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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Manu, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Faced with a unique oppression due to their racial and gender identity, a great disservice has been done to Black female athletes (BFAs) within the sporting literature as they have historically been silenced and rendered invisible, either in failure to include them in research, or in fragmenting their identities along racial or gender lines, thus presenting incomplete and inaccurate representations of their experiences. Employing a theoretical framework grounded in Black feminist standpoint theory, this study explored BFAs’ conceptualizations of femininity and microaggressions, as well as how their racial, gender, class, and athletic identities affect them within and outside of sporting environments. This study sought BFAs at 83 Division I institutions, asking them to complete a survey including the Bem Sex Role Inventory-Short (BSRI-S), the Racial and Ethnic Microaggressions Scale (REMS), and the Black Racial Identity Attitude Scale (BRIAS). Six BFAs opted-in to a qualitative interview. These BFAs presented multiple interpretations of femininity, discussed experiences with microaggressions, and spoke to how they navigated various contexts given their racial, gender, and athletic identities. While identifying hardships of being BFAs on college campuses and Black women in the United States, interview participants also discussed how their ability to withstand the unique mistreatment of BFAs and Black women left them feeling empowered and resilient. Implications for practitioners and researchers are also included. / Kinesiology

Rethinking Critical Consciousness: Latina Teachers, Latina Girls, and Alternative Educational Spaces

Martin, Salvador 18 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Latinas face many challenges within public schools. They are a marginalized group that has struggled to overcome the effects of practices that have created entrenched cycles of poverty and educational failure. The development of a critical consciousness has been proposed as a means of resisting and transcending oppression. Freire (1970) defined conscientização, or critical consciousness, as “learning to perceive social, political, and economic contradictions, and to take action against oppressive elements of reality” (p.19). This study reexamined the development and nature of critical consciousness through the use of critical feminist methodologies. Standpoint theories assisted in the development of counter-stories that challenged androcentric perceptions of consciousness. This qualitative study examined how some Latina teachers, working with Latina students, were able to transform an after-school club, lunchtime meetings, and a daylong conference into opportunities for Latina students to reexamine their role and position in their family, culture, American society, and develop a critical awareness or consciousness. What emerged from the findings was an approach used by these particular Latina teachers that elevated the affective domain to footing equal to the intellectual. The participating teachers created a matrix of connection with students that challenged a masculine perception of consciousness. They used socially and culturally located histories and experiences to develop a gendered critical consciousness. What was observed and heard throughout the research process was the unearthing of a consciousness that was decidedly enmeshed in the private arena of the body and identity, in addition to the public domains of politics and economics.


MARINA FRANCA SANTOS 05 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] A tese apresentada propõe a investigação do problema da baixa presença de mulheres nos tribunais superiores brasileiros. A hipótese levantada é a de que a pequena diversidade de gênero nos altos postos do Judiciário brasileiro ocorre em detrimento do objetivo de imparcialidade sustentado por essa função estatal em sociedades democráticas. A metodologia adotada no desenvolvimento do trabalho pode ser dividida em três partes. Em um primeiro momento, é empreendida uma investigação dogmática das normas constitucionais, leis e regulamentos internos dos órgãos responsáveis pelo processo de seleção de magistrados no Brasil. Na segunda etapa, passou-se ao exame, inspirado na análise do discurso, de textos do processo de escolha dos magistrados para o Supremo Tribunal Federal. Ambos os métodos conduziram à verificação do problema da baixa presença de mulheres e dos constrangimentos de gênero existentes para se chegar até os tribunais superiores brasileiros. Permitiram, também, a compreensão da importância atual do gênero como critério de diferenciação social e, consequentemente, da validade desse parâmetro para a investigação proposta. Na terceira parte, empreendeu-se revisão teórico-bibliográfica interdisciplinar sobre o tema e, de forma mais ampla, sobre a desigual inclusão de grupos sociais subalternos às esferas de poder. A análise permitiu a identificação das contribuições já trazidas à discussão e das lacunas que permanecem sem ser apuradas, tornando útil o seu desenvolvimento no trabalho. O exame também conduziu à identificação de categorias analíticas válidas para a análise a ser empreendida, por informarem a necessidade de que os sujeitos ocupem iguais posições de poder na sociedade. Segue-se daí a proposição do marco teórico da standpoint theory e a elaboração do argumento da tese. O argumento proposto é o de que a diversidade, em especial, a inclusão das mulheres no Judiciário é requisito para a imparcialidade judicial, instituto que será analisado a partir do direito processual. Em outras palavras, propõe-se que a imparcialidade judicial depende da diversidade do Poder Judiciário. O reconhecimento, ditado pela standpoint theory, da existência de perspectivas fundadas na posição social dos indivíduos e da necessidade de que elas, quando socialmente relevantes, sejam veiculadas para a construção de objetividades mais fortes vai, ao mesmo tempo, ao encontro dos postulados democráticos, porque amplia a participação e a inclusão social em sociedades plurais, e ao encontro da garantia de imparcialidade, porque favorece a construção plural do conhecimento. Apresento, ao final, o conceito de imparcialidade forte, que é a consequência da aplicação da standpoint theory a um Poder Judiciário democrático e que justifica a necessidade de políticas públicas para a composição paritária de gênero nos tribunais superiores brasileiros. / [en] The presented thesis investigates the problem of the under-representation of women in Brazilian superior courts. The hypothesis is that the absence of gender diversity damages judicial impartiality. The research methodology used has three stages. Firstly, a rigorous investigation of constitutional norms, laws and internal regulations of the judicial selection process of Brazil. Secondly, with inspiration on discourse analysis, an exam of texts on the selection process for electing Superior Court judges. Both methods verify the low presence of women and the gender constraints to reach Brazilian superior courts. The methodologies also demonstrate the current importance of gender as a social differentiation criterion and hence, the current importance of this parameter for the proposed research. The third stage is an interdisciplinary theoretical review on the subject and, more broadly, on the unequal representation of subaltern social groups in positions of power. The analysis identify the contributions already brought to discussion and the gaps that remained, validating the work development. The review also discerns analytical categories valid for the analysis, demonstrating the need for subjects to occupy equal positions in society. The proposed argument is that diversity, in particular women s inclusion in the Judiciary, is prerequisite for judicial impartiality, in the light of procedural law. In other words, the argument is that judicial impartiality depends on the diversity of the Judiciary. The recognition of standpoints based on the social position of individuals and the need for them, when socially relevant, to be conveyed to build stronger objectivities meet democratic postulates. This expands participation and social inclusion in plural societies and it is essential to assure judicial impartiality and the favoring of the plural construction of knowledge. Conclusions present the concept of strong impartiality, which is the result of the application of standpoint theory to a democratic Judiciary and justifies equal gender representation in public policies in Brazilian superior courts.

Sexual violence:voiced and silenced by girls with multiple vulnerabilities

Louhela, H. (Helena) 12 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Inspired by feminist standpoint theory, this doctoral thesis studies what the voices and silences about experiences of sexual violence tell us when voiced by adolescent girls who have been in residential care institutions. This group of girls evidently experience more sexual violence compared to their peers. This dissertation is based on four scientific Articles. In Article I, Erving Goffman’s theory is used to analyse the girls’ experiences of being in residential institutions and Articles II–IV focus on their sexual violence experiences. Data is generated in 2013 through semi-structured interviews with 11 girls aged 14–17 years old, and through interviews with one of these girls from 2013–2017. Data from Bulgaria, Catalonia and Italy regarding the violent experiences of 46 girls is also used in Article II. Qualitative content analysis (Articles I–III) and the Listening Guide method (Article IV) were used in data analysis. The Articles reveal that the girls have multiple vulnerabilities that affect on creating safe connections, as well as voicing their experiences. The majority of the girls did not voice their experiences of sexual violence as violence and based on the data it can be interpreted that the sense of being cared for by someone might impact on what was named and/or recognised as sexual violence. The phenomenon was named abusive illusion of care and proposed to be included in Jenny Pearce’s social model of abused consent. A new term was also suggested for the area of girls’ sexually risky behaviour, which is further developed in this compilation report as sexism-related internalised sexual violence. In this compilation report, the main results of the Articles are combined and re-read in the light of Carol Gilligan’s theorisations. Those findings confirm that girls’ voices and silences about their sexual violence experiences are a complex and multidimensional combination of self-silence and being silenced, connection and resistance. Sexual violence experiences should be considered as contextual, relational, contradictory and situational phenomena. It is suggested that violence prevention programmes be organised in a gender-responsible way for all from an early age. Furthermore, professionals should be educated to recognise the hidden aspects in sexual violence and conceptualisations of sexual violence needs to be developed further. / Tiivistelmä Feministisen standpoint-teorian inspiroimana tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan, mitä lastensuojelulaitoksissa asuneiden tyttöjen äänellisyydet ja vaikenemiset kertovat heidän kokemastaan seksuaalisesta väkivallasta. Aiempi tutkimustieto osoittaa tämän tyttöryhmän kokevan vertaisiaan enemmän seksuaalista väkivaltaa. Väitöskirjaan sisältyy neljä tieteellistä artikkelia. Artikkeli I:ssa analysoidaan tyttöjen laitoskokemuksia Erving Goffmanin teorian avulla. Artikkeleissa II–IV keskitytään tyttöjen seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemuksiin. Aineisto koostuu yhdentoista 14–17-vuotiaan tytön puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta vuodelta 2013 sekä yhden tytön haastatteluista vuosilta 2013–2017. Artikkeli II:ssa on otteita Bulgariasta, Italiasta ja Kataloniasta kerätyistä aineistoista koskien neljänkymmenenkuuden tytön väkivaltakokemuksia. Analyysissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä (Artikkelit I–III) ja Listening Guide -metodia (Artikkeli IV). Osatutkimuksista selvisi, että tyttöjen moniulotteiset haavoittuvuudet vaikuttavat turvallisten yhteyksien luomiseen sekä omien kokemusten kertomiseen. Suurin osa tytöistä ei sanallistanut seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemuksiaan väkivallaksi, ja tyttöjen kokema välittäminen näytti vaikuttavan siihen, minkä he tunnistivat ja/tai nimesivät seksuaaliseksi väkivallaksi. Ilmiö nimettiin “vahingolliseksi välittämisen illuusioksi,” ja se esitetään lisättäväksi Jenny Pearcen seksuaalista suostumusta koskevaan malliin. Tyttöjen seksuaalisen riskikäyttäytymisen alueelle ehdotettiin uutta termiä, ja tässä yhteenveto-osuudessa se on edelleen kehiteltynä “seksismiin perustuva sisäistetty seksuaalinen väkivalta.” Yhteenveto-osuudessa artikkeleiden päätulokset on yhdistetty ja niitä on uudelleen luettu Carol Gilliganin teoriaa hyödyntäen. Näin saadut tulokset osoittavat, että tyttöjen äänellisyydet ja vaikenemiset seksuaalisesta väkivallasta sisältävät moniulotteisen yhdistelmän vaikenemista ja vaietuksi tulemista, kuulumisen tunnetta sekä vastarintaa. Seksuaalisen väkivallan kokemukset tulisikin nähdä relationaalisena ja moniäänisenä, sekä tilanne- ja kontekstisidonnaisena ilmiönä. Lapsille tulisi suunnata varhaisessa vaiheessa väkivaltaa ennaltaehkäiseviä sukupuolivastuullisia koulutuksia. Lisäksi ammattilaisille tulisi järjestää koulutusta seksuaalisen väkivallan piiloisten muotojen tunnistamiseksi ja seksuaalisen väkivallan sanallistuksia tulisi edelleen kehittää.

Think we must. Politiques féministes et construction des savoirs.

Puig de la Bellacasa, María 09 December 2004 (has links)
Cette dissertation porte sur les liens entre les pratiques politiques et la construction des savoirs, académiques et scientifiques, explorés dans le mouvement féministe et les « Études féministes » contemporains, notamment anglo-américaines (women studies), depuis les années 1970. Dans la première partie, après avoir introduit le sens que donnent à la pratique « politique » certaines traditions féministes, nous présentons différentes entrées des critiques féministes des savoirs scientifiques : la critique de l'exclusion historique des femmes de la production des savoirs et des sciences et l’examen critique des préjugés sexistes intervenant dans les contenus et les critères de validation des connaissances (théorie de la connaissance ou épistémologie). La deuxième partie de la thèse propose une lecture d’auteures anglophones qui ont abordé les sciences à partir d’une perspective féministe et qui ont développé des propositions qui encouragent à la reconnaissance active du caractère partiel et situé de toute construction de savoir. Nous abordons, plus précisément : les théories sur l’incidence épistémologique de points de vue et positionnements féministes (standpoints) ; le travail de la philosophe Sandra Harding spécialement sa conceptualisation d’une « objectivité forte » ; et la conception des « savoirs situés » dans le travail de l’historienne de la biologie Donna Haraway. Ces propositions de politiques du savoir sont aussi abordées dans l’optique de montrer les problèmes spécifiques qu’elles rencontrent quand elles s’adressent aux savoirs de la tradition scientifique expérimentale. Une question traverse la thèse : Comment ces critiques et propositions tiennent-elles compte de la diversité des pratiques spécifiques de construction des savoirs ? Alors même que le cœur des propositions féministes qui nous intéressent est de situer les savoirs dans leur spécificité reste à savoir comment ces mêmes politiques féministes résistent à se désituer à savoir, à emprunter les formes d'une théorie générale pour aborder les pratiques singulières. Prendre en compte de la spécificité des pratiques exige en outre d’envisager les auteures féministes au travail dans les pratiques et problèmes singuliers qui les intéressent, et ainsi montrer la richesse de ce courant de pensée.

De nationella provens påverkan på det pedagogiska uppdraget : - en studie om lärares inställning till införandet av nationella prov i åk 3

Johansson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Vid regeringsskiftet 2006 kom det att bli förändringar inom skolpolitiken och det blev startskottet för denna undersökning. Skolverket fick i uppdrag att utforma nya kunskapsmål att uppnå i ämnena matematik, svenska samt svenska som andra språk. Detta föregick införandet av nationella prov i årskurs tre. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på grundskolelärares inställning till hur proven kan komma att påverka det pedagogiska uppdraget. Insamlandet av material har skett genom en enkät bestående av fasta svarsalternativ och det har getts möjligheten för skriftliga kommentarer. Resultatet visar att lärare anser att de nya problemformuleringarna är en vinst för elevernas kunskapsutveckling och inte proven i sig. De nationella proven ses som redskap att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper och till viss del kan de komma att ligga till grund för bedömningar av elevernas kunskapsutveckling. / After the Swedish government shifted in 2006 changes were made to school politics, which gave me the cause to start this survey. The National Agency for Education was given the task to design new levels of knowledge in the field of mathematics, Swedish, and Swedish as a second language. This precedes an introduction of national tests in the third grade. The purpose of the survey was to find out the teachers’ attitudes how the tests may influence their educational work. The report was based on a questionnaire with questions with the advantage of the questionnaire being able to comment freely. The result shows that it is the way the goal wording is written which one sees as a merit of the new reform and not the tests in it self. The national tests should be seen as a tool to be used to see how the pupils development progresses and which can then be used to set the pupils level of development.

Werkin' girls : a critical viewing of femininity constructions in contemporary rap

Johansson, Moa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis sets out to examine the making of femininity in hip-hop, with a special focus on the performances of three artists - Mykki Blanco, Angel Haze, and Brooke Candy - and their representations made through music videos and lyrics. The thesis is structured around critical femininity studies, and created through a somatechnics perspective. I am investigating how femininity and the feminine body is made through and in relation to technology and different expressions of race, class, and sexuality. By questioning how structures of femininity is made and re-made through a somatechnical perspective, this thesis offers alternatives to interpret feminine representations in hip-hop, and bases its conversation in both culture studies and critical femininity studies. In the paper‘s conclusion, questions regarding active feminist resistance in hip-hop are raised, with hope to widen the discussions about female identified artists and their performances in this specific discourse.

Investigating religion and computing: a case for using standpoint theory in technology evaluation studies

Wyche, Susan Porter 26 August 2010 (has links)
This research focuses on the development and study of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that support religious practices and the use of standpoint theory in ICT evaluation studies. Three phases makeup this work: formative studies to understand how megachurches, their members and leaders use ICT in ways tied to their Protestant Christian faith and the design of a technology probe, a photo sharing website named ChurchShare. The final and most significant phase is the evaluation of this probe in two churches. I deployed ChurchShare in a Christian church comprised of U.S. born individuals and argue this initial deployment took place with â ideal users,â or those I intended to use the application and who represent the traditional targets of HCC (Human-Centered Computing) research. More than 200 photos were uploaded to ChurchShare and findings suggest that the technology probe was successfully integrated into the churchâ s worship services. Standpoint theory guided the second deployment study that was conducted with individuals who are marginalized in HCC researchâ "Kenyan immigrants. Participants rejected ChurchShare and zero pictures were uploaded to the website. I compare findings from both deployments and conclude that conducting ICT evaluation studies with marginalized users leads to more objective findings than conducting such studies with ideal users. I end with a discussion describing how standpoint theory can be incorporated into HCC, focusing on how this approach offers a practical way for researchers to uncover value differences between themselves and the people who interact with their work.

De nationella provens påverkan på det pedagogiska uppdraget : - en studie om lärares inställning till införandet av nationella prov i åk 3

Johansson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vid regeringsskiftet 2006 kom det att bli förändringar inom skolpolitiken och det blev startskottet för denna undersökning. Skolverket fick i uppdrag att utforma nya kunskapsmål att uppnå i ämnena matematik, svenska samt svenska som andra språk. Detta föregick införandet av nationella prov i årskurs tre. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på grundskolelärares inställning till hur proven kan komma att påverka det pedagogiska uppdraget.</p><p>Insamlandet av material har skett genom en enkät bestående av fasta svarsalternativ och det har getts möjligheten för skriftliga kommentarer.</p><p>Resultatet visar att lärare anser att de nya problemformuleringarna är en vinst för elevernas kunskapsutveckling och inte proven i sig. De nationella proven ses som redskap att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper och till viss del kan de komma att ligga till grund för bedömningar av elevernas kunskapsutveckling.</p> / <p>After the Swedish government shifted in 2006 changes were made to school politics, which gave me the cause to start this survey. The National Agency for Education was given the task to design new levels of knowledge in the field of mathematics, Swedish, and Swedish as a second language. This precedes an introduction of national tests in the third grade. The purpose of the survey was to find out the teachers’ attitudes how the tests may influence their educational work.</p><p>The report was based on a questionnaire with questions with the advantage of the questionnaire being able to comment freely.</p><p>The result shows that it is the way the goal wording is written which one sees as a merit of the new reform and not the tests in it self. The national tests should be seen as a tool to be used to see how the pupils development progresses and which can then be used to set the pupils level of development.</p>

Black women and contemporary media the struggle to self-define black womanhood /

Mayo, Tilicia L. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2010. / Title from screen (viewed on February 26, 2010). Department of Communication Studies, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Catherine A. Dobris, Ronald M. Sandwina, Kim D. White-Mills, Kristina H. Sheeler. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-70).

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