prolongation of the inflammatory response. This leads to the conclusion that a dysbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines is present in asthma and may be therefore of pathogenetic importance. The reduced sensitivity of alveolar macrophages to the inhibitory effects of exogenous IL-10 compared to peripheral blood monocytes may be caused by different signal transduction mechanisms. The expression of the proinflammatory cytokines RANTES and IL-8 in cultured human airway smooth muscle cells led to the conclusion that airway smooth muscle cells may act beside their contractile function as immunomodulatory cells in the pathogenesis of asthma. The inhibitory effects of IL-10 and IL-13 on the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines (RANTES, IL-8, MIP1-() in immigrated inflammatory cells and resident cells such as airway smooth muscle cells have been shown in several publications that are part of the present thesis. The numerous antiinflammatory effects of IL-10 on different inflammatory cell systems such as monocytes/macrophages and smooth muscle cells underline the pathogenetic importance of this cytokine. The molecular mechanisms that mediate the IL-10 effects involve the transcription factors NF-(B and the Stat-System. Future studies are needed to determine the molecular mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory effects of IL-10 and IL-13 more deeply and to evaluate their application for the therapy of chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases.

Mechanisms underlying the endothelium-dependent modulation of vascular tone

Iarova, Polina January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The role of vascular endothelial growth factor in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Glazyrine, Vassili 08 April 2016 (has links)
To this day heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) remains a poorly understood malady. Half of all heart failure (HF) cases are HFpEF, and the prevalence of HF is on the rise. Unlike HF with reduced ejection fraction, HFpEF has no treatment options and is often times difficult to diagnose because victims of HFpEF often have pre-existing conditions. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in maintaining myocardial health and is thought to play a role in HFpEF. We sought to test the hypothesis that VEGF-A plays a role in HFpEF in a hypertensive murine model of HFpEF. Using Western blot analysis we found that there was an up regulation of VEGF-A in the homogenized left ventricle (LV) of our HFpEF mice. Unexpectedly, there was a down regulation of VEGF-A in the homogenized tissue from the aorta in those mice. To study the circulating levels of VEGF in our HFpEF mice we used an ELISA. We found that our HFpEF mice had similar levels of circulating VEGF as our control. This suggests that VEGF has paracrine/autocrine role in our HFpEF model rather than endocrine, like our human data suggested. To identify the cells responsible for the expression profile we saw in the homogenized tissue data we looked at the response of adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) to aldosterone stimulation at short (1hr) and long (24hr) time points at both physiological (50nm) and pathological (1μm) concentrations. To do this analysis we recruited the help of Western blot, ELISA and RT-PCR techniques to construct a consistent VEGF expression profile. The Western blot ARVM data showed statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in VEGF-A to pathological doses of aldosterone, especially at the longer time point. When we tested the VSMC using Western blot analysis, we found that the trend of our n=1 sample suggested a strong response to the physiological dose of aldosterone in the short term. Using the more sensitive ELISA technique to measure the VEGF content of our VCMS we increasing our sample size to n=4 and found no statistically significant (p=NS) response to aldosterone stimulation from the VSMC. However, looking at the trends in the data it is clear that VSMC increases VEGF in response to long-term physiological doses of aldosterone. This is contrary to what we found using Western blot analysis, so we queried the VEGF mRNA from the VSMC to settle the score. Unfortunately, this too proved fruitless. The RT-PCR data was not significant and the trend was that of the ARVM expression profile. We initially turned to VSMC because we hypothesized that they could contribute to the paracrine/autocrine activity similar to what we saw in the LV from the ARVM. It is unclear if VSMC play a role in HFpEF progression, but their lack of consistent response to aldosterone could potential explain the down regulation of VEGF-A we observed in the aorta of our HFpEF mice. We initially sough to test the hypothesis that VEGF-A plays a role in our HFpEF mouse model, what we found was that ARVM contribute to localized VEGF-A increased production in the LV while in the aorta there is a down regulation of VEGF-A in our HFpEF model, we are unable to make any conclusion about VSMC response to aldosterone because of insufficient sample size. Thus in conclusion, it appears that VEGF-A does play a role in our HFpEF model specifically in a paracrine/autocrine manner in the LV where the ARVM contributes to the increased production of the cytokine.

Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) in Smooth Muscle : Expression, Function and Mechanism / Les phosphodiestérases des nucléotides cycliques (PDE) dans le muscle lisse : expression, fonction et mécanismes

Zhai, Kui 20 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était de caractériser le rôle des différentes familles de phosphodiestérases (PDEs), les enzymes de dégradation du 3'-5'- adénosine monophosphate cyclique (AMPc), dans la régulation de la signalisation de l’AMPc dans deux types de cellules musculaires lisses (CMLs), l’aorte de rat (CMLAR) et la vessie de rat néonatal (CMLVRN). Dans les CMLARs en culture, nous avons déterminé le profil d’expression et d’activité des PDE-AMPc. Nous avons alors montré, à l’aide de la technique de FRET basée sur une sonde sensible à l’AMPc pour mesurer l’AMPc en temps réel dans une cellule isolée, que l’inhibition de la PDE4 démasque un effet d’hydrolyse de l’AMPc cytosolique par la PDE1 et la PDE3, alors que les PDE3 et PDE4 agissent de façon synergistique dans le compartiment sous-membranaire. Les mécanismes de cette compartimentation subcellulaire des signaux restent à caractériser.Dans les CMLVRNs, les PDE3 et PDE4 régulent les contractions phasiques, par des mécanismes différents. L’inhibition de la PDE4 limite les contractions stimulées par le carbachol par un mécanisme dépendant de la protéine kinase A, impliquant une augmentation de la fréquence des sparks calciques, qui entrainent l’activation des canaux potassiques BK, assurant en final une diminution des transitoires calciques. Au contraire, l’effet de l’inhibition de la PDE3 implique la protéine kinase G mais par un mécanisme qui reste à définir.En conclusion, ce travail montre que dans les CMLs, les différents familles de PDE-AMPc sont douées de spécificité de fonction et/ou de mécanisme d’action, et participent ainsi à une compartimentation subcellulaire des voies de signalisation. / The aim of the present thesis was to characterize the role of the different families of phosphodiesterases (PDEs), the enzymes degrading 3'-5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), in controlling the cAMP signalling in two distinct smooth muscle cells (SMCs), the rat aorta SMC (RASMCs) and the rat bladder SMC (RBSMCs).In cultured RASMCs, we firstly characterized the pattern of cAMP-PDE expression and activity. We then showed, by using a FRET-based cAMP sensor to explore cAMP signals in living cells, that PDE4 inhibition unmasks an effect of PDE1 and PDE3 on cytosolic cAMP hydrolyzis, whereas PDE3 and PDE4 act synergistically at the submembrane compartment. The mechanisms of this subcellular compartmentation need to be characterized. In neonatal RBSMCs, we showed that both PDE3 and PDE4 are involved in regulating the phasic contractions albeit through distinct mechanisms. PDE4 inhibition inhibits the carbachol-enhanced contractions through a protein kinase A-dependent pathway involving an increase in Ca2+ sparks frequency which activates BK channels to ultimately decrease Ca2+ transients, whereas PDE3 inhibition acts through a protein kinase G-dependent pathway through a still unknown mechanism.In conclusion, our work shows that in the SMC, the different cAMP-PDE families exhibit a specificity in their function and/or mechanism of action, thus participating to a subcellular signaling compartmentation.

Modelos matemáticos aplicados na avaliação da mecânica respiratória em camundongos com desafios de agonista da musculatura lisa. / Mathematical models applied in the assessment of respiratory mechanics in mice with smooth muscle´s agonist challenges.

Aoki, Fabio Gava 14 February 2013 (has links)
Modelos matemáticos são utilizados como ferramentas na avaliação da mecânica respiratória para a compreensão da fisiologia e patologias do sistema respiratório. A presente pesquisa visou avaliar, através da aplicação de modelos matemáticos, a mecânica respiratória em camundongos submetidos à metacolina. Deu-se ênfase no modelo linear de compartimento único e suas variantes não lineares. Camundongos C57BL/6 (n = 8) foram traqueostomizados, ventilados mecanicamente (flexiVent, SCIREQ, Canadá) e perturbações em volume foram aplicadas para a modelagem do sistema respiratório. O protocolo experimental foi elaborado de forma a se analisar a variação dos parâmetros respiratórios durante a aplicação do agente broncoativo e também se verificou a divisão do sinal quasi-senoidal em expirações e inspirações durante a técnica de oscilação forçada (FOT) com perturbação de frequência 2,5 Hz. Com base nisso, uma rotina computacional própria foi desenvolvida para a análise dos experimentos realizados no ventilador mecânico e foram pesquisadas as vantagens e desvantagens dos modelos matemáticos aplicados. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento no desvio padrão dos parâmetros do modelo linear unicompartimental e suas variantes não lineares após a aplicação do broncoconstritor. Acredita-se que esta grande variação nos parâmetros esteja relacionada com o enrijecimento do parênquima e da heterogeneidade da ventilação pulmonar após a utilização da droga. Devido à correlação dos parâmetros do modelo com a fisiologia ocorrer somente no modelo linear, acredita-se que este ainda é o mais indicado na avaliação da mecânica respiratória e as variantes não lineares seriam indicadas como opção em casos onde o modelo linear é incapaz de realizar ajustes adequados ou para informações complementares. / Mathematical models are used as tools in the assessment of respiratory mechanics for the understanding of the physiology and pathologies of the respiratory system. This study aimed to assess the respiratory mechanics by applying mathematical models in mice subjected to challenges with methacholine. Emphasis was placed on linear single-compartment model and its nonlinear variants. C57BL/6 mice (n = 8) were tracheostomized, mechanically ventilated (flexiVent, SCIREQ, Canada) and disturbances in volume were applied to the modeling of the respiratory system. The experimental protocol was developed in order to analyze the variation of respiratory parameters during the application of the bronchoactive agent. The division of quasisinusoidal signal in expirations and inspirations during the forced oscillation technique (FOT) with frequency perturbation of 2.5 Hz was also observed. Based on that, a proper computational routine was developed in order to analyze the experiments in the mechanical ventilator and the advantages and disadvantages of the applied mathematical models. The results demonstrated an increase in the standard deviation of the linear single-compartment model and its nonlinear variants parameters after the application of bronchoconstrictor. It is believed that this large variation in the parameters relates to the parenchyma stiffening and to the heterogeneity of pulmonary ventilation after the use of the drug. Due to the fact that the correlation between the model parameters and the physiology occurred only in the linear model, it is believed that this is still the most suitable model in the assessment of respiratory mechanics. Nonlinear variations of the single-compartment model would be indicated only as an option, for example, in cases where the linear model is incapable of performing appropriate fits or when additional information about the respiratory system is required.

Modelos matemáticos aplicados na avaliação da mecânica respiratória em camundongos com desafios de agonista da musculatura lisa. / Mathematical models applied in the assessment of respiratory mechanics in mice with smooth muscle´s agonist challenges.

Fabio Gava Aoki 14 February 2013 (has links)
Modelos matemáticos são utilizados como ferramentas na avaliação da mecânica respiratória para a compreensão da fisiologia e patologias do sistema respiratório. A presente pesquisa visou avaliar, através da aplicação de modelos matemáticos, a mecânica respiratória em camundongos submetidos à metacolina. Deu-se ênfase no modelo linear de compartimento único e suas variantes não lineares. Camundongos C57BL/6 (n = 8) foram traqueostomizados, ventilados mecanicamente (flexiVent, SCIREQ, Canadá) e perturbações em volume foram aplicadas para a modelagem do sistema respiratório. O protocolo experimental foi elaborado de forma a se analisar a variação dos parâmetros respiratórios durante a aplicação do agente broncoativo e também se verificou a divisão do sinal quasi-senoidal em expirações e inspirações durante a técnica de oscilação forçada (FOT) com perturbação de frequência 2,5 Hz. Com base nisso, uma rotina computacional própria foi desenvolvida para a análise dos experimentos realizados no ventilador mecânico e foram pesquisadas as vantagens e desvantagens dos modelos matemáticos aplicados. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento no desvio padrão dos parâmetros do modelo linear unicompartimental e suas variantes não lineares após a aplicação do broncoconstritor. Acredita-se que esta grande variação nos parâmetros esteja relacionada com o enrijecimento do parênquima e da heterogeneidade da ventilação pulmonar após a utilização da droga. Devido à correlação dos parâmetros do modelo com a fisiologia ocorrer somente no modelo linear, acredita-se que este ainda é o mais indicado na avaliação da mecânica respiratória e as variantes não lineares seriam indicadas como opção em casos onde o modelo linear é incapaz de realizar ajustes adequados ou para informações complementares. / Mathematical models are used as tools in the assessment of respiratory mechanics for the understanding of the physiology and pathologies of the respiratory system. This study aimed to assess the respiratory mechanics by applying mathematical models in mice subjected to challenges with methacholine. Emphasis was placed on linear single-compartment model and its nonlinear variants. C57BL/6 mice (n = 8) were tracheostomized, mechanically ventilated (flexiVent, SCIREQ, Canada) and disturbances in volume were applied to the modeling of the respiratory system. The experimental protocol was developed in order to analyze the variation of respiratory parameters during the application of the bronchoactive agent. The division of quasisinusoidal signal in expirations and inspirations during the forced oscillation technique (FOT) with frequency perturbation of 2.5 Hz was also observed. Based on that, a proper computational routine was developed in order to analyze the experiments in the mechanical ventilator and the advantages and disadvantages of the applied mathematical models. The results demonstrated an increase in the standard deviation of the linear single-compartment model and its nonlinear variants parameters after the application of bronchoconstrictor. It is believed that this large variation in the parameters relates to the parenchyma stiffening and to the heterogeneity of pulmonary ventilation after the use of the drug. Due to the fact that the correlation between the model parameters and the physiology occurred only in the linear model, it is believed that this is still the most suitable model in the assessment of respiratory mechanics. Nonlinear variations of the single-compartment model would be indicated only as an option, for example, in cases where the linear model is incapable of performing appropriate fits or when additional information about the respiratory system is required.

Estudo das propriedades mecânicas das células de músculo liso vascular em situações fisiológicas e patológicas / Study of the mechanical properties of vascular smooth muscle cells under physiological and pathological situations

Carla Luana Dinardo 02 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: As células do músculo liso vascular (CMLV) são quiescentes nos vasos adultos, com baixa capacidade de migração e de secreção de matriz extracelular, caracterizando fenótipo contrátil. Evidências apontam para a heterogeneidade fenotípica das CMLV ao longo da árvore arterial: há distribuição heterogênea de doenças e de resposta a determinadas drogas nos diferentes vasos, além de variabilidade de expressão dos genes de proteínas contráteis de músculo liso entre eles. O papel das CMLV, em fase adulta, é classicamente descrito como restrito à regulação do tônus de pequenos vasos, sendo insignificante a contribuição da mecânica das CMLV para a complacência das artérias elásticas. Existe a hipótese de que a viscoelasticidade das CMLV contribua para a mecânica final das artérias, sendo o enrijecimento dessas células associado à rigidez arterial. Objetivo: Estudar a variabilidade das propriedades mecânicas e de expressão proteica das CMLV, ao longo da árvore arterial, buscando identificar moduladores regionais para esse fenótipo. Avaliar se situações clínicas sabidamente associadas à rigidez arterial (envelhecimento, sexo feminino pós-menopausa, ancestralidade genética africana, diabetes mellitus e tabagismo) cursam com enrijecimento de CMLV. Métodos: 1) Estudou-se a composição e a organização da camada média de diferentes artérias. As CMLV desses vasos foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G), por meio do ensaio de Citometria Magnético Ótica de Oscilação e, quanto à expressão proteica global, usando cromatografia multidimensional e espectrometria de massas em tandem de alta resolução (Proteômica Shotgun). Os dados mecânicos obtidos foram correlacionados com as características da matriz extracelular (MEC) dos vasos de origem (porcentagem de elastina e quantidade de MEC). Em paralelo, foi realizado experimento de estiramento cíclico (10%/1Hz) das CMLV das diferentes artérias por 24 e 48h, seguido pela mensuração de rigidez de citoplasma. 2) Foram isoladas as CMLV de fragmentos de artéria mamária de 80 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, células essas que foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G, G\' e G\'\'). Elaborou-se modelo estatístico para avaliar se as variáveis clínicas idade, sexo feminino, ancestralidade africana, tabagismo e diabetes mellitus estavam associadas a alterações de mecânica celular. Resultados: 1) A viscoelasticidade das CMLV variou significativamente entre as artérias. As CMLV provenientes de artérias distais (artérias femoral e renal) mostraram-se significativamente mais rígidas que as CMLV de aorta torácica (p < 0,001). Identificou-se correlação negativa entre rigidez de CMLV e quantidade de MEC / elastina na camada média vascular. O regime de estiramento cíclico por 48h reduziu globalmente a rigidez das CMLV. As CMLV provenientes da aorta torácica expressaram maior quantidade de proteínas relacionadas com a estrutura e a organização do citoesqueleto em relação às CMLV da artéria femoral. 2) Constatou-se variabilidade interindividual de viscoelasticidade de CMLV e associação entre tabagismo e sexo feminino com enrijecimento de CMLV. Conclusões: As CMLV são heterogêneas quanto às propriedades mecânicas, à organização do citoesqueleto e à expressão proteica ao longo da árvore arterial, reforçando o conceito de plasticidade fenotípica das CMLV. A mecânica das CMLV é modulada pelas características da MEC e pela tensão circunferencial cíclica aplicada às paredes vasculares pelo fluxo sanguíneo. Mulheres pós-menopausa e tabagistas exibem enrijecimento de CMLV, sendo esse fato um provável contribuinte para a rigidez arterial associada a essas condições e um possível alvo terapêutico a ser avaliado futuramente / Rational: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) lose their ability to migrate and secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) with the end of vascular development, condition known as contractile phenotype and reversible in the presence of vascular injury. There is evidence of heterogeneity of VSMC phenotype along arterial tree, as the distribution of diseases (atherosclerosis) and the response to drugs vary between different vessels, as well as the expression of smooth muscle-contractile protein genes. The role played by VSMC mechanics on determining large arteries\' compliance was always considered irrelevant. It has been hypothesized that the VSMC mechanical properties are important for vascular mechanics, especially in the pathological scenario, where VSMC stiffening may be associated with arterial rigidity. Goals: Study the variation of VSMC mechanics and protein expression along arterial tree, identifying regional modulators of this phenotype. Evaluate if clinical situations associated with arterial rigidity (ageing, post-menopausal women, African ancestry, diabetes mellitus and smoking) concur with VSMC stiffening. Methods: 1) Different arteries were studied in terms of composition and organization of their media layer. VSMC isolated from these arteries were evaluated regarding cytoplasm viscoelasticity, measured using Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry Assay (OMTC), and protein expression, using two-dimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (Shotgun Proteomics). Mechanical data were correlated with ECM characteristics (percentage of elastin and ECM amount) of the vessels of origin. In parallel, VSMC of different arteries were subjected to cyclic stretching (10%/1Hz) during 24 and 48h, followed by the measurement of their cytoplasm rigidity. 2) VSMC were isolated from fragments of mammary artery of 80 patients subjected to coronary bypass surgery and evaluated regarding their viscoelasticity (G, G\' e G\'\'). A statistic model was elaborated to address if the clinical variables age, female sex, African ancestry, smoking and diabetes mellitus were associated with changes of VSMC mechanics. Results: 1) VSMC viscoelasticity varied significantly amongst the studied arteries. VSMC from heart-distant arteries (femoral and renal arteries) were stiffer than VSMC from thoracic aorta (p < 0,001). There was a negative correlation between VSMC rigidity and the amount of ECM / percentage of elastin within the media layer. 48h-cyclic stretching was associated with a global reduction of VSMC rigidity. VSMC of thoracic aorta expressed significantly more proteins associated with cytoskeleton structure and organization than VSMC of femoral artery. 2) There was a significant inter-individual variation of VSMC viscoelasticity. Smoking and female sex were associated with VSMC stiffening. Conclusion: VSMC mechanics, cytoskeleton organization and protein expression are heterogeneous along arterial tree. VSMC mechanical properties are modulated by ECM characteristics and by regional mechanical forces. This reinforces the concept of phenotypic heterogeneity of VSMC. Post-menopausal women and smokers exhibit stiffer VSMC, representing an important factor for the understanding of the arterial rigidity associated with these conditions and also a possible future therapeutic target

Role of Mitogen-activated Kinases in Cd40-mediated T Cell Activation of Monocyte/macrophage and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Cytokine/chemokine Production

Milhorn, Denise M. 01 August 1999 (has links)
This dissertation represents efforts to determine the functional consequences acquired by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to CD40 ligation by activated CD154+ T cells, and to elucidate components of the signaling pathway(s) activated in response to CD40 signaling in both monocytes and SMC. To study the consequences of CD40 stimulation, primary human monocytes and aortic SMC were treated with plasma membranes purified from CD154 + , CD4+ T cells. The results presented in this dissertation demonstrate that SMC, like monocytes/macrophages, are capable of interacting with T cells in a manner that results in reciprocal activation events. SMC were shown to present antigen to, and activate T cells. In turn T cell stimulus resulted in the activation of proinflammatory function in SMC initiated through the CD154:CD40 interaction. CD40 stimulation of SMC resulted in the production of the chemokines interleukin 8 (IL-8) and macrophage chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and the upregulation of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM). Examination of the intracellular signaling pathways activated through CD40 signaling revealed the involvement of MAPKs in the pathway leading to induction of proinflammatory activity. Evaluation of CD40 signaling in monocytes demonstrated the activation of the MAPK family members ERK1/2, but not the MAPK family members p38 or c-jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK). In contrast, CD40 signaling in SMC was shown to result in ERK1/2 and p38 activation, and both of these kinases were shown to play a critical role in the induction of chemokine synthesis. An examination of the ability of anti-inflammatory cytokines to modulate CD40 signaling in monocytes and SMC demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 abrogate CD40-mediated induction of inflammatory cytokine production by monocytes. This inhibition was shown to be a result of a negative influence of IL-4 and IL-10 on CD40 mediated ERK1/2, activation in monocytes. However, IL-4 and IL-10 did not inhibit SMC proinflammatory responses indicating a difference in the intracellular responses to these cytokines by the two cell types. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Branched Short Chain Fatty Acid Isovaleric Acid Causes Smooth Muscle Relaxation via cAMP/PKA Pathway, Inhibits Gastrointestinal Motility, and Disrupts Peristaltic Movement

Blakeney, Bryan Adam 01 January 2018 (has links)
Isovaleric Acid (IVA) is a 5-carbon branched chain fatty acid present in fermented foods and produced by the fermentation of leucine by colonic bacteria. IVA activates G-protein coupled receptors such as FFAR2, FFAR3, and OR51E1 known to be expressed on enteric neurons and enteroendocrine cells. We previously reported that the shorter, straight chain fatty acids acetate, propionate and butyrate, differentially affect colonic propulsion; however, the effect of branched chain fatty acids on gastrointestinal motility is unknown. We hypothesize that IVA relaxes smooth muscle in a cAMP/PKA dependent manner by direct action on smooth muscle cells. IVA will also decrease peristalsis and encourage retention of luminal contents. This thesis investigates the effect of IVA on smooth muscle tension and peristaltic activity in isolated colon and individual smooth muscle cells. Colon segments from C57BL/6J mice were placed in a longitudinal orientation in organ baths in Krebs buffer and fastened to force transducers. Segments were contracted with 10 μM acetylcholine (ACh) and the effects of IVA at several concentrations were measured in the absence and presence of Nitric Oxide Synthase inhibitor L-N-nitroarginine (L-NNA), neuronal action potential inhibitor tetrodotoxin (TTX), and adenylate cyclase inhibitor SQ22536. To study individual live cells, mouse smooth muscle was isolated from colon, suspended in smooth muscle buffer, and after contraction with ACh were relaxed with micromolar concentrations of IVA. For peristalsis studies, whole colonic segments isolated from C57BL/6J were catheterized and placed horizontally in organ baths with circulating Krebs buffer. The colon was clamped on the anal end, and a solution (5 μL per mm of colon length) of either Krebs buffer or 50 mM IVA was delivered from the oral end to the lumen. Video of the peristalsis was then analyzed for diameter, changes in diameter, velocity of diameter changes along the length of the colon, normalized to the anatomical changes in the proximal region. IVA in concentrations of 10 mM to 50 mM relaxed the ACh-induced contraction in a sigmoidal fashion. In separate studies, L-NNA nor TTX affected the ability of IVA to inhibit relaxation. SQ22536 inhibited IVA induced relaxation in longitudinal colon compared to vehicle control. In isolated cells, SQ22536 and PKA inhibitor H-89 inhibited IVA-induced relaxation. In peristalsis studies, 50 mM IVA in Krebs buffer changed the character of the peristaltic action by increasing proximal diameter, inhibiting contractions in the proximal end of the colon, and decreasing overall velocity of peristaltic contractions in the proximal region. The data indicate that the branched chain fatty acid IVA causes a concentration-dependent relaxation of colonic smooth muscle that is direct to the smooth muscle and independent of neuronal activity. This relaxation is cAMP/PKA dependent. In addition to the direct relaxation of smooth muscle, intraluminal IVA decreased overall colonic propulsive activity and encouraged retention of the luminal contents. We conclude that the ingestion and production of branched chain fatty acids could affect overall GI motility and is an area for study in dietary and therapeutic control of bowel activity.

Mécanismes moléculaires de la transdifférenciation des cellules musculaires lisses et calcification dans l'athérosclérose / Molecular mechanisms of vascular smooth muscle cell trans-differentiation and calcification in atherosclerosis

Roszkowska, Monika 06 April 2018 (has links)
Chez les patients atteints d'athérosclérose, les calcifications vasculaires sont une caracteristique des plaques d'athérome. Elles résultent de la trans-différenciation des cellules musculaires lisses (CMLs) en cellules de type ostéoblastique et/ou chondrocytaire, notamment en réponse à des cytokines inflammatoires. Les CMLs forment alors des cristaux par l'activité de la phosphatase alcaline non-spécifique du tissu (TNAP). A la lumière de résultats récents, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la TNAP module la trans-différenciation des CMLs. Nos objectifs étaient donc de déterminer l'effet de la TNAP dans la trans-différenciation des CMLs, et d'étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans son induction. Nous avons observé que l'ajout de phosphatase alcaline purifiée ou la surexpression de TNAP stimule l'expression de marqueurs chondrocytaires en culture de CMLs et de cellules souches mésenchymateuses. De plus, l'inhibition de la TNAP bloque la maturation de chondrocytes primaires. Nous avons observé un rôle des cristaux formés par la TNAP, puisque l'ajout de cristaux seuls ou associés à une matrice collagénique a reproduit les effets de la TNAP. Nous suspectons que la TNAP agit en hydrolysant le PPi et en générant des cristaux. Ces cristaux ensuite induisent l'expression du facteur ostéogénique BMP-2 et l'inhibition des effets de la BMP-2 annule les effets de la TNAP. De plus, nous étions intéressés par les la localisation et la fonction de marqueurs de minéralisation comme les annexines en parallèle de la TNAP. Nous avons observé que l'activité TNAP des CMLs induit la minéralisation en grande partie quand la TNAP est associée aux vésicules matricielles et au fibres de collagène / Vascular calcification (VC) is a hallmark of atherosclerosis plaques. Calcification (formation of apatite) of advanced lesions share common features with endochondral ossification of long bones and appears to stabilize plaques. This process is associated with trans-differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) into chondrocyte-like cells. On the other hand, microcalcification of early plaques, which is poorly understood, is thought to be harmful. The two proteins necessary for physiological mineralization are tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) and collagen. Under pathological conditions, TNAP is activated by inflammatory cytokines in VSMCs, whereas collagen is produced constantly. The activation of TNAP appears to induce calcification of these cells. Therefore, the objective of this PhD thesis was to study the role of TNAP and generated apatite crystals in the VSMC trans-differentiation and determine underlying molecular mechanisms. Based on the obtained results, we propose that activation of BMP-2, a strong inducer of ectopic calcification, and formation of apatite crystals generated by TNAP represents a likely mechanism responsible for stimulation of VSMC trans-differentiation. Moreover, we were interested in localization and function of mineralization markers such as TNAP and annexins in mineralization process mediated by trans-differentiated VSMCs and VSMC-derived matrix vesicles (MVs). We observed that, similarly as in the case of typical mineralizing cells, increased TNAP activity in VSMC-derived MVs and association with collagen were important for their ability to mineralize

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