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Jiný vyzyvatel, jiná reakce? Komparativní analýza ruské reakce na vnější vliv v Kazachstánu a na Ukrajině / Different challenger , different response? Comparative analysis of Russia's reaction to outside influence in Kazakhstan and UkraineVasilieva, Vladyslava January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of Russian foreign policy towards Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The actions of the external players, namely the US (NATO), the EU and China are discussed in order to see how these foreign entities can modify Russia's actions in its backyard. The current state of affairs demands a careful examination of Russian foreign policies. As Russia has demonstrated in Georgia, Ukraine, Syria, it is willing to protect its interests at any cost. Thus, it was decided to analyze whether the foreign involvement in Kazakhstan would provoke Russian aggression. The primary aim is to provide a complex examination of Russian involvement in Kazakhstan and Ukraine along with the increasing influence from external players. This thesis is expected to contribute to the existing research on Russian foreign policy by providing an essential background for future researches as well as by presenting previously incomparable cases. This work presents a significant historical background that provides a reader with the in- depth analysis of Russia's relations with Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Geopolitical, military, economic, social factors are analyzed to present a broader perspective of the regional interconnections. Thus, this work analyzes how Russia has established its dominance in the...
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#fitspiration on Instagram : User’s perception of fitspiration and its impact on subjective well-beingFisk, Rebecca, Waern, Molly January 2022 (has links)
This paper will dive into the topic of fitspiration on SNS and the effects it has on people’s subjective well-being. Fitspiration is a common type of content that is widely spread across multiple platforms, especially on Instagram. This content is often posted by fit people that share content regarding exercising or diets. Previous research has demonstrated that people have an inner desire to compare themselves to others on SNS which might have effects on people’s well-being. Therefore, this paper aims to find out how users perceive fitspiration on SNS as well as the perceived influence it has on their subjective well-being when comparing themselves to others. By using a qualitative approach where focus groups were conducted, empirical data was collected which could provide a deep understanding of the topic. The findings could conclude that fitspiration was perceived as unrealistic and exposing users to body ideals and unachievable perfection. Regarding effects on the user's subjective well-being, fitspiration has both positive and negative outcomes. The positive outcomes were especially associated with inspiration, while the negative effects were predominantly related to body image and self-esteem. The reason why they would be affected negatively or positively, would depend on to whom they would compare, how they were feeling at that specific time or if they would compare their appearance or their performance. Future research could look at different types and features of fitspiration content, how people engage with it and why, to see if it would affect user’s perceived well-being in different ways. Moreover, this paper confirms that fitspiration might promote negative experiences for users, why future studies could investigate how these experiences could be prevented or decreased.
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Social(ly Anxious) Networking: Problematic Social Networking Site Use and Fear of EvaluationHutcheson, Elyse F. 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Social capital in the production gap: social networking services and their transformative role in civic engagementMcQuiston, James M. 24 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Optical coupling effects between plasmon resonances in disordered metal nanostructures and a nanocavityÖqvist, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Ultra-thin solar cells that incorporate earth-abundant and non-toxic materials are promising candidates in the endeavor toward sustainable energy harvesting. Methods to counteract the inevitable low absorption of thinner semiconductor layers are of high interest and have raised considerable attention in the research society. In an attempt to increase the absorption of these types of assemblies, optical coupling effects between the localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) of disordered Au nanostructures and a Fabry-Pérot cavity were studied using a previously established absorber/spacer/reflector stack. The disordered Au array was fabricated by evaporating a thin Au film on a substrate with a 55 nm SiO2 dielectric spacer and a 100 nm Al reflecting film, followed by thermal annealing. Nominal Au film thicknesses in the range of 5-25 Å and annealing temperatures of 200-500 oC were investigated. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements during the subsequent atomic layer deposition (ALD) of tin monosulfide (SnS) allowed analysis of how the optical properties of the SnS/Au absorber layer changed as a function of the growing SnS layer thickness. By employing the Transfer Matrix Method with the estimated optical properties from the in situ analysis, the absorptance of the absorber/spacer/reflector stacks was simulated as a function of the spacer thickness, revealing any signs of the characteristic anti-crossing behavior. It was discovered that a nominal Au film thickness of 25 Å, annealed at 450 oC, and coated with a SnS film of ∼13 nm primed toward the π-phase, resulted in strong optical coupling between the cavity mode and the LSPR. The energy difference at the avoided crossing in the specular reflectance measurement gave an estimated Rabi-splitting energy of 537 meV. This corresponded to about 40% of the original LSPR energy, placing itself within the ultra-strong coupling regime. To evaluate the relevance of the thin-layered structure in photovoltaic applications, more advanced computational methods are required to estimate the useful absorption that occurs in the SnS layer. Nevertheless, these results elucidate the realization of strong optical coupling effects between disordered Au nanostructures and a Fabry-Pérot cavity, and further the possibility of using scalable fabrication methods for this type of ultra-thin absorber/spacer/reflector stack.
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Social networking : a psycho-educational analysis of online adolescent friendshipsDavel, Coriena 11 1900 (has links)
Online adolescent friendships and social networking among adolescents are current phenomena that have emerged, and exploded, as part of the digital age and the vast development of communication technologies. The primary aim of this study was to gain knowledge and understanding regarding the nature and quality of online friendships and social networking among adolescents. A sequential explanatory mixed method design, was put to use for the purpose of this study. The quantitative data was collected first in the form of a short survey, by utilising a self-developed questionnaire to obtain a general overview of the social network practices and the forming and maintaining of online friendships among adolescents. Twenty five participants took part in the survey. This study was followed by a qualitative study in the form of interviews, to clarify, elaborate and explain the quantitative findings. Five information rich participants were interviewed. The findings of the empirical investigation revealed that adolescents, being part of the Net Generation, base their concept of socialising with friends on digital and communication technology, especially cell phones. They are connected to their friends 24 hours a day. The sense of safety and support they experience through this constant connectedness strengthens their self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth and contributes to their identity formation. It is therefore recommended that parents and educators should accept that adolescents live in a virtual world and their new way of socialising, needs to be acknowledged. Parents and educators should adjust accordingly, by getting educated in this field themselves. The Net Generation is a generation who focuses on relationships and collaboration through technology and this should be exploited by anybody who has contact or interacts with the adolescent of today. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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社交網站與組織內人際關係改變之關聯性研究─以Facebook為例 / A study of how social networking sites change interpersonal relationships in business organizations: an example of Facebook許慈雅, Hsu, Tzu Ya Unknown Date (has links)
在這基礎上,本研究進一步發現Facebook「虛實交錯」的人際關係模式展現在兩個層面上。從整體角度來看,當Facebook出現後,在組織內形成另一個人際關係場域,彷彿是辦公室內的「線上茶水間」,組織成員在該場域互動、維繫人際關係的方式與實體茶水間有所不同,有其獨特性,因此我們用「線上茶水間」來描繪Facebook「虛實交錯」下的人際關係場域特性。在線上茶水間,組織成員以大量且多樣化資訊做為連結人際關係基礎,達到不同於實體茶水間的社交功能,如大量且速成的安慰與支持、跨越時空的陪伴感等,也使得線上茶水間的人際關係具有一定特色,例如淺層情感交流等。從個人層次來探討,組織成員的形象在此人際關係場域內也有不同展現方式,當Facebook出現後,它的科技屬性提供組織成員「另一個舞台」,讓個人得以展現出在正式組織場域中難以呈現的某種形象,因此我們用「另一個舞台」來描繪其轉變與特性。然而Facebook終究位於組織體系內,因此組織成員無法扮演一個全新或不真實形象,在舞台上的「演出」難免受到束縛。儘管如此,組織成員仍可透過Facebook調節自己在實體組織場域予人的形象,展現出欲呈現面貌。 / This study discusses the impact and influence of Facebook on interpersonal relationships at the work place. Social networking sites (SNS), Facebook in particular, have grown in popularity in recent years. In addition to personal usage, many use Facebook as a tool to interact with their colleagues in corporate settings. When used in this manner, the mode of interaction is based on computer-mediated communication (CMC), which is distinct from physical interactions or from virtual online interactions.
This study focuses on three aspects of Facebook that influence and shape the relationships among employees in a corporation. Firstly, the members of a business organization know each other, so the process of interaction begins with physical acquaintance. The interaction then migrates online through Facebook, which, in turn, shapes the nature of the physical interaction. In other words, aided by technology, the corporate personnel interact both in "virtual (online)" space and in "physical" space, resulting in a mode of interaction that can be called "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction.
On this basis, this study examines the effects of "virtually and physically interlaced" interaction from two perspectives. First, from the overview perspective, the introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting creates a space for a new form of interaction, an "online break room" of sorts, in which the corporate personnel's interaction is experienced differently than in a physical break room. Employees in "online break rooms" communicate with each other in multiple modes and methods such as videos, music, forwarded articles and so on. Unlike in a physical break room where the conversations are limited in number and also limited by the necessity of shared space and time, the online break room offers unconstrained space where employees can readily exchange their thoughts, opinions, as well as their feelings with others. The experience creates a new social dimension to the "online break room" at hand that employees can be accompanied by colleagues anytime and anywhere and also be able to receive much comfort and support from the coworkers. However, the level of communication remains superficial because employees do not interact in person. Second, from the individual perspective, an employee's experience of interaction with others in an "online break room" is changed. The introduction of Facebook in a corporate setting provides its personnel an alternate platform to express themselves more personally, in ways which may have been difficult to do in a rigid and formal business environment. We use the term "alternative stage" to describe the changes in interactions afforded by the addition of another platform. On the "main stage" of a conventional corporate environment, a person may feel compelled to conform to the corporate culture, and the expression of individuality may be limited, which results in a projected image that tends to be formal. In such an environment, Facebook becomes a stage/place where individuals can express and highlight their own personality or hobbies, giving a more personal and informal image to adjust the physical and conventional formal images.
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社群網站行為與線上社會資本對社群商務之影響- 以社群網站臉書為例 / How Behaviors on Social Network Sites and Online Social Capital Influence Social Commerce: The Case of Facebook吳至倫, Wu, Chih Lun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社群網路不斷快發展而使得上社群網站成為使用者每日生活的一部分,而社群商務也因此蓬勃發展。社群商務是社群網站使用者因社交活動而彼此交換分享產品或服務資訊的行為。根據Forrester Research在2011年的報告,預測至2015年時社群商務的產值將達300億美金。因此社群商務將隨社群網站不斷的發展,將越來越重要。
本研究以社群網站臉書的使用者為研究對象,研究以紙本及線上二種方式來搜集使用者問卷。紙本問卷主要以北部某大學生為主要搜集對象,線上問卷則以在電腦教室的大學生、社群網站臉書的線上使用者及BBS-批踢踢實業坊的使用者同時也是社群網站臉書上的使用者為主。有效問卷970份。經由信度分析、效度分析及共同方法變異分析,確認本研究之信效度,並採用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Square,PLS),來進行結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)研究模型分析。
此外,在經由量化分析研究,本研究獲得全部研究假設分析的結果,接著本研究並採用事後質性分析(Post Hoc Qualitative Analysis),利用半結構式深度訪談,對象包括大學部1-4年級的學生及上班族來做事後質性分析。事後質化分析的結果是將量化分析的所支持的假設加以驗証及探究更深一層的說明,並提供解釋量化分析所不支持假設的可能原因。
本研究理論貢獻在於採用社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽及線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)來預測採用社群商務-給予及接受之意願。較少研究採用社群網站行為及社會資料理論來解釋社群商務。管理意涵在於社群網站的營運者,應思考如何藉由社群網站來增加對使用者的〞黏性〞及提昇使用者瀏覽網站的流量,並依據使用者之前瀏覽的記錄,來推測並提供使用者所喜好的内容。更進一步來說,為增加使用者的參與行為可依照使用者彼此間的互動來分析使用者社群網站上的行為以推薦使用者加入其有興趣的粉絲團及社團,以增加親密朋友及普通朋友之使用者彼此的互動,同時增加線上結合型及橋接型社會資及使用者採用社群商務的意願。此外,本研究建議社群網站經營者應努力發展線上朋友介紹功能,並藉由大數據的資料分析擴大使用者的交友範圍。對於使用者線下的朋友,希望將其成為本身結合型(親密朋友)或橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本。對於使用者線上不認識的朋友,希望能其成為橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本,因為他們可能加入同一粉絲團或社團,以促進社群網站的使用者採用社群商務的意願。 / Following the fast growing of social network sites (SNS) such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook in the cyber world recently, the social commerce has become an important emerging issue in these SNS. According to the Forrester Research (2011) predicted the total value of output for social commerce will reach US$30 billion in 2015. Because the development of social commerce will follow the continueous growing of SNS, the social commerce will play a pivotal role in the e-commerce.
According to the literature review and focus group discussions, the study explored and applied SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding (close friends) and bridging (ordinary friends) to predict SNS users to adopt giving and receiving social commerce intention (SCI).
The study applied an empirical research on SNS users i.e. FB users to be research target samples. The data collection were applied by paper_based and online_based as two way to collect sample data. With regard to sample data from paper_based survey, the study adopted undergraduate students of a university located in northen Taiwan was the research main collection samples for paper_based survey. As to online_based survey, the study utilized undergraduate students, who are the same as paper_ based survey in the same university with computer lab classes, FB users of researchers’ friends and Taiwan largest Bulletin Board System-PTT who are also FB users to collect online users’ data. The total valid samples are 970 from online_based and paper_based survey. After reliability analysis, validity analysis and common method variance testing, the study confirmed that reliability and validity of study samples met the requirement of each statistical testing and were qualified for testing the study whole research model. Then, the study adopted partial least square (PLS) to proceed with structural equation modeling (SEM) research model testing.
As to whole model research testing, in the beginning the study was testing the relationship among SNS behavior, online social capital and SCI. The three constructs are second order constructs. The testing results show the effects of SNS behavior on online social capital and the effects of online social capital on SCI are significantly positive. Hence, the research continues to proceed with the research model testing. The research findings of whole research model testing have shown SNS behavior as a second order construct of participating and browsing, online social capital-bonding and bridging are both significantly positive influence to adopt social commerce intention as a second order construct as SCI (giving and receiving). Hence, the study will continue to explore the relationships between each sub-construct in the research.
Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bonding social capital. Moreover, browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bonding social capital than participating behavior is associated with bonding social capital. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bridging social capital. Browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bridging social capital than participating behavior is associated with bridging social capital.
Participating behavior is significantly positive on adopting SCI (giving). However, browsing behioavr is no significant influence on adopting SCI (giving). Participaiting behavior and browsing behavior both have significantly positive influences on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between participating behavior and browsing behavior on adopting SCI (receiving).
Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (giving). Moreover, bridging social capital is more significantly positive associated with SCI (giving) than bonding social capital is associated with SCI (giving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between bonding and bridging social capital on adopting SCI (receiving).
To Sum up, generally speaking, browsing behavior is better on social capital than participating behavior is on social capital. Participating behavior is more suitable on adopting SCI than browsing behavior is on social capital. Bridging social capital is more appropriate on adopting SCI than bonding social capital is on adopting SCI.
Besides, after quantitative data analysis, the study proceeds with the post hoc qualitative analysis. Utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews with undergraduate students and working persons to continue post hoc qualitative analysis. The aim of post hoc qualitative analysis is to validitate and provide insight for the hypotheses which are supported by quantitative analysis. Moreover, it provides the explainations for the hypotheses which ae not supported by the quantitative analysis.
The theory contributions of the study are applying SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding and bridging to predict SNS users to adopt SCI (giving and receiving). Seldom researches SNS behavior and social capital theory to explain social commerce individually. With regard to managerial implications are for SNS operators to think how to utilize SNS to increase users stickiness and raise users’ browsing quantities - following the users’ accumulated browsing behaivors history to predict and provide the contents which users may have interest. Moreover, regarding the interacting behavior for SNS users of participating behavior is to analyze the behaviors of SNS users and to recommend uers to join the fan pages or clubs that they may be interested in. Doing so is to increase the interactions with close friends and ordinary friends to enhance online bonding and bridging social capital and the users’ intentions to adopt SCI simotenously. In addition, the study recommends SNS operators to adopt friends introducing functions thoroughly and apply big data statistical analysis to enlarge the users’ friends rang to make more SNS friends. For the SNS offline friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ offline friends to become their online bonding or bridging social capital. For the SNS online unknown friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ online unkown friends to become their online bridging social capital because they may join the same fan pages or clubs to enlarge and accelerate SNS users to adopt SCI.
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A educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúdeCapra, Margareth Lucia Paese January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l'Éducation Permanente en Santé dans un contexte de gestion publique, en prenant l'éducation comme une stratégie structurelle de l'action politique de construir des « collectifs organisés » dans des quotidiens de « travail vivant ». L'éducation répond par l'introduction du dispositif pédagogique dans la gestion sectorielle de la santé pour l'invention de méthodes pour travailler avec la santé et de gérer le secteur publique « en défense de la vie », en le compromettant avec l'accueil de la poputation dans les services, avec une pratique de soin d'une qualité élévée et avec une satisfaction effective des usagers. L'Éducation prend part à travers de ses interconnexions avec le Travail (Éducation et Travail) et avec la Santé (Éducation et Santé), mais d'après un assemblage innovateur entre Éducation et Gestion. Dans ce cas, des procédés d'activation de la pensée qui causent le problème et la construction de collectifs organisés de production. L'intersection proporcionée par l'Éducation Permanente en Santé met en rapport formation, gestion, attention et participation sociale. Dans le parcours des propositions, d'enquête et d'interprétation d'une realité dans la recherche, on a choisi l'étude de cas, l'aprésentation d'une théorie basée sur des données complexes (récits, conversations, mémoires et signalisations de formes culturelles capturées dans le média, des documents et des interviews publiés). Cette étude a été orientée par deux grandes questions: l'Éducation Permanente en Santé dans son cadre de formes culturelles et existencielles qui déstabilisent les règles en vigueur et la Gestion Publique comme dispositif de gestion du travail pour activer des micropolitiques et des flux de désir dans le domaine de la santé. Dans cette étude, ont été investigués des procédés gestionnaires d'un sistème municipal de santé qui avaient pour objectif organiser des mobilisations instituées d'une conception de pouvoir publique et d'État qui concernerait ces citoyens et d'une réconfiguration techno assistante orientée par l'intégralité, par le travail en équipe et en défense de la vie. L'intervention d'une politique d'éducation permanente dans la santé, dans cette gestion sectorielle, a semblé être un outil très puissant pour un procès de « gestion dans l'écoute pédagogique », qui a mis ensamble gestionnaires et colectifs de travailleurs comme formulateurs, conducteurs et appréciateurs, collectifs gestion-travail qui se sont exposés à la participation sociale et à la necessité de la construction de « pratiques de rencontres » dans le travail. Une étude de cas a été développé en articulant différentes approches méthodologiques ( triangulation de méthodes), en incluant le composant autobiographique. Pour favoriser la compréhension de la réalité dans le plan micropolitique, la recherche s'est mise à l'écoute des sensibilités et des intensités, en proponant le concept des « lanternes haptiques » (révision théorique faite pour sentir et pas pour interpreter) et des « cercles en réseaux » (discussion avec un groupe de dirigents dans le domaine de la santé qui se sont occupés de la construction d'un modèle d'attention et gestion en santé dans la ville de Caxias do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul, pendant deux mandats municipaux). L'étude a aussi recherché des éléments culturels dans des fragments historiques pour démontrer les scénario de base et de mouvement. Le cas étudié a mis en évidence que ce n'est pas dans l'absence de gestion que le travail se fait, et que également, ce n'est pas la gestion qui contrôle le quotidien ou la singularité de chaque rencontre entre travailleur et usager, que la gestion qui a pour objectif instituir des nouvelles pratiques dans le secteur de la santé doit disputer des nouvelles logiques et estratégies téchno assistentes, en assurant des ressources pour les éxecuter, mais avant tout, en s'engageant dans des procés sur le coup (micropolitique du travail). L'apprentissage, comme un procés immateriel du travail, mais soutenue par la gestion, de même que proportionnée par l'Éducation Permanente en Santé intégre l'activation du travail vivant, des processus d'autoanalise dans le travail et de l'ouverture des espaces relationnelles à l'intérieur de la gestion, ce qui construit l'introduction de l'éducation dans le quotidien des services de santé, necessaire à une politique publique de santé en défense et d'affirmation de la vie. / Esta tese estuda a Educação Permanente em Saúde num contexto de gestão pública, tomando a educação como estratégia estruturante da ação política de construir coletivos organizados em cotidianos de trabalho vivo em saúde. A educação responde pela introdução do dispositivo pedagógico na gestão setorial da saúde para a invenção de modos de trabalhar em saúde e de gerir o setor público em defesa da vida, comprometendo-o com o acolhimento da população nos serviços, com uma prática de cuidado de elevada qualidade e com a efetiva satisfação dos usuários. A educação comparece por suas interconexões com o Trabalho (Educação e Trabalho) e com a Saúde (Educação e Saúde), mas segundo um acoplamento inovador entre Educação e Gestão. Nesse caso, são processos de ativação do pensamento problematizador e a construção de coletivos organizados de produção. A interseção proporcionada pela Educação Permanente em Saúde relaciona formação, gestão, atenção e participação social. No percurso das proposições, da busca e da interpretação de uma realidade em pesquisa, escolheu-se o estudo de caso, a apresentação de uma teoria embasada em dados complexos (narrativas, conversas, memórias e sinalização de formas culturais capturadas em passagens da mídia, de documentos e de entrevistas publicizadas). Duas grandes questões nortearam o estudo: a Educação Permanente em Saúde, em seu engendramento de formas culturais e existenciais que desestabilizem vigências, e a Gestão Pública, como dispositivo de gestão do trabalho para ativar micropolíticas e fluxos de desejo no campo da saúde. Foram investigados processos gestores de um sistema municipal de saúde que objetivaram agenciar movimentos instituintes de uma concepção de poder público e de Estado que dissesse respeito aos seus cidadãos e de uma reconfiguração tecnoassistencial orientada pela integralidade, pelo trabalho em equipe e em defesa da vida. A interveniência de uma política de Educação Permanente em Saúde, nessa gestão setorial, pareceu ser ferramenta potente para um processo de "gestão em escuta pedagógica", que envolveu gestores e coletivos de trabalhadores como formuladores, condutores e avaliadores, coletivos gestão-trabalho que se expuseram à participação social e à necessidade de construção de práticas de encontro no trabalho. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso articulando diferentes abordagens metodológicas (triangulação de métodos), incluindo o componente autobiográfico. Para favorecer a apreensão da realidade no plano micropolítico, a pesquisa lançou-se à escuta das sensibilidades e das intensidades, sugerindo o conceito de lanternas hápticas (revisão teórica feita para sentir, não para interpretar) e de círculos em redes (rodas de conversação com um grupo de dirigentes de saúde que estiveram à frente da construção de um modelo de atenção e gestão em saúde no município de Caxias do Sul/Rio Grande do Sul, durante duas gestões municipais), além de buscar elementos culturais em fragmentos históricos para mostrar os cenários de base e de movimentação. O caso estudado evidenciou que: não é na ausência de gestão que o trabalho se faz; não é a gestão que controla o cotidiano ou a singularidade de cada encontro trabalhador-usuário; à gestão que almeje instituir novas práticas no setor da saúde cabe disputar novas lógicas e estratégias tecnoassistenciais, garantindo recursos para efetivá-las, mas, antes de tudo, apostando em processos em ato (micropolítica do trabalho). A aprendizagem, como processo imaterial do trabalho, mas agenciada pela gestão, tal como proporcionado pela Educação Permanente em Saúde, integra a ativação do trabalho vivo, de processos de autoanálise no trabalho e de abertura de espaços relacionais no interior da gestão, o que constrói a introdução da Educação no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde, necessária a uma política pública de saúde de afirmação e em defesa da vida. / This thesis examines Permanent Education in Health in a public management context, taking education as a structuring strategy of political action for building organized collectives in everyday live work in health. Education accounts for introducing the pedagogical device into the sectorial management of health for the invention of ways of working in health and of managing the public sector in the defense of life, engaging it in welcoming the population at work places, with a practice of high quality care and a real satisfaction among users. Education is present because of its interconnections with Work (Education and Work) and Health (Education and Health), although according to an innovative coupling between Education and Management. In this case, they are activation processes of the problematising thought and the building of organized collectives of production. The intersection provided by Permanent Education in Health integrates formation, management, care, and social participation. Along the course of the propositions, the search, and the interpretation of a reality in research, the case study was chosen, a presentation of a theory based on complex data (narratives, conversations, memories, and the signaling of cultural forms captured from media passages, documents and publicized interviews). Two major issues guided the investigation: the Permanent Education in Health, with its engendering of cultural and existential forms which shall unstabilize what is valid, and the Public Management as a work management device for activating micropolitics and streams of desires in the health field. Management processes of a municipal health system, aimed to handle establishing movements of a conception of public power and of State which would refer to citizens and to a techno-assistencial reconfiguration guided by comprehensiveness, team work and in the defense of life were studied. The intervening of a Permanent Education in Health policy, in this sectorial management, seemed to be a powerful tool for a "pedagogical listening management" process, involving managers and collectives of workers as elaborators, conductors and evaluators, collectives of work-management that exposed themselves to social participation and to the necessity of building "meeting practices" at work. A case study was developed by articulating different methodological approaches (triangulation of methods), including an autobiographical component. For aiding the apprehension of reality in the micropolitical plan, the research used the listening of sensibilities and intensities, suggesting the concept of haptic lanterns (a theoretical revision done for feeling, not for interpreting) and circles in network (circles of conversation with a group of health managers who had been in charge of the construction of a health care and management model in the city of Caxias do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, during two town management periods). The investigation also sought cultural elements in historical fragments to show the base and the movement scenarios. The case study showed that it is not in the absence of management that work is done; it is not the management that controls everyday life or the uniqueness of each meeting between worker and user; any management that wishes to establish new practices in the health sector must contends for new techno-assistencial logic and strategies, providing resources for their accomplishment, but, before all, believing in in-act processes (work micropolitics). Learning, as immaterial work process, though established by management, and as fostered by Permanent Education in Health, integrates the activation of the live work, auto-analysis processes at work, and the opening of relational spaces inside management, building the introduction of Education in the quotidian of the health services, as needed for a public policy of health of affirmation and in the defense of life. / Esta tesis estudia la Educación Permanente en Salud en un contexto de gestión pública y toma la educación como estrategia estructurar de la acción pública, de construir "colectivos organizados" en cotidianos del "trabajo vivo" en salud. La educación responde por la introducción del dispositivo pedagógico en la gestión sectorial de la invención de modos de trabajar la salud y de generar el sector público "en defensa de la vida", comprometiéndose con acoger la población en los servicios, con una práctica de cuidado de elevada calidad y con la efectiva satisfacción de los usuarios. La Educación acude por sus interconexiones con el Trabajo (Educación y Trabajo) y con la Salud (Educación y Salud), pero de acuerdo a un acoplamiento innovador entre Educación y Gestión. En este caso, procesos de activación del pensamiento problematizado y la construcción de colectivos organizados de producción. La intersección proporcional por la Educación Permanente en Salud relaciona formación, gestión, atención y participación social. En el recorrido de las mociones, busca la interpretación de una realidad en la investigación, que eligió el estudio de caso, la presentación de una teoría basada en datos complejos (narrativas, conversaciones, memorias y señalización de formas culturales capturadas en partes en los medios de comunicación y en entrevistas publicitadas). Dos cuestiones grandes orientaron el estudio: la Educación Permanente en Salud en su engendro de formas culturales y existenciales que desestabilizan vigencias y la Gestión Pública como dispositivo de gestión del trabajo para activar micro políticas y flujos de anhelo en el campo de la salud. Fueron investigados procesos gestores de un sistema municipal de salud que objetivaron agenciar movimientos que instituyeron una concepción del poder público y del Estado que tratase al respecto de sus ciudadanos y de una reconfiguración tecno asistencial orientada por la integralidad, por el trabajo en equipo y en defensa de la vida. La intervención de una política de educación en salud, en esta gestión sectorial, al parecer fue una herramienta potente para un proceso de "gestión en el oír pedagógico", que envuelve a gestores y colectivos de trabajadores como formuladores, conductores y evaluadores, es decir, colectivos gestores de trabajo que se expusieron a la participación social y a la necesidad de construcción de "prácticas de encuentro" en el trabajo. Para eso, fue desarrollado un estudio de caso articulado con diferentes abordajes metodológicos (triangulo de métodos), que incluyó el componente autobiográfico. Para favorecer la aprehensión de la realidad en el plano micro político, la investigación se originó al oír las sensibilidades y las intensidades que propuso el concepto de "linternas de toque" (revisión teórica realizada para sentir y no para interpretarla) y de "círculos en red" (ruedas de conversación con un grupo de dirigentes de la salud que estuvieron delante de la construcción de un modelo de atención y gestión en salud en el municipio de Caxias do Sul en Rio Grande del Sur, durante dos gestiones municipales), además de buscar elementos culturales en fragmentos históricos para mostrar los escenarios de base y de movimiento. El caso estudiado aclaró que no es en la ausencia de gestión que el trabajo se hace y, también, que no es la gestión que controla lo cotidiano o lo singular de cada trabajador-usuario, que a la gestión que anhele instituir nuevas prácticas en el sector de la salud atañe disputar nuevas lógicas y estrategias tecno asistenciales, garantizando recursos para hacerlas efectivas, pero primero que nada, que apuestan en los procesos en acción (micro política del trabajo). El aprendizaje como proceso inmaterial del trabajo, pero agenciada por la gestión, así como proporcionado por la Educación Permanente en Salud que integra la activación del trabajo vivo, de procesos de autoanálisis en el trabajo y de apertura de espacios relacionados en el interior de la gestión, lo que construyó la introducción de la Educación en el día a día de los servicios de salud, necesaria a una política pública de salud en defensa y de afirmación a la vida.
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A educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúdeCapra, Margareth Lucia Paese January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l'Éducation Permanente en Santé dans un contexte de gestion publique, en prenant l'éducation comme une stratégie structurelle de l'action politique de construir des « collectifs organisés » dans des quotidiens de « travail vivant ». L'éducation répond par l'introduction du dispositif pédagogique dans la gestion sectorielle de la santé pour l'invention de méthodes pour travailler avec la santé et de gérer le secteur publique « en défense de la vie », en le compromettant avec l'accueil de la poputation dans les services, avec une pratique de soin d'une qualité élévée et avec une satisfaction effective des usagers. L'Éducation prend part à travers de ses interconnexions avec le Travail (Éducation et Travail) et avec la Santé (Éducation et Santé), mais d'après un assemblage innovateur entre Éducation et Gestion. Dans ce cas, des procédés d'activation de la pensée qui causent le problème et la construction de collectifs organisés de production. L'intersection proporcionée par l'Éducation Permanente en Santé met en rapport formation, gestion, attention et participation sociale. Dans le parcours des propositions, d'enquête et d'interprétation d'une realité dans la recherche, on a choisi l'étude de cas, l'aprésentation d'une théorie basée sur des données complexes (récits, conversations, mémoires et signalisations de formes culturelles capturées dans le média, des documents et des interviews publiés). Cette étude a été orientée par deux grandes questions: l'Éducation Permanente en Santé dans son cadre de formes culturelles et existencielles qui déstabilisent les règles en vigueur et la Gestion Publique comme dispositif de gestion du travail pour activer des micropolitiques et des flux de désir dans le domaine de la santé. Dans cette étude, ont été investigués des procédés gestionnaires d'un sistème municipal de santé qui avaient pour objectif organiser des mobilisations instituées d'une conception de pouvoir publique et d'État qui concernerait ces citoyens et d'une réconfiguration techno assistante orientée par l'intégralité, par le travail en équipe et en défense de la vie. L'intervention d'une politique d'éducation permanente dans la santé, dans cette gestion sectorielle, a semblé être un outil très puissant pour un procès de « gestion dans l'écoute pédagogique », qui a mis ensamble gestionnaires et colectifs de travailleurs comme formulateurs, conducteurs et appréciateurs, collectifs gestion-travail qui se sont exposés à la participation sociale et à la necessité de la construction de « pratiques de rencontres » dans le travail. Une étude de cas a été développé en articulant différentes approches méthodologiques ( triangulation de méthodes), en incluant le composant autobiographique. Pour favoriser la compréhension de la réalité dans le plan micropolitique, la recherche s'est mise à l'écoute des sensibilités et des intensités, en proponant le concept des « lanternes haptiques » (révision théorique faite pour sentir et pas pour interpreter) et des « cercles en réseaux » (discussion avec un groupe de dirigents dans le domaine de la santé qui se sont occupés de la construction d'un modèle d'attention et gestion en santé dans la ville de Caxias do Sul – Rio Grande do Sul, pendant deux mandats municipaux). L'étude a aussi recherché des éléments culturels dans des fragments historiques pour démontrer les scénario de base et de mouvement. Le cas étudié a mis en évidence que ce n'est pas dans l'absence de gestion que le travail se fait, et que également, ce n'est pas la gestion qui contrôle le quotidien ou la singularité de chaque rencontre entre travailleur et usager, que la gestion qui a pour objectif instituir des nouvelles pratiques dans le secteur de la santé doit disputer des nouvelles logiques et estratégies téchno assistentes, en assurant des ressources pour les éxecuter, mais avant tout, en s'engageant dans des procés sur le coup (micropolitique du travail). L'apprentissage, comme un procés immateriel du travail, mais soutenue par la gestion, de même que proportionnée par l'Éducation Permanente en Santé intégre l'activation du travail vivant, des processus d'autoanalise dans le travail et de l'ouverture des espaces relationnelles à l'intérieur de la gestion, ce qui construit l'introduction de l'éducation dans le quotidien des services de santé, necessaire à une politique publique de santé en défense et d'affirmation de la vie. / Esta tese estuda a Educação Permanente em Saúde num contexto de gestão pública, tomando a educação como estratégia estruturante da ação política de construir coletivos organizados em cotidianos de trabalho vivo em saúde. A educação responde pela introdução do dispositivo pedagógico na gestão setorial da saúde para a invenção de modos de trabalhar em saúde e de gerir o setor público em defesa da vida, comprometendo-o com o acolhimento da população nos serviços, com uma prática de cuidado de elevada qualidade e com a efetiva satisfação dos usuários. A educação comparece por suas interconexões com o Trabalho (Educação e Trabalho) e com a Saúde (Educação e Saúde), mas segundo um acoplamento inovador entre Educação e Gestão. Nesse caso, são processos de ativação do pensamento problematizador e a construção de coletivos organizados de produção. A interseção proporcionada pela Educação Permanente em Saúde relaciona formação, gestão, atenção e participação social. No percurso das proposições, da busca e da interpretação de uma realidade em pesquisa, escolheu-se o estudo de caso, a apresentação de uma teoria embasada em dados complexos (narrativas, conversas, memórias e sinalização de formas culturais capturadas em passagens da mídia, de documentos e de entrevistas publicizadas). Duas grandes questões nortearam o estudo: a Educação Permanente em Saúde, em seu engendramento de formas culturais e existenciais que desestabilizem vigências, e a Gestão Pública, como dispositivo de gestão do trabalho para ativar micropolíticas e fluxos de desejo no campo da saúde. Foram investigados processos gestores de um sistema municipal de saúde que objetivaram agenciar movimentos instituintes de uma concepção de poder público e de Estado que dissesse respeito aos seus cidadãos e de uma reconfiguração tecnoassistencial orientada pela integralidade, pelo trabalho em equipe e em defesa da vida. A interveniência de uma política de Educação Permanente em Saúde, nessa gestão setorial, pareceu ser ferramenta potente para um processo de "gestão em escuta pedagógica", que envolveu gestores e coletivos de trabalhadores como formuladores, condutores e avaliadores, coletivos gestão-trabalho que se expuseram à participação social e à necessidade de construção de práticas de encontro no trabalho. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso articulando diferentes abordagens metodológicas (triangulação de métodos), incluindo o componente autobiográfico. Para favorecer a apreensão da realidade no plano micropolítico, a pesquisa lançou-se à escuta das sensibilidades e das intensidades, sugerindo o conceito de lanternas hápticas (revisão teórica feita para sentir, não para interpretar) e de círculos em redes (rodas de conversação com um grupo de dirigentes de saúde que estiveram à frente da construção de um modelo de atenção e gestão em saúde no município de Caxias do Sul/Rio Grande do Sul, durante duas gestões municipais), além de buscar elementos culturais em fragmentos históricos para mostrar os cenários de base e de movimentação. O caso estudado evidenciou que: não é na ausência de gestão que o trabalho se faz; não é a gestão que controla o cotidiano ou a singularidade de cada encontro trabalhador-usuário; à gestão que almeje instituir novas práticas no setor da saúde cabe disputar novas lógicas e estratégias tecnoassistenciais, garantindo recursos para efetivá-las, mas, antes de tudo, apostando em processos em ato (micropolítica do trabalho). A aprendizagem, como processo imaterial do trabalho, mas agenciada pela gestão, tal como proporcionado pela Educação Permanente em Saúde, integra a ativação do trabalho vivo, de processos de autoanálise no trabalho e de abertura de espaços relacionais no interior da gestão, o que constrói a introdução da Educação no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde, necessária a uma política pública de saúde de afirmação e em defesa da vida. / This thesis examines Permanent Education in Health in a public management context, taking education as a structuring strategy of political action for building organized collectives in everyday live work in health. Education accounts for introducing the pedagogical device into the sectorial management of health for the invention of ways of working in health and of managing the public sector in the defense of life, engaging it in welcoming the population at work places, with a practice of high quality care and a real satisfaction among users. Education is present because of its interconnections with Work (Education and Work) and Health (Education and Health), although according to an innovative coupling between Education and Management. In this case, they are activation processes of the problematising thought and the building of organized collectives of production. The intersection provided by Permanent Education in Health integrates formation, management, care, and social participation. Along the course of the propositions, the search, and the interpretation of a reality in research, the case study was chosen, a presentation of a theory based on complex data (narratives, conversations, memories, and the signaling of cultural forms captured from media passages, documents and publicized interviews). Two major issues guided the investigation: the Permanent Education in Health, with its engendering of cultural and existential forms which shall unstabilize what is valid, and the Public Management as a work management device for activating micropolitics and streams of desires in the health field. Management processes of a municipal health system, aimed to handle establishing movements of a conception of public power and of State which would refer to citizens and to a techno-assistencial reconfiguration guided by comprehensiveness, team work and in the defense of life were studied. The intervening of a Permanent Education in Health policy, in this sectorial management, seemed to be a powerful tool for a "pedagogical listening management" process, involving managers and collectives of workers as elaborators, conductors and evaluators, collectives of work-management that exposed themselves to social participation and to the necessity of building "meeting practices" at work. A case study was developed by articulating different methodological approaches (triangulation of methods), including an autobiographical component. For aiding the apprehension of reality in the micropolitical plan, the research used the listening of sensibilities and intensities, suggesting the concept of haptic lanterns (a theoretical revision done for feeling, not for interpreting) and circles in network (circles of conversation with a group of health managers who had been in charge of the construction of a health care and management model in the city of Caxias do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, during two town management periods). The investigation also sought cultural elements in historical fragments to show the base and the movement scenarios. The case study showed that it is not in the absence of management that work is done; it is not the management that controls everyday life or the uniqueness of each meeting between worker and user; any management that wishes to establish new practices in the health sector must contends for new techno-assistencial logic and strategies, providing resources for their accomplishment, but, before all, believing in in-act processes (work micropolitics). Learning, as immaterial work process, though established by management, and as fostered by Permanent Education in Health, integrates the activation of the live work, auto-analysis processes at work, and the opening of relational spaces inside management, building the introduction of Education in the quotidian of the health services, as needed for a public policy of health of affirmation and in the defense of life. / Esta tesis estudia la Educación Permanente en Salud en un contexto de gestión pública y toma la educación como estrategia estructurar de la acción pública, de construir "colectivos organizados" en cotidianos del "trabajo vivo" en salud. La educación responde por la introducción del dispositivo pedagógico en la gestión sectorial de la invención de modos de trabajar la salud y de generar el sector público "en defensa de la vida", comprometiéndose con acoger la población en los servicios, con una práctica de cuidado de elevada calidad y con la efectiva satisfacción de los usuarios. La Educación acude por sus interconexiones con el Trabajo (Educación y Trabajo) y con la Salud (Educación y Salud), pero de acuerdo a un acoplamiento innovador entre Educación y Gestión. En este caso, procesos de activación del pensamiento problematizado y la construcción de colectivos organizados de producción. La intersección proporcional por la Educación Permanente en Salud relaciona formación, gestión, atención y participación social. En el recorrido de las mociones, busca la interpretación de una realidad en la investigación, que eligió el estudio de caso, la presentación de una teoría basada en datos complejos (narrativas, conversaciones, memorias y señalización de formas culturales capturadas en partes en los medios de comunicación y en entrevistas publicitadas). Dos cuestiones grandes orientaron el estudio: la Educación Permanente en Salud en su engendro de formas culturales y existenciales que desestabilizan vigencias y la Gestión Pública como dispositivo de gestión del trabajo para activar micro políticas y flujos de anhelo en el campo de la salud. Fueron investigados procesos gestores de un sistema municipal de salud que objetivaron agenciar movimientos que instituyeron una concepción del poder público y del Estado que tratase al respecto de sus ciudadanos y de una reconfiguración tecno asistencial orientada por la integralidad, por el trabajo en equipo y en defensa de la vida. La intervención de una política de educación en salud, en esta gestión sectorial, al parecer fue una herramienta potente para un proceso de "gestión en el oír pedagógico", que envuelve a gestores y colectivos de trabajadores como formuladores, conductores y evaluadores, es decir, colectivos gestores de trabajo que se expusieron a la participación social y a la necesidad de construcción de "prácticas de encuentro" en el trabajo. Para eso, fue desarrollado un estudio de caso articulado con diferentes abordajes metodológicos (triangulo de métodos), que incluyó el componente autobiográfico. Para favorecer la aprehensión de la realidad en el plano micro político, la investigación se originó al oír las sensibilidades y las intensidades que propuso el concepto de "linternas de toque" (revisión teórica realizada para sentir y no para interpretarla) y de "círculos en red" (ruedas de conversación con un grupo de dirigentes de la salud que estuvieron delante de la construcción de un modelo de atención y gestión en salud en el municipio de Caxias do Sul en Rio Grande del Sur, durante dos gestiones municipales), además de buscar elementos culturales en fragmentos históricos para mostrar los escenarios de base y de movimiento. El caso estudiado aclaró que no es en la ausencia de gestión que el trabajo se hace y, también, que no es la gestión que controla lo cotidiano o lo singular de cada trabajador-usuario, que a la gestión que anhele instituir nuevas prácticas en el sector de la salud atañe disputar nuevas lógicas y estrategias tecno asistenciales, garantizando recursos para hacerlas efectivas, pero primero que nada, que apuestan en los procesos en acción (micro política del trabajo). El aprendizaje como proceso inmaterial del trabajo, pero agenciada por la gestión, así como proporcionado por la Educación Permanente en Salud que integra la activación del trabajo vivo, de procesos de autoanálisis en el trabajo y de apertura de espacios relacionados en el interior de la gestión, lo que construyó la introducción de la Educación en el día a día de los servicios de salud, necesaria a una política pública de salud en defensa y de afirmación a la vida.
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