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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposition d’une méthode de spécification d’une architecture orientée services dirigée par le métier dans le cadre d’une collaboration inter-organisationnelle / Proposition of a service oriented architecture methodology driven by business to support inter-organizational collaboration

Lemrabet, Youness 07 June 2012 (has links)
Les organisations contemporaines collaborent de plus en plus avec leurs partenaires. Cette dimension ouverte leur permet d’être plus réactives face aux changements que leur imposent leurs environnements. La caractéristique de la collaboration est due, pour les entreprises, au nouvel environnement économique, qui fait de l'interopérabilité et l'agilité deux des principaux résultats que les entreprises doivent atteindre. Ce contexte correspond au cadre global de nos travaux, qui porte sur la question suivante : Comment concevoir une architecture orientée services dirigée par le métier dans le cadre d’une collaboration inter-organisationnelle ?L’intérêt de ce travail est de proposer une méthode qui assure l’efficacité et l’efficience d’une collaboration, en utilisant les principes de BPM et SOA pour dépasser les barrières conceptuelle et technologique de l’interopérabilité. On explique comment identifier, spécifier et réaliser les processus et les services de collaboration entre différents participants. Pour cela, on adopte une vision transversale de l’entreprise centrée sur les processus métiers. Ensuite, l’approche MDA est utilisée comme un fil conducteur pour synchroniser les modèles des processus métiers découverts à l’aide de l’approche BPM avec ceux des services identifiés avec la démarche SOA. Dans ce schéma, les processus métiers assurent l’interopérabilité au niveau métier tandis que l’utilisation des services réutilisables, des standards et des architectures préconisés par SOA soutiennent l’interopérabilité au niveau IT.Cette méthode se base sur un style de modélisation hiérarchique avec des diagrammes de haut niveau qui sont ensuite enrichis à des niveaux plus bas / Global acceleration of exchanges in goods and services requires organizations to adopt an open view beyond their own boundaries at both business and technological levels. In the new economic environment enterprises must achieve both interoperability and agility. In this thesis the main research question is the following: How to design a service oriented architecture methodology driven by business to support inter-organizational collaboration?To overcome the conceptual and technological barriers of interoperability. We propose a top-down model driven method based on BPM and SOA principles to ensure collaboration efficiency and effectiveness. The proposed method explains how to identify, specify and implement collaborative processes and collaborative public services. In the proposed method business processes ensure interoperability at the business level, while reusable services, standards and SOA platform support interoperability at the IT level

A Reference Architecture for Service Lifecycle Management – Construction and Application to Designing and Analyzing IT Support

Fischbach, Michael 19 September 2014 (has links)
Service-orientation and the underlying concept of service-oriented architectures are a means to successfully address the need for flexibility and interoperability of software applications, which in turn leads to improved IT support of business processes. With a growing level of diffusion, sophistication and maturity, the number of services and interdependencies is gradually rising. This increasingly requires companies to implement a systematic management of services along their entire lifecycle. Service lifecycle management (SLM), i.e., the management of services from the initiating idea to their disposal, is becoming a crucial success factor. Not surprisingly, the academic and practice communities increasingly postulate comprehensive IT support for SLM to counteract the inherent complexity. The topic is still in its infancy, with no comprehensive models available that help evaluating and designing IT support in SLM. This thesis presents a reference architecture for SLM and applies it to the evaluation and designing of SLM IT support in companies. The artifact, which largely resulted from consortium research efforts, draws from an extensive analysis of existing SLM applications, case studies, focus group discussions, bilateral interviews and existing literature. Formal procedure models and a configuration terminology allow adapting and applying the reference architecture to a company’s individual setting. Corresponding usage examples prove its applicability and demonstrate the arising benefits within various SLM IT support design and evaluation tasks. A statistical analysis of the knowledge embodied within the reference data leads to novel, highly significant findings. For example, contemporary standard applications do not yet emphasize the lifecycle concept but rather tend to focus on small parts of the lifecycle, especially on service operation. This forces user companies either into a best-of-breed or a custom-development strategy if they are to implement integrated IT support for their SLM activities. SLM software vendors and internal software development units need to undergo a paradigm shift in order to better reflect the numerous interdependencies and increasing intertwining within services’ lifecycles. The SLM architecture is a first step towards achieving this goal.:Content Overview List of Figures....................................................................................... xi List of Tables ...................................................................................... xiv List of Abbreviations.......................................................................xviii 1 Introduction .................................................................................... 1 2 Foundations ................................................................................... 13 3 Architecture Structure and Strategy Layer .............................. 57 4 Process Layer ................................................................................ 75 5 Information Systems Layer ....................................................... 103 6 Architecture Application and Extension ................................. 137 7 Results, Evaluation and Outlook .............................................. 195 Appendix ..........................................................................................203 References .......................................................................................... 463 Curriculum Vitae.............................................................................. 498 Bibliographic Data............................................................................ 499

Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services

Kallbach, Maria 31 August 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit bestand darin eine Testumgebung zur Orchestrierung von Geo Web Services aufzubauen. Dabei diente die Diplomarbeit "Orchestrierung von Web Services" von Jäger/Weidenhagen als Grundlage. Um ein Verständnis für dieses Gebiet zu bekommen, werden zu Beginn die Grundlagen betrachtet. Rechtliche Aspekte zum Thema Orchestrierung werden angegeben, um die Wichtigkeit des Themas zu unterstreichen. Eingängige Standards wie SOAP und WSDL werden in ihren Kernpunkten erläutert. Insbesondere bei SOAP wird näher darauf eingegangen. Neben den OWS besteht auch die Möglichkeit Geo-Datenbanken in Diensteketten einfließen zu lassen. Dafür werden exemplarisch Dienste aufgesetzt, die dies ermöglichen. Weiterhin werden die Benutzerschnittstellen von Web Services (und auch Diensteketten) untersucht. Die Option eines Clients mittels Scriptsprachen wird beschrieben. Dabei erwies sich PHP am geeignetsten. Auf diese Weise kann für jede Dienstekette eine dynamische Webseite gestaltet werden, die eine graphische Schnittstelle für den Nutzer bietet.

Automatic sensor discovery and management to implement effective mechanism for data fusion and data aggregation / Découverte et gestion autonomique des capteurs pour une mise en oeuvre de mécanismes efficaces de fusion et d’agrégation de données

Nachabe Ismail, Lina 06 October 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, des descriptions basées sur de simples schémas XML sont utilisées pour décrire un capteur/actuateur et les données qu’il mesure et fournit. Ces schémas sont généralement formalisés en utilisant le langage SensorML (Sensor Model Language), ne permettant qu’une description hiérarchique basique des attributs des objets sans aucune notion de liens sémantiques, de concepts et de relations entre concepts. Nous pensons au contraire que des descriptions sémantiques des capteurs/actuateurs sont nécessaires au design et à la mise en œuvre de mécanismes efficaces d’inférence, de fusion et de composition de données. Cette ontologie sémantique permettra de masquer l’hétérogénéité des données collectées et facilitera leur fusion et leur composition au sein d’un environnement de gestion de capteur similaire à celui d’une architecture ouverte orientée services. La première partie des travaux de cette thèse porte donc sur la conception et la validation d’une ontologie sémantique légère, extensible et générique de description des données fournies par un capteur/actuateur. Cette description ontologique de données brutes devra être conçue : • d’une manière extensible et légère afin d’être applicable à des équipements embarqués hétérogènes, • comme sous élément d’une ontologie de plus haut niveau (upper level ontology) utilisée pour modéliser les capteurs et actuateurs (en tant qu’équipements et non plus de données fournies), ainsi que les informations mesurées (information veut dire ici donnée de plus haut niveau issue du traitement et de la fusion des données brutes). La seconde partie des travaux de cette thèse portera sur la spécification et la qualification : • d’une architecture générique orientée service (SOA) permettant la découverte et la gestion d’un capteur/actuateur, et des données qu’il fournit (incluant leurs agrégation et fusion en s’appuyant sur les mécanismes de composition de services de l’architecture SOA), à l’identique d’un service composite de plus haut niveau, • d’un mécanisme amélioré de collecte de données à grande échelle, au dessus de cette ontologie descriptive. L’objectif des travaux de la thèse est de fournir des facilitateurs permettant une mise en œuvre de mécanismes efficaces de collecte, de fusion et d’agrégation de données, et par extension de prise de décisions. L’ontologie de haut niveau proposée sera quant à elle pourvue de tous les attributs permettant une représentation, une gestion et une composition des ‘capteurs, actuateurs et objets’ basées sur des architectures orientées services (Service Oriented Architecture ou SOA). Cette ontologie devrait aussi permettre la prise en compte de l’information transporter (sémantique) dans les mécanismes de routage (i.e. routage basé information). Les aspects liés à l’optimisation et à la modélisation constitueront aussi une des composantes fortes de cette thèse. Les problématiques à résoudre pourraient être notamment : • La proposition du langage de description le mieux adapté (compromis entre richesse, complexité et flexibilité), • La définition de la structure optimum de l’architecture de découverte et de gestion d’un capteur/actuateur, • L’identification d’une solution optimum au problème de la collecte à grande échelle des données de capteurs/actuateurs / The constant evolution of technology in terms of inexpensive and embedded wireless interfaces and powerful chipsets has leads to the massive usage and development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This potentially affects all aspects of our lives ranging from home automation (e.g. Smart Buildings), passing through e-Health applications, environmental observations and broadcasting, food sustainability, energy management and Smart Grids, military services to many other applications. WSNs are formed of an increasing number of sensor/actuator/relay/sink devices, generally self-organized in clusters and domain dedicated, that are provided by an increasing number of manufacturers, which leads to interoperability problems (e.g., heterogeneous interfaces and/or grounding, heterogeneous descriptions, profiles, models …). Moreover, these networks are generally implemented as vertical solutions not able to interoperate with each other. The data provided by these WSNs are also very heterogeneous because they are coming from sensing nodes with various abilities (e.g., different sensing ranges, formats, coding schemes …). To tackle this heterogeneity and interoperability problems, these WSNs’ nodes, as well as the data sensed and/or transmitted, need to be consistently and formally represented and managed through suitable abstraction techniques and generic information models. Therefore, an explicit semantic to every terminology should be assigned and an open data model dedicated for WSNs should be introduced. SensorML, proposed by OGC in 2010, has been considered an essential step toward data modeling specification in WSNs. Nevertheless, it is based on XML schema only permitting basic hierarchical description of the data, hence neglecting any semantic representation. Furthermore, most of the researches that have used semantic techniques for developing their data models are only focused on modeling merely sensors and actuators (this is e.g. the case of SSN-XG). Other researches dealt with data provided by WSNs, but without modelling the data type, quality and states (like e.g. OntoSensor). That is why the main aim of this thesis is to specify and formalize an open data model for WSNs in order to mask the aforementioned heterogeneity and interoperability between different systems and applications. This model will also facilitate the data fusion and aggregation through an open management architecture like environment as, for example, a service oriented one. This thesis can thus be split into two main objectives: 1)To formalize a semantic open data model for generically describing a WSN, sensors/actuators and their corresponding data. This model should be light enough to respect the low power and thus low energy limitation of such network, generic for enabling the description of the wide variety of WSNs, and extensible in a way that it can be modified and adapted based on the application. 2)To propose an upper service model and standardized enablers for enhancing sensor/actuator discovery, data fusion, data aggregation and WSN control and management. These service layer enablers will be used for improving the data collection in a large scale network and will facilitate the implementation of more efficient routing protocols, as well as decision making mechanisms in WSNs

Modernisering av mjukvaruarkitektur för äldre mjukvarusystem / Modernization of software architecture for legacy software systems

Saffo, Farah, Saeed, Basma January 2021 (has links)
Flera företag använder sig än idag av mjukvarusystem som är uppbyggda med äldre mjukvaruarkitektur som den monolitiska. Ett av dessa företag är Consid vars personalsystem är uppbyggt med det utdaterade ramverket klassisk ASP och där användargränssnitt samt logik kan direkt kommunicera med varandra. Detta medför begränsningar som uppstår till följd av brister i modularitet på grund av valet av mjukvaruarkitektur, vilket försvårar vidareutveckling och ändringar i ett system. Dessa begränsningar påverkar i sin tur parametrar som prestanda, skalbarhet, säkerhet, robusthet samt integrering med modernare tekniker.  I denna rapport presenteras en litteraturstudie samt en semistrukturerad intervjustudie, i syfte att undersöka vilka mjukvaruarkitekturer som är lämpliga att implementera vid en modernisering av en monolitisk mjukvaruarkitektur. Arbetet diskuterade också vilka utmaningar som kan uppstå vid en sådan modernisering och hur de hanteras på ett effektivt sätt. Ett bedömningsschema med önskvärda parametrar, med avseende på skalbarhet, prestanda, säkerhet och robusthet, togs fram för att underlätta avgörandet vid val av mjukvaruarkitektur. Utifrån detta, beslutades det att en prototyp med en REST-baserad arkitektur skulle implementeras och utvärderas.  Resultatet av prototypen, till följd av re-architecting, visade en ökad modularisering av mjukvaruarkitekturen. I jämförelse mot med det tidigare systemet har den nya prototypen ingen större påverkan på prestanda i form av responstid. Däremot bidrog prototypen till förbättrad skalbarhet när det gäller vidareutvecklingen av systemet, eftersom det förenklar införandet av ny funktionalitet. Prototypen hade också högre säkerhet genom att isolera lager ifrån varandra samt dölja underliggande detaljer i implementationen. Dessutom blev prototypen inte bara mer robust till följd av modulariseringen, men även enklare att utföra integrationstester samt destruktiva tester mot. / Several companies still use software systems that are built with older software architecture such as the monolithic one. One of these companies is Consid, whose personnel system is built with the outdated framework Classic ASP and where the user interface and logic can directly communicate with each other. This entails limitations that arise because of shortcomings in modularity due to the choice of software architecture, which complicates further development and changes in a system. These limitations in turn, affect parameters such as performance, scalability, security, robustness, and integration with modern technologies. In this work, a literature study was conducted as well as a semi-structured interview study in order to investigate which software architectures are suitable to implement when a modernization of a monolithic software architecture, is carried out. The work also discussed the challenges that may arise in a modernization of the software architecture and how they are handled efficiently. An assessment scheme with desirable parameters regarding scalability, performance, security, and robustness, was developed to facilitate the decision in the choice of software architecture. Based on this, it was decided that a prototype with a REST-based architecture would be implemented and evaluated. The result of the prototype, following re-architecting, showed an increased modularization of the software architecture. Compared to the previous system, the new prototype has no major impact on performance in terms of response time. However, the prototype contributed to better scalability in the further development of the system as it simplifies the introduction of new functionality. The prototype also had higher security by isolating layers from each other and hiding the underlying details in the implementation. In addition, the prototype not only became more robust because of the modularization, but also easier to perform destructive tests against.

La représentation de la confiance dans l'activité collective Application à la coordination de l'activité de chantier de construction

Guerriero, Annie 09 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les spécificités du secteur de la construction engendrent un contexte de travail coopératif que nous pouvons qualifier d'incertain par nature. L'activité de chantier se caractérise par un mode de production in situ. Dès lors, nombreux sont les dysfonctionnements qui peuvent apparaître. Nous citerons, par exemple, les problèmes liés à la nature du sol, aux intempéries ou encore ceux qui sont propres aux interactions entre les intervenants (ex. fourniture en matériaux, interfaces entre les corps de métier...). Aussi, la coordination repose sur un mélange subtil entre interactions implicites et explicites, où l'organisation prend de multiples configurations (hiérarchique, adhocratique ou transversale), et où la qualité du processus collectif repose sur l'autonomie et le sens des responsabilités de chacun des intervenants. Nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'un tel contexte est largement fondé sur la notion de confiance, car celle-ci a la capacité de réduire la perception du risque et de permettre l'action dans un environnement marqué par de nombreuses incertitudes. En conséquence, nous suggérons un rapprochement entre les outils d'assistance à la coordination et la notion de confiance, et nous proposons une nouvelle approche du pilotage de l'activité collective à partir de la représentation de la confiance. Ce travail de doctorat se structure autour de la notion de «confiance dans le bon déroulement de l'activité». Nous suggérons que celle-ci est dépendante de chacune des dimensions de l'activité collective : sa progression, les acteurs chargés de son exécution, les ouvrages en résultant (et leur difficulté de mise en œuvre), ainsi que les documents nécessaires à sa réalisation. Aussi, notre méthode consiste d'abord en l'identification des divers critères de confiance, consolidés par une étude de terrain. Puis, nous établissons un modèle mathématique destiné à évaluer cette confiance à partir des informations issues d'un contexte de coopération. Sur base de ces éléments, s'en suit la proposition d'un prototype dénommé Bat'iTrust, reposant sur une architecture logicielle multi-vues et orientée services. Pour l'utilisateur, la navigation au sein de ce prototype est guidée par un tableau de bord centré sur le concept de confiance. Enfin, la validation de cette proposition repose sur des enquêtes et une phase d'expérimentation qui nous ont permis de confronter nos résultats à des sujets expérimentaux représentatifs du domaine.

Using Web Services for Transparent Access to Distributed Databases

Schneider, Jan, Cárdenas, Héctor, Talamantes, José Alfonso January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis consists of a strategy to integrate distributed systems with the aid of web services. The focus of this research involves three subjects, web services and distributed database systems and its application on a real-life project.</p><p>For defining the context in this thesis, we present the research methodology that provides the path where the investigation will be performed and the general concepts of the running environment and architecture of web services.</p><p>The mayor contribution for this thesis is a solution for the Chamber Trade in Sweden and VNemart in Vietnam obtaining the requirement specification according to the SPIDER project needs and our software design specification using distributed databases and web services.</p><p>As results, we present the software implementation and the way or software meets and the requirements previously defined. For future web services developments, this document provides guidance for best practices in this subject.</p>

SMALLSOA – Um Motor para Execução de Composições de Serviços em Ambientes Móveis

Zanuz, Luciano 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T14:01:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Arquiteturas orientadas a serviços (SOA) voltaram a ganhar destaque, após o surgimento dos web services, como uma tecnologia capaz de melhorar consideravelmente a interoperabilidade entre aplicações de software. Para apoiar a crescente necessidade de colaboração entre pessoas fisicamente separadas, como em sistemas de trabalho ou ensino à distância, ambientes colaborativos estão sendo construídos utilizando a Internet como plataforma. Com a popularização dos dispositivos móveis, softwares que permitem interações entre quaisquer dispositivos, móveis ou não, utilizando tecnologias variadas de comunicação rumo a um mundo ubíquo, vêm ganhando destaque. SOA, por sua vez, está sendo considerada uma das plataformas mais indicadas para sistemas colaborativos ubíquos. Este trabalho apresenta SmallSOA, um motor para execução de composições de serviços em ambientes móveis, um dos componentes centrais da arquitetura orientada a serviços chamada U-SOA que o grupo de pesquisa de Engenharia de Software e Linguagens de Pr / Services-oriented architectures (SOA) restarted to gain prominence after the emergence of web services as a technology able to improve the interoperability between software applications. To support the growing need for collaboration between people physically separated as in distance work or learning systems, collaborative environments are being constructed using the Internet as platform. With the popularization of mobile devices, software that allows interactions between any devices, mobile or not, using different communication technologies towards a ubiquitous world are gaining prominence. SOA, in its turn, is considered one of the most suitable platforms for ubiquitous collaborative systems. This work presents SmallSOA, an engine for services compositions execution on mobile environments, one of the central components of the service oriented architecture called U-SOA that the research team on Software Engineering and Programming Languages at Unisinos is developing. An engine for services compositions exec

Stakeholder involvement in SOA : analyzing service identification as co-design

Hadizadeh, Nafiseh January 2012 (has links)
The need for adapting rapidly to IT and business changes, reducing costs, delivering improved functionality of services and better integration push organizations towards service oriented architecture (SOA) adaption. Delivering SOA requires building systems at the business level, not just at the IT level. Delivery of services needs concentration on the business needs first. As people are the most important factors in defining business requirements, processes and making business decisions, their active involvement in SOA adoption is essential. SOA adoption is evolutionary rather than revolutionary; it is not possible to be accomplished without cooperation of stakeholders who have effect on the system. Many organizations fail to deliver SOA since they underestimate the role of key business people in SOA development. In order to evolve SOA successfully from business perspective, stakeholder involvement should be conducted from early phases of SOA when important decisions are made and business processes are defined. Service identification is one of the important and main activities in SOA development. This study therefore focuses on service identification of SOA from a business view and regard to stakeholders. Text analysis and interviews are the method components used in this research. Some aspects covering the importance of service identification in SOA development, role of stakeholders in service identification and role of scenarios in stakeholder involvement have been identified through text analysis. And three interviews with experts within the area have verified the identified aspects. The result shows that co-design is an appropriate strategy for conducting service identification regard to stakeholders in an effective way. Different ideas can be visualized, explored and examined through this perspective and a realistic appropriate solution can be found. The challenges of co-design in addressing SOA benefits are also studied through theoretical and empirical parts of the study, and the result is summarized in a table which shows the strengths and weaknesses of co-design strategy in service identification process in addressing SOA goals. The results are categorized to two forms of service identification, consultant driven service identification and internal staff driven service identification. The result of the study can be a contribution in determining the employment of co-design in service identification considering different situations. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik

Integra??o do Business Process Management (BPM) com Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): A percep??o de profissionais de TI sobre os conceitos e a utiliza??o no mercado. / Business Process Management (BPM) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) integration: The percption of information tecnology professionals about the concepts and use on the market.

Rodrigues, Paulo Emilio Paes 28 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007 - Paulo Emilio Paes Rodrigues.pdf: 964927 bytes, checksum: 4dcab29f0554e8b1c28fafd3d0bd7342 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-28 / This work intends to analyze if the information technology is a tool that supports the management of process on business, by analyzing itself integration through the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), enabling the Business Process Management (BPM). For a field research was done a survey Questionnaire addressing the BPM and SOA concepts and the integration between them. The survey was responded exclusively by IT professionals and was looking to explain the follow questions: The IT professionals know and/or uses the Business Process Management and the Service Oriented Architecture? They know the integration relation between the two concepts? This is an available solution nowadays for integrating the business process with the information technology? Until where the enterprises and their professionals are ready to use then? The main results show that by the IT professionals perception, the concept is very consolidated between the professionals accordingly with their experience time on the market. Also was cleared that they still don t have enough conceptual maturity for the plenty use of the tools and the software s still not support in a completely way the solutions neither for SOA nor for BPM. / Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar se a Tecnologia da informa??o ? uma ferramenta que ap?ia a gest?o por processos de neg?cio, atrav?s da an?lise da integra??o desta com a arquitetura orientada a servi?os (SOA), possibilitando a gest?o por processos de neg?cios (BPM). Para a pesquisa de campo foi feito um question?rio do tipo survey abordando os conceitos de BPM, SOA e da integra??o entre eles. O question?rio foi respondido exclusivamente por profissionais de TI e procurava explicar as seguintes perguntas: Os profissionais de TI conhecem e/ou utilizam o Business Process Management e o Service Oriented Architecture? Eles conhecem a rela??o de integra??o entre os conceitos? Esta ? uma solu??o vi?vel atualmente para integra??o de processos de neg?cios com a Tecnologia da informa??o? At? que ponto as empresas e seus profissionais est?o prontos para utiliz?-las? Os principais resultados mostram que segundo a percep??o dos profissionais de TI, o conceito est? bem sedimentado entre os profissionais de acordo com o tempo de experi?ncia deles no mercado. Tamb?m ficou claro que ainda n?o se possui maturidade conceitual suficiente para o pleno uso das ferramentas e os softwares ainda n?o ap?iam de forma integral as solu??es para SOA e nem para BPM.

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