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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och genomförbarhet av ett progredierat arbetsprov med uppresningar från stol som modalitet / Development and feasability of a chair-stand test

Aspholm, Rasmus January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Konditionstest utförs för att undersöka en persons aeroba eller anaeroba kapacitet. Många test använder sig av en wattbaserad styrning av effektutvecklingen. Det finns välutvecklade metoder för detta på cykel, men inte i form av uppresningar från stol. Studiens syfte var att utveckla och undersöka genomförbarheten av ett watt-styrt progredierat arbetsprov, med modaliteten uppresningar från stol, för att estimera anaerob kapacitet.   Metod: Det konstruerade arbetsprovet utgick från Borgs Cycle Strength test där deltagarna utförde stegrande intervaller till en intensitet där subjektiv ansträngningsnivå når ”mycket ansträngande”. Effektutvecklingen styrdes genom att kontrollera frekvensen av uppresningar med hjälp av metronom. 10 träningsvana deltagare rekryterades. Deltagarnas utförande spelades in på film, vilket möjliggjorde kontrollering av antal uppresningar för att estimera deltagarnas faktiska effekt mot fastställd effekt. Genom att jämföra knäledsvinkeln vid olika intensitetsnivåer undersöktes deltagarnas rörelseomfång av uppresningarna. Undersökning av deltagarnas subjektiva upplevelse av arbetsprovet gjordes genom att deltagarna besvarade 3 enkätfrågor efter utfört arbetsprov.    Resultat: Resultaten visar på att 7 av 9 deltagare utförde uppresningar med sådan frekvens att estimerad faktisk effekt kom nära fastställd effekt under intervallerna hela vägen upp till 17 på RPE-skalan. Vid skattning 17 på RPE-skalan avvek den estimerade faktiska effekten från den fastställda effekten med -31 watt. Alla deltagare förutom en befann sig inom det 95 procentiga konfidensintervallet. Resultatet visade att det gick bra att genomföra korrekta uppresningar vid låg och medelhög intensitet, däremot var det vid den sista intensitetsnivån en signifikant ökning av vinkeln i knäleden jämfört med den första intensitetsnivån (p= 0,035). Deltagarna upplevde att takten till uppresningarna gick att följa med hjälp av metronom.    Konklusion: Metronom kan användas för att styra frekvensen av uppresningar. Effekten går att stegra genom att endast öka antalet uppresningar, men vid hög intensitet klarade inte alla deltagare av att upprätthålla uppresningsfrekvensen eller att utföra korrekta uppresningar.

¿Arquitectura o exposición? Fundamentos de la arquitectura de Mies Van Der Rohe

Lizondo Sevilla, Laura 28 November 2012 (has links)
"Cualquiera que esté familiarizado con la arquitectura de Mies van der Rohe asociará su obra alemana al mundo de las exposiciones..." Así empieza uno de los pocos ensayos que tratan la obra expositiva de Mies. Aunque las exposiciones fueron una parte extremadamente importante en su etapa europea, pocos son los textos que centran su discurso en este tema en particular y lo estudian en su globalidad. Durante su etapa europea Mies realizó una larga lista de arquitecturas expositivas que comenzaron con la Colonia de viviendas Weissenhof y continuaron con otros montajes tan significativos como el Café Samt und Seide, el Pabellón de Barcelona, o la 'Vivienda para un matrimonio sin hijos' de la Exposición Alemana de la Edificación. Sin embargo, aunque las exposiciones anteriormente citadas han sido largamente estudiadas por multitud de críticos e historiadores existe un gran vacío documental en torno a otras muchas. Aunque en ocasiones se ha calificado el período berlinés de Mies van der Rohe, como una época eminentemente teórica, lo cierto es que durante ese período diseñó y construyó, junto a Lilly Reich, más de ochenta espacios expositivos para la industria y el gobierno alemán. Todos estos montajes fueron la base conceptual de su arquitectura posterior, fueron las arquitecturas cuya reflexión y experimentación le sirvieron de laboratorio y escuela. Por todo ello, las motivaciones que han llevado a esta investigación pretenden aportar luz sobre la influencia que, tanto Lilly Reich como sus arquitecturas temporales, supusieron en la formación y posterior materialización de la obra construida de uno de los grandes arquitectos del siglo XX. En primer lugar se investiga más a fondo el papel que Lilly Reich desempeñó en la vida profesional de Mies van der Rohe. No se sabe él porqué del silencio de Mies respecto a su relación con Lilly Reich. Nunca mencionó nada sobre su colaboración profesional, ni en privado, ni en público,... ni antes, ni después de que ella fallecier / Lizondo Sevilla, L. (2012). ¿Arquitectura o exposición? Fundamentos de la arquitectura de Mies Van Der Rohe [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17941

Evaluation of Novel and Low-Cost Materials for Bipolar Plates in PEM Fuel Cells

Desrosiers, Kevin Campbell 30 September 2002 (has links)
Bipolar plate material and fabrication costs make up a significant fraction of the total cost in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stack. In an attempt to reduce these costs, a novel manufacturing method was developed for use with composite materials. Conductive fillers were mixed with a polypropylene binder and molded into single cell monopolar plates. A fuel cell test stand, capable of testing six cells simultaneously, was used for long-term corrosion testing. In-situ tests took place in 5 cm2 active area fuel cells with cathode humidification. Using data from test cells containing graphite monopolar plates as a baseline, two composite formulations, were able to produce power at 66-79% of the baseline power. Power output from one cell remained in this range for over 200 hours, while the other sample experienced surface oxidation and eventually failed. With improvements in part conductivity coming from conductive polymers, this manufacturing technique holds the promise of producing monopolar and bipolar plates that could eventually be scaled up for use in fuel cell stacks. / Master of Science

Quantifying stand structural complexity in woodland and dry Sclerophyll Forest, South-Eastern Australia

McElhinny, Chris, chris.mcelhinny@anu.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
In this thesis I present and test a methodology for developing a stand scale index of structural complexity. If properly designed such an index can act as a summary variable for a larger set of stand structural attributes, providing a means of ranking stands in terms of their structural complexity, and by association, their biodiversity and vegetation condition. This type of index can also facilitate the use of alternative policy instruments for biodiversity conservation, such as mitigation banking, auctions and offsets, that rely on a common currency – the index value – that can be compared or traded between sites. My intention was to establish a clear and documentable methodology for developing a stand scale index of structural complexity, and to test this methodology using data from real stands.¶ As a starting point, I reviewed the literature concerning forest and woodland structure and found there was no clear definition of stand structural complexity, or definitive suite of structural attributes for characterising it. To address this issue, I defined stand structural complexity as a combined measure of the number of different structural attributes present in a stand, and the relative abundance of each of these attributes. This was analogous to approaches that have quantified diversity in terms of the abundance and richness of elements. It was also concluded from the review, that stand structural complexity should be viewed as a relative, rather than absolute concept, because the potential levels of different structural attributes are bound within certain limits determined by the inherent characteristics of the site in question, and the biota of the particular community will have evolved to reflect this range of variation. This implied that vegetation communities with naturally simple structures should have the potential to achieve high scores on an index of structural complexity.¶ I proposed the following five-stage methodology for developing an index of stand structural complexity: 1. Establish a comprehensive suite of stand structural attributes as a starting point for developing the index, by reviewing studies in which there is an established relationship between elements of biodiversity and structural attributes. 2. Develop a measurement system for quantifying the different attributes included in the comprehensive suite. 3. Use this measurement system to collect data from a representative set of stands across the range of vegetation condition (highly modified to unmodified) and developmental stages (regrowth to oldgrowth) occurring in the vegetation communities in which the index is intended to operate. 4. Identify a core set of structural attributes from an analysis of these data. 5. Combine the core attributes in a simple additive index, in which attributes are scored relative to their observed levels in each vegetation community.¶ Stage one of this methodology was addressed by reviewing a representative sample of the literature concerning fauna habitat relationships in temperate Australian forests and woodlands. This review identified fifty-five studies in south-east and south-west Australia, in which the presence or abundance of different fauna were significantly (p&lt0.05) associated with vegetation structural attributes. The majority of these studies concerned bird, arboreal mammal, and ground mammal habitat requirements, with relatively fewer studies addressing the habitat requirements of reptiles, invertebrates, bats or amphibians. Thirty four key structural attributes were identified from these fifty-five studies, by grouping similar attributes, and then representing each group with a single generic attribute. This set, in combination with structural attributes identified in the earlier review, provided the basis for developing an operational set of stand level attributes for the collection of data from study sites.¶ To address stages two and three of the methodology, data were collected from one woodland community –Yellow Box-Red Gum (E. melliodora-E. Blakelyi ) – and two dry sclerophyll forest communities – Broadleaved Peppermint-Brittle Gum (E. dives-E. mannifera ), Scribbly Gum-Red Stringybark (E. rossii E. macrorhyncha ) – in a 15,000 km2 study area in the South eastern Highlands Bioregion of Australia. A representative set of 48 sites was established within this study area, by identifying 24 strata, on the basis of the three vegetation communities, two catchments, two levels of rainfall and two levels of condition, and then locating two sites (replicates) within each stratum. At each site, three plots were systematically established, to provide an unbiased estimate of stand level means for 75 different structural attributes.¶ I applied a three-stage analysis to identify a core set of attributes from these data. The first stage – a preliminary analysis – indicated that the 48 study sites represented a broad range of condition, and that the two dry sclerophyll communities could be treated as a single community, which was structurally distinct from the woodland community. In the second stage of the analysis, thirteen core attributes were dentified using the criteria that a core attribute should:¶ 1. Be either, evenly or approximately normally distributed amongst study sites; 2. Distinguish between woodland and dry sclerophyll communities; 3. Function as a surrogate for other attributes; 4. Be efficient to measure in the field. The core attributes were: Vegetation cover &lt0.5m Vegetation cover 0.5-6.0m; Perennial species richness; Lifeform richness; Stand basal area of live trees; Quadratic mean diameter of live stems; ln(number of regenerating stems per ha+1); ln(number of hollow bearing trees per ha+1);ln(number of dead trees per ha+1);sqrt(number of live stems per ha &gt40cm dbh); sqrt(total log length per ha); sqrt(total largelog length per ha); Litter dry weight per ha. This analysis also demonstrated that the thirteen core attributes could be modelled as continuous variables, and that these variables were indicative of the scale at which the different attributes operated.¶ In the third and final stage of the analysis, Principal Components Analysis was used to test for redundancy amongst the core attributes. Although this analysis highlighted six groupings, within which attributes were correlated to some degree, these relationships were not considered sufficiently robust to justify reducing the number of core attributes.¶ The thirteen core attributes were combined in a simple additive index, in which, each attribute accounted for 10 points in a total index value of 130. Attributes were rescaled as a score from 0-10, using equations that modelled attribute score as a function of the raw attribute data. This maintained a high correlation (r > 0.97, p< 0.0001) between attribute scores and the original attribute data. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the index was not sensitive to attribute weightings, and on this basis attributes carried equal weight. In this form my index was straightforward to apply, and approximately normally distributed amongst study sites.¶ I demonstrated the practical application of the index in a user-friendly spreadsheet, designed to allow landowners and managers to assess the condition of their vegetation, and to identify management options. This spreadsheet calculated an index score from field data, and then used this score to rank the site relative to a set of reference sites. This added a regional context to the operation of the index, and is a potentially useful tool for identifying sites of high conservation value, or for identifying sites where management actions have maintained vegetation quality. The spreadsheet also incorporated the option of calculating an index score using a subset of attributes, and provided a measure of the uncertainty associated with this score.¶ I compared the proposed index with five prominent indices used to quantify vegetation condition or habitat value in temperate Australian ecosystems. These were: Newsome and Catling’s (1979) Habitat Complexity Score, Watson et al.’s (2001) Habitat Complexity Score, the Site Condition Score component of the Habitat Hectares Index of Parkes et al. (2003), the Vegetation Condition Score component of the Biodiversity Benefits Index of Oliver and Parkes (2003), and the Vegetation Condition Score component of the BioMetric Assessment Tool of Gibbons et al. (2004). I found that my index differentiated between study sites better than each of these indices. However, resource and time constraints precluded the use of a new and independent data set for this testing, so that the superior performance of my index must be interpreted cautiously.¶ As a group, the five indices I tested contained attributes describing compositional diversity, coarse woody debris, regeneration, large trees and hollow trees – these were attributes that I also identified as core ones. However, unlike these indices, I quantified weeds indirectly through their effect on indigenous plant diversity, I included the contribution of non-indigenous species to vegetation cover and did not apply a discount to this contribution, I limited the direct assessment of regeneration to long-lived overstorey species, I used stand basal area as a surrogate for canopy cover, I quantified litter in terms of biomass (dry weight) rather than cover, and I included the additional attributes of quadratic mean diameter and the number of dead trees.¶ I also concluded that Parkes et al. (2003), Oliver and Parkes (2003), and Gibbons et al. (2004), misapplied the concept of benchmarking, by characterising attributes in terms of a benchmark range or average level. This ignored processes that underpin variation at the stand level, such as the increased development of some attributes at particular successional stages, and the fact that attributes can respond differently to disturbance agents. It also produced indices that were not particularly sensitive to the differences in attribute levels occurring between stands. I suggested that a more appropriate application of benchmarking would be at the overarching level of stand structural complexity, using a metric such as the index developed in this thesis. These benchmarks could reflect observed levels of structural complexity in unmodified natural stands at different successional stages, or thresholds for structural complexity at which a wide range of biota are present, and would define useful goals for guiding on-ground management.

Modelling of Biomass Production Potential of Poplar in Short Rotation Plantations on Agricultural Lands of Saxony, Germany / Modellierung der Ertragspotentiale von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen auf sächsischen Ackerflächen

Ali, Wael 16 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The interest in renewables for energy has increased in the last 2-3 decades because of the negative environmental impact caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the raising prices of traditional fuels, the dependence on foreign oil, and the decrease in fossil fuels resources. Biomass energy represents one of the most promising alternatives. Many studies worldwide were devoted to investigate growth and yield of short rotation forestry plantations for energetic use and several empirical and process-based models were developed to predict the potential production of biomass. The current work was concentrated on modelling site productivity (potential of biomass production) of specific poplar clones planted on arable Saxon land under different stocking densities. Empirical data collected from several experimental areas were used. Site productivity has been predicted depending on stand age and site variables using a two-step model. In step one age and site variables were used to model stand dominant height and in step two the constructed dominant height was involved with stocking density to predict stand oven dried biomass. Depending on data availability the model was parameterized for four different groups of poplar clones: Androscoggin (clone Androscoggin), Matrix (Matrix and hybrid 275), Max (Max 1 …Max 5) and Münden (clone Münden). Both stand dominant height and stand dry biomass were modelled for ages 2 – 9 years for clone groups: Matrix and Max and for ages 2 – 7 years for clone groups: Androscoggin and Münden. The model has been tested and validated using several statistical and graphical methods. The relative bias (ē %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 0.5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0.5 % in all clone groups and had a maximum bias of 10.41 % in stand biomass estimates. Model accuracy (mx %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 12.25 and 17.56 % and between 8.05 and 27.32 % in stand biomass estimates. Two different scenarios were presented to show the potential of biomass that can be produced from poplar plantations on arable and former fallow Saxon lands at different stocking densities. ArcGIS has been used to visualize model application results. In order to produce a mean annual increment ≥ 8 [dry t/ha/a] from poplar plantations (Max group) for more than 50 % of arable or former fallow lands in the first rotation at least 9 years are required under stocking density of 4000 stems/ha and 7 years for both stocking densities 8333 and 10,000 stems/ha. / Die Nachfrage nach Holz für energetische Zwecke nimmt in Deutschland und ganz Europa zu. Um diesen Bedarf künftig besser befriedigen zu können, müssen verstärkt Ressourcen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie z. B. Holz aus Niederwäldern oder Durchforstungsreserven im Hochwald mobilisiert und ergänzend Holz in Kurzumtriebsflächen produziert werden (Guericke, M. 2006). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Ertragspotential von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen unterschiedlicher Baumdichte auf sächsischen Ackerflächen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden die potentiellen Erträge anhand empirischer, auf verschiedenen Versuchsflächen erhobener Daten modelliert. Zur Schätzung des Ertragspotentials wurde ein zweistufiges Modell entwickelt: Im ersten Schritt erfolgte die Modellierung der Oberhöhe eines Bestandes (ho, m) in Abhängigkeit von Bestandesalter und Standortfaktoren unter Verwendung einer multiplen linearen Regressionsanalyse, dabei wurden Bestimmtheitsmaße (R²) von 0,975 bis 0,989 erreicht. In einem zweiten Schritt lässt sich dann der Biomassevorrat [tatro/ha/a] mittels nichtlinearer Regressionsanalyse durch die Bestandesoberhöhe schätzen. Das Bestimmtheitsmaß von R² ≥ 0,933 weist auch hier auf eine hohe Anpassungsgüte hin. Die Modellparametrisierung erfolgte für folgende vier Gruppen von Pappelklonen: • Max-Gruppe: Klone Max 1, Max 2, Max 3, Max 4 und Max 5, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichten von 1150 – 13000 Stämmen/ha; • Matrix-Gruppe: Klon Matrix und Hybride 275, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; • Androscoggin-Gruppe: Klon Androscoggin, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; und • Münden-Gruppe: Klon Münden, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha. Die Güte des Modells wurde mit Hilfe verschiedener statistischer Verfahren überprüft. Bei der Validierung anhand des Datensatzes, welcher für die Modellkonstruktion Verwendung fand, zeigte das Modell eine Verzerrung bzw. einen Bias von 0,5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0,5 % bei der Bestandesoberhöhenschätzung und einen maximalen Bias von 10,41 % bei der Schätzung der Bestandesbiomasse. Die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) des Modells hingegen variierte zwischen 12,25 % und 17,56 % bzw. 8,05 und 27,32 % (bei Schätzung der Bestandesoberhöhe bzw. der Bestandesbiomasse). Zudem wies das Modell keinen systematischen Fehler zwischen den geschätzten und den realen Werten auf. Bei der Validierung mit einem unabhängigen Datensatz betrug die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) für die Schätzung der Bestandsoberhöhe und des Biomassevorrates 15,72 bzw. 26,68 %. Um das Ertragspotenzial von Pappelplantagen für die gesamte sächsische Ackerfläche bzw. die gesamte ehemalige Stilllegungsfläche zu bestimmen, wurden die zu Schätzung erforderlichen Standortvariablen auf Gemeindebasis kalkuliert, mittels ArcGIS dargestellt sowie Simulationsrechungen für verschiedene Bestandsdichten vorgenommen und ebenfalls visualisiert. Den Ergebnissen der Simulationsrechnungen zufolge wäre bei einer Stammzahl von 4000 N/ha eine Rotationslänge von 9 Jahren, bei 8333 bis 10.000 N/ha von 7 Jahren erforderlich, um einen durchschnittlichen Gesamtzuwachs (dGz) von ≥ 8 [tatro/ha/a] auf mehr als 50 % der sächsischen Ackerflächen bzw. ehemaligen Stilllegungsflächen in erster Rotation zu erreichen. Würde die gesamte ehemalige sächsische Stilllegungsfläche mit einer Baumdichte von 10.000 Stämmen/ha bepflanzt werden, könnten Pappelplantagen im Alter 9 einen dGz von 520.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 250.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erreichen. Bei Bestockung aller sächsischen Ackerflächen würde sich der Ertrag auf bis zu 9.087.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 4.367.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erhöhen.

Etude du passage assis-debout et debout-assis du sujet hémiplégique : influence d'un appui fixe ou mobile / Sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit study in hemiplegic and control subjects : influence of a fixed or mobile anchor

Saade, Amal 14 December 2017 (has links)
La première cause de handicap neurologique chez l’adulte en France est l’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC). L’AVC est la principale cause de l’hémiplégie et peut conduire à des séquelles lourdes telles que des difficultés à se lever et s’asseoir. A ce jour, il n’existe pas de dispositif d’aide au passage assis-debout (PAD)/debout-assis (PDA) permettant le déplacement en position debout adapté aux sujets hémiplégiques.La conception de ce type de dispositif est l’objectif du projet VHIPOD. L’absence d’études sur le PAD/PDA avec aide des sujets hémiplégiques invite à explorer deux types d’aides : ancrage fixe et ancrage mobile. Une première campagne d’expérimentation a permis de mesurer le PAD/PDA de 18 sujets sains et 11 sujets hémiplégiques droits dans différentes conditions : avec/sans ancrage fixe, avec/sans écharpe d’immobilisation et pour différentes positions de l’ancrage fixe. Ce travail a permis de montrer la contribution d’un ancrage fixe sur le PAD/PDA (ex. réduction des moments articulaires aux genoux) et de montrer que la position de l’ancrage fixe influence le PAD/PDA (ex. une position du côté gauche/sain augmente l’appui sur le membre inférieur gauche). Une deuxième campagne d’expérimentation a permis de mesurer le PAD/PDA avec ancrage mobile de 7 sujets sains et 10 sujets hémiplégiques gauches. Ce travail a permis d’identifier la différence entre les sujets hémiplégiques et les sujets sains (ex. les sujets hémiplégiques gauches sont plus asymétriques que les sujets sains) et de comparer les résultats du PAD/PDA avec ancrage mobile à ceux du PAD/PDA avec ancrage fixe (ex. l’asymétrie des sujets hémiplégiques est augmentée pour le PAD/PDA avec ancrage mobile. / Stroke is the first cause of neurological handicap for adults in France. It is the principal cause of hemiplegia and could lead to major consequences as to have difficulties to stand up, to sit down or even to walk/move.Nowadays, there’s no device adapted to assist hemiplegic persons to stand up, to move while standing up and to sit down. The creation of this type of device/vehicle is the aim of VHIPOD project. The absence of studies on the assisted sit-to-stand (STS) for hemiplegic persons invites to investigate two type of assistance : fixed anchor and moving anchor. Two series of experimentation have been conducted. The first experimental device allowed the sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit measurements for 18 healthy subjects and11 right hemiplegic subjects in different conditions : with/without a fixed anchor, with/without an arm sling and for different anchor position. The analysis of the results showed the contribution of a fixed handgrip (ex. reduction of the knee joint moments) and the influence of the handgrip position on the movement (ex. a position on the left/healthy side increases the effort on left lower limb.). The second experimental device allowed the sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit measurements for 7 healthy subjects and 10 left hemiplegic subjects. The analysis of the results allowed us to describe the sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit with moving anchor, to compare the two populations (ex. Left hemiplegic subjects have a more asymmetrical movement then healthy subjects) and to compare the STS with moving anchor to the STS with fixed anchor (ex. The asymmetry of hemiplegic subjects was higher for the STS with a moving anchor).

Problematika snižování tepelné odrazivosti zrcadel solární elektrárny se Stirlingovým motorem / Description of problems decreasing reflectivity of Stirling solar dish

Kmeť, Jozef January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes a concentrating solar power using a Stirling engine. The problems encountered during construction and operation. I focus mainly on problems derating dusting and icing. The second part of this work is the experimental design of the stand with long-term measurement of dusting depending on the reflectivity of mirrors and their degradation under various conditions. First measurement is stated and estimation of long-term results.

Modelling of Biomass Production Potential of Poplar in Short Rotation Plantations on Agricultural Lands of Saxony, Germany

Ali, Wael 03 March 2009 (has links)
The interest in renewables for energy has increased in the last 2-3 decades because of the negative environmental impact caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the raising prices of traditional fuels, the dependence on foreign oil, and the decrease in fossil fuels resources. Biomass energy represents one of the most promising alternatives. Many studies worldwide were devoted to investigate growth and yield of short rotation forestry plantations for energetic use and several empirical and process-based models were developed to predict the potential production of biomass. The current work was concentrated on modelling site productivity (potential of biomass production) of specific poplar clones planted on arable Saxon land under different stocking densities. Empirical data collected from several experimental areas were used. Site productivity has been predicted depending on stand age and site variables using a two-step model. In step one age and site variables were used to model stand dominant height and in step two the constructed dominant height was involved with stocking density to predict stand oven dried biomass. Depending on data availability the model was parameterized for four different groups of poplar clones: Androscoggin (clone Androscoggin), Matrix (Matrix and hybrid 275), Max (Max 1 …Max 5) and Münden (clone Münden). Both stand dominant height and stand dry biomass were modelled for ages 2 – 9 years for clone groups: Matrix and Max and for ages 2 – 7 years for clone groups: Androscoggin and Münden. The model has been tested and validated using several statistical and graphical methods. The relative bias (ē %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 0.5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0.5 % in all clone groups and had a maximum bias of 10.41 % in stand biomass estimates. Model accuracy (mx %) in the dominant height estimates ranged between 12.25 and 17.56 % and between 8.05 and 27.32 % in stand biomass estimates. Two different scenarios were presented to show the potential of biomass that can be produced from poplar plantations on arable and former fallow Saxon lands at different stocking densities. ArcGIS has been used to visualize model application results. In order to produce a mean annual increment ≥ 8 [dry t/ha/a] from poplar plantations (Max group) for more than 50 % of arable or former fallow lands in the first rotation at least 9 years are required under stocking density of 4000 stems/ha and 7 years for both stocking densities 8333 and 10,000 stems/ha. / Die Nachfrage nach Holz für energetische Zwecke nimmt in Deutschland und ganz Europa zu. Um diesen Bedarf künftig besser befriedigen zu können, müssen verstärkt Ressourcen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie z. B. Holz aus Niederwäldern oder Durchforstungsreserven im Hochwald mobilisiert und ergänzend Holz in Kurzumtriebsflächen produziert werden (Guericke, M. 2006). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Ertragspotential von Pappelklonen in Kurzumtriebsplantagen unterschiedlicher Baumdichte auf sächsischen Ackerflächen zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurden die potentiellen Erträge anhand empirischer, auf verschiedenen Versuchsflächen erhobener Daten modelliert. Zur Schätzung des Ertragspotentials wurde ein zweistufiges Modell entwickelt: Im ersten Schritt erfolgte die Modellierung der Oberhöhe eines Bestandes (ho, m) in Abhängigkeit von Bestandesalter und Standortfaktoren unter Verwendung einer multiplen linearen Regressionsanalyse, dabei wurden Bestimmtheitsmaße (R²) von 0,975 bis 0,989 erreicht. In einem zweiten Schritt lässt sich dann der Biomassevorrat [tatro/ha/a] mittels nichtlinearer Regressionsanalyse durch die Bestandesoberhöhe schätzen. Das Bestimmtheitsmaß von R² ≥ 0,933 weist auch hier auf eine hohe Anpassungsgüte hin. Die Modellparametrisierung erfolgte für folgende vier Gruppen von Pappelklonen: • Max-Gruppe: Klone Max 1, Max 2, Max 3, Max 4 und Max 5, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichten von 1150 – 13000 Stämmen/ha; • Matrix-Gruppe: Klon Matrix und Hybride 275, Altersbereich 2 – 9 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; • Androscoggin-Gruppe: Klon Androscoggin, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha; und • Münden-Gruppe: Klon Münden, Altersbereich 2 – 7 Jahre, Baumdichte 1550 Stämme/ha. Die Güte des Modells wurde mit Hilfe verschiedener statistischer Verfahren überprüft. Bei der Validierung anhand des Datensatzes, welcher für die Modellkonstruktion Verwendung fand, zeigte das Modell eine Verzerrung bzw. einen Bias von 0,5 % &amp;gt; ē % &amp;gt; - 0,5 % bei der Bestandesoberhöhenschätzung und einen maximalen Bias von 10,41 % bei der Schätzung der Bestandesbiomasse. Die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) des Modells hingegen variierte zwischen 12,25 % und 17,56 % bzw. 8,05 und 27,32 % (bei Schätzung der Bestandesoberhöhe bzw. der Bestandesbiomasse). Zudem wies das Modell keinen systematischen Fehler zwischen den geschätzten und den realen Werten auf. Bei der Validierung mit einem unabhängigen Datensatz betrug die Treffgenauigkeit (mx %) für die Schätzung der Bestandsoberhöhe und des Biomassevorrates 15,72 bzw. 26,68 %. Um das Ertragspotenzial von Pappelplantagen für die gesamte sächsische Ackerfläche bzw. die gesamte ehemalige Stilllegungsfläche zu bestimmen, wurden die zu Schätzung erforderlichen Standortvariablen auf Gemeindebasis kalkuliert, mittels ArcGIS dargestellt sowie Simulationsrechungen für verschiedene Bestandsdichten vorgenommen und ebenfalls visualisiert. Den Ergebnissen der Simulationsrechnungen zufolge wäre bei einer Stammzahl von 4000 N/ha eine Rotationslänge von 9 Jahren, bei 8333 bis 10.000 N/ha von 7 Jahren erforderlich, um einen durchschnittlichen Gesamtzuwachs (dGz) von ≥ 8 [tatro/ha/a] auf mehr als 50 % der sächsischen Ackerflächen bzw. ehemaligen Stilllegungsflächen in erster Rotation zu erreichen. Würde die gesamte ehemalige sächsische Stilllegungsfläche mit einer Baumdichte von 10.000 Stämmen/ha bepflanzt werden, könnten Pappelplantagen im Alter 9 einen dGz von 520.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 250.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erreichen. Bei Bestockung aller sächsischen Ackerflächen würde sich der Ertrag auf bis zu 9.087.000 [tatro/a] (entsprechend 4.367.000 Kubikmeter Diesel) erhöhen.

Ökonomische Analyse forstlicher Bestandesbehandlung / Economic Analysis of Forest Stand Management

Koster, Roman 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Mentally ill accused in South African criminal procedure: evaluating the mental health court model as therapeutic response

Pienaar, Letitia 11 1900 (has links)
Mental illness that affects an accused’s fitness to stand trial is an ill-explored topic in the South African criminal justice system. The necessity to explore this topic is motivated by the increasing number of persons with mental illness moving into the criminal justice systems in South Africa, Canada, and the United States of America. An accused’s fitness to stand trial is assessed once concern about his ability to follow the proceedings, or give proper instructions to his legal representative, is in doubt. The assessment is conducted in the forensic system where the vastly different fields of law and psychiatry meet. The South African forensic system is plagued with resources and skills shortages. These inadequacies cause delays in resolving pre-trial issues for an accused in respect of whom fitness is at issue. The accused is oftentimes detained in a correctional facility awaiting fitness assessment for anything between three months to two years. Generally, detention in a correctional facility has a negative effect on the mental state of a person with a mental illness. The logistics of fitness assessments differ between the three jurisdictions referred to above. However, the threshold for fitness in these jurisdictions is relatively low, with the result that the majority of accused persons sent for fitness assessments are found fit to stand trial. Such a finding does not imply that the accused is not mentally ill; it simply means that the illness does not affect his understanding of the court proceedings and that it does not influence his ability to communicate with his legal representative. An accused with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or major depression can, for example, be found fit to stand trial. After a fitness assessment, a court may either find an accused fit to stand trial or unfit to stand trial. The fact that many persons found fit to stand trial have a mental illness suggests that there is a third category on the fitness continuum that must be acknowledged, namely, fit but mentally ill accused persons. No alternatives to traditional prosecution currently exist in South Africa for this third group of accused persons despite the fact that their situation in the criminal justice system calls for a therapeutic response. The South African legislative framework that regulates fitness assessments and the processes associated therewith are not without challenges. The assessment practices have recently been under scrutiny by the Constitutional court, which judgment changed the position for the accused found unfit to stand trial. The position of the fit but mentally ill accused remains unregulated. The Canadian and American criminal justice systems have implemented diversion programmes for fit but mentally ill accused persons in the form of Mental Health Courts. The underlying principle of a Mental Health Court is therapeutic jurisprudence. Therapeutic jurisprudence evaluates the impact of the law on those in conflict with it. It promotes the inclusion of expertise from other disciplines to improve the effectiveness of the law in a particular set of circumstances. Many South African scholars acknowledge the need for mental health expertise in the criminal justice system, and suggestions have been made for the diversion of mentally ill accused persons charged with minor offences. Those above notwithstanding, no formal diversion programmes exist in South Africa for the fit but mentally ill accused. This research investigates the Mental Health Court as a therapeutic response to the mentally ill accused in the South African criminal justice system. The Mental Health Court models as employed in Canada and the United States of America are studied to identify elements thereof that can be employed in the South African context to provide an effective alternative to traditional prosecution for the mentally ill accused. The Toronto Mental Health Court is studied in the Canadian context as a court that is not a diversion programme as such but has a diversion component attached to it. Diversion in Canada is reserved for those charged with less serious offences, and only these accused persons are allowed into the diversion component of the Mental Health Court. However, the Canadian Mental Health Court assists those who do not qualify for diversion but who need the specialised skills of the Mental Health Court for purposes of, for example, a bail application. The Brooklyn Mental Health Court in the United States of America is investigated as a model that constitutes a complete diversion programme and considers diversion of accused persons charged with more serious offences. The unique structure and procedure of each of these Mental Health Courts are investigated with due consideration to the eligibility criteria of each and the sanctions employed for non-compliance of the court-monitored treatment programmes. Further, the successes and challenges of each model are highlighted. Finally, a proposal is made for a Mental Health Court model mindful of the uniquely South African factors that have to be taken into account when building such a model. Amendments to the existing legislative framework are proposed to incorporate a Mental Health Court as a therapeutic response to mentally ill accused persons in the South African criminal justice system. / Criminal and Procedural Law

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