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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El estrés laboral y su relación con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021 / Work stress and its relationship with the turnover of the staff of the company master medic E.R.S. S.A.C., period 2021

Pajares Bardales, Julio Enrique 02 November 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar de qué manera el estrés laboral se relaciona con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021. La metodología aplicada en esta investigación es cuantitativa, ya que utiliza la recopilación de datos para probar hipótesis basadas en mediciones numéricas y análisis estadísticos para establecer patrones de comportamiento y probar teorías. Para el presente trabajo se utilizará un diseño de investigación no experimental. Específicamente será un diseño transeccional correlacional. Los resultados muestran que el P-valor es mayor a 0.05 que es necesario para rechazar la hipótesis nula, por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis del investigador y se acepta la hipótesis nula, lo que significa que el estrés laboral no se relaciona significativamente con la rotación del personal de la empresa Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., periodo 2021, lo cual implica que en la empresa donde se aplicó la investigación no tiene estrategias para la reducción de los niveles de estrés de los trabajadores y los niveles de rotación del personal, por lo que se recomienda que la empresa implemente estrategias que mejoren estos aspectos y se conviertan en una investigación nueva a realizar a futuro. / The objective of this research is to determine how work stress is related to the turnover of the staff of the company Master Medic E.R.S. S.A.C., period 2021. The methodology applied in this research will be quantitative, since it uses data collection to test hypotheses based on numerical measurements and statistical analysis to establish behavior patterns and test theories. For the present work, a non-experimental research design will be used. Specifically, it will be a correlational transectional design. The results show that the P-value is greater than 0.05 which is necessary to reject the null hypothesis, therefore, the researcher's hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted, which means that work stress is not significantly related to staff turnover of the Master Medic E.R. S company S.A.C., 2021 period. This implies that the company where the research was applied does not have strategies to reduce the stress levels of the workers and the levels of staff turnover, so it is recommended that the company implement strategies that improve these aspects and become a new investigation to be carried out in the future. / Tesis

Propuesta de un modelo de gestión por procesos para mejorar los predictores de la rotación de personal en pymes de servicios empresariales

Morales Rojas, Grecia Stephania, Uchida Ore, Kaduo 11 August 2021 (has links)
La rotación de personal en las empresas es un problema presente a nivel mundial y el Perú no es la excepción. En realidad, este país posee uno de los índices de rotación laboral más altos en Latinoamérica, siendo el sector servicios el más afectado. Así, muchas de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) que pertenecen a dicho sector ven perjudicadas su competitividad y rentabilidad debido a este problema. Por tal motivo, se ha propuesto la creación de un sistema conformado por 3 procesos de Recursos Humanos: Distribución de trabajo, Crecimiento y Desarrollo, y Compensaciones y Recompensas. Cabe resaltar que este sistema fue creado bajo un modelo de gestión de procesos (Business Process Management) como marco de trabajo. Así, el objetivo principal de este modelo y sistema es el aumento favorable de los niveles del compromiso organizacional y la calidad de la relación entre la empresa y el colaborador, pues ambos aspectos son predictores de la rotación laboral. Para la validación del modelo, se utilizó el juicio de expertos a través de la evaluación de los principales impactos esperados. Así, se contó tanto con expertos académicos nacionales e internacionales como con potenciales usuarios. Como resultado se obtuvo que el modelo y el sistema de gestión humana que subyace en él podrían reducir la probabilidad de que los trabajadores de las pymes de servicios abandonen su lugar de trabajo. Esto se sostiene en que los predictores de la rotación laboral se verían impactados positivamente. / Staff turnover is a problem that occurs in companies around the world and Peru is not the exception. This country has one of the highest job turnover rates in Latin America, with the service sector being the most affected. In this sense, small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) belonging to this sector are harmed by the negative impact of this problem on their competitiveness and profitability. For this reason, the creation of a system made up of 3 Human Resources processes has been proposed: Work distribution, Growth and Development, and Compensations and Rewards. It should be noted that this system was created through the Business Process Management reference framework (Business process management). Thus, the main objective of this system is the favorable increase in the levels of organizational commitment and the quality of the relationship between the company and the collaborator. This is because both aspects are considered predictors of job turnover, since they are significantly related to this phenomenon. For the validation of the model, expert judgment was used through the evaluation of the main expected impacts. Thus, this was carried out both by potential users of the proposal, as well as national and international academic experts. As a result, it was obtained that the model and the human management system that underlies it manage to reduce the probability that workers in service SMEs leave their workplace. This is based on the fact that the predictors of job turnover vary positively. / Trabajo de investigación

Vad får medarbetaren att stanna? : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarens upplevelse av medarbetarskap i sin butik / What makes a co-worker stay? : A qualitative study about co-worker experience of co-workership

Liedberg, Ida, Berndtsson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medarbetarskap är ett alltmer uppmärksammat begrepp som förekommer rikligt idet svenska arbetslivet. Medarbetarskap finns på alla arbetsplatser och det som skiljer åt är hur utvecklat det är. Den svenska handeln är näringslivets största arbetsgivare där detaljhandeln ingår. Den svenska detaljhandeln har en hög personalomsättning som tidigare studier indikerar som ett problem. Medarbetaren är en av organisationens mest värdefulla tillgångar. Tidigare studier indikerar på att utveckling av medarbetarskap ger positiva resultat på organisationer. Medarbetarskap är fördelat i fyra begreppspar som är förutsättningar till ett utvecklat medarbetarskap. Mot denna bakgrund avser studien dessa problemformuleringar: PF1: Hur upplever medarbetaren medarbetarskapet i sin butik? PF2: Hur kan medarbetarskap bidra till kunskap om personalomsättning inom den svenska detaljhandeln? Syfte: Den föreliggande studiens syfte avser att bidra med kunskap om den svenska detaljhandelns personalomsättning genom att undersöka medbetarens upplevelse av medarbetarskap i sin butik. Teori: Medarbetarskap och personalomsättning är studiens två teorier. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Det har genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv medarbetare som alla arbetar i den svenska detaljhandeln. Medarbetarna arbetar alla inom samma hemelektronikföretag men i olika butiker. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att gemenskap och meningsfullhet är viktiga begrepp för medarbetarna i deras upplevelse av medarbetarskap. Medarbetarna ser alla att medarbetarskap kan påverka den svenska detaljhandelns personalomsättning. Slutsats: Medarbetarna upplever medarbetarskapet olika och växelverkan mellan begreppsparen stämmer överens mot tidigare studier. Det kan finnas ett samband mellan medarbetarskap och personalomsättning. Arbetar organisationer med att utveckla deras medarbetarskap kan det motverka personalomsättning. / Background: Co-workership is an increasingly noticed concept that occurs abundantly in Swedish work culture. Co-workership exists in all workplaces, but the level of developed Coworkership is what sets it apart. Swedish trade is the largest employer by business, which includes retail trade. Swedish retail has high staff turnover, which previous studies indicate as a problem. The co-worker is one of the organization's most valuable assets. Previous studies indicate that Co-workership development gives positive results in organizations. Coworkership is divided into four pairs of concepts that are prerequisites for a developed Coworkership. Against this background, the study refers to these problem formulations: PF1: How does the employee experience the Co-workership in their store? PF2: How can Co-workership contribute to knowledge of staff turnover in the Swedish retail? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge of Swedish retail staffturnover by examining the co-worker's experience of Co-workership in their store. Theory: Co-workership and staff turnover are the study's two theories. Method: This study has a qualitative research approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with twelve employees who all work in Swedish retail. The employees all work within the same home electronics company but in different stores. Results: The results of the study show that community and meaningfulness are important concepts for the employees in their experience of Co-workership. The employees all see that Co-workership can affect Swedish retail staff turnover. Conclusion: The employees experience the Co-workership differently and the interaction between the pairs of concepts is consistent with previous studies. There may be a connection between Co-workership and staff turnover. If organizations actively work on their Coworkership development, then it can discourage high staff turnover.

Ledarskap och dess påverkan på personalomsättning : -En kvalitativ ledarskapsstudie i den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen

Lidbrandt, Johannes, Törnros, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om ledarskapets påverkan på personalomsättning i fastighetsmäklarföretag samt att besvara forskningsfrågan -Vilka ledarskapsstilar ledare med låg personalomsättning inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen tillämpar. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats och tillämpar semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data. Urvalsgruppen består av tio ledare med låg personalomsättning i den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Studiens empiri organiseras och analyseras tematiskt utifrån en teoretisk referensram, Full range leadership model, som innehåller tre olika ledarskapsstilar Laissez-faire ledarskap, transaktionellt ledarskap samt transformativt ledarskap.   Resultat och slutsats: Studiens respondenter har genom sina intervjusvar förmedlat en nyanserad bild av ledarskapets roll i fastighetsmäklarbranschen samt ledarskapets påverkan på personalomsättning. Studien har kommit fram till att ledare med låg personalomsättning i fastighetsmäklarbranschen arbetar aktivt med att skapa motivation hos sina medarbetare. För att lyckas med detta tillämpar ledarna samtliga tre ledarskapsstilar i Full range leadership model på ett individanpassat sätt. Ledaren manövrerar mellan ledarskapsstilarna beroende på vem medarbetaren är samt om denne är nyanställd, under-, normal-, eller överpresterande.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar primärt med teoretisk och praktisk kunskap om hur ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen med låg personalomsättning arbetar. Sekundärt bidrar studien med kunskap om samt utvecklingsförslag till full range leadership model.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Undersöka trender av personlighetsdrag hos framgångsrika ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Undersöka medarbetarnas och fastighetsmäklarföretagens huvudkontors perspektiv på ledarskap och personalomsättning i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Undersöka hur rekrytering och selektering av ledare går till i fastighetsmäklarbranschen.   Nyckelord: Ledarskap, ledarskapsstilar, Full range leadership model, personalomsättning, fastighetsmäklarbranschen. / Aim: This thesis aims to contribute with knowledge about leadership impact on staff turnover in realtor companies. The research question is what type of leadership styles do leaders, who are successful in working with staff turnover, apply within Swedish realtor companies.  Method: This thesis applies a qualitative method with an abductive approach and semi structured interviews as its primary methodology for collecting data. The selection group of the thesis consists of ten leaders from realtor companies who are successful in their staff turnover. The empirical data was thematically organized and analyzed based on the theoretical framework, full range leadership model, which contains the three leadership styles Laissez-faire leadership, transactional leadership and transformational leadership.  Results and conclusions: The selection group has provided a nuanced image of leadership in Swedish realtor companies and leadership impact on staff turnover. This thesis shows that leaders with low staff turnover in the Swedish realatorbussines are working actively with creating motivation for their staff. The way they achieve this is by applying all three of the leadership styles in the full range leadership model in a for the staff individually tailored way. The leaders are maneuvering in between the leadership styles based on who they are leading and if they are recently hired, under-, normal- or overachievers.     Contribution of the thesis: This thesis primarily contributes with theoretical and practical knowledge about how leaders, with low staff turnover, apply leadership in Swedish realtor companies. Secondarily the thesis contributes with knowledge about and suggestions for development of the full range leadership model.  Suggestions for future research: Examine personality traits of successful leaders within realtor companies. Examine staff and or main office perspectives on leadership in realtor companies. Examine how leaders are recruited and selected within realtor companies.    Key words: Leadership, leadership styles, full range leadership model, staff turnover, realtor companies.

Bidragande faktorer till minskad personalomsättning : En fallstudie inom bilbranschen / Causal factors for staff turnover : A case study in the automotive industry

Toftby, Lisa-Marie, Mesi, Katerina Gerta January 2023 (has links)
Background High staff turnover is something that bothers most organizations as each new recruitment generates an increased cost for the organization. Staff turnover is affected by several different factors, which in turn affect the organization in the short and long term. One of these factors is leadership, which the report authors want to examine more closely to find out how leadership in various forms can work to get employees to stay in the organization and thereby reduce staff turnover. Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate factors that affect staff turnover and contribute with knowledge and understanding of the reasons for employees to remain in the organization. Theory Previous theories that have been used in the study are Lewin's three different leadership styles; authoritarian, democratic and delegating leadership style. Method Through a case study with a combined qualitative and quantitative method, eleven interviews have been conducted, including one semi-structured interview that was conducted with the site manager and ten structured interviews that were conducted with employees in the organization. Data has been collected through transcription and analyzed and linked to theories. Analysis The analysis shows that staff turnover in the study's chosen organization has decreased significantly in the past three years, but the statistics from the HR department show that staff turnover has started to increase again. This is due to an increase in volume, salary differences and the leader's inability to change styles. Conclusion Based on theories and collected data from respondents, the study has shown that leadership has a large impact on staff turnover in different ways. This is with work environment issues and community. One factor that warns of increased staff turnover came to light in the present study, which is caused by an unfair salary setting of employees. / Bakgrund Hög personalomsättning är något som besvärar de flesta organisationer då varje ny rekrytering genererar en ökad kostnad för organisationen. Personalomsättning påverkas av flera olika faktorer vilket i sin tur påverkar organisationen kort och långsiktigt. En av dessa faktorer är ledarskapet vilket rapportförfattarna vill undersöka närmre för att komma fram till hur ledarskapet i olika former kan arbeta för att få medarbetare att stanna i organisationen och därav minska personalomsättningen. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka faktorer som påverkar personalomsättningen samt bidra med kunskap och förståelse av det som är avgörande för att medarbetarna stannar kvar i organisationen. Teori Tidigare teorier som har använts i studien är Lewins tre olika ledarstilar; auktoritär, demokratisk och delegerande ledarstil. Metod Genom en fallstudie med en kombinerad kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har elva intervjuer genomförts varav en semistrukturerad intervju som genomfördes med platschefen samt tio strukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med medarbetare i organisationen. Data har samlats in genom transkribering samt analyserats och kopplats till teorier. Analys Analysen visar att personalomsättningen i studiens valda organisation har minskat betydligt senaste tre åren men statistiken från HR-avdelningen visar att personalomsättningen har börjat öka igen. Detta på grund av volymökning, löneskillnader och ledarens oförmåga att kunna stilväxla. Slutsats Utifrån teorier och insamlade data från respondenter har studien visat att ledarskap har en stor påverkan på personalomsättning på olika sätt. Detta genom åtgärder inom bland annat arbetsmiljöfrågor och gemenskap. En faktor som varnar för en ökad personalomsättning kom att visa sig i föreliggande studie vilket orsakas av en orättvis lönesättning hos medarbetare och ledaren oförmåga att kunna stilväxla.

The implementation of strategic decisions at the Social Security Commission in Namibia

Ndara, Daniel Sipopa 11 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted to determine the key obstacles to strategy implementation at the Social Security Commission. The objective was to establish various factors that inhibit successful strategy implementation and explore alternative approaches that could be adopted to facilitate effective implementation of strategic decisions. The data was collected through questionnaires distributed to the personnel of the institution. 34 respondents out of a population of 56 participated in the study. The results showed serious lack of change management practice which could be regarded as the reason why resistance to change from the majority of the personnel is being experienced. Indications are also prevalent from the results obtained that show lack of ownership of the implementation process. In addition, lack of commitment to achieve positive results, lack of control of the implementation plan, ineffective information sharing methods as well as negative organizational culture are influencing the outcome of the strategy implementation process. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Guidelines for an effective staff induction programme at a special school in Gauteng : a case study

Kempen, Maria Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
This case study explores the experiences of eight newly appointed teachers at a school for intellectually disabled learners. A qualitative phenomenological approach was employed to interpret interview data. The literature study investigates the phenomenon of staff turnover and includes key literature themes such as adult learning theories of Senge and Vygotski, the life cycle of a teacher, the special school context and problems and needs experienced by beginning teachers. The key findings of the research were that beginning special education teachers experienced various problems and needs but that, with well planned structured support, these problems could successfully be overcome. The researcher has developed a set of guidelines, which could be used in developing a staff induction programme, aimed at raising the effectiveness of newly appointed teachers at a school for intellectually disabled learners. This research once again emphasizes the need for a well planned, structured induction programme. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Job satifaction in selected New Zealand special needs schools : an educational management perspective

Botes, Fredrieka Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate, from an educational management perspective, the factors that influence job satisfaction amongst special needs educators in selected New Zealand special needs schools. A qualitative research method was utilised to investigate the educational management strategies that influence the job satisfaction of special needs educators in selected New Zealand special needs schools. This dissertation presents the findings from a questionnaire on participants’ geographical details and data from related interviews. The findings from this study indicate that the job satisfaction of special needs educators is mainly influenced by factors such as management support, adequate resources, collaborative working relationships, ability of students with special educational needs to progress, and communication, among others. The study makes certain recommendations to help special needs educational managers effectively manage factors that influence job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction for special needs educators. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Human resources capacity in the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia

Amakali, Linea 17 October 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which human resources capacity of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Namibia, influences health care services delivery to the Namibian population. A qualitative research model using exploratory and descriptive study designs was adopted. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 46 health workers from two referral hospitals and two directorates in Windhoek District. The study found that there is severe staff shortage in the MoHSS, which has resulted in high workload and poor health care. Health worker migration, new services and programmes, emerging diseases, and population growth were reported to have contributed to staff shortage and high workload in the MoHSS. Study findings suggested a need to create more posts to accommodate emerging needs, and to introduce an effective retention strategy to attract and retain health professionals with scarce skills, and those working under difficult conditions. / Public Administration & Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)

Retention of employees in the Department of Transport in the Ministry of Works and Transport in Namibia

Namweda, Indilileinge Ndahafa 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the retention of employees in the Department of Transport in the Ministry of Works and Transport. The research was undertaken because employees in the Department of Transport are resigning rapidly, creating a high vacancy rate in the department. There is thus a need to investigate the reason/s why employees are leaving the institution so that strategies can be implemented to mitigate the high number of resignations. In order to obtain the desired results, the research project used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study revealed that the Department of Transport has no guidelines on retention of employees and this has negatively affected the department, particularly its failure to retain employees with specialised skills that are highly sought in the labour market. Another shortcoming of the Department of Transport is the failure to offer performance-related incentives and market-related remuneration. In the absence of these benefits, employees opt to resign and seek better remuneration packages elsewhere. It is therefore proposed that the department should review its efforts to retain employees, including the formulation of retention guidelines and reviewing the remuneration of employees. / Public Administration / M.P.A.

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