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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ankle sprain - conservative versus operational treatment: A literary review / Ankle sprain - conservative versus operational treatment: A literary review

Millas, Dimitrios January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract Title Ankle sprain, conservative versus operational treatment: A literature review Aim The main purpose of this thesis is to assess and review the efficacy of main types of conservative and surgical interventions applied on ankle sprain injuries, as also the factors that influence the clinical outcomes in patients undergoing the selected treatment procedures. Method This thesis is a literary research, reviewing articles from relevant journals and books. Information and data sources were retrieved from English, released between 1980 and 2016, using electronic databases and reference lists of articles. The following databases were searched for the highest possible amount of relevant articles, with an attempt to reduce publication and/or selection bias: PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews), Web of science and Medline. Preliminary searches began at the inception of the project, and the full search was concluded in October 10th , 2016. A restriction for the type of publication (meta-analysis, systematic review, clinical trials, comparative trials, practice guidelines and case studies) was applied when allowed by the databases research tools. Results The analysis of the reviewed studies resulted that conservative treatment approaches is the main...

Social identity, mental toughness, and behavioural intentions as antecedents of overuse injury pain in physical activity contexts

Beasley, Vista January 2018 (has links)
Psychological factors specific to overuse injury pain in physical activity contexts were explored within a social identity theoretical framework. Study 1 involved development of a method for designating overuse injury pain occurrence of hikers (N = 751), along with exploration of relationships between psychological measures, overuse injury pain occurrence, and effort levels. The findings of this cross-sectional, mixed-methods investigation revealed that social identification, social identity content, and mental toughness differentiated hikers who incurred overuse injury pain or selected a higher-effort behaviour from those who did not. From qualitative analysis, several social identity constructs (i.e., group member's presence, in-group status, social creativity, additional social identity content) emerged as contributors to overuse injury occurrence. The focus of Study 2 was a prospective examination of the aforementioned psychological factors in relation to overuse injury severity of hikers (N = 283). Additionally, the Test of Intentions to Reduce Effort (TIRE) was developed to identify individuals with susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity. Results provided evidence of factorial, construct, and predictive validity of TIRE factor scores. TIRE factors and social identity content significantly predicted higher severity of hikers' overuse injury pain. Mental toughness scores moderated the relationship between social identification and overuse injury severity. Study 3 consisted of a qualitative examination of social identity mechanisms of overuse injury pain in a physical activity context, CrossFit®, involving the presence of group leaders, and in which group members view each other. Findings revealed mechanisms pertaining to social identity content, in-group status, and social threats. Overall, the findings support a new means for assessing overuse injury occurrence and susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity, whilst demonstrating the potential applicability of social identity theory to the study of overuse injury. Knowledge gained may ultimately aid development of interventions to reduce overuse injury occurrence and severity of physical activity participants.

Examining the role of identity following a sport-related concussion among elite athletes

Collict, Cameron 08 1900 (has links)
Les perturbations de l'identité suite à une commotion cérébrale liée au sport (CCS) ont été explorées du point de vue de l'identité athlétique. Cependant, ces études négligent d'autres constructions identitaires importantes, comme l'identité personnelle (p.ex. la personnalité, les émotions) et sociale (p. ex. la famille) ainsi que le concept de soi, c'est-à-dire l'identité collective, personnelle et sociale. En utilisant l'approche de l'identité sociale pour conceptualiser le concept d'identité, cette étude qualitative multiméthodes a exploré l'impact d'une CCS sur les constructions identitaires de sept athlètes élites (n = 6 femmes, M = 25,1 ans). Deux entretiens semi-structurés (durée moyenne de 83,7 minutes et 76,9 minutes respectivement) et l'outil nommé Social Identity Mapping Tool ont été utilisés pour collecter les données. Suite à une analyse thématique réflexive, trois thèmes ont été développés. Thème A : L’impact de la CCS durant le rétablissement sur les constructions identitaires des participants menace le concept de soi. Le thème B : L’identité post-commotion décrit comment les constructions identitaires des participants ont changé après le rétablissement de la CCS. Le thème C : La gestion de l’identité via l’identité sociale explique comment les dynamiques du réseau social des participants impactent leurs constructions identitaires. Les résultats démontrent que les athlètes élites ayant subi une CCS peuvent éprouver une perturbation allant au-delà de l’identité athlétique. Les futures recherches devraient explorer les interventions nécessaires afin de gérer adéquatement cette perturbation de l’identité. / Researchers have explored the impact of a sport-related concussion (SRC) on athletes’ identity almost exclusively through the lens of athletic identity. However, this approach neglects other important identity constructs, such as personal (e.g., personality, emotions), and social identity (e.g., family, student), and the self-concept (i.e., collectively, personal, and social identity). Using the Social Identity Approach, this qualitative, multi-method study explored the impact of SRC on the identity constructs of seven (n = 6 female, M = 25.1 years) elite soccer, swimming, ice hockey, and curling athletes. We collected data using two semi-structured interviews (Mtime = 83.7 and 76.9 minutes, respectively). The second interview included the Social Identity Mapping Tool, a comprehensive visual display of individuals’ social identity and social network. We used a reflexive thematic analysis and organized the data into three themes. SRC Experience Threatening the Self-Concept (Theme A) explored disruption to participants’ identity constructs during SRC recovery. Post-Concussion Identity (Theme B) described how participants’ identity constructs changed when recovered. Identity Management Through Social Identity (Theme C) explained how the dynamics of participants’ social identity impacted disruptions to identity constructs throughout the SRC experience. Results highlight that elite athletes with SRCs may encounter identity disruption that extends beyond merely their athletic identity. Although this study expands the knowledge around identity disruption from SRCs, we suggest future research explore potential intervention strategies for managing identity disruption from SRCs.

Specialidrottslärares erfarenhet av rehabilitering för skadade elever : En kvalitativ studie riktad mot riksidrottsgymnasier och nationellt godkända idrottsutbildningar

Nowik, Daniel, Tellström, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur specialidrottslärare på RIG och NIU ger stöttning samt förmedlar strategier till elever kring mentala situationer under en rehabilitering. Frågeställningarna studien ska besvara är följande: Hur anpassas undervisningen för skadade elever på RIG och NIU i form av stöttning? Vilka metoder förekommer på gymnasier för att bidra till elevernas motivation till rehabilitering? Metod Datainsamlingen till studien gjordes i form av intervjuer utifrån en intervjuguide. Sex specialidrottslärare med olika idrotter intervjuades, fyra från NIU och två från RIG utspritt på tre olika skolor i Mellansverige intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Resultat Samtliga specialidrottslärare menade att motivation behövdes för att orka med att genomföra en rehabilitering och att de hade ett ansvar att finnas där som ett socialt stöd för de skadade eleverna. En motivation för eleverna blev att ta sig igenom delmål utifrån ett rehabiliteringsprogram. Specialidrottslärarna ville få eleverna att känna delaktighet under skadeperioden och de stöttades till att uppnå sina delmål. Specialidrottslärarna ansåg att stöttning var en självklar del av undervisningen, framför allt under en skadeperiod då positiv stöttning bör komma från alla håll och kanter. Det är lättare att ge stöttning till elever som är tillsammans med övriga i gruppen, då gruppdynamiken ger positiv inverkan mentalt på den skadade eleven. En del av specialidrottslärarna använder sig av en strategi med målsättningar, där de sätter upp delmål för att få en progression med rehabiliteringen. Slutsats Undervisningen anpassas så att skadade elever i största mån ska utöva sin rehabilitering i anslutning till gruppen för att den skadade eleven ska känna sig inkluderad. Detta också för att specialidrottsläraren ska kunna ge stöttning och feedback under lektionstimmarna i skolan. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>

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