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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Watershed-based design of stormwater treatment facilities : model development and applications

Larm, Thomas January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Planering för plats för snöupplag med anslutande dagvattenanläggning

Hamidi, Anton January 2023 (has links)
The study has consisted of creating a place for snow storage with a connecting storm water facility. This is based on findings regarding concentrations of pollutants in Luleå's snow storages in combination with Luleå's standards for design of these storages. For Luleå Municipality, the stormwater issue is relevant as the number of floods will increase as Luleå expands. This results in a greater ratio of hard-made surfaces with increased surface runoff that create risks of flooding and property damage, something that will intensify even further with climate change. Besides this, the runoff concentration of pollutants that are transported out into recipients also increases. The study has been carried out in Luleå, via Luleå Municipality and LTU. The purpose of the study was to answer the following questions:"What concentrations of pollutants are found in Luleå's meltwater?", "What does Luleå' smanagement of snow storage look like, and why?", "Where can a snow storage be placed in Luleå to enable year-round recreation?” and "Which stormwater solution should be chosen to filter pollutants from this snow deposit?". This was answered via seven different means of gathering data: literature studies, field studies/observations, meetings/interviews & E-mail exchanges, selection of a stormwater facility, calculations, simulations, and conceptual design. Through these means, the study concluded that the concentrations of pollutants in meltwater are generally greater than in stormwater, that there are recommendations regarding the size, location and safety of Luleås snow storages, that any snow storage should preferably be located where motor traffic is not present and that its space should be usable year round with regard to recreation, and that a wetland is the most suitable facility for filtering the pollutants in the meltwater from this deposit. Overall, the results conveys that the spaces set aside for snow and meltwater treatment should enable year-round recreation, in addition to their technical functions. However, does the results show nothing in terms of management of extreme cases of rainfall nor any types flooding preventions relating to stormwater management. This paper does not provide any suggestions for a snow storage site nor a stormwater treatment facility for cities with a similar or different climate. The reason that onlyr ecreation and pollution treatment were considered is because these are the most relevant in this context, firstly since toxins are more prevalent in meltwater than in stormwater, and because recreation associated with snow is a given aspect of usage. Thus were a suitable frame of question and suitable means used to generate reasonable and acceptable results.

Föroreningar från gata till å : Utvärdering av beräkningsmetod för föroreningsbelastning från dagvatten genom en fallstudie i Uppsala / Pollutants from Road to River : Evaluation of Computational Method for Pollution Loadfrom Storm Water through a Case Study in Uppsala, Sweden

Karlsson, Johan, Öckerman, Hannes January 2016 (has links)
Vi lever i ett samhälle med pågående urbanisering. Nyexploateringar och förtätningar istadsmiljöer bidrar till minskad infiltration och evapotranspiration samt ökad ytavrinning avregn- och smältvatten; så kallat dagvatten. Det är viktigt att kvantifiera denna diffusaföroreningskälla i urbana miljöer då bland annat näringsämnen och tungmetaller transporterasmed dagvattnet, vilket bidrar till försämrad status i recipienter. Enföroreningsbelastningsmodell för näringsämnen i dagvatten på nationell nivå används avSvenska miljöemissionsdata (SMED). Beräkningsmetoden använder empiriskt framtagnaavrinningskoefficienter och belastningsschabloner som varierar beroende påmarkanvändningsslag. Flödesproportionell provtagning av totalhalter kväve, fosfor, bly, koppar, zink, kadmium ochsuspenderad substans genomfördes under nio veckor i ett av Uppsalas störstadagvattenavrinningsområden. Syftet var att kvantifiera områdets föroreningsbelastning för attutvärdera och föreslå förbättringar till SMED:s beräkningsmetod som enligt tidigare studierhar stora osäkerheter, men även för att ge underlag till placering av eventuella reningsåtgärderi området. Provtagningen kompletterades med en modellutvärdering där beräkningsmetodenskänslighet med avseende på markanvändning och inkludering av basflöde testades. Även enmer fysikaliskt förankrad modell för näringsämnestransport i naturliga avrinningsområdenanvändes i modellutvärderingen. Resultaten visade att bly, koppar och zink transporteras till Fyrisån i koncentrationer somöverskrider föreslagna regionala riktvärden för dagvatten. För koppar och zink är även dentotala belastningen på recipient högre än tidigare modellerade värden. Då tungmetaller, menäven fosfor, till stor del transporteras i partikulär form bör en eventuell reningsåtgärd iavrinningsområdet fokusera på att avskilja partikulärt material. Åtgärden bör även placerasuppströms industrin GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB där föroreningskoncentrationerna spädsut genom att stora volymer kyl- och regenereringsvatten tillförs dagvattennätet. Vidare visade modellutvärderingen att när SMED:s beräkningsmetod applicerades på detstuderade avrinningsområdet överskattades volymavrinningen från dagvattnet jämfört medprovtagningsresultaten medan medelkoncentrationen för kväve underskattades. För fosfor gavprovtagningsresultaten och beräkningsmetoden samstämmiga svar. Sammantagetöverskattade modellen fosforbelastningen något men underskattade kvävebelastningen. Förkväve har basflödet visat sig stå för en betydande del av belastningen och bör därför iframtiden inkluderas i SMED:s beräkningsmetod. Även den markanvändningskarta somanvänds i metoden bör bytas ut på grund av dess inaktualitet samt att modellutvärderingenvisade relativt stora känsligheter i resultaten för ändring i markanvändning. / We live in a society with an ongoing urbanization. New development projects anddensifications in urban areas contribute to reduced infiltration and evapotranspiration and anincreased surface runoff from rain and melt water, i.e. stormwater. It is essential to quantifythis diffuse source of pollution in urban environments since nutrients, heavy metals and otherpollutants, are transported by the stormwater and contribute to recipient degradation. Anutrient pollution load model in stormwater is used by Swedish environmental emission data(SMED) on a national level. The SMED computational method utilizes empirical runoffcoefficients and standard concentrations, which vary depending on the catchment land-use. Flow proportional sampling of total concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, copper,zinc, cadmium and suspended solids was conducted during nine weeks in one of the largeststormwater catchments in Uppsala city, Sweden. The study aimed at quantifying the pollutionload of the catchment in order to evaluate and suggest improvements to the SMEDcomputational method, which contains large uncertainties according to previous studies.Furthermore, the study aimed at providing a basis for potential treatment measures in thecatchment. The sampling was complemented with a model evaluation where the sensitivity ofthe computational method was tested with respect to land-use input and the inclusion ofbaseflow. The model evaluation also included a comparison with a more physically basedmodel for nutrient transport in natural catchments. The results revealed that lead, copper and zinc are discharged into the Fyris River inconcentrations exceeding proposed regional guideline values. For copper and zinc the totalpollution loads on the recipient are higher than previously modeled values. As heavy metalsand phosphorus are transported largely in particulate form the potential treatment measureshould have the ability to effectively separate particulate matter from the stormwater matrix.Due to emissions of large volumes of cooling and regeneration water from the industry GEHealthcare Bio-Sciences AB, the stormwater pollutants are diluted. The treatment measureshould therefore be placed upstream from the industry. When applying the SMED computational method on the studied catchment, the modeloverestimated the runoff volume from stormwater compared to the sampling results, while theaverage nitrogen concentration was underestimated. Regarding phosphorus concentrations,the model and the sampling results concurred relatively well. This resulted in a higherphosphorus, but lower nitrogen, pollution load predicted by the model. It can partly beattributed the fact that baseflow transport of nitrogen is a significant part of the total pollutionload, and should thus be included in the SMED computational method in future calculations.Another model improvement would be to replace the outdated land-use map currently beingused in the method as the model evaluation indicated a relatively large sensitivity in theresults with regards to alterations in the land-use type input.

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