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Rekonstrukce žst. Letohrad / Upgrading of the Letohrad railway stationDušek, Erik January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with upgrading of the Letohrad railway station. The goal is to design new platforms suitable for passengers with reduced mobility and orientation. The necessary adjustments of track layout and assembly of switches and crossings were solved. The integral parts of the thesis are adjustments to the railway superstructure, substructure and drainage system of the station.
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How many fast-charging stations do we need along European highways?Jochem, Patrick, Szimba, Eckhard, Reuter-Oppermann, Melanie 25 September 2020 (has links)
For a successful market take-up of plug-in electric vehicles, fast-charging stations along the highway network play a significant role. This paper provides results from a first study on estimating the minimum number of fast-charging stations along the European highway network of selected countries (i.e., France, Germany, the Benelux countries, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Poland) and gives an estimate on their future profitability. The combination of a comprehensive dataset of passenger car trips in Europe and an efficient arc-cover-path-cover flow-refueling location model allows generating results for such a comprehensive transnational highway network for the first time. Besides the minimum number of required fast-charging stations which results from the applied flow-refueling location model (FRLM), an estimation of their profitability as well as some country-specific results are also identified. According to these results the operation of fast-charging stations along the highway will be attractive in 2030 because the number of customers per day and their willingness to pay for a charge is high compared to inner-city charging stations. Their location-specific workloads as well as revenues differ significantly and a careful selection of locations is decisive for their economic operation.
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The Dissolving Form : A new central station for Linkoping, Sweden / Den upplösande formen : En ny centralstation för Linköping, SverigeHolmgren, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
The human brain is always searching for recognizable shapes, it is natural for us to always look for connections and try to get an overall sense of things and situations. But what if the form dissolves itself and instead creates a range between the more clear and intense to the blurred and defocused.By using an entanglement of lines that further out from the inner centre reduces its intensity, it will create an effect of a weak, unsettled edge that is hard to read. My project investigates this phenomena and how a mass of single components merge into a singular whole permeable structure that absorbs the program of the transit centre.By using the technique of this complex nested hierarchy of components will I create a variation of areas and nested pochés. These areas will work as the different climate zones that a transit station requires. / Den mänskliga hjärnan söker alltid efter igenkännbara former, det är naturligt för oss att alltid leta efter anslutningar och försöka få en övergripande känsla av saker och ting. Men vad händer om formen löser upp sig och skapar istället ett intervall mellan det mer tydliga och intensiva och det suddiga och oskarpa.Genom att använda en sammanflätning av linjer som längre ut från den inre kärnan minskar sin intensitet, kommer det att skapa en effekt av en svag, otydlig kant som är svår att läsa av. Mitt projekt undersöker detta fenomen och hur en massa enstaka komponenter kan slås samman till en hel genomsläpplig struktur som absorberar programmet för transit center. Genom att använda tekniken i denna komplexa kapslade hierarki av komponenter kommer jag att skapa en variation av områden och pochéer. Dessa områden kommer att fungera som de olika klimatzoner som ett resecentrum kräver.
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Utvärdering av GNSS-baserade fri stationsetableringsmetoder : En jämförelse av realtidsuppdaterad fri station och 180-sekundersmetoden / Evaluating GNSS-based free station establishing methods : A comparison between real time updated free station and the 180 seconds methodEkman, Filip, Molander, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Behovet av mätning med totalstation har inom många områden minskat till förmån för mätning med GNSS-baserad teknik som ett resultat av dess större flexibilitet och ofta acceptabla osäkerhet. GNSS-baserad mätning kan dock begränsas av olika faktorer, vilket skapar ett behov av mätning med totalstation. Etablering av totalstation sker traditionellt genom kända punkter, men när dessa inte finns tillgängliga behövs andra metoder för etablering som ger en låg osäkerhet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka två GNSS-baserade fri stationsetablerings-metoder. Realtidsuppdaterad fri station (RUFRIS) bygger på kombinerad mätning, där koordinaterna för minst 15 bakåtobjekt mäts in med NRTK samtidigt som totalstationen mäter längd och riktning mellan station och bakåtobjekt. 180-sekundersmetoden bygger på kontinuerlig mätning i tre minuter på minst tre punkter, för att sedan använda dessa punkter som bakåtobjekt under fri stationsetablering. Under tre dagar insamlades mätdata från totalt 60 etableringar i Skålsjön i Ovanåkers kommun. Totalt 30 etableringar per metod utfördes växlande med varandra för att få samma tidspåverkan för mätningarna. Platsen valdes till följd av en närliggande stompunkt av hög kvalitet samt en realistisk mätningsmiljö. Insamlade data bearbetades och beräknades med avseende på spridning och mätosäkerhet. Dessutom utfördes en tidsanalys av erhållna mätdata. Den enskilda standardosäkerheten för RUFRIS beräknades vara 6,7 mm i plan och 15 mm i höjd. För 180-sekundersmetoden beräknades standardsosäkerheten till 10 mm i plan och 7,2 mm i höjd. Enligt den lägeskontroll som utfördes i studien var det endast RUFRIS som klarade den beräknade toleransen i plan. I höjd var det enbart 180-sekundersmetoden som befann sig inom toleransen. RUFRIS klarade dock toleransen när samtliga grova fel uteslöts från beräkningen. Slutsatsen som drogs i denna studie var att RUFRIS lämpar sig väl för mätnings-situationer med fokus på plan i områden med god sikt. 180-sekundersmetoden lämpar sig däremot bättre till höjdmätning och kan potentiellt vara ett alternativ till avvägning när toleransen i höjd är inom 10 mm. Mätningarna utfördes under goda förhållanden med avseende på jonosfären, därav antogs upplevda störningar gällande erhållandet av fixlösning och mätvärden inte härstamma från denna felkälla. Mätosäkerheten ökade i samband med kraftigt snöfall, vilket tyder på att vädret påverkade resultatet. Sammanfattningsvis har båda metoderna sina styrkor och svagheter, men ingen av metoderna visade sig vara mer lämplig än den andra när etableringen avser mätning i både plan och höjd. / The purpose of this study is to investigate two GNSS-based methods of establishing a free total station. Due to technological advances made within GNSS-based measuring, the total station is seeing less use by surveyors in the field. Despite this, there are situations where GNSS-receivers might struggle and the need to use a total station arises. In these situations, there needs to be a reliable method of establishing the total station without known points and with a low uncertainty. This can be accomplished by utilizing real time updated free station (RUFRIS) and the 180-seconds method. Both RUFRIS and the 180-seconds method is frequently used by municipalities and companies, which raises the question about which of these methods performs better. To answer this, a comparison is made between these two methods regarding their uncertainty, their user friendliness, which situations they are best suited for and how different time aspects might affect them. A total of 60 establishments have been made over the course of three days while comparing the results to a known reference point. The results showed that RUFRIS is better suited for horizontal measurements, is quick to use and needs a larger area, while the 180-seconds method is better suited for vertical measurements, takes a bit longer and requires less space.
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Development Of A Testbed For Multimedia Environmental MonitoringKandula, Harsha 12 1900 (has links)
Multimedia environmental monitoring involves capturing valuable visual and audio information from the field station. This will permit the environmentalists and researchers to analyze the habitat and vegetation of a region with respect to other environmental specifics like temperature, soil moisture, etc. This thesis deals with the development of a test bed for multimedia monitoring by capturing image information and making it available for the public. A USB camera and a Single board computer are used to capture images at a specified frequency. A web-client is designed to display the image data and establish a secured remote access to reconfigure the field station. The development includes two modes of image acquisition including a basic activity recognition algorithm. Good quality images are captured with the cost for development of the system being less than 2 hundred dollars.
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Kompaktní město - aneb co nového se může ještě dít v Brně mezi nádražími / Compact City - or what new is able to yet be done in Brno among railway stationsStuchlík, Aleš January 2010 (has links)
Project deals with the Brno main railway station and a large area behind this station, including the broader context of a railway junction in Brno and the suburban area. Station is located in the user-friendly and operationally advantageous location in the city center. „Zanádraží“, from the city center point of view, remains behind the station, but it isn`t the city inside periphery anymore. Proximity to city center, train and bus station and the river „Svratka“ give uniquely positioned for the generation of attractive neighborhoods. Author rejects functionalist arrangement of cities and vertical segregation of communications. The new city district is formed by use traditional urban repertoire: streets, squares and waterfronts defined by closed block development. The emphasis is on functional public transportation system, favorable conditions for pedestrian movement and the sustainability of private transport, which is providing a facility for ensuring the service areas, but not for undirected growth threatening urban environment.
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Displaying Stockholm Östra, An Adaptive Reuse Project of Transforming a Train Station into an Exhibition Space.Israelsson, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project is a case study of how to work with the built environment. It is a case study investigating the themes of renovation, transformation and adaptive reuse. By gathering historical research through archives, fieldwork on site and interviews I have developed one method of working with this existing building. This transformation project is a design proposal of an existing train station building that is threatened to be overturned and no longer serve its primary function as a train station. In this design proposal the existing train station will be transformed into an exhibition space for KTH.
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The Impact of the High-Speed Rail Station on the Urban Form of Surrounding Areas – Take the High-Speed Rail Station Construction in Beijing and Tianjin as ExampleMa, Shuai 20 September 2011 (has links)
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Using Genetic Algorithms to Calculate Floodway Stations With HEC-RASYu, Lu January 2015 (has links)
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