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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

William James et la psychologie des états seconds / William James and the psychology of altered states of consciousness

Trochu, Thibaud 10 March 2015 (has links)
William James (1842-1910) est une figure bien connue de l'histoire de la philosophie. L'édition récente de ses Oeuvres complètes et de sa Correspondance (1985-2004, 28 volumes) ouvre cependant de nouvelles voies d‟interprétation. De surcroît, l'examen des archives scientifiques de l'auteur conservées à l'université Harvard dévoile toute une « part cachée » de cette oeuvre. Une analyse historique de ces documents conduit à une hypothèse de lecture générale qui permet de dégager plusieurs lignes d‟interprétations neuves : 1) Du point de vue philosophique, la nécessité d'examiner l'inquiétude religieuse de ce savant qu'il hérite du milieu intellectuel singulier dont il est issu. 2) La centralité de la dimension « psychologique » de sa carrière ; doublée de l'importance de l'homme dans l'édification et l‟institutionnalisation la « psychologie scientifique » à la fin du XIXe siècle en Europe et aux Etats-Unis 3) L'idée d‟un « programme de recherche » souterrain consacré à la « psychologie des états seconds ». Depuis ces trois points de vue, James apparaît comme un acteur déterminant dans de l‟histoire collective de l‟exploration du « subconscient » qui se structure autour des problèmes de « l'hypnotisme » et du « somnambulisme provoqué ». Nous proposons de suivre l'évolution de ses réflexions concernant les « avancées les plus importantes faites en psychologie » sur la base de ses nombreux écrits et de ses correspondances savantes avec des psychologues et des médecins étrangers tels que Pierre Janet, Edmund Gurney, George Croom Robertson, Frederic W. H. Myers, Joseph Delboeuf, Théodule Ribot, Carl Stumpf, Charles Richet et Théodore Flournoy. Cette monographie est une histoire internationale de la « psychologie du subconscient » écrite du point de William James. / William James (1842-1910) is a well-known figure in modern history of philosophy. Yet, the recently completed critical edition of his Complete Works and Correspondence (1985-2004, 28 volumes) has opened a path for fresh interpretations. In this respect, the author‟s archives housed at Harvard University unveil a "hidden part" of this figure. A historical analysis based on these sources enables us to draw novel hypotheses based on three main axes, namely: 1) The necessity to appraise this scientist‟s deep religious concerns which he partly inherited from his particular cultural and intellectual background; 2) The centrality of the “psychological” dimension of his early career, coupled with James‟s cardinal importance in the institutionalization of “scientific psychology” in late 19th-century Europe and America; 3) The idea of a subterranean "research program" which he put forth, dealing with the so-called “psychology of altered states of consciousness". From these three points of views, James emerges as a crucial actor within an international movement focused on the scientific study on "subconscious" phenomena centered on themes of “hypnotism", somnambulism" and trance phenomena. We suggest exploring his thinking about what he called the "most important discovery made by psychologists" throughout his career, while considering his numerous works as well as his voluminous correspondence with foreign scientists and physicians such as G. Stanley Hall, Pierre Janet, Edmund Gurney, George Croom Robertson, Frederic W. H. Myers, Joseph Delboeuf, Théodule Ribot, Carl Stumpf, Charles Richet and Théodore Flournoy. In other words, this monograph is an international history of the “psychology of the subconscious” written from William James's point of view..

Body in Rebellion: The Closing Body, Romantic Mesmerism, and Gothic Doubles in Hogg's Justified Sinner

Hinds, Elizabeth E. 10 April 2023 (has links)
This study explores the western Romantic period as a transition between the medieval “open body” and the modern “closed body.” It focuses on “closing body” phenomena such as “mesmerism” (i.e. animal magnetism), somnambulism, substance abuse, and the “second-self,” including notions of the subconscious and the trope of gothic Doppelgängers. This study draws from many pieces of western Romantic literature but is most centered around James Hogg’s 1824 The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. This new reading of Hogg’s novel suggests a core theme of body anxiety, rather than theological dispute.

Analyse de l’activité en ondes lentes et des oscillations lentes précédant le somnambulisme

Jaar, Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
Diverses études se sont penchées sur les paramètres EEG du sommeil en ondes lentes, y compris l’activité en ondes lentes en lien avec le somnambulisme, mais les résultats se révèlent inconsistants et contradictoires. Le premier objectif de la présente étude était d’analyser quantitativement l’EEG en sommeil en mesurant les fluctuations de puissance spectrale en delta (1-4 Hz) et delta lent (0.5-1 Hz) avant des épisodes de somnambulisme. Le second était de détecter les oscillations lentes (> 75 μV, fréquence d'environ 0.7-0.8 Hz) et très lentes (> 140 μV, fréquence d'environ 0.7-0.8 Hz) afin d'examiner leur changement d'amplitude et de densité avant de tels épisodes. Suite à une privation de sommeil de 25 heures, les enregistrements polysomnographiques de 22 adultes atteints de somnambulisme ont été scrutés. L’analyse des 200 secondes avant les épisodes révèle que ceux-ci ne sont pas précédés d’une augmentation graduelle de puissance spectrale en delta ni en delta lent, tant sur les dérivations frontale, centrale que pariétale. Toutefois, une hausse statistiquement significative de la densité des oscillations lentes et des oscillations très lentes a été observée au cours des 20 sec immédiatement avant le début des épisodes. Reste à déterminer le rôle exact de ces paramètres de l’EEG en sommeil par rapport à la manifestation et au diagnostic des parasomnies en sommeil lent. / Several studies have investigated slow-wave sleep EEG parameters, including slow-wave activity (SWA) in relation to somnambulism, but results have been both inconsistent and contradictory. The first goal of the present study was to conduct a quantitative analysis of sleepwalkers’ sleep EEG by studying fluctuations in spectral power for delta (1-4 Hz) and slow delta (0.5-1 Hz) before the onset of somnambulistic episodes. A secondary aim was to detect slow wave oscillations to examine their changes in amplitude and density prior to behavioral episodes of somnambulism. Twenty-two adult sleepwalkers were investigated polysomnographically following 25 h of sleep deprivation. Analysis of patients’ sleep EEG over the 200 sec prior to the episodes’ onset revealed that the episodes were not preceded by a gradual increase in spectral power for either delta or slow delta over frontal, central, or parietal leads. However, time course comparisons revealed significant changes in the density of slow and very slow wave oscillations, with significant increases occurring during the final 20 sec immediately preceding episode onset. The specificity of these sleep EEG parameters for the occurrence and diagnosis of NREM parasomnias remains to be determined.

Victor Brauner and the surrealist interest in the occult

Darie, Camelia Dana January 2012 (has links)
My research on Victor Brauner’s work in the first two decades of his affiliation with the Surrealist group in Paris re-establishes the role played by the Romanian Jewish artist in the definition of automatic Surrealist procedures of painting and mixed-technique objects that relied upon a new and unconventional understanding of the occult. In the three chapters of this study of Victor Brauner’s work in the 1930s and early 1940s, I analyse key notions, such as the fantastic, animal magnetism, and the occult practices of art making in a Surrealist context. The fantastic is discussed in the first chapter of the thesis from a literary perspective with political connotations in Surrealism, which resulted from a debate engaged in nineteenth-century French literature on the issue of the marvellous versus the fantastic. Due to the Surrealists’ interest in the fantastic a new category emerged, the fantastic art, which is examined in this first chapter in connection with Brauner’s artworks in the 1930s. The incursion into the fantastic, with focus on the premonition of the painter’s left eye loss in his artworks of the 1930s is completed with an approach to spiritualism that had a revival at the time. The second chapter of the thesis investigates the doctrine of animal magnetism and the state of magnetic somnambulism in eighteenth-century scholarship and shows how this experimentation had influenced the development of a new branch of the science, metapsychics or psychical research at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth one. I take into account and demonstrate that these outdated and modern domains of enquiry into the unknown and beyond reality were appealing to Surrealists, in particular to Brauner, due to their research into unconscious processes of the mind. I argue that through the attainment of a condition similar to the one of the somnambulist in sessions of magnetic sleep, the Surrealists aimed to generate automatic procedures of painting and object making. In the third chapter of the thesis I discuss Victor Brauner’s technique of drawing with a candle, or le cirage, as an automatic procedure of art developed in connection with the occult. This final part of the thesis makes also manifest the association of Brauner’s artworks in the early 1940s with practices of the occult in the near and centuries before past.

Changements développementaux dans la survenue d'épisodes de somnambulisme chez les patients somnambules adultes

Kalantari, Narges 12 1900 (has links)
Loin d'être bénins, les épisodes somnambuliques peuvent être fréquents et/ou graves et comporter un risque élevé de blessures. Une amnésie rétrograde variable peut également accompagner les épisodes. Ce mémoire a examiné l'évolution des épisodes de somnambulisme a trois différentes phases de la vie, un sujet qui reste peu étudié. Des somnambules adultes ayant reçu un diagnostic de somnambulisme primaire, et qui ont été somnambules dès leur enfance (n = 113), ont été évalués pour la fréquence de leurs épisodes, le rappel des contenus mentaux liés à leurs épisodes et l’occurrence d’épisodes agressifs pendant l'enfance, l'adolescence et l'âge adulte. Également, les somnambules qui font des terreurs nocturnes (une parasomnie de sommeil lent souvent observés chez les somnambules) depuis leur enfance (n = 52) ont été évalués pour les changements développementaux dans leurs terreurs nocturnes. Les résultats démontrent que les épisodes de somnambulisme sont demeurés stables pendant l'enfance et l'adolescence de nos somnambules, mais ont augmenté à l'âge adulte. Une tendance opposée a été observée quant à la fréquence des terreurs nocturnes. Le rappel des contenus mentaux associé au somnambulisme et les épisodes agressifs ont augmenté progressivement de l’enfance à l’âge adulte. En contrepartie, le rappel des contenus mentaux associé aux terreurs nocturnes est demeuré stable. De plus, une fréquence plus élevée d'épisodes de somnambulisme agressif c’est avérée un prédicteur d’une fréquence plus élevée d’un rappel de contenu mental lié au somnambulisme. Ces résultats sont comparables entre les hommes et les femmes. Dans l’ensemble, cette recherche démontre que chez les somnambules chroniques, le contenu mental associé aux épisodes somnambuliques augmente et que la fréquence et la sévérité des épisodes s'aggravent entre l’enfance et l’âge adulte. / Far from being benign, somnambulistic episodes can be frequent and/or severe and with high risk of injury. Episodes may also be accompanied by sleep mentation with variable degrees of retrograde amnesia. The present thesis investigated how somnambulistic episodes unfold over time, a topic that remains understudied. Adult sleepwalkers with a diagnosis of primary somnambulism and a childhood onset of the disorder (n = 113) were assessed for changes in frequency of their episodes, recall of episode-related sleep mentation and aggressive episodes during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Additionally, sleepwalkers (n= 52) with childhood- onset of sleep terrors (a NREM parasomnia commonly experienced by sleepwalkers) were assessed for developmental changes in sleep terror frequency. The frequency of somnambulistic episodes remained unchanged during childhood and adolescence before increasing into adulthood. An opposite trend was observed for the frequency of sleep terrors. The frequency of aggressive somnambulistic episodes and of sleep mentation associated with somnambulism increased from childhood to adolescence and into adulthood. By contrast, the recall of sleep mentation associated with sleep terrors did not change over time. Additionally, a higher frequency of aggressive somnambulistic episodes predicted a higher frequency of sleep mentation associated with somnambulism. These findings were similar between men and women. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that in chronic sleepwalkers, sleep mentation associated with somnambulistic episodes increases with age while episodes worsen in frequency and severity from childhood to adulthood.

Impacts fonctionnels diurnes et corrélats psychopathologiques dans le somnambulisme adulte

Labelle, Marc-Antoine 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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