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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of the social composition of a learner group on the results of cooperative learning tasks

Ramsay, Helen 31 December 2002 (has links)
The dynamics of the social interaction within the cooperative learning group are accepted and considered to be one of the aspects that will influence the individual learner's feelings regarding the group activity. The impact of the groupings on the quality and quantity of the observable learning within the class is considered. For this study the cooperative learning groupings were manipulated, considering aspects of the learner's social relationships uncovered with the use of a social questionnaire, which the learners completed. These details were summarised by means of a sociometric table and a sociogram. This study approaches the topic from two main perspectives. Primarily observation and naive sketches, from the learners, formed the source of the data and provided the initial perspective on the area of study. From the viewpoint provided in this information specific grouping paramaters were applied to later groups of learners, and a survey conducted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed (Socio-Education)

The influence of the social composition of a learner group on the results of cooperative learning tasks

Ramsay, Helen 31 December 2002 (has links)
The dynamics of the social interaction within the cooperative learning group are accepted and considered to be one of the aspects that will influence the individual learner's feelings regarding the group activity. The impact of the groupings on the quality and quantity of the observable learning within the class is considered. For this study the cooperative learning groupings were manipulated, considering aspects of the learner's social relationships uncovered with the use of a social questionnaire, which the learners completed. These details were summarised by means of a sociometric table and a sociogram. This study approaches the topic from two main perspectives. Primarily observation and naive sketches, from the learners, formed the source of the data and provided the initial perspective on the area of study. From the viewpoint provided in this information specific grouping paramaters were applied to later groups of learners, and a survey conducted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Socio-Education)

The influence of social networking on the social interaction patterns among adolescents in the northern suburbs of Cape Town

Symington, Serahni 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the qualitative study was to explore the phenomenon of social networking and the possible influences it could have on adolescents‟ way of interacting socially. The study was conducted from a gestalt perspective and also incorporated aspects of developmental theory. Learners (12-18 years old) from a high school in the northern suburbs of Cape Town participated in semi-structured interviews voluntarily. Parents and teachers also participated in the study by forming part of focus groups. The study indicated that although social networking is a beneficial social tool for adolescents, it could become an obstacle during social interaction which is not mediated through an electronic or mobile network. From the study it can be concluded that social networking is a positive social tool, which could become dangerous for adolescents‟ social interaction abilities when used inappropriately. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Critical thinking of adolescents with regard to political issues

Pienaar, Gregory Edward 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The second fully democratic election in South Africa is scheduled to take place in May 1999. In the five years since the first election, it appears that very little attention has been paid to the political literacy of the electorate in general, and the youth in particular. The purpose of this study was to establish adolescents' level of political knowledge and whether they are able to think critically about political issues or not. The first part of the literature study which was concerned with critical thinking revealed that the major aspects of critical thinking are: deductive reasoning, inductive inference, recognition of assumptions, credibility, and problem solving. The second part of the literature study was an analysis of which factors may play a role in the development of critical thinking of an adolescent. with particular reference to a political context. The third part was an examination of important current political and social issues. These were: the new Constitution. Truth and Reconciliation Commission, housing, land redistribution, education, labour, health, crime, political violence, environment, and the next election. A reliable measuring instrument was developed in order to measure adolescents' knowledge of political issues, and their ability to think critically about these issues. The results of the empirical study revealed that intellectual potential and academic achievement were significantly related to critical thinking ability, while gender, environment, and personality appeared not to play a role. There was a significant correlation between political knowledge and critical thinking in a political context, implying that critical thinking is subject-specific. Cultural background also played a significant role in critical thinking in a political context. In terms of political knowledge, boys were found to be at a significantly higher level than girls. The subjects from urban areas were also at a significantly higher level than those from rural areas. There was also a positive correlation between intellectual potential, academic achievement, and political knowledge. Finally, some recommendations for improving the levels of political knowledge and critical thinking abilities with regard to political issues of South African adolescents were given. / Die tweede ten valle demokratiese verkiesing in Suid-Afrika is geskeduleer om in Mei 1999 plaas te vind. In die vyf jaar sedert die vorige verkiesing is baie min aandag gegee aan die politieke geletterdheid van die verkiesingspubliek in die algemeen en die jeug in besonder. Die doel van hierdie studie was om adolessente se vlak van politieke kennis te bepaal en om vas te stel of hulle in staat is om krities oar politieke kwessies na te dink. Die eerste deel van die literatuurstudie wat verband hou met kritiese denke het uitgewys dat die hoofaspekte van kritiese denke die volgende is: deduktiewe redenering, induktiewe inferensies, herkenning van aannames, geloofwaardigheid en probleemoplossing. Die tweede deel van die literatuurstudie behels 'n analise van die faktore wat 'n rol kan speel in die ontwikkeling van die kritiese denke van die adolessent, met spesifieke verwysing na 'n politieke konteks. Die derde deel is 'n ondersoek na belangrike teenswoordige politieke en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: die nuwe Grondwet, die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie, behuising, herverdeling van grand, opvoeding, arbeid, gesondheid, misdaad, politieke geweld, die omgewing en die volgende verkiesing. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument om adolessente se kennis van politieke kwessies asook hul vermoe om krities daaroor na te dink, is ontwikkel. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangetoon dat intellektuele potensiaal en akademiese prestasie betekenisvol verband hou met kritiese denkvermoe, terwyl geslag, omgewing en persoonlikheid klaarblyklik nie 'n rol speel nie. Daar is ook 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen politieke kennis en kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks wat impliseer dat kritiese denke vakspesifiek is. Kulturele agtergrond speel ook 'n betekenisvolle rol in kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks. Ten opsigte van politieke kennis is daar bevind dat seuns op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak is as dogters. Respondente uit stedelike gebiede is oak op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak as diegene uit plattelandse gebiede. Oaar is oak 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen intellektuele potensiaal, akademiese prestasie en politieke kennis. Ten slotte is aanbevelings gemaak om die vlakke van politieke kennis en kritiese denkvermoens met betrekking tot politieke aangeleenthede by Suid-Afrikaanse adolessente te verbeter. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Evaluering van die effektiwiteit van die vaardigheidsprogram soos aangebied deur maatskaplike werkers in 'n gevangenis

Du Toit, Helena Gloudina 10 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Engish and Afrikaans / The goal of this research is to evaluate whether a personal and social skills program can effectively be implemented by social workers in a prison. A control- and experimental group were used in a quasiexperimental design. The respondents were twenty-four white, male, sentenced prisoners in Pretoria Central Prison. The Heimler scale for social functioning and the Hudson-scale for family relations are the standard questionnaires, which were utilised to measure results during the pre-testing and post-testing phase. All twenty-four respondents completed the scales during the pre- and post-testing phase. The Wilcoxon t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used for statistical purposes. A computer was used to process data. Both measurement scales confirmed positive results. The independent variable, that is, the personal and social skills program had an effect in the desired direction on respondents in the experimental group. The Hudson-scale for interpersonal relationships, however, showed more dramatic results. The results for the control group, showed noticeable decline in both social functioning of the respondents as well as experience of family relationships. / Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om te bepaal of maatskaplike werkers in 'n gevangenis 'n persoonlike en sosiale vaardigheidsprogram effektief kan implementeer. 'n Kontrole- en eksperimentele groep was benut in die uitvoering van 'n kwasi-eksperimentele ontwerp. Die proefpersone was vier-entwintig Blanke, manlike gevangenes te Pretoria-Sentraal Gevangenis. Die Heimler-skaal vir maatskaplike funksionering en die Hudsonskaal vir gesinsverhoudinge was die gestandardiseerde vraelyste, wat gebruik is om die resultate tydens voor- en na-toetsing. Die meetinstrumente is deur al vier-en-twintig respondente voltooi. Die Wilcoxon t-toets en Mann-Whitney U-toets is benut vir statistiese doeleindes. 'n Rekenaar is gebruik om data te verwerk. Beide metingskale het positiewe resultate getoon. Die onafhanklike veranderlike, die persoonlike- en sosialevaardigheidsprogram, het 'n effek in die gewenste rigtings gehad op die proefpersone in die ksperimentele groep, hoewel die Hudson-skaal vir gesinsverhoudinge, meer dramatiese resultate getoon het. Die resultate van die proefpersone in die kontrole groep, het merkbare agteruitgang getoon op beide skale. / Social Sciences / M.A. (Social Work)

Political socialisation and its implications within a rural setting in South Africa : a case study of Calais Village in Limpopo province

Mbabvu, Desmond 02 1900 (has links)
The central issue in this study is political socialisation and its implications within a rural setting in South Africa with a particular focus on Calais village in Limpopo Province. The aim of the study is to determine how adult residents of Calais village, are politically socialised; and furthermore to assess the impact of the socialisation process on the residents’ political behaviour within a democratic South Africa. In order to achieve the research purpose, face-to-face interviews were conducted with forty (40) adult residents in Calais village. The study revealed that the respondents were politically socialised by the media, immediate family, peers, extended family, political parties, local municipality, school, traditional leadership, ward committee and religious institutions. The media were the most important agent, while the religious institutions were the least. Furthermore, NGOs and trade unions were not socialisation agents in Calais village. The socialisation process had an impact on the respondents’ political behaviour in terms of political interest, party identification, political beliefs, efficacy, knowledge, awareness and participation. / Political Sciences / M.A. (Politics)

The influence of social networking on the social interaction patterns among adolescents in the northern suburbs of Cape Town

Symington, Serahni 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the qualitative study was to explore the phenomenon of social networking and the possible influences it could have on adolescents‟ way of interacting socially. The study was conducted from a gestalt perspective and also incorporated aspects of developmental theory. Learners (12-18 years old) from a high school in the northern suburbs of Cape Town participated in semi-structured interviews voluntarily. Parents and teachers also participated in the study by forming part of focus groups. The study indicated that although social networking is a beneficial social tool for adolescents, it could become an obstacle during social interaction which is not mediated through an electronic or mobile network. From the study it can be concluded that social networking is a positive social tool, which could become dangerous for adolescents‟ social interaction abilities when used inappropriately. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Critical thinking of adolescents with regard to political issues

Pienaar, Gregory Edward 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The second fully democratic election in South Africa is scheduled to take place in May 1999. In the five years since the first election, it appears that very little attention has been paid to the political literacy of the electorate in general, and the youth in particular. The purpose of this study was to establish adolescents' level of political knowledge and whether they are able to think critically about political issues or not. The first part of the literature study which was concerned with critical thinking revealed that the major aspects of critical thinking are: deductive reasoning, inductive inference, recognition of assumptions, credibility, and problem solving. The second part of the literature study was an analysis of which factors may play a role in the development of critical thinking of an adolescent. with particular reference to a political context. The third part was an examination of important current political and social issues. These were: the new Constitution. Truth and Reconciliation Commission, housing, land redistribution, education, labour, health, crime, political violence, environment, and the next election. A reliable measuring instrument was developed in order to measure adolescents' knowledge of political issues, and their ability to think critically about these issues. The results of the empirical study revealed that intellectual potential and academic achievement were significantly related to critical thinking ability, while gender, environment, and personality appeared not to play a role. There was a significant correlation between political knowledge and critical thinking in a political context, implying that critical thinking is subject-specific. Cultural background also played a significant role in critical thinking in a political context. In terms of political knowledge, boys were found to be at a significantly higher level than girls. The subjects from urban areas were also at a significantly higher level than those from rural areas. There was also a positive correlation between intellectual potential, academic achievement, and political knowledge. Finally, some recommendations for improving the levels of political knowledge and critical thinking abilities with regard to political issues of South African adolescents were given. / Die tweede ten valle demokratiese verkiesing in Suid-Afrika is geskeduleer om in Mei 1999 plaas te vind. In die vyf jaar sedert die vorige verkiesing is baie min aandag gegee aan die politieke geletterdheid van die verkiesingspubliek in die algemeen en die jeug in besonder. Die doel van hierdie studie was om adolessente se vlak van politieke kennis te bepaal en om vas te stel of hulle in staat is om krities oar politieke kwessies na te dink. Die eerste deel van die literatuurstudie wat verband hou met kritiese denke het uitgewys dat die hoofaspekte van kritiese denke die volgende is: deduktiewe redenering, induktiewe inferensies, herkenning van aannames, geloofwaardigheid en probleemoplossing. Die tweede deel van die literatuurstudie behels 'n analise van die faktore wat 'n rol kan speel in die ontwikkeling van die kritiese denke van die adolessent, met spesifieke verwysing na 'n politieke konteks. Die derde deel is 'n ondersoek na belangrike teenswoordige politieke en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: die nuwe Grondwet, die Waarheids- en Versoeningskommissie, behuising, herverdeling van grand, opvoeding, arbeid, gesondheid, misdaad, politieke geweld, die omgewing en die volgende verkiesing. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument om adolessente se kennis van politieke kwessies asook hul vermoe om krities daaroor na te dink, is ontwikkel. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangetoon dat intellektuele potensiaal en akademiese prestasie betekenisvol verband hou met kritiese denkvermoe, terwyl geslag, omgewing en persoonlikheid klaarblyklik nie 'n rol speel nie. Daar is ook 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen politieke kennis en kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks wat impliseer dat kritiese denke vakspesifiek is. Kulturele agtergrond speel ook 'n betekenisvolle rol in kritiese denke in 'n politieke konteks. Ten opsigte van politieke kennis is daar bevind dat seuns op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak is as dogters. Respondente uit stedelike gebiede is oak op 'n betekenisvolle hoer vlak as diegene uit plattelandse gebiede. Oaar is oak 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen intellektuele potensiaal, akademiese prestasie en politieke kennis. Ten slotte is aanbevelings gemaak om die vlakke van politieke kennis en kritiese denkvermoens met betrekking tot politieke aangeleenthede by Suid-Afrikaanse adolessente te verbeter. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Evaluering van die effektiwiteit van die vaardigheidsprogram soos aangebied deur maatskaplike werkers in 'n gevangenis

Du Toit, Helena Gloudina 10 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Engish and Afrikaans / The goal of this research is to evaluate whether a personal and social skills program can effectively be implemented by social workers in a prison. A control- and experimental group were used in a quasiexperimental design. The respondents were twenty-four white, male, sentenced prisoners in Pretoria Central Prison. The Heimler scale for social functioning and the Hudson-scale for family relations are the standard questionnaires, which were utilised to measure results during the pre-testing and post-testing phase. All twenty-four respondents completed the scales during the pre- and post-testing phase. The Wilcoxon t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used for statistical purposes. A computer was used to process data. Both measurement scales confirmed positive results. The independent variable, that is, the personal and social skills program had an effect in the desired direction on respondents in the experimental group. The Hudson-scale for interpersonal relationships, however, showed more dramatic results. The results for the control group, showed noticeable decline in both social functioning of the respondents as well as experience of family relationships. / Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om te bepaal of maatskaplike werkers in 'n gevangenis 'n persoonlike en sosiale vaardigheidsprogram effektief kan implementeer. 'n Kontrole- en eksperimentele groep was benut in die uitvoering van 'n kwasi-eksperimentele ontwerp. Die proefpersone was vier-entwintig Blanke, manlike gevangenes te Pretoria-Sentraal Gevangenis. Die Heimler-skaal vir maatskaplike funksionering en die Hudsonskaal vir gesinsverhoudinge was die gestandardiseerde vraelyste, wat gebruik is om die resultate tydens voor- en na-toetsing. Die meetinstrumente is deur al vier-en-twintig respondente voltooi. Die Wilcoxon t-toets en Mann-Whitney U-toets is benut vir statistiese doeleindes. 'n Rekenaar is gebruik om data te verwerk. Beide metingskale het positiewe resultate getoon. Die onafhanklike veranderlike, die persoonlike- en sosialevaardigheidsprogram, het 'n effek in die gewenste rigtings gehad op die proefpersone in die ksperimentele groep, hoewel die Hudson-skaal vir gesinsverhoudinge, meer dramatiese resultate getoon het. Die resultate van die proefpersone in die kontrole groep, het merkbare agteruitgang getoon op beide skale. / Social Sciences / M.A. (Social Work)

The relationship between a disadvantaged home environment and the self-concept of children : a guidance and counselling perspective

Magano, Meahabo Dinah 06 1900 (has links)
The escalating figures of unemployment and poverty in South Africa are posing a threat to the nuclear family. The deteriorating conditions in the home environment, particularly regarding material provision, has led to an increase in disadvantaged home environments. The investigation in this study focused mainly on the self-concepts of adolescents from disadvantaged home environments. The aim of the research was to see how the home environment influences the self-concept of an adolescent in disadvantaged areas. The literature study showed that factors such as unemployment, poverty, low socio-economic background, single parenthood, absent parents, parents' level of literacy and parenting styles were associated with disadvantaged home environments. With regard to the self-concept the researcher probed the physical, emotional, social, academic and general self-concepts. An empirical investigation was undertaken regarding grade 9 and 11 learners in Hebron in the North West Province. A structured questionnaire was developed focusing on home environment and self-concept. By using Pearson's correlation, ANOVA and Tukey's t-test, findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between home environment and the self-concept. The adolescent's emotional self-concept is affected by religion, supervision at home (parent or guardian) and the number of siblings in the family. Moreover, girls had a better social self-concept than boys. On the whole the physical, academic, social and general self-concepts were not affected by religion, number of siblings in the family and different kinds of supervision. With regard to the physical self-concept it was found that it differed with age. Therefore, the educators who facilitate Life Orientation in the General Education and Training (GET) band and Life Skills in the Further Education and Training (FET) band should assist children who come from disadvantaged home environments by applying intervention strategies suggested by the researcher in this study to foster positive self-concepts in adolescents. Positive self-concepts are key factors for successful learning, general behavioural patterns and high participation in school activities. Upgrading of educators is also recommended so that they are fully equipped to assist a learner who is from a deprived home environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education))

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