Spelling suggestions: "subject:"southsouth"" "subject:"bothsouth""
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Border Politics: Practices of Zoning, Experiences of Mobility and Life in Displacement. Views From Brazilian CrossroadsAguiar, Carolina Moulin 03 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the political negotlations involved in border encounters, focusing particularly on mobile groups in border areas in South America. It discusses the connection between international and border politics, privileging a definition of the latter as the negotiation processes over the terms and modes of presence of the 'inter' of the international. The dissertation analyzes border politics from the perspective of three major tenets: displacement, practices of zoning and the construction of borders as sites of solidarity. I argue that in order to understand these processes we need to elucidate how the global politics of mobility is played out (or translated) in border crossroads and from a range of social groups that encompass not only the Nation-State, but also a myriad of actors that, despite having little or no say in the international framework of human mobility, perform bordering practices that are central to the enactment of difference as a primary trait of inclusion/exclusion from the political. These processes of political differentiation are reinforced but also contested by mobile groups, especially in relation to discourses that try to equate human mobility as a choice between freedom and protection. In important respects, their intervention attempts to problematize the dichotomous portrayal of freedom and protection as two irreconcilable dimensions of life in displacement, thus evincing the possibility that the 'inter' of the international can actually become a site of living, rather than a rite of passage.
I also argue that by incorporating the narratives of diverse social actors at these border crossroads we might come closer to displacing the politics of human mobility from one premised on a conventional reading of the international, as a strategy of separation, modulation and management of difference, towards a global politics of (dis)connections, in which mobile groups can become active participants in the framing of their lives possibilities. This moving-away from the international is always embedded in tenuous, dangerous and ambiguous exchanges about what constitutes mobility, how movement is to be interpreted, stimulated or prevented, where and when it can take place and under what conditions. The dissertation discusses these more theoretical claims in the context of refugee and migration movements in Brazil, particularly in relation to Bolivians, Africans and Colombians living in border zones. As such, this dissertation hopes to contribute to a better understanding of what is at stake in dealing with the border encounter from a political perspective and how different narratives on life in displacement can, in fact, indicate different paths of action and research, especially in the context of South-South circulations. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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No description available.
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Faktore wat die prys van koring in die Wes-Kaap bepaal en die effek daarvan op die bemarkingstrategie van landbouersSmit, Niklaas Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Before 1930 the marketing of most agricultural products took place in a market
environment. The agricultural marketing boards were establish in 1930, for example the
Wheat Board and Maize Board. The Maize Board was establish in 1931 as a advisory
board for the Government on marketing of maize. The need for a Maize Board was due to
the shortfalls in marketing of maize. The most important shortfalls were the lack of
marketing information and a mechanism to manage price risks, as well as price
On the 2 October 1996 an Act on the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act 47 of 1996
was published in the Government Gazette. With this act the deregulation of the
Agricultural Marketing Boards started. The cause of this was that agricultural products
were back in a market environment. The act have specific aims, namely the increasing of
market involvement for all roleplayers, the promotion of the efficiency of the marketing of
agricultural products, the optimizing of export turnover for agricultural products and the
strengthening of the viability of the agricultural sector.
Naisbitt and Aburdene (1990:96) documented the folowing as one of the international
trends (Megatrends): "The world is undergoing a profound shift from economies run by
governments to economies run by markets".
The efficiency of a market economy is illustrated in China: Only four percent of the arable
land of China is cultivated by small farmers. The rest of the arable land is governmentowned
farms. The Chinese government is slowly doing away with these government farms.
The small farmers, their workers and their dependents make up 800 million people. They
produced a third of the meat and milk and half of China's potatoes (Naisbitt & Aburdene,
The producers in the Western Cape are not use to the situation as it was before 1930. The
free market is an unknown territory for them. All the roleplayers in the market need to
develop skills to train the producers on risk involved with this market environment. The
author hope to help the process on the way with this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bemarking van die meeste landbouprodukte het tot ongeveer 1930 in 'n
markomgewing plaasgevind. Vanaf 1930 is landboubemarkingsrade ingestel, waarvan die
Mielieraad en Koringraad enkeles is. Die Mielieraad is in 1931 gestig, aanvanklik as 'n
adviesraad vir die Regering omtrent die bemarking van mielies. Die behoefte aan die
Mielieadviesraad het ontstaan vanweë gebreke in die mark. Die vernaamste gebreke was
onder andere gebrekkige markinligting, die afwesigheid van meganismes om prysrisiko
mee te bestuur en prysskommelinge wat buite verhouding was. Die gevolg van die instelling
van die Mielie-adviesraad was die omvorming daarvan na die Mielieraad in 1945. Die
Mielieraad was beklee met statutêre bemarkingsbevoegdhede.
Op 2 Oktober 1996 is die Wet op Bemarking van Landbouprodukte Wet 47 van 1996 in die
Staatskoerant gepubliseer. Hierdie wet maak voorsiening vir die deregulering van die
Landboubemarkingsrade. Die gevolg hiervan is dat die bemarking van Landbouprodukte
weer in 'n markomgewing geplaas word soos voor 1930. Die wet het bepaalde oogmerke,
naamlik die vergroting van marktoegang vir alle markdeelnemers, die bevordering van die
doeltreffendheid van die bemarking van landbouprodukte, die optimalisering van
uitvoerverdienste vir landbouprodukte en die versterking van die lewensvatbaarheid van
die landbousektor.
Die bevryding van die bemarking van landbouprodukte plaas die Suid-Afrikaanse
landboubedryf midde-in 'n markomgewing. Naisbitt en Aburdene (1990:96) dokumenteer
juis bogenoemde as een van die internasionale neigings ("Megatrends") wanneer hul skryf:
"The world is undergoing a profound shift from economies run by governments to
economies run by markets ".
Die doelmatigheid van 'n markekonomie word geïllustreer deur China as 'n voorbeeld te
gebruik: Slegs vier persent van die bewerkbare oppervlakte van China word bewerk as
kleinboere. Die res van die bewerkbare grond word deur staatsbeheerde boerderye bewerk.
Die Chinese regering is toenemend besig om weg te doen met staatsbeheerde boerdery. Die
kleinboere, hulle werkers en hulle afhanklikes verteenwoordig 800 miljoen mense. Hulle
produseer 'n derde van China se vleis en melk en die helfte van die aartappels verbruik, dit
op slegs vier persent van die bewerkbare oppervlakte (Naisbitt & Aburdene, 1990:104).
Produsente in die Wes-Kaap wat aan die omstandighede soos voor 1930 gewoond was, is
dun gesaai. Daar is dus boere wat onbekend is aan 'n vrye markomgewing. 'n Groot
opvoedingstaak rus op die skouers van rolspelers in die mark om produsente so op te lei en
die regte leiding te gee, dat hul voorberei kan wees op al die risiko's wat saam met
deregulering gekom het. Die skrywer hoop om met hierdie werkstuk 'n klein bydrae te
lewer om hierdie proses aan te help.
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Les "clubs" de puissances "émergentes", fonctions objectives et usages stratégiques : le cas du forum de dialogue IBAS (Inde-Brésil-Afrique du Sud) / Functions and strategic aims of rising powers’ clubs : the case of the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) forumSoulé-Kohndou, Folashadé Ayodélé 21 May 2014 (has links)
A partir de l’étude de cas du forum Inde-Brésil-Afrique du Sud (IBAS), cette thèse aborde la construction sociale de l’émergence en relations internationales, et la dynamique de prolifération de clubs sélectifs entre puissances émergentes comme expression de l’émergence internationale. A travers une approche pluridisciplinaire, mobilisant la sociologie de l’action collective au service des relations internationales, cette thèse démontre que les fonctions des clubs d’émergents, s’élèvent au nombre de trois: la consultation et la coordination politique sur des sujets internationaux d’intérêt mutuel; l’intensification des relations sud-sud multidimensionnelles; et la mise en place de mécanismes financiers communs. A travers ces trois fonctions, les puissances émergentes, se servent de ces clubs, à trois usages stratégiques transversaux, notamment la légitimation, l’autonomisation et la socialisation afin de renforcer leur intégration internationale. L’action des clubs d’émergents aboutit cependant davantage à l’inclusion, sous forme de cooptation de ces puissances, dans les processus décisionnels de gouvernance globale, qu’à leur intégration. Favorisant des stratégies de différenciation, à travers une action séparée des autres Etats du Sud, le défaut d’association des voisins régionaux et sociétés provoque des stratégies de contestation et d’obstruction de la part de ces derniers. Cette action collective des clubs d’émergents apporte enfin des changements institutionnels systémiques amenant les organisations internationales à se réadapter stratégiquement aux pratiques réformistes apportées par ces puissances, et à profiter à leur tour de l’émergence internationale. / What are the incentives of cooperation in rising powers groupings ? What are the underpinnings of club diplomacy by rising powers ? Through the case study of the India-Brazil-South Africa(IBSA) forum, this thesis explores the concept of ‘emergence’ in international relations – described here as a social construction – and the proliferation of selective clubs between emerging/rising powers as an expression of the rise of these powers. Following a pluri-disciplinary approach and mobilizing the sociology of collective action, this thesis defends that IBSA’s objective functions (political coordination, promotion and increase of south-south cooperation) obey to strategic aims (legitimization, autonomization, socialization) in order to further their international integration. The growing tendency of collective action through selective clubs in the South acts as a means for social differentiation between rising powers groupings and traditional developing countries groupings like the Non-Aligned Movement and the G77 although they often defend similar positons. However rising powers clubs ‘collective action does not necessarily result in sustainable integration of these emerging powers by established powers in global governance decision-making process ; but they cast light on the evolving institutional dynamics and institutional adaptation on the global level.
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Evolution of South-South co-operation: Trends in a changing political economic context in the post-Cold War eraChevallier, Romy 16 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0420292V -
MA research report -
School of International Relations -
Faculty of Humanities / The transformation of the political economy after the Cold War, and particularly the
introduction of the knowledge economy and the successful liberation of a group of
developing countries, has made a considerable impact on the trading patterns in the
global economy. It has also revolutionised the processes of manufacturing,
production and consumption. These economic changes have had significant
consequences for the countries of the developing world, making the possibility of
coalition-building between the countries of the Southern core more feasible, and in
this way bringing about fundamental alterations in the political economy of the
international system. However, the economic co-operation that takes place in the
South is uneven and advances the interests of semi-peripheral states such as India,
South Africa and Brazil, giving rise to new patterns of collaboration.
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Cooperação Sul-Sul: o acordo Brasil-Moçambique na área de biocombustíveis / South -South Cooperation: Brazil and Mozambique agreement in biofuels areaBambo, Tomé Fernando 31 March 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a dinâmica da cooperação Sul-Sul (CSS) nos últimos decênios, tomando como foco, o acordo entre Brasil e Moçambique na área dos biocombustíveis. Foi ressaltado que a cooperação Sul-Sul resultou da tomada de consciência dos países em desenvolvimento de que deveriam ser parceiros integrais de si mesmos na solução de seus problemas. O Brasil se insere no processo de CSS na década de 1960. Porém, devido aos constrangimentos tanto estrutural quanto conjuntural, as relações Brasil-África têm-se caracterizado por momentos de alta e baixa intensidade. Com Lula no poder (2003-2010) e com ele a sua política de diversificação de atores e de \"solidariedade\", as relações Brasil - África ganham novos contornos e dinamismo, um dos quais, a assinatura do acordo Brasil - Moçambique na área dos biocombustíveis. Concluiu-se, que no setor dos biocombustíveis, o que está por detrás da solidariedade, são os objetivos econômicos de empresas brasileiras. / The aim of this research is to analyze the dynamics of South-South cooperation (SSC) in recent decades, taking as its focus, the agreement between Brazil and Mozambique in biofuels area. It was emphasized that South-South cooperation resulted from the awareness of developing countries that should be full partners themselves in solving their problems. Brazil fits into the SSC process in the 1960s. However, due to both structural and conjunctural constraints, Brazil - Africa relations have been characterized by moments of high and low intensity. With Lula in power (2003-2010) and with it his policy of diversification of actors and \"solidarity\", Brazil - Africa relations gain prominence and dynamism, one of which is the agreement signed Brazil - Mozambique in the area of biofuels. It was concluded that in biofuels which is behind the solidarity sector are the economic goals of Brazilian companies.
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A transferência de conhecimento como um mecanismo alternativo de cooperação sul-sul : uma análise exploratória da atuação do Fundo IBAS em Guiné Bissau (2005-2015)Zeni, Kaline January 2018 (has links)
A presente tese teve como objetivo discutir e analisar a dinâmica da Cooperação Sul-Sul, bem como na atuação do Fundo Ibas como um mecanismo alternativo e complementar às iniciativas no âmbito Norte-Sul. Com este fim, é abordado o estudo do Fundo Ibas, onde focalmente se analisou, por meio do estudo, se tal atuação de cooperação técnica internacional do Fundo Ibas, promoveu ações durante o período em que Guiné Bissau reformulava a política nacional de mitigação da fome e da pobreza. A partir de um estudo de caráter qualitativo-descritivo o estudo verificou se houve um alinhamento destes projetos no processo de formulação da política de Estado deste referido país africano. Entende-se que os projetos executados pelo Fundo Ibas em Guiné Bissau têm maior sucesso se forem acolhidos e amparados por uma política nacional que vá convergir com os seus objetivos institucionais voltados para a transferência de conhecimento e de boas práticas. Desse modo, para responder à questão-problema desta tese, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com três atores-chave para se analisar acerca das ações promovidas pelos programas desenvolvidos na solução de problemas a partir do empoderamento do potencial do agente local (Guiné Bissau) no período de 2005 a 2015. Mesmo que a pesquisa constatou contribuições voltadas ao desenvolvimento local das comunidades guieneenses sendo beneficiadas com os projetos, dos resultados encontrados permite concluir que houve um alinhamento quanto aos princípios centrais do Fundo Ibas com as iniciativas do governo local para o enfrentamento da fome e da pobreza, não sob uma perspectiva de doação internacional, mas por meio de transferência de conhecimento. Não pode se dizer que houve impacto direto da iniciativa do Fundo Ibas na reformulação de política nacional de combate da fome e da pobreza, particularmente porque não constam formalmente e não são citados nas estruturas do Denarp I e II. / The aim of this thesis was to discuss and analyze the dynamics of South-South Cooperation, as well as the Ibas Fund as an alternative mechanism and complement the initiatives to the North-South axis. To this end, the Ibas Fund study is approached, where it was analyzed, through the study, whether such an international technical cooperation action of the Ibas Fund, which promoted actions during the period in which Guinea Bissau reformulated the national mitigation policy Hunger and poverty. From a qualitative-descriptive study, the study verified if there was an alignment of these projects in the process of formulating the state policy of this African country.It is understood that the projects executed by the Ibas Fund in Guinea Bissau have greater success if they are welcomed and supported by a national policy that converges with their institutional goals for knowledge transfer and good practice. Thus, in order to answer the problem question of this thesis, a bibliographical and documentary research was developed, interviews were developed with three key actors to analyze about the promoted actions about the programs developed in the solution of problems from the empowerment of the potential Of the local agent (Guinea Bissau) from 2005 to 2015. Even though the research found contributions to the local development of the Guinean communities benefiting from the projects, the results show that there was an alignment with the core principles of the this Fund and with the local government initiatives to address hunger and poverty, not from an international donor perspective, but through knowledge transfer. It can not be said that there was a direct impact of the Ibas Fund's initiative in the reformulation of the national policy to mitigation of hunger and poverty, particularly since they are not formally included and are not mentioned in the structures of the Denarp I and II.
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O comércio entre o Brasil e a América do Sul, a África e o sul da Ásia, por grau de intensidade tecnológica, no período 2000-2015Gregori, Cleidi Dinara 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-05-30T11:28:25Z
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Cleidi Dinara Gregori_.pdf: 258372 bytes, checksum: ac116cbb21e9a72bfb0efe349692caf0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T11:28:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Nenhuma / A partir dos anos 1990, o Brasil ampliou os fluxos de comércio e seus parceiros comerciais, especialmente no que diz respeito às relações Sul-Sul. O país tem fortalecido sua relação comercial com esses países mais do que a tradicional relação Norte-Sul. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o perfil do comércio, por grau de intensidade tecnológica, entre o Brasil e a América do Sul, o Brasil e a África e o Brasil e o Sul da Ásia, no período 2000-2015. A classificação por intensidade tecnológica adotada nesta pesquisa foi a proposta pela Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Concluiu-se que as exportações nacionais, na relação comercial Sul-Sul, caracterizaram-se por produtos de média-alta e de baixa intensidades tecnológicas e não por produtos primários, ao contrário do que foi observado nas exportações do Brasil para o mundo nos anos 2000. Assim, o comércio Sul-Sul é uma oportunidade para os países em desenvolvimento ampliarem as suas exportações e obterem benefícios pelas transferências tecnológicas. / Since the 1990s, Brazil has expanded trade flows and its trading partners, especially in relation to South-South relations. The country has strengthened its trade relationship with these countries more than the traditional North-South relationship. The objective of the study was to analyze the profile of trade, by degree of technological intensity, between Brazil and South America, Brazil and Africa and Brazil and South Asia, in the period 2000-2015. The classification by technological intensity adopted in this research was proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It was concluded that the national exports, in the South-South trade relationship, were characterized by medium-high products and low technological intensities and not by primary products, contrary to what was observed in exports from Brazil to the world in the years 2000. South-South trade is thus an opportunity for developing countries to expand their exports and benefit from technology transfers.
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Curso de Pedagogia em EaD do Programa UAB-Moçambique no contexto de uma Cooperação Internacional Sul-Sul: pressupostos para a construção do currículo de formaçãoGonzaga, Kátia Valéria Pereira 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-04-06T12:50:52Z
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Kátia Valéria Pereira Gonzaga.pdf: 5234220 bytes, checksum: cf1dc6aa418676450b5ef2b92e1232f2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-06T12:50:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research has as its background the International Educational Cooperation between Brazil and Mozambique, of the South-South type, of strengthening the EAD and the expansion of Higher Education of Mozambique, whose strategy was the shared management of four higher EaD courses, UAB system and Mozambican universities. We delimit study the construction of the curriculum of formation of the course of Teacher Training for Basic Education (Pedagogy), from the analysis of its Pedagogical Project (PP). In addition to interpreting the context of the relations of cooperation, and its reflections in the curricular conceptions and practices proposed, in the course investigated, from some of its stakeholders (a restricted universe of pedagogical course managers, managers of Universities and Teaching Systems of the two Countries). Research is Qualitative, Descriptive, and Critical based on Cultural Studies that share the commitment to examine cultural practices from the point of view of their involvement with, and within, relationships of power. In a first moment we construct the conceptual base of the discourse / analysis of texts and contexts. Then we read and study the official and legal documents guiding the construction of teacher training curricula and the EaD of the countries in cooperation. In order to reconstruct the context through the dialogue between the multiple voices of the research subjects, including that of the researcher, as part of this universe, present in the field records of the Executive Coordination and Local Coordination of the Project (reports, scientific publications, Evaluation, and semi-structured face-to- face and online interviews) and their respective analyzes in order to answer the study questions. In this research, the challenge was to create the enabling environment to establish these dialogues emanating from texts and contexts, respecting their subjectivities and historical contexts of their productions. Thus, to give coherence to the political and epistemological positions that inspire the analysis proposed by the Cultural Studies, the option by the research method was DIY. The results were the critical description of the context investigated with its possibilities and limitations, and the consequent construction of epistemological, political, ethical-cultural and pedagogical presuppositions for other experiences similar to the one studied, in order to value the successful steps in the Direction of the purpose of the cooperation under study, and of overcoming obstacles that have arisen in the development of this, starting from movements already initiated in the course of the 2012-2014 biennium / Essa pesquisa tem por contexto a Cooperação Educacional Internacional entre Brasil e Moçambique, do tipo Sul-Sul, de fortalecimento do Sistema de EaD e expansão do Ensino Superior de Moçambique, cuja estratégia foi a gestão compartilhada de quatro cursos superiores de EaD, entre Universidades do Sistema UAB e Universidades moçambicanas. Delimitamos estudar a construção do currículo de formação do curso de Formação de Professores para o Ensino Básico (Pedagogia), a partir da análise de seu Projeto Pedagógico (PP). Além de interpretar o contexto das relações da cooperação, e seus reflexos nas concepções e práticas curriculares propostas, no curso investigado, a partir de alguns de seus intervenientes (universo restrito de gestores pedagógicos de curso, gestores das Universidades e dos Sistemas de Ensino dos dois países). A Pesquisa é Qualitativa, Descritiva e Crítica baseada em Estudos Culturais que partilham o compromisso de examinar as práticas culturais do ponto de vista de seu envolvimento com, e no interior de relações de poder. Num primeiro momento construímos a base conceitual do discurso/análise dos textos e contextos. Em seguida passamos à leitura e estudo dos documentos oficiais e legais orientadores da construção de currículos de formação de professores e da EaD dos países em cooperação. Para num terceiro momento reconstruir o contexto através do diálogo entre as múltiplas vozes dos sujeitos da pesquisa, incluindo a da pesquisadora, como parte desse universo, presentes nos registros de campo da Coordenação Executiva e Coordenação Local do Projeto (relatos, publicações científicas, relatórios de avaliação, e, nas entrevistas semi-estruturadas presenciais e onlines) e, as suas respectivas análises, a fim de responder as questões de estudo. Nessa pesquisa, o desafio foi criar o ambiente favorecedor para estabelecer esses diálogos emanados dos textos e contextos, respeitando as suas subjetividades e contextos históricos de suas produções. Assim, para dar coerência aos posicionamentos político e epistemológico que inspiram a análise proposta pelos Estudos Culturais, a opção pelo método de pesquisa foi a Bricolagem. Os resultados foram a descrição crítica do contexto investigado com suas possibilidades e limitações, e, a consequente construção de pressupostos epistemológicos, políticos, ético-culturais e pedagógicos referências para outras experiências à semelhança da estudada, com o intuito de valorizar os passos bem sucedidos na direção do propósito da cooperação em estudo, e, de superar entraves que se apresentaram no desenvolvimento desta, a partir de movimentos já iniciados no percurso do biênio 2012-2014
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Cooperação educacional entre Brasil e Timor-Leste sob o paradigma do dom / educational cooperation between Brazil and East Timor under the sun paradigmReis Junior, Danilo Rodrigues 22 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Elesbão Santiago Neto (neto10uepb@cche.uepb.edu.br) on 2016-08-24T17:18:46Z
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PDF - Danilo Rodrigues Reis Junior.pdf: 3139309 bytes, checksum: 88caaacf8526ba90b7a5a66323759f94 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-24T17:18:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-22 / Capes / After the end of the Second World War, the custom of handing out foreign assistance to the
underdeveloped countries emerged in the framework of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development. This proceeding had the alleged objective of developing these
fragile countries economically and socially. Throughout the years, due to the criticism in
regard of the traditional proceedings of International Development Co-operation, the Global
South nations built a perception of common identity, grounded on the idea of rivalry in
relation to the developed North countries. Among the South nations, Brazil has built, since
the late 1970s, its role as an international donor, with projects established, mainly, in
association with Latin American and African countries. Regarding the later ones, there have
been frequent educational projects involving the Portuguese-speaking African countries and,
most recently, East Timor. In view of this background, this qualitative, bibliographic and
documental research, employing the gift paradigm developed by Marcel Mauss, holds the
hypothesis that the Brazilian official discourse about Brazil as an international donor, which
is commonly explained in terms of principles of solidarity and historical affinities, does not
embody the diversity of explanations that mold the international co-operation process.
Therefore, this study aims to analyse the reasons, the context and the implementation process
of the Educational Cooperation granted by Brazil to East Timor. Thus, this dissertation
discusses the understanding that the Brazilian collaboration in regards to the South-South
Cooperation would be based on a horizontal process and not on a replication of the traditional
North-South asymmetric framework. We conclude that Brazilian foreign policy has political,
strategic and economic interests in its co-operative efforts with East Timor, based on the fact
that this country has a moral debt with Brazil, which needs to be compensated. / Com o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, institucionalizou-se, no âmbito da Organização para
a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico, a prática de conceder assistência externa aos
Estados em desenvolvimento com o pretenso objetivo de auxiliar o desenvolvimento
econômico e social dessas nações. Ao longo dos anos, as críticas formuladas aos
procedimentos tradicionais de Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento
engendrariam a percepção de uma identidade comum, construída pelos países do Sul Global,
baseada em uma oposição às nações desenvolvidas do Norte. No âmbito do Sul, o Brasil tem
construído, desde o final da década de 1970, o seu papel de doador internacional, em especial,
com projetos realizados em parceria com países latino-americanos e africanos. No que se
refere a esses últimos, destaca-se a tradicional colaboração encetada na área educacional com
os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e, mais recentemente, com Timor-Leste.
Tendo em vista esse quadro, defende-se, por meio desta pesquisa qualitativa, bibliográfica e
documental - sob a abordagem analítica do paradigma do dom -, a hipótese de que o discurso
oficial brasileiro em relação à atuação do país como doador no âmbito externo, baseado em
princípios de solidariedade e de similaridades históricas e culturais, não incorpora a
pluralidade das justificativas que impelem o processo cooperativo internacional. Nesse
sentido, a presente dissertação objetiva analisar o papel do Brasil enquanto doador
internacional, suas motivações, o contexto no qual são executados os projetos e o processo
de implementação da Cooperação Educacional entre Brasil e Timor-Leste. Debate-se, assim,
o entendimento segundo o qual a colaboração brasileira no âmbito da Cooperação Sul-Sul
estaria baseada em um processo horizontal, em detrimento de uma reprodução de aspectos
tradicionais da Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento, executada nos moldes
verticalizados de uma dinâmica Norte-Sul. Conclui-se que a política externa brasileira possui
interesses políticos, estratégicos e econômicos em relação aos esforços cooperativos
empreendidos com o Timor-Leste, haja vista, em linhas gerais, a dívida moral contraída por
esse último e a consequente obrigação de retribuir a cooperação ofertada pelo Brasil.
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