Spelling suggestions: "subject:"street"" "subject:"otreet""
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The changing character of streets in central areas with special reference to Sherbrooke Street as a principal street in City of Montreal-Canada /Rege, Ratan M. January 1966 (has links)
Errata in manuscript. Multiple page numbering issues. Duplicate numbers: 171, 189; omitted: 211
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Youth generated cultures in Western SydneyForrester, Linda, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences January 1993 (has links)
The study focuses on the types of cultural practice that are, in the main, generated by the young people themselves (hereafter referred to as youth generated cultures) who fall within the age group of 14-20 yrs of age. The research was undertaken in the Western Sydney region, which is the largest expanding population in Australia, and is regularly defined as a socio-economically disadvantaged region, therefore, an important factor within this study is the issue of class determinants. The paper explores the youth generated cultural practice of graffiti, skateboarding, street machining, and street dancing. These creative practices challenge traditional notions of culture and the arts, however the young people also employ strategies of an aesthetic nature in their creative process. Youth generated cultures are actively engaged in criticism through the use of instrumentalist aesthetics such as Monroe Beardsley describes. The thesis proposes that youth generated cultures have, in a united and structured manner, provided for themselves a framework of economic and pedagogical support that has afforded them a place within the cultural mainstream without the recognition or approval of mainstream cultural establishments. It is argued that these particular youth generated cultures are not rebellious or destructive subcultures, that they are creative in nature and have been established primarily to produce and display their creative cultures. Youth agency is essential to the character of these youth generated cultures and it is this agency that is under challenge from the cultural hegemony. The young people involved in youth generated cultures demand that any account of their cultural practice must also accept the agency of youth as fundamental to their cultural status. / Master of Arts (Hons) (Art History and Theory)
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新北市新莊地政事務所基層公務員之衝突管理 / Conflict management in the street-level bureauacy : A case study of Xinzhuang Land administration office in New Taipei city government陳瀅如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新北市新莊地政事務所為個案,採質性研究,利用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇具有相當地政工作經歷之各階層地政人員為研究對象進行研究。參閱相關文獻及蒐集民眾陳情案件,以依法行政、專業知能及服務品質三大構面,分析面對不同的衝突情形,應實施何種衝突管理的方式,並以衝突管理模式評估實施衝突管理成效。歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出法令規定、制度與專業技術層面相關建議。 / The purpose of this research is to explore the conflict interaction between the street-level bureauacy of the land administration office and the public,and how to implement conflict management to reduce the negative effects,and get the positive.This research also provide other land administration offices.
This research is based on Xinzhuang Land Administration Office in New Taipei City Government as the case.Qualitative research was adopted and literature review
and in-depth interview,purposive sampling method are utilized.Personnel of various levels who have considerable experience in land administration work in practice are
selected for the study.Thouth the literature and the case of public petition, we construct three main dimensions:「rule by law」,「professional knowledge」,「quality
of service」,to analyze under what conditions.That different kind of conflict management should be implemented.We also use conflict management model to assess its effectiveness.Finally,we propose several suggestions from the regulation, institutional,and professional and technical level.
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Tenant-landlord communicative interaction: the influence of litigation in public housingMorden, Aida, Built Environment, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, public housing was investigated with particular reference to the nature of communication between the landlord and tenant. It focussed on interactive behaviours and the incidence of litigation. The study attempts to bridge the gap between social theory and social practice through the application of existing social theory in the description and analyses of social problems. Based on a critical review of the relevant literature, the characteristics of communicative interaction and human relationships are described, together with the history of housing provision and the growth of litigation to resolve issues in public housing. Research of communicative interaction in the housing sector in general and the landlord-tenant interaction in particular has been a neglected area of research that is addressed in this thesis. An initial study surveyed both tenants and housing officers in the Sydney metropolitan area. Social analysis focuses on local interaction between landlord and tenant and how these local interactions expand into global patterns. The thesis analyses how power-relating, ideological/evaluative and ethical choices of housing officers and tenants influence their communicative interaction and the subsequent access and distribution of services and resources in the public housing sector. The theoretical framework explicates on complex responsive processes (CRP) perspective. CRP is a process theory that looks into the simultaneous and co-influencing relationship between the individual and the social and multi-agency approach in social analysis. The conceptualising framework relies on the application of this theory and the principles of Humanity, human rights and social justice to achieve a dialogical communicative interaction. The thesis applied complementary quantitative and qualitative methods where a quantitative study of a small population was conducted using structured interviews and group meetings to guide the qualitative research. The population was identified by natural experiment, i.e., identification of two populations in a public housing estate: a Participative group, comprising tenants who had consciously participated in the housing authorities?? renewal programs, and a Non-participative group of tenants who had not taken part in the Tenant Participation programs by Housing New South Wales (HNSW). The housing officers and tenants were identified using snowball and quota sampling. The findings reveal a conspicuous absence of research that focus on local interaction between housing officers and tenants in public housing. The study confirms the anti-dialogical nature of communicative interaction in public housing, which is iterated, sustained and perpetuated by the use of litigation, a mechanism that is increasingly being preferred to settle disputes, by both landlord and tenant.
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<em>Rehabiliteringskedjan, Dagens politiska avspegling på arbetslinjen?</em> : - <em>En studie om hur handläggare på Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen upplever hinder och möjligheter med samarbete och samverkan i relation till rehabiliteringskedjan</em>Hassan, Abdifatah, Skotte, Ida January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna studie analyserar vi handläggares upplevelse av samverkan mellan två stora välfärdsmyndigheter, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom sju kvalitativa intervjuer undersöker vi möjligheter och hinder med samverkan utifrån den s.k. nya arbetslinjen och rehabiliteringskedjan. Vår teoretiska referensram utgår ifrån gräsrotsbyråkratin, sektoriseringsteorin samt olika idéer om samverkan och domänkonflikter. För att få underlag för studien tar vi också del av aktuell forskning som berör ämnet. Resultatet från vår studie visar att det finns flera gemensamma upplevelser av hinder och möjligheter hos respondenterna. Bland annat lyfter alla respondenter fram att samverkan är någonting positivt som klargör myndigheternas ansvar inför klienten. Resultatet visar även att majoriteten av respondenterna upplever att rehabiliteringskedjan motverkar passivitet som de anser råder inom rehabiliteringssfären.</p> / <p>In this study we analyze handling offices experience of cooperation between two major welfare authorities, the social insurance office and the employment agency. With the help of seven qualitative interviews we investigate the opportunities and the hindrance for cooperation on the base of the new so called workfare and rehabilitation chain. Our theoretical frame takes its starting point in particularly the theory of street level bureaucracy, sectorisation within the public sector and different ideas about cooperation and domain conflict. To build a platform for the study, we also take part of topical science that is relevant for the study. The result showed that there are several common experiences of opportunities and hindrance of cooperation. All of the respondents brought up the fact that cooperation is something positive that, from the client perspective, elucidates the authorities’ responsibility. The majority of the respondents also experienced that the rehabilitation chain counteract passivity, which existed within the rehabilitation sphere.</p>
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MOTTAGANDE OCH INTRODUKTION AV NYANLÄNDA BARN OCH UNGDOMAR : En kartläggning av kommunerna i Hallands länÅkesson Ugballa, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study aims to identify the municipalities of Hallands’ methods, guidelines and policies in integration concerning new arrivals of children and teenagers. Some of the new arrivals are under the power of Swedish Migration Board and some of them are by a contract handed over to the municipalities. The evaluation is based on Michael Lipskys street-level bureaucracy which puts its focus on the lower level of bureaucrats meeting with clients. The frame is Skolverkets guideline for education of new arrivals which is more or less a way towards a common policy. The other document used to put up evaluation criteria’s is the Integration office united goals towards the receiving of new arrivals. The material for this evaluation is empirical in the sense of interviews made in the municipalities and document handed from each responsible bureaucrat. The result shows implications of the wide interpretation that the municipalities have. Some of them follow the directions and stop there, while others form routines and policies which go beyond the expectations. The conclusion of this study is that some municipalities have a lack of structure in the area for new arrivals of children and teenagers. This is in most of the cases because there also is a lack of liability areas. Most of the jobs are handed over to the principals who in the same way hand theirs over to the teachers. Bureaucrats need to know what is expected and there need to be documents or a reliable structure to work under.</p>
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"Jag Liksom står väl på mig" : - en studie om sex personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras upplevelser av bemötande i kontakten med handläggaren inom den offentliga sektorn.Örnehag, Andreas, Wikström, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>Treatment is both about the actual encounter and how individuals interact as well as the behaviour among the counterparts. Previous research shows that a person’s experience of how he/she is being treated is formed by conditions created by external factors, in literature known as the general view on treatment. The purpose of the study is to show how people with a physical disability experience the treatment from their Social Security Agency administrators. We have compared the empirical material with theories on treatment and power and analysed how this affect the interaction between the administrator and the disabled person. We have used qualitative interviews to collect the empirical material; in all we have conducted six semi-structural interviews. The result shows that the clients have experienced both positive and negative aspects of treatment, with emphasis on feelings of positive reception. The respondents have pointed out different strategies in order to take control of their own situation. Despite this, the Social Security Agency aadministrators always has the final say, i.e. the executive power. All respondents stress that the administrator must be a good listener, able to motivate them as well as humble during their encounter.</p><p> </p><p>Key words: street-level bureaucrat, disability, treatment and public sector</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p>Nyckelord: gräsrotsbyråkrat, funktionsnedsättning, bemötande, offentlig sektor</p>
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Evaluation kommunaler Sportprojekte zur sozialen Integration von Heranwachsenden / Evaluation of community sports projects focusing on the social integration of adolescentsBorković, Vladimir January 2010 (has links)
Gegenstand der Studie ist die Evaluation eines kommunalen Sportprojekts. Die Forschungsarbeit entstand aus der wachsenden Erkenntnis heraus, dass es nicht mehr nur um die Entwicklung und Durchführung kommunaler oder sozialer Projekte geht, sondern zunehmend darauf ankommt, die Projektarbeit zu evaluieren, um ihren Einfluss auf die kommunale, soziale und personale Entwicklung zu prüfen und in der Folge die Implementierung zu optimieren. Die unterschiedlichen Schritte in der Definition des theoretischen Rahmens, der Datenanalyse sowie der Erarbeitung der evaluativen Empfehlungen wurden unternommen mit dem Anspruch auf Modellcharakter, um für zukünftige Evaluationsvorhaben entsprechende Standards zu setzen.
Die Grundidee des kommunalen Sportprojekts „Straßenfußball für Toleranz“ ist innovativ: Mädchen und Jungen erobern durch gemeinsames Fußballspielen den öffentlichen Raum. Sie spielen ohne Schiedsrichter und nach speziellen Regeln. Das Projekt richtet sich ausdrücklich an sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche und bezieht gleichermaßen Jungen wie Mädchen ein. / The objective of the study is the evaluation of a community sports project. The thesis originated from the growing perception that it is not only about initiating and implementing a communal or social project but that the focus is increasingly also on the evaluation of the project work in order to measure its impact on communal, social and personal development and to optimise the implementation as a consequence. The different steps in the definition of the theoretical framework, the data analysis as well as the formulation of the evaluative recommendations were conducted with the pretension to set standards for future evaluation projects.
The basic concept of the community sports project “Street Football for Tolerance” is innovative: boys and girls jointly conquer public spaces by playing football. They play without a referee and according to special rules. The project explicitly reaches out to socially disadvantaged adolescents, with the aim that boys and girls are equally involved.
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Från mål till måltid : Implementeringen av det politiska målet om 25 procent ekologisk mat i offentlig sektor år 2010– en fallstudie kring skolmaten i VäxjöArvidsson, Lars January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the implementation of a political aim – formulatedfrom a context of sustainable development. In 2006 both the Swedish national Parliament andthe municipality of Växjö (among others) stated that 25% of publically served food wouldstem from organic production by the end of 2010. The thesis investigates the outcome of theimplementation of this policy in a local perspective - looking at one part of the public sectorby focusing on four differently organized schools within Växjö municipality. School food in Sweden has a specific institutional setting. It holds the almost unique statusas a non-charged, legal right to all pupils in the compulsory school system. School food as apublic good is affected by the EU legislation of public procurement. The thesis studies theoverall institutional framework (i.e. legislation and regulations) fundamental to school food.With the institutional framework in mind the thesis also describes different organizationalactivities connected to school food. Thus the thesis involves four geographical levels: Theregional (EU), the national, the local and the individual level. The latter is defined in theorganized context from a number of individual professionals. Some of these individuals arefurther considered as so called street level bureaucrats – officials sandwiched between superiorsand their clients. The thesis builds a conceptual framework based on institutional, organizational and streetlevel theory together with policy analysis. Methodologically the thesis is formed around andcarried out as a local case study through a number of semi-structured qualitative interviews.The empirical and analytical part of the thesis is further structured around the three theoreticalconcepts. From the thesis´ purpose three guiding questions were outlined. The main implications of the thesis are that a number of factors were found to be involvedin the policy implementation. The most significant factors for the policy implementation arefirstly the formulation of the political goal, and secondly the individual professionals actuallybuying the food for the schools. As long as the policy of the school food is non-forcing (i.e. anaverage aim of the public sector, and not included in the legislation) the final outcome of thefood depends on the decisions made by the buyer. There is disagreement of the policy intention and of whether organic food is more sustainablethan other food. Thus I end the thesis by suggesting a change of concepts if the politicalaim is to reach sustainability. I encourage a system to control the food´s total ecological footprint.This would be achieved by formulating the policy around a suggested level of the ecologicalfootprint. The level would be calculated and set where experts say it´s in accordancewith sustainable development. From this the street level bureaucrats can sum up the componentsof the lunch they buy and serve. No matter if the individual product is labeled organic,local, conventional, or… This would – according to me – improve the chances for Växjö actually to live up to itslogo: the greenest city in Europe. At least this idea could awake a debate. / Opposition kl. 13.15
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ATT RYMMAS INOM SITT FRIUTRYMME : Om samhällskunskapslärares tolkning, anpassning och undervisningKarlefjärd, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore and analyze experienced teachers understanding, as well as transformation, of the school subject civics. The study has focused on the content, methods, and evaluation of the education taking place in the class room as described by the teachers themselves. Teachers’ autonomy, within the education setting, and their knowledge base is the point of departure when assessing teachers understanding and transformation of the subject. A further aim of the study has also been to make visible, where possible, the role of a personal knowledge base in this transformation process. The findings of this study are based on interviews with teachers teaching civics at upper secondary level in various parts of Sweden. These findings show that it is possible to discern that teachers’ general dictum about content, methods, and evaluation are very much alike. The findings further show that when teachers describe their daily transformation of civics the most visible knowledge is their pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of learner and their characteristics and knowledge of educational context. One conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that when autonomy and knowledge base is combined, then it is here one find that teachers’ general comprehension about the school subject civics seems to be very similar. However, when it comes to daily transformation within the classroom, then the subject transformation is modified to fit the learners, the school context, and sometimes to the teachers’ well-being. From this one can draw the conclusion that comprehension and transformation need not always go hand-in-hand.
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