Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial security"" "subject:"bsocial security""
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The Last Council: Social Security Policymaking as Coalitional Consensus and the 1994-1996 Advisory Council as Institutional Turning PointGibson, James Edward 26 July 2007 (has links)
This dissertation traces Social Security policymaking through most of its post-enactment history in search of ideational processes and schema in path-dependent, path-shaping, and path-breaking modes of institutional persistence and change. The study is grounded in the historical institutionalist literature, specifically the recent debate about the utility of path dependence frameworks in incorporating institutional change, with a particular focus on ideas as stimuli.
As a case for tracing path-dependent policy processes, Social Security is overbroad. This breadth requires focusing more narrowly on the interaction between the major coalitions, business/conservative and liberal/labor, on retirement and disability pension (but not health care) issues through the venue of Social Security Advisory Councils. Council is used as a catch-all label for the six-decade succession of (mostly) citizen groups appointed by the secretary of HEW, Senate Finance Committee, and, in one case, the president to deliberate questions of Social Security policy and recommend changes, often enacted into law.
A pattern-matching analysis points to a moderate level of path dependence, indicating that the exchange of ideas between coalitions fits the larger consensual pattern of give and take around an existing arrangement. An ideational narrative reveals early negotiations over the emphasis placed on equity versus adequacy, with manifestly ideational exchanges in the 1996 Council's deliberations marking a turning point in the coalitional interaction.
A key implication of this research for the application of path dependence frameworks to U.S. political institutions like Social Security is to buttress moderate path dependence arguments, for instance, those advanced by Hacker and Pierson (2002), and to discount the relevance of path-shaping narratives that have been fashioned from European examples (Cox 2004). Yet the research also modifies understanding of path dependence as a self-perpetuating function of increasing returns by identifying an ideational strand that bound both coalitions to social insurance principles. Path-breaking developments apparent in the 1996 Council further implicated new ideas as institutional factors contributing to the loss of historical consensus on Social Security, bolstering the notion of ideational processes as an element of institutional persistence and pressing the argument for further research into ideas as dynamic elements fostering institutional change. / Ph. D.
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The Continued Financial Stability of Social SecurityBeil, Richard 05 1900 (has links)
The Social Security System is projected to encounter both short-term and long-term financial crises. The economic effectiveness and impacts of alternative solutions to both problems are analyzed. Government projections show the short-term deficit can be solved through interfund borrowing. Solving the long-term deficit will require the generation of new funds. All four solutions analyzed will increase unemployment, inflation, and interest rates, and decrease growth potential. A combination of increased OASI taxation and mandatory coverage is recommended as the most effective solution with the least adverse economic consequences.
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Condições atuariais para a construção do fundo previdenciário federal - FUNPRESP / Actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian federal social security fund ( FUNPRESP)Ferreira, Gilmar Gonçalves 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as condições atuariais para criação do Fundo previdenciário federal (FUNPRESP) e como será o novo sistema previdenciário após o funcionamento desse Fundo que finalmente concluirá, em âmbito federal, as reformas iniciadas em 1998. A partir desse estudo concluímos que o novo sistema previdenciário, sistema misto, pagará benefícios menores para os servidores que ingressarem depois da criação do fundo quando comparados com os atuais servidores. Em razão disso os atuais servidores, analisando apenas os ganhos financeiros, não migrarão para o Fundo federal conforme é esperado pelo Governo. As mulheres receberão nesse novo sistema previdenciário benefícios menores em função do menor tempo de contribuição, expectativa de vida maior e menor taxa de crescimento salarial. Mas os grandes avanços com a criação do fundo serão o equilíbrio atuarial do sistema federal de previdência e o fim das grandes desigualdades entre esse sistema e o regime geral de previdência. A criação do Fundo fará com que os benefícios fiquem atrelados diretamente à contribuição de cada servidor, diferentemente do que ocorria antes quando os benefícios eram proporcionais à remuneração do servidor - até 2003 era equivalente a última remuneração e depois de 2003 é equivalente à média das 80% maiores remunerações. / The present work analyzes the actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian Federal Social Security Fund (FUNPRESP) and how the new Social Security System will work after the effective functioning of the Fund. We could say that in the federal sphere it will finally finish off the reforms initiated in 1998. We conclude that the new Social Security System (called \"mixed system\") will provide lower payments to the beneficiaries who start to contribute after the creation of the Fund. In consequence, the current beneficiaries will not migrate to the new Federal Fund, as the government expects, because some simple analysis will make they conclude that they would incur into financial losses. Along with that, female beneficiaries will receive fewer benefits than men from that new Social Security System, basically for three reasons: a) their shorter time of contribution; b), their higher life expectancy; and c), the lower rate at which their payments actually grow. We also conclude that the real advantages brought by the creation of the Fund are: a) the actuarial equilibrium of the Federal Social Security System, and b) the end of the huge inequalities between that system and the \"general\" Brazilian Social Security System (INSS). The creation of the Fund will link the benefits directly to the contribution of each servant, as opposed to when benefits were proportional to the servant\'s pay (equal to it until 2003, or equivalent to the average of the 80% highest salaries).
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O diálogo entre o público e o privado: a (in) efetividade dos benefícios previdenciários do Regime Geral de Previdência Social destinados à proteção das famílias na pós-modernidadeSantos, Aline Fagundes dos 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-01-10T11:30:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the effectiveness of social security benefits of the Social Security System, which is designed to protect families within the current paradigm of postmodernity. It is assumed that the plan of benefits, laid down by Federal Law No. 8213 / 91, is not capable of protecting all Brazilian families, given the new social risks generated by postmodernity. With the development of the human species and the evolution of the State, an improvement of the mechanisms of social protection was observed, thus resulting in the shift of responsibility from the family circle (private) to the state one (public).
However, the family, which was the initial foundation of social protection, has undergone great transformations in recent times, both with regard to the new forms of arrangement and the role played by its members. This is a point that deserves attention from the current systems of Social protection, among them the Brazilian one, which is organized under the simple distribution system, grounded under the intergenerational pact and that became a social fundamental right after 1988. These considerations will then show the legal, economic and social relevance of this study.
Regarding the theoretical-methodological aspects, a bibliographical research was developed, drawing from the main contributions on the topic, as well as documentary research, based on available legal apparatus and jurisprudence. The results show that the current social security benefits of the Social Security System are unsatisfactory and don’t meet the new social risks that Brazilian families are exposed in postmodernity. This is mainly due to the phenomenon of the feminization of the labor market, a situation that can be remedied with the creation of the benefit of parental aid, according to experiences of the alien right / A presente tese de Doutorado tem como objetivo analisar a efetividade dos benefícios previdenciários do Regime Geral de Previdência Social, destinados à proteção das famílias no atual paradigma da pós-modernidade. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o plano de benefícios, previsto a partir da Lei Federal nº8.213/91 não é capaz de proteger todas as famílias brasileiras, diante dos novos riscos sociais. Com o desenvolvimento da espécie humana e a evolução do Estado foi percebido um aprimoramento dos mecanismos de proteção social, ocorrendo um deslocamento de responsabilidade da esfera familiar (privada) para a esfera estatal (pública). Ocorre que a família, que foi o núcleo inicial da proteção social, tem passado por grandes transformações nos últimos tempos, tanto no que diz respeito às novas formas de arranjo familiar como também ao papel desenvolvido pelos seus integrantes, ponto que merece atenção dos atuais sistemas de proteção social, entre eles o brasileiro, alçado à condição de direito fundamental social após 1988, e que é organizado sob o regime de repartição simples e alicerçado sob o pacto intergeracional, o que demonstra a relevância jurídica, econômica e social deste estudo. No que tange aos aspectos teórico-metodológicos, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas, com respaldo nos principais aportes relacionados à temática, pesquisa documental baseada nos dados dos aparatos legais disponíveis e ainda jurisprudência. Os resultados alcançados nos reportam à conclusão de que os atuais benefícios previdenciários do Regime Geral de Previdência Social são insuficientes para atender aos novos riscos sociais a que estão expostos às famílias brasileiras na pós-modernidade, especialmente em razão do fenômeno da feminização do mercado de trabalho, situação esta que pode ser revertida com a criação do benefício de auxílio-parental, conforme experiências do direito alienígena
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Labour movement and its influence on the development of social security in Hong Kong /Tsui, Fee-hung, Vincent. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--University of Hong Kong, 1986.
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A Strong Conservative Mandate? - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen konservativer Politik am Beispiel der Reformdebatte um Social Security während des 109th United States Congress / A Strong Conservative Mandate? - Chances and Limitations of Conservative Politics Exemplified by the Debate Over Social Security Reform During the 109th United States CongressEckert, Christian 11 June 2013 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund der Erfolge und Niederlagen der Tea Party-Bewegung in der amerikanischen
Politik während der letzten Jahre stellt sich die Frage, welcher Voraussetzungen es bedarf, in den
USA konservative Politik auf nationaler Ebene durchzusetzen. Um dies zu beantworten, wird in der
Dissertation Präsident George W. Bushs Versuch analysiert, Social Security durch eine
(Teil-)Privatisierung der in dem Programm beinhalteten staatlichen Rentenversicherung zu
reformieren. Bush kündigte den Reformplan direkt nach seiner Wiederwahl 2004 an, die Umsetzung
scheiterte jedoch im 109. U.S. Kongress. Anlass für die Reformpläne waren Prognosen, nach denen
aufgrund des demografischen Wandels Social Security ohne Anpassungen ab dem Jahr 2018 mehr
an Bezügen auszahlen müsste, als es an Beiträgen durch Steuern einnehmen würde. Eine
(Teil-)Privatisierung des Programms wäre eine weitreichende und symbolträchtige Reform
zugunsten konservativer Politikziele gewesen. Social Security ist nicht nur ein fundamentaler
Bestandteil der amerikanischen Sozialpolitik, es hat zudem als staatliches Programm eine
Sonderstellung in dem zu großen Teilen auf Privatvorsorge ausgerichteten System sozialer
Sicherungen inne. Für viele Konservative steht es seit seiner Einführung während der New DealÄra
für staatliche Bevormundung und gehört zugunsten individueller Privatvorsorge abgeschafft.
Social Security ist trotz derartiger Kritik nicht nur über die Jahrzehnte gewachsen, sondern verfügt
neben der entschiedenen Unterstützung durch Liberale auch über eine mehrheitliche Zustimmung in
der Bevölkerung.
Von zentraler Bedeutung für die Bewertung der Chancen konservativer Politikumsetzung ist die
Tatsache, dass der moderne amerikanische Konservatismus eine Koalition verschiedener
Gruppierungen darstellt. Innenpolitisch wird er vor allem durch libertäre und sozialkonservative
Ideale geprägt. Geeint werden die verschiedenen konservativen Ansätze unter anderem durch die
Ablehnung des modernen amerikanischen Liberalismus. Neben vielen Gemeinsamkeiten besteht
jedoch auch Konfliktpotenzial zwischen den jeweiligen Hauptanliegen der unterschiedlichen
konservativen Fraktionen.
Für die Analyse der Reformdebatte greift die Dissertation auf John W. Kingdons Multiple Streams-
Theorie zurück. Nach dieser müssen die Entwicklungen in drei verschiedenen streams günstig sein,
damit sich ein Zeitfenster für eine mögliche Reform öffnet (opportunity window). Dazu zählen der
problem-, der policy- und der politics stream. Die Analyse zeigt, dass zum Zeitpunkt der
Reformdebatte die Voraussetzungen für ein opportunity window in keinem der drei streams
eindeutig gegeben waren. Ein Problembewusstsein in Hinblick auf die Zukunft von Social Security
war zwar in weiten Teilen der Öffentlichkeit vorhanden, es gab aber Uneinigkeit über Gewichtung
und Dringlichkeit des Problems. Große ideologische Differenzen zwischen amerikanischen
Liberalen und Konservativen bestanden sowohl bei der Bewertung des Problemgrades als auch bei
der Frage der grundsätzlichen Aufgaben und Gestaltung von Sozialpolitik. Zudem gab es ganz
konkret Zweifel, ob die Reformvorschläge die Probleme überhaupt lösen könnten. Experten übten
unter anderem Kritik an den Umstellungskosten und äußerten Skepsis gegenüber der seitens des
Weißen Hauses angenommenen Höhe der Rendite von Privatkonten. Auch in der
Gesamtbevölkerung existierten große Bedenken gegenüber den Reformplänen. Innerhalb der
republikanischen Wählerschaft fehlte zudem eine eindeutige Mehrheit für die Reformen - gerade
die für die Republikaner wichtige Wählergruppe der Rentner stand einer Teilprivatisierung in
weiten Teilen ablehnend gegenüber und für sozialkonservative Wähler standen eher Wertefragen im
Mittelpunkt. Die Unterstützung durch konservative Interessengruppen fiel ebenfalls eher verhalten
aus, wohingegen liberale Interessengruppen in entschiedene Opposition gingen. Angesichts einer
fehlenden einheitlichen Position innerhalb der republikanischen Fraktionen im Abgeordnetenhaus
und Senat sowie einer Sperrminorität der Demokraten im Senat reichten letztendlich auch die
republikanischen Mehrheiten im Kongress nicht für eine Reform aus.
Neben den schwierigen Bedingungen innerhalb der streams wurden seitens des Weißen Hauses
außerdem Fehler beim Zusammenbringen der streams, dem coupling, begangen. Am schwersten
wogen dabei die mangelnde Koordination der Reformpläne mit Interessengruppen und insbesondere
dem Kongress.
Die gescheiterte Social Security-Reform verdeutlicht, dass der Konservatismus in den USA eine
Koalition verschiedener Interessen ist. Um diese intern auszugleichen und extern durchzusetzen,
braucht es Debatten und Kompromisse, sowohl innerhalb der konservativen Koalition als auch
außerhalb mit den nicht konservativen politischen Akteuren.
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O desafio da sustentabilidade dos regimes próprios de previdência social: uma análise a partir da situação de oito municípios baianosBispo, Helenilson Santos January 2004 (has links)
p. 1-199 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-20T20:23:43Z
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4444.pdf: 1155009 bytes, checksum: 6439203f63324d43852ebe00606bd270 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-03-23T14:47:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2004 / Esta dissertação constitui-se numa análise das perspectivas de sustentabilidade dos
Regimes Próprios de Previdência Social (RPPS) que fazem parte do sistema
previdenciário brasileiro, particularmente aqueles mantidos pelos municípios.
Situando o tema no contexto atual, marcado por profundas limitações econômicas e
legais, tomou-se como objeto de análise os Institutos de Previdência de alguns
municípios da Bahia, localizados na Região Metropolitana de Salvador – Camaçari,
Salvador e Vera Cruz – e na região Paraguaçu – Capela do Alto Alegre, Feira de
Santana, Ipecaetá, Itaberaba e Macajuba. Através da coleta de dados disponíveis na
Internet e da aplicação de formulário de pesquisa de campo, sob a forma de
questionário, buscou-se obter um diagnóstico da situação financeira e atuarial
experimentada pelos citados Institutos, além de avaliar aspectos como a visão dos
gestores públicos diante da questão previdenciária em seu município. A partir dos
perfis traçados, que invariavelmente apontaram situações deficitárias, concluiu-se
que a possibilidade de manutenção dos RPPS municipais encontra-se comprometida
e constitui-se em sério entrave ao alcance do equilíbrio das contas públicas dos
municípios. A situação constatada tende a se agravar, caso sejam mantidos os
parâmetros legais, as formas de gestão e o cenário de crise econômica atualmente
verificados. / Salvador
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Condições atuariais para a construção do fundo previdenciário federal - FUNPRESP / Actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian federal social security fund ( FUNPRESP)Gilmar Gonçalves Ferreira 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as condições atuariais para criação do Fundo previdenciário federal (FUNPRESP) e como será o novo sistema previdenciário após o funcionamento desse Fundo que finalmente concluirá, em âmbito federal, as reformas iniciadas em 1998. A partir desse estudo concluímos que o novo sistema previdenciário, sistema misto, pagará benefícios menores para os servidores que ingressarem depois da criação do fundo quando comparados com os atuais servidores. Em razão disso os atuais servidores, analisando apenas os ganhos financeiros, não migrarão para o Fundo federal conforme é esperado pelo Governo. As mulheres receberão nesse novo sistema previdenciário benefícios menores em função do menor tempo de contribuição, expectativa de vida maior e menor taxa de crescimento salarial. Mas os grandes avanços com a criação do fundo serão o equilíbrio atuarial do sistema federal de previdência e o fim das grandes desigualdades entre esse sistema e o regime geral de previdência. A criação do Fundo fará com que os benefícios fiquem atrelados diretamente à contribuição de cada servidor, diferentemente do que ocorria antes quando os benefícios eram proporcionais à remuneração do servidor - até 2003 era equivalente a última remuneração e depois de 2003 é equivalente à média das 80% maiores remunerações. / The present work analyzes the actuarial conditions for the creation of the Brazilian Federal Social Security Fund (FUNPRESP) and how the new Social Security System will work after the effective functioning of the Fund. We could say that in the federal sphere it will finally finish off the reforms initiated in 1998. We conclude that the new Social Security System (called \"mixed system\") will provide lower payments to the beneficiaries who start to contribute after the creation of the Fund. In consequence, the current beneficiaries will not migrate to the new Federal Fund, as the government expects, because some simple analysis will make they conclude that they would incur into financial losses. Along with that, female beneficiaries will receive fewer benefits than men from that new Social Security System, basically for three reasons: a) their shorter time of contribution; b), their higher life expectancy; and c), the lower rate at which their payments actually grow. We also conclude that the real advantages brought by the creation of the Fund are: a) the actuarial equilibrium of the Federal Social Security System, and b) the end of the huge inequalities between that system and the \"general\" Brazilian Social Security System (INSS). The creation of the Fund will link the benefits directly to the contribution of each servant, as opposed to when benefits were proportional to the servant\'s pay (equal to it until 2003, or equivalent to the average of the 80% highest salaries).
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Koordinace systémů sociálního zabezpečení / Coordination of social security systemsPivoda, Jan January 2017 (has links)
v angličtině Coordination of social security system is very important for migrant workers who, during their careers working in more countries around the world. This creates entitlements to the payment of social benefits in countries where they have gainful employment, but are often affected by sufficient insurance periods, which may not, however, be fulfilled in that country. For this reason, countries enter into agreements among themselves in order to facilitate migrant workers access to social security benefits to be entitled. Adjustment between states exists both at the multilateral level and at bilateral level. This laws shows how the coordination of social security system regulated at the multilateral level, especially within the European Union but also at the bilateral level the example of treaties that Czech Republic has concluded with other world countries, also focuses on the introduction of institutions that coordinate social security system fulfill in Czech Republic. At the multilateral level, the most important adjustment is created at the level of the European Union. This is based on the right to free movement, which is one of the fundamental principles on which the European Union is built. Coordination of the social security system in the European Union itself has four basic...
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Essays in social security: net of benefits tax rates, labor supply, savings and welfareBeach, Robert R. January 1989 (has links)
In the standard case in which the interest rate is assumed to be greater than the rate of population growth, implementation of a social security program leads to a reduction in capital formation and a loss of welfare of the representative individual. This dissertation asks whether the parameters of a stylized social security program can be manipulated to reduce this welfare loss. By attaching weights to the earnings used in computing the average monthly earnings, an instrument is created which the social security administrator can use to manipulate the net marginal tax rates and the relative cost of leisure between years. If, as a result, aggregate savings increase, then steady-state welfare may also increase.
The effect of changing the weights in the benefit formula is considered first in a simple three-period partial equilibrium model. Individuals work for two periods and are retired in the third. It is shown, under assumptions of separability, that first-period labor supply must go up and second-period labor supply must go down in response to an increase in the earnings weight attached to the first period. Furthermore, although there is an element of ambiguity, a strong case can be made that aggregate savings must increase. It is also shown that, contrary to intuition, a zero net tax is not neutral and in fact must lead to a reduction in capital formation and welfare.
These same issues are then considered in a many-period model in which interest rates and wage rates are allowed to respond to changes in aggregate savings. It is found that alternatives to the current program that provide more weight to earnings of younger workers can reduce the welfare loss by a small amount. Because of the intractability of the many-periods case a computer simulation is used to perform the analysis.
In addition, the adjustment costs of a public savings program are considered. (Feldstein, among others, has suggested that social security be used as a vehicle for a public savings program to increase private investment in the economy.) It is shown that while such a program would adversely affect that welfare of a number of generations, these welfare losses are quite small: less than 0.05% for all the cases considered. / Ph. D.
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