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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rekrytera en individ : En undersökning vilken betydelse identitetsmatchningenhar i rekryteringssammahang.

Brändén, Rickard January 2024 (has links)
Inledning: Felrekrytering med stora omkostnader är vanligt förekommande, vilket gör rekrytering av rätt medarbetare viktigt. Utifrån matchande av identiteten mellan arbetssökande och arbetsplats så kan retentionen i organisationer med hög personalomsättning öka, och identitetsfaktorn kan vara en viktig aspekt att ha med i utvärderingar. Problemformulering: Hur ser rekryterare på identitetsmatchning? Syfte: Studien undersöker vilken betydelse identitetsmatchning har i rekryteringssammanhang. Metod: Metoden vald för att besvara problemformuleringen var kvalitativ, med användandet av ett abduktivt angreppssätt och utförandet av fem semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer. Slutsats: Identitetsmatchning har väsentligt betydelse under rekryteringssammanhang, dock inte lika framstående mellan arbetssökande och den övergripande organisationen som mellan arbetssökande och arbetsgrupp.

Social Identity Theory and Rebranding: The brand formerly known as Dunkin' Donuts

Gaskill, Meghan Lynne 10 January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the impact that the rebranding of Dunkin' Donuts to Dunkin' has on brand perception, specifically in Generation Z and Millennials through the lens of social identity theory. Factors studied include visual brand identification, brand loyalty, purchasing habits, and perception of brand equity. Forty-four (N=44) students participated in four focus groups looking at these variables. The findings showed that social identification with Dunkin' is formed through personal brand experience, although participants were resistant to self-categorization with Dunkin'. The findings also demonstrated that social identification decreased slightly through the visual rebranding, but did not create any reported impact on purchasing habits. It was also reported that the level of social identification was based off of perception of brand value and quality. Finally, participants demonstrated that there was an impact on social comparison through participants questioning Dunkin's values as an organization. Given that the sample was all Millennial and Generation Z consumers, this study also determined that company values are important to these cohorts. It also suggested that perceived modernization of a brand can positively impact brand equity, and that communication of rebranding changes to the public are an important step of a successful rebrand. Practical implications of this research are also discussed. / Master of Arts / This study examines the impact that the rebranding of Dunkin' Donuts to Dunkin' has on brand perceptions, specifically among Generation Z and Millennials through the lens of social identity theory. Social identity theory guides the understanding of how Generation Z and Millennials perceive Dunkin' through its rebranding. Factors studied include visual brand identification, brand loyalty, purchasing habits, and perception of brand equity. Forty-four (N=44) students participated in four focus groups looking at these variables. The findings showed that social identification with Dunkin' is formed through personal brand experience, although participants were resistant to self-categorization with Dunkin' Given that the sample was all Millennial and Generation Z consumers, this study also determined that company values are important to these cohorts. It also suggested that perceived modernization of a brand can positively impact brand equity, and communication of rebranding changes to the public are an important step of a successful rebrand. Practical implications of this research are also discussed.

Sexual Orientation: A Peripheral Cue in Advertising?

Ivory, Adrienne Holz 09 May 2007 (has links)
Although advertising featuring gay male and lesbian models can be an effective means of targeting the significant gay and lesbian market, few empirical studies examine how consumers respond to gay-themed advertisements. To address the absence of message-processing research dealing with heterosexual responses to gay-themed advertising, this thesis examines how sexual orientation of model couples featured in magazine advertisements affects heterosexual viewers' responses using the elaboration-likelihood model as a guiding framework. A 3x2x2x3 experiment tested the effects of model couples' sexual orientation (heterosexual, gay male, or lesbian), argument strength (strong or weak), involvement (high or low), and participants' attitudes towards homosexuality (high, medium, or low) on White heterosexual participants' attitudes toward the couple, attitudes toward the advertisement, attitudes toward the brand, attitudes toward the product, purchase intentions, and recall. Results indicate that heterosexual consumers were accepting of ads with lesbian portrayals.  Participants showed more negative attitudes toward gay male portrayals, but attitudes towards heterosexual and lesbian ads were similar. This effect was moderated by participants attitudes toward homosexuals. Regarding message processing, low involvement consumers showed more negative attitudes toward homosexual portrayals than toward heterosexual portrayals, providing some indication that models' sexual orientation in ads may have served as a peripheral cue negatively impacting attitudes toward the couple and ad in situations where elaboration is low. However, such effects on attitudes toward couples and ads did not appear to carry over to attitudes toward the brand and product, purchase intentions, or recall. Implications, limitations, and areas for future research are also discussed. / Master of Arts

Masculinity Threat, Misogyny, and the Celebration of Violence in White Men

Scaptura, Maria N. January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to understand the relationship between masculinity and the endorsement of attitudes towards guns and violence and aggressive fantasies. I examine threatened masculinity and masculine gender role stress in addition to a newly developed measure, which assesses traits associated with incels, who believe that social liberalism, feminism, and more sexually active men (“Chads”) are to blame for their lack of sex with women. Incels are largely a disorganized group of men interacting online, but a few self-identifying members have been associated with a number of mass violence events in recent years. The data were constructed from an original self-report survey distributed to men aged 18 to 30 years old, the group most responsible for violence against women and mass violence. I hypothesize that men who perceive that men are losing status as a group (status threat) (1), who feel less acceptance as members of that category (acceptance threat) (2), or who exhibit incel traits (3) are more likely to (a) approve of guns, violence, and aggression, and (b) exhibit aggressive fantasies. This study’s findings support three hypotheses: status threat is positively associated with an approval of guns and violence; acceptance threat is positively associated with approval of guns, violence, and aggressive fantasies; and incel traits are positively associated with aggressive fantasies. Men who experience status or acceptance threat or share incel traits exemplify issues of toxicity present in masculinity today. Their support for gun use, violence and aggressive fantasies further show the connection between male insecurity, aggressive attitudes, and fantasizing about violence. / M.S. / This study aims to understand the relationship between masculinity and the endorsement of attitudes towards guns and violence and aggressive fantasies. I examine masculinity and feelings of threat in addition to a newly developed measure, which assesses traits associated with incels (“involuntary celibates”), who believe that social liberalism, feminism, and more sexually active men are to blame for their lack of sex with women. Incels are largely a disorganized group of men interacting online, but a few self-identifying members have been associated with a number of mass violence events in recent years. The data were constructed from a survey distributed to men aged 18 to 30 years old, the group most responsible for violence against women and mass violence. I hypothesize that men who perceive that men are losing status as a group (1), who feel less acceptance as members of that category (2), or who exhibit incel traits (3) are more likely to (a) approve of guns, violence, and aggression, and (b) exhibit aggressive fantasies. This study’s findings support three hypotheses: feelings of group status loss are positively associated with an approval of guns and violence; stress in one’s masculine gender role is positively associated with approval of guns, violence, and aggressive fantasies; and incel traits are positively associated with aggressive fantasies. Their support for gun use, violence and aggressive fantasies further show the connection between male insecurity, aggressive attitudes, and fantasizing about violence.

Brand champion behaviour: Its role in corporate branding

Yakimova, Raisa, Mavonda, F., Freeman, S., Stuart, H. 2017 August 1914 (has links)
Yes / Brand champions are responsible for encouraging employee commitment to the corporate brand strategy. They strongly believe in and identify with the brand concept—the company’s selected brand meaning, which underpins corporate brand strategy implementation. We conducted research to explore why and how brand champion behaviour operates within companies implementing a new corporate brand strategy. Against a backdrop of growing interest in brand champion behaviour in corporate branding research, we grounded our study in social identity theory and rhetorical theory from change management literature. Our findings show that articulating a compelling brand vision, taking responsibility, and getting the right people involved are the most widely used strategies by brand champions. We uncover how rhetorical strategies within brand champion behaviour generate employee commitment to a new corporate brand strategy. The dimension of brand champion behaviour that is effective depends on the type of brand evolution, involving shifts in the brand concept. We make suggestions for further studies underpinned by social identity theory and rhetorical theory to investigate brand champion behaviour processes within companies introducing a new corporate brand strategy.

Politisk polaritet och Social identitet: : En analys av kärnkraftsdebatten i Sveriges riksdag utifrån den sociala identitetsteorin / Political Polarization and Social Identity: : An Analysis of the Nuclear Power Debate in the Swedish Parliament from the Perspective of Social Identity Theory

Kattilavaara, William January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the parliamentary debate regarding the proposition "Ny kärnkraft i Sverige - Ett första steg" which aims to facilitate the expansion of nuclear power in Sweden. The purpose is to provide an understanding of the nuclear power debate in the Swedish Parliament since it has been revived by the energy crisis in 2021 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The debate is analyzed through a qualitative content analysis to identify the arguments of Tidöpartierna and the opposition for and against the proposition. The identified arguments are then interpreted through the social identity perspective to explain their different standpoints. The results show that nuclear power is a divisive issue in the Swedish Parliament. Interpretation through social identity theory reveals that the parties' historical positions, their perception of which arguments are most effective to attract voters, and confirmation bias influence their views on the nuclear power issue. The conclusions indicate that it is an issue that divides the Parliament into two sides: Tidöpartierna and the opposition parties, with each side presenting different solutions to the energy issue. Tidöpartierna argues for an energysystem where nuclear power complements renewable energy sources, while the oppositionparties favor a solution where the energy system is solely based on renewable energy sources.

Digital Societies: Exploring the Influence of Online Multiplayer Games on Real-Life Social Interactions

David, Arushi, Sarcar, Aayush, Krivosein, Nikita January 2024 (has links)
This study delved into the influence of the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), World of Warcraft, on players' real-life social interactions and skill development. Employing a mixed-methods approach that combined surveys and structured interviews, our findings suggested that World of Warcraft is a vibrant hub for socialisation and group activities, particularly among young adults. Our findings also revealed the formation of lasting friendships within the game, with a significant number of players extending these connections beyond the virtual realm to other online platforms and even real-life meetings. Guild membership emerged as a pivotal factor, which may have fostered a strong sense of community and belonging among players, as elucidated by the Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Additionally, our analysis revealed notable improvements in communication and teamwork skills among players, echoing the transformative potential of gameplay discussed in the Theory of Transformative Game Design (Bowman & Baird, 2022). Apart from game designers and researchers, this study is also relevant to everyone seeking to develop their social skills and confidence. These findings emphasised the potential impact of World of Warcraft in fostering social integration, skill development, and the cultivation of meaningful relationships that transcend the boundaries of the game environment. As MMORPGs continue to evolve as influential cultural phenomena, our study contributes valuable insights into the nuanced dynamics of online gaming communities and their broader implications for social interaction and personal growth.

Etnisiteit in 'n oorgangsperiode : 'n sociaal-sielkundige studie

Bornman, Elirea 06 1900 (has links)
Die studie fokus op etnisiteit gedurende die oorgang na 'n nuwe politieke bedeling in Suid-Afrika. Op teoretiese vlak is aandag gegee aan ideologiese strominge; dimensies van etnisiteit; die omskrywing van etnisiteit en die onderskeid tussen etnisiteit en ander vorme van groepidentifisering. Etnisiteit is verder op sosiaalsielkundige vlak ontleed, terwyl die invloed van ekonomiese, politieke en staatkundige faktore verreken is. Kontekstuele faktore tydens die ondersoek wat resultate kon be'invloed, is ook bestudeer. Die empiriese komponent het 'n vraelysopname in die Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging- gebied (Gauteng) behels. Onderhoude is gedurende Januarie en Februarie 1994 voltooi, aan die vooraand van 'n nuwe politieke bedeling. Ewekansige steekproewe is getrek van 466 swartmense en 460 witmense (347 Afrikaanssprekendes en 113 Engelssprekendes). Patrone van etniese, staatkundige en rasse-identifisering; die betekenis van etnisiteit vir die individu; persepsies van die situasie van groepe en faktore wat etniese identifisering kon be"invloed, is gedek. Die konstrukgeldigheid en dimensies van skale is met hoofkomponent- en hooffaktorontledings ondersoek. Variansie-ontledings het verskille tussen groepe ge'identifiseer, terwyl meervoudige regressie-ontledings voorspellers van etniese identifisering uitgelig het. Belangrike bevindings is die volgende: * Etnisiteit was 'n belangrike bron van groepidentifisering vir sowel swartmense as witmense. 'n Sielkundige dimensie - etniese identiteit - wat verband hou met trots op en lojaliteit teenoor die onsgroep was onderskeibaar. Sterker etniese identifisering het by alle groepe gekorreleer met identiteitsverwerwing; betrokkenheid by en eksplorasie ten opsigte van die onsgroep; minder ambivalente gevoelens oor onsgroeplidmaatskap en 'n drang om onsgroepbelange te beskerm. Sterker etniese identifisering het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met 'n positiewe selfbeeld en by swartmense met 'n negatiewe selfbeeld gekorreleer. Laer onderwyskwalifikasies het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met sterker etniese identifisering gekorreleer. Die teenoorgestelde het gegeld vir Afrikaanssprekendes met hoer onderwyskwalifikasies. Persepsies van bedreiging het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met sterker etniese identifisering verband gehou. Sterker etniese identifisering het by alle groepe 6f met negatiewe tussengroepgedrag 6f met negatiewe tussengroephoudings gekorreleer. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat op alle terreine rekening gehou moet word met die etniese heterogeniteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. / The study focuses on ethnicity during the transition to a new political dispensation in South Africa. At the theoretical level, attention was given to ideological trends; dimensions of ethnicity; the description of ethnicity and the distinction between ethnicity and other forms of group identification. Ethnicity was furthermore analyzed at the socio-psychological level, while the influence of economic, political and constitutional factors was also considered. Contextual factors during the investigation which could have influenced the results were also analyzed. The empirical component comprised a questionnaire survey in the PretoriaWitwatersrand- Vereeniging area (Gauteng). Interviews were conducted during January and February 1994, on the eve of a new political dispensation. Randomly selected samples were drawn of 466 blacks and 460 whites (347 Afrikaansspeaking and 113 English-speaking). Patterns of ethnic, national and race identification; the meaning of ethnicity for the individual; perceptions of the situation of groups and factors that could influence ethnic identification were covered. The construct validity and dimensions of scales were investigated by means of main component and main factor analyses. Variance analyses identified differences between groups, whereas multiple regression analyses were used to determine predictors of ethnic identification. Important findings were the following: * Ethnicity was an important source of group identification for blacks as well as whites. A psychological dimension - ethnic identity - that related to pride in and loyalty to the ingro11p was highlighted. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among all groups with identity formation; involvement with and exploration regarding the ingroup; less ambivalent feelings about ingroup membership and an urge to protect ingroup interests. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among the Afrikaans-speaking whites with a positive self-image and among the blacks with a negative selfimage. Lower educational qualifications correlated among Afrikaans-speaking whites with stronger ethnic identification. The opposite applied to Afrikaansspeaking whites with higher educational qualifications. Perceived threats were associated with stronger ethnic identification among Afrikaans-speaking whites. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among all groups either with negative intergroup behaviour or with negative intergroup attitudes. It is concluded that ethnic heterogeneity should be taken into account in all spheres of the South African society. / Department of Psychology / D. Lit. et Phil (Psychology)

Vägen till lojala medarbetare : En kvantitativ studie om intern employer branding

Grönvik Möller, Ida, Gustafsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the attitudes towards the employer brand of an individualcompany from an employee perspective. By applying the Employer Attractiveness scale(EmpAt) (Berthon et al. 2005), it is investigated how the employees perception ofattractiveness of the employer varies depending on selected demographic components.Furthermore, the purpose is to establish whether a statistically significant relationship existsbetween employees loyalty and perception of the employer attractiveness. A quantitativeresearch method in terms of an online survey is used when collecting the data of the study,which is later analyzed using the statistical computer program SPSS. The results indicate thatthere are no significant demographic differences regarding the perceived attractiveness of theemployer. A strong positive correlation has been identified between the attractiveness of thestudied company and its employees loyalty. The results of the study are only applicable to theparticipating population, and cannot be generalized to a different population than the studyparticipatory. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka medarbetares attityder gentemot ett enskilt företagsemployer brand. Genom tillämpning av Employer Attractiveness-skalan (EmpAt) (Berthon etal. 2005) studeras hur medarbetarnas uppfattning av attraktiviteten hos arbetsgivaren varierarberoende på utvalda demografiska komponenter. Vidare är syftet att ta reda på huruvida ettstatistiskt signifikant samband existerar mellan medarbetarnas lojalitet och medarbetarnasuppfattning om arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. En kvantitativ forskningsmetod i form av endigital enkätundersökning tillämpas vid insamling av studiens datamaterial, vilket analyserasi det statistiska dataprogrammet SPSS. Resultaten visar att det inte råder några signifikantademografiska skillnader vad gäller den upplevda attraktiviteten hos arbetsgivaren. Ett starktpositivt samband har identifierats mellan det undersökta företagets attraktivitetsvärde ochdess medarbetares lojalitet. Studiens resultat är endast applicerbara för den deltagandepopulationen, och kan inte generaliseras till en annan population än den i studien deltagande.

Etnisiteit in 'n oorgangsperiode : 'n sociaal-sielkundige studie

Bornman, Elirea 06 1900 (has links)
Die studie fokus op etnisiteit gedurende die oorgang na 'n nuwe politieke bedeling in Suid-Afrika. Op teoretiese vlak is aandag gegee aan ideologiese strominge; dimensies van etnisiteit; die omskrywing van etnisiteit en die onderskeid tussen etnisiteit en ander vorme van groepidentifisering. Etnisiteit is verder op sosiaalsielkundige vlak ontleed, terwyl die invloed van ekonomiese, politieke en staatkundige faktore verreken is. Kontekstuele faktore tydens die ondersoek wat resultate kon be'invloed, is ook bestudeer. Die empiriese komponent het 'n vraelysopname in die Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging- gebied (Gauteng) behels. Onderhoude is gedurende Januarie en Februarie 1994 voltooi, aan die vooraand van 'n nuwe politieke bedeling. Ewekansige steekproewe is getrek van 466 swartmense en 460 witmense (347 Afrikaanssprekendes en 113 Engelssprekendes). Patrone van etniese, staatkundige en rasse-identifisering; die betekenis van etnisiteit vir die individu; persepsies van die situasie van groepe en faktore wat etniese identifisering kon be"invloed, is gedek. Die konstrukgeldigheid en dimensies van skale is met hoofkomponent- en hooffaktorontledings ondersoek. Variansie-ontledings het verskille tussen groepe ge'identifiseer, terwyl meervoudige regressie-ontledings voorspellers van etniese identifisering uitgelig het. Belangrike bevindings is die volgende: * Etnisiteit was 'n belangrike bron van groepidentifisering vir sowel swartmense as witmense. 'n Sielkundige dimensie - etniese identiteit - wat verband hou met trots op en lojaliteit teenoor die onsgroep was onderskeibaar. Sterker etniese identifisering het by alle groepe gekorreleer met identiteitsverwerwing; betrokkenheid by en eksplorasie ten opsigte van die onsgroep; minder ambivalente gevoelens oor onsgroeplidmaatskap en 'n drang om onsgroepbelange te beskerm. Sterker etniese identifisering het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met 'n positiewe selfbeeld en by swartmense met 'n negatiewe selfbeeld gekorreleer. Laer onderwyskwalifikasies het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met sterker etniese identifisering gekorreleer. Die teenoorgestelde het gegeld vir Afrikaanssprekendes met hoer onderwyskwalifikasies. Persepsies van bedreiging het by Afrikaanssprekende witmense met sterker etniese identifisering verband gehou. Sterker etniese identifisering het by alle groepe 6f met negatiewe tussengroepgedrag 6f met negatiewe tussengroephoudings gekorreleer. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat op alle terreine rekening gehou moet word met die etniese heterogeniteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. / The study focuses on ethnicity during the transition to a new political dispensation in South Africa. At the theoretical level, attention was given to ideological trends; dimensions of ethnicity; the description of ethnicity and the distinction between ethnicity and other forms of group identification. Ethnicity was furthermore analyzed at the socio-psychological level, while the influence of economic, political and constitutional factors was also considered. Contextual factors during the investigation which could have influenced the results were also analyzed. The empirical component comprised a questionnaire survey in the PretoriaWitwatersrand- Vereeniging area (Gauteng). Interviews were conducted during January and February 1994, on the eve of a new political dispensation. Randomly selected samples were drawn of 466 blacks and 460 whites (347 Afrikaansspeaking and 113 English-speaking). Patterns of ethnic, national and race identification; the meaning of ethnicity for the individual; perceptions of the situation of groups and factors that could influence ethnic identification were covered. The construct validity and dimensions of scales were investigated by means of main component and main factor analyses. Variance analyses identified differences between groups, whereas multiple regression analyses were used to determine predictors of ethnic identification. Important findings were the following: * Ethnicity was an important source of group identification for blacks as well as whites. A psychological dimension - ethnic identity - that related to pride in and loyalty to the ingro11p was highlighted. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among all groups with identity formation; involvement with and exploration regarding the ingroup; less ambivalent feelings about ingroup membership and an urge to protect ingroup interests. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among the Afrikaans-speaking whites with a positive self-image and among the blacks with a negative selfimage. Lower educational qualifications correlated among Afrikaans-speaking whites with stronger ethnic identification. The opposite applied to Afrikaansspeaking whites with higher educational qualifications. Perceived threats were associated with stronger ethnic identification among Afrikaans-speaking whites. Stronger ethnic identification correlated among all groups either with negative intergroup behaviour or with negative intergroup attitudes. It is concluded that ethnic heterogeneity should be taken into account in all spheres of the South African society. / Department of Psychology / D. Lit. et Phil (Psychology)

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