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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The radiation of Sound from Surfaces at Grazing Angles of Incidence

Pavasovic, Vladimir, vpavasovic@wmgacoustics.com.au January 2006 (has links)
It is difficult to predict the sound radiation from large factory roofs. The existing infinite panel theories of sound insulation are not sufficient when the sound radiates at grazing angles. It has been shown that the reason for the collapse of the theory is the well known result for the radiation efficiency. This research will present a simple analytic strip theory, which agrees reasonably well with numerical calculations for a rectangular panel. Simple analytic strip theory has lead to the conclusion that it is mainly the length of the panel in the direction of radiation, rather than its width that is important in determining its radiation efficiency. The findings of the current research also indicated that apart from the effect due to coincidence, a panel was non-directional compared to an opening.

Research on the acoustic qualities of building materials and structures and their use for noise reduction in premises / Statybinių medžiagų ir konstrukcijų akustinių savybių tyrimas ir panaudojimas triukšmui mažinti patalpose

Januševičius, Tomas 21 June 2011 (has links)
The dissertation analyses the sound-insulating qualities of building materials and structures. The aim of the dissertation is to investigate and indentify, under natural conditions and in a noise suppression chamber, the structures which, as internal and external components of buildings, would ensure the protection of inte-rior rooms against noise and to model on this basis the sound reduction indices of structures. The work deals with several main tasks: investigations of the acoustic quali-ties of building materials and structures in a noise suppression chamber and under natural conditions; comparison of results obtained from measurements, and the evaluation of the sound reduction indices of perspective structures through model-ling. The introductory chapter introduces the problem addressed and topicality of the work, describes the object of research, formulates aim and tasks of the work, describes research methodology, scientific novelty of the work, points out practi-cal value of the work’s results and specifies defended propositions. The introduc-tion ends with a list of articles on the dissertation topic published by the author and the structure of the dissertation. The first chapter analyses literature relating with the dissertation topic. Con-clusions are formulated at the end of the chapter. The beginning of each chapter presents research methodologies. The second chapter differentiates investigations which were carried out in a noise suppression chamber and... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos statybinių medžiagų ir konstrukcijų garso izoliaci-nės savybės. Disertacijos tikslas – natūrinėmis sąlygomis ir triukšmo slopinimo kameroje ištirti ir nustatyti konstrukcijas, kurios, kaip pastatų vidinės ir išorinės sudėtinės dalys, užtikrintų vidaus patalpų apsaugą nuo triukšmo, ir tuo pagrindu sumodeliuoti konstrukcijų garso izoliavimo rodiklius. Šiame darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: statybinių medžiagų ir konstrukcijų akustinių savybių tyrimai triukšmo slopinimo kameroje ir natūrinė-mis sąlygomis, matavimų rezultatų palyginimas, perspektyvių konstrukcijų garso izoliavimo rodiklių įvertinimas modeliavimo būdu. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, aštuoni skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas. Įvadiniame skyriuje pristatoma tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, apibū-dinamas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, nusakomas darbo mokslinis naujumas ir darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, išvardijami ginamieji teiginiai. Įvadas baigiamas disertacijos tema auto-riaus paskelbtų publikacijų ir pranešimų konferencijose pristatymu bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje analizuojama su disertacijos tema susijusi literatūra. Sky-riaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados. Tyrimų metodikos pateiktos kiekvieno skyriaus pradžioje. Antrajame skyriuje išdiferencijuojami triukšmo slopinimo kameroje vykdyti tyrimai ir analizuojami jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Étude de la transmission acoustique de métaplaques localement résonantes / Study of acoustic transmission of locally resonant metaslabs

Ba, Abdoulaye Sidiki 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les matériaux acoustiques super absorbants, sub-longueur d’ondes et large bande, ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses pour l’isolation sonore. Dans ce contexte, nous avons conçu et synthétisé des structures hétérogènes comportant des microbilles sphériques de silicone poreux « ultra-lentes », distribuées dans des matrices aqueuses ou élastomériques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré pourquoi la vitesse du son est aussi basse dans les silicones poreux (<100 m/s) comparativement à celle de milieux homogènes (~1000 m/s). Ce fort contraste de propriétés acoustiques entre phases étant susceptible d’induire des propriétés extrêmement diffusantes des microbilles, nous avons étudié l’impact de la nature de la matrice et de l’arrangement (aléatoire ou périodique) des microbilles sur les propriétés acoustiques d’échantillons se présentant sous forme de plaques sub-longueurs d’ondes à faces parallèles. Nous avons montré que la présence de minima prononcés dans le coefficient de transmission de ces métaplaques était pilotée par la résonance monopolaire des microbilles, et était fortement conditionnée par la nature de la matrice environnante. Enfin, toutes les mesures ultrasonores de l’étude ont été confrontées avec succès à des prédictions issues de modèles de diffusion multiple. / Acoustic metamaterials may behave like sub-wavelength and broadband sound-absorbers, opening thus new promising routes for sound insulation. In this context, we have designed and achieved heterogeneous structures composed of soft porous silicone rubber microbeads with ultra-low sound speeds, dispersed in various aqueous or elastomeric matrices. First, we show why the sound speed is so low in soft porous silicone rubber materials (<100m/s) in comparison with soft homogeneous materials (~1000m/s). Such a large sound-speed contrast resulting in strongly scattering properties of the microbeads, we have studied the influence of the matrix characteristics as well as the arrangement of microbeads (random or ordered) on the acoustic properties of the samples in form of sub-wavelength slabs. We have evidenced deep and wide minima of acoustic transmission due to the strong monopolar resonances of the microbeads, which strongly depend on the properties of the surrounding matrix. All our ultrasonic measurements have been compared with theoretical predictions based on various Multiple Scattering Theories, revealing an excellent quantitative agreement.


Oliveira, Marco Aurélio de 28 March 2007 (has links)
The aim of this research is to evaluate sound insulation behavior of double windows, when a second window is placed upon a previous one, keeping an air layer between them. This was done through standard tests carried out at the reverberation chambers of the Thermo Acoustics Laboratory, of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in accordance with ISO 140-III, ISO 717-I international norms and the Brazilian Norm Project 02:135.01-001. First, low air hermetic windows were duplicated, each one having Rw = 18 dB. Second, good air hermetic windows were duplicated. The objective, through this technique, was to find out sound insulation improvement of double windows under the two mentioned circumstances. Observing the test results, it was verified that low air hermetic double window obtained Rw = 26 dB, with an increase of 8 dB in relation to just one window of the same typology. Insulation gain, in this case, occurred mainly in medium and high frequencies. In relation to good air hermetic double window, a Rw final of 37 dB was obtained, considering that the increase in sound insulation depends on the initial performance of the fist installed window. The gain in insulation in the second instance was between 4 to 8 dB, mainly in relation to low and medium frequencies. Therefore, it was possible to quantify which sound insulation improvement could be done on façades employing the technique of double windows in order to contribute to the betterment and quality of buildings in Brazil / A proposta deste trabalho é avaliar o comportamento da isolação sonora de janelas duplas, em que uma segunda janela é sobreposta a outra já existente, havendo entre ambas uma camada de ar. Tal determinação é feita mediante ensaios normalizados nas câmaras reverberantes do Laboratório de Termo Acústica da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, de acordo com as normas internacionais ISO 140-III, ISO 717-I e Projeto de Norma Brasileira 02:135.01-001. Inicialmente foram duplicadas janelas com baixa estanqüeidade ao ar, tendo Rw = 18 dB cada uma, e a seguir, janelas com boa estanqüeidade. Buscou-se, através dessa técnica, conhecer o desempenho sonoro da duplicação de janelas nestas duas situações consideradas. A partir dos resultados dos ensaios, verificou-se que a duplicação de janelas com baixa estanqüeidade ao ar atingiu um Rw = 26 dB, com acréscimo de 8 dB em relação à uma única janela de mesma tipologia. O ganho de isolamento, nesse caso, ocorreu principalmente nas médias e altas freqüências. Em relação à duplicação de janelas com boa estanqüeidade, atingiu-se um Rw final de 37 dB, sendo o acréscimo no isolamento acústico dependente do desempenho inicial da primeira janela. O ganho em isolamento nesta segunda situação foi de 4 a 8 dB, com incidência sobretudo nas baixas e médias freqüências. Dessa maneira, pôde-se quantificar qual a melhoria do isolamento sonoro em fachadas, a partir da duplicação de janelas, de forma a contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento e qualidade das construções em nosso país

Lätta väggar, högt buller / Light walls, loud noise

Dahlström, Hannes, Dyk-Strömberg, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
En av modern tids största miljöproblem anses vara buller. Bland annat kan nedsatt fysisk hälsaoch mental stress förekomma för människor som utsätts för bullerexponering. Ökande önskan om god akustisk miljö är idag i konflikt med att pågående urbanisering gör att vi utsätts för ökad bullerexponering i våra bostadsmiljöer. Urbaniseringen har lett till framställningen av en förordning som är fördelaktig för mer expansivt bostadsbyggande i bullerutsatta miljöer.Förordningen möjliggör byggnation vid högre trafikbullernivåer än tidigare tillåtet. Med avseende på tidigare kravnivåer har fasadväggar generellt ansetts ha mer än tillräcklig ljudisoleringsförmåga att klara trafikbullernivåerna. Till följd av nu gällande förordning är det nu inte lika entydigt att fasader med lättbyggnadsteknik har tillräckligt god ljudreduktionsförmåga. Av dessa anledningar är det aktuellt att studera hur bra fasader av lättbyggnadsteknik klarar att reducera bullret för att erfordra en kravställning på ekvivalentljudtrycksnivå inomhus som motsvarar ljudklass C eller B.Studien syftar till att undersöka om lättbyggnadsteknik är lämpligt i bullerutsatta områden som tillåts av dagens bullerkravställning. Målet är att erhålla en konstruktion i lättbyggnadsteknik som lämpas att byggas i denna höga bullerexponering. Frågeställningar ämnar att reda ut hur resultaten på väggarnas ljudisoleringsförmåga förhåller sig mellan de olika empiriska insamlingarna och dessutom hur de presterar gentemot dagens kravställningar.I rapporten genomförs akustiska fältmätningar av reduktionstalet (ljudisoleringen) enligt svenskstandard på tre fasadväggar av lättbyggnadsteknik. Fasadväggskonstruktionerna modelleras även i programvaran Insul 8 för att genom detta erhålla väggarnas beräknade reduktionstal. På en av fasadväggarna undersöks även det modellerade reduktionstalets variation följandemodifieringar av väggkonstruktionens uppbyggnad. Väggarna jämförs även med riktvärden förtre referensväggar redovisade i litteratur.Genom det teoretiska underlaget har resultaten från mätningarna, modelleringarna och litteratur-riktvärden utvärderats i förhållande till om de uppnår kravnivåer på ekvivalent ljudtryck inomhus. Resultaten för rådande fallundersökningar visar att alla undersökta väggar har erforderlig ljudreduktionsförmåga för att uppnå samhällets minimikrav (ljudklass C) då ljudreduktionen dimensioneras med väggen som dimensionerande fasadelement. Med avseende på fönster som dimensionerande fasadelement klarar två av sex väggar ej att uppnå inomhusnivåer för ljudklass C. Då kravnivåerna avser att upprätta en ännu bättre ljudmiljö (ljudklass B) än minimikraven så erhåller fyra av sex väggar denna erforderliga ljudisolering med vägg som dimensionerande element. För att uppnå ljudklass B då fönstrets ljudreduktion är dimensionerande så har en fältmätning, en referensvägg och två väggmodelleringar (utan modifieringar) erforderlig ljudisolering.Slutsatserna påvisar att ljudisoleringen är generellt sett erforderlig för väggarna i lättbyggnadsteknik, även i bullerutsatta områden som tillåts av dagens kravställning. Att kunnauppnå en god ljudmiljö (ljudklass B) avseende ekvivalent ljudtryck inomhus är däremot ej självklart då väggar i lättbyggnadsteknik byggs på bullerexponerad plats. Möjligheten att förbättra reduktionstalet är möjligt och tillämpbart genom att öka massan eller minska styvheten på väggen om reduktionstal är undermåliga. / This thesis evaluates whether walls with light-frame construction are suitable to build in areas with high sound pressure levels, allowed by Sweden’s law regarding loud traffic noise nearbuildings. Previous consensus has been that exterior walls have sufficient sound insulation,regarding sound pressure levels by the residence-façade generated from traffic noise, to achieverequired indoor sound pressure levels. Due to the ongoing urbanization in Sweden, a law haspassed that increased the allowed levels of equivalent sound pressure by a residence-façade. Therefore, it has become relevant to examine if light-frame construction façades really do have sufficient sound insulation.In the study, field measurements are made on three façade walls to determine their noise reduction properties. The values from the measurements are compared to the sound insulation capacity of software-built wall-models with the same wall constructions as the field measured walls. Both the measured and the modelled walls sound insulation is also compared parallel to insulation values for light-frame construction walls found in literature. The values of the walls sound insultation are also evaluated regarding high but occurring sound pressure levels by facades and demanded levels of sound pressure indoors. Modifications are made to the construction of one modelled wall to quantify the improvement in sound insulation of the walls derived from the investigated construction-modifications.The results conclude that the examined light-frame construction walls are indeed sufficient in the aspect of sound insulation to merely satisfy the laws. The walls sound insulation is not as unambiguously sufficient when establishing what is considered a good indoor acoustic environment, instead of only achieving minimum levels required by law.

Utvärdering av standard EN 1793–6:2012 för att undersöka bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet in-situ

Sjöberg, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Bullerskyddsskärmar används för att reducera buller från väg- och spårtrafik. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utvärdera standard EN 1793–6:2012, en mätmetod för att undersöka bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet in-situ med avseende på ljudisoleringen. I nuläget bestäms bullerskyddsskärmars effektivitet med laborationsmätningar i ett diffust ljudfält, som inte överensstämmer med det direkta ljudfält och den komplexitet som är in-situ. Till följd av det blir ofta laborationsmätningarna missvisande. Det finns även en okunskap kring håligheter/ läckage och hur det påverkar den akustiska prestandan, vilket gör att det emellanåt leder till brister i installationen av bullerskyddsskärmar och att enhetens ljudreducering inte stämmer överens med förväntningarna. Det finns således ett behov av att bestämma en bullerskyddsskärms befintliga prestanda in-situ för att säkerställa de krav som ställs i specifikationerna. EN 1793–6:2012 ansågs vara lämplig för ändamålet men fler mätningar behövs utföras för att kunna säkerställa resultaten och för att verifiera mätsystemet. Ljudisoleringen bestämdes som en funktion av frekvenser i tersband och var giltiga i frekvensområdet mellan 200 Hz till 5 kHz respektive 400 Hz till 5 kHz. De undersökta bullerskyddsskärmar var: en i laminerat och härdat glas med aluminiumpelare, en icke-homogen vegetationsskärm i stålram och en kombinerad bullerskyddsskärm i akrylglas med aluminiumprofiler. Resultaten jämfördes med laborationsmätningar och/eller simuleringar i Insul. Bullerskyddsskärmarna i glas gav högre värden på ljudisoleringen än i laborationsmätning, ett resultat som kan bero på skillnaderna mellan diffust ljudfält och direkt ljudfält. Komplexiteten i vegetationsskärmen gjorde resultaten svåra att analysera, men läckage förekom i de högre frekvenserna. Adrienne-fönstren behövde bli specifikt beräknade för samtliga impulssvar eftersom dimensionerna för bullerskyddsskärmarna inte överensstämde med vad som definieras i EN 1793–6:2012 för certifieringsändamål. I EN 1793–6:2012 omnämns inte heller markreflektion, som påverkar den filtrerade signalen. Vidare studier behövs för att filtrera bort dessa oönskade komponenter. / Road traffic noise devices, for example noise barriers, are used to reduce the noise from road traffic and trams. The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the standard EN 1793-6:2012, a test method for determining noise barriers efficiency in-situ. Currently, noise barriers efficiency is determined with laboratory measurements in a diffuse sound field, which does not reflect the direct sound field and the complexity that are in-situ. As a result, laboratory measurements are often misleading. Due to a lack of knowledge about leakage, there are sometimes defects caused in the installation of the noise barriers that adversely affect the acoustic properties. There is thus a need to determine the intrinsic parameters of a noise barrier in-situ to ensure the requirements set in the specifications. The new method described in EN 1793-6:2012 was considered useful for the purpose but it was found that more measurements need to be performed to ensure results and to verify the measurement system. The sound insulation was determined for three noise barriers where results are expressed as a function of frequency in one third octave band and were valid in the frequency range between 200 Hz to 5 kHz respective 400 Hz to 5 kHz. The noise barriers tested were: a barrier in laminated glass with metal posts, a non-homogeneous vegetation barrier in a steel frame and a combined barrier with acrylic glass and metal. The results were compared with laboratory measurements and/or simulations in Insul. The glass barriers showed higher values ​​of the sound insulation index than the laboratory measurements, perhaps due to the different sound fields. The complexity of the vegetation barrier made the results difficult to analyze, but leakage occurred in the higher frequencies. The Adrienne temporal windows were specifically calculated for all impulse responses, since the dimensions of the noise barriers differed from the one defined in EN 1793-6: 2012 for certification purposes. Also, in EN 1793-6: 2012, ground reflection, which affects the filtered signal, is not mentioned. Further studies are needed to filter out these unwanted components.

Measurement and perception of sound insulation from 20 Hz between dwellings

Öqvist, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
Population growth and urbanization are projected by the United Nations to add 2,5 billionpeople to the world’s urban population by 2050. We need to construct buildings in anunprecedented scale to meet global housing demand. Sustainable development is critical.Compared to traditional heavy constructions, lightweight wooden constructions are moreenvironmentally friendly and will play a key role in meeting future demands. However, thereare two major problems with lightweight constructions that need to be addressed: 1) Limitedlow frequency sound insulation and 2) Variations in sound insulation.Annoyance from walking sound tend to be higher in lightweight than in heavy constructionseven with the same measured sound insulation. The Swedish research program AkuLiteindicated that the correlation between measured sound insulation and annoyance wassignificantly improved by extending current evaluation methods from 50 Hz down to 20 Hz.Secondly, large variations in sound insulation between nominally identical lightweightconstructions are common, which leads to larger safety margins. By identifying and quantifyingunderlying causes, production costs can be minimized and the performance can be improved.The aim of the thesis is to develop a new evaluation method for impact sound insulation thatbetter correspond to rated annoyance, and to identify and control underlying causes forvariations in sound insulation. The thesis contains six papers.In Paper I and II, sound insulation measurements were carried out in a large number ofnominally identical rooms of two different industrially prefabricated lightweight woodenconstructions. The purpose was to assess and quantify the variations in impact and airbornesound insulation. In Paper I, 30 nominally identical apartments of a volume based system wasevaluated. The apartments on the highest floor achieved significantly better sound insulationdue to the extra weight on lower floors affecting the elastic connections between stories. InPaper II, 18 rooms of a cross-laminated timber system of plate elements were evaluated.Additionally, several potential parameters related to measurement uncertainty wereinvestigated.Paper III deals with measurement uncertainty. An empirical study of reverberation timemeasurements showed that current methods need to be improved, if sound insulationrequirements are to be extended to 20 Hz.Paper IV and V verified that the frequency range 20-50 Hz is important for walking soundannoyance, and that alternative frequency adaptation terms can improve the correlation betweenmeasured impact sound insulation and annoyance ratings. In Paper IV, the methodology was toperform extensive field measurements in apartment buildings of various construction types andto perform questionnaire surveys among the residents. In Paper V, the methodology was toevaluate annoyance based on binaural recordings of walking sound in a two-part listening test.In Paper VI, 70 measurements in a lightweight wooden system were evaluated to quantify thetotal variations in impact and airborne sound insulation from 20 and 50 Hz, respectively. It wasconcluded that the proposed metrics of impact sound insulation were primarily determined bythe impact sound level 20-40 Hz and that the measurement methods must be evaluatedthoroughly to avoid excessive safety margins. A new evaluation method for impact sound insulation from 25 Hz, that correspond to the ratedannoyance for both heavy and lightweight constructions is proposed. By using the proposedmethod and attending the specific causes for variations, the lightweight industry will be able todevelop improved multi-story dwellings with higher perceived acoustic quality. / <p>Forskningsfinansiärer:</p><p>Sven Tyréns Stiftelse</p><p>Formas</p>

En jämförelsestudie mellan olika ljudisoleringsmaterial i träbjälklag ur ett miljöperspektiv / Comparative research between different sound insulation materials in timber floors from an environmental perspective

Anwia Shlimon, Atrn, Al Jazar, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The building industry has a big environmental impact. The timber construction can reduce the impact of the industry because timber is an environmentally friendly material. One of the biggest problems with lightweight construction is sound insulation. The aim of this report is to study two floor construction with different sound insulation materials from an environmental perspective. The materials that will be studied in this report are sand and macadam. The aim of the report is to create a clear comparison between these floor layers and to suggest an improvement proposal. Method: The methods that have been used in the report are literature studies, life-cycle assessment, document analysis and interview. The LCA, document analysis and literature studies are the starting point, based on these methods, the first two questions in this paper will be answered. Using the interview was able to conduct information for the last question. Findings: This study has shown that sand has a less environmental impact than what macadam has. The improvement proposal that has been suggested in this study is using sawdust with sand as sound insulations layer. Decreasing the amount of sand in floors can have a positive effect on the environment. Implications: As a conclusion of this paper, it is proven that sand as a sound insulation material is more favorable for the environment than the macadam. The reason is caused by the process of extracting macadam. The process is more complicated and more energy demanding. Another conclusion is that reducing the amount of sand and replacing the missing amount with sawdust can reduce the environmental impact and increase the sound insulation ability. A recommendation for similar papers more abilities could be included in the analysis to provide a more including and fair result. Limitations: This paper is limited to investigate sound insulation materials combined with CLT-slabs exclusively. The methods which have been used provided relevant data to help this paper create conclusions. The goal was to create an all-around answer so that the result could be applicable in other analysis. Keywords: LCA, sand, macadam, lightweight construction, impact sound insulation, environment.

Vėjo jėgainių keliamo triukšmo bei apsaugos priemonių tyrimas ir vertinimas / Research and evaluation of wind turbines noise and protection measures

Mažuolis, Jurgis 11 February 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama triukšmo sklaidos nuo vėjo jėgainių problema. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra vėjo jėgainių parkų skleidžiamas triukšmas ir aplinkai nekenksmingos, cilindrinę struktūrą turinčios, žemo dažnio triukšmą slopinančios medžiagos. Darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: nustatomas ir įvertinamas žemo dažnio triukšmo ir infragarso susidarymas ir sklaida pramoninių vėjo jėgainių parkuose ir jų išorėje, taip pat nustatomos efektyvios gyvenviečių apsaugos priemonės nuo vėjo jėgainių keliamo žemo dažnio triukšmo. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, rekomendacijos, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros analizei. Jame pateikta vėjo jėgainių ir jų keliamo triukšmo apžvalga. Apžvelgtos vėjo energetikos būklė Lietuvoje, vėjo jėgainių konstrukcijos, vėjo jėgainių triukšmo formavimosi principas, triukšmo matavimo metodikos. Analizuojamos skleidžiamo aerodinaminio triukšmo mažinimo priemonės bei žemo dažnio triukšmo slopinimo būdai ir izoliuojančių medžiagų panaudojimas. Skyriaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dissertation examines the issue of noise emission from the wind farms. The objects of investigation are wind farm noise and environmentally friendly low-frequency noise-deadening materials with cylindrical structure. The paper addresses a number of key objectives: to determine and assess low frequency noise and infrasound emission and dispersion both inside and outside the industrial wind farms, as well as to establish effective measures for protection of settlements against low-frequency noise generated by wind turbines. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, recommendations, list of references and the author's publications on the topics. The introductory chapter discusses the research problem, the relevance of the investigation, describes the object of the research, states the aims and objectives, presents the research methodology, scientific novelty, practical significance of the results, and the statements for defending. It also highlights practical significance of the dissertation presents the author's publications and presentations at conferences, and explains the structure of the thesis. The first chapter is devoted to literature review. It provides an overview of general problems related to wind and noise produced by wind turbines, an overview of the outlook on wind energy in Lithuania, and a discussion of wind turbine constructions. The chapter presents the analysis of aerodynamic noise emitted by means of low-frequency noise... [to full text]

Research and evaluation of wind turbines noise and protection measures / Vėjo jėgainių keliamo triukšmo bei apsaugos priemonių tyrimas ir vertinimas

Mažuolis, Jurgis 11 February 2014 (has links)
The dissertation examines the issue of noise emission from the wind farms. The objects of investigation are wind farm noise and environmentally friendly low-frequency noise-deadening materials with cylindrical structure. The paper addresses a number of key objectives: to determine and assess low frequency noise and infrasound emission and dispersion both inside and outside the industrial wind farms, as well as to establish effective measures for protection of settlements against low-frequency noise generated by wind turbines. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, recommendations, list of references and the author's publications on the topics. The introductory chapter discusses the research problem, the relevance of the investigation, describes the object of the research, states the aims and objectives, presents the research methodology, scientific novelty, practical significance of the results, and the statements for defending. It also highlights practical significance of the dissertation presents the author's publications and presentations at conferences, and explains the structure of the thesis. The first chapter is devoted to literature review. It provides an overview of general problems related to wind and noise produced by wind turbines, an overview of the outlook on wind energy in Lithuania, and a discussion of wind turbine constructions. The chapter presents the analysis of aerodynamic noise emitted by means of low-frequency noise... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama triukšmo sklaidos nuo vėjo jėgainių problema. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra vėjo jėgainių parkų skleidžiamas triukšmas ir aplinkai nekenksmingos, cilindrinę struktūrą turinčios, žemo dažnio triukšmą slopinančios medžiagos. Darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: nustatomas ir įvertinamas žemo dažnio triukšmo ir infragarso susidarymas ir sklaida pramoninių vėjo jėgainių parkuose ir jų išorėje, taip pat nustatomos efektyvios gyvenviečių apsaugos priemonės nuo vėjo jėgainių keliamo žemo dažnio triukšmo. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, rekomendacijos, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas literatūros analizei. Jame pateikta vėjo jėgainių ir jų keliamo triukšmo apžvalga. Apžvelgtos vėjo energetikos būklė Lietuvoje, vėjo jėgainių konstrukcijos, vėjo jėgainių triukšmo formavimosi principas, triukšmo matavimo metodikos. Analizuojamos skleidžiamo aerodinaminio triukšmo mažinimo priemonės bei žemo dažnio triukšmo slopinimo būdai ir izoliuojančių medžiagų panaudojimas. Skyriaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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