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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spektraltheoretische Untersuchungen von zufälligen Operatoren auf Delone-Mengen

Klassert, Steffen 10 May 2007 (has links)
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die spektraltheoretische Untersuchung von zufälligen Operatoren, die zu einem minimal ergodischen bzw. strikt ergodischen Delone dynamischen System assoziiert sind. Es werden kontinuierliche sowie diskrete Modelle untersucht. Diese Modelle sind mathematische Modelle zur Beschreibung von Festkörpern, bei denen die Punkte der einzelnen, in einem Delone dynamischen System enthaltenen, Delone-Mengen die Atompositionen eines Festkörpers beschreiben. Delone-Mengen, die in einem minimal ergodischen Delone dynamischen System enthalten sind weisen eine sehr hohe Ordnungsstruktur auf, sind aber nicht notwendigerweise periodisch. Sie können daher zur Modellierung von Quasikristallen verwendet werden. In dieser Arbeit wird das Spektrum der assoziierten Operatoren im kontinuierlichen sowie im diskreten Fall untersucht.

Třídy modulů motivované algebraickou geometrií / Classes of modules arising in algebraic geometry

Slávik, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
This thesis summarises the author's results in representation theory of rings and schemes, obtained with several collaborators. First, we show that for a quasicompact semiseparated scheme X, the derived category of very flat quasicoherent sheaves is equivalent to the derived category of flat quasicoherent sheaves, and if X is affine, this is further equivalent to the homotopy category of projectives. Next, we prove that if R is a commutative Noetherian ring, then every countably generated flat module is quite flat, i.e., a direct summand of a transfinite extension of localizations of R in countable multiplicative subsets. Further, we investigate the relations between the geometric and categorical purity in categories of sheaves; we give a characterization of indecomposable geometric pure-injectives in both the quasicoherent and non-quasicoherent case. In partic- ular, we describe the Ziegler spectrum and its geometric part for the category of quasicoherent sheaves on the projective line over a field. The final result is the equivalence of the following statements for a quasicompact quasiseparated scheme X: (1) the category QCoh(X) of all quasicoherent sheaves on X has a flat generator; (2) for every injective object E of QCoh(X), the internal Hom functor into E is exact; (3) for some injective...

Minding the spectrum gaps : First steps toward developing a distributed white space sensor grid for cognitive radios

Lara Peinado, Javier January 2013 (has links)
The idea that the radio spectrum is growing ever more scarce has become commonplace, and is being reinforced by the recent bidding wars among telecom operators. New wireless applications tend to be deployed in the relatively narrow unlicensed frequency bands, worsening the problem of interference for all users.  However, not all frequency bands are in use in every location all the time, creating temporal and spatial gaps (also known as white spaces) that cognitive radio systems aim to take advantage of. In order to achieve that, such systems need to be able to constantly scan large chunks of the radio spectrum to keep track of which frequency bands are locally available any given moment, thus allowing users to switch to one of these unoccupied frequency bands once the current band becomes unusable (or less useful). This requirement of wideband sensing capabilities often translates into the need to install specialized radio components, raising the costs of such systems, and is often at odds with the focus on monitoring the current band as is done by traditional wireless devices. The goal of this master’s thesis project is to simplify cognitive radio systems by shifting the wideband sensing functionality to a specialized and inexpensive embedded platforms that will act as a white space sensor, thus freeing cognitive radio users from this task and making it easier to integrate dynamic spectrum management techniques into existing systems. To do that a wireless sensor gateway platform developed by a previous master’s thesis has been repurposed as a prototype white space detector and tested against several wireless transmitters.  The aim is to develop a standalone platform that can be deployed all around an area to collect data that can be used to create a geographical map of the use of the spectrum. Such a system should require as little maintenance as possible, thus auto-update and self-configuring features have been implemented in the detector, as well as a simple scanning protocol that allows for remote configuration of the wideband sensing parameters. Furthermore, a basic server has been developed to aggregate and display the data provided by the different sensors. / Tanken att radiospektrum blir allt knappare har blivit vardagsmat, och förstärks av de senaste budgivning krig mellan teleoperatörer. Nya trådlösa applikationer tenderar att sättas i de relativt smala olicensierade frekvensband, förvärrade problemet med störningar för alla användare. Men inte alla frekvensband som används i varje plats hela tiden, skapar tidsmässiga och rumsliga luckor (även känd som vita fläckar) som kognitiva radiosystem syftar till att dra nytta av.  För att uppnå detta, sådana system måste hela tiden kunna scanna stora delar av radiospektrum för att hålla reda på vilka frekvensband är lokalt tillgängliga varje givet ögonblick, vilket gör omkopplaren när den nuvarande bandet blir obrukbar.  Det här kravet på bredbands avkänning kapaciteter översätter ofta in behovet av att installera specialiserade radiokomponenter, höja kostnaderna för sådana system, och är ofta i strid med fokus på övervakning av strömmen band med traditionella trådlösa enheter. Målet med detta examensarbete är att förenkla kognitiva radiosystem med wideband avkänning funktionalitet till en specialiserad och billig inbäddad plattform som kommer att fungera som ett vitt utrymme sensor, vilket frigör kognitiva radio användare från denna uppgift och gör det enklare att integrera dynamiskt spektrum förvaltning tekniker i befintliga system. För att göra det en trådlös sensor gateway plattform som utvecklats av ett tidigare examensarbete har apterat som en prototyp blanktecken detektor och testas mot flera trådlösa sändare. Målet är att utveckla en fristående plattform som kan sättas runt för att skapa en geografisk karta av användningen av spektrum och kräva så lite underhåll som möjligt, har automatisk uppdatering och självkonfigurerande funktioner implementerats i detektorn, samt som en enkel scanning protokoll som möjliggör fjärrkonfiguration av den bredbandiga avkänningsparametrarna. Dessutom har en grundläggande server utvecklats för att aggregera och visa uppgifterna från de olika sensorerna.

Inteligentní testovací procedury nízkonapěťových trakčních pohonů s asynchronními motory / Intelligent Test Procedures Low-Tension Traction Drives with Induction Motors

Nesvadba, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the problem of the noise measurement and construction of the noise test station what was also interest of my employer - company Kollmorgen,sr.o. This testing station should be located directly in the assembly line with target of the noise motor s identification. On base of these measured values and implemented intelligent testing procedures, we should be able to identify real root cause of the noise The noise of electrical machines is actual issue. There is a big pressure for low-noise driving system construction created by many end-customers. We can achieve these requirements with 100% quality of all parts of current product, implementation of noise testing station and also with design optimization of the current product. Basic testing procedures of induction motors were showed in first part of this work (chapter 4.1.). These procedures are able to provide good picture of the motor condition. For the motor noise measurements was constructed a workplace including noise box with acoustical absorption up to 30dB what allowed the workplace implementation directly into the motor assembly line. Testing techniques and frequency analysis procedures were implemented sequentially with the target of the test evaluation improvement. After the detailed analyze of the motor noise root causes was performed check of the current motor design with respect of the “noiselessness” motor construction principles. As next step was created the motor prototype with optimized construction with target of the motor noise reduction. This optimized motor was tested and compared with standard motor design.

Stöd för personer med autismspektrumtillstånd vid hälso- och sjukvårdsbesök : en litteraturstudie / Support for people with autism spectrum disorder at healthcare visits : a literature review

Lindgren, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Alla yrkesverksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården kommer med största sannolikhet någon gång i sitt yrkesutövande stöta på personer med AST och kunskap om att vårda dessa personer är därför nödvändigt för alla som arbetar inom hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte Studiens syfte är att beskriva kunskapsläget om stödjande och hindrande faktorer för personer med Autismspektrumtillstånd i mötet med hälso- och sjukvården relaterat till deras neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättning. Metod Arbetet är utfört som en strukturerad litteraturstudie med inslag av den metodologi som används vid systematiska översikter. Resultat Det återfanns tre huvudrubriker anpassningar, kommunikation och kunskap som resultatet presenterats under Slutsats Arbetet har visat att det finns ett behov av att förbättra kommunikationen mellan hälso- och sjukvården och personer med AST, öka kunskapen om AST hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och att många av anpassningarna som personer med AST kan behöva för att tillgodogöra sig hälso- och sjukvård inte behöver vara så stora eller omfattande och kan vara bra även för personer som inte har AST. / Background Al healthcare workers will be most likely at some point, or another to come across people with ASD and knowledge about how to best care for people with ASD is therefore necessary for anyone that works in healthcare Aim The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge of support and barriers to healthcare for people with autism spectrum disorder in relation to their neuropsychiatric disability Method This paper has been conducted as a structured literature review with points of the methodology that’s used in systematic reviews. Results This paper resulted in three main headlines, Accommodations, Communication and Knowledge under which the results were presented. Conclusions This paper has shown that there is a need to improve communication between healthcare and people with ASD, increase the knowledge about ASD for healthcare workers and that many of the accommodations that’s beneficial for people with ASD to better account for their healthcare doesn’t need to be extensive and the accommodations can also be beneficial for people who doesn’t have ASD.

Characterizing cosmic neutrino sources / a measurement of the energy spectrum and flavor composition of the cosmic neutrino flux observed with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

Mohrmann, Lars 30 November 2015 (has links)
Das IceCube Neutrino Observatorium ist ein km^3-großes Neutrinoteleskop und befindet sich am geographischen Südpol. Das Ziel des Experiments ist es, kosmische Neutrinos nachzuweisen. Es wird erwartet, dass solche Neutrinos in Wechselwirkungen von hochenergetischer kosmischer Strahlung mit Materie oder Photonen in der Nähe ihrer Beschleunigungsumgebung entstehen. Der erste Nachweis für einen Fluss von kosmischen Neutrinos wurde von der IceCube-Kollaboration erbracht. Der Ursprung des Flusses ist noch nicht bekannt, dennoch können die Eigenschaften der Quellen durch eine Messung des Energiespektrums und der Zusammensetzung aus Elektron-, Muon-, und Tau-Neutrinos des Flusses eingeschränkt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die erste umfassende Analyse von Daten des IceCube-Experiments im Hinblick auf diese Eigenschaften des Flusses dar. Hierfür wurden mehrere Datensätze kombiniert und gemeinsam analysiert. Es wurden experimentell beobachtete Verteilungen von rekonstruierter Energie, Zenithwinkel und Teilchen-Signatur mit Modellverteilungen angepasst. Unter der Annahme, dass der Fluss isotrop ist und zu gleichen Teilen aus allen Neutrino-Flavors besteht, wird das Spektrum durch ein Potenzgesetz mit Normalisierung (6.7_{-1.2}^{+1.1})x10^{-18}GeV^{-1}s^{-1}sr^{-1}cm^{-2} bei 100 TeV und spektralem Index -2.50+-0.09 zwischen Neutrino-Energien von 25 TeV und 2.8 PeV gut beschrieben. Ein spektraler Index von -2 kann mit einer Signifikanz von 3.8 Standardabweichungen ausgeschlossen werden. Die Flavor-Zusammensetzung ist kompatibel mit Erwartungen für Standard-Prozesse der Neutrino-Produktion. Die ausschließliche Produktion von Elektron-Neutrinos kann hingegen mit einer Signifikanz von 3.6 Standardabweichungen ausgeschlossen werden. Unter der Annahme, dass die Neutrino-Flavor während der Propagation von den Quellen zur Erde durch Standard-Neutrino-Oszillationen transformiert werden, beträgt der gemessene Anteil an Elektron-Neutrinos an der Erde (18+-11)%. / The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a km^3-sized neutrino telescope located at the geographical South Pole. Its primary purpose is the detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos. Such neutrinos are expected to be produced in interactions of high-energy cosmic rays with ambient matter or photons close to their acceleration sites. The IceCube Collaboration has reported the first evidence for a flux of high-energy cosmic neutrinos. While the origin of the flux remains unknown so far, the properties of its sources can be constrained by measuring its energy spectrum and its composition of electron, muon, and tau neutrinos. The present work constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of IceCube data with respect to these principal characteristics of the flux. Several data sets were assembled and simultaneously studied in a combined analysis. Experimentally observed distributions of reconstructed energy, zenith angle and particle signature were fitted with model distributions. Assuming the cosmic neutrino flux to be isotropic and to consist of equal flavors at Earth, the all-flavor spectrum is well described by a power law with normalization (6.7_{-1.2}^{+1.1})x10^{-18}GeV^{-1}s^{-1}sr^{-1}cm^{-2} at 100 TeV and spectral index -2.50+-0.09 for neutrino energies between 25 TeV and 2.8 PeV. A spectral index of -2 is disfavored with a significance of 3.8 standard deviations. The flavor composition is compatible with that expected for standard neutrino production processes at the sources. However, a scenario in which only electron neutrinos are produced is disfavored with a significance of 3.6 standard deviations. Assuming that standard neutrino oscillations transform the neutrino flavors during propagation from the sources to the Earth, the measured fraction of electron neutrinos at Earth is (18+-11)%.

Nestacionární časové řady / Non-stationary time series

Večeřa, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on option of omitting the stationarity assumption, which is usually used in the financial time series analysis. The theory of semi-stationary processes is introduced. This type of process has time-dependent spectra (the evolutionary spectra) in comparison with stationary process. The evolutionary spectra estimator is derived using a linear filter and then averaged in time to reduce any fluctuations caused by randomness. Predictions and variance estimates are retrieved from the estimated time dependent spectra. The semi-stationary processes theory is applied to the ARMA processes with time-dependent coefficients, a coefficient estimator based on evolutionary spectra is suggested. Calculations are performed in R software. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Média a politika - Politické strany ve vybraném českém denním tisku v období před volbami do Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu České republiky v roce 2010 / Media and policy-representation of political parties in selected czech newspaperes in the period before the elections to the PS PČR in 2010

Kocourková, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Media and Politics - Political Parties in Selected Czech Newspapers in the Period Before the Elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Czech Republic in 2013 compares the representation of selected Czech political parties in the content of Czech national serious daily newspapers through quantitative content analysis of news in dailies Hospodářské noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes, Lidové noviny a Právo. The thesis explores the space which was given to individual political parties in studied newspapers, how often they were mentioned in the news, whether the approach of the parties in the news were balanced, and if the parties were neutrally presented in each daily news. The main aim of this thesis is to determine whether the Czech press is showing signs of political parallelism and whether it is objektive to political parties. The theoretical framework of the thesis is the theory of political parallelism as percieved by Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini and objectivity of the media as percieved by Jörgen Westerståhl. The research draws on the foreign literature and also draws from research in this area that in the past took place abroad.

Autismus a zoorehabilitace : zkušenosti ze specializovaných center / Autism and Zootheraphy : Experiences from Special Centers

Trešlová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out chat forms of zoorehabilitation exists and how it can help to people with autism and thein families. The work begins with a brief definitiv of autism and its history. The FIFA charter is devoted to autism spektrum disorders, its influence on social relationships, communication, imagination, games and interests. The sixth charter deals with disorders of the autism spektrum. I describe each disorder separately, its characteristics, even if there are not fixed boundaries between different disordes. The seventh charter is devoted to the diagnosis of autism spektrum disorders, chat are the metod sof diagnosis. Next charter describers chat options do parents of these childern have in education. Following charter describes Civic associations, that arise and hepl parents of childern affected by autism and ether formo f disabilities. In the tenth and in the next five chapters are described different types zoorehabilitation, its origin and use in the Czech Republic. From the seventeenth charter starts the practical part where i described free different stories of families with a child who has one of the autism spektrum disorder. Every child has a different disorder and esch reacts differently to zootherapy, whether at home or specialized facility. From case reports, it...

Fetální alkoholový syndrom - vliv abúzu alkoholu v těhotenství na raný psychomotorický vývoj dítěte / Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - The Effect of Alcohol Abuse during Pregnancy on Early Psychomotor Development of the Child

Mrázová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis devotes to the negative effects of alcohol abuse during pregnancy on early psychical development of the child. It surveys the problematic fields of development of the children who were prenatally exposed to alcohol. The theoretical survey is accompanied by qualitative empirical part, which contains four case studies of children in the age of 6 - 72 weeks whose mothers were drinking alcohol during pregnancy. There are several problematic areas in the development of these children, for example growth deficit, retardation of the psychomotor development (especially in speech, gross motor skills and social behaviour), attachment disorders and eating disorders. These signs correspond to the scientific literature, but there are differences in the extent and frequency in the children Key words: alcohol, fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, early psychomotor development

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