Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatial dimension"" "subject:"cpatial dimension""
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The spatial dimensions of native titleBrazenor, Clare Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The importance currently placed on sustainable development recognises the fundamental role of land administration and the management of land based resources. This acknowledgement of the pivotal role of land administration and tenure security reinforces the need to recognise all interest and responsibilities in land, particularly those of a customary and traditional nature. The United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Pritchard 1998) respects the unique relationship between indigenous people(s) and the land, recognising the need to protect these traditions and cultures. A number of countries (specifically the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand) have implemented legal and institutional mechanisms for the recognition of this unique relationship and connection to land. In doing so it provided the precedent for the recognition of interests in land as held by indigenous peoples of Australia. / In Australia the legal recognition of indigenous interests in land occurred in 1992, with the passing of the High Court’s decision concerning Mabo and others v the State of Queensland (no.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1 and the subsequent development and implementation of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). This federal act provides for the recognition and protection of native title within the framework of the Australian legal system . Its (native title interests) origins and foundations are those of traditional laws, connecting indigenous Australians with land and waters (S223 NTA 1993). (For complete abstract open document)
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The spatial dimension of socio-economic development in ZimbabweChazireni, Evans 30 November 2003 (has links)
Inequalities in levels of development between regions within a country are frequently regarded as a problem. The magnitude of the problem is more severe in developing countries than in developed countries. Zimbabwe, as a developing country, is no exception and the country is characterized by severe regional inequalities. This research is concerned with the spatial patterns of socio-economic development in Zimbabwe. The composite index method was used to rank administrative districts of Zimbabwe according to level of development. The composite indices together with socio-economic characteristics were used to demarcate the administrative districts into development regions according to Friedmann's (1966) model. Attention was given to the spatial development policies applied in Zimbabwe. Friedmann's (1966) guidelines, for the development of the different regional types in his model, were applied to the Zimbabwean spatial economy. Suggestions were made regarding possible adjustments to previous strategies used in Zimbabwe, for spatial development planning. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A.
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The spatial dimension of socio-economic development in ZimbabweChazireni, Evans 30 November 2003 (has links)
Inequalities in levels of development between regions within a country are frequently regarded as a problem. The magnitude of the problem is more severe in developing countries than in developed countries. Zimbabwe, as a developing country, is no exception and the country is characterized by severe regional inequalities. This research is concerned with the spatial patterns of socio-economic development in Zimbabwe. The composite index method was used to rank administrative districts of Zimbabwe according to level of development. The composite indices together with socio-economic characteristics were used to demarcate the administrative districts into development regions according to Friedmann's (1966) model. Attention was given to the spatial development policies applied in Zimbabwe. Friedmann's (1966) guidelines, for the development of the different regional types in his model, were applied to the Zimbabwean spatial economy. Suggestions were made regarding possible adjustments to previous strategies used in Zimbabwe, for spatial development planning. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A.
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De la planète finie aux espaces de vie : La dimension spatiale des militantismes pour la décroissance en France et au Québec / Earth as a living space ? : The spatial dimension of Degrowth activisms in France and QuebecPailloux, Anne-Laure 12 December 2016 (has links)
Au début des années 2000, un mouvement de pensée politique se forme en France autour du terme « décroissance ». Il formule une critique radicale des sociétés contemporaines dont l’organisation ne tient pas compte des limites écologiques de la planète. L’une des réponses apportées est la relocalisation ; elle est étudiée en tant que dimension spatiale structurante de la décroissance. Cette thèse est fondée sur une enquête par immersion de longue durée dans le réseau français des militant-es politiques pour la décroissance, ainsi qu’une enquête de terrain plus courte à Montréal, associant observation directe et participante, entretiens et récolte documentaire. L’analyse montre d’abord le rapport entre les ressources et dispositions des militant-es et les modes de structuration et de fonctionnement des organisations politiques visant l’échelle nationale. Elle distingue ensuite une pluralité de modes d’actions défiant les frontières établies entre champ intellectuel, champ politique, mouvements contestataires et alternatives locales. L’étude de séquences de mobilisations montre l’ancrage des militant-es dans la gauche de (la) gauche écologiste tandis que l’analyse de trajectoires d’engagement dévoile la valorisation des alternatives concrètes dans le répertoire d’actions collectives des militant-es pour la décroissance. La multipositionnalité apparaît alors comme un moyen de garantir la reconnaissance militante et l’engagement local comme une condition de la mise en cohérence de soi. La relocalisation, mise en jeu dans le répertoire contestataire des militant-es, est finalement présentée comme la (re)construction collective d’espaces de vie appropriés, point de départ de la transformation sociale souhaitée / An activist movement around the political concept ‘degrowth’ originated in France in the early 2000s. It formulates a radical critique of unsustainable contemporary development patterns and ways of life. ‘Relocalization’, which the movement puts forward as an alternative, is analyzed as degrowth’s fundamental spatial dimension. This thesis uses data gathered through multi-sited ethnography in the French degrowth political network and a political organization in Montreal, including participant observation and interviews. The analysis begins by showing a relationship between activists’ critical dispositions and national political organizations’ modes of structuration and functioning. Furthermore, it identifies several modes of action that blur the distinctions between intellectual and political fields, social movements and local alternatives. The analysis of mobilization sequences shows activists’ affiliation to the ecological and radical left. Their careers reveal how concrete alternatives are valued within degrowth militants’ collective action repertoires. Maintaining multiple commitments becomes a way of guaranteeing activist recognition and local activism a condition of individual coherence. Within the action repertoires, relocalization emerges as the collective (re)construction of appropriated living spaces, a starting point for the social change wished
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Phänomenologische und kompositorische Dimensionen des Klangs: Über die Umwertung zentraler Tonsatzparameter und die Aufwertung von Darstellungsmittelnde la Motte-Haber, Helga 24 October 2023 (has links)
Jenseits ihrer Tonhöhe i.e. S. können Töne in ihrem Klangcharakter (timbre) unterschieden werden, und dies auch im Zusammenspiel. Timbre ist jedoch eine schlecht definierte Kategorie, ein Sammelbegriff. Bereits im 19. Jahrhundert versuchten Hermann von Helmholtz und Carl Stumpf eine präzisere Bestimmung zu finden. Die von ihnen angenommene multidimensionale Struktur ist heute durch moderne Skalierungstechniken benutzende Forschungen bestätigt und erweitert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen vier Dimensionen: hard/sharp vs. soft/dull, tonal vs. noisy, empty vs. full, compact vs. pure. Beabsichtigt war mit diesem Artikel jedoch nicht nur psychoakustische Befunde vorzustellen, sondern auch kompositorische Techniken des Komponierens mit Klangcharakteren, so bei Schönberg, Cowell, Rudhyar, Ligeti. Jedoch hat eine Eigenschaft von Tönen und Klängen, nämliche die von Debussy benutzte räumliche Dimension, die Wissenschaft bis heute kaum interessiert. Ein Hinweis auf die Theorie von Ernst Kurth zeigt, dass noch immer viele Fragen mit dem Regenschirmbegriff ›Timbre‹ verbunden sind. / Beyond their pitch, tones can be thought of as differing in sound characteristics (timbre) by which they can be segregated simultaneously from one another. However, timbre is an ill-defined category: it is a catchall term of several sound qualities. Already in the 19th century Hermann von Helmholtz and Carl Stumpf tried to find a more precise description. Their assumption about multidimensional structure of timbre-attributes has been confirmed today and augmentated by researches using modern scaling techniques. The results show four dimensions: hard/sharp vs. soft/dull, tonal vs. noisy, empty vs. full, and compact vs. pure. The purpose of this article is not only to report psycho-acoustic results but also to show techniques of composing with the timbre-factors by Schoenberg, Cowell, Rudhyar, and Ligeti. However, one attribute of tones and sounds, namely, its spatial dimension such as that used by Debussy has hardly interested the scientists of today. A clue to the theory of Ernst Kurth reveals that still a lot of questions surround the term ›timbre‹.
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A Cidade sob Quatro Rodas. O automóvel particular como elemento constitutivo e constituidor da cidade de São Paulo: o espaço geográfico como componente social / The city under four wheels. The private automobile as a constituent and constitutive element of the city of São Paulo: the geographical space as the social componentOliva, Jaime Tadeu 29 November 2004 (has links)
Tendo como referência uma concepção de Geografia que assume que o espaço geográfico é componente constituinte da sociedade, uma instância da sociedade (Milton Santos) ou uma dimensão transversal da sociedade (Jacques Lévy), o trabalho procura qualificar a reestruturação da cidade de São Paulo (que se inicia nos anos 1980) a partir da imensa disseminação do uso do automóvel particular. O trabalho investe na caracterização da natureza dos novos espaços produzidos como resultado da relação cidade automóvel, do mesmo modo que avalia como a cidade é inflexionada pelos espaços do automóvel. A referência específica para essa caracterização é a definição de cidade como espaço principal de convivialidade humana, processo esse apreendido pelo conceito de urbanidade e como a forma mais eficiente de administração da distância espacial (Jacques Lévy), cujos espaços se estruturam de dois modos principais: a forma territorial (predomínio da contigüidade) e a forma reticular (redes, predomínio lacunar). A difusão do automóvel favorece, em São Paulo, a formação de redes geográficas que fragmentam a cidade e criam um horizonte de separações e segregações. Nessa reconfiguração da cidade a estrutura espacial mais característica é o que denominamos de núcleos de baixa territorialização associados ao uso do automóvel. São núcleos de rede que negam a cidade, assim como os subúrbios americanos negavam os centros das cidades americanas. Funcionam como se fossem subúrbios encravados no interior do núcleo denso da cidade. Por essa razão esses núcleos de baixa territorialização (mantém um baixo nível de relações com os espaços contíguos) também são denominados por nós como subúrbios internos. Essa reestruturação rebaixa a urbanidade da cidade, deteriorando os espaços públicos e abrindo caminho para o domínio das soluções privadas frente às dificuldades das cidades. / Taking as reference a concept of Geography that views geographical space as a building block of society, as an instance of society (Milton Santos) or a transversal dimension of society (Jacques Lévy), this paper seeks to qualify the restructuring of the city of São Paulo, begun in the 1980s, which resulted from the vast dissemination of private automobile usage. This paper addresses itself to characterize the nature of the new spaces arising from the city automobile relationship, and to assess how the city is modulated by the spaces of the automobile. Our specific reference will be the definition of city as the key space for human sociability, a process apprehended by the concept of urbanity and seen as the most efficient form of managing spatial distance (Jacques Lévy), wherein spaces are structured in two main modes: the territorial form (predominance of contiguity) and the reticular form (networks, predominance of lacunae). In São Paulo, the dissemination of the automobile contributes to establish geographical networks that fragment the city and create an urban horizon of separations and segregations. In such a framework, the most typical spatial structure comprises what we call nuclei of low territorialization, which are associated with the use of the automobile. These network nuclei deny the city, much as the U.S. suburbs negated the city centers of American towns, and function as if they were suburbs grafted into the dense nucleus of the city. For this reason, they can also be called internal suburbs, inasmuch as they maintain minimal relationships with contiguous spaces. This type of restructuring degrades the urbanity of a city, deteriorates public spaces and opens the way for the predominance of private solutions to the predicaments of cities.
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Influence de la dimension spatiale et des capacités mnésiques des lecteurs sur les processus de suppression et de réactivation d’informations textuelles / Distinction between two processes : inhibition and Suppression as function of irrelevant spatial information and inappropriate spatial informationRenau Op't'Hoog, Céline 12 July 2010 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier un aspect de la compréhension de textes ; la construction de la représentation mentale et le maintien de la cohérence, en fonction des capacités mnésiques du lecteur. Pour comprendre un texte, le lecteur est amené à élaborer une représentation mentale de la situation évoquée par celui-ci (i.e., le modèle de situation). Pour cela, il doit tout au long de la lecture mettre en relation les informations en cours de traitement avec celles préalablement traitées et supprimer des informations devenues non pertinentes afin de maintenir la cohérence de la signification qu'il est en train de construire (Kintsch, 1998 ; Gernsbacher, 1990). Les compétences mnésiques sont donc essentielles dans la mise en place de cette cohérence. Par ailleurs, cette recherche de cohérence devrait se faire à partir de plusieurs dimensions du texte, à savoir la spatialité, la temporalité, la causalité, et l’émotion (Zwaan, Langston & Graesser, 1995). Notre premier objectif a été de mettre en évidence l’existence du processus de suppression des informations spatiales lors de la construction de la représentation mentale. Pour cela, nous avons présenté des textes contenant deux informations spatiales, l’une de ces informations a été développée de façon préférentielle (l’autre devenant non pertinente) et nous avons fait varier la quantité de données textuelles présentées selon les textes. Ce protocole nous a ainsi permis de tester l’inhibition (i.e., mise en retrait), et la suppression de ces informations spatiales. Pour étudier le lien entre les capacités mnésiques et le processus de suppression, nous avons utilisé une épreuve qui teste la capacité de la mémoire de travail des participants (i.e. les blocs de Corsi). Notre deuxième objectif était de tester de façon approfondie la mise en place des processus d’inhibition et de suppression lors de la lecture d’un texte en fonction du type d’information présentée (pertinentes, non pertinentes et incohérentes avec l’histoire du texte).Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de conclure à l’existence d’un processus d’inhibition qui intervient pour les informations incohérentes d’un texte, et d’un mécanisme de suppression intervenant pour des informations non pertinentes. De plus les informations incohérentes semblent être d’abord inhibées avant d’être définitivement supprimées de la représentation mentale du texte. Ces deux processus sont indispensables à la construction d’un modèle de situation cohérent d’un texte. / The objective of this research is to study an aspect of comprehension text; the construction of the mental representation and the preservation of coherence, according to working memory capacities of the reader. To understand a text, the reader is brought to elaborate a mental representation of the situation evoked by this one (i.e., the model of situation). To this aim, the reader should put in relation the information in the course of treatment with those handled earlier and delete information became irrelevant to maintain the coherence of the meaning (Kintsch, 1998; Gernsbacher, 1990). Memorial skills are thus essential in the implementation of this coherence. Besides, this research of coherence should be made from several dimensions of the text, namely the spatiality, the temporality, the causality, and the emotion (Zwaan, Langston and Graesser, on 1995).Our first objective was to highlight the existence of the mechanism of suppression of the spatial information during the construction of the mental representation. For that purpose, we presented texts containing two spatial informations, one of this information was developed in a preferential way (the other one becoming irrelevant) and we made vary the quantity of textual data presented according to texts. This protocol allowed us to test the inhibition, and the suppression of this spatial information. To study the link between working memory capacities and the process of suppression, we used a test that evaluates the capacity of the working memory of the participants (i.e. Corsi’s blocks).Our second objective was to test in a more complete way the implementation of inhibition and suppression processes during reading of a text according to the type of presented information (relevant, irrelevant and incoherent with the story of the text).Obtained results allowed us to confirm the existence of a process of inhibition which intervenes for the incoherent information of a text, and a mechanism of suppression occurring for the irrelevant information. The inconsistent information seems to be inhibited at first, before definitively eliminated by the mental representation of the text. These two processes are necessary to the construction of a coherent model of situation of a text.
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A Cidade sob Quatro Rodas. O automóvel particular como elemento constitutivo e constituidor da cidade de São Paulo: o espaço geográfico como componente social / The city under four wheels. The private automobile as a constituent and constitutive element of the city of São Paulo: the geographical space as the social componentJaime Tadeu Oliva 29 November 2004 (has links)
Tendo como referência uma concepção de Geografia que assume que o espaço geográfico é componente constituinte da sociedade, uma instância da sociedade (Milton Santos) ou uma dimensão transversal da sociedade (Jacques Lévy), o trabalho procura qualificar a reestruturação da cidade de São Paulo (que se inicia nos anos 1980) a partir da imensa disseminação do uso do automóvel particular. O trabalho investe na caracterização da natureza dos novos espaços produzidos como resultado da relação cidade automóvel, do mesmo modo que avalia como a cidade é inflexionada pelos espaços do automóvel. A referência específica para essa caracterização é a definição de cidade como espaço principal de convivialidade humana, processo esse apreendido pelo conceito de urbanidade e como a forma mais eficiente de administração da distância espacial (Jacques Lévy), cujos espaços se estruturam de dois modos principais: a forma territorial (predomínio da contigüidade) e a forma reticular (redes, predomínio lacunar). A difusão do automóvel favorece, em São Paulo, a formação de redes geográficas que fragmentam a cidade e criam um horizonte de separações e segregações. Nessa reconfiguração da cidade a estrutura espacial mais característica é o que denominamos de núcleos de baixa territorialização associados ao uso do automóvel. São núcleos de rede que negam a cidade, assim como os subúrbios americanos negavam os centros das cidades americanas. Funcionam como se fossem subúrbios encravados no interior do núcleo denso da cidade. Por essa razão esses núcleos de baixa territorialização (mantém um baixo nível de relações com os espaços contíguos) também são denominados por nós como subúrbios internos. Essa reestruturação rebaixa a urbanidade da cidade, deteriorando os espaços públicos e abrindo caminho para o domínio das soluções privadas frente às dificuldades das cidades. / Taking as reference a concept of Geography that views geographical space as a building block of society, as an instance of society (Milton Santos) or a transversal dimension of society (Jacques Lévy), this paper seeks to qualify the restructuring of the city of São Paulo, begun in the 1980s, which resulted from the vast dissemination of private automobile usage. This paper addresses itself to characterize the nature of the new spaces arising from the city automobile relationship, and to assess how the city is modulated by the spaces of the automobile. Our specific reference will be the definition of city as the key space for human sociability, a process apprehended by the concept of urbanity and seen as the most efficient form of managing spatial distance (Jacques Lévy), wherein spaces are structured in two main modes: the territorial form (predominance of contiguity) and the reticular form (networks, predominance of lacunae). In São Paulo, the dissemination of the automobile contributes to establish geographical networks that fragment the city and create an urban horizon of separations and segregations. In such a framework, the most typical spatial structure comprises what we call nuclei of low territorialization, which are associated with the use of the automobile. These network nuclei deny the city, much as the U.S. suburbs negated the city centers of American towns, and function as if they were suburbs grafted into the dense nucleus of the city. For this reason, they can also be called internal suburbs, inasmuch as they maintain minimal relationships with contiguous spaces. This type of restructuring degrades the urbanity of a city, deteriorates public spaces and opens the way for the predominance of private solutions to the predicaments of cities.
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Do risco e do seu enfrentamento mediante intervenções territoriais amparadas no direitoRosso, Maximiliano 11 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-11 / The present study aims to debate about risk from a spatial perspective. Risk understood
as a present representation of concrete dangers and of future situations which are apt to
cause harm to rights in general. Modernity brings with it the production of risks, which
can be aggravated through interventions on the urban fabric. In the present paper we
shall argue, with the help of legal texts from different countries, as well as of practical
examples, that risks can also be managed by means of those same spatial interventions,
imposing a new mode of State intervention / O presente trabalho tem por objeto o tema do risco em uma dimensão que denominamos
de espacial. Mencionado risco consiste, em apertada síntese, numa representação de
perigos e de situações futuras aptas a causar danos a direitos dos mais diversos. Risco
que se imbrica de forma indissociável à sociedade moderna e que pode ser amplificado
por intervenções no tecido urbano. Valendo-nos da análise de diferentes diplomas
legislativos, de ordenamentos diversos, assim como de exemplo práticos,
argumentaremos quanto às possibilidades de enfrentamento desse risco por meio de
intervenções igualmente espaciais, o risco impondo, nesses termos, um novo
intervencionismo estatal
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