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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O julgamento moral de crianças pequenas: contribuições da teoria dos domínios sociais / The moral judgments of small children: contributions of social domain theory

Valadares, Daniela Munerato de Almeida 10 April 2019 (has links)
No mundo contemporâneo a criança pode ser vista de forma diferente do que era anteriormente, considerando as mudanças sociais que acontecem e a reflexão de como tais fatos afetam seu cotidiano. Um dos fatores, por exemplo, é o tempo que permanece na escola, pela ausência dos pais no ambiente doméstico, devido às suas necessidades de trabalhar fora de casa. Além disso, existe uma tendência das famílias a ocuparem o tempo da criança integralmente, com atividades de diferentes naturezas, com o objetivo de desenvolver o maior número de habilidades possíveis, como se ela não tivesse a vida toda pela frente para conquistar tais desafios (música, dança, natação, outros idiomas, por exemplo). A entrada da tecnologia no cotidiano infantil é outro tema que ocupa este tempo (televisão, games, vídeos). Diante desse quadro, faz-se necessário o olhar para a criança e compreender, sob seu ponto de vista, como ela julga situações de sua vida, considerando nos diferentes contextos a ação (o certo ou errado), a regra (se é respeitada e como a interpreta), a autoridade (como apoio ao desenvolvimento) e o dever (decidir por fazer algo). OBJETIVO: A presente pesquisa tem como propósito investigar se as crianças pequenas julgam de forma diferente três dilemas, revelando dano direto, dano indireto e uma situação convencional. A partir de cada dilema investigamos a relação dentre os critérios de julgamento considerando a severidade da ação, a legitimidade da regra, a legitimidade da autoridade em relação à regra e a noção de dever. Neste contexto, investigamos também a presença de aspectos da dimensão afetiva da moral e se haveria diferenças qualitativas dentre as respostas dos grupos etários (2 e 3 anos/ 4 e 5 anos). MÉTODO: Pesquisa de campo, de natureza exploratória descritiva, da qual participaram 68 crianças. Para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados foram: treinamento da escala de likert e entrevistas sobre eventos sociais, contendo dilemas com situações prototípicas do cotidiano. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, através de Confiabilidade Dialógica e Análise Independente de Juízes. Também foi realizada análise quantitativa (Análise Estatística Descritiva e Inferencial). RESULTADOS: Os resultados revelaram que as crianças, desde bem pequenas, estão pensando sobre as situações do dia a dia, o que deve ou não ser feito, além das orientações dos adultos. Sobre os grupos analisados não tivemos diferenças nas respostas dos meninos e meninas, os grupos de idade (2 e 3, 4 e 5 anos) apresentaram diferenças significantes do ponto de vista das justificativas mais claras quando mais velhos e, portanto, a maior clareza do que pensam. Tais grupos também apresentaram diferenças significantes no julgamento de uma situação convencional proposta no instrumento, avaliando mais ou menos grave a ação de comer com as mãos. Na comparação entre as escolas públicas e particulares identificamos diferenças nas respostas considerando as dadas pela escala de likert e suas justificativas. Nas instituições públicas observamos respostas mais convencionais e nas escolas particulares respostas convencionais e morais. CONCLUSÃO: faz-se necessário novas pesquisas com a ampliação da amostragem para comparação com os resultados dessa atual pesquisa, incluir outros instrumentos para ampliar as análises e seguir pesquisando sobre a relação da afetividade e sentimentos morais nos critérios utilizados para as crianças de 2 a 5 anos julgarem situações escolares ou familiares / In the contemporary world the child can be seen differently than it was before, considering the social changes that take place and the reflection of how these facts affect their daily lives. One factor, for example, is the time spent in school due to the absence of parents in the home environment due to their need to work outside the home. In addition, there is a tendency for families to occupy the child\'s time integrally, with activities of different natures, with the aim of developing as many skills as possible, as if she did not have the whole life ahead to conquer such challenges (music, dance, swimming, other languages, for example). The entry of technology into children\'s everyday life is another theme that occupies this time (television, games, videos). In view of this picture, it is necessary to look at the child and to understand, in his point of view, how he judges situations in his life, considering in different contexts action (right or wrong), rule (if it is respected and how it interprets it), authority (as support for development) and duty (deciding to do something). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present research is to investigate whether young children differently judge three dilemmas, revealing direct damage, indirect damage and a conventional situation. From each dilemma we investigate the relation between the criteria of judgment considering the severity of the action, the legitimacy of the rule, the legitimacy of authority in relation to the rule and the notion of duty. In this context, we also investigated the presence of aspects of the affective dimension of morality and if there were qualitative differences among the responses of the age groups (2 and 3 years / 4 and 5 years). METHODS: A descriptive exploratory field study was carried out in which 68 children participated. For data collection, the instruments used were: likert scale training and interviews on social events, containing dilemmas with prototypical situations of everyday life. The data were analyzed qualitatively through Dialogical Reliability and Independent Judge Analysis. Quantitative analysis (Descriptive and Inferential Statistical Analysis) was also performed. RESULTS: The results showed that children, from very young, are thinking about everyday situations, what should or should not be done, besides the orientations of adults. Regarding the analyzed groups, we did not have differences in the responses of the boys and girls, the age groups (2 and 3, 4 and 5 years) presented significant differences from the point of view of the clearer justifications when older and, therefore, the greater clarity of the what they think. These groups also presented significant differences in the judgment of a conventional situation proposed in the instrument, evaluating more or less serious the action of eating with the hands. In the comparison between public and private schools we identified differences in the answers considering those given by the likert scale and its justifications. In public institutions we observe more conventional answers and in private schools conventional and moral answers. CONCLUSION: it is necessary to carry out new researches with the amplification of the sample for comparison with the results of this current research, to include other instruments to broaden the analysis and to continue researching on the relationship of affectivity and moral feelings in the criteria used for children from 2 to 5 years to judge school or family situations

Concepções morais no mundo do trabalho: um estudo sobre os tipos de julgamentos e representações de si de gestores / Moral conceptions in the world of work: a study on the types of judgments and self-representations of managers

Galhardo, Priscila Bonato 17 August 2018 (has links)
A tendência no mundo do trabalho contemporâneo tem sido marcada pela flexibilização, pelo gerenciamento pela qualidade e pela mobilização do sujeito a serviço da empresa. Tem-se uma expectativa de que o gestor seja engajado com os objetivos da empresa e mantenha sempre um bom relacionamento interpessoal. Não obstante, para que se tenha um sistema integrado em busca da rentabilidade, muitos gestores se envolvem e tendem a mobilizar suas representações e valores pessoais, seus julgamentos e sua construção social em torno dos objetivos da empresa. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho investigou se a presença e prioridade de valores morais nas representações de si dos gestores estão associadas com o aumento da escolha de juízos de domínio moral para os dilemas pesquisados. MÉTODO: Pesquisa de campo, de natureza exploratória, da qual participaram 30 gestores do ramo varejista. Para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados foram: Ficha de Identificação (dados dos gestores), Roteiro de entrevista sobre representações de si (na dimensão como pessoa e gestor) e Questionário de dilemas morais (com duas situações hipotéticas). Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, através de Confiabilidade Dialógica e Análise Independente de Juízes. Também foi realizada análise quantitativa (Análise Estatística Descritiva). RESULTADOS: Nas representações de si os resultados apontaram que os gestores apresentam respostas com conteúdo moral como honestidade, empatia, preocupação com o próximo e justiça. Todavia foi possível encontrar respostas sem conteúdo moral como ser proativo, determinado e alcançar resultados nas empresas. Além disso, compreendeu-se que na dimensão como pessoa os gestores apresentam mais respostas de conteúdo moral do que na dimensão como gestor. Quanto aos resultados dos dilemas morais, os gestores apresentaram em suas respostas conteúdos com princípios morais como cuidar da equipe e prezar pela vida das pessoas; e sem princípios morais como seguir as regras da empresa e prezar pela profissão acima do valor da vida das pessoas. Quando as justificativas são classificadas por domínio, o que prevalece são as respostas de domínio convencional, o que pode significar a expressão da necessidade dos gestores atenderem as demandas organizacionais. CONCLUSÃO: Entende-se, a partir da amostra que quando os gestores seguem uma moral que eles legitimam, respondem as representações de si com conteúdos morais, apresentando em sequência um maior índice de justificativas com princípios morais nos julgamentos dos dilemas. Do mesmo modo, quando possuem representações de si com poucos conteúdos morais, tendem a serem mais convencionais nas respostas aos dilemas. Logo, pode-se afirmar, conforme os resultados, que as representações de si têm implicação sobre os julgamentos pesquisados / The trend in the world of contemporary work has been marked by flexibility, quality management and the mobilization of the person at the service of the company. There is an expectation that the manager is engaged with the company\'s objectives and always maintains a good interpersonal relationship. Nevertheless, in order to have an integrated system for profitability, many managers are involved and tend to mobilize their personal representations and values, their judgments and their social construction around the goals of the company. OBJECTIVE: This study investigated whether the presence and priority of moral values in managers\' self-representations are associated with the increase in the choice of judgments of moral dominance for the dilemmas surveyed. METHOD: Field research of descriptive exploratory nature in which 30 managers from the retail industry participated. For the collection of data, the instruments used were: Identity Card (managers data), Interview script about selfrepresentations (in the dimension from a person and manager perspective) and Questionnaire of moral dilemmas (with two hypothetical situations). The data were analyzed qualitatively, through Dialogical Reliability and Independent Analysis of Judges. Quantitative analysis was also performed (Descriptive Statistical Analysis). RESULTS: In the representations of themselves the results pointed out that managers present answers with moral content such as honesty, empathy, concern for others and justice. However, it was possible to find answers without moral content such as being proactive, determined and achieving results in companies. In addition, it was understood that in the dimension as a person the managers present more moral responses than in the dimension as manager. As a result of the moral dilemmas the managers presented in their responses contents with moral principles such as caring for the team and cherishing people\'s lives; and without moral principles like following company rules and cherishing the profession above the value of people\'s lives. When the justifications are classified by domain, what prevails are conventional domain responses, which may mean the expression of the need for managers to meet organizational demands. CONCLUSION: It is understood from the sample that when managers follow a morality that they legitimize, they respond to self-representations with moral contents, presenting in sequence a greater index of justifications with moral principles in the judgments of the dilemmas. Likewise, when they have selfrepresentations with little moral content, they tend to be more conventional in their responses to the dilemmas. Therefore, it can be stated, according to the results, that the self-representations have an implication on the judgments researched

Concepções morais no mundo do trabalho: um estudo sobre os tipos de julgamentos e representações de si de gestores / Moral conceptions in the world of work: a study on the types of judgments and self-representations of managers

Priscila Bonato Galhardo 17 August 2018 (has links)
A tendência no mundo do trabalho contemporâneo tem sido marcada pela flexibilização, pelo gerenciamento pela qualidade e pela mobilização do sujeito a serviço da empresa. Tem-se uma expectativa de que o gestor seja engajado com os objetivos da empresa e mantenha sempre um bom relacionamento interpessoal. Não obstante, para que se tenha um sistema integrado em busca da rentabilidade, muitos gestores se envolvem e tendem a mobilizar suas representações e valores pessoais, seus julgamentos e sua construção social em torno dos objetivos da empresa. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho investigou se a presença e prioridade de valores morais nas representações de si dos gestores estão associadas com o aumento da escolha de juízos de domínio moral para os dilemas pesquisados. MÉTODO: Pesquisa de campo, de natureza exploratória, da qual participaram 30 gestores do ramo varejista. Para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados foram: Ficha de Identificação (dados dos gestores), Roteiro de entrevista sobre representações de si (na dimensão como pessoa e gestor) e Questionário de dilemas morais (com duas situações hipotéticas). Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, através de Confiabilidade Dialógica e Análise Independente de Juízes. Também foi realizada análise quantitativa (Análise Estatística Descritiva). RESULTADOS: Nas representações de si os resultados apontaram que os gestores apresentam respostas com conteúdo moral como honestidade, empatia, preocupação com o próximo e justiça. Todavia foi possível encontrar respostas sem conteúdo moral como ser proativo, determinado e alcançar resultados nas empresas. Além disso, compreendeu-se que na dimensão como pessoa os gestores apresentam mais respostas de conteúdo moral do que na dimensão como gestor. Quanto aos resultados dos dilemas morais, os gestores apresentaram em suas respostas conteúdos com princípios morais como cuidar da equipe e prezar pela vida das pessoas; e sem princípios morais como seguir as regras da empresa e prezar pela profissão acima do valor da vida das pessoas. Quando as justificativas são classificadas por domínio, o que prevalece são as respostas de domínio convencional, o que pode significar a expressão da necessidade dos gestores atenderem as demandas organizacionais. CONCLUSÃO: Entende-se, a partir da amostra que quando os gestores seguem uma moral que eles legitimam, respondem as representações de si com conteúdos morais, apresentando em sequência um maior índice de justificativas com princípios morais nos julgamentos dos dilemas. Do mesmo modo, quando possuem representações de si com poucos conteúdos morais, tendem a serem mais convencionais nas respostas aos dilemas. Logo, pode-se afirmar, conforme os resultados, que as representações de si têm implicação sobre os julgamentos pesquisados / The trend in the world of contemporary work has been marked by flexibility, quality management and the mobilization of the person at the service of the company. There is an expectation that the manager is engaged with the company\'s objectives and always maintains a good interpersonal relationship. Nevertheless, in order to have an integrated system for profitability, many managers are involved and tend to mobilize their personal representations and values, their judgments and their social construction around the goals of the company. OBJECTIVE: This study investigated whether the presence and priority of moral values in managers\' self-representations are associated with the increase in the choice of judgments of moral dominance for the dilemmas surveyed. METHOD: Field research of descriptive exploratory nature in which 30 managers from the retail industry participated. For the collection of data, the instruments used were: Identity Card (managers data), Interview script about selfrepresentations (in the dimension from a person and manager perspective) and Questionnaire of moral dilemmas (with two hypothetical situations). The data were analyzed qualitatively, through Dialogical Reliability and Independent Analysis of Judges. Quantitative analysis was also performed (Descriptive Statistical Analysis). RESULTS: In the representations of themselves the results pointed out that managers present answers with moral content such as honesty, empathy, concern for others and justice. However, it was possible to find answers without moral content such as being proactive, determined and achieving results in companies. In addition, it was understood that in the dimension as a person the managers present more moral responses than in the dimension as manager. As a result of the moral dilemmas the managers presented in their responses contents with moral principles such as caring for the team and cherishing people\'s lives; and without moral principles like following company rules and cherishing the profession above the value of people\'s lives. When the justifications are classified by domain, what prevails are conventional domain responses, which may mean the expression of the need for managers to meet organizational demands. CONCLUSION: It is understood from the sample that when managers follow a morality that they legitimize, they respond to self-representations with moral contents, presenting in sequence a greater index of justifications with moral principles in the judgments of the dilemmas. Likewise, when they have selfrepresentations with little moral content, they tend to be more conventional in their responses to the dilemmas. Therefore, it can be stated, according to the results, that the self-representations have an implication on the judgments researched

Julgamento de adolescentes sobre exclusão homofóbica na perspectiva da teoria do domínio social / Julgamento de adolescentes sobre exclusão homofóbica na perspectiva da Teoria do Domínio Social

Souza, Jackeline Maria de 24 May 2019 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar como variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, religião e cidade), níveis de empatia dos participantes e fatores específicos da pesquisa em exclusão (grau de contato, experiência como vítima de preconceito, opinião acerca da homossexualidade e percepção de influência) se relacionam com julgamentos de situações de exclusão contra homossexuais. Essa pesquisa defende a tese de que a exclusão motivada por homofobia é um fenômeno complexo, multifacetado e que precisa ser compreendido também a partir de uma leitura da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Moral, visto que as noções de equidade e considerações com o bem-estar do outro têm impacto direto sobre a visão do outro como humano que deve ser respeitado em sua dignidade e liberdade. Essa leitura está amparada teoricamente na Teoria do Domínio Social com a compreensão de que os juízos dos adolescentes acerca da realidade estão amparados por conhecimentos de diferentes domínios moral, convencional e pessoal e que além de ponderar entre todos os territórios esses ainda são atravessados por dimensões afetivas, cognitivas e sociais construídas em uma história de vida com experiências complexas. A amostra foi composta por 643 sujeitos. Destes, 45% eram moradores da cidade de Petrolina PE e 55% de São Paulo SP; 44% dos participantes eram do sexo masculino e 56% do sexo feminino, com idades entre 12 e 18 anos (M = 14,6; DP = 1,86). Os dados foram coletados em escolas públicas. Os questionários foram aplicados individualmente em formato autoadministrado e analisados através de procedimentos qualitativos e quantitativos. Os dados demonstraram que apesar da maioria dos adolescentes julgarem a homossexualidade como errada ou nem certa nem errada, isso não torna a exclusão certa, visto que esta foi majoritariamente avaliada como errada por questões morais. As variáveis sociodemográficas estiveram associadas a diferentes julgamentos, e destaca-se o papel importante do gênero nas diferenças dos julgamentos, podendo essa diferença estar associada diretamente as demais variáveis investigadas visto que as meninas apresentaram maiores níveis de empatia e experiências como vítimas de sexismo, bem como, maior contato com pessoas homossexuais e opiniões mais positivas acerca da homossexualidade. Quanto maior o contato com homossexuais, mais vivencias de vitimização de preconceito, maiores níveis de empatia e opinião positiva acerca da homossexualidade, mais os adolescentes avaliaram a exclusão como errada, baseados em critérios morais, convencionais e pessoais. Por outro lado, essas experiências (com exceção da vitimização) fizeram com que eles discordassem mais de razões convencionais e pessoais de que é certo excluir. Em relação às influências de pais, professores e amigos, observa-se pouca influência dos pais e professores nos julgamentos adolescentes, sendo mais evidente a influência de outros adolescentes tanto em relação aos conteúdos de igualdade e quanto na manifestação de afetos negativos em relação à homossexuais. Os resultados demonstraram ainda claramente a coexistência dos domínios nos julgamentos dessa temática. Por fim, destaca-se que esse estudo buscou contribuir para a compreensão de um fenômeno complexo sob a ótima da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Moral, sendo esse um campo ainda pouco explorado / The purpose of this study was to investigate how sociodemographic variables (age, sex, religion and city), levels of empathy of participants and specific factors of exclusion research (degree of contact, experience as victim of prejudice, opinion about homosexuality and perception of influence) relate to judgments of situations of exclusion against homosexuals. This research defends the thesis that exclusion motivated by homophobia is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and that needs to be understood also from Moral Development Psychology, since the notions of equity and considerations with the well-being of the other have a direct impact on the vision of the other as a human who must be respected in their dignity and freedom. This reading is theoretically supported in the Social Domain Theory with the understanding that the adolescents\' judgments about reality are supported by knowledge of different domains - moral, conventional and personal - and that besides pondering between all the territories these are still crossed by affective, cognitive and social dimensions built on a life story with complex experiences. The sample consisted of 643 subjects. Of these, 45% were residents of the city of Petrolina - PE and 55% of São Paulo - SP; 44% of the participants were male and 56% female, with ages between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.6; SD = 1.86). Data were collected in public schools. The questionnaires were individually applied in a self-administered format and analyzed through qualitative and quantitative procedures. The data showed that although most adolescent judge homosexuality to be wrong, neither right nor wrong, it does not make the right exclusion, since it was mostly judged to be wrong on moral domain. The sociodemographic variables were associated with different judgments, and the important role of gender in the differences of the judgments is highlighted, and this difference may be directly associated with the other variables investigated since the girls presented higher levels of empathy and experiences as victims of sexism as well such as greater contact with homosexual people and more positive opinions about homosexuality. The greater the contact with homosexuals, the more experiences of victimization of prejudice, higher levels of empathy and positive opinion about homosexuality, the more adolescents evaluated the exclusion as wrong, based on moral, conventional and personal criteria. On the other hand, these experiences (with the exception of victimization) made them disagree more with conventional and personal reasons that it is certain to exclude. Regarding the influences of parents, teachers and friends, there is little influence of parents and teachers in adolescent judgments, being more evident the influence of other adolescents both in relation to the content of equality and in the manifestation of negative affections towards homosexuals. The results also demonstrated clearly the coexistence of domains in the judgments of this theme. Finally, it is emphasized that this study sought to contribute to the understanding of a complex phenomenon under the optimum of Moral Development Psychology, being a field still little explored

Juízo Moral e Pressupostos Informacionais: a questão do consumo de carne / Not informed by the author

Silva, Cecília Onohara da 17 April 2019 (has links)
Dale Jamieson defende em seu livro Ética & meio ambiente: uma introdução a possibilidade de uma relação ética com o ambiente, e discute situações do cotidiano em que a ação individual importa para alterar o status quo, sendo uma dessas questões o uso de animais para consumo. Aliado a esse contexto, a participação da pecuária no desmatamento e degradação ambiental no Brasil torna relevante estudar como pessoas recebem e processam informações sobre o consumo de carne, bem como seus juízos sobre o assunto. Com base na Teoria dos Domínios Sociais, a pesquisa alia as necessidades do cenário socioambiental atual à necessidade de estudos sobre julgamentos de situações complexas com os objetivos de: 1) investigar quais os fatores e os pressupostos informacionais envolvidos na escolha dietética dos brasileiros, e 2) investigar se os julgamentos sobre consumo de carne de vegetarianos brasileiros estão mais focados em justificativas morais quando comparados aos julgamentos sobre consumo de carne de onívoros brasileiros. O delineamento do estudo é exploratório descritivo. Os dados foram levantados por meio de um survey de divulgação online, e a análise foi feita utilizando a análise de conteúdo de Bardin, com base na Teoria dos Domínios Sociais, e utilizando técnicas de estatística descritiva. Participaram da pesquisa 657 brasileiros, com média de idade de 28,5 anos, maioria feminina e residente do estado de São Paulo / Coordinated and collective actions, ranging from national to individual levels, will be necessary to adapt to climate changes. Dale Jamieson defends in his book Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction an ethical relationship with the environment and discusses daily individual actions that matter to change the status quo, and one of these actions is the use of animals for consumption. The cattle raisings significant share in Brazils deforestation and environmental degradation in that context makes it needed to study how people receive and process information involving meat consumption, as well as their judgment about this issue. Using the Social Domain Theory, the present research joins todays pressing social and environmental needs with the absence of studies about peoples judgments in complex situations. The study is exploratory and descriptive in nature, and used an online survey as instrument, with the purpose of 1) to investigate which factors and informational assumptions are involved in Brazilians dietary choices, and 2) to investigate if Brazilian vegetarians judgments are more focused in moral justifications than Brazilian omnivores judgment about meat consumption. Data analysis used Bardins Content Analysis based on Social Domain Theory and descriptive statistics. There were 657 respondents, with mean age of 28,5 years, mostly females and residents in the state of São Paulo

Läromedel som vägvisare : En analys av läromedel i religionskunskap för undervisning om etik, moral och värdegrund med domänteorin som verktyg / Textbooks as Guides : An Analysis of Textbooks in Religious Education for Teaching Ethics, Morality, and Values with Social Domain Theory as a Tool

Dahlberg, Paulina January 2024 (has links)
This study addresses the identified gaps in professionalism and theoretical grounding within values education, aiming to explore how textbooks can help alleviate these shortcomings. To achieve its objective, the study undertakes an analysis of five religious education textbooks designed for students in grades 4-6. It investigates how these textbooks tackle the prescribed values outlined in the school's value system and the pedagogical methodologies advocated within the realm of ethics and existential inquiries. Drawing upon Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development and social domain theory, this study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the symbiotic relationship between theoretical frameworks, pedagogical practices, and educational resources in values education. By shedding light on this interplay, the study seeks to inform the development of more effective strategies for values education within educational settings. The results suggest that an effective theoretical foundation can consist of a combination of Kohlberg's stage theory and domain theory. Stage theory can serve as a rough framework to understand students' intellectual maturity, while the nature of the questions—whether domain-specific or domain-complex—should be adapted to the students' moral maturity. The main conclusion is that these theories can be integrated into a cohesive model that helps teachers navigate value pedagogy by adapting the nature of the questions to the students' maturity.

Developing a taxonomy of health care aide tasks in a personal care home

Zinnick, Shauna Gerry 16 September 2016 (has links)
Purpose: to understand the tasks that health care aides (HCAs) are responsible for in a nursing home setting, and to understand which of these tasks HCAs feel are more important. Methods: In Phase 1, focus groups were conducted to validate the list of tasks and ensure HCAs could differentiate between them, according to task urgency, quality of care, and quality of life. During Phase 2, HCAs participated in a Delphi process to reach consensus on the relative importance of these tasks. Results: Participants reached consensus that 12 of 31 tasks were highly important according to task urgency. Of these, 10 were from the medical domain (e.g., skin care). Similar results were reached for the other definitions of importance. Conclusions: This study provides a framework for classifying HCA tasks into three domains (medical, social and indirect). Irrespective of the definition of importance used, medical tasks are consistently deemed as more important. / October 2016

Transformative learning through a youth enrichment programme - in search of Talisman

Farhangpour, Parvaneh Nikkhesal 18 August 2003 (has links)
All human beings are endowed with unique talents and potentialities, and are able to bring to life the hidden gifts or the talisman within them. Being in the prime of their lives, youth should be engaged in developing themselves, acquiring virtues, and striving for excellence. Reports from schools and other sources, however, indicate that many South African youth have become prey to various social ills, such as teenage pregnancy, violence, crime, and drugs and alcohol abuse, which inhibit them from achieving their talisman. In response to this situation, a life skills programme was designed to awaken the sense of talisman in youth. Believing that all human beings are gifted with special talents and potentialities, the Youth Enrichment Programme (YEP) aims to improve and transform the cognitive, social, and moral behaviour of youth, thus bringing them closer to the state of talisman. The programme intends to equip youth with values and skills that improve their social, moral and cognitive behaviour, so that they can become responsible citizens in a united and peaceful society. It pays special attention to the moral and spiritual aspects of the learners, aspects severely neglected by most education systems. The principles of YEP are founded on the spiritual nature of man, the oneness of mankind, unity in diversity, and equality. The programme adopts transformational and multi-domain teaching strategies to transform learners through interactive critical assessment of values in the context of real-life moral and social issues. The main purpose of this study was to analyse and evaluate YEP in terms of its influence on the cognitive, social, and moral behaviour of adolescent learners and to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Various aspects of the programme were investigated, including its underlying theoretical principles, methodological approaches and design characteristics. The researcher evaluated the influence of the programme on the behaviour of adolescent learners in five institutions in two provinces. The qualitative and quantitative data from the learners, teachers and facilitators in the five case studies showed that the programme had a positive influence on the learners in the cognitive, social and moral domains. It broadened their view of life and developed problem solving skills in the cognitive domain, enhanced their communication skills and co-operation in social domain, and improved their general moral behaviour especially in the areas of trust and respect in the moral domain. Overall, the effect of the programme was most prominent in transforming the moral behaviour of the learners, bringing some of them closer to their state of talisman. The study also discovered three unexpected phenomena - the beneficial role of peer learning facilitation, the positive effect of facilitation on the young facilitators, and the salutary effect of the programme on the general learning atmosphere in the schools. All human beings are endowed with unique talents and potentialities, and are able to bring to life the hidden gifts or the talisman within them. Being in the prime of their lives, youth should be engaged in developing themselves, acquiring virtues, and striving for excellence. Reports from schools and other sources, however, indicate that many South African youth have become prey to various social ills, such as teenage pregnancy, violence, crime, and drugs and alcohol abuse, which inhibit them from achieving their talisman. In response to this situation, a life skills programme was designed to awaken the sense of talisman in youth. Believing that all human beings are gifted with special talents and potentialities, the Youth Enrichment Programme (YEP) aims to improve and transform the cognitive, social, and moral behaviour of youth, thus bringing them closer to the state of talisman. The programme intends to equip youth with values and skills that improve their social, moral and cognitive behaviour, so that they can become responsible citizens in a united and peaceful society. It pays special attention to the moral and spiritual aspects of the learners, aspects severely neglected by most education systems. The principles of YEP are founded on the spiritual nature of man, the oneness of mankind, unity in diversity, and equality. The programme adopts transformational and multi-domain teaching strategies to transform learners through interactive critical assessment of values in the context of real-life moral and social issues. The main purpose of this study was to analyse and evaluate YEP in terms of its influence on the cognitive, social, and moral behaviour of adolescent learners and to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Various aspects of the programme were investigated, including its underlying theoretical principles, methodological approaches and design characteristics. The researcher evaluated the influence of the programme on the behaviour of adolescent learners in five institutions in two provinces. The qualitative and quantitative data from the learners, teachers and facilitators in the five case studies showed that the programme had a positive influence on the learners in the cognitive, social and moral domains. It broadened their view of life and developed problem solving skills in the cognitive domain, enhanced their communication skills and co-operation in social domain, and improved their general moral behaviour especially in the areas of trust and respect in the moral domain. Overall, the effect of the programme was most prominent in transforming the moral behaviour of the learners, bringing some of them closer to their state of talisman. The study also discovered three unexpected phenomena - the beneficial role of peer learning facilitation, the positive effect of facilitation on the young facilitators, and the salutary effect of the programme on the general learning atmosphere in the schools. / Dissertation (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Quand et comment exercer son autorité comme parent : le rôle socialisateur du lien problème-contrainte et du domaine social

Robichaud, Jean-Michel 03 1900 (has links)
Des études expérimentales examinant le rôle socialisateur de l’autorité parentale dans des contextes de transgression persistante de règles ont démontré les avantages d’utiliser la conséquence logique plutôt que d’autres stratégies d’autorité (la punition, le raisonnement et l’absence d’autorité). À l’aide d’une méthodologie par vignettes expérimentales et d’un échantillon de 214 adolescents (M = 15,28 ans), la présente étude a bonifié ces recherches en comparant ces mêmes stratégies dans un contexte de transgression à facettes multiples. Spécifiquement, le rôle modérateur des perceptions des adolescents de l’enjeu sous-jacent à la transgression (personnel c. non-personnel) sur leurs croyances quant au potentiel socialisateur des stratégies d’autorité a été évalué. Lorsque les adolescents ont catégorisé la transgression comme un enjeu non-personnel, les résultats des études antérieures ont été reproduits. En effet, la conséquence logique a été jugée comme étant aussi efficace que la punition à prévenir une transgression future (et plus efficace que le raisonnement et l’absence d’autorité) et comme la stratégie la plus acceptable. De plus, contrairement à la punition, la conséquence logique n’a pas été perçue comme frustrant plus l’autonomie que le raisonnement. En comparaison, les adolescents ayant catégorisé la transgression comme un enjeu personnel ont perçu la conséquence logique moins favorablement, laissant place au raisonnement comme stratégie d’autorité préférable. Les implications de ces résultats pour la socialisation des adolescents et les pratiques parentales optimales sont discutées. / Experimental studies focusing on the socialization role of parental authority exertion in persistent rule-breaking contexts involving non-personal issues have recently shown the advantages of using logical consequences over alternative strategies (mild punishments, reasoning and no-authority). Using an experimental vignette approach and a sample of 214 adolescents (Mage = 15.28 years), the present study extended these findings by comparing the same parental interventions in a hypothetical rule-breaking setting involving a multifaceted issue. Specifically, and based on research anchored in social domain theory, we evaluated how adolescents’ perceptions of the issue underlying the multifaceted transgression (personal vs. non-personal) moderated their beliefs regarding authority exertion strategies. When adolescents perceived the transgression as a non-personal issue, past results were replicated and enhanced. Adolescents perceived the logical consequence as at least as effective as the mild punishment to prevent future transgressions (i.e., more so than reasoning and no-authority) and as the most acceptable strategy. Furthermore, contrary to the mild punishment, they did not perceive the logical consequence as more autonomy-thwarting than reasoning. In contrast, adolescents who categorized the transgression as a personal matter rated the logical consequence less favorably, leaving reasoning as a preferred form of intervention. Implications for optimal parenting are discussed.

Lived Experiences of School Counselors Who Address Mental Health Needs Through Evidenced-based Educational Programs

Olds, Kelley Yvette 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to explore the lived experiences of school counselors who address the mental health needs of students through at least one of the following educational evidenced-based programs: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, Response to Intervention, Restorative Practices, and Student Assistance Program. EBPs have evolved as a staple of quality educational programming with a focus on best practices, data, and accountability. Over the past several decades, school counselors have struggled to demonstrate efficiency, accountability, and transparency consistently in counseling outcomes (Generali, Foss-Kelly, & McNamara, 2013). Recent literature in school counseling embraces the movement toward evidenced based practices to urge counselors to demonstrate their capacity for leadership, advocacy, and accountability (Cressey, Whitcomb, McGilvray-Rivet, Morrison, & Shander-Reynolds, 2014; Goodman-Scott, Betters-Bubon, & Donohue, 2015). Six significant themes emerged through data analysis: 1) Cultivating advocacy and leadership skills; 2) Recognizing benefits of EBP integration; 3) Being frontline in mental health as personal-social domain dominates school counselor role; 4) Collaborating and consulting with school and community stakeholders; 5) Needing supportive environment to promote mental wellness; and 6) Navigating EBP implementation challenges. Findings from this study suggest that promoting mental wellness using EBPs is conducive to address the personal social needs of students. Moreover, the school counselor participants indicated that the EBPs reviewed were valuable school reform models as the EBPs address students’ mental health needs. The findings also suggest that school counselors, as key educational stakeholders, should be included in the discourse of EBP advancement, execution, and assessment.

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