Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial climension"" "subject:"cocial 3dimension""
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Landsbygden, folkhälsan och den fysiska planeringen : En fallstudie om hur mindre svenska landsbygdskommuner integrerar folkhälsa i fysisk planeringBergius, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
Det är en svensk ambition att folkhälsan ges större utrymme i samhällsplaneringen. Dock finns i dagsläget inga lagstadgade krav eller tydliga riktlinjer kring hur folkhälsoaspekter ska integreras i fysisk planering. En stor del av ansvaret för att uppfylla denna ambition hamnar på de svenska kommunerna och det är i dessa som de svåra avvägningarna mellan olika intressen måste göras. Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns med att integrera folkhälsoaspekter i planering och utformning av den kommunala fysiska miljön. Denna studie är utformad som en fallstudie där en svensk kommun har studerats med hjälp av intervjuer och dokumentanalyser. Resultaten från denna studie visar att konflikter med miljömässiga och ekonomiska värden är ett hinder när folkhälsoaspekter ska integreras i kommunal samhällsplanering. En rådande oenighet kring hur folkhälsobegreppet definieras och används, samt bristande kunskap om begreppet är ytterligare hinder som belyses i studien. Att folkhälsoinsatser sällan ger mätbara resultat är en ännu en faktor som hindrar integreringen av folkhälsoaspekter i fysisk planering. Engagemang, arbetsbelastning och tidsbrist är andra faktorer som påverkar i vilken utsträckning folkhälsoaspekter beaktas i den kommunala samhällsplaneringen. Slutligen är målsättningar och tvärsektoriellt samarbete centralt för att skapa likvärdiga förväntningar och samförstånd mellan aktörer där folkhälsofrämjande insatser ska genomföras.
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Teacher cognition and ICT implementation in the EFL classes in MexicoVega Animas, Leticia January 2017 (has links)
The impact of technology in society nowadays has led to significant curricular reforms around the world that aim to achieve a higher quality in education. Mexico has not been the exception and in 2008, the Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior, RIEMS (the Comprehensive Reform of Upper Secondary Education) was launched with the aim to overcome three challenges in upper secondary education in Mexico: access to education, quality and equity. The proper development of this educational level would represent a fundamental assumption that the country could respond to the challenges of the global economy in a context of equity and diversity. In this context, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in schools has become a required tool considered as the necessary action for the qualitative improvement of the teaching and learning process. This provides many possibilities, but also new demands. One of the most important challenges concerns the teaching task and the fact that teachers are required to play a different role from the traditional approach that they are used to using in class and which is common in classrooms in Mexico, becoming instead facilitators of the learning process. This thesis was carried out to explore how EFL teachers engage with ICT in their practice in the context of Mexican reform initiatives. Specifically, the study focused on teacher cognition to understand what teachers think, know, believe and do related to ICT adoption. A case study approach was used to collect data from three EFL teachers in a high school in Mexico through interviews, observations and stimulated recall sessions. The results show that the participant teachers face a challenging, complex, multifactorial situation that hinders their adoption of ICT. The organisational structures of schooling and the social dimension of the particular school setting impact negatively on the conceptions that teachers bring to their practice making it difficult for ICT tools to be explored and appropriated pedagogically.
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Hjälp vår jord : En studie av hur de tre dimensionerna av hållbar utveckling behandlas inom barnlitteratur.Bukovac, Sanja January 2011 (has links)
Efter att FN:s konferens om hållbar utveckling genomfördes i Rio 1992, stod det klart att utbildningsväsendet har en viktig roll i att skapa nya traditioner kring utbildning för hållbar utveckling, då det i nuläget inte existerar någon sådan. Problematiken bottnar i att ämnet hållbar utveckling anses vara relativt komplext och brett, vilket medför svårigheter för lärare och förskollärare att hitta en allmän och övergripande balans. Att det dessutom finns lite forsking kring utbildning för hållbar utveckling för de yngre barnen visar på problematiken ytterligare.De resultat som har framkommit i analysen är att den miljömässiga dimensionen med återvinning som tema, är det innehåll som är mest framträdande och synlig i fyra av fem barnböcker. Då de tre dimensionerna inte uttalas i barnböckerna har dessa fått läsas fram mellan raderna och resultatet blev att den sociala dimensionen är ständigt närvarande och har en övergripande roll i samtliga barnböcker. Den sociala dimensionen gestaltas i barnböckerna via solidaritet, tillit, samarbete, ansvar och uppfostran mfl.Denna studie ämnar att undersöka hur de tre dimensionerna inom hållbar utveckling förhåller sig till fem utvalda barnböcker. Barnböckerna kan ses som ett underlag utifrån ett tema- och ämnesövergripande arbetssätt för verksamheten i förskolan. Barnböckerna som används i studien är alla är utgivna under 2000-talet och vänder sig till barn mellan 3 till 6 år. Metoden som används är kvalitativ textanalys med grund i idé- och ideologisanalys.Ämnesord:
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Obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och dess påverkan på utgivandet av social och miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation : En undersökning av 23 svenska företag vars verksamhet associeras med negativ social eller miljömässig påverkan / Mandatory sustainability reporting and it´s effect on social and environmental disclosuresFagrell, Wilma, Stolt, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Rapporteringspliktens effekt på kontroversiella företags utgivande av hållbarhetsinformation inom den hållbarhetsdimension de anses agera negativt inom är i stort sett outforskad. Syftet med studien har därför varit att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden social hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av socialt kontroversiella företag. Syftet har också varit att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av miljömässigt kontroversiella företag. Metod: Studien antar en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en deduktiv ansats och longitudinell design med data som omfattar fem år för 23 stycken svenska kontroversiella företag. Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ metod där primärdata samlats in genom en innehållsanalys. Studien är också baserad på sekundärdata som inhämtats från databasen Retriever. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats i statistikprogrammet SPSS genom deskriptiv statistik, korrelationstest och regressionsanalyser för att testa studiens hypoteser. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat påvisar inget signifikant samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden social hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av socialt kontroversiella företag. Studiens resultat påvisade däremot att det fanns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden miljömässig hållbarhetsinformation som ges ut av miljömässigt kontroversiella företag. Teoretisk och praktiskt resultat: Studiens teoretiska resultat bygger vidare på forskningen om eventuella samband mellan obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering och mängden rapportering inom två olika hållbarhetsdimensioner (miljö och social) för två olika grupper av kontroversiella företag (miljö och social). Genom ytterligare empirisk forskning inom området utökas litteraturen då studien funnit resultat som både motsäger och bekräftar tidigare forskning. Studiens praktiska resultat ger även en indikation på hur effektiv regleringen av hållbarhetsrapportering är för socialt och miljömässigt kontroversiella företag. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studiens population består av svenska kontroversiella företag som omfattas av obligatorisk hållbarhetsrapportering. Ett bredare perspektiv skulle därför kunna antas där andra länder eller branscher inkluderas för att se om resultatet som denna studie framställer även gäller dem. Studien identifierar också tydliga skillnader mellan socialt och miljömässigt kontroversiella företag, något som vidare forskning kan undersöka. / Aim: The effect that mandatory sustainability reporting have on disclosures regarding the negative sustainability area for companies operating in controversial industry sectors are widely unexplored. The pupose of this study has therefore been to investigate whether there is a relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of social sustainability information disclosed by socially controversial companies. The purpose has also been to investigate whether there is a relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of environmental sustainability information disclosed by environmentally controversial companies. Method: The study adopts a positivist research philosophy with a deductive approach and longitudinal design with data covering five years for 23 Swedish controversial companies. The study is carried out with a quantitative method where primary data has been collected through a content analysis. The study is also based on secondary data obtained from the Retriever database. The data was then analyzed in the statistical program SPSS, which carried out descriptive statistics, correlationstest and regressionanalysis to test the hypotheses of the study. Result and conclusion: The results of the study showed no significant relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of social sustainability information disclosed by socially controversial companies. On the contrary, the results showed a significant positive relationship between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of environmental sustainability information disclosed by environmentally controversial companies. Theoretical and practical result: The theoretical results of the study are further based on research regarding possible connections between mandatory sustainability reporting and the amount of reporting within two different sustainability dimensions (environmental and social) for two different group of controversial companies (environmental and social). Through further empirical research in this area, the litterature is expanded as the study has found results that both contradict and confirm previous research. The practical results of the study also give an indication of how effective the regulation of sustainability reporting is for socially and environmentally controversial companies. Suggestion for future research: The population included in this study consist of Swedish controversial companies that are covered by mandatory sustainability reporting. Further reasearch could therefore adopt a broader perspective where other countries or industries are included to see if the results obtained in this study also holds for these countries or industries. The study also identifies differences between socially and environmentally controversial companies. What these differences are due to and whether they have any statistical significance is something that further research can investigate since it was not the pupose of this study to further investigate this.
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Funding as an NGO challenge in the context of sustainable development : the case study of Bramley Children's Home, Pretoria / Yolandi VenterVenter, Yolandi January 2014 (has links)
Non-government organisations (NGOs) are special kinds of organisation which focus on serving the common good in society. Historically they have helped the needy, disadvantaged and vulnerable people and communities. The view that society had of NGOs has changed: they are no longer seen as charity and welfare organisations but as valuable partners in the context of sustainable development. Although many different non-profit organisations exist, all strive towards development, betterment and upliftment. These organisations are dependent on funding, yet need to be sustainable, which creates the challenge of obtaining funding in order to render services.
This research explored the current funding context, using Bramley’s Children’s Home as a case study, in order to identify the challenges experienced by NGOs in obtaining adequate funding. It also investigated the perceptions of management regarding the impact of these challenges on the sustainability of the organisation. The research findings indicate that funding is seen as a common dilemma in this sector, and that there is a lack of sufficient long-term investment from donors. The effect is that NGOs struggle to implement much-needed services and therefore improving services in order to address the constantly changing needs of people remains a challenge.
Emphasis has been placed on the importance of collaboration between the NGO sector, the business sector and government. By establishing partnerships each sector can benefit when contributing to sustainable development and can possibly also address the challenge of funding within NGOs.
This research strives to showcase the important role of NGOs within the context of sustainable development, with specific reference to Bramley Children’s Home in addressing the social problem of caring for and protecting vulnerable children. / Master of Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Funding as an NGO challenge in the context of sustainable development : the case study of Bramley Children's Home, Pretoria / Yolandi VenterVenter, Yolandi January 2014 (has links)
Non-government organisations (NGOs) are special kinds of organisation which focus on serving the common good in society. Historically they have helped the needy, disadvantaged and vulnerable people and communities. The view that society had of NGOs has changed: they are no longer seen as charity and welfare organisations but as valuable partners in the context of sustainable development. Although many different non-profit organisations exist, all strive towards development, betterment and upliftment. These organisations are dependent on funding, yet need to be sustainable, which creates the challenge of obtaining funding in order to render services.
This research explored the current funding context, using Bramley’s Children’s Home as a case study, in order to identify the challenges experienced by NGOs in obtaining adequate funding. It also investigated the perceptions of management regarding the impact of these challenges on the sustainability of the organisation. The research findings indicate that funding is seen as a common dilemma in this sector, and that there is a lack of sufficient long-term investment from donors. The effect is that NGOs struggle to implement much-needed services and therefore improving services in order to address the constantly changing needs of people remains a challenge.
Emphasis has been placed on the importance of collaboration between the NGO sector, the business sector and government. By establishing partnerships each sector can benefit when contributing to sustainable development and can possibly also address the challenge of funding within NGOs.
This research strives to showcase the important role of NGOs within the context of sustainable development, with specific reference to Bramley Children’s Home in addressing the social problem of caring for and protecting vulnerable children. / Master of Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Dimensões do desenvolvimento rural : uma análise dos PROINFs no Território Bico do Papagaio do TocantinsBeraldo, Keile Aparecida January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese é resultado de pesquisa que teve o objetivo de compreender o processo de desenvolvimento do Território Bico do Papagaio, no estado do Tocantins (TBP-TO), com base na implantação de projetos PROINFs, vinculados aos Programas PRONAT e PTC, visando explicitar efeitos, avanços e limites das políticas públicas territoriais em regiões com baixos índices de desenvolvimento. Nesta pesquisa utilizou-se de múltiplas estratégias para a coleta e análise de dados, seguindo os princípios e técnicas da triangulação, que constitui uma das formas de combinar métodos qualitativos entre si e de articular métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Foi realizada, por meio de estudo de caso, em sete projetos implantados no TBP-TO. Uma questão importante, do ponto de vista metodológico, foi a oportunidade de fazer uma imersão no contexto investigado, observando e participando diretamente com os atores envolvidos na implantação e execução dos projetos PROINFs no referido território. Lançou-se mão de informações obtidas por observações, entrevistas, participação em reuniões, seminários, conversa com diferentes atores territoriais, moradores e membros do colegiado, gestores e beneficiários destes projetos. Os resultados levaram a uma compreensão das diferentes dimensões do desenvolvimento territorial e seus efeitos na vida dos beneficiários e na região. Os indicadores de desenvolvimento territorial, do ponto de vista econômico, foram avaliados entre ruins e críticos, dando a entender que a operacionalização da política territorial no TBP-TO reflete a própria história das relações de poder e dominação já existentes. Por outro lado, do ponto de vista social, foi observado o empoderamento da sociedade civil, especialmente nos casos das duas Escolas Família Agrícola (EFAs). Nesse sentido, esta tese contribuiu, não só para entender as dimensões do desenvolvimento territorial, seus desafios e possibilidades, mas para demonstrar que se não houver maior diálogo entre poder público (nas esferas municipal, estadual e federal), sociedade civil e os beneficiários dos projetos, o desenvolvimento territorial pode ficar comprometido. Diante dos resultados da pesquisa conclui-se que, nesse momento de retrocesso da política de desenvolvimento territorial, é necessário repensá-la, especialmente em relação ao exercício do poder e à autonomia dos Colegiados Territoriais. A organização dos colegiados territoriais e a união de seus membros em torno de objetivos comuns podem ser consideradas o motor propulsor da consolidação das EFAs, possibilitando a educação profissional de seus jovens. Esta organização é o maior indicador de desenvolvimento, na dimensão social, observado na pesquisa. / This thesis is the result of research that aims to understand the development process of the Parrot´s Beak Territory in the State of Tocantins (PBT-TO), based on the implantation of PROINFs projects, linked to PRONAT and PTC programs with the goal of clarifying effects, advances and limits of territorial public policies in regions with low levels of development. In this research, it was used multiple strategies for data collection and analysis, following the principles and techniques of triangulation, which is one of the ways to combine qualitative methods among themselves and to articulate quantitative and qualitative methods. The research was done through the case study in seven projects implanted in PBT-TO. An important thing, from the methodological point of view, was the opportunity to do an immersion in the context investigated by observing and participating directly with the actors involved in the implementation and execution of the projects PROINFs, in that territory. It was used the information obtained by observations, interviews, participation in meetings, seminars, talking with different territorial actors, residents and members of the board, managers and beneficiaries of these projects. The results led to an understanding of the different dimensions of territorial development and its effects on the lives of beneficiaries and in the region. The indicators of territorial development, from an economic point of view, were evaluated between bad and critical, implying that the operationalization of territorial policy in the PBT-TO reflect the history of the relationships of power and domination that exists. On the other hand, from the social point of view, it was observed the empowerment of civil society, especially in the cases of the Escolas Família Agrícola (EFAs). In this sense, this thesis has contributed not only to understand the dimensions of territorial development, its challenges and opportunities, but to demonstrate that if there is no greater dialogue between public authorities (in all spheres: Municipal, State and Federal), civil society and the beneficiaries of the projects, the territorial development may be compromised. On the research results it is concluded that, in this moment of backsliding of territorial development policy, it is necessary to rethink it, especially in relation to the exercise of power and the autonomy of Territorial governance bodies. The Organization of territorial governance bodies and the Union of its members around common goals, can be considered the impeller motor on consolidation of EFAs enabling professional education of their young. This organization is the greatest indicator of development in the social dimension, observed in the survey.
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Evropský standard ochrany lidských práv a základních svobod ve vztahu k zákazu mučení / The European standard of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in connection with the ban on tortureIzmailova, Lyudmila January 2012 (has links)
The primary objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive view of the human rights protection system concerning the prohibition of torture, focusing specifically on its European regulation. On the way to fulfill this aim, the following three hypotheses were confirmed: the prohibition of torture is currently regulated at all levels of protection of human rights, namely the universal, regional and national levels; from a comparative perspective, the highest level of protection has been achieved within the European system; and the prohibition of torture has recently acquired a social dimension. This work provides a comprehensive view, of the prohibition of torture at present time, and analyzes the instruments and mechanisms created to date. The interpretation was put into historical context, which is highly important, not only because it provides an exhaustive insight into the regulation of this issue in different sources, but also because this approach helps to understand the regulation correctly and enables the interpretation and application of respective standards in an adequate manner. It also makes it possible to better predict future developments in this area. The most interesting part of this thesis is the section that questions whether the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment are...
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Utanförskap i skolan : Pedagogers tolkningar och strategierLundberg-Grut, Ewa January 2008 (has links)
<p>As in society in general, exclusion of individuals takes place in the school system. Even though schools – according to the curriculum – are supposed to cherish diversity, many children are left outside of the community formed during school activities. In order to gain knowledge of how schools can prevent and inhibit exclusion, this work aims to study how the problem is interpreted and managed. The study included six pedagogues: three pre-school teachers and three 1–7th grade teachers. Using a qualitative method with interviews, I have examined whether there is a difference between the two groups’ of interpretation and management of exclusion.In the analysis, the relational and categorical perspectives are used. The study shows, among other things, that the pre-school teachers are more categorical in their interpretation of exclusion than the 1–7th grade teachers. In spite of this, the pre-school teachers emphasize – to a greater extent than the 1–7th grade teachers – that the school’s social dimensions have a strong impact on their work. The study also shows that the 1–7th grade teachers have a more individualized approach to their work against exclusion. Further, the study shows that the work against exclusion of school children is mostly practised on individual- and group level, and that the particular school in this study lacks an official and joint approach for inclusion.</p>
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Utanförskap i skolan : Pedagogers tolkningar och strategierLundberg-Grut, Ewa January 2008 (has links)
As in society in general, exclusion of individuals takes place in the school system. Even though schools – according to the curriculum – are supposed to cherish diversity, many children are left outside of the community formed during school activities. In order to gain knowledge of how schools can prevent and inhibit exclusion, this work aims to study how the problem is interpreted and managed. The study included six pedagogues: three pre-school teachers and three 1–7th grade teachers. Using a qualitative method with interviews, I have examined whether there is a difference between the two groups’ of interpretation and management of exclusion.In the analysis, the relational and categorical perspectives are used. The study shows, among other things, that the pre-school teachers are more categorical in their interpretation of exclusion than the 1–7th grade teachers. In spite of this, the pre-school teachers emphasize – to a greater extent than the 1–7th grade teachers – that the school’s social dimensions have a strong impact on their work. The study also shows that the 1–7th grade teachers have a more individualized approach to their work against exclusion. Further, the study shows that the work against exclusion of school children is mostly practised on individual- and group level, and that the particular school in this study lacks an official and joint approach for inclusion.
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