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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Andersson, Nicklas January 2015 (has links)
Background: The need to find the underlying causes to handball injuries and to develop injury prevention programs is great. In other sports a relationship between maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and injury have been seen. Purpose: To examine the relationship between VO2 max and/or lactate threshold and injuries in elite handball players. Methods: A prospective, non experimental correlational study was conducted. Thirty elite handball players and handball high school players were included. Injuries and test results for VO2-max, lactate threshold and potential confounders ( re-injury of the previous injury, re- injury of previous injury of the lower limb, age, BMI and legs and core strength for the high school players) were registered during the season 2014-2015. A bivariate analysis using Spearman's rank correlation calculation was conducted. Twenty-six respectively 11 of the players had data on VO2-max, respectively lactate threshold. Confounders that showed connection with injuries or injuries in the lower extremity were analyzed for the bivariate correlation with VO2-max and lactate threshold. Results: No significant correlation was found between VO2-max respectively lactate threshold and injury. Significant correlations were seen between previous injury respectively previous injury to the lower extremity and to get a re-injury. A significant correlation were seen between re-injury of a previous injury in the lower limb and VO2-max. Conclusions: Significant associations were seen between re- injury of earlier injury and between re-injury of the lower extremity and VO2-max and should therefore be considered in the clinical practice. Larger studies are needed to clarify the relationship between VO2-max and lactate threshold and injuries. / Bakgrund: Behovet att hitta bakomliggande orsaker till handbollsskador för att kunna utforma skadepreventiva åtgärder är stort. I andra idrotter har ett samband mellan maximal syreupptagningsförmåga (VO2-max) och skador kunnat ses. Syfte: Att undersöka samband mellan VO2-max och/eller laktattröskelvärde och skador hos elithandbollspelare. Metod: En prospektiv icke experimentell sambandsstudie utfördes. Trettio elithandbollsspelare och handbollsgymnasiespelare inkluderades. Skador och testresultat för VO2-max och laktattröskel samt tänkbara konfounders (återskada av tidigare generell skada, återskada av tidigare skada i nedre extremitet, ålder, BMI och ben och bålstyrka för gymnasiespelarna) registrerades under matchsäsongen 2014-2015. En bivariat analys med Spearmans rangkorrelationsberäkning utfördes. Tjugosex respektive 11 av spelarna hade data på VO2-max respektive laktattröskelvärde. Konfounders som visade samband med generella skador eller skador i nedre extremiteten analyserades bivariat för samband med VO2-max och laktattröskelvärde. Resultat: Inga signifikanta samband fanns mellan VO2-max respektive laktattröskelvärde och skador. Signifikanta samband fanns för tidigare generella skador respektive tidigare skada i nedre extremiteten och att återfå densamma samt mellan återskada av tidigare skada i nedre extremiteten och VO2-max. Konklusion: Signifikanta samband fanns för återskada av tidigare skada samt mellan återskada i nedre extremiteten och VO2-max vilket bör beaktas i den kliniska vardagen. Större studier behövs för att klargöra det sambandet mellan VO2-max respektive laktattröskel och skador.

Strategier för att hantera skadade tävlingsidrottare- Coachers perspektiv / Strategies to deal with injured competing athlete- Coaches perspective

Johansson Eiben, Katarina, Svensson, Linnéa January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att identifiera vilka primära strategier coacher använder sig av för att hjälpa en allvarligt skadad idrottare. Hur en skada upplevs och hanteras ur en coachs perspektiv är ett outforskat område. Podlog och Dionigis (2010) är en av få studier där man undersökt världselit coachers strategier. Författarna i föreliggande studie valde att använda sig av liknande tillvägagångsätt. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med coacher som hade aktiva idrottare på en lägre nivå än den högsta världseliten, samt hade erfarenheter av allvarligt skadade idrottare. Sju män och två kvinnor deltog i studien, både från individuella idrotter och lagidrotter. Det identifierades fem primära strategier: (1) målsättning, (2) socialt stöd, (3) förmedling till medicinsk personal, (4) anpassad träning och (5) individanpassat stöd. Dessa strategier kopplas i en diskussionsdel till självbestämmande teorins tre aspekter, målsättning och anpassad träning kopplades till kompetens, socialt stöd och förmedling till medicinsk personal kopplades till samhörighet, individanpassat stöd, förmedling till medicinsk personal samt målsättning till autonomi. Slutligen ges även förslag till framtida forskning, metodkritik samt implikationer. / The purpose of this study was to identify the primary strategies coaches use to help seriously injured athletes. How an injury is perceived and managed from a coach's perspective is an unexplored area. Podlog and Dionigi's (2010) is one of few studies that have investigated world elite coacher’s strategies. The authors of present study chose to use similar approaches. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with coaches active at a lower level compared to world elite, and experiences of severely injured athletes. Seven men and two women participated from both individual and team sports. Five primary strategies were identified: (1) goal setting, (2) social support, (3) intermediary to medical professionals, (4) adapted training and (5) personalized support. These strategies are addressed to the three aspects of the self-determination theory in the discussion part. Goal setting and adapted training were addressed to competence and adapted training linked to skills. Social support and intermediary to medical professionals were addressed to relatedness. Personalized support, intermediary to medical professionals and goals setting were addressed to autonomy. Finally suggestions for future research, methodology critique and implications are provided.

Občanskoprávní odpovědnost ve sportu / Civil liability in sports

Dvořáková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Thesis title: Civil liability in sports This thesis deals the issue of civil liability of athletes for sports injuries which is the current topic. In connection with constantly growing commercialization, media promotion and internationalization of sport is necessary to move towards the legal regulation of sport and its various aspects, including civil liability. The thesis is composed of seven chapters which are divided into three parts. The first one focuses on the definition and description of sport, sports standards and rules and the relation between sport and law. The second part deals with the civil liability in general, ie. its prerequisites and legal consequences. The remaining and main part of the thesis focuses on the issue of civil liability of athletes for sports injuries caused during the sports activities. The attention is especially paid on contemporary Czech legal and extra-legal normative regulation, legal theories, theoretical approaches, judicature which has appeared in the area of civil liability of athletes for sports injuries and comparison with the legal regulations in the other countries. Despite of many interesting theories which bring an useful conclusions there still has not been set a general approach to the solution of civil liability in sport. With respect to specific...

Återgång till idrott efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion : En kartläggande litteraturöversikt / Return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction : A scoping review

Datmo, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skador på det främre korsbandet (anterior cruciate ligament, ACL) är vanligt och sker framför allt under idrottsutövning. Ungefär hälften av de som drabbas genomgår korsbandsrekonstruktion (ACLR). När det gäller rehabilitering efter ACLR finns en kunskapslucka i litteraturen  gällande hur denna skall struktureras, vad den ska innehålla, samt hur rehabiliteringen skall utvärderas innan återgång till idrott (return to sport, RTS) tillåts. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att studera rehabilitering av individer som genomgått ACLR, de tester som görs, samt hur vanligt det är att den studerade populationen kan återgå till idrott. Metod: Litteratursökning genomfördes i tre databaser (PubMed, MEDLINE, Sage Journals) i november 2023 enligt flexibel sökstrategi. 22 studier kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBUs granskningsmall och 17 inkluderades sedermera i litteraturöversikten. Resultat: Inför återgång till idrott förekom ett testbatteri, där bland annat enbenshopp ingick, i 11 av de granskade artiklarna. När det gäller att utvärdera muskelstyrka förekom olika isometriska och isokinetiska tester av quadriceps och hamstrings i 10 av de granskade artiklarna. Gällande enkäter användes International Knee Documentation Committe (IKDC) och ACL-return to sport after injury scale (ACL-RSI) respektive i 11 av de granskade artiklarna. Idrottare med goda hopptestresultat, limb symmetry index LSI ≥85%, samt LSI ≥85% för isokinetiskt styrketest, återvänder till idrott oftare än idrottare med sämre resultat (LSI <85%). Få testdeltagare klarar RTS-tester 6 månader postoperativt, men desto fler klarar samma tester 12-24 månader postoperativt. Konklusion: Ytterligare studier behövs för att konkretisera ett vetenskapligt belagt rehabiliteringsprotokoll gällande såväl utformandet av träning som metodval när det gäller RTS-tester. / Background: Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are common and occur most often during sports participation. Approximately half of those affected undergo anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). When it comes to rehabilitation there is a knowledge-gap in the literature regarding how it should be best structured, what it should contain, and how it should be evaluated before allowing the athlete to return to sport. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the rehabilitation of athletes who have undergone ACLR, the RTS tests that have been performed, and to what extent the athletes have returned to sport. Method: A scoping review of current literature (from 2019 and forward) was conducted. In November 2023 a literature search with a flexible search strategy was made, across three databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, Sage Journals). Twenty-two studies were checked for quality and subsequently 17 studies were included in the review. Result: Prior to the RTS phase the athletes undergo a series of tests. Single leg jumps performance was assessed in 11 of the included articles. Muscle strength tests of the hamstrings and the quadriceps, including isometric and isokinetic tests of the hamstrings and the quadriceps were conducted in 10 of the included articles. Surveys, most commonly International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) and ACL-return to sport after injury scale (ACL-RSI) were employed in 11 of the included articles. Athletes with good results (limb symmetry index, LSI ≥85%) in the jump tests, and LSI ≥85% in the isokinetic strength test, returned to sport more often than those athletes with poorer results (LSI <85%). Few athletes passed all the RTS tests six months post-surgery, however a higher number achieved a passing grade on the tests 12-24 months post-surgery. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to verify the best scientifically based rehab-protocol following ACLR. Additionally, there is a need to identify a well-structured test-battery that can safely determine athlete’s readiness to return to sport post-ACLR.

Traumatizmas ir jo profilaktika kūno kultūros pamokose / Injuries and their prophylaxis in physical education lessons

Šmitaitė, Rūta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: traumatizmas kūno kultūros pamokose ir jo profilaktika. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti traumatizmą ir jo profilaktikos galimybes kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti mokytojų ir mokinių nuomonę apie traumatizmo paplitimą kūno kultūros pamokose. 2. Išsiaiškinti mokytojų ir mokinių nuomonę apie traumatizmo kūno kultūros pamokose pobūdį ir traumų vietas. 3. Išsiaiškinti mokytojų ir mokinių nuomonę apie traumatizmo kūno kultūros pamokose priežastis. 4. Išsiaiškinti mokytojų ir mokinių nuomonę apie traumatizmo kūno kultūros pamokose profilaktikos priemones. Išvados: 1. Daugelis moksleivių nebuvo patyrę kokių nors traumų kūno kultūros pamokose. Tik nedidelė dalis teigė, kad tokių traumų buvo patyrę. Tarp berniukų traumų paplitimas kūno kultūros pamokose buvo šiek tiek didesnis, nei tarp mergaičių (p<0.05). Daugiau negu pusė mokytojų teigė, jog moksleiviai kūno kultūros pamokose beveik niekada nepatiria traumų, penktadalis pažymėjo, kad retai. Dažniausiai moksleiviai traumas patyrė sporto salėje arba lauke. 2. Identifikuotas esminis traumos pobūdis – tai sutrenkimas. Pusė mokytojų paminėjo, kad jų ugdytiniai dažniausiai patiria sutrenkimus, sumušimus. Dažniausiai traumuotos kūno vietos, moksleivių teigimu, buvo čiurna, blauzda, kelis, šlaunis ir pėda. Šias traumas vienodai dažnai patyrė tiek berniukai, tiek mergaitės (p<0,05). 3. Pagrindinės traumatizmo kūno kultūros pamokose priežastys, anot moksleivių, yra: judesių atlikimo klaidos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object: injuries and their prophylaxis in physical education lessons. The aim – to analize injuries and their prophylaxis in physical education lessons. The tasks: 1. To find out teachers‘ and pupils‘ opinion about injuries prevalence in physical education lessons. 2. To find out teachers‘ and pupils‘ opinion about nature of injuries in physical education lessons and injuries places. 3. To find out teachers‘ and pupils‘ opinion about out the reasons of injuries in physical education lessons. 4. To find out teachers‘ and pupils‘ opinion about the measures of injuries prophylaxis in physical education lessons. Conclusions: 1. Most of pupils never had no injuries in physical education lessons. A small part of them had some injuries. More boys than girls had injuries in physical education lessons (p<0.05). More than half of teachers said the pupils never had no injuries in their physical education lessons. one-fifth of them said rarely. Mostly the pupils had injuries inside the gym or outside. 2. The main nature of injury is blow. Half of teachers said mostly their pupils have injuries like blows, bruises. According to the pupils mostly the body places of injuries was ankle, calf, knee, thigh and foot. The boys and the girls equally often had this injures (p<0,05). 3. According to the pupils the main reasons of injuries in physical education lessons are: movement execution errors, faulty sports coat and tiredness. According to the teachers the main reasons are: poor school... [to full text]

Factors associated with injuries among marathon runners in Eldoret, Kenya

Chesergon, Fred Kiplagat January 2017 (has links)
Masters of Science - Msc (Physiotherapy) / Extrinsic factors like terrain, hard running surfaces or incorrect shoes have been known to be contributing factors to injury, and intrinsic factors such as poor flexibility, mal-alignment anthropometry, previous injury and running experience have been identified in playing a role too. Little is known about the factors associated with injuries among marathon runners in Eldoret, Kenya. It is therefore important to identify the possible risk factors associated with running injuries in order to prevent further injury and severe long-term complications

An Epidemiological Look at Injuries among High School Athletes Participating in a Variety of Sports for Both Sexes

Wills, Emily H 01 May 2016 (has links)
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but participating in athletic activities like team sports can lead to injury. This study was designed to find the differences in types of high school sports injuries and how frequently these injuries occur among different sports and between males and females. A survey was given to members of the football, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, baseball, softball, and volleyball teams of a central Appalachian high school. The highest rate of injury was found in girls’ basketball at 86.7%, followed by football at 85.2%, boys’ basketball at 70.6%, softball and volleyball each at 69.2%, and baseball at 33.3%. Significant differences were also found between the most prevalent types of injuries in each sport. Differences in types of injuries were reported by male and female athletes who participated in comparable sports such as boys’ and girls’ basketball and softball and baseball. More research into why these differences exist could result in more individualized prevention strategies for high school athletes.

An injury profile and management analysis of marathon runners at selected marathons in the great eThekwini and uMgungundlovu Municipalities during 2014

Van Niekerk, Giselle January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Background: Running injuries are increasingly common as participation in this sport increases. Health care providers need to be better able to treat and manage these injuries and prevent their recurrence. Thus, there is a need for profiles of different population groups to enable the development of health promotion and injury prevention strategies. This research study profiled and tracked runners over seven marathons held in the eThekwini and uMgungundlovu Municipalities during the first quarter of 2014. Methods: This Durban University of Technology, Institutional Research and Ethics Committee approved retrospective Chiropractic Treatment Facility record analysis, analysed 741 recorded marathon visits. The records were based on a previously validated data collection tool (CSSA questionnaire) that allowed clinical data to be captured relating to patient demographics, anatomical site of the complaint, clinical impression, diagnosis and treatment. These fields were analysed for each visit, and then captured in SPSS version 22 with records only being excluded because they were unsigned. Descriptive and inferential statistics (McNemar’s tests) were compiled and a p-value of 0.05 was used. Results: The majority of the runners were Black males of approximately 40 years of age. A total of 95.6% of runners presented with overuse injuries, of which 73.6% and 89.3% had no history of previous injury or trauma respectively, and with 94.7% being able to continue participation. The shin and calf (21.7%), thigh (21.6%) and lumbar regions (16.1%) were most commonly affected by injuries which were predominantly muscle strains (23.2%) and SI syndrome (21.4%). These injuries were treated by manipulation (82.8%), massage (57.2%) and PNF stretching (33.6%). With runners that presented at subsequent marathons, a significant difference (McNemar’s p=0.013) in history of previous injury between the first and second marathon was found, with the runner being more likely to report a history of previous injury at their second marathon visit. Specific trends, although not significant, were found for specific subgroups (defined by age, gender, ethnicity, history of previous injury / trauma and chronicity of the diagnoses). Conclusion: The data is not dissimilar to the literature on running injuries, although specific trends in terms of sub categories were noted. These trends require further investigation through prospective, longitudinal studies. / M

Coacher och fysioterapeuters inverkan på idrottsutövarens rehabiliteringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om coacher och fysioterapeuters perspektiv på skadade idrottsutövares rehabiliteringsprocess / Coaches and physiotherapists impact on athletes rahabilitation process – A qualitative study concerning coaches and physiotherapists view on sport injured athletes rehabilitation process

Kylander, Carl-Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka coacher och fysioterapeuters strategier för att hjälpa en skadad idrottare tillbaka till fullt idrottande. Ett underliggande syfte var att belysa samarbetet mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter under en idrottsskaderehabilitering. Tidigare forskning antyder att det sociala stödet och utbildning inom psykologiska strategier har positiv inverkan på en idrottares psykologiska välmående följt en skada. I studien genomfördes totalt sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre coacher och tre fysioterapeuter med minst fem års erfarenhet av att coacha idrottsskadade utövare. Utifrån dessa intervjuer kunde fyra primära strategier urskiljas: (1) målsättning, (2) socialt stöd, (3) individanpassad rehabilitering och (4) individanpassat stöd. För det underliggande syftet kunde tre huvudkomponenter urskiljas: (1) kommunikation och etiska dilemman, (2) kunskap och (3) resurser. Konklusionen av denna studie är att de fyra primära strategierna kan användas i syfte av att göra rehabiliteringsprocessen i större grad självbestämmande för idrottare där coping fungerar som ett hjälpmedel att hantera motgångar i form av skador idrottare möter. Samarbetet mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter kunde ses ha en indirekt inverkan på en skadad idrottares rehabiliteringsprocess. Resurser påverkar hur kommunikationen och kunskapen ser ut runt idrottaren. Större resurser skapar en fördelaktig miljö i form av ett nära samarbete mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter med god kunskap kring coaching och rehabilitering vilket ger goda möjligheter för idrottaren att komma tillbaka till idrotten. / The purpose of this study was to identify strategies coaches and physiotherapists use to help an injured athlete back to full fitness. The purpose was also to highlight the cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists. Earlier research suggests social support and psychological strategies have a positive impact on an athlete’s psychological wellbeing after an injury and during the rehabilitation. It was conducted six semi structured interviews with three coaches and three physiotherapists. Findings suggest there are four primary strategies used: (1) goal setting, (2) social support, (3) individualised rehabilitation and (4) individualised support. Findings concerning the cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists had three key components: (1) communication and ethical dilemmas, (2) knowledge and (3) resources. This study suggest that the four primary strategies could be used in purpose of making sport injury rehabilitation more self-determined for the athlete, where copingstrategier works as a useful tool to help an injured athlete manage adversities. The cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists could by indirect means have an impact on an injured athletes rehabilitation process. Resources affect how the communication and knowledge appear surrounding the athlete. Greater resources lead to favourable conditions in the shape of close cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists with knowledge about coaching and rehabilitation which creates more opportunities for an athlete to get back to full fitness following a sports injury.

Zhodnocení nejčastějších úrazů u házenkářek MOL ligy a 2. ligy žen v České republice / Evaluation of the most frequent injuries in competition of league MOL and the 2nd league in women handball in Czech republic

Ragulová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the most frequent injuries in competition of league MOL and the 2nd league in women handbal in Czech republic. Objectives: The main objective in this work is evaluation of the most frequent injuries in women handball players, who play in season 2017/2018 the highest competition in Czech Republic - league MOL and the 3rd highest competition in Czech Republic - the 2nd league in women handball. The next objective is find out, if the teams have in their training unit the regenerative and compensatory practise, also there is physiotherapist in team or no. Methods: As the method for data pooling, I choose the form of a non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire was send between all women handball players in both competition, which are written in objective. Overall is analysed 112 questionnaires. Results: From the results, we can see, that for the most common injuries belongs to ankle. Overall 56,3 % suffered the injury of ankle, then injury of hands (50,9 %) and knees (46,4 %). Smaller group of injuries belongs to the of face, head, shoulders and elbows. Wings and lineplayers has the most common injuries of ankle, on the other hand the middle lineplayers, backs and goalkeepers has the most common injuries of hands and knees. Keywords: handball, regeneration and compensation...

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