Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lol – gel"" "subject:"ool – gel""
831 |
Preparação e caracterização de filmes finos de SnO2:Sb pelo processo de sol-gel / Preparation and characterizations of thin films of SnO2:Sb by sol-gel process.Franciani Cassia Sentanin 30 July 2008 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram obtidos e caracterizados filmes finos de SnO2 e SnO2:Sb preparados pelo processo sol-gel. Estes filmes foram estudados através da influência do número de camadas nas suas propriedades ótico-eletroquímicas. Foi observado que a densidade de carga para um filme de SnO2:Sb de 5 camadas foi de 40 mC/cm2, tornando-se um excelente candidato como contra-eletrodo para aplicação em janelas eletrocrômicas. Os filmes de SnO2 e SnO2:Sb também foram estudados utilizando técnicas eletroquímicas: cronoamperometria e voltametria cíclica cujo o enfoque na análise foi o de intercalação de lítio em função da carga inserida. As medidas de transmissão ótica na região de ultravioletainfravermelho próximo revelaram que estes filmes possuem leve coloração azul, evidenciadas pela mudança do espectro UV-Vis em 8% entre estado colorido e descolorido; Por espectroscopia no infravermelho dos sóis, foi possível observar bandas características dos grupos de moléculas presentes em alcóxido, confirmando a formação do alcóxido de estanho enquanto dos precipitados apenas evidências da formação do óxido de estanho. As morfologias dos filmes estudadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Microscopia de Força Atômica (AFM) demonstraram que o filme apresenta pequenos riscos, provavelmente devido a presença de Sb, e por AFM obtidas informações da rugosidade e do tamanho de grão, sendo estes valores de 100 nm e 104 nm respectivamente. A partir do espectro do filme por EDX foi possível confirmar a presença de estanho e antimônio nos filmes. A estrutura dos xerogéis e dos sóis para deposição dos filmes estudada por difração de raios-X é a casseterite. Por fim Análises Térmicas (DSC/TGA) demonstram que à 60oC um pico endotérmico correspondendo à liberação de água e uma perda da massa de 6,3 %, e na faixa de 450C um pequeno aumento da linha de base no sentido exotérmico atribuído a cristalização do SnO2:Sb na fase casseterite, com perda de massa de 33%. / In this study were obtained and characterized thin films of SnO2 and SnO2: Sb prepared by the sol-gel process. These films were studied through the influence of the number of layers in its optical-electrochemical properties. It was observed that the density of charge for a film of SnO2: Sb, 5 layers was 40 mC/cm2, making it an excellent candidate as counter-electrode for use in electrochromic windows. The films of SnO2 and SnO2: Sb also were studied using electrochemical techniques: chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry with a focus on analysis of intercalation of lithium according to load inserted. Measures of optical transmission in the ultraviolet region of near-infrared revealed that these films have light blue colour, highlighted by the changing spectrum of UV-Vis by 8% between state and colorful discolour; In the infrared spectroscopy, in solution has been possible to see bands characteristics groups of molecules present in alkoxide, confirming the formation of alkoxide of tin while the precipitated only evidence of the formation formation of tin oxide. The morphologies of the films studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) showed that the film presents little risk, probably because the presence of Sb, and the information obtained by the AFM roughness and the size of grain, and these values of 100 nm and 104 nm respectively. From the spectrum of the film by EDX were unable to confirm the presence of tin and antimony in the films. The structure of xerogel and solution for deposition of films studied by X-rays diffraction is the cassiterite. Finally Thermal Analysis (DSC / TGA) show that the 60oC a peak endothermical corresponding to the release of water and a loss of the mass of 6.3%, and in the 450ºC a small increase from baseline in the sense attributed range of exothermically the crystallization of SnO2:Sb during casseterite, with mass loss of 33%.
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Mise en forme de nanocomposites par contrôle des interactions d'un métallogel fer-triazole avec la silice et étude des propriétés de transition de spin du matériau / Shaping of nanocomposites by controlling the interaction of iron-triazole metallogel with silica and study of the material's spin crossover propertiesVoisin, Hugo 29 September 2015 (has links)
Les polymères de coordination fer-triazole constitue une famille des composés à transition de spin particulièrement étudiée au cours des deux dernières décennies en raison de la présence du caractère hystérétique et abrupt de leur transition de spin. Leur mise en forme et la conservation de leurs propriétés reste cependant une problématique d’actualité. L’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à cette problématique en synthétisant un métallogel renforcé par des nanoparticules de silice, aboutissant à un nanocomposite hybride à transition de spin. Cet objectif fut rempli grâce à un balayage des paramètres physico-chimiques du système et un contrôle rigoureux des conditions expérimentales. Le gel obtenu a été caractérisé par de multiples techniques, ce qui a permis de proposer des mécanismes d’action des différentes composantes du système sur ses propriétés de transition de spin. Afin d’améliorer ses propriétés mécaniques, une matrice de silice hybride a été synthétiser in situ dans l’échantillon par voie sol-gel en phase vapeur. Le matériau obtenu est fonctionnel et manipulable, et a été ensuite caractérisé en détail afin de conclure sur l’influence de ce traitement sur les propriétés de transition de spin du composite. Enfin, une approche « bottom-up » du système polymère fer-triazole - triazole a été étudiée, avec comme objectifs la synthèse d’un précurseur alcoxysilane fonctionnalisé par un triazole et « l’habillage » de nanoparticules de silice par le polymère afin d’étudier leur auto-assemblage. / Iron-triazole coordination polymers have been extensively studied during the last two decades as a class of spin crossover compounds because of their hysteretic and abrupt spin crossover properties. Their use has been limited due to the difficulty to integrate them into a functional material which is still a challenge today. The main goal of this PhD. project is to address this issue by designing a metallogel reinforced by the adjunction of silica nanoparticles, allowing us to prepare a hybrid spin crossover nanocomposite. We achieved this aim by screening the physicochemical parameters of the system and carefully tuning of the experimental conditions. The resulting gel has been extensively characterized by different technics, allowing us to make assumptions for the role of each component of the system on its spin crossover properties. We improved its mechanical properties by in situ chemical vapour deposition of silica, forming a hybrid matrix by sol gel process. The resulting material is functional and easy to handle, and has been further characterized to conclude on the influence of this process on the composite spin crossover properties. Finally, a “bottom-up” approach of the iron-triazole polymer – silica system has been studied, with the aim of a triazole functionalized alcoxysilane precursor and the preparation of polymer wrapped silica nanoparticles in order to study their auto-assembling properties.
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Evaluation de la migration des plastifiants à partir des dispositifs médicaux en polychlorure de vinyle et développement d'un moyen de prévention par procédé Sol-Gel. / Evaluation of plasticizer migration of the plasticizers from medical devices in polyvynilechloride (PVC) and developpement of a protection tool by sol gel techniqueBernard, Lise 20 March 2015 (has links)
Les plastifiants des dispositifs médicaux stériles (DMS) en PVC souple tels que les tubulures de perfusion ou de nutritionartificielle peuvent migrer vers les liquides de perfusion et ainsi atteindre le patient. Le DEHP (diéthylhexylphtalate) était leprincipal plastifiant utilisé dans ces DMS jusqu’en 2010. Depuis la mise en exergue de sa reprotoxicité, sa classification ensubstance CMR1b et avec sa future interdiction dans les tubulures des services de réanimation néonatale (Loi n° 2012-1442 du 24 décembre 2012), les industriels du DMS ont substitué le DEHP par des plastifiants alternatifs tels que leTOTM*, le DINP*, le DINCH*, le DEHA*, le DEHT* ou encore l’ATBC*. Il est cependant aujourd’hui impossible d’attester del’innocuité de ces molécules via les DMS étant donné le peu d’études de migration réalisées dans les conditions cliniquesd’utilisation, notamment dans les situations médicales à risque telles que la perfusion, la nutrition, l’ECMO (ExtracorporealMembrane Oxygenation), la CEC (Circulation ExtraCorporelle) en chirurgie cardiaque ou l’hémodialyse. L’objectif de cettethèse est d’étudier cette migration, afin d’évaluer le risque d’exposition à ces plastifiants lors de l’utilisation des DMS enpratique clinique. Notre travail bibliographique préliminaire nous a permis d’identifier les techniques analytiques les plusadaptées à la quantification des plastifiants au sein des DMS (méthodes directes ou indirectes associées à une phased’extraction préalable), celles comme la GC (Gas Chromatography) et la LC (Liquid Chromatography), à privilégier pour leuranalyse dans les solutions en contact, médicaments ou simulants et les techniques de pointe très sensibles (LC/MS-MS)(Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry) utiles pour détecter et quantifier les plastifiants et leursmétabolites présents à des taux très faibles dans des matrices complexes comme les liquides biologiques.Notre analyse des résultats de premiers tests de migration réalisés dans des conditions standardisées adaptées de laméthodologie alimentaire montrent que les plastifiants ont des capacités migratoires variables, qui sont 20 fois et 3 foismoins élevées pour le TOTM et le DEHT respectivement par rapport au DEHP. Quant au DINCH, il migre en proportionsidentiques au phtalate après 24 heures de contact. Ces résultats ont servi de base à l’élaboration d’un modèle de migrationin vitro en situations de perfusion et de nutrition, représentatif des conditions cliniques de worst case. Dans ce modèle,validé par un groupe d’experts pluridisciplinaire, le postulat adulte clinique s’établit ainsi : « 1 patient de 60kg estsusceptible de recevoir chaque jour 2L de médicaments perfusés au moyen de 10 dm2 de tubulure ». Ce modèle servirapour le montage des premiers tests in vitro. En parallèle, le revêtement hybride organique/inorganique déposé par dipcoatingà la surface du PVC permet une bonne protection vis-à-vis du relargage des plastifiants, de l’ordre de 80% sur 48hde contact mais protège encore insuffisamment le PVC de l’absorption de médicaments comme le diazépam ou le dinitrateisosorbide, dont la perte n’est diminuée que de 53% et de 45% respectivement. Il s’agit d’une innovation intéressante,mais dont l’optimisation est nécessaire pour garantir une gestion des risques relatifs aux DMS en PVC plastifié. / Plasticizers in medical devices (MD) made of flexible PVC, such as infusion sets of nutrition tubings, are able to migrate into infused solutions and so come in contact with the patient. DEHP (diethylhexylphtalate) was the main plasticizer used in these MD up until 2010. It has been shown to be reprotoxic has been classified as CMR1b chemical and is soon to be banned from tubings used in neonatalogy, and therefore MD’s manufacturers have replaced DEHP by alternative plasticizers named TOTM*, DINP*, DINCH*, DEHA*, DEHT* or ATBC*. However, it is impossible to ascertain that these new plasticizers are harmless because of the lack of migration studies conducted in clinical situations in which MD are used, particularly in « at risk situations » such as infusion, nutrition, ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), ECC (Extracoporeal Circulation) in cardiac surgery and haemodialysis. The aim of this thesis is to study this migration, in order to evaluate the risk of exposure to these plasticizers, during clinical practice. Our preliminary bibliographic review allowed us to identify the most appropriate analytical methods to quantify the plasticizers in the MD matrix (direct methods or indirect methods requiring an extraction step), techniques such as GC (Gas Chromatography) and LC (Liquid Chromatography) suitable for the analysis of plasticizers in solutions, drugs or simulants in contact with, and sensitive advanced techniques such as (LC/MS-MS) (Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry) which are useful to detect and to quantify the plasticizers and their metabolites at trace levels in complex matrices like body fluids.The results of preliminary migration tests carried out in standardized conditions adapted from agrifood methodology show that the plasticizers have different migration abilities, which are 20 times and 3 times lower for TOTM and DEHT compared to DEHP. As regards DINCH, it does release as much as DEHP does after 24 hours of contact. These results formed the basis for the development of an in vitro migration model for infusion and nutrition situations, reflecting a worst case scenario. In this model, which has been validated by a pluridisciplinary task force, the clinical assumption is as follows: « A 60kg-patient is likely to get two litres of infused drugs via 10 dm2 of tubing in flexible PVC ». This model will be used to make the first tests in vitro. At the same time, an inorganic/organic hybrid coating deposited on the PVC surface by dip-coating provides a good protection against the release of the plasticizers, at a level of about 80% during 48 hours of contact, but is insufficient to protect PVC from drug sorption such as diazepam or isosobide dinitrate, which loss is reduced by only 53% and 45% respectively. It is an attractive innovation but has to be necessarily optimized to ensure a risk management concerning MD in flexible PVC.This thesis is part of tasks 1 and 2 of the ARMED research project (Assessment and Risk Management of Medical devices in PolyvinylChloride), directed by Pr Valérie Sautou, and which has received the financial support of the French Medicine Agency (ANSM, Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé) in the framework of call of research proposals in 2012.
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Surface functionalization strategies for the design of a lab-on-a-chip integrating an aptamer-based molecular capture for the analysis of emerging water contaminants / Stratégies de fonctionnalisation de surface pour le développement d'un laboratoire-sur-puce intégrant une zone de préconcentration contenant des aptamères pour l'analyse de polluants émergents des eauxPerréard, Camille 25 September 2015 (has links)
Développés pour améliorer la santé et le bien-être, certains composés pharmaceutiques sont désormais sous haute surveillance car considérés comme des contaminants émergents des eaux. Pour répondre à ce nouvel enjeu, nous visons à développer un microsystème d'analyse permettant l'identification et la quantification de ces contaminants dans des échantillons d'eau. L'aspect original de ce microsystème repose sur l'intégration au sein du canal d'une zone de préconcentration dans laquelle sont immobilisés des ligands (aptamères dans notre étude), permettant l'extraction sélective de la cible et sa concentration. Pour développer ce microsystème, deux types de fonctionnalisation de surface doivent être mis en œuvre : (1) globale, sur toute la surface des canaux, pour contrôler leurs propriétés de surface et ainsi éviter l'adsorption et contrôler les écoulements de liquides, et (2) locale, pour greffer les ligands sélectifs dans une zone confinée du canal. Les polymères COC et THV, prometteurs pour la conception de puces microfluidiques grâce à leur transparence dans le domaine UV-visible et leur excellente résistance aux solvants, ont été sélectionnés pour la microfabrication du système. Cependant, leur inertie chimique rend difficile la fonctionnalisation de leur surface, et de nouvelles méthodes de traitement de surface ont été développées. Nous présentons ainsi plusieurs méthodes innovantes pour la fonctionnalisation de ces matériaux, basées sur un dépôt plasma, une modification électrochimique et/ou une réaction chimique. La possibilité d'encapsuler les ligands dans une phase monolithique à l'intérieur d'un microcanal grâce à un procédé sol-gel a également été évaluée. / Developed to promote human health and well-being, certain pharmaceuticals are now attracting attention as crucial emerging water contaminants. To deal with this concern, we aim at developing an analytical microsystem for the identification and quantitation of these contaminants in water samples. The original aspect of this lab-on-a-chip relies on the integration inside the channel of a preconcentration zone in which ligands (aptamer in our study) are immobilized, in order to concentrate the target and extract it from the rest sample matrix. Development of this microsystem requires surface treatments to modify the microchannel surface at two scales: (1) globally (on the entire channel walls) to control surface properties and thus avoid adsorption as well as control fluid flows, or (2) locally to immobilize selective ligands in restricted areas for selective target extraction and preconcentration. Polymers COC and THV, attractive for the conception of microfluidic chips thanks to their UV-visible transparency and high resistance to aggressive solvents, were selected as the microchip material. However due their chemical inertness new functionalization techniques have to be developed to modify their surface. In this work, innovative surface treatment strategies have been developed for both materials, based on plasma, electrochemical and chemical approaches. The possibility of encapsulating aptamers in a monolithic phase inside microchannel by sol-gel process was also explored.
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Nouvelle approche dans l'élaboration de cellules photovoltaïques : réseaux interpénétrés hybrides oxyde-polymère pour hétérojonctions p,n en volume / New approach in photovoltaic cell elaboration : interpenetrated networks of metal oxides and polymers for bulk heterojunctionsHalttunen, Niki 08 October 2015 (has links)
Les récents développements dans le domaine du photovoltaïque ont permis l'apparition de cellules utilisant des technologies nouvelles. Parmi elles on trouve les cellules photovoltaïques hybrides, cependant les méthodes de fabrication utilisées actuellement présentent des défauts. Cette thèse a pour but de proposer deux nouvelles approches pour la préparation de cellules photovoltaïques hybrides sous forme d'hétérojonctions en volume d'un oxopolymère de titane et d'un polythiophène. Dans un premier temps la formation de mésostructures vermiculaires dans des couches minces de TiO2 par autoassemblage par évaporation a été étudiée, l'oxopolymère amorphe obtenu a ensuite été cristallisé en conditions douces. Ces résultats ont ensuite été utilisés afin de préparer des matériaux hybrides à partir d'homopolymères de thiophène portant des substituants hexyl et acide, ainsi qu'à partir de copolymères. Des matériaux hybrides ne présentant pas de macroségrégation ont été obtenus pour un polymère portant des fonctions acides et pour les copolymères. Dans un second temps l'électrochimie du ferrocène et du cuivre ont été étudiés dans des films de TiO2 mésostructuré et mésoporeux, puis deux dérivés thiophène : le mot et l'edot ont été électropolymérisés dans ces structures. Des cellules photovoltaïques ont été préparées en utilisant ces matériaux hybrides et caractérisées par des mesures de la courbe I/E ainsi que par l'étude du rendement quantique externe, des facteurs de forme et des rendements ont été calculés. En conclusion, deux nouvelles approches de synthèse de matériaux hybrides ont été proposées et menées à bien les propriétés photovoltaïques et ces matériaux ont été mesurées. / Recent advances in the field of photovoltaics have led to the emergence of new solar cell technologies. Among them can be found the hybrid solar cells, unfortunately the way such cells are built is still a source of problems. The aim of this phd is to develop two new approaches in the synthesis of hybrid materials as bulk heterojunctions. In first place the titanium dioxide component vas prepared by sol-gel process and its mesostructure was studied, low temperature crystallization was also investigated. Those results were used in order to prepare hybrid materials from preformed polymers. The behavior of polythiophènes with hexyl and carboxylic acid functions were used as well as copolymers bearing both functions. Hybrids without macrosegregations phenomena were obtained using acid bearing homopolymers as well as copolymers. The second approach was about investigating the electrochemical behavior of ferrocene and copper ions inside the mesoporosity, this first study was followed by a study of the electropolymerization of mot and edot inside the porosity in order to prepare hybrid materials. The obtained hybrids were studied in solar cells by measuring the I/V curve as well as the external quantum efficiency, fill factors and efficiencies were also obtained. To conclude, both approaches leaded to hybrid materials with measurable photovoltaic properties.
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Fabrication of membranes using sol-gel chemistry on glass chips and protein separations using on-column fluorescence labeling by capillary electrophoresisCao, Yueping January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemistry / Christopher T. Culbertson / The field of microfluidic devices has being developed quickly. It is aimed at integration of many chemical functions in a single chip, such as sample pretreatment, preconcentration, separation and detection, which provides a number of advantages including simplicity, automation, reduced analysis time, decrease in amount of samples and reduced formation of waste. Its potential applications have been conducted in the fields such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, public health, agriculture and related areas.
Membrane technology has been applied in analytical chemistry for many years and has won substantial growth in microfluidics over the past 10 years. Membrane is used to control transfer of some kinds of species, which can be employed for sample concentration, sample preparation, sample filtration and microreactors and so on. Sol-gel process, which usually involves catalytic hydrolysis of sol-gel precursor(s) and catalytic polycondensation of the hydrolyzed products and other sol-gel-active components present in the reaction medium to form a macromolecular network structure, is one of the most suitable methods for membrane fabrication. In this work, titanium membrane was fabricated inside glass microchips using the precursor of titanium isopropoxide. The resulted membranes demonstrated the excellent preconcentration effect. Followed separation and detection were also achieved.
CE has been highly accepted as an efficient separation technique for qualitative and quantitative determination, which is performed using a narrow-bore capillary tube. It offers advantages of simplicity, high resolution separation, and minimal cost in terms of analysis time and sample consumption. In this work, protein separations were carried out by CE. Laser-induced fluorescence was used as detection. On-column fluorescence labeling using a fluorogenic labeling reagent was made. Under suitable experimental conditions, an excellent separation performance with about 1.4 million theoretical plate numbers was achieved.
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Réplication de structures naturelles multi-échelles et multifonctionnelles / Replication of multiscale and multifunctional natural structuresThomé, Magali 02 October 2015 (has links)
L’étude présentée dans ce manuscrit porte sur la réplication de structures naturelles multi-échelles et multifonctionnelles, que sont les ailes des papillons Morpho rhetenor, Morpho menelaus et Papilio ulysse, ou celles de la cigale Cicada orni. De telles structures sont en effet constituées de sous-structures à différentes échelles, du centimètre au nanomètre, et à chacune de ces échelles est associée une propriété ou fonction. On parle alors de multifonctionnalité. Cet atout, très recherché actuellement pour nos futurs objets et matériaux, est accessible par deux voies de complexification : celle de la composition chimique du ou des matériaux constituant l’objet (matériaux composites, hybrides organique-inorganique) et/ou celle de leur géométrie (structuration). Or, si nos connaissances en chimie nous permettent de mettre en œuvre la première voie, l’élaboration de structures multi-échelles est encore difficile par nos techniques actuelles de structuration (lithographie par exemple). Ainsi, pour augmenter les propriétés d’un système possédant une géométrie multi-échelles existante dans la nature, nous avons réalisé des répliques des structures naturelles précédemment évoquées dans des matériaux inorganiques (TiO2 et SiO2), soit des matériaux très différents du complexe chitino-protéique qui constituent les ailes organiques. A cette fin, trois méthodes ont été utilisées : un dépôt de matière dans les structures naturelles par voie sol-gel, un dépôt par pulvérisation cathodique et une minéralisation directe de la structure des ailes, s’inspirant de processus de biominéralisation. / The present study deals with the replication of multiscale and multifunctional natural structures. These natural structures are wings of Morpho rhetenor, Morpho menelaus and Papilio ulysse butterflies, and those of Cicada orni cicada. Such structures are composed of smaller structures at different scales, from centimetre to nanometre, and to each of these scales is associated a property or a function. This we call multifunctionality. This multifunctionality is expected to become a property of our future objects or materials, and can be achieved by two different ways: to make the material(s) chemical composition of the object more complex (composite, hybrid organic-inorganic materials) and/or to make its architecture more complex (structuration). Although it is possible to achieve the first (chemical composition), we have so far been unable to successfully make multiscale structures with our current structuration techniques (lithography for example). Therefore, to increase the properties of a system characterised by a multiscale structure seen in nature, we have made replicas of the natural structures previously presented in inorganic materials (TiO2 and SiO2). That is to say, very different materials in comparison with the natural chitin-protein complex. To do this, three methods were used: a sol-gel solution deposition in the natural structures, a physical vapor deposition and a direct mineralization of the wings structure, which is inspired by natural biomineralization processes.
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Molecularly imprinted polymers for applications in cosmetology / Polymères à empreintes moléculaires pour applications en cosmétologieLi, Bin 11 June 2013 (has links)
Un polymère à empreintes moléculaires (MIP) est un récepteur synthétique supramoléculaire, un matériau possédant des cavités pouvant reconnaître spécifiquement une molécule cible. Il est synthétisé en mettant en contact la molécule cible, avec un mélange de monomères fonctionnels et réticulants qui permettent d'obtenir un réseau polymérique tridimensionnel rigide. L'élimination de la molécule empreinte laissera des sites vides complémentaires de cette dernière. Ces cavités sont maintenant capables de la recapturer spécifiquement. Ces polymères sont utilisés dans les domaines tels que l’extraction en phase solide, la chromatographie d’affinité, la catalyse enzymatique, les biocapteurs et la vectorisation des médicaments. Bien que le concept des MIPs a pour origine les travaux réalisés sur des matériaux sol-gel imprimés dans les années 1930, ces derniers sont restés dans l’ombre jusqu’à l'introduction de polymères organiques imprimés plus versatiles. Par rapport aux MIPs organiques, les MIPs sol-gel présentent quelques avantages comme une plus grande stabilité thermique, une meilleure compatibilité avec l'eau et une plus grande porosité. Dans cette thèse, nous avons développé des MIPs organiques et des MIPs sol-gel pour leur application en cosmétologie et pour la vectorisation de médicaments. Dans la première partie, nous présentons des MIPs pouvant adsorber d’une façon spécifique l’acide oléique (OA), un biomarqueur de l’état pelliculaire sur le cuir chevelu. Pour la préparation des MIPs organiques, nous avons employé plusieurs monomères basiques dont l’acryloylaminobenzamidine (AB), que nous avons tout spécialement synthétisé. Tous les MIPs pouvaient lier l’OA mais beaucoup d’interaction non-spécifique était observé. D’autre part, les MIPs sol-gel présentaient une bonne reconnaissance spécifique et une capacité élevée pour OA; par exemple, un MIP de composition OA:APTES:TEOS = 1:1.6:1.7 pouvait adsorber 625 μmol.g-1 de OA dans le sébum artificiel. Des tests pour capturer l’OA sur le stratum corneum et la peau reconstruite (Episkin) ont également été effectués. La pénétration de l’OA sur les deux types de peau était plus faible en présence de MIP que de NIP. Les MIPs comme matériaux désodorisants font l’objet de la deuxième partie de cette thèse. Des MIPs pouvant adsorber les précurseurs de molécules malodorantes comme les conjugués glutamine des acides (E)-3-méthyl-2-hexénoïque (3M2H) et 3-hydroxy-3-méthyl-hexanoïque (3H3MH) ont été préparés. Le N-hexanoyl glutamine et le N-hexanoyl glutamate ont été utilisés comme template. Nous observons que le MIP synthétisé avec AB comme monomère fonctionnel possède la plus grande capacité d'adsorption pour le N-hexanoyl glutamine, ainsi que pour les précurseurs glutamines des molécules malodorantes. Des résultats préliminaires et très prometteurs ont également été obtenus dans la sueur. La dernière partie de cette thèse concerne des MIPs pour la vectorisation de médicaments. L'acide salicylique (SA) est un médicament efficace utilisé dans le traitement de l’acné. Des MIPs organiques et sol-gel contre SA ont été synthétisés. Les MIPs sol-gel ont une plus grande capacité d’adsorption, 180 μmol.g-1, que les MIPs organiques et ils lient le SA sept fois plus que le NIP. Les tests de relargage du SA ont été effectués dans plusieurs milieux, avec la plus grande efficacité dans l’eau pure. En conclusion, les applications de MIPs en cosmétologie et en vectorisation de médicaments ont étés étudiés. Nos résultats montrent que les MIPs sol-gel sont les plus appropriés pour ce type de travail. / Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are tailor-made synthetic receptors possessing specific cavities for a given target molecule. They are produced by introducing, into the polymer precursors, guest molecules that act as templates at the molecular level. Interacting and cross-linking monomers are then copolymerized to form a cast-like shell. After removal of the template, cavities complementary to the template in size, shape and position of functional groups are revealed in the polymer, which can now specifically bind the template. Thanks to these specific molecular recognition properties, MIPs have found applications in areas like bio sensors, solid phase extraction, affinity chromatography, catalysis, and drug delivery. Although the MIP concept originated from imprinted silica in the 1930s, imprinted sol-gel materials received little attention afterwards due to the introduction of the more versatile organic polymers as imprinting matrix. However, compared to organic polymers, sol-gels possess higher thermal stability, better water compatibility and larger inner surface area. There have been many applications to biomolecules in aqueous conditions with sol-gel imprinting materials. In this thesis, we have developed organic and silica sol-gel MIPs for applications in cosmetics and drug delivery. MIPs able to adsorb the dandruff-inducing molecule oleic acid (OA) were produced via both the organic and inorganic routes. In the organic MIPs synthesis, different positively charged monomers were used, one of which, acryloyl aminobenzamidine, was specifically synthesized. Although some binding of oleic acid was obtained, specificity and capacity of these polymers were not satisfying. Sol-gel MIPs, on the other hand, exhibited good specific recognition and high binding capacity for OA. A MIP of the composition OA:APTES:TEOS= 1:1.6:1.7 yielded a capacity of 625 μmol.g-1 in artificial sebum. Furthermore, tests were carried out to capture OA on stratum corneum and reconstructed skin (Episkin). Less penetration of OA was observed in the presence of a MIP than with a non-imprinted control polymer. Deodorant materials are another topic of this thesis. MIPs that are able to adsorb certain precursors of odorant molecules, the glutamine conjugates of (E)-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid (3M2H) and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-hexanoic acid (3H3MH) were prepared. N-hexanoyl glutamine and N-hexanoyl glutamate were used as templates. After optimization of the MIP composition, we found that MIPs synthesized with acryloyl aminobenzamidine as functional monomer had the highest adsorption capacity for N-hexanoyl glutamine, and also recognised the glutamine targets of 3M2H and 3H3MH. Some preliminary promising binding results were obtained in artificial sweat. The third part of this work concerns a drug delivery MIP. Salicylic acid (SA) is a drug used to treat acne. SA-imprinted polymers were prepared via both organic imprinting and the sol-gel process.Compared to organic MIPs, sol-gel MIPs have a higher capacity, 180 μmol.g-1, and 7 times higher binding than to a non-imprinted control polymer was observed. Release tests were carried out in different aqueous media, the most efficient drug release was observed in pure water. In conclusion, applications of molecularly imprinted polymers for cosmetics and drug delivery have been investigated. Our results demonstrate the great potential of in particular sol-gel MIPs for these purposes.
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Novel Optical Materials for Passive Photonic ApplicationsNamnabat, Soha, Namnabat, Soha January 2016 (has links)
Advances in photonic materials are critical to the progress of photonic devices and optical systems. Even though a variety of materials, e.g. semiconductors, oxide based glasses, and polymers exist which are being used for numerous applications, there is a growing need to develop and find new materials in order to push the limits we are bound by with conventional materials, in pursuit of higher performance, higher levels of integration and lower cost. In this realm, new material development has had a considerable impact, as it is the material properties (optical, thermal, mechanical, electrical, ...) in addition to their processing and compatibilities with standard processes that enable us the creation of entirely new devices or improve the performance of currently available optical devices. In this dissertation, I will demonstrate the application of two new materials for novel photonic components. In the first part of the dissertation, I discuss how a hybrid approach to the silicon photonics platform can reduce thermal sensitivity using sol-gel based inorganic-organic hybrid materials. The approach is to design the optical waveguide so that it maintains its performance in a passive manner in response to environmental temperature variations and, thus, does not need external temperature control resulting in reduced electrical power consumption. Sol-gel materials are well-known, but they haven’t been exploited like polymers and titanium dioxide to be cladding layers to enable athermal silicon waveguides. In this work I show their advantages with respect to previous materials that were employed for athermal microring resonators. I studied the thermal curing parameters of the sol-gel and its effect on thermal wavelength shift of the microring resonance. With this method, I was able to achieve a thermal shift down to -6.8 pm/°C for transverse electric (TE) polarization, as well as thermal shifts below 1 pm/°C for transverse magnetic (TM) polarization in the C band under different curing conditions, all while preserving high Q resonator performance. The results and methodology described opens a new and more manufacturable approach to attain athermal silicon photonic devices. In the second part of the dissertation, I introduced a new, sulfur rich, low cost copolymer material developed by our colleagues in the chemistry department. This copolymer has unique properties that conventional optical polymers, such as polymethylmethacrylate and polycarbonate, lack, while also having low cost. I demonstrated that these polymers have very good processing capabilities, being easily moldable to make free space optical elements and solution processable for use in integrated optics. I studied their linear and nonlinear optical properties, finding them to possess high refractive indices and transparencies over a wide range from 550 nm to 6 µm, except for a small region of absorption from 3-3.3 µm. Finally, I demonstrated that these new copolymers are suitable and economical alternative for shortwave and midwave infrared optics (SWIR and MWIR, respectively).
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Photocatalytic activity of supported TiO2 nanocrystalsTotito, Thandiwe Crystal January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In recent times, the occurrence and presence of complex recalcitrant toxic contaminants in water and wastewater is increasing and consequently contributes to the non-availability of clean and safe drinking water. Water treatment is complex, time demanding and energy intensive due to the physico-chemical structural complexity and diversity of the pollutants. Non-availability of good drinking water has negatively affected human health and the ecosystem. Over the years, numerous conventional treatment techniques were used to degrade and remove these pollutants, but investigations indicated that some of the pollutants are not susceptible to conventional treatment. Advanced oxidation technology, among which heterogeneous photocatalysis (involving the use of a semiconductor) has emerged as one of the more promising techniques to
remediate contaminated water. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) semiconductor photocatalysis is considered to be a good option due to its cost effectiveness, chemical and thermal stability, and inertness in the area of wastewater reclamation and re-use. However the post separation of the titania particles poses a threat to the wastewater remediation. Hence there is a need to develop a supported high surface area photocatalyst that will resolve the post separation challenge. This present study aimed to prepare high surface area TiO2 anatase nanocrystals supported on a stainless steel mesh. These new composite materials were used to remove methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions. The supporting procedure involved the thermal decomposition of a sol gel solution coated upon stainless steel mesh. The nanocrystalline anatase phase was formed by thermal decomposition on a stainless steel mesh coated with 8 % PAN/DMF/TiO2 sol gel
formation calcined at varying temperatures of 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C and 600 °C.
The heating rate of 50 °C/min and independent holding time of 1 h, 2 h, 3 h and 4
h were applied to find the optimum supporting conditions. The synthesised TiO2
nanocomposites materials were characterised using the following analytical techniques: XRD, HRSEM, EDS, HRTEM, SAED, FTIR and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy materials were characterised, and the results indicate that synthesised TiO2 nanocrystals were in the anatase form, polycrystalline in nature, and contained additional carbon-carbon bonds from the polymer used during preparation with TiO2 particle sizes range from 13.6 nm to 2285 nm.
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