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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in a prostate cancer model system using SERS nanosensors

Camus, Victoria Louise January 2016 (has links)
Intracellular redox potential (IRP) is a measure of how oxidising or reducing the environment is within a cell. It is a function of numerous factors including redox couples, antioxidant enzymes and reactive oxygen species. Disruption of the tightly regulated redox status has been linked to the initiation and progression of cancer. However, there is very limited knowledge about the quantitative nature of the redox potential and pH gradients that exist in cancer tumour models. Multicellular tumour spheroids (MTS) are three-dimensional cell cultures that possess their own microenvironments, similar to those found in tumours. From the necrotic core to the outer proliferating layer there exist gradients of oxygen, lactate, pH and drug penetration. Tumours also have inadequate vasculature resulting in a state of hypoxia. Hypoxia is a key player in metabolic dysregulation but can also provide cells with resistance against cancer treatments, particularly chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The primary hypoxia regulators are HIFs (Hypoxia Inducible Factors) which under low O2 conditions bind a hypoxia response element, inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation and upregulating glycolysis which has two significant implications: the first is an increase in levels of NADPH/NADH, the main electron donors found in cells which impacts the redox state, whilst the second is a decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) because of increased lactate production. Thus, redox state and intracellular pHi can be used as indicators of metabolic changes within 3D cultures and provide insight into cellular response to therapy. Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) provides a real-time, high resolution method of measuring pHi and IRP in cell culture. It allows for quick and potentially portable analysis of MTS, providing a new platform for monitoring response to drugs and therapy in an unobtrusive manner. Redox and pH-active probes functionalised to Au nanoshells were readily taken up by prostate cancer cell lines and predominantly found to localise in the cytosol. These probes were characterised by density functional theory and spectroelectrochemistry, and their in vitro behaviour modelled by the chemical induction of oxidative and reductive stress. Next, targeting nanosensors to different zones of the MTS allowed for spatial quantification of redox state and pHi throughout the structure and the ability to map the effects of drug treatments on MTS redox biology. The magnitude of the potential gradient can be quantified as free energy (ΔG) and used as a measurement of MTS viability. Treatment of PC3 MTS with staurosporine, an apoptosis inducer, was accompanied by a decrease in free energy gradients over time, whereas treatment of MTS with cisplatin, a drug to which they are resistant, showed an increase in viability indicating a compensatory mechanism and hence resistance. Finally, using this technique the effects of ionising radiation on IRP and pHi in the tumour model was explored. Following exposure to a range of doses of x-ray radiation, as well as single and multi-fractionated regimes, IRP and pHi were measured and MTS viability assessed. Increased radiation dosage diminished the potential gradient across the MTS and decreased viability. Similarly, fractionation of a single large dose was found to enhance MTS death. This novel SERS approach therefore has the potential to not only be used as a mode of drug screening and tool for drug development, but also for pre-clinical characterisation of tumours enabling clinicians to optimise radiation regimes in a patient-specific manner.

Development of vascularized tumor spheroids mimicking the tumor environment : angiogenesis and hypoxia / Développement d’un modèle 3D de tumeur vascularisée mimant le microenvironnement tumoral : angiogenèse et hypoxia

Chaddad, Hassan 18 January 2019 (has links)
Le microenvironnement tumoral, l'angiogenèse tumorale et l'hypoxie jouent un rôle crucial dans la progression tumorale et le développement de thérapies de nombreux cancers. Les limites de pénétration des médicaments, les phénomènes de résistance aux anti-cancéreux, la vascularisation de la tumeur et l’hypoxie sont tous des paramètres influençant les effets du médicament. La culture cellulaire 3D permet de créer un microenvironnement qui imite l’architecture et la fonction des tissus in vivo. L’expression de gènes et de protéines modifiée par l’environnement 3D est une autre caractéristique qui impacte l’effet d’une molécule thérapeutique. Dans notre première étude, afin de développer un modèle 3D vascularisé imitant celle des tumeurs in vivo, nous avons mis en culture des cellules endothéliales en 2D avec des cellules tumorales en 3D. Après 2 semaines de culture, un réseau vasculaire s’est organisé avec des structures de type tubulaire présentant une lumière et exprimant différents marqueurs angiogéniques tels que VEGF, CD31 et Collagène IV. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons développé un modèle d’hypoxie in vitro intégrant l'environnement 3D et un agent mimétique de l'hypoxie (CoCl2). Le but de ce modèle est de créer un modèle d'hypoxie imitant les tumeurs in vivo et de montrer l'importance de l'hypoxie dans la réponse et la résistance aux médicaments. Ces résultats ont révélé que la meilleure condition était la combinaison 3D+CoCl2, conduisant à la surexpression des gènes relatifs à l’hypoxie (GLUT1/3, VEGF) et à la résistance aux médicaments (ABCG2, MRP1). L'angiogenèse et l'hypoxie sont des facteurs clés pour le microenvironnement tumoral in vivo et ils doivent être adoptés dans la conception de modèles tumoraux in vitro pour mieux sélectionner et cribler les médicaments anticancéreux. / The tumor microenvironment, tumor angiogenesis, and hypoxia play a critical role in the tumor progression and therapy development of many cancers. Limitations in drug penetration, multidrug resistance phenomena, tumor vascularization, and oxygen deficiency are all parameters influencing drug effects. 3D cell culture allows to create a microenvironment that more closely mimics in vivo tissue architecture and function, thus, gene and protein expression modified by the 3D environment are further features that affect treatment outcome. In our first study, in order to develop a vascularized 3D model like in vivo tumors, we co-cultured 2D endothelial cells with 3D tumor cells. After 2 weeks of this combination, a vascular network was formed and organized with tubule-like structures presenting a lumen and expressing different angiogenic markers such as VEGF, CD31 and Collagen IV. In our second study, we developed an in vitro hypoxia model integrating the 3D environment and a hypoxia mimetic agent (CoCl2) to mimic the in vivo tumors and to show the importance of hypoxia in drug response and resistance. Results revealed that the best condition was the combination 3D+CoCl2 model, leading to overexpression oh hypoxia (GLUT1/3, VEGF) and drug resistance (ABCG2, MRP1) related genes. Taken together, angiogenesis and hypoxia are key factors for in vivo tumor microenvironment and they should be adopted in in vitro model design to better select and screen anticancer drugs.

Der Einfluss der Hypoxie auf die Expression und Synthese verschiedener Eph-Rezeptoren und Ephrin-Liganden beim malignen Melanom

Reißenweber, Bettina 08 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Das maligne Melanom ist die aggressivste Form von Hautkrebs und verschiedene Familien von Rezeptortyrosinkinasen sind an der Entwicklung und der verstärkten Malignität beteiligt. Eph-Rezeptoren stellen die größte Klasse der Rezeptortyrosinkinasen dar und spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Tumorangiogenese und -progression. Die Genexpression und Proteinsynthese verschiedener Eph-Rezeptoren und Ephrin-Liganden ist bei vielen Tumorentitäten erhöht. Aus diesem Grund sollten sie sich als Zielproteine für die Entwicklung neuer Radiopharmaka eignen. Zudem zeigen Literaturbefunde einen Einfluss der hypoxischen Zellumgebung auf die Genexpression und die Proteinsynthese verschiedener Eph-Rezeptoren und Ephrin-Liganden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Regulationsmechanismen bei verschiedenen Eph-Rezeptoren und Ephrin-Liganden aufzuklären, welche durch ein hypoxisches Umfeld hervorgerufen werden. Dazu wurde neben einem extrinsischen Hypoxiemodell an Monolayerzellkulturen auch ein intrinsisches Hypoxiemodell in Form von Tumorsphäroiden untersucht. Da die Genexpression und die Proteinsynthese von EphA2, EphB4, EphrinA1 und EphrinB2 laut Literatur vom Malignitätsgrad abhängig sind, wurden die metastatischen Melanomzelllinien A375, A2058 und MeWo und die prämetastatische Melanomzelllinie MEL-JUSO verwendet. Die Verifizierung der experimentellen Hypoxie erfolgte durch den etablierten Hypoxiemarker [18F]Fluormisonidazol, sowie dem Nachweis der VEGF-Genexpression unter den verwendeten Kulturbedingungen. Damit konnte die Eignung der hypoxischen Systeme gezeigt werden. Unabhängig vom Hypoxiemodell war in keiner der untersuchten Zelllinien ein Einfluss der Hypoxie auf die Genexpression und Proteinsynthese von EphA2, EphB4, EphrinA1 und EphrinB2 nachweisbar. Ein gesteigerter EphA2-Gehalt in Melanomzellen ist laut Literatur mit einer Erhöhung des Metastasierungspotentials verbunden. Um diesen Einfluss innerhalb einer Zelllinie zu untersuchen, wurden transgene A375-Zellen generiert. Mit dieser Zelllinie fanden Untersuchungen zu verschiedenen Metastasierungseigenschaften statt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass sich die Migration der Zellen durch den erhöhten EphA2-Gehalt verringerte, dabei war die hypoxische Umgebung ohne Einfluss. Weiterhin wurde festgestellt, dass der EphA2-Rezeptor das Adhäsionsverhalten von A375-Zellen nicht beeinflusst. Auch ein Einfluss auf das invasive Verhalten konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Eine hypoxische Umgebung war in beiden Fällen nicht von Bedeutung. Aus den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass bei den untersuchten Melanomzelllinien keine Regulation der Eph-Rezeptoren und Ephrin-Liganden durch ein hypoxisches Umfeld erfolgt. Durch die ausführliche Charakterisierung des EphA2-Rezeptors in der Arbeit kann jedoch geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich der Rezeptor als potentielles Zielmolekül für die Entwicklung neuer Radiotherapeutika und Radiodiagnostika eignet, nicht jedoch für die Detektion hypoxischer Bereiche in Tumoren. Durch die nunmehr etablierte Generierung von Sphäroiden und einer Zelllinie, welche den Rezeptor verstärkt exprimiert und synthetisiert, stehen nun Zellmodelle für die weiterführende Charakterisierung und Analyse neuer Radiodiagnostika und Radiotherapeutika auf der Basis von Inhibitoren und Antikörper gegen EphA2 zur Verfügung.

The role of LKB1 (STK11) in non-small cell lung cancer

Cahill, Fiona January 2017 (has links)
LKB1 is the second most commonly altered tumour suppressor gene in lung adenocarcinoma, the most prevalent form of lung cancer. LKB1 is a "master kinase" that has been shown to phosphorylate up to 13 downstream targets. We hypothesised that LKB1 loss is associated with an increased dependency on alternative, targetable pathways. The overall aims of this project were to better understand the role of LKB1 loss in lung cancer and to identify novel approaches to selectively target LKB1 mutated cells. We generated isogenic cells with or without LKB1 and used these to study the effect of LKB1 on cell proliferation. Importantly, we used a range of models including 2D culture, 3D spheroids and, sub-cutaneous and orthotopic xenograft models. To understand the role of LKB1 loss in lung cancer, the effect of LKB1 on mRNA expression was analysed using whole genome RNA Sequencing. To identify novel approaches to selectively target LKB1 mutated cells, we used biological screening methods and also investigated the effect of several metabolic inhibitors. We found that loss of LKB1 expression had no effect on cell proliferation in 2D culture, but was associated with increased growth in 3D spheroids, sub-cutaneous and orthotopic xenografts, as well as greater metastasis in a lung orthotopic model. Gene ontology analysis of the transcriptome identified that genes associated with cAMP signalling and cytoskeletal organisation were differentially expressed between LKB1 deficient and proficient cells. We confirmed that cAMP signalling was increased in LKB1 deficient cells, though there was no difference in sensitivity between LKB1 deficient and proficient cells to cAMP signalling modulators. The bioactive small molecule screen showed that LKB1 deficient cells underwent apoptosis more slowly and therefore, were less sensitive to many compounds, compared with LKB1 proficient cells. Screening in 3D spheroids was a novel approach that we used to identify microtubule inhibitors as potentially selective compounds acting in LKB1 deficient cells. Our RNASeq data suggests that there was a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis in LKB1 deficient cells, although this did not affect sensitivity to complex I inhibitors. Importantly, LKB1 deficient cells were more sensitive to glucose and glutamine deprivation which suggests that targeting these metabolic pathways may hold the greatest promise to selectively inhibit proliferation in LKB1 mutated cells.

Células MCF-7 como modelo 3D no estudo de câncer de mama humano. / MCF-7 cells as a 3d model in the study of human breast cancer.

Jonatas Bussador do Amaral 22 March 2011 (has links)
O diferencial da cultura de células em 3-dimensões é permitir que as células explorem as 3-dimensões do espaço, aumentando assim as interações com o ambiente e entre as células. Em estudos relacionados à biologia do câncer de mama, vem ganhando espaço a utilização de esferóides para estudos que visam à compreensão da morfogênese do espaço luminal. Neste trabalho foi mostrado que as células MCF-7 reorganizam-se em estruturas tubulares e acinares. Em ambas as situações, a formação do lúmen veio acompanhada pelo estabelecimento de uma camada de células polarizadas, arranjo este muito semelhante ao encontrado em glândulas mamárias. Os resultados apresentados apontam para a existência de uma população de células na linhagem MCF-7 que não estão totalmente comprometidas ao fenótipo tumoral. Mantidos diferenciados, os esferóides de células MCF-7 apontam como um novo modelo para estudos relacionados à formação do lúmen, permitindo assim explorar o papel de diferentes vias como as relacionadas a apoptose, autofagia, diferenciação e sobrevivência celular. / As a particularity, a 3D cell culture permits cells to explore the three dimensions of the space thereby increasing cell-cell interactions, as well as interaction with the environment. In studies related to breast cancer biology, spheroids are becoming widely used in the aim to comprehend luminal space morphogenesis. We showed that MCF-7 cells reorganize themselves in tubular and acinar structures. In both situations, lumen formation was accompanied by the establishment of a layer of polarized cells, an arrangement that is very similar to that of breast glands. The presented results suggest the existence of an MCF cell line population not completely committed to the tumor phenotype. When maintained as differentiated, MCF-7 cell spheroids can be a new model for studies regarding lumen formation, thereby exploring the role of diiferent pathways, such as those related to cell apoptosis, autophagy, differentiation and survival.

Novel 3D in vitro models based on multicellular tumor spheroids to test anticancer drugs and drug delivery vehicles / Nouveaux modèles 3D in vitro à base de sphéroïdes multicellulaires tumoraux pour tester des substances anticancéreuses et des vecteurs de délivrance de médicaments

Akasov, Roman 07 March 2017 (has links)
Les sphéroïdes multicellulaires tumoraux (SMT) constituent un outil prometteur dans le domaine de l’étude biologique des tumeurs. Le but de la thèse était de développer une technique de la formation de SMT et de démontrer la disponibilité de ces sphéroïdes comme modèle in vitro 3D pour tester l’efficacité de principes actifs anticancéreux ainsi que celle de formulations de délivrance de médicaments. L'effet d’auto-assemblage de cellules induit par une addition des peptides RGD cycliques a été étudié pour 16 lignées cellulaires de différentes origines. Le peptide cyclique RGDfK et sa modification avec le cation triphenylphosphonium (TPP) ont permis de mettre en évidence l’induction de formation de sphéroïdes. Les sphéroïdes ont été employés comme modèles pour évaluer la cytotoxicité de principes actifs antitumoraux (doxorubicine, curcumine, temozolomide) et un certain nombre de formulations nano- et micrométriques (microréservoirs, nano-émulsions et micelles). / Multicellular tumor spheroids (MTS) are a promising tool in tumor biology. The aim of the Thesis was to develop a novel highly reproducible technique for MTS formation, and to demonstrate the availability of these spheroids as 3D in vitro model to test anticancer drugs and drug delivery vehicles. Cell self-assembly effect induced by an addition of cyclic RGD-peptides directly to monolayer cultures was studied for 16 cell lines of various origin. Cyclo-RGDfK peptide and its modification with triphenylphosphonium cation (TPP) were found to induce spheroid formation. The spheroids were used as a model to evaluate the cytotoxicity of antitumor drugs (doxorubicin, curcumin, temozolomide) and a number of nano- and micro- formulations (microcontainers, nano-emulsions and micelles).

Intégration d'un bioréacteur à lit fluidisé dans un circuit extracorporel monitoré / Integration of the fluidized bed bioreactor in an extracorporeal circulation device

Figaro, Sarah 30 June 2015 (has links)
La nécessité de nouveaux modes de suppléance hépatique se fait clairement ressentir pour maintenir en vie les patients en attente d’une greffe. Des traitements, basés sur l’utilisation de cellules cultivées dans un environnement adéquat, pourraient même permettre le rétablissement de certains patients en insuffisance hépatique sévère et ainsi éviter la greffe et les traitements immunosuppresseurs associés. Une suppléance hépatique efficace pourrait aussi servir au rétablissement des patients récemment greffés ou ayant subi une hépatectomie. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de développer, créer et valider un nouveau foie bioartificiel avec une prise en compte des contraintes réglementaires des médicaments combinés de thérapie innovante. Ce BAL doit pouvoir inclure des bioréacteurs à lit fluidisé perfusés par du plasma et contenant des sphéroïdes d’hépatocytes encapsulés. Des microparticules de verre, ajoutés aux billes d’alginate pour les alourdir, permettent d’obtenir une fluidisation optimale dans du plasma pathologique sans que des effets délétères ne soient observables ni pour les cellules ni pour les propriétés mécaniques des billes. Une méthode de culture cellulaire utilisant un revêtement anti-adhérent sur des boites de Petri en verre permet de produire un nombre important de sphéroïdes viables in vitro. Ces sphéroïdes encapsulés peuvent être maintenus vivants et métaboliquement actifs dans un bioréacteur à lit fluidisé pendant au minimum 4 jours.Pour assurer l’efficacité du BAL et la sécurité des patients, une circulation extracorporelle complexe a été mise au point pour être compatible avec une machine d’épuration extracorporelle commerciale, la Prismaflex® de la société Gambro, déjà utilisée en soins intensifs. Une étude préclinique sur un modèle ovin a montré que le traitement était bien toléré en ce qui concerne les aspects hémodynamiques. La prochaine étape concerne la mise en place d’une étude dans un modèle porcin d’insuffisance hépatique, avant de pouvoir procéder aux premiers essais cliniques. / The need for new liver support devices is clearly felt to allow keeping alive patients waiting for a transplant. Treatments, based on the use of cells cultured in an adequate environment, may even allow the recovery of some patients suffering from acute liver failure and avoid graft and associated immunosuppressive therapies. A hepatic substitution could also be used to reestablish patients recently transplanted or who had underwent an hepatectomy.. The objective of the thesis was to design, create and validate of a new bioartificial liver with consideration for the regulatory requirements of the Advanced Therapies Medical Product (ATMP). This device has to include fluidized bed bioreactors perfused with plasma and hosting alginate-encapsulated hepatocytes spheroids. Microparticles of glass have been added to weight down alginate beads in order to have an optimal fluidization in pathological plasma without negative effects neither on cells metabolism nor on mechanical properties of the beads. A cellular culture method using non adhesive coating in Petri dish led to the production of a large amount of viable spheroids in vitro. These encapsulated spheroids can be kept alive and metabolically active in a fluidized bed bioreactor during a minimum of four days. To ensure the efficacy of the BAL and the safety of patients, a complex extracorporeal circulation was designed to be compatible with a commercial medical device, the Prismaflex® monitor of the company Gambro, already used in intensive care units. A preclinical study on sheeps has shown that the treatment was well tolerated in terms of hemodynamics considerations. The next step is the establishment of a study in a porcine model of liver failure, before we can proceed to the first clinical trial.

The Effect of Hyperthermia on Doxorubicin Therapy and Nanoparticle Penetration in Multicellular Ovarian Cancer Spheroids

Nagesetti, Abhignyan 12 February 2017 (has links)
The efficient treatment of cancer with chemotherapy is challenged by the limited penetration of drugs into the tumor. Nanoparticles (10 – 100 nanometers) have emerged as a logical choice to specifically deliver chemotherapeutics to tumors, however, their transport into the tumor is also impeded owing to their bigger size compared to free drug moieties. Currently, monolayer cell cultures, as models for drug testing, cannot recapitulate the structural and functional complexity of in-vivo tumors. Furthermore, strategies to improve drug distribution in tumor tissues are also required. In this study, we hypothesized that hyperthermia (43°C) will improve the distribution of silica nanoparticles in three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroids. Tumor spheroids mimic the functional and histomorphological complexity of in-vivo avascular tumors and are therefore valuable tools to study drug distribution. Ovarian cancer (Skov3) and uterine sarcoma (MES-SA/Dx5) spheroids were generated using the liquid overlay method. The growth ratio and cytotoxicity assays showed that the application of adjuvant hyperthermia with Doxorubicin (DOX) did not yield higher cell killing compared to DOX therapy alone. These results illustrated the role of spheroids in resistance to heat and DOX. In order to study the cellular uptake kinetics of nanoparticles under hyperthermia conditions, the experimental measurements of silica nanoparticle uptake by cells were fitted using a novel inverse estimation method based on Bayesian estimation. This was coupled with advection reaction transport to model nanoparticle transport in spheroids. The model predicted an increase in Area Under the Curve (AUC) and penetration distance (W1/2) that were validated with in-vitro experiments in spheroids. Based on these observations, a novel multifunctional theranostic nanoparticle probe was created for generating highly localized hyperthermia by encapsulating a Near Infrared (NIR) dye, IR820 (for imaging and hyperthermia) and DOX in Organically modified silica nanoparticles (Ormosil). Pegylated Ormosil nanoparticles had an average diameter of 58.2±3.1 nm, zeta potential of -6.9 ± 0.1 mV and high colloidal stability in physiological buffers. Exposure of the IR820 within the nanoparticles to NIR laser led to the generation of hyperthermia as well as release of DOX which translated to higher cell killing in Skov3 cells, deeper penetration of DOX into spheroids and complete destruction of the spheroids. In-vivo bio-distribution studies showed higher fluorescence from organs and increased plasma elimination life of IR820 compared to free IR820. However, possible aggregation of particles on laser exposure and accumulation in lungs still remain a concern.

Predictive carboplatin treatment response models for epithelial ovarian cancer : comparison of 2D, 3D and in-vivo models

Brodeur, Melica 12 1900 (has links)
L’adénocarcinome épithélial de l’ovaire (CEO) est le cancer gynécologique le plus mortel. La recherche de nouvelles thérapies repose principalement sur des modèles précliniques 2D et in vivo avec des lignées cellulaires (LC) pour générer les évidences nécessaires à l’initiation d’essais cliniques. Ce processus requiert des fonds substantiels en recherche/santé qui est associé à un taux d’attrition élevé laissant supposer des lacunes dans le modèle actuel. Nos publications antérieures suggèrent que la sensibilité in vitro de nos LC du CEO à la chimiothérapie carboplatin varie en 2D ou 3D. Il reste à élucider lequel de ces modèles est le plus représentatif de la réponse in vivo. De ce fait, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que le modèle 3D refléterait plus étroitement la sensibilité in vivo. L’objectif de cette étude était de caractériser la réponse au carboplatin de nos LC du CEO en monocouches et en sphéroïdes (3D), puis de les comparer à leur réponse in vivo (xénogreffes). Un total de 6 LC du CEO a été injecté dans des souris qui ont reçues trois différentes concentrations de carboplatin. Leurs réponses ont été évaluées/classées selon leurs mesures de volume tumoral et l’immunofluorescence. Ces mêmes LC ont été ensemencées dans des plaques à très faible adhérence pour former des sphéroïdes et les traiter. Des analyses de cytométrie en flux ont été effectuées afin de classer les LC selon leur concentration inhibitrice médiane (CI50). Nous avons comparé le tout aux résultats 2D (CI50) précédemment publiés. Nos résultats montrent que le système 3D démontre la meilleure concordance avec le modèle in vivo. Notamment, notre LC ultra-résistance en 2D devient plus sensible en modèle murin ou encore en 3D. Inversement, une LC ultra-sensible en 2D est plus résistante en xénogreffe et en sphéroïde. Les résultats découlant de notre étude sont importants à considérer lors d’investissement de temps et de fonds dans les études de criblage et de prédiction de réponses thérapeutiques. / Epithelial ovarian adenocarcinoma (EOC) is the most lethal gynecological cancer. The drug discovery pipeline is heavily based on preclinical models. Typically, 2D cell line (CL)-based models are used to screen compounds followed by validation in animal models to generate the evidence needed to design clinical trials. This process incurs a high cost to the research pipeline and still results in high drug attrition rates. This may in part reflect the poor translation of preclinical to clinical results and points to deficiencies in modeling. Previous work from our laboratory shows that the sensitivity of our EOC CLs to carboplatin therapy varies between 2D and 3D in vitro models, however it is unclear how these differences align with the in vivo response. We hypothesize that 3D models will more closely reflect therapeutic in vivo response. The objective of this study was to characterize the carboplatin sensitivity of EOC CLs in 2D and 3D-spheroids and compare them to in vivo response using mouse xenografts. We injected mice with 6 different EOC CLs that were treated with 3 different carboplatin concentrations. Tumor volume measurements and immunofluorescence viability stains were used to categorize CLs by their sensitivity. The same CLs were seeded in low attachment plates to form, and thereafter treat, spheroids. Flow cytometry analysis was used to classify CLs by their 50% inhibitory response (IC50). The 2D response (IC50) for these CLs has previously been published. Our results show that therapeutic response changes significantly for a single CL between different systems, and the 3D model was most concordant with the in vivo model. Our ultra-resistant CL in 2D became more sensitive in 3D/mouse models. In contrast, the highly 2D sensitive CL became more resistant in our xenograft/spheroid models. The results are important to consider when investing time/funds in drug screening and therapeutic response prediction studies.

Instabilités de trajectoires de sphères, ellipsoïdes et bulles / Path instabilities of spheres, spheroids and bubbles

Zhou, Wei 29 September 2016 (has links)
La thèse présente une étude numérique des instabilités de trajectoires de sphères, d'ellipsoïdes aplatis et de bulles en mouvement libre sous l'action de la gravité, de la poussée d'Archimède et des forces hydrodynamiques. Le chapitre sur les sphères reprend, complète et étend l'étude numérique de Jenny et al. (2004) en se concentrant sur la transition au chaos et sur les trajectoires chaotiques. Les résultats montrent la différence entre le scénario de transition au chaos de sphères de faible et de grand rapport de densité. Plusieurs grandeurs statistiques sont proposées afin de fournir une caractérisation quantitative des états chaotiques. Elle permettent de mettre en relation les états ordonnées et chaotiques et offrent une possibilité de comparaison objective de données aléatoires d'origine numérique ou expérimentale. L'étude, très extensive, du comportement d'ellipsoïdes aplatis établit le lien entre les disques et les sphères en faisant varier l'aplatissement des objets depuis infiniment plat jusqu'à presque sphérique. Les huit diagrammes d'état présentés permettent de comprendre l'effet de la forme des ellipsoïdes sur le scénario de transition. Le cas d'ellipsoïdes presque sphériques montre que de faibles imperfections de la forme peuvent avoir in impact significatif sur les trajectoires de sphères de très faible rapport de densité. Pour les bulles considérées dans la limite de rapport de densité et viscosité az/liquide nul, l'étude se concentre sur l'analyse de stabilité linéaire et aboutit à la courbe de stabilité marginale dans le plan des paramètres nombre de Bond – nombre de Galilée en tenant compte de la déformation des bulles au moment de la perte de leur axisymétrie. Plus deux décades de nombres de Bond, entre 0,1 et 20, sont couvertes. Les résultats montrent clairement l'effet de la déformation de la bulle sur le seuil de l'instabilité. / The thesis presents a numerical study of path instabilities for spheres, oblate spheroids and bubbles moving freely under the effect of the gravity, buoyancy and hydrodynamic forces. For spheres, the parametric study of Jenny et al. (2004) is revisited, improved end extended with a special focus on the chaotic states. The results reveal that the effect of density ratio responsible for different oblique oscillating states of low and high frequencies has a significant impact both on the onset of chaos and on the behavior of fully chaotic states. Several quantitative statistical quantities are proposed and shown to be relevant for establishing the relation between chaotic and ordered states and for an objective comparison of random data of numerical or experimental origin. The extensive study on freely moving spheroids establishes the link between disks and spheres by varying the aspect ratio of spheroids from infinitely flat to almost spherical. The state diagrams provided for eight different aspect ratios of spheroid show in detail how the transition scenario varies depending of the body shape. The investigation of almost spherical spheroids reveals the specificities of the dynamics of light imperfect spheres.For the deformable gas bubble in the limit of zero gas/liquid density and viscosity ratio, a marginal stability curve is given in the two-parameter plane of the Galileo and the Bond number indicating the critical Galileo numbers for the loss of stability of vertical trajectories. The numerical investigation covers more than two decades of Bond number going from 0.1 to 20. The results clearly show the crucial role of the surface deformation.

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