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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Li, Ruoxi January 2019 (has links)
This paper proposes a safety stock calculation function based on their distribution properties and create a guideline for the stock status optimization problem. The motivation for this paper originates the cooperation with a drilling tools company, Epiroc Drilling tools AB. The safety stock calculation divides all items into three distribution and design the safety stock for each types separately considering the influence of service level value and lead time. During the process of guideline design, complicated production chain framework is taken into account through recursive algorithm. The stock status combination which can give the minimum storage cost is the optimal guideline for stock item and non-stock item. The time for approximating the global minimum through exhaustive search is remarkably reduced due to the application of Parallel programming and statistical model.

Análise dos modelos AMMI bivariados / Bivariate AMMI models analysis

Peña Garcia, Marisol 03 February 2009 (has links)
E comum encontrar nos ensaios experimentais a analise de dois fatores, cada um com diferente numero de níveis, eles proporcionam uma tabela de dados de dupla entrada. Geralmente a analise destes dados e feita através da analise de variância - ANOVA, cumprindo algumas pressuposições básicas do modelo, mas ha outros estudos nos quais e de grande importância a interação, como e o caso dos estudos de melhoramento genético, em que o objetivo e selecionar genótipos com ótimos desempenhos em diferentes ambientes. A pouca eficiência na analise da interação dos genótipos com os ambientes (GE) da ANOVA pode representar um problema aos melhoristas, que devem tirar proveito dessa interação para os seus estudos. Os modelos aditivos com interação multiplicativa - AMMI, traz vantagens na seleção de genótipos quando comparados com métodos convencionais, pois proporcionam uma melhor analise da interação (GE), alem de permitir combinar componentes aditivos e multiplicativos em um mesmo modelo; estes modelos tem demonstrado ser eficientes na analise quando se tem apenas uma variável resposta, mas quando há mais de uma, ainda n~ao existe um procedimento geral para realizar a analise. O presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia de analise quando se têm modelos AMMI bivariados, realizando analises individuais das variáveis respostas seguidas de uma analise de procrustes, que permite fazer comparações dos resultados obtidos nas analises individuais e finalmente uma confirmação destes resultados através da analise multivariada de variância - MANOVA. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a analises AMMI e procrustes proporcionam uma boa alternativa de analise para os modelos AMMI bivariados. / Is frequently nd in the studies the two way factor analysis, each factor with dierent number of levels, they conform a two way table of data, generally the analysis of the data is made with the analysis of variance - ANOVA, satisfying some assumptions, but there are some studies in which is very important the interaction, like the case of the improvement studies, where the objetive is select genotypes with optimum performance in dierents environments. The poor eciency in the genotypes and environment interaction (GE) analysis of the ANOVA can represents a problem for the researchers, that need to take advantage of the interaction. The additive main eects and multiplicative interactions model - AMMI, give advantages in the selection of genotypes when is compare with traditional methods, because give a better interaction (GE) analysis, also permit combine additive and multiplicative components in the same model, these models have demonstrated be ecient in the analysis with just one response variable but when there is more than one there is not a clear procedure to do the analysis. This work presents a analysis methodology for the bivariate AMMI models, doing individuals analysis in the response variables follow by the procrustes, which permit compare the results of the individuals analysis, and nally a conrmation of theses results with the multivariate analysis of variance - MANOVA. From the results can be concluded that the AMMI and the procrustes analysis give a good alternative for the bivariate AMMI models analysis.

Competitividade e inovação tecnológica na cadeia agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca no Brasil. / Competitiveness and technological innovation in the cassava starch agro-industrial chain in Brazil.

Cardôso, Carlos Estevão Leite 28 August 2003 (has links)
O estudo tem como objetivo diagnosticar a competitividade da cadeia de produção agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca, enfatizando o segmento de produção de matéria-prima e os determinantes do processo de inovação tecnológica. Especificamente, pretende-se identificar quais as principais restrições para melhorar a competitividade da cadeia; calcular um indicador de competitividade que relacione as variações de preços do produto e dos insumos, assim como as decisões estratégicas de políticas públicas e privadas; determinar como os investimentos em tecnologia têm influenciado os níveis de competitividade do segmento agrícola e identificar quais fatores explicam e determinam a trajetória tecnológica implementada na cadeia. Para atingir esses objetivos, utilizou-se um instrumental que permite realizar predições quantitativas dos efeitos da adoção de políticas públicas e de decisões gerenciais internas às firmas que atuam na cadeia. Essas predições foram baseadas num indicador de competitividade fundamentado no conceito de quase-renda, o qual foi estimado por meio de um modelo lógite ordenado. No estudo dos aspectos relacionados à tecnologia, além das abordagens que privilegiam os sinais de mercados, utilizaram-se aquelas que reconhecem a importância do caráter sistêmico e interdependente dos fatores determinantes da decisão de inovar. Com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que a cadeia ainda não está suficientemente capacitada e organizada para transformar as potencialidades identificadas em verdadeiras oportunidades de mercado. Têm concorrido para isso a trajetória tecnológica seguida e o desempenho econômico observado no segmento agrícola. Esse segmento apresentou-se marginalmente competitivo, ou seja, a quase-renda gerada não foi suficiente para remunerar os fatores de produção específicos, utilizados no processo de produção, pelo menos no nível do custo de oportunidade considerado. Os principais fatores e condicionantes que estão restringindo a competitividade relacionam-se aos aspectos do lado da demanda; a limitações tecnológicas, tanto do segmento agrícola como do de processamento e a fatores estruturais e sistêmicos. As possibilidades de melhorar a competitividade vinculam-se a ações do lado da receita, ou seja, aumentos na produtividade média e/ou nos preços. Embora a capacidade de os produtores intervirem, de forma isolada, na trajetória dos preços seja mais remota, os resultados alcançados sinalizam que a variável preço assuma maior relevância no processo. Portanto, as políticas que reduzem a instabilidade nos preços são as mais seguras como estratégia de intervenção. Nesse sentido, a adoção de relações mais harmoniosas, que valorizem a forte dependência entre os elos da cadeia, promoverá ganhos competitivos. Quanto aos determinantes da trajetória tecnológica, destacam-se: as características intrínsecas da cultura, que lhe conferem rusticidade e adaptabilidade a condições ambientais adversas; a possibilidade de utilizar fatores de produção de baixo custo de oportunidade; o grau de apropriabilidade dos retornos dos investimentos em geração de tecnologia; o fato de ser uma cultura sobre a qual a quantidade de pesquisa ainda é relativamente baixa; os limites impostos pelo paradigma tecnológico vigente; o nível de demanda interna por mandioca e derivados, que ainda vem sendo atendido por uma oferta praticamente associada aos sistemas de produção tradicionais e a inexistência de grupos de interesse vinculados ao setor mandioqueiro. / This study is aimed at determining the cassava starch agro-industrial production chain competitiveness with special attention to the raw material production segment and the factors leading to technological innovation processes. It is specifically intended to identify the main constraints on gains in the production chain competitiveness, to compute a competitiveness index which relates the product’s price and the production costs, as well as public and private policy strategies, to determine how investments in technology have influenced the agricultural segment competitiveness, and to identify which factors explain and determine the production chain technological background. In order to meet these objectives, we used tools that allow quantitative predictions to evaluate the effects of public policies and companies’ internal managerial decisions. Such predictions were based on a competitiveness index underpinned by the quasi-rent concept computed through an ordered logit model. In the study of the technological aspects, besides the approaches that are based mainly on market signals, we considered the systemic and interdependent importance of factors leading to the decision to innovate. Results show that the production chain is not sufficiently able and organized to change the identified potentialities into real market opportunities, and the technological trajectory and economic performance of the agricultural segment have contributed to such a panorama. The agricultural segment showed to be marginally competitive, that is, the quasi-rent generated did not offset specific production factors, at least at the opportunity cost level considered. The main factors and conditions restricting competitiveness are related to characteristics related to the demand side, to technological constraints, not only in the agricultural segment, but also in processing, and to structural and systemic factors. Potential improvements in competitiveness are linked to actions on the revenue side, that is, in average productivity and/or prices. Although the possibility of individual growers interfering in price trajectories is remote, results indicate that the variable price should have greater relevance in the process. Therefore, policies that reduce price instabilities are the safest intervention strategies. Consequently, the adoption of more harmonious relationships, which value a strong interdependence of the chain links, will generate gains in competitiveness. The technological trajectory determining factors that stand out are the crop’s intrinsic characteristics of rusticity and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, the possibility of using production factors of low opportunity cost, the suitable payoff level of investments in technology, the relatively little research carried out on the crop, the limits imposed by the technological paradigm, the standard domestic demand for cassava and its by-products, which has been satisfied by a supply almost completely associated to traditional production systems, and the non-existence of interest groups linked to the cassava sector.

Atualização dinâmica de modelo de regressão logística binária para detecção de fraudes em transações eletrônicas com cartão de crédito / Dynamic update of binary logistic regression model for fraud detection in electronic credit card transactions

Beraldi, Fidel 01 December 2014 (has links)
Com o avanço tecnológico e econômico, que facilitaram o processo de comunicação e aumento do poder de compra, transações com cartão de crédito tornaram-se o principal meio de pagamento no varejo nacional e internacional (Bolton e Hand , 2002). Neste aspecto, o aumento do número de transações com cartão de crédito é crucial para a geração de mais oportunidades para fraudadores produzirem novas formas de fraudes, o que resulta em grandes perdas para o sistema financeiro (Chan et al. , 1999). Os índices de fraudes têm mostrado que transações no comércio eletrônico (e-commerce) são mais arriscadas do que transações presencias em terminais, pois aquelas não fazem uso de processos seguros e eficientes de autenticação do portador do cartão, como utilização de senha eletrônica. Como os fraudadores se adaptam rapidamente às medidas de prevenção, os modelos estatísticos para detecção de fraudes precisam ser adaptáveis e flexíveis para evoluir ao longo do tempo de maneira dinâmica. Raftery et al. (2010) desenvolveram um método chamado Dynamic Model Averaging (DMA), ou Ponderação Dinâmica de Modelos, que implementa um processo de atualização contínuo ao longo do tempo. Nesta dissertação, desenvolvemos modelos DMA no espaço de transações eletrônicas oriundas do comércio eletrônico que incorporem as tendências e características de fraudes em cada período de análise. Também desenvolvemos modelos de regressão logística clássica com o objetivo de comparar as performances no processo de detecção de fraude. Os dados utilizados para tal são provenientes de uma empresa de meios de pagamentos eletrônico. O experimento desenvolvido mostra que os modelos DMA apresentaram resultados melhores que os modelos de regressão logística clássica quando analisamos a medida F e a área sob a curva ROC (AUC). A medida F para o modelo DMA ficou em 58% ao passo que o modelo de regressão logística clássica ficou em 29%. Já para a AUC, o modelo DMA alcançou 93% e o modelo de regressão logística clássica 84%. Considerando os resultados encontrados para os modelos DMA, podemos concluir que sua característica de atualização ao longo do tempo se mostra um grande diferencial em dados como os de fraude, que sofrem mudanças de comportamento a todo momento. Deste modo, sua aplicação se mostra adequada no processo de detecção de transações fraudulentas no ambiente de comércio eletrônico. / Regarding technological and economic development, which made communication process easier and increased purchasing power, credit card transactions have become the primary payment method in national and international retailers (Bolton e Hand , 2002). In this scenario, as the number of transactions by credit card grows, more opportunities are created for fraudsters to produce new ways of fraud, resulting in large losses for the financial system (Chan et al. , 1999). Fraud indexes have shown which e-commerce transactions are riskier than card present transactions, since those do not use secure and efficient processes to authenticate the cardholder, such as using personal identification number (PIN). Due to fraudsters adapt quickly to fraud prevention measures, statistical models for fraud detection need to be adaptable and flexible to change over time in a dynamic way. Raftery et al. (2010) developed a method called Dynamic Model Averaging (DMA), which implements a process of continuous updating over time. In this thesis, we develop DMA models within electronic transactions coming from ecommerce environment, which incorporate the trends and characteristics of fraud in each period of analysis. We have also developed classic logistic regression models in order to compare their performances in the fraud detection processes. The database used for the experiment was provided by a electronic payment service company. The experiment shows that DMA models present better results than classic logistic regression models in respect to the analysis of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) and F measure. The F measure for the DMA was 58% while the classic logistic regression model was 29%. For the AUC, the DMA model reached 93% and the classical model reached 84%. Considering the results for DMA models, we can conclude that its update over time characteristic makes a large difference when it comes to the analysis of fraud data, which undergo behavioral changes continuously. Thus, its application has proved to be appropriate for the detection process of fraudulent transactions in the e-commerce environment.

A physics-based statistical random telegraph noise model / Um modelo estatistico e fisicamente baseado para o minimo RTN

Silva, Maurício Banaszeski da January 2016 (has links)
O Ruído de Baixa Frequência (LFN), tais como o ruído flicker e o Random Telegraph Noise (RTN), são limitadores de performance em muitos circuitos analógicos e digitais. Para transistores diminutos, a densidade espectral de potência do ruído pode variar muitas ordens de grandeza, impondo uma séria limitação na performance do circuito e também em sua confiabilidade. Nesta tese, nós propomos um novo modelo de RTN estatístico para descrever o ruído de baixa frequência em MOSFETs. Utilizando o modelo proposto, pode-se explicar e calcular o valor esperado e a variabilidade do ruído em função das polarizações, geometrias e dos parâmetros físicos do transistor. O modelo é validado através de inúmeros resultados experimentais para dispositivos com canais tipo n e p, e para diferentes tecnologias CMOS. É demonstrado que a estatística do ruído LFN dos dispositivos de canal tipo n e p podem ser descritos através do mesmo mecanismo. Através dos nossos resultados e do nosso modelo, nós mostramos que a densidade de armadilhas dos transistores de canal tipo p é fortemente dependente do nível de Fermi, enquanto para o transistor de tipo n a densidade de armadilhas pode ser considerada constante na energia. Também é mostrado e explicado, através do nosso modelo, o impacto do implante de halo nas estatísticas do ruído. Utilizando o modelo demonstra-se porque a variabilidade, denotado por σ[log(SId)], do RTN/LFN não segue uma dependência 1/√área; e fica demonstrado que o ruído, e sua variabilidade, encontrado em nossas medidas pode ser modelado utilizando parâmetros físicos. Além disso, o modelo proposto pode ser utilizado para calcular o percentil do ruído, o qual pode ser utilizado para prever ou alcançar certo rendimento do circuito. / Low Frequency Noise (LFN) and Random Telegraph Noise (RTN) are performance limiters in many analog and digital circuits. For small area devices, the noise power spectral density can easily vary by many orders of magnitude, imposing serious threat on circuit performance and possibly reliability. In this thesis, we propose a new RTN model to describe the statistics of the low frequency noise in MOSFETs. Using the proposed model, we can explain and calculate the Expected value and Variability of the noise as function of devices’ biases, geometry and physical parameters. The model is validated through numerous experimental results for n-channel and p-channel devices from different CMOS technology nodes. We show that the LFN statistics of n-channel and p-channel MOSFETs can be described by the same mechanism. From our results and model, we show that the trap density of the p-channel device is a strongly varying function of the Fermi level, whereas for the n-channel the trap density can be considered constant. We also show and explain, using the proposed model, the impact of the halo-implanted regions on the statistics of the noise. Using this model, we clarify why the variability, denoted by σ[log(SId)], of RTN/LFN doesn't follow a 1/√area dependence; and we demonstrate that the noise, and its variability, found in our measurements can be modeled using reasonable physical quantities. Moreover, the proposed model can be used to calculate the percentile quantity of the noise, which can be used to predict or to achieve certain circuit yield.

Modèles numérique et stochastique des fixations pour la contrainte foudre des lignes d’assemblages sur avion / Numerical and stochastic models of fasteners for the lightning constraints on the airplane assemblies

Monferran, Paul 18 December 2018 (has links)
Les effets de la foudre sur les lignes d'assemblage des avions peuvent s'avérer catastrophiques. L'un des phénomènes redoutés est l'étincelage au niveau d'une fixation bien souvent associé à un défaut sur les résistances de contact. Au vu des contraintes normatives, du manque de connaissance de cette problématique multi-physiques et de l'incapacité structurelle à avoir une approche uniquement expérimentale, les avionneurs se sont notamment tournés vers la modélisation. Dans ce manuscrit, on s'intéresse particulièrement à la modélisation des lignes d'assemblage pour le dimensionnement de la contrainte locale sur celles-ci. La méthode des différences finies dans le domaine temporel (FDTD), couramment utilisée pour la problématique foudre en aéronautique, nous sert de méthode de résolution. De multiples modèles de fixations allant de modèles simplifiés, représentant par exemple la fixation par un fil résistif, à des modèles plus complexes, représentant l'ensemble des résistances de contact, sont développés et validés. Par ailleurs, pour répondre aux incertitudes associées aux résistances de contact des fixations, des modèles statistiques sont appliqués aux paramètres résistifs des modèles de fixation. Ces mêmes modèles statistiques découlent de l'étude d'une base de données issue d’une campagne de mesures menée par Dassault Aviation sur un ensemble d’éprouvettes tests. A l'aide de ces modèles, la contrainte sur les fixations d'un caisson représentant un réservoir de carburant d'un avion est étudiée de manière stochastique. / The lightning effects on the fastening assemblies of an airplane may be critical. One of the most critical phenomenon is the sparking effect around the fasteners. This effect is usually associated to the contact resistances. Due to the standards, the lack of knowledge about this multiphysics issue and the inability to follow only an experimental approach, the aircraft manufacturers have chosen a modelling way. In this manuscript, we model the fastening assemblies in order to understand the local constraint on these assemblies. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method mostly used for the lightning issue in the aircraft industry is chosen as the solving method. Several fastener models are developed and validated. We present simplified models, as the resistive wire model for instance, up to complex one with all the contact resistance of the fastener. Furthermore, due to the large uncertainties from one fastener to the other one in the same family, the fastener models are supplemented with statistical models. Thanks to a data base measurement created from several measurement campaigns made by Dassault Aviation, distribution laws are established to characterize the lightning injection effects or the state after lightning injection on the fasteners. Using this statistical models, a stochastic study is presented in order to evaluate the uncertainties in a fuel tank modelling.

Hydro-climatic forecasting using sea surface temperatures

Chen, Chia-Jeng 20 June 2012 (has links)
A key determinant of atmospheric circulation patterns and regional climatic conditions is sea surface temperature (SST). This has been the motivation for the development of various teleconnection methods aiming to forecast hydro-climatic variables. Among such methods are linear projections based on teleconnection gross indices (such as the ENSO, IOD, and NAO) or leading empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). However, these methods deteriorate drastically if the predefined indices or EOFs cannot account for climatic variability in the region of interest. This study introduces a new hydro-climatic forecasting method that identifies SST predictors in the form of dipole structures. An SST dipole that mimics major teleconnection patterns is defined as a function of average SST anomalies over two oceanic areas of appropriate sizes and geographic locations. The screening process of SST-dipole predictors is based on an optimization algorithm that sifts through all possible dipole configurations (with progressively refined data resolutions) and identifies dipoles with the strongest teleconnection to the external hydro-climatic series. The strength of the teleconnection is measured by the Gerrity Skill Score. The significant dipoles are cross-validated and used to generate ensemble hydro-climatic forecasts. The dipole teleconnection method is applied to the forecasting of seasonal precipitation over the southeastern US and East Africa, and the forecasting of streamflow-related variables in the Yangtze and Congo Rivers. These studies show that the new method is indeed able to identify dipoles related to well-known patterns (e.g., ENSO and IOD) as well as to quantify more prominent predictor-predictand relationships at different lead times. Furthermore, the dipole method compares favorably with existing statistical forecasting schemes. An operational forecasting framework to support better water resources management through coupling with detailed hydrologic and water resources models is also demonstrated.

Approximation of OLAP queries on data warehouses

Cao, Phuong Thao 20 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We study the approximate answers to OLAP queries on data warehouses. We consider the relative answers to OLAP queries on a schema, as distributions with the L1 distance and approximate the answers without storing the entire data warehouse. We first introduce three specific methods: the uniform sampling, the measure-based sampling and the statistical model. We introduce also an edit distance between data warehouses with edit operations adapted for data warehouses. Then, in the OLAP data exchange, we study how to sample each source and combine the samples to approximate any OLAP query. We next consider a streaming context, where a data warehouse is built by streams of different sources. We show a lower bound on the size of the memory necessary to approximate queries. In this case, we approximate OLAP queries with a finite memory. We describe also a method to discover the statistical dependencies, a new notion we introduce. We are looking for them based on the decision tree. We apply the method to two data warehouses. The first one simulates the data of sensors, which provide weather parameters over time and location from different sources. The second one is the collection of RSS from the web sites on Internet.

On Boundaries of Statistical Models / Randeigenschaften statistischer Modelle

Kahle, Thomas 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the thesis "On Boundaries of Statistical Models" problems related to a description of probability distributions with zeros, lying in the boundary of a statistical model, are treated. The distributions considered are joint distributions of finite collections of finite discrete random variables. Owing to this restriction, statistical models are subsets of finite dimensional real vector spaces. The support set problem for exponential families, the main class of models considered in the thesis, is to characterize the possible supports of distributions in the boundaries of these statistical models. It is shown that this problem is equivalent to a characterization of the face lattice of a convex polytope, called the convex support. The main tool for treating questions related to the boundary are implicit representations. Exponential families are shown to be sets of solutions of binomial equations, connected to an underlying combinatorial structure, called oriented matroid. Under an additional assumption these equations are polynomial and one is placed in the setting of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. In this case one recovers results from algebraic statistics. The combinatorial theory of exponential families using oriented matroids makes the established connection between an exponential family and its convex support completely natural: Both are derived from the same oriented matroid. The second part of the thesis deals with hierarchical models, which are a special class of exponential families constructed from simplicial complexes. The main technical tool for their treatment in this thesis are so called elementary circuits. After their introduction, they are used to derive properties of the implicit representations of hierarchical models. Each elementary circuit gives an equation holding on the hierarchical model, and these equations are shown to be the "simplest", in the sense that the smallest degree among the equations corresponding to elementary circuits gives a lower bound on the degree of all equations characterizing the model. Translating this result back to polyhedral geometry yields a neighborliness property of marginal polytopes, the convex supports of hierarchical models. Elementary circuits of small support are related to independence statements holding between the random variables whose joint distributions the hierarchical model describes. Models for which the complete set of circuits consists of elementary circuits are shown to be described by totally unimodular matrices. The thesis also contains an analysis of the case of binary random variables. In this special situation, marginal polytopes can be represented as the convex hulls of linear codes. Among the results here is a classification of full-dimensional linear code polytopes in terms of their subgroups. If represented by polynomial equations, exponential families are the varieties of binomial prime ideals. The third part of the thesis describes tools to treat models defined by not necessarily prime binomial ideals. It follows from Eisenbud and Sturmfels' results on binomial ideals that these models are unions of exponential families, and apart from solving the support set problem for each of these, one is faced with finding the decomposition. The thesis discusses algorithms for specialized treatment of binomial ideals, exploiting their combinatorial nature. The provided software package Binomials.m2 is shown to be able to compute very large primary decompositions, yielding a counterexample to a recent conjecture in algebraic statistics.

3D reconstruction of the proximal femur and lumbar vertebrae from dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry for osteoporotic risk assessment

Whitmarsh, Tristan 25 September 2012 (has links)
In this thesis a method was developed to reconstruct both the 3D shape and the BMD distribution of bone structures from Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) images. The method incorporates a statistical model built from a large dataset of Quantitative Computed Tomography (QCT) scans together with a 3D-2D intensity based registration process. The method was evaluated for its ability to reconstruct the proximal femur from a single DXA image. The resulting parameters of the reconstructions were subsequently evaluated for their hip fracture discrimination ability. The reconstruction method was finally extended to the reconstruction of the lumbar vertebrae from anteroposterior and lateral DXA, thereby incorporating a multi-object and multi-view approach. These techniques can potentially improve the fracture risk estimation accuracy over current clinical practice. / En esta tesis se desarrolló un método para reconstruir tanto la forma 3D de estructuras óseas como la distribución de la DMO a partir de una sola imagen de DXA. El método incorpora un modelo estadístico construido a partir de una gran base de datos de QCT junto con una técnica de registro 3D-2D basada en intensidades. Se ha evaluado la capacidad del método para reconstruir la parte proximal del fémur a partir de una imagen DXA. Los parámetros resultantes de las reconstrucciones fueron evaluados posteriormente por su capacidad en discriminar una fractura de cadera. Por fin, se extendió el método a la reconstrucción de las vértebras lumbares a partir de DXA anteroposterior y lateral incorporando así un enfoque multi-objeto y multi-vista. Estos técnicas pueden potencialmente mejorar la precisión en la estimación del riesgo de fractura respecto a la estimación que ofrece la práctica clínica actual.

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