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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive mechanisms underlying the determining of relevance : the causal role of body states / Pertinence des signaux sociaux pour l'observateur : Rôle de la posture et mécanismes sous-jacents

Chadwick, Michèle 17 September 2015 (has links)
La quantité d’informations à laquelle nous sommes chaque jour confrontésconditionne notre survie à la capacité de détecter rapidement ce qui est le pluspertinent dans notre environnement. Nos cerveaux ont ainsi évolué afin dedéclencher, en réponse aux stimuli pertinents, des changements d’état affectif quinous informent alors de l’existence et de la nature de ces stimuli. Or, tandis que lesétats émotionnels, induits par des états corporels, impactent notre perception desstimuli émotionnels, l’influence de ces états corporels sur l’évaluation de lapertinence de stimuli externes est méconnue. Nous avons ici examiné le rôle queces états du corps, transitoires et socialement signifiants, jouent dans l'évaluation dela pertinence des expressions faciales de menace. Lors de nos testscomportementaux, où variaient le degré de pertinence des stimuli et le focusattentionnel, nous avons modulé l'état corporel des participants à l’aide de posturesdominantes ou non dominantes réalisées avant les tâches. Nous avons alorsdémontré que ces postures influencent l'évaluation de la pertinence des expressionsde menace, en accord avec le statut social qu’elles incarnent. De plus, ceci n’a étérévélé que lorsque le traitement de ces stimuli était implicite, soulignant alors lasaillance de ces derniers. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent que les états corporelsinfluencent non seulement l'évaluation de la pertinence, mais la déterminent, car desstimuli par ailleurs pertinents ne sont plus évalués comme tels selon la postureadoptée. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’état du corps interagit avec nos états affectifspour signaler à l’observateur quels indices sociaux sont pertinents. / Given the quantity of information with which we are constantly confronted, our survival depends on the ability to rapidly detect and attend to what is most relevant. To this end, our brains have evolved to trigger changes in our affective state in response to relevant objects and events, which inform us of their existence and of their nature. While body-induced affective states impact the perception of congruent emotional stimuli, it is still unknown whether body-induced affective states influence the manner in which the relevance of external stimuli is determined and therefore perceived. Here, we examined the role that socially meaningful transient body states play in the evaluation of relevance of facial displays of threat. In a series of behavioral experiments, we modulated participants’ body state, instructing them to hold dominant or non-dominant postures prior to behavioral tests, in which we varied the degree of relevance of the stimuli and the focus of attention. We first demonstrated that these body postures, in accordance with the social status they embody, influenced the evaluation of the relevance of threatening facial displays. Moreover, this impact occurred where facial displays were processed implicitly, highlighting the saliency of these social cues. Overall, our studies demonstrate, that body states, not only influence the evaluation of relevance, but determine it, as otherwise relevant social cues, were no longer evaluated as such. These findings suggest that body states interact with affective states to signal which social cues are relevant to the observer.

Influence des indices sociaux non-verbaux sur les jugements métacognitifs rétrospectifs : études comportementales, électromyographiques et interculturelles / Influence of non-verbal social cues on retrospective metacognitive judgments : behavioral, electromyographic and cross-cultural studies

Jacquot, Amélie 04 December 2017 (has links)
La grande majorité de nos actions et décisions s’élaborent en présence d’autres individus. De nombreux travaux en psychologie sociale attestent de l’existence d’influences sociales sur les comportements observables par autrui. Nos travaux ont pour objectif de déterminer dans quelles mesures des informations sociales influencent également les processus internes de monitoring métacognitif qui accompagnent les actions cognitives et les prises de décisions. Les indices sociaux non-verbaux (tels que des directions de regards et les expressions faciales) constituent une part importante de la communication humaine. Nos études ont ainsi testé si i) les indices sociaux non-verbaux sont intégrés aux processus de monitoring métacognitif rétrospectif (i.e. à l’élaboration de jugement de confiance); ii) des mécanismes de filtrage permettent de moduler l’impact de ces indices sur les jugements de confiance, en fonction de la pertinence des indices iii) la culture des participants (collectiviste versus individualiste) module l’impact de ces indices sur les jugements de confiance. Nos travaux explorent ces questions à travers quatre ensemble d’études comportementales, dont deux explorant également l’électromyographie faciale des participants, et deux explorant les différences interculturelles (en comparant des participants japonais et français). Dans leur ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que des indices sociaux non-verbaux qui confortent les choix des individus augmentent automatiquement le sentiment de confiance des individus en leur choix, alors même que ces indices ne sont pas fiables. Le traitement de ces indices sociaux particuliers, dans le contexte d’élaboration d’un jugement de confiance, semble reposer sur une voie de type heuristique. Les effets sont très similaires chez les participants Japonais et Français, bien que partiellement plus marqués chez les participants Japonais (i.e. dans les cultures collectivistes). Les réactions électromyographiques faciales suscitées par des expressions faciales signifiantes dans le contexte de réalisation de la tâche cognitive refléteraient différents mécanismes en fonction des valeurs culturelles des individus. Nous discutons des implications de nos résultats dans les domaines cliniques et de l’apprentissage. / Actions and decisions most often take place in the presence of others. Previous social psychology studies have shown the effects of social information on external and observable behaviors. In this work, we aim to determine to what extent social information also influences the internal metacognitive monitoring processes underlying cognitive actions and decision-making. Non-verbal social cues (such as gaze direction and facial expressions) constitute an important part of human communication. Here, we have tested (i) whether non-verbal social cues are integrated into the processes of retrospective metacognitive monitoring (i.e. into the assessment of confidence-based judgment); (ii) whether filtering mechanisms are used to modulate the impact of these cues on confidence-based judgment, depending on cue relevance; and (iii) whether participants’ culture (collectivist versus individualist) modulates the impact of these cues on confidence-based judgment. Our work explores these issues through four sets of behavioral studies, two of which also exploring facial expressions using electromyography, and two of which exploring intercultural differences (comparing Japanese and French participants). Overall, we observed that non-verbal social cues that reinforce individuals' choices automatically increase their confidence in those choices, even when the cues are unreliable. The processing of these particular social cues (in the context of the assessment of confidence-based judgment) follow a heuristic pathway. The effects are similar among Japanese and French participants, although somewhat more marked among Japanese participants (i.e. the collectivist culture). The electromyographic recordings of significant facial expressions during the cognitive task likely reflect different mechanisms depending on individuals’ cultural values. We discuss our findings in the context of their clinical and learning applications.

Embodied Avatars in Cinematic Virtual Reality : Effects on Presence, Social Presence, and Spatial Referencing.

Berg, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
The increasing availability of modern head-mounted displays have spurred interest in social virtual reality (VR) applications, but their immersion-inducing features limit the use of important nonverbal social cues in multiuser contexts. Embodied avatars have proven useful in increasing the social affordances of real-time rendered VR applications but remain underexplored in cinematic virtual reality (CVR). In the present study, three different conditions were evaluated in co-located CVR where participants watched 360° videos together in pairs; one condition had no visual representation of the co-watcher, one condition had a translucent cone representing the co-watcher’s viewing direction, and one condition had both the cone and a set of hands representing the co-watcher. Social presence was measured through the Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory and a semantic differential scale, presence was measured through the iGroup Presence Questionnaire, and participants’ use of implicit and explicit spatial references (i.e., “there” versus “next to the blue house”) was analyzed. The results indicate that simple embodied avatars can increase presence and social presence in CVR, and lead to more face-to-face-like verbal behavior. / Intresset för sociala VR-applikationer har stigit i takt med spridningen av moderna VR-glasögon, men applikationer för två eller fler användare är svåra att realisera i och med att glasögonen blockerar viktiga ickeverbala sociala signaler. I realtidsrenderad VR har de sociala interaktionsmöjligheterna kunnat förbättras genom så kallade embodied avatars men deras effekt har hittills inte undersökts i cinematisk VR (CVR). I den här studien utforskades tre betingelser av embodied avatars i ett CVR-experiment där deltagarpar tittade på 360° filmer tillsammans i ett rum. En betingelse saknade avatar, i en betingelse representerades ens partners blickfång av en halvgenomskinlig kona, och i en betingelse representerades ens partner av både konan samt ett par virtuella händer. Social presence mättes genom the Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory och en semantic differential scale, presence mättes genom the iGroup Presence Questionnaire, och deltagarnas användning av implicita (”där”) och explicita (”bredvid det blå huset”) spatiala uttalanden analyserades. Resultaten visar att enkla embodied avatars kan öka både presence och social presence i CVR, samt leda till verbal kommunikation som liknar den vi använder i när vi interagerar ansikte mot ansikte.

Funktion eller inspiration? : en studie om butiksmiljöns betydelse vid utilitaristisk konsumtion / Function or inspiration? : a study of the store environment’s significance in utilitarian consumption

Nygren, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Detaljhandeln är en marknad som är under ständig utveckling och möts av nya utmaningar. Den hårda konkurrensen driver de verksamma till att arbeta med butiken och dess miljö som en konkurrensfördel. Det satsas och investeras årligen i stora ombyggnationer av butiker där detaljister planerar, bygger, förändrar och kontrollerar organisationens fysiska miljö utan att i många fall fullt förstå hur det påverkar ”användare” av miljön. Baserat på vad som skapar värde för konsumenter vid köptillfället kommer de ställa olika krav på butiksmiljön och således påverka hur de upplever det totala shoppingvärdet. Det blir därför viktigt att definiera konsumentens värdedimension för att också förstå butiksmiljöns betydelse och påverkan.Den hedonistiska värdedimensionen som syftar till emotionella värden så som underhållande och trevlig shopping har fått större utrymme inom detaljhandeln. Detaljisternas ökade strävan av en hedonistisk butiksmiljö som fokuserar på inspiration och upplevelse i butik har medfört att det utilitaristiska värdet fått mindre utrymme, en inriktning mer fokuserad på en behovsstyrd och funktionell konsumtion. Lite forskning har gjorts kring den utilitaristiska värdedimensionen samtidigt som många människor lever utifrån en alltmer hektisk livsstil vilket tycks innebära ett ökat behov av bekvämlighet och effektivitet i de sammanhang där de kan erhålla eftersökta varor.Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera betydelsen av butiksmiljön och dess faktorer för konsumenter vid utilitaristisk konsumtion. Studien ämnar också besvara hur detaljister genom butiksmiljön kan skapa värde för konsumenter vid utilitaristisk konsumtion. Då det krävs ens djupare förståelse för den utilitaristiska värdedimensionen och hur den påverkar konsumenternas uppfattning om vad som skapar värde för dem i butiksmiljö har studiens empir samlats in genom fokusgrupper. För att skapa förståelse för mönster och beteenden samt för att förebygga en spretig datainsamling har fokus riktats mot en typ av produkt. Då underkläder betraktas som en utilitaristisk produkt och som oftast exponeras i en hedonistisk miljö föreföll det vara en lämplig och intressant produkt att använda som undersökningsfall. Då underklädesavdelningen för kvinnor har större variation av produkter och modeller än den manliga avdelning, samtidigt som de oftast har större utrymme i butik styrdes urvalet mot underkläder för kvinnor. Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med kvinnor i åldrarna 23-59 år.Studiens resultat visar att butiksmiljön blev mindre viktig för konsumenter vid utilitaristisk konsumtion. Konsumenter lägger större fokus på att uppnå sitt köpmål och hitta efterfrågad produkt än upplevelsen i butik. Butikens förmåga att tillhandahålla och erbjuda rätt utbud av produkter var av störst betydelse för konsumenter vid utilitaristisk konsumtion. Det var också av stor betydelse att faktorerna i butiksmiljön underlättar och effektiviserar köpprocessen genom en tydlig layout och varuvisning, tillgänglig personal samt genom en lugn och behaglig miljö. Vid utilitaristisk konsumtion kan detaljister således skapa värde för konsumenter genom att främst erbjuda rätt produkter men också genom att skapa en tydlig layout, struktur, ha tillräcklig bemanning samt sträva efter en butiksmiljö som satsar på funktion framför inspiration. / The retail industry is a market experiencing constant change and new challenges. Tough competition pushes companies to work on their store environment in order to attain competitive advantage. Retailers annually make significant investments to plan, build, change, and control the organizations’ physical environment, and in many cases, without understanding how it truly affects the actual “users” of the environment. Based on the consumers’ preferences and value at the time of purchase they will generally have different requirements of the store environment and how they experience and evaluate it. As a result, it becomes important to define the consumers value dimension in order to understand the importance and effect that the physical environment has on the consumer.Whereas the hedonic store environment has gained more recognition, where inspiration and experience is in focus, few studies have been done on the utilitarian value which focuses on the needs-driven and functional consumption. At the same time people tend to have an increasingly busy lifestyle where an increased need of convenience and efficiency where they make their purchase is sought after. This study aims to increase understanding of the importance of the store environment and its factors in utilitarian consumption. The study intends to examine how retailers, through their store environment, can create value for consumers with a utilitarian value dimension.To be able to answer the research questions it requires a deeper understanding of the utilitarian value dimension and how it affects consumers’ view of what creates value for them in the store environment; the study is therefore conducted through focus groups. To understand consumers’ patterns and behaviors and to prevent a too wide data collection the study focuses on only one product. As underwear is considered a utilitarian product that people use on an everyday basis and mostly is exposed in a hedonistic environment; it appeared to be an appropriate and interesting product to use. In general, the women’s lingerie department will show a wider assortment of products than the respective department for men; as a result, the sample of the study was tilted towards underwear for women. Four focus groups were conducted with women in an age range of 23-59.The result of the study revealed that the store environment became less important to consumers with a utilitarian value dimension. Consumers put more focus in achieving their goal of a purchase and finding the requested product than what they experience in store. A store’s ability to provide and offer the right range of products was of the greatest importance for consumers when it comes to utilitarian consumption. It was also of great importance that the store environment provided possibilities for the consumers to make the purchase process efficient by providing a clear layout, simple exposure of the products, service and creating a calm and comfortable environment. In utilitarian consumption retailers can create value for consumers by offering the right products, creating a clear layout and structure, have sufficient staffing and aim for store environments that focus on function rather than inspiration.This thesis is hereinafter written in Swedish.

Sensibilidade a dicas sociais humanas e comportamentos emergentes em cães domésticos (Canis familiaris) / Sensitivity to human social cues and emergent behaviors in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)

Zaine, Isabela 10 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6771.pdf: 2633293 bytes, checksum: 5e96d8a978a1500ee7076ecfbaf044d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-10 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Animal experimentation with several species contributes to knowledge and understanding of different learning principles and aspects of human behavior. The domestic dog has been appointed as interesting to the comparative study with humans because of the long history of sharing the same physical and social environment. Among the lines of research pursued with dogs, two are of greater importance for the studies presented in this Thesis: sensitivity to human social cues and investigation of potentially symbolic behavior. Article 1 aimed to investigate the role of ontogenetic learning in the sensitivity to social cues of puppies in two experiments. The main results showed that exposure to human social environment had a significant impact on the performance of subjects, as well as the different degrees of salience of the social cues. Article 2 provides a number of experimental techniques used in studies with dogs, monkeys and bees in attempts to establish visual arbitrary conditional relations between stimuli. These techniques were insufficient to produce such a repertoire in dogs and bees and were partially effective with capuchin monkeys. For dogs, there was a prominent interference of preference for positions or stimuli during the procedure. Article 3 presents an experiment of responding by exclusion in a context of simple discrimination with adult dogs. The results showed evidence of exclusion responding for almost all subjects. Finally, Article 4 aimed to replicate the exclusion results presented in Article 3, adding some experimental controls, and evaluate emergent learning as a result of exclusion trials. The data pointed that, again, the dogs showed exclusion responding, however, learning of new functions of stimuli only occurred after a few repetitions of exclusion trials. Combined, these results add data to the literature of behavioral repertoire with dogs and basic learning processes regarding both sensitivity to social cues and symbolic behavior. / O estudo com animais de diversas especies contribui para o conhecimento e compreensao de diferentes principios de aprendizagem e aspectos do comportamento humanos. O cao domestico tem sido apontado como interessante ao estudo comparativo com o homem devido a longa historia de compartilhamento do mesmo ambiente fisico e social entre ambos. Dentre as linhas de pesquisa desenvolvidas com caes, duas sao de grande importancia para o desenvolvimento dos trabalhos apresentados nessa Tese: sensibilidade a dicas sociais humanas e investigacoes sobre comportamento potencialmente simbolico. O Artigo 1 artigo teve o objetivo de investigar o papel da aprendizagem ontogenetica na sensibilidade a dicas sociais em filhotes de caes em dois experimentos. Como principais resultados, encontrou-se que a exposicao ao ambiente social humano teve importante impacto sobre o desempenho dos sujeitos, bem como os diferentes graus de saliencia das dicas usadas. O Artigo 2 apresenta uma serie de recursos experimentais usados em estudos com caes, abelhas e macacos-prego em tentativas de estabelecimento de relacoes condicionais arbitrarias visuais entre estimulos. Tais recursos foram insuficientes para produzir o repertorio desejado em caes e abelhas e foram parcialmente efetivos com macacos-prego. No caso dos caes, observou-se grande interferencia de preferencia por posicoes ou estimulos durante o procedimento. O Artigo 3 apresenta um experimento de responder por exclusao em um contexto de discriminacoes simples com caes adultos. Os resultados apontaram para evidencias de responder por exclusao para praticamente todos os sujeitos. Finalmente, o Artigo 4 teve o objetivo de replicar os dados de exclusao obtidos no Artigo 3 acrescentando alguns controles experimentais e avaliacao de aprendizagem emergente decorrente das tentativas de exclusao. Os dados apontaram que, novamente, os caes apresentaram responder por exclusao, no entanto, a aprendizagem das funcoes de novos estimulos so ocorreu apos algumas repeticoes de tentativas de exclusao. Em conjunto, os resultados acrescentam dados a literatura da area de estudos de repertorios comportamentais com caes e investigacao de processos basicos de aprendizagem tanto no que se refere a sensibilidade a dicas sociais, quanto comportamentos simbolicos.

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