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Sujeito e empresa capitalista contemporânea num impasse: entre o laço social neurótico e o perverso / Subject and contemporary commercial company in impasse: between the neurotic and perverse social tiesAntonio Carlos de Barros Junior 31 August 2009 (has links)
O capitalismo e o mundo do trabalho vêm sofrendo transformações profundas desde a década de 1970. A pesquisa aqui descrita é uma investigação da relação inconsciente entre o sujeito e a configuração atual do capitalismo, no contexto de uma empresa multinacional do ramo hoteleiro. O método adotado foi qualitativo, sendo um estudo de psicanálise aplicada sobre a articulação fantasmática e institucional de prazer, sofrimento e gozo na empresa em questão: 1) pela análise do discurso produzido em entrevistas abertas com 6 de seus funcionários que trabalham em 4 hotéis da rede, localizados em São Paulo capital e em Campinas, realizadas entre outubro de 2007 e novembro de 2008; 2) pela análise de material impresso e on-line da empresa; 3) por um breve recorte sócio-histórico do capitalismo. Uma das conclusões a que chegamos é a de que os fundamentos de uma empresa comercial permanecem os mesmos, mas mudaram os mecanismos e os discursos adotados na sua execução. Agora, entidades abstratas externas a globalização, a competitividade, o mercado supostamente justificam a intensificação da apropriação do que é produzido, do conhecimento, do tempo dos funcionários; justificam a necessidade imperiosa de excelência produtiva, de lucros sempre crescentes; justificam as reestruturações, a adoção de políticas de verificação de competências e demissões. No caso analisado, a velha empresa-mãe, subjetiva nas escolhas, lenta nas decisões, está sendo substituída pela nova empresa objetiva e rápida nas escolhas dos que estão aptos e na implementação de mudanças que os resultados exigem. Mas isso tem sido feito mantendo-se a velha roupagem da mãe-protetora, num discurso quase uníssono sobre um laço social supostamente em grande harmonia, tanto na documentação oficial da empresa, quanto na fala de seus funcionários, da eleita mais de 10 vezes como uma das 10 melhores empresas para se trabalhar no Brasil; da que se preocupa com os filhos-funcionários, que oferece a eles muitas oportunidades de carreira. Entretanto, delineiam-se impasses e contradições nos discursos, que parecem oscilar entre o neurótico e o perverso. Porém, a faceta perversa fica, em geral, elidida. Perversa em termos de fantasia e vontade de gozo, na relação com o outro, no caso dos sujeitos, e, no caso da empresa, dos objetivos de lucratividade acima de qualquer preocupação com funcionários, de qualquer responsabilidade social ou de diversidade supostamente valorizada. Além disso, as questões pessoais de todos os 5 sujeitos ouvidos estão ligadas às questões centrais que permeiam a instituição. Questões que se referem ao lugar que cada um ocupa para o outro ser ou não ser reconhecido, ser ou não ser promovido, ser ou não ser demitido, ver ou não ver o outro ganhar uma oportunidade de carreira. / Capitalism and labour configuration have been changing deeply since 1970. The research here described is an investigation about the unconscious relation between the subject and the current capitalism configuration in the context of a multinational company in the hotel market. The method adopted was qualitative, being a study of applied psychoanalysis about the articulation between singular fantasy and institutional discourse as well as pleasure, suffering, jouissance forms in the company in question: 1) by the analysis of discourses produced in open interviews with 6 of its employees that work in 4 of its hotels located in São Paulo and Campinas, Brazil, held between October 2007 and November 2008; 2) by the analysis of printed and on-line corporate material; 3) by a short social-historical briefing of capitalism. One of the conclusions to which we have come is that basic principles of a commercial company are the same as ever. Nevertheless mechanisms and discourses adopted to implement them have changed. Now external abstract entities - globalization, competitiveness, market dynamics - supposedly justify the intensification of appropriation of what is produced by employees, besides their knowledge and time; justify such imperious demand for productive excellence and growing profits; justify restructuring actions, adoption of competence assessment policies and layoffs. In the analysed case, the old mother-company, subjective in selection processes, slow to make decisions, is being replaced by a new company, objective and fast to select competent people and to implement changes that goals associated with financial results require. However this has been done keeping the old image of a protective-mother painted through an almost homogeneous discourse about a social tie supposedly in great harmony. This is the case in both the official corporate documentation and the employees\' speech about the company which has been elected more than 10 times as one of the 10 best companies to work in Brazil; which is concerned about its children-employees; which offers several career opportunities to them. However, some contradictions and impasses are detected in discourses, which seem to oscillate between the neurotic and perverse ones. But the perverse dimension usually stays elided. Perverse in the sense of fantasy and will to jouissance in the relation with the other, in the case of the subjects, and, in the case of the company, in the sense of profitability goals above any concern towards employees, any social responsibility or any diversity supposedly appreciated. Furthermore, personal issues of all interviewed subjects are related to the institution core issues. Issues referring to the place that each one occupies for the other - to be or not to be recognized, to be or not to be promoted, to be or not to be laid off, to see or not to see the other getting a career opportunity.
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Família, Rua e Afeto: etnografia dos vínculos familiares, sociais e afetivos de homens e mulheresem situação de rua / Family, Street and Affection: ethnography of family ties, social and affective men and women on the streetsSilva, Tiago Lemões da 22 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-22 / By an anthropological approach, this study discusses the relations maintained,
created and updated by both men and women on the streets in the center of
Pelotas/RS. To discuss these relationships, the research is structured from a
threefold approach: the continuity of family relationships in the context of the streets;
strategies for building and maintaining links with different characters in the public
space of sociability; and codes that guide the establishment of relationships between
pairs on the streets. From the ethnographic method,the research finds: family
relationships as part of a broader relational circuit which includes street and the
characters with which they interact in this space; discusses also the mechanisms of
construction and perpetuation of bonds with different social segments in the streets
context, considering the dynamics of material and symbolic exchanges fought in
these relationships. Finally, analyzes of social codes that shape the formation of
groups in the streets and the establishment of diffuse and enduring links between
those involved / Por uma abordagem antropológica, este estudo problematiza as relações mantidas,
criadas e atualizadas por homens e mulheres em situação de rua no centro de
Pelotas/RS. Para discutir estas relações, a pesquisa estrutura-se a partir de um
tríplice enfoque: a continuidade das relações familiares no contexto das ruas; as
estratégias de construção e manutenção de vínculos com diferentes personagens no
espaço público; e os códigos de sociabilidade que orientam a constituição de
vínculos entre os pares em situação de rua. A partir do método etnográfico, a
pesquisa localiza as relações familiares como partede um circuito relacional mais
amplo, que engloba a rua e os personagens com os quais interagem neste meio;
discute, igualmente, os mecanismos de construção e perpetuação de vínculos com
diferentes segmentos sociais no contexto das ruas, considerando a dinâmica das
trocas materiais e simbólicas travadas nestas relações; e, por fim, analisa os códigos
de sociabilidade que estruturam a formação de grupos em situação de rua e
preparam o terreno para a constituição de vínculos difusos e duradouros entre os
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Des jardinier.e.s partagé.e.s entre discours et pratiques : du lien social à l'entre-soi / Gardeners and shared gardens, a theoritical and practical view : social tying or in-grouping ?Mestdagh, Léa 20 November 2015 (has links)
Centrée sur l’étude de plusieurs jardins partagés parisiens et de proche banlieue, cette thèse se propose de questionner les discours – institutionnels, associatifs, et des jardinier.e.s eux.elles-mêmes – présentant ces jardins comme des lieux de création de lien social. L’enquête de terrain, mêlant observation participante, questionnaires et entretiens semi-directifs, révèle que ces jardins constituent des espaces d’entre-soi, fréquentés par des acteur.rice.s proches, en particulier en termes de positions sociales, de niveaux de diplômes et de pratiques culturelles et de loisirs. Si des liens peuvent émerger dans et par ces jardins, leur portée reste ainsi limitée par le fait qu’ils se créent presque exclusivement entre les membres des collectifs, sélectionné.e.s socialement. L’enjeu de cette thèse est donc de mettre à l’épreuve du terrain l’inadéquation entre les éléments de discours recueillis et les pratiques effectives des acteur.rice.s. Ce travail se situe dans une réflexion plus large à propos du lien social contemporain caractérisé par sa nature élective. Il soulève aussi la participation des collectifs associatifs aux stratégies d’appropriation de l’espace et aux processus ségrégatifs en jeu dans les territoires urbains, en particulier la gentrification en cours à Paris et dans les communes de proche banlieue. / The aim of this thesis is to question the statement - given by Institutions, associations and gardeners themselves - of shared gardens being a source of social ties building. Built upon a field study of both parisian and suburbian shared gardens, this thesis intends to underline the contradiction that exists between what is claimed by gardeners and what the observation of their actual practices tends to reveal. Mixing participant observations, questionnairs and semi-structured interviews, this social survey reveals shared gardens to be in fact ingroup spaces visited by people rather close in terms of social status, education level and cultural practices. If social ties undeniably find their origin from these gardens, they extend only to socially selected members within local associations. From a more global perspective, this work aims to caracterise contemporary social ties as elective in their nature. It also stresses the role of local associations in both public space appropriation and segregation processes within urban territories – the growing gentrification of Paris and its suburbian area being a significant outcome of it.
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Tradiční vesnické pospolitosti v 19. století a zájem o ně. Václav Smutný (1859-1922) - typický představitel generace národopisců své doby. / Traditional village communities in 19. century.Václav Smutný (1859-1922) - a typical representative of one generation of ethnographers.Boudová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
(česky) Diplomová práce rekonstruuje životní příběh Václava Smutného (1859 - 1922) dnes zapomenutého (a možná nikdy neobjeveného) ředitele měšťanské školy, nadšeného amatérského národopisce, přispěvatele do Českého lidu a dalších periodik, sběratele, kreslíře a badatele ze Sadské. Diplomová práce se pokouší představit různorodou činnost, úsilí a invenci tohoto "večerního vědce z maloměsta" a v širším kontextu interpretovat a zhodnotit výsledky jeho celoživotní práce. Klíčová slova (česky) Václav Smutný (1859 - 1922), národopisná kresba, lidová architektura, archeologie, zeměměřictví, národopisné hnutí, svéráz, amatérský badatel, učitel, Sadská
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Exploring Place Attachment and Neighbourhood Effects : A case study of Skärholmen and Vårberg, SwedenSara, Amatul Sabooh January 2020 (has links)
Sara, Amatul Sabooh (2020) Exploring place attachment and neighbourhood effects: A case study of Skärholmen and Vårberg, Sweden Urban and Regional Planning, advanced level, master thesis for master exam in Urban and Regional Planning, 30 ECTS credits Supervisors: Danielle Drozdsewski and Eva Andersson Language: English Key words: neighbourhood effect, place attachment, social cohesion, collective efficacy, social ties. Abstract If we take residential neighbourhoods as a space for making social ties and interactions, we can learn a lot about the generated neighbourhood effects on its residents and their subsequent attachments towards neighbourhoods as a place. It is believed that neighbourhoods have an impact on individuals and groups either significant or insignificant. The neighbourhood effect is understood by deeply observing the common trends, norms and similar behaviours, furthermore, by measuring the influence it has on life of its residents. This study intends to explore the relationships between neighbourhood effects and place attachment and is inspired from a bigger project ‘The Neighbourhood Revisited’ (Research programme in Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2019-2024) that explores the spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden. The aim of my study is to look at social ties, how it changes over time and what neighbourhood effects we can observe on its residents’ social lives. Neighbourhood effect and place attachment studied together, through the narratives of local residents give many new meanings to both concepts. My focus here is on social aspects of it.
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”Mitt mål blev snabbt att bli en respekterad gangster” : En studie om tidigare kriminellas syn på bakomliggande faktorer till en påbörjad och avslutad kriminell karriär / "My goal quickly became to become a respected gangster." : A study of the underlying factors to a commenced and ended criminal careerBurzic, Ermin, Yousif, Zeinab January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate why the individual begins a criminal career, why individuals choose to end the criminal career, and whether they view their previous crime as a result of the surrounding society or take personal responsibility. Qualitative interviews have been conducted. The sample consists of individuals who have left the criminal path and done so at least 3 years ago. The results of the study resulted in social ties within e.g., schooling, socializing, the residential area and the family are underlying factors that can be linked to the reasons for starting a criminal career. The family can also be considered a central factor in the reasons why a former criminal ends his criminal life. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the study shows that regardless of influencing factors, it is not individual events that are decisive if the individual neither begins nor ends a criminal career. It is the interplay of these underlying factors or events that will drive further behavioural changes in the individual. / Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka varför de tidigare kriminella individerna påbörjar en kriminell karriär, varför individerna väljer att avsluta den kriminella karriären, samt om de ser på sin tidigare kriminalitet som en följd av det omgivande samhället eller tar ett personligt ansvar. Kvalitativa intervjuer har utförts. Urvalet består av personer som har lämnat den kriminella banan och gjort detta för minst 3 år sedan. Studiens resultat mynnade ut i att sociala band inom t.ex. skolgång, umgänge, bostadsområdet och familjen är bakomliggande faktorer som kan kopplas till orsaker för en påbörjad kriminell karriär. Familjen kan dessutom betraktas som en central faktor i orsaker till att en tidigare kriminell avslutar sin kriminella karriär. Den slutgiltiga slutsatsen som kan dras av studiens resultat visar, att oavsett påverkande faktorer så är det inte enstaka händelser som är avgörande om individen vare sig påbörjar eller avslutar en kriminell karriär. Det är snarare samspelet av dessa bakomliggande faktorer eller händelser som kommer att driva vidare beteendeförändringar hos individen.
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Vliv sociálních sítí na mezinárodní migraci a úspěšnost integrace (na příkladu ukrajinských a moldavských migrantů v Česku) / Impact of social networks on international migration movements and a success of integration (on the example of Ukrainian and Moldovan migrants in Czechia)Večeřová, Šárka January 2021 (has links)
Extensive emigration from post-soviet countries is caused mainly by unfavorable economic and social conditions, which is the source of the preporderant economic motive of Ukrainian and Moldovan migrants to another country. Mainly for the purpose of easier immigration to the Czech Republic, social networks and links are being built and maintained in geographically dispersed places. Their indispensability in the migration process lies in obtaining information, access to valuable resources and retention of psychological support. Due to the expansion of communication technologies and increasingly favorable conditions for travelling, social networks and ties are gradually developing. The submitted diploma thesis explores the influence of social networks on international migration and the success of the integration of Ukrainian and Moldovan migrants in the Czech Republic. The social networks of migrants are tested in terms of their intensity in the country of origin and in the destination country, and at the same time the financial remittance and transnationalization behavior is targeted. The impact of social networks on migration is analyzed by a quantitative method based on the answers from a questionnaire survey with a selection using the ,,snow-ball" method (data for this research were obtained and...
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Community and Land Attachment of Chagga Women on Mount Kilimanjaro, TanzaniaCarr, Elizabeth Parnell 07 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Chagga women who control land on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, have a deep and profound sense of attachment to their lands and homes. This thesis compares their reasons for attachment to the systemic model. The systemic model states that community attachment is dependent on social ties and interactions. The three factors that lead to these ties are length of residence, social status, and age. In-depth interviews with women in 2002 and 2003, a survey from 2002, and field notes from 2002 and 2003 are used to explain the main factors of attachment of women in three villages on the mountain: Mbahe, Marangu, and Chekereni. This research finds that social ties are not dependent on length of residence, but do have some connections with social status and age. Women have social ties regardless of their length of residence. They interact with each other no matter the social status of the other, but this occurs more frequently as the women are more involved in education and religion. Western influences, land shortages, and economic pressures are causing the interactions of the young and old to be more strained. Though social ties are partly related so social status and age, this thesis finds that the attachment of Chagga women does not completely follow the systemic model. Instead, the women's attachment is primarily associated with family ties. The land has provided food and income for their families for generations and it is the hope of each of the women that it will continue to care for their families in such a way.
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Dagens elever kan bli morgondagens gärningsmän : En studie om skolans roll i förebyggandet av ungdomsbrottslighetHermansson, Lovisa, Henriksson, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency is a topic that has been up for political debate during the election year in Sweden. As people tend to commit crimes at younger ages, we have concidered the schools’ role being a central part of the preventive work against juvenile delinquency. This since young people spend a large part of their time in school. The purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the preventive work against juvenile delinquency in middle schools in Växjö municipality. The purpose was also to understand the importance of the theory of social control to prevent young people from developing criminal behaviour. This study was based on a qualitative method which included nine semi-structured interviews with middle school principals in Växjö municipality. The results showed that the majority of the schools work preventively against juvenile delinquency in terms of specific routines and models. However, this work was not always defined as prevention work by the schools themselves. This study showed that bullying and exclusion in school is not always detected by school staff. Based on the theory of social control, this is an issue that needs to be improved in order to strengthen young people’s social ties in school. This could contribute to fewer young people choosing to commit crimes due to better social control.
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Recidivism Prevention Through Prosocial Support: A Systematic Review of Empirical ResearchMcDaniel, Kimber 01 May 2014 (has links)
Of the 700 offenders that are released from prison each year, seven in ten will be rearrested. There are a number of barriers face by released offenders that inhibit their successful reentry. These barriers include: mental health illness, limited work experience, lower education, substance abuse, lack of transportation, homelessness and poverty strain of family ties and/or close relationships. This paper explores the impact of social support on recidivism rates through a systematic review of the literature surrounding prosocial support. The implications for social work practice and research are also discussed.
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