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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of involuntary childlessness and of the strategies of help offered

Monach, J. H. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinė pagalba probleminio elgesio paaugliams / Social help to teenagers with problematic behaviour

Keršienė, Zita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sunkiai auklėjami, rizikos grupės, asocialaus, deviantinio ar delinkventinio elgesio, nusižengę ar nusikaltę vaikai – terminai, kuriuos naudoja teoretikai ir praktikai kalbėdami apie vaikus dėl savo elgesio tampančiais problema tiek sau patiems, tiek valstybei bei visuomenei. Dėl šios priežasties terminas „probleminio elgesio vaikai“ yra pakankamai aiškus ir platus. Jame „ telpa“ ir vaikai, kurių elgesys neatitinka visuomenėje nusistovėjusių elgesio normų ir yra vertinamas, kaip baustina veika, nusikaltimas, ir vaikai, linkę pažeisti priimtas teisės , moralės, elgesio normas, egzistuojančias tradicijas ir papročius, tačiau neįvykdantys rimtų teisės pažeidimų, nusikaltimų. / Sustaining scientific and methodical literature I discussed teenagers psychological issues. I looked at the documents which are regulating social help presentation. I discussed social help’s problematic issues for teenagers in the schools. I explored how social help is organized for problematic behaviour teenagers. Ten respondents was participating in the assay and giving social help to the teenagers. I did the assay in interview method. After I summarised the assay I found that. Giving social help to the problematic behaviour students you also have to communicate with their parents. To give the best social help to the problematic behaviour students specialists has to work in the team.

Socialinė pagalba vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų dienos centre / Social support for children from social risk families at day centre

Skarbalienė, Inga 09 July 2010 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas- ištirti požiūrį į socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų dienos centre. Tyrimo tikslą sukonkretina darbe keliami uždaviniai: išanalizuoti socialinės rizikos šeimų ir vaikų problemas; išnagrinėti dienos centre teikiamos pagalbos socialinės vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, kryptis; ištirti socialinio darbuotojo funkcijas dienos centre, teikiant pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai socialinės rizikos šeimų atsiradimo veiksniai, valstybės teikiamos socialinės paramos vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų kryptys. Antroje darbo dalyje analizuojamos dienos centro galimybės ir projektai, teikiantys socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir socialinio darbuotojo funkcijos organizuojant pagalbos veiklas dienos centre. Trečioje darbo dalyje apibendrinami kokybinio tyrimo duomenys bei apibendrinamas respondentų požiūris į teikiamą socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų. Tyrimo metu nustatėme, kad aktualiausiomis socialinės rizikos šeimų problemomis įvardijamas skurdas ir materialiniai nepritekliai, nedarbas, socialinių įgūdžių stoka, blogi šeimos narių tarpusavio santykiai. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad vaikų užimtumo ir pamokų ruošimo, vaikų maitinimo veiklos, organizuojamos dienos centre, yra reikšmingiausios tėvams bei vaikams ir visų šeimų vertinamos teigiamai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad šeimų ir darbuotojų-specialistų požiūris į dienos centre... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the master’s thesis is to study the approach to social support for children from social risk families at day centre. The goal of the study is defined more specifically by the objectives that the thesis addresses: analysing issues of social risk families and children; studying directions of social support for children from social risk families; investigating social worker functions at day centre relating to the offering of support to children from social risk families. Part one of the thesis addresses theoretical factors pertaining to the emergence of social risk families, directions of governmental social support for children from social risk families. Part two analyses the possibilities and projects on providing social support to children from social risk families and the functions of the social worker relating to the organising of support activities at day centre. Part three of the thesis summarises the data of the qualitative study and the respondents’ opinion on social support for children from social risk families. In the process of study we established that the most significant issues that social risk families are facing are identified to be those of poverty and deprivation, unemployment, lack of social skills, poor relations among family members. The study has supported the hypothesis that the activities of children’s occupation, homework, nourishment available from the day centre are most important to the parents and the children and are viewed as a... [to full text]

Nedarni šeima bendruomenėje: statusas ir socialinės pagalbos organizavimas / Disharmony‘s familys in a community: status and social help organization

Morkvėnienė, Violeta 07 June 2005 (has links)
From 1990 m. realsed some seesows executyd social structure in Lithuania. The sodality non existent without family. The family is the base of a societal. The familys are on the increase, wherein of sorts function, because are pervasive unemployment, alcohol dependence and other things. Therefece rising social guestions and status. Into reseach wonder to sum up familys‘s status in yuors sodality, o dig effectively possibilitys social main tenance. In reaseach work was set a tasks: to analyse analitic reveew of reaseach literature; to descry fundamental nation, and theoretic attitudes of reaseach work; to find on disharmony family,s status in sodality; to class a good rapport contitioning; to schedule a good things for family‘s to better level of life for social workers. This moment have been work with disharmony‘s familys the first attitude to oppugn or not to help. For this family‘s need not a material but more to unbutton bore on‘s soul to display warm heart and heartiness. The familys which more splendour, a good position are not harmony too. Wherefore don‘t make disharmony‘s familys of register. This research work deduction, that familys not a good to store for materially and psichology. This opinion poured a caseworker, so we need to pay regard to planning asocial service and involvement voluntary.

Socialinis pedagogas - pagalbos šeimai koordinatorius / Social pedagogue – coordinator of a help to a family

Kregždienė, Irena 08 June 2005 (has links)
A concluding thesis by Irena Kregždienė, postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogių University, Institute of Social Communication, Department of Social Pedagogy, named „Social pedagogue – coordinator of a help to a family“, supervisor prof. dr. Juozas Vytautas Uzdila, is written after a thorough analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, legal documents and strategy of rendering social help to pupils and their families. A survey of legal documents, concerning social help of a family, is made and the works of social workers and psychologists concerning social and psychological help to a family is made. The aim of this work was to reveal, how social pedagogue in schools coordinates help for the families of pupils. It was assumed, that it is posible to provide help for families in the frame of school, coordinating common work of specialists, specifying their functions and responsibilities. Analysis of literature, interview with social pedagogues and inquiry of class tutors were made. Investigatives were selected from 2 professional groups. 7 social pedagogues and 107 class tutors were selected. Statistical data has been analised with Statistical Pacage for Social Sciences (SPSS 10.0). Both qualitative and quantitative analysis‘ were made. Three statistical procedures to analise statistical data - computation of percental frequency of the answers, mean of estimations and analysis of variance - were made. The results have revealed, that class tutors and social pedagogs both tend... [to full text]

Specialiosios ir socialinės pagalbos tėvams, auginantiems specialiųjų poreikių vaikus, ypatumai / Special and social help for families with a disabled child

Jauniškienė, Jolita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama šeimos-atsidūrusios negalės situacijoje padėtis. Analizuojamos specialiosios ir socialinės pagalbos kryptys, jų reikšmė šeimos gyvenimo kokybei. Siekiama atskleisti realios pagalbos turinį Lietuvoje, nustatyti trūkumus bei numatyti pagalbos šeimai tobulinimo kryptis. Remiantis literatūrinių duomenų analize galima teigti, kad šeimos, auginančios neįgalų vaiką, situacija turi būti vertinama kaip šeimos, esančios stresinėje būk¬lėje, kuomet nuolatos išgyvenama identiteto krizė. Gyvenimo kokybė neišvengiamai suprastėja, todėl būtina profesionali specialistų intervencija ir socialinio tinklo pasitelkimas palaikymui formuoti. Socia¬liniame tinkle būtina veikti bendradarbiavimo principu, stiprinant šeimos atsparumą bei įgalinant šeimą gyvenimo kokybės lygio išlaikymui bei kėlimui. Ypač svarbus tikslus tėvų informavimas apie jų vaiko ypatumus ir galimus pagalbos būdus. Konsultuodami šeimos narius specialistai turi įvardinti ne tik vaiko ribotumus, bet stipriąsias puses ir galimybes. Remiantis anketinių duomenų analize bei gautais rezultatais, svarbu pastebėti- ankstyvos, kryptingos, kompleksinės pagalbos svarbą šeimai. Specialistų kompetencija, profesionalumas, bendradarbiavimas ir tęstinumas- pagrindinės charakteristikos nusakančios specialistų, kaip paramos šaltinio efektyvumą. Suvienijus medikų, pedagogų, psichologų, spec.pedagogų, socialinių darbuotojų jėgas reikia tobulinti informacijos sklaidos galimybes. Padedančias šeimai išlikti aktyviais visuomenės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work analyses the position of the indispositional families. It examines the directions of the special and social help, their significance to the quality of family's life. The work tries to disclose the content of real help in Lithuania, uncover shortcomings and foresee the directions how to improve the support for the family. On the basis of data analysis it is possible to state that the situation of families with a disabled child has to be valued as the situation of the family which is in constant stress and crisis of identity. Quality of life naturally falls down that's why the professional intervetion of specialist and the whole social net is needed. In order to improve te quality of the family life or at least maintain the same level one must behave on the basis of communication. It is especially important to inform parents about peculiarities of their children and the ways of help. Consulting family members specialist must name not only the shortcommings of their child, but also his positive features. On the basis of surveys' analysis and their results it is important to notice - the importance of early, directed and complex support for the family. The professionalism of specialists, their cooperation and duaration of their work - the main characteristics which show the effectiveness of the source of support. Joining the efforts of doctors, pedagogues, psychologists, social workers one can improve the possibility of getting information and helping families to be... [to full text]

Plan de negocio para una empresa de comercialización y producción de harina y galletas de linaza, quinua, maca y tarwi para Lima Metropolitana / Business Plan for a Quinoa, Linseed, Maca and Tarwi Flour and Cookie Production and Marketing Company for Metropolitan Lima

Aguirre Ramos, Edwin Alonso, López Suarez, Lilian Marlene, Quiroz Barrios, Zoila Patricia 31 December 2020 (has links)
Este plan de negocio ha sido desarrollado para evaluar la viabilidad de la Comercialización de Productos Naturales: Harina de Linaza, Harina de Quinua, Harina de Maca y Harina de Tarwi, la cual está dirigida a personas de todas las edades de nivel socioeconómico A, B y C de los distritos de San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, Miraflores, Jesús María y Pueblo Libre. El objetivo es poder satisfacer la necesidad de consumo de la población que requieren de este tipo de productos nutritivos con atributos de calidad y fuentes de aprovisionamiento certificados. Dentro de los valores adicionales está el uso de material de embalaje reciclable, ayuda social a las personas de las áreas de influencia como agricultores, comercializadores o población de bajos recursos en zonas metropolitanas. En el capítulo I se presenta los antecedentes, la descripción de la idea de negocio como alternativa de solución al problema, el análisis de la oportunidad y la descripción de los productos que se pretende comercializar. Este proyecto tiene el fin de proponer productos naturales que contribuyan al cuidado de la salud de las personas pero que además tengan como valor el aspecto ecológico al emplear envases 100% biodegradables y el aspecto social al ayudar directamente con un porcentaje de las ventas a las comunidades productoras y demás zonas de influencia. En el capítulo II se desarrolla el concepto de análisis estratégico de la empresa que incluye el análisis del macroentorno, análisis del sector, análisis de la competencia. Lo que nos permite evidenciar que a pesar de que la empresa presenta competencia en el rubro de comercialización de productos naturales aún se encuentra oportunidades de negocio referidos al valor final del producto a ofrecer diferentes a aspectos de calidad. Con ello se elabora en el Capítulo III los aspectos del Planeamiento Estratégico, referidos a Visión, Misión de la empresa, análisis FODA, Cadena de valor y estrategia genérica competitiva. Lo principal es la propuesta de valor, con el cual se establece que se tendrá una característica diferencial respecto a los competidores potenciales, basándose en impulsar aspectos sociales y ecológicos asociados a la calidad del producto a un precio adecuado. En el capítulo IV se elabora el Plan de Comercialización de la empresa en donde se realiza el Estudio de mercado, el análisis de la muestra empleada y la estimación del mercado potencial. A su vez se elabora el Plan de Marketing, la Estrategia del producto y de los precios. A través de la investigación de mercado y análisis de costes se ha determinado el precio del producto, obteniendo un margen de utilidad atractivo y logrando un precio competitivo, siendo este un elemento del Mix de Marketing que proporciona los ingresos. El capítulo V se presenta el plan de operaciones, se determina el tipo de sociedad a establecer, la estructura organizacional y el estudio técnico, detallando todo necesario para poner en funcionamiento el negocio. Se comprueba que dicho giro de negocio tiene todas condiciones para ser desarrollado a nivel del departamento de Lima, es decir, existe viabilidad operativa. En el capítulo VI se desarrolla el planeamiento financiero, donde se determina la viabilidad del proyecto a través del cálculo de la inversión total, como también de la proyección de los ingresos, costos y gastos que se llevaran a cabo en un periodo de 5 años, así mismo se calcula el WACC que es el costo de la inversión o la rentabilidad mínima exigida que deberá generar el negocio, para luego aplicarla en la actualización de los flujos de caja y conseguir demostrar a viabilidad del proyecto. El resultado del VAN a 5 años es de más de S/. 490,000.00 nuevos soles y la TIR es superior al Coste de la inversión. / This document “Plan de Negocio para una empresa de Comercialización y Producción de harina y galletas de Quinua, Linaza, Maca y Tarwi para Lima Metropolitana", consists in the elaboration of a Business Plan for trading healthy products for families in Lima, this business is dedicated to buy products like quinoa, bruise, linseed and tarwi, from Junin farmers. Then we transform in flour and cookies with varied flavors. This business not only offers a quality product but also quality in the delivery service through strategic alliances with suppliers that provide this service. The main reason why we development this business plan is because we find the opportunity to provide well-being and health to the Peruvian population through our healthy products and we also help social organizations once the client acquires our product. Another reason is we want to reduce the environment impact through biodegradable materials. Another reason that supports this investment decision is because we will be a company seeking to have a lower environmental impact through the use of biodegradable packaging. Finally, through the financial instruments, the project has been evaluated, demonstrating its viability. Once the Free Cash Flow was drawn up, the cash flow discount was made where the result was a positive NPV and an IRR greater than the WACC. / Trabajo de investigación

Sociální práce v nemocnici - používané metody a techniky / Social Work in Hospital - Used Methods and Techniques

MRÁČKOVÁ, Iva January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of social work in a hospital. Social work in health care is a sphere where health care is combined with social care and is an inseparable part of therapeutic and nursing process. The aim was to map the methods and techniques of social work used in the České Budějovice Hospital. Three research questions were set: 1. What methods and techniques does a social worker apply to work with a patient? 2. What social help is most frequently used by patients in hospital? 3. Are patients informed on social care possibilities after discharge from hospital? Quantitative research, questioning method, the technique of semi structured interview was performed to reach the goals of the thesis. The research was conducted from March to June 2012. The practical research was performed in direct cooperation with social workers from the České Budějovice Hospital and with clients that had been discharged to home environment after being hospitalized in the České Budějovice Hospital and used social services after discharge. The research has shown that social workers apply the most suitable methods to the social work process and use the most modern procedures in solving unfavourable social situation, including the approach to a client. Clients have the possibility to get in touch with a social worker in hospital and to use her assistance in mitigation or elimination of negative social impacts of illness.

Problematika neúplných rodin v České republice a ve vybraných státech Evropské unie z hlediska sociální politiky státu / Problems of single - parent families in the Czech republic and selected countries of the European Union from the perspective of state social policy

Bonková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
My diploma work focuses on the issues of single-parent families in the Czech Republic and selected countries of the European Union from the perspective of social policy. I have selected those countries that border the Czech Republic, i.e. Slovakia, Germany, Austria and Poland. In the theoretical part of my diploma work I define family as an institution, its main functions, its historical development and its present changes. Further, I address the problems of single-parent and divorced parents from the psychosocial view, touching also on the subject from the perspective of the church. In conclusion to the theoretical part I address the social policies of individual countries. The practical part involves two pieces of research. The objective of the first piece of research has been to evaluate and compare statistical data from the social environments of the above mentioned countries with that of the Czech Republic. In the second part of research, by means of a questionnaire, I have sought the opinions and views of future family founders with regard to the issues of single-parents families.

Systém dávek hmotné nouze jako nástroj ochrany před chudobou v podmínkách ČR / The system of material need benefits as an instrument of protection against poverty in the Czech Republic.

Hasilová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis The system of material need benefits as an instrument of protection against poverty in the Czech Republic deals with the relationship between poverty and social benefits. The subject of research is to analyze the impact of system material need benefits to deals problem of poverty. The theoretical basis for thesis is the concept of social exclusion and redistributive discourse. The theoretical part of the thesis analyzed the different concepts and identified tools of social policy in the fight against poverty. Closer is characterized by social protection and help system in the Czech Republic. The practical part of the thesis, realized through research studies and interviews with experts, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of material need benefits and suggestions for improvement. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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