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Träningsbilder på Instagram - En studie om hur exponering av träningsbilder på Instagram påverkar individer utifrån motivation och kroppspåverkanMårtensson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Instagram används idag som en publiceringskanal inom många områden och ett av dem är träningsrelaterat material. Uppsatsen syftar till att utforska hur träningsbilder påverkar individer utifrån motivation och kroppspåverkan, träningsvanor och kön. Undersökningen genomfördes med ett enkätutskick bestående av 10 frågor och utrymme för kvalitativa svar gavs. 155 respondenter besvarade enkäten varav 90 respondenter var kvinnor och 65 respondenter var män. Respondenterna var i åldrarna 15-36.Studiens resultat visar att exponering av träningsbilder på Instagram har en större negativ kroppspåverkan än positiv. Det förekommer en högre negativ kroppspåverkan hos individer som tränar mindre i jämförelse till individer som tränar ofta vid exponering av träningsbilder på Instagram. Glädje och synliga kroppsrelaterade resultat motiverar till träning gällande både män och kvinnor. Utifrån aspekten träningsvanor visar studiens resultat att män som tränar sällan blir mer negativt kroppspåverkade av träningsbilder än kvinnor. Män som tränade ofta ansåg sig mer positivt påverkade av träningsbilderna till skillnad från kvinnorna som visade motsatt resultat. Studien visar att träningsbilder på Instagram inte motiverar individer till att träna men de aspekter som uppskattades av respondenterna var glädje och kroppsliga resultat. Träningsbilder på Instagram kan ha en påverkan på individer och det är framförallt en negativ kroppspåverkan som kan förekomma vid exponering av träningsrelaterat material. Den negativa kroppspåverkan skiljer sig åt mellan individer beroende på träningsvanor och kön. / Instagram is today used as a publication channel in many areas, and one of them is training related materials. The essay aims to explore how these images affect individuals based on motivation and body impact, exercise habits and gender. The survey was conducted by sending a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions and the possibility of qualitative responses were given. 155 respondents answered the questionnaire, of which 90 respondents were women and 65 respondents were male. The respondents were aged 15-36. The result of the study shows that exposure of fitness pictures on Instagram has a greater negative body impact than positive. There is a higher negative body effect in individuals who exercise less in comparison to individuals who exercise often at exposure of fitness pictures on Instagram. Joy and visible body related results motivates to exercise, both men and women. From the aspect of training habits shows the results of the study that men who exercise rarely becomes more negatively affected by body images than women. Men who exercise often feel more positively affected by exercise images unlike the women who showed opposite results.The study shows that exercise images on Instagram do not motivate individuals to train but the appreciated aspects by the respondents was joy and physical performance. Training photos on Instagram can have an impact on individuals and it is above all a negative body impact which may be present from exposure of exercise related materials. The negative body impact differs between individuals depending on training habits and sex.
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Preparation and Characterization of SnS thin films by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis for fabrication of solar cellsSall, Thierno 24 January 2018 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es la síntesis de películas delgadas de SnS utilizando técnicas de bajo coste con el fin de fabricar células solares. Nuestra contribución radica en estudiar nuevos materiales susceptibles de ser utilizados para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas, y que puedan ser preparados con técnicas de bajo coste como la técnica de Pyrolysis de Spray Químico (CSP) y caracterizar algunos materiales elegidos para este fin como el Sulfuro de Estaño (SnS).
Se han fabricado células solares a partir de la disposición de capas:
Mo / SnS / Tampón / i-ZnO / ZnO: Al / Al / Metal.
Las capas de buffer serían: In2S3 o CdS.
En la primera etapa hemos procedido a la optimización de los parámetros de deposición de películas delgadas de SnS usando la técnica de la CSP,
-Variación de la relación [S] / [Sn].
-Variación de la temperatura del substrato.
-Variación de la naturaleza del sustrato utilizando sustrato como vidrio, óxido de estaño de indio (ITO) y vidrio recubierto de molibdeno.
Las fuentes de productos químicos y disolventes utilizados son:
- Cloruro de dihidrato dihidratado para Tin (Sn), Thiourea, Agua destilada como disolvente de la solución, Ethanol (10% de 50mL) con el fin de reducir la tensión superficial del agua que es 72 Nm-1, para permitir la dispersión de la solución depositada sobre el sustrato fácilmente.
En una segunda etapa se han dopado pel¿culas delgadas de SnS con algún elemento en la tabla de Mendeleiev para modificar las propiedades f¿sicas y qu¿micas de las pel¿culas. Los elementos químicos utilizados fueron: Plata, Aluminio y Hierro.
Se han utilizado varias técnicas de caracterización:
- Difracción de rayos X (XRD) para la estructura cristalina de las películas
- Espectroscopía Raman para la calidad de las películas
- Microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) para morfología superficial
- Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica (AFM) para topografía de superficie
- Análisis dispersivo de energía de rayos X (EDAX) adjunto a SEM para la composición de la película
- Espectrofotometría óptica para la transmisión y la determinación del gap
- Método de 4 puntas para medición de resistividad del SnS dopado
-Mott-Schottky para determinar el tipo de semiconductor y la concentración de portadores
Los principales resultados obtenidos en esta tesis pueden resumirse como sigue:
-Las películas delgadas mono-sulfuro (SnS) deben depositarse sobre un sustrato de vidrio con [S] / [Sn] igual a una (1) y la temperatura del sustrato igual a 350 ° C para obtener películas densas, bien cubiertas y homogéneas sin agujeros Y grietas. Distancia entre la boquilla al sustrato 25 cm, volumen pulverizado 5 ml, presión de aire
0,7 bar y velocidad de pulverización de 1,5 ml / min.
- Para películas dopadas por Plata y Aluminio, todas las películas son estructura ortorrómbica con (111) como pico principal. La intensidad del pico principal aumenta cuando el porcentaje de elemento dopante aumenta en la solución inicial sin ninguna fase secundaria para el dopaje con Al y con Ag8SnS6 y Ag para el dopaje Ag.
- El análisis de SEM y AFM demuestra que el elemento dopante Ag no tiene efecto en la morfología y ni en la topografía mientras que el dopaje Al actúa sobre la morfología superficial produciendo una morfología que presenta muchos agujeros para muestras dopadas de 3% a 7%.
- EDAX destaca un aumento de Ag en películas cuando la cantidad de Ag aumenta en la solución con S/ Sn¿0,98 cerca de 1 al 5% de porcentaje de dopado de Ag donde como para el dopaje EDAX destaca la mejora de la estequiometría con un aumento del porcentaje de Al Atómica en películas cuando la concentración de Al aumenta en la solución inicial con S / Sn = 0, 99 al 10%.
- La resistividad de las muestras dopadas con Ag y Al aumenta con la concentración de dopado y se observa un aumento del gap óptico de 1.66eV a 1.70eV para SnS dopado por Ag y SnS dopado por Al, respectivamente. / ß-In2S3 thin films deposited by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis technique at different substrate temperatures (250 °C-300 °C-350 °C) showed well crystallized thin films with (0 0 12) as preferred direction perpendicular to the plane containing the surface of glass substrate. SEM images showed dense, uniform, well-covered layers that adhere well to substrates and no crack and void space were noted for all substrate temperatures. Microanalysis X confirms the presence of In and S elements with good stoichiometry after vacuum annealing for 30 minutes. Raman spectroscopy analysis confirms ß-In2S3 phase with more prominent modes after vacuum annealing. We also noted a reduction in the gap energies after annealing for films prepared at 250 °C and 350 °C substrate temperatures while for those prepared at 300 °C, the energy of the gap remains stable.
Tin mono-sulfide (SnS) thin films must be deposited onto glass substrate with [S]/[Sn] ratio equal to one (1) and substrate temperature equal to 350 °C to obtained dense, well-covered, and homogeneous films without pinholes and cracks. Distance between nozzle to substrate is kept to 25cm, sprayed volume 5mL, air pressure 0.7bar and spray rate 1.5 mL/min.
Films doped with Silver (Ag) and Aluminum (Al) were all orthorhombic structure with (111) as main peak. The intensity of main peak increased when the percentage of dopant element increased in the initial solution without any secondary phase for Al-doping films and with Ag8SnS6 and Ag for Ag-doping ones. SEM and AFM analysis showed that Ag-doping element had no effect in the morphology and the topography while Al-doping affected the surface morphology with "fishing net" like morphology with lots of holes for samples doped from 3% to 7%. EDS highlighted an increase of Ag in films when its amount increased in the solution with S/Sn¿0.98 near to 1 at 5% of Ag-doping percentage where as for Al-doping EDS highlighted improvement of stoichiometry with an increase of Al percentage atomic in films when Al concentration increased in the initial solution with S/Sn¿0.99 at 10%. Electrical and energy band gap measurement showed a decrease of resistivity when Ag and Al percentages increased in the solution to reach relatively low resistivity of 108¿.cm and 170¿.cm at 10% for both, and an increased of energy band gap when the Ag and Al-doping elements increased in the solution with 1.66eV and 1.70eV for SnS doped with Ag and SnS doped with Al, respectively.
Spray pyrolyzed SnS thin films doped with indium were studied using various optical and electrical techniques. Structural analysis shows that all films crystallize in orthorhombic structure with (111) as a preferential direction without secondary phases. Doping of SnS layers with indium results in better morphology with increased grain size. Absorption measurements indicate dominant direct transition with energy decreasing from around 1.7 eV to 1.5 eV with increased indium supply. Apart from direct transition, an indirect one, of energy of around 1.05 eV, independent on indium doping was identified. The photoluminescence study revealed two donors to acceptor transitions between two deep defect levels and one shallower with energy of around 90 meV. The observed transitions did not depend significantly on In concentration. The conductivity measurements reveal thermal activation of conductivity with energy decreasing from around 165 meV to 145 meV with increased In content.
Finally, we were investigated the J-V characteristics of FTO/CdS/SnS,FTO/ZnO/CdS/SnS, FTO/ZnO:Al/CdS/SnS, FTO/ZnO:Al/SnS and FTO/In2S3/SnS solar cells and we found that efficiencies are very low due probably to the recombination at the junction, grain boundaries, etc. / L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és la síntesi de pel·lícules primes de SnS utilitzant tècniques de baix cost
per tal de fabricar cèl·lules solars amb alta eficiència.
La nostra contribució rau en estudiar nous materials susceptibles de ser utilitzats per a aplicacions
fotovoltaiques, i que puguin ser preparats amb tècniques de baix cost com la tècnica de Spray
Piròlisis Químic (CSP) i caracteritzar alguns materials triats per a aquest fi, com ara el Sulfur de
estany (SnS).
S'han fabricat cèl·lules solars a partir de la disposició de capes: Mo/SnS /Tampó/i-ZnO/ZnO: Al/
Metall. Les capes de per al bufer intermèdi has sigut de In2S3 i CdS.
En la primera etapa hem procedit a l'optimització dels paràmetres de deposició de pel·lícules
primes de SnS usant la tècnica CSP.
-Variació de la relació [S] / [Sn]. -Variació de la temperatura Ts del substrat.
-Variació de la naturalesa del substrat utilitzant substrat com: vidre simple, òxid d'estany d'indi
(ITO) i vidre recobert de molibdè.
Les fonts de productes químics i dissolvents utilitzats han sigut; Clorur d'estany per a l'estany
(Sn), thiourea per sofre (S). Aigua destil·lada com a dissolvent de la solució. Ethanol (10% de
50ml) per tal de reduir la tensió superficial de l'aigua que és 72 Nm-1, per a permetre la dispersió
de la solució dipositada fàcilment sobre el substrat.
En una segona etapa s'han dopat pel.lícules primes de SnS amb algun element en la taula de
Mendeleiev per modificar les propietats físiques i químiques de les pel.l¿cules. Els elements
químics utilitzats són: Plata (Ag+), alumini (Al3+), Ferro (Fe2+), Coure (Cu2+) i Antimoni (SB3+) com
a font de nitrat de plata (AgNO3), Clorur d'alumini (AlCl3) (FeCl2·4H2O ), Clorur de Coure (CuCl2 i
Clorur de Antimoni (SbCl3).
S'han utilitzat diverses tècniques de caracterització:
- Difracció de raigs X (XRD) per a l'estructura de les pel·lícules i cristal
- Raman Spectroscopy per a la qualitat de les pel·lícules
- Microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) per morfologia superficial
- Microscòpia de Força Atòmica (AFM) per topografia de superfície
- Anàlisi dispersiu d'energia de raigs X (EDAX) adjunt a SEM per a la composició de la pel·lícula
-Espectrofotometría per a la transmissió i el mesurament de la banda d'energia utilitzant la trama
de Tauc
- Tècnica de punta-sonda per a mesurament de resistivitat amb dopat SnS
-Mott-Schottky per determinar el tipus de semiconductor i la concentració de portadors
Els principals resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi poden resumir així:
-Les pel·lícules primes mico-sulfur (SnS) han de dipositar-sobre un substrat de vidre amb [S]/[Sn]
igual a una (1) i la temperatura del substrat igual a 350 °C per obtenir pel·lícules denses, ben
cobertes i homogènies sense forats I esquerdes. Distància entre el filtre al substrat 25 cm, volum
polvoritzat 5 ml, pressió d'aire 0,7 bar i velocitat de polvorització de 1,5 ml / min.
Per pel·lícules dopades per Plata i alumini, totes les pel·lícules són estructura ortorrómbica amb
(111) com pic principal. La intensitat del pic principal augmenta quan el percentatge d'element
dopant augmenta en la solució inicial sense cap fase secundària per al dopatge amb Al i amb
Ag8SnS6 i Ag per al dopatge Ag.
L'anàlisi de SEM i AFM demostra que l'element dopant Ag no té efecte en la morfologia i la
topografia mentre que el dopatge en actua sobre la morfologia superficial produint una morfologia
que presenta molts forats per a mostres dopades de 3% a 7%. EDAX destaca un augment de Ag
en pel·lícules quan la quantitat d'Ag augmenta en la solució amb S / Sn¿0,98 prop d'1 a 5% de
percentatge de dopatge d'Ag on com per al dopatge EDAX destaca la millora de l'estequiometria
amb un augment del percentatge d'al Atòmica en pel·lícules quan la concentració d'al augmenta
en la solució inicial amb S / Sn = 0,99 al 10%. / Sall, T. (2017). Preparation and Characterization of SnS thin films by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis for fabrication of solar cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/95412
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Numerical analysis for efficiency enhancement of thin film solar cellsBaig, Faisal 01 April 2019 (has links)
[ES] Desde hace una década se esta investigando intensamente la forma de mejorar la eficiencia de conversión de energía (PCE) de las células solares de silicio (Si) y reducir sus precios. Sin embargo, a pesar de las mejoras obtenidas, la fabricación de células solares de Si sigue siendo costosa y puede rebajarse usando materiales en forma de capa fina. Por ello la búsqueda de materiales absorbentes alternativos, no tóxicos, abundantes en la naturaleza y con buenos rendimientos de conversión se ha intensificado en los últimos años. Entre los diferentes materiales absorbentes el sulfuro de estaño (SnS), con una banda prohibida de 1.3 eV cercana a la óptima, es un candidato adecuado para la conversión fotovoltaica. Pero para células experimentales de SnS el rendimiento alcanzado hasta ahora es de 4.6%, que es mucho menos que el PCE para dispositivos de silicio, mientras que entre otras células híbridas (orgánicas-no orgánicas) como la perovskita de metilamonio de plomo y yodo (MAPbI3) se demuestra que es un candidato adecuado con PCE que alcanza un valor del 23%. Aparte de la estabilidad, uno de los problemas para la comercialización de células de MAPbI3 es la naturaleza tóxica del plomo (Pb). Por este motivo, se ha utilizado el análisis numérico para revisar los parámetros de diseño de las células solares de perovskita híbrida sustituyendo el absorbente MAPbI3 por MASnI3 y estudiar el efecto del resto de parámetros de diseño en el rendimiento de estas células solares. Hay varios softwares de simulación disponibles que se utilizan para el análisis numérico de células solares. En este trabajo hemos usamos un software llamado "A Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator" (SCAPS), está disponible de forma gratuita y es muy popular entre la comunidad científica y tecnológica. Para lograr un diseño efectivo para una célula solar eficiente, se propuso una aproximación numérica basada en la mejora de la PCE de una célula solar experimental. Esto se hizo reproduciendo los resultados para la célula solar diseñada experimentalmente en un entorno SCAPS con estructura p-SnS / n-CdS con una eficiencia de conversión del 1,5%. Después de la reproducción de los resultados experimentales, el rendimiento del dispositivo se optimizó ajustando el grosor de la capa absorbente y la capa tampón, la el tiempo de vida de los portadores minoritarios, la concentración del dopado en las capas absorbente, tampón y en la capa de la ventana. Mediante la optimización gradual de los parámetros del dispositivo, se alcanzó un valor de 14.01% en PCE de células solares diseñadas con SCAPS con arquitectura p-SnS / n-CdS / n-ZnO. A partir del análisis, se encontró que la PCE de una célula solar depende en gran medida de la concentración de dopaje de la capa absorbente, el espesor de la capa absorbente y los defectos de la interfaz. Sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos, se realizó un análisis para determinar el efecto de la recombinación de la interfaz en el rendimiento de las células solares y cómo se puede controlar. Para realizar esta tarea, se realizó un análisis para la selección de la capa tampón adecuada para la célula solar de perovskita metilamonio de estaño y yodo (MASnI3) y se encontró que el PCE de la célula solar también depende de la alineación de la banda entre el absorbedor y la capa de tampón. Por otra parte, se ha propuesto una nueva estructura para la célula solar de perovskita libre de Pb (contacto posterior / MASnBr3 / MASnI3 /CdZnS / FTO) con un PCE de 18.71% para un espesor del absorbedor de 500 nm y una concentración de dopado en el aceptor de 1x1016 cm-3. Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis proporcionarán una guía para que los investigadores experimentales puedan construir células solares más eficientes. / [CA] Des de fa una dècada s'està investigant intensament la forma de millorar l'eficiència de conversió d'energia (PCE) de les cèl·lules solars de silici (Si) i reduir els seus preus. No obstant això, tot i les millores obtingudes, la fabricació de cèl·lules solars de Si segueix sent costosa i pot rebaixar-se usant materials en forma de capa fina. Per això la recerca de materials absorbents alternatius, no tòxics, abundants en la naturalesa i amb bons rendiments de conversió s'ha intensificat en els últims anys. Entre els diferents materials absorbents, el sulfur d'estany (SnS), amb una banda prohibida de 1.3 eV propera a l'òptima, és un candidat adequat per a la conversió fotovoltaica. Però per a cèl·lules experimentals de SnS el rendiment assolit fins ara és de 4.6%, que és molt menor que el PCE per a dispositius de silici, mentre que entre altres cèl·lules híbrides (orgàniques-no orgàniques) com la perovskita de metilamonio de plom i iode ( MAPbI3) es demostra que és un candidat adequat amb PCE que arriba a un valor del 23%. A part de l'estabilitat, un dels problemes per a la comercialització de cèl·lules de MAPbI3 és la naturalesa tòxica del plom (Pb). Per aquest motiu, s'ha utilitzat l'anàlisi numèrica per revisar els paràmetres de disseny de les cèl·lules solars de perovskita híbrida substituint l'absorbent MAPbI3 per MASnI3 i estudiar l'efecte de la resta de paràmetres de disseny en el rendiment d'estes cèl·lules solars. Hi ha diversos programaris de simulació disponibles que s'utilitzen per a l'anàlisi numèric de cèl·lules solars. En aquest treball hem fem servir un programari anomenat "A Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator" (SCAPS), està disponible de forma gratuïta i és molt popular entre la comunitat científica i tecnològica. Per aconseguir un disseny efectiu per a una cèl·lula solar eficient, es va proposar una aproximació numèrica basada en la millora de la PCE d'una cèl·lula solar experimental. Això es va fer reproduint els resultats per a la cèl·lula solar dissenyada experimentalment en un entorn SCAPS amb estructura p-SnS / n-CdS amb una eficiència de conversió de l'1,5%. Després de reproduir els resultats experimentals, el rendiment del dispositiu es va optimitzar ajustant el gruix de la capa absorbent y de la capa tampó, el temps de vida dels portadors minoritaris, la concentració del dopatge en les capes absorbent, tampó i en la capa finestra. Mitjançant l'optimització gradual dels paràmetres del dispositiu, es va assolir un valor de 14.01% en PCE de cèl·lules solars dissenyades experimentalment en SCAPS amb arquitectura p-SnS / n-CdS / n-ZnO. A partir de l'anàlisi, es va trobar que la PCE d'una cèl·lula solar depèn en gran mesura de la concentració de dopatge de la capa absorbent, el gruix de la capa absorbent i els defectes de la interfície. D'altra banda, es va realitzar una anàlisi per determinar l'efecte de la recombinació de la interfície en el rendiment de les cèl·lules solars i com es pot controlar. Per realitzar aquesta tasca, es va realitzar una anàlisi per a la selecció de la capa tampó adequada per a la cèl·lula solar de perovskita de metilamoni d'estany i iode (MASnI3) i es va trobar que el PCE de la cèl·lula solar també depèn de l'alineació de la banda entre l'absorbidor i la capa de tampó. / [EN] A decade of extensive research has been conducted to enhance the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of silicon (Si) solar cells and to cut their prices short. But still, the fabrication of Si solar cells are costly. So, to reduce the fabrication cost of the solar cell search for alternate earth abundant and non-toxic absorber materials is thriving. Among different absorber materials tin sulfide (SnS) is found to be a suitable candidate for the non-organic solar cell with a band gap of 1.3 eV. But the PCE achieved for SnS is 4.6% that is far less from the PCE of (Si), whereas among other organic non-organic solar cells like methylammonium lead halide perovskite ({\rm MAPbI}_3) is proven to be a suitable candidate with PCE reaching to a value of 23%. The problem with the commercialization of {\rm MAPbI}_3 is due to the toxic nature of lead (Pb). So, in dealing with these issues of solar cell numerical analysis can play a key role as numerical analysis allows flexibility in the design of realistic problem and experimentation with different hypotheses can easily be performed. Complete set of device characteristic can often be easily generated by consuming less amount of time and effort. Because of this reason numerical analysis was used to revisit solar cells design parameters and the effect of solar cell physical parameters on solar cell performance. There are various simulation software's available that are used for solar cell numerical analysis. Here in this work, we used Solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS) software, it is freely available and is most popular among the research community. To achieve effective design for efficient solar cell a numerical guide was proposed based on which PCE of an experimental designed solar cell can be enhanced. This was done by reproducing results for the experimentally designed solar cell in SCAPS environment with structure p-SnS/n-CdS having a conversion efficiency of 1.5%. After reproduction of experimental results device performance was optimized by varying thickness of (absorber layer, buffer layer), minority carrier lifetime, doping concentration (absorber, buffer), and adding window layer. By stepwise optimization of device parameters, PCE of an experimental designed solar cell in SCAPS with architecture p-SnS/n-CdS/n-ZnO was reached to a value of 14.01%. From the analysis, it was found that PCE of a solar cell is highly depended upon doping concentration of the absorber layer, the thickness of the absorber layer and interface defects. Based on the results evaluated an analysis was performed for tin based organic non-organic methylammonium tin halide perovskite solar cell ({\rm MASnI}_3) to find the effect of interface recombination on solar cell performance and how it can be governed. The reason for this transition from SnS to {\rm MASnI}_3 was because {\rm MASnI}_3 can be fabricated simply by spin-coating methylammonium iodide (MAI) over SnS layer. To perform this task analysis was performed for the selection of suitable buffer layer for Pb free methylammonium tin halide perovskite solar cell ({\rm MASnI}_3) and it was found that PCE of the solar cell is also depended upon band alignment between absorber and buffer layer. Based on the results a new structure was proposed for Pb free perovskite solar cell (Back\ contact/{\rm MASnBr}_3/{\rm MASnI}_3/CdZnS/FTO) with PCE of 18.71% for absorber thickness of 500 nm and acceptor doping concentration of 1x10^{16}\ {\rm cm}^3. The results achieved in this thesis will provide an imperative guideline for researchers to design efficient solar cells. / Baig, F. (2019). Numerical analysis for efficiency enhancement of thin film solar cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118801
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表演藝術團體運用網路社群媒體平台營運之關鍵成功因素探究 / The Key Success Factors in Employing the Media Platforms of Social Networking Websites by Performing Arts Groups劉小雯 Unknown Date (has links)
網路社群媒體平台可能是數位發行的年代中至目前為止最具有威力的媒體平台。整合Facebook、部落格、微網誌、影音社群、SNS(Social Networking Service ),即時通訊等的網路社群媒體平台,可與真實資料的他人免費、不受時空限制的合作、共同參與、分享彼此資源資訊,使得訊息發送、情感聯繫不但更加緊密並快速營造如朋友社群般的關係影響力,再加上無線網路環境和數位化載具的快速進展,智慧型手機IPAD等滿足了大家的多元即時性,網路社群媒體平台串聯出的威力和影響力,已成為傳統媒體之外的另一個發聲利器,其威力甚至有時要比傳統媒體還要強烈,影響還要深遠!
四、表演藝術團體對社群網路媒體平台的媒體特性、功能及操作技巧的了解以及主事者的全力支持是其推展營運最重要成功關鍵。 / In the digital publishing era, the media platforms of social networking websites have probably been the most powerful figure by far.
By integrating the social networking websites of Facebook, blogs, microblogs, video-sharing websites, SNS (Social Networking Service), people can join and share resources and information and get from people their substantial cooperation that is free and unlimited by time and space.The delivery of messages can be speedier, and relation closer; moreover, the effect as that produced within a community of friends can thus be developed.Due to the highly advanced WiFi and digital devices, smartphones and tablet computers meet the need for diversity and instantaneity.The power and influence gained by integrating media platforms of social networking websites has become efficiently instrumental for one to be heard, and its force can reach far greater and deeper than the traditional media!
The research aims at exploring issues concerning what the value media platforms of social networking websites can have on performing arts groups, how to run the groups through those platforms, and the key factors of success, in order to draw the attention from and increase the understanding of the public.
The subjects chosen in this study are performing arts groups that have been active in media platforms of social networking websites in Taiwan. In-depth interview and observation will be used in exploring each case. Foreign performing arts groups will also be observed at the scene and studied; besides, the documentation of secondary materials will be collected, analyzed and discussed.
Topic 1
What is the value of media platforms of social networking websites to performing arts groups?
Conclusion 1
There are two valuable facts:
1.The relation between media platforms of social networking websites and performing arts groups belongs to virtual "Type A" cooperation.
2.Media platforms of social networking websites function as an alternative micro "online stage" of performing arts groups, and that is also the realization of the extension of experience economy.
Topic 2
In what ways can media platforms of social networking websites help operate performing arts groups?
Conclusion 2
There are five ways:
1.Media platforms of social networking websites allow greater independence and control for performing arts groups in promoting their works, as if they own a channel exclusive for themselves, broadcasting non-stop and without cost.
2.Media platforms of social networking websites can help broaden the targeted audience, and make the interaction between them closer.
3.Media platforms of social networking websites can help local performing arts groups increase their visibility overseas and thus the number of foreign fans.
4.The free-of-charge feature and highly accessibility of media platforms of social networking websites allows the non-profit performing arts groups to save much of the cost of hardware, software and training, even the promotion.
5.Media platforms of social networking websites have successfully assisted performing arts groups to sell merchandise and tickets, and to raise funds.
Topic 3
What are the KSF (Key Success Factors) in the employment of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups?
Conclusion 3
The KSF are:
1.The force created by performing arts groups using sensory experience to tell stories can encourage and control the interaction and attachment of the audience.
2.Creativity, theme planning, knowledge imparted, and the sincere and diligent posting of messages that are service-based, audience-centered, still serve essentially to attract the public that may increase in number and be willing to cooperate and share with each other day after day.
3.Stars are invincible! The messages and presence of, and the interaction with the key figures of performing arts groups can make the audience crazy and thus get closer to share.
4.The understanding of the characteristics, functions, operating skills of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups, plus the full support from the person in charge, is the crucial factors of success.
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Persuasive design i praktiken : Hur fyra SNS tillåter, motiverar samt triggar användare att nå målbeteenden / Persuasive design in practice : How four SNS allows, motivates and trigger users to perform target behaviorsFranzén, Johanna, Swenson, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Social networking sites and their functions are in constant change and with every new innovation different user behaviors are encouraged or prevented. Persuasive design is one way of designing a system to encourage a certain behavior. In this study we conducted four surveys of Sweden’s four most popular Social networking sites and how they are used. We followed up with ten interviews to gain understanding of why the users use these sites in a certain way. We identified four different target behaviors on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn with help from the results we gathered from our surveys and our interviews. We then used a behavior model for persuasive design (FBM) to identify the different factors of the model in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn’s design. The three factors of the behavior model are: motivation, ability and triggers. To gain further understanding of how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn motivates, allows and triggers users to perform target behaviors we analyzed our findings using theories from research already done on persuasive design. We found that persuasive design was a powerful tool when it comes to making users perform a certain target behavior. Where the target behavior was not being performed we identified where the design did not correspond with the behavior model. Our goal was to expand on the behavior model by providing it with real world examples. By doing so we hope to help designers gain further understanding about how persuasive design works and how to put it into practice.
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Measuring the impact of information security awareness on social networks through password crackingOkesola, Julius Olatunji 12 1900 (has links)
Since social networks (SNs) have become a global phenomenon in almost every industry, including airlines and banking, their security has been a major concern to most stakeholders. Several security techniques have been invented towards this but information security awareness (hereafter “awareness”) remains the most essential amongst all. This is because users, an important component of awareness, are a big problem on the SNs regardless of the technical security implemented. For SNs to improve on their awareness techniques or even determine the effectiveness of these security techniques, many measurement and evaluation techniques are in place to ascertain that controls are working as intended.
While some of these awareness measurement techniques are inexpensive, effective and efficient to some extent, they are all incident-driven as they are based on the occurrence of (an) incident(s). In addition, these awareness measurement techniques may not present a true reflection of awareness, since many cyber incidents are often not reported. Hence, they are generally adjudged to be post mortem and risk-permissive. These limitations are major and unacceptable in some industries such as insurance, airlines and banking, where the risk tolerance level is at its lowest. This study therefore aims to employ a technical method to develop a non-incident statistics approach of measuring awareness efforts. Rather than evaluating the effectiveness of awareness efforts by the success of attacks or occurrence of an event, password cracking is presented and implemented to proactively measure the impacts of awareness techniques in SNs. The research encompasses the development and implementation of an SN – sOcialistOnline, the literature review of the past related works, indirect observation (available information), survey (as a questionnaire in a quiz template), and statistical analysis. Consequently, measurement of awareness efforts is shifted from detective and corrective paradigms to preventive and anticipatory paradigms, which are the preferred information security approaches going by their proactive nature. / Engineering, Science & Technology / D. Phil (Computer Science)
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Možnosti využití sociálních sítí pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti / Using social networks to increase competitivenessHoloubek, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with online social networking. The goal is aimed at a specific web project to demonstrate and comment on the possibility of using the elements of social networks to increase competitiveness. The text is divided into six chapters. In first is introduced the concept of project, including the objectives and reasons for choosing the theme. The next theoretical chapter describes the history and theory, followed by presentation of successful social sites. There are written the best practices for success in social networking too. The theory is followed by analytical and practical sections -- there is the real web project (hobby site aimed at sharing of user manuals and procedures) described. These chapters are a crucial part of the whole work, there are described all parts of project making, from the analysis of the environment through the required "social" functionality to examples of implementation and discussion of future forms of product promotion. The fifth chapter then presents an assessment of previous sections; achieved outputs are compared (commented) with performance targets and expectations. This part contains also the expected outlook for the future. The conclusion sums up the whole project.
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Motivation on Twitter : A qualitative study examining motivational factors for political participation in #svpol / Motivation on Twitter : A qualitative study examining motivational factors for political participation in #svpolLenstierna, Elisabeth January 2019 (has links)
This work takes off in earlier studies concerning motivational factors to interact in various social media in relation to societal and political discussions. The aim for this study is to garner a deeper understanding about how users on Twitter are motivated to take part in debates beneath the hashtag #svpol. Also, this work contributes with the personal experience of entering the Twittersphere as a new user without the capital of trust or knowledge prerequisite to the participation in the community of #svpol. Through semi-structured interviews six respondents shared their experiences of political dialogue on Twitter. Further, this study presents a new form of gathering data by using Twitter as a channel for textual responses through the function of Direct Messages where 3 respondents answered in text. The results presented confirms earlier theory in some respects regarding motivational factors to engage in political commentary and debate on Twitter. Also, this study presents nuances which can be recognized as pre-dispositioning motivational factors addressed in earlier research. The respondents in this work show differences in their social orientation displaying both relation orientation and antagonistic features in the community of #svpol. Their motivation and gratifications differ, and the result are discussed and concluded in the final chapter. This study does not generalize by the findings presented, rather it describes a small window of the community of #svpol and political commentary on Twitter. Rather than posing any absolute truths or widely held conceptions, this study contributes by giving some depth to the notion of nine Twitter users and their perception of the activity beneath #svpol on the Twitter platform. This work also shines light hardships which a researcher might encounter on the way to a qualitative approach to Twitter users in a general, largely anonymous, network within a national setting.
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Motivations and Engagement: Environmental Communication on SNS in China and SwedenFang, Weiwei January 2012 (has links)
As the name suggests and according to the developers’ intention, Social Networking Sites (SNS) are designed as tools for users to make friends and express themselves. However, the usage of SNS apparently goes beyond these aspects with more plurality and possibilities unforeseen by their conceivers. Much evidence shows that communicating about the environment and nature on social networking sites is a prominent phenomenon. However, few researchers have shed light on the individual use of SNS for environmental communication. Individuals in both China and Sweden generate, seek, disseminate and discuss environmental news and information on SNS. This exploratory study employs qualitative methods to examine this practice and compares the differences and similarities between Chinese and Swedish individuals in terms of environmental communication. Focusing on motivation and engagement, the study explains and describes why and how individuals in these two countries are engaged in environmental communication. The study also examines the social and political implications of this phenomenon by discussing the relationship among new technology, communication and social changes.
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Central Nervous System Regulation of Fat Cell Lipid Mobilization: The Role of the Sympathetic Nervous SystemFoster, Michelle Tranace 12 January 2006 (has links)
Obesity is a growing disorder in the United States, affecting over 60% of the population. We previously defined sympathetic nervous system (SNS) outflow from brain to white adipose tissue (WAT) using a viral transneuronal tract tracer. SNS innervation of WAT is the principle initiator of lipolysis, whereas decreases in sympathetic drive promote lipid accumulation. Which of the many origins of SNS outflow from brain to WAT results in SNS-mediated changes in lipid mobilization (increases in drive) or accumulation (decrease in drive) is unknown. Previous research indicates that sympathetic denervation blocks lipid mobilization; thus, rostral sites in the neuroaxis connected to WAT via the SNS may promote WAT lipid mobilization. The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) may play a role via its descending projections to the intermediolateral horn of the spinal cord. Therefore, the consequences of PVN lesions (PVNx) on WAT mobilization or accumulation were tested. PVNx resulted in increased lipid accumulation, indicated by increases in retroperitoneal (RWAT) , epididymal (EWAT) , and inguinal WAT (IWAT) pad masses, in fed hamsters, but PVNx did not block fasting (56 h)-induced lipid mobilization. Because adrenal medullary catecholamines, especially epinephrine, also play a minor role in lipid mobilization, we tested the contribution of catecholamine release on lipid mobilization through adrenal demedullation (ADMEDx), with and without PVNx, and found fastinginduced lipid mobilization was not blocked. There was, however, a suggestion that distal denervation of IWAT, with and without ADMEDx, partially blocked lipid mobilization. In addition, evidence suggests SNS also may be an important controller of fat cell proliferation. Surgical denervation of WAT triggers increases in fat cell number (FCN), but have not determined if this FCN increase is due to preadipocyte proliferation or differentiation of preadipocytes into mature fat cells. We also have not demonstrated what role sensory innervation may have in regulating white adipocyte proliferation. Therefore, the role of WAT sympathetic or sensory innervation on adipocyte proliferation was tested. The SNS but not sensory denervation triggered bona fide proliferation as indicated by bromodeoxyuridine plus AD3, a specific adipocyte membrane protein, colabeling. These and previous data suggest that the SNS plays a role in regulating adiposity.
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