Spelling suggestions: "subject:"butress urinary incontinence"" "subject:"detress urinary incontinence""
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Investigation of optimal cue to instruction for pelvic floor muscle contraction in women using ultrasound imagingCrotty, Kay January 2014 (has links)
Background: Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training is recommended as first line conservative management for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The fundamental issue of how to optimally contract the PFM has not previously been investigated. An effective voluntary PFM contraction is known to positively influence the bladder neck and urethra which are urethrovesical (UV) structures associated with continence. The PFM may be globally or selectively contracted according to cue to instruction. The main research question was to investigate which cue to instruction for a PFM contraction has the potential to optimise position of UVSs following a brief period of practice in continent nulliparous pre-menopausal women (aiming to provide normative data) and parous menopausal women with previously unreported SUI. Hypotheses: Posterior or combined cues for instruction of PFM contraction are more influential in optimising UV position (UVP) during PFMC following brief practice than an anterior cue. Posterior or combined cues are equally influential in altering UVP. Aims: Preliminary aim was to investigate the reliability and suitability of 2-DRTUS and angle of urethral inclination (AUI) for imaging of selective contraction of the PFM and ease of reading images by a non diagnostic imaging researcher. Principal aim was to investigate if there is an optimal cue to instruction for a PFM contraction in two groups of women. Study 1: pre menopausal nulliparous continent women (to provide normative data) and Study 2: post menopausal parous stress incontinent women. Secondary aims were investigation of posture; ability to selectively contract the PFM contraction; and cue preference. Method: Study 1: Twenty women who were able to effectively and selectively contract were taught the following cues: anterior; posterior; anterior and posterior combined. Following 4 weeks of practice, perineal 2-D RTUS images of three PFMC for each cue were captured in supine and standing twice (for repeatability analysis) five minutes apart. Two raters measured AUI. Data analysis was undertaken using a Customized General Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA with Bonferroni correction for interactions between all variables; subject, cue, posture and test. Seventeen data sets were available for analysis. Study 2: Methodology was based on Study 1. Twenty-one women were taught the study cues, followed the practice protocol and underwent data collection in the supine position. Twenty-one sets of data were available for analysis. Results: Reliability: ICC [1,3] for intra rater reliability was 0.957 [CI 95%: 0.946 to 0.967 p=0.000], inter rater reliability [2,1] 0.820 [CI 95%: 0.768 to 0.861] and for repeatability [1,3] 0.781 [CI 95%: 0.690 to 0.849 p=0.000] (continent) and 0.954 [CI 95%:0.931 to 0.971 p=0.000] (incontinent). Principal results Study 1: anterior vs posterior cues (difference) 3.979˚ (CI 95%: [0.503 to 7.455 p=0.021]); anterior vs combined 3.777˚ (CI 95%: [-0.099 to 6.853 p= 0.059]) posterior vs combined cues -0.602˚ (CI 95%: [-2.874- 4.078 p=1.00]). Aggregated data from tests 1 and 2: anterior vs posterior 4.240° (CI 95%: [1.213 to 7.267 p=0.003]); anterior vs posterior 3.756° (95%CI: [0.729 to 6.783 p=0.009]); posterior vs combined-6.48° (95% CI: [-3.511 to 2.542 p=1.000]). Principal results Study 2: anterior vs posterior 3.936˚ (95%CI: [0.863 to 7.008p=0.008]; 4.946˚ anterior vs combined (95%CI: [1.873 to 8.018 p=0.001]); posterior vs combined 1.010° (95%CI: -[2.062 to 4.082 p=1.000]). Aggregated analysis was anterior vs posterior 3.703˚ (95%CI: [1.639 to 5.761 p=0.000]); anterior vs combined 5.089˚ (95%CI: [3.0287 to 7.1503 p=0.000]) and posterior and combined 1.389° (95%CI: [-0.672 to 3.450 p=0.309]). Secondary results: 2-D RTUS and the AUI were found to be suitable for investigating selective PFM contraction. Posture: supine vs standing (difference) 9.496˚ (p=0.000); (posture did not affect absolute AUI). Three continent (13%) and 2 incontinent (7%) subjects were unable to selectively contract the PFM. Cue preference in both studies was posterior or combined. Conclusions: AUI was significantly narrower/optimal when instruction for PFM contraction included a posterior cue, in both continent and stress incontinent women. This is proposed to be due to optimal recruitment of puborectalis. Puborectalis may be more important in urinary continence than widely recognized. This study has provided seminal information with respect to optimal cue to contraction for a PFM contraction and will change practice. Investigation of the potential impact of these findings clinically is required. It is proposed that further understanding will lead to standardisation of PFM instruction, ease of comparability between PFM research studies, and will clarify PFM instructions for the media and lay public.
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Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedbackSchmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.
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A randomised controlled equivalence trial comparing tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) with suprapubic urethral support sling (SPARC)Lord, Helen Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Approximately 35% of women worldwide have stress incontinence, which is defined as involuntary leakage of urine on effort, exertion, or on sneezing and coughing. There are various surgical techniques for stress incontinence; however, minimally invasive operations are increasingly being chosen by surgeons and their patients. Of these procedures, tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) has a cure rate of approximately 90% and is now perceived as the standard technique for stress incontinence. Reported complications of TVT include arterial laceration, bladder perforation, bowel perforation, de novo urgency, dyspareunia, excessive blood loss, haematoma, nerve injuries, urethral erosion, urge incontinence, urinary tract infection, vascular injury, vaginal mesh erosion, voiding dysfunction and death. Suprapubic urethral support sling (SPARC) is a very similar minimally invasive operation and early indications suggested that the success rate for treating stress incontinence was expected to be identical or better than those obtained with the earlier TVT approach, with possibly fewer adverse perioperative events. Our trial sought to establish equivalence between TVT and SPARC in relation to short-term complications and efficacy. OBJECTIVES The primary outcome was bladder perforation. Secondary outcomes were blood loss, voiding difficulty, urgency, and cure of stress incontinence symptoms. METHOD A randomised controlled one-sided equivalence trial (RCT) was conducted in Perth, Western Australia during 2003 and 2004 by researchers in the School of Population Health, University of Western Australia (UWA) and King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH). Patients were recruited from the public Urology/Urogynaecology Clinic at the primary women's hospital and the consultant surgeons' private practices. ... However, acute urinary retention requiring a return to theatre to loosen the tape (TVT 0%, SPARC 6.5%; OR: [infinity], 95% CL: 2.2, [infinity]; p=0.002) and subjective short-term cure (TVT 87.1%, SPARC 76.5%; OR: 2.07, 95% CL: 1.13, 3.81; p=0.03) were statistically significantly different. CONCLUSIONS The results are consistent with clinical equivalence between TVT and SPARC in relation to the incidence of bladder perforation. No statistically significant difference was found between TVT and SPARC in blood loss, urgency or short-term objective cure of stress incontinence at the six week post-discharge visit to the surgeon. However, the tapes were more difficult to adjust correctly in SPARC procedures and a statistically significant number of patients required a return to theatre for loosening of the tape (TVT 0/147, 0% and SPARC 10/154, 6.5%, p=0.002). Compared with SPARC, TVT was statistically significantly higher for subjective short-term cure. In ii relation to vaginal mesh erosion, TVT was lower than SPARC, though not statistically significantly. Overall, voiding difficulty (loosening of the tape), urgency and vaginal mesh erosion were the most important clinical problems. This randomised controlled trial demonstrates the importance of testing new devices which appear to be similar, but which may have clinically relevant differences. A follow up study to assess the long-term efficacy of tension-free vaginal tape and suprapubic urethral support sling and associated complications is planned.
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Der ventrale vesikourethrale Suspensionsapparat als Teil des männlichen KontinenzsystemsDartsch, Mareike 29 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Belastungsharninkontinenz (BHI) geht mit einem großen Verlust an Lebensqualität einher. Während bei der Frau durch Einführung der suburethralen Schlingen auf der Grundlage der Integraltheorie (Petros und Ulmsten) seit Jahren eine wirksame Therapieoption der BHI existiert, gibt es für den Mann bisher kein derart gereiftes theoretisches Konzept zur Erklärung der Inkontinenzmechanismen. Ein bestehendes Problem ist hier die noch immer kontrovers diskutierte Mikroanatomie, vor allem aber die Verankerung und das funktionelles Zusammenspiel der Kontinenz erzeugenden Einzelstrukturen.
Anliegen dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Analyse der anatomischen Schnittstellen zwischen Beckenwand und Organen im Spatium retropubicum (ventraler vesikourethraler Suspensionsapparat, VVUS) beim Mann durchzuführen, um eine Ableitung von Aufgaben bei der Miktion und Erzeugung von Kontinenz herzustellen. Fernziele sind dabei, klinisch brauchbare Therapieformen der männlichen BHI voranzutreiben und einen Nutzen für die anatomische Lehre abzuleiten.
Methodisch basiert die Arbeit auf makroskopisch-anatomischen Präparationen der sogenannten „puboprostatischen Bänder“ (PPL), des Arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis (ATFP) und der Beckenfaszien, ferner des M. pubococcygeus an Alkohol- und Thiel-fixierten männlichen Becken (n=11) mit kontinuierlicher Fotodokumentation. Die histologische Analyse ausgewählter Gewebeblöcke dient der Festlegung von Kontaktstellen der einzelnen Gewebe. Ein Pool aus 650 Dünnschnittpräparaten in HE- und Crossmon-Färbung wurde durch immunhistochemisch mit α-SMCA-AK markierten Schnitten zur exakten Differenzierung der muskulären Grundstruktur komplettiert. Die Schnittstelle zur Klinik bildet eine Pilotserie von MRT-Untersuchungen des VVUS bei 3 gesunden männlichen Probanden, die mit dem Präparationssitus verglichen wurde und Potenzial für zukünftige Studien aufzeigt.
Wesentliche Erkenntnisse sind: 1. „Puboprostatische Bänder“ existieren nicht. Ein Komplex aus Einzelstrukturen, die vor allem Assoziation zur Harnblase haben, bildet das makroskopische Korrelat. 2. Die Mm. pubovesicales zeigen einen fächerförmigen Verlauf, daher sollte eine Neubezeichnung als M. collaris vesicae erfolgen. 3. Der ATFP dient als Aponeurose für die Mm. pubovesicales neben der Stabilisierung des vesikourethralen Überganges. 4. Die Endopelvine Faszie existiert, sie trägt zum Erhalt einer bestimmten Höhenlage des vesikourethralen Überganges bei und stabilisiert die Urethra durch ihren langstreckigen lateralen Verlauf. Die Evaluation der Abbildungsweise des VVUS in anatomischen Lehrmedien ist der studentischen Ausbildung geschuldet. Dabei wird auf seine ungleiche Darstellung hingewiesen und eine Revision angeregt. Die Voraussetzung für die Optimierung der männlichen Harnkontinenz bleibt in jedem Fall die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anatomie und Klinik bei der Aus- und Fortbildung.
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Internet-based treatment of stress urinary incontinence : treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectivenessSjöström, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Background Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, or on exertion. It affects 10-35% of women, and can impair quality of life (QOL). First-line treatment is pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). However, access barriers and embarrassment may prevent women from seeking care. There is a need for new, easily accessible ways to provide treatment. Aim To evaluate the treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness of an Internet- based treatment programme for SUI. Methods We recruited 250 community-dwelling women aged 18-70 years, with SUI ≥1/week via our website. Participants were randomised to 3 months of PFMT with either an Internet-based programme (n=124), or a programme sent by post (n=126). We had no-face-to face contact with the participants, but the Internet group received individually tailored e-mail support from an urotherapist. Treatment outcome was evaluated after 4 months with intention-to-treat analysis. After treatment, we telephoned a strategic selection of participants (Internet n=13, postal n=8) to interview them about their experiences, and analysed the results according to grounded theory principles. We also performed a cost-utility analysis with a 1-year societal perspective, comparing the treatment programmes with each other and with a no-treatment alternative. To scrutinize our measure of QOL, we performed a reliability study of the ICIQ-LUTSqol questionnaire. Results Participants in both intervention groups achieved highly significant improvements (p<0.001) with large effect sizes (>0.8) in the primary outcomes symptom score (ICIQ-UI SF: mean change Internet 3.4 [SD 3.4], postal 2.9 [3.1]), and condition-specific QOL (ICIQ-LUTSqol: mean change Internet 4.8 [SD 6.1], postal 4.6 [SD 6.7]); however, the differences between the groups were not significant. Compared with the postal group, more participants in the Internet group perceived they were much or very much improved after treatment (40.9%, vs. 26.5%, p=0.01), reduced their use of incontinence aids (59.5% vs. 41.4%, p=0.02), and indicated satisfaction with the treatment programme (84.8% vs. 62.9%, p<0.001). Results from the interviews fell into three categories: about life with SUI and barriers to seeking care; about the treatments and the patient-provider relationship; about the sense of empowerment many women experienced. A core category emerged: “Acknowledged but not exposed.” The extra cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained through use of the Internet-based programme compared with the postal programme was €200. The extra cost per QALY for the Internet-based programme compared with no treatment was €30,935. The condition-specific questionnaire ICIQ-LUTSqol is reliable in women with SUI, with high degrees of agreement between overall scores (Intraclass correlation coefficient 0.95, p<0.001). Conclusion Internet-based treatment for SUI is a new, effective, and patient-appreciated treatment alternative, which can increase access to care in a sustainable way.
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Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedbackSchmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.
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Efeitos a curto e longo prazo do fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com uso de cones vaginais para mulheres no período pós-menopausal com incontinência urinária de esforço: estudo randomizado controladoPereira, Vanessa Santos 24 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-24 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Conservative treatment is indicated by the International Continence Society as the first treatment option for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Despite its wide clinical application, there is insufficient evidence to indicate the use of vaginal cones in treatment of SUI when compared with other treatment modalities. Thus, the present study investigated the short-and long-term effects of strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles with the use of vaginal cones compared to strengthening without this device and no treatment in women in post-menopausal women with SUI. Forty five volunteers were randomized in three groups: strengthening with use of vaginal cones (GCone), n = 15; strengthening without the use of vaginal cones (GS) n = 15, and the control group (CG) n = 15. The treatment consisted of 12 sessions, with two 40min sessions per week and total of six weeks of treatment. The women were evaluated before treatment, after treatment and one year after treatment for primary outcomes (urinary leakage and pelvic floor muscle pressure) and secondary outcomes (quality of life, satisfaction with treatment and continuity of exercises). It was observed a significant reduction in urinary leakage after treatment (p <0.01), which remained after one year in both GCone and GF groups. There was a significant increase of pelvic floor muscle pressure for the groups treated in the evaluation performed after treatment (p <0.01). However, it was observed a reduction in the pressure of contraction when compared values after treatment with values one year after termination for GCone (p = 0.035) and GF (p = 0.005). For the primary outcomes, the treated groups did not differ and these were statistically higher than the GC. Comparing the values of initial and final evaluations, there were improvement of quality of life for impact of urinary incontinence, limitations of daily activities, physical and social, emotional and severity measures domains (p <0.01) for the treated groups. One year after treatment, 12/14 (80%) of Gcone women and 11/13 (84.6%) of GF women declared themselves satisfied with the treatment received. In addition, 8/15 (53.3%) of GCone women and 7/13 (53.8%) GF women continued doing exercises at home without using any device. In conclusion, the strengthening with and without the use of vaginal cones promotes positive outcomes regarding urinary leakage, pelvic floor muscle pressure and quality of life in women after menopause. However, one year after the end there was a reduction in the contraction pressure without increasing urinary leakage. / O tratamento conservador é indicado pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência como primeira opção de tratamento para mulheres com incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE). Apesar de sua grande aplicação clínica, não existem evidências suficientes para a indicação do uso dos cones vaginais no tratamento desta disfunção quando comparado a outras modalidades terapêuticas. Diante disso, o presente estudo buscou investigar os efeitos a curto e longo prazo do fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com uso dos cones vaginais quando comparado ao fortalecimento sem esse dispositivo e a ausência de tratamento em mulheres no período pós-menopausal com IUE. Para tanto, 45 voluntárias foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos: grupo de fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com uso de cones vaginais (GCone), n=15; grupo de fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico sem uso de cones vaginais (GF) n=15; e grupo controle (GC), n=15. O tratamento foi realizado em duas sessões semanais, com duração média de 40 minutos, por seis semanas. As voluntárias foram avaliadas antes e depois do tratamento, e um ano após o término quanto aos desfechos primários (perda urinária e a pressão de contração da musculatura do assoalho pélvico) e secundários (qualidade de vida, satisfação com o tratamento e continuidade dos exercícios de fortalecimento). Foi verificada uma redução significativa da perda urinária após o tratamento (p<0,01), que se manteve após um ano em ambos os grupos. Quanto à pressão de contração, foi verificado um aumento significativo nos grupos tratados nas avaliações realizadas após o tratamento (p<0,01). No entanto, foi observada uma redução da pressão de contração quando comparado os valores após o tratamento e um ano após o término para o GCone (p=0,035) e GF (p=0,005). Para os desfechos primários não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos tratados e estes apresentaram resultados estatisticamente superiores ao GC. Quando comparados os valores das avaliações finais e inicial foi observada melhora da qualidade de vida para os domínios impacto da incontinência urinária, limitações de atividades de vida diária, físicas e sociais, emoções e medidas de gravidade (p<0,01) para os grupos tratados. Após um ano do término do tratamento, 12/14 (80%) voluntárias do GCone e 11/13 (84,6%) do GF declararam-se satisfeitas com o tratamento recebido. Além disso, 8/15 (53,3%) voluntárias do GCone e 7/13 (53,8%) voluntárias do GF declaram persistir realizando exercícios em casa sem o uso de qualquer dispositivo. Conclui-se que o fortalecimento com e sem o uso dos cones vaginais promove resultados positivos quanto à perda urinária, pressão da musculatura do assoalho pélvico e qualidade de vida em mulheres após a menopausa. No entanto, um ano após o término houve uma redução da pressão de contração, sem o aumento da perda urinária.
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Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedbackSchmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.
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Comparação de diferentes parâmetros de um dinamômetro de força transvaginal entre mulheres saudáveis e com incontinência urinária de esforço / Comparison of different parameters of a transvaginal force dynamometer among healthy women with stress urinary incontinenceAmorim, Karina Moyano 18 December 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-18 / Changes in pelvic floor muscles (PMF) that occur in stress urinary incontinence (SUI) can be quantified using a transvaginal dynamometer. The objective of this study was to compare and test the accuracy of different parameters obtained by a transvaginal force dynamometer, from contraction of MAP, between healthy and SUI women. Seventeen healthy women (CG) and 17 women with stress urinary incontinence (GSUI) aged 20-60 years were included in this study. The MAP strength was evaluated by means of a transvaginal dynamometer, in a single test session. The data were collected with the patient in lithotomy, and the volunteers were instructed to perform a maximal contraction of the MAP and resist until exhaustion. The test was repeated three times with a 1 minute interval between tests. The dynamometric parameters used to evaluate the MAPs were: peak time (time at which the peak force occurred from the beginning of the MAP contraction), baseline (passive force), maximum force value of MAP contraction, contraction and mean contraction force of the MAP and endurance. The covariance analysis (ANCOVA) with Bonferrone's post hoc test showed that only the endurance variable was different between the groups (F=4.87, P=0.03; p2= 0.14). The accuracy of endurance to identify women with SUI was verified by the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). The area on the curve was 0.76 and the sensitivity and specificity were 76.60% for both conditions. In this study it was possible to verify that only the variable muscular resistance has moderate accuracy to identify women with stress urinary incontinence. / As alterações dos músculos do assoalho pélvico (MAP) que ocorrem na incontinência urinária por esforço (IUE) podem ser quantificadas por meio de dinamômetro transvaginal. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar e testar a acurácia de diferentes parâmetros obtidos por um dinamômetro de força transvaginal, a partir da contração dos MAP, entre mulheres saudáveis e com IUE. Fizeram parte desse estudo, 17 mulheres saudáveis (GC) e 17 com incontinência urinária por esforço (GIUE) com faixa etária de 20 a 60 anos. A avaliação da força dos MAP foi realizada por meio de um dinamômetro transvaginal, em uma única sessão de teste. Os dados foram coletados com a paciente em litotomia, sendo as voluntárias instruídas a realizar uma contração máxima dos MAP e resistir até a exaustão. O teste foi repetido por três vezes com intervalo de 1 minuto entre as coletas. Os parâmetros dinamométricos utilizados para avaliar os MAP foram: tempo do pico (tempo em que ocorreu o pico de força a partir do início da contração dos MAP), linha base (força passiva), valor de força máxima da contração dos MAP, impulso de contração e força média da contração dos MAP e endurance. A análise de covariância (ANCOVA) com teste post hoc de Bonferrone, demonstrou que somente a variável endurance foi diferente entre os grupos (F=4.87, P=0.03; p2= 0.14). A acurácia do endurance para identificar mulheres com IUE foi verificada pela curva de característica de operação do receptor (ROC). A área sobre a curva foi de 0.76 sendo a sensibilidade e especificidade de 76.60% para ambas as condições. Nesse estudo foi possível verificar que somente a variável endurance possui acurácia moderada para identificar mulheres com incontinência urinária por esforço.
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Association between physical activity and stress urinary incontinence in sportswomen from a private university in Lima - Peru / Asociación entre la Actividad Física y la Incontinencia Urinaria por Esfuerzo en deportistas femeninas de una Universidad Privada de Lima – PerúIrazabal Flores, Alessandra Milagros, Yaya cante, Giancarlo 23 December 2020 (has links)
Urinary incontinence in young sportswomen is a common disorder that interferes with sports practice. Objective: To determine if there is an association between physical activity and stress urinary incontinence in sportswomen from a private university.
Analytical cross-sectional study, developed in sportswomen from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire - short version (IPAQ –SF) was used to determine the level of physical activity and the Abbreviated Form of the International Incontinence Consultation Questionnaire (ICIQ - SF) to determine stress urinary incontinence.
Of the 92 athletes analyzed in the study, 75% performed high physical activity, 47.8% presented urinary incontinence, of which 63.3% belonged to stress urinary incontinence. In the bivariate analysis between physical activity and stress urinary incontinence, 46% of the athletes who performed high physical activity presented stress urinary incontinence compared to 10% who performed moderate or low physical activity, being significant (p < 0.05). In the multivariate analysis, it was evidenced that women who perform high physical activity have 7.92 times more prevalence of stress urinary incontinence than women who perform moderate or low physical activity, being significant (p = 0.04) and adjusted to the age variables, kind of sport and sport time.
An association was found between high-intensity Physical Activity and Stress Urinary Incontinence in female university athletes. / Introducción: La incontinencia urinaria en mujeres jóvenes deportistas es un trastorno frecuente y que interfiere con la práctica deportiva. Objetivo: Determinar si existe asociación entre la actividad física y la incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo en mujeres deportistas de una universidad privada. Metodología: Estudio transversal analítico, desarrollado en las mujeres deportistas de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física – versión corta (IPAQ –SF) para determinar el nivel de actividad física y el Formulario abreviado del cuestionario de Cuestionario Internacional de Incontinencia de formato corto (ICIQ – SF) para determinar la incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo. Resultados: De las 92 deportistas analizadas en el estudio, el 75% realizaba actividad física alta, el 47, 8% presentaron incontinencia urinaria, de las cuales el 63.3% pertenecían a incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo. En el análisis bivariado entre la actividad física y la incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo, el 46% de las deportistas que realizaba actividad física alta presentaban incontinencia urinaria por esfuerzo en comparación con el 10 % que realizaba actividad física moderada o baja, siendo significativo (p<0.05). En el análisis multivariado, se evidenció que las mujeres que realizan actividad física alta tienen 7.92 veces más prevalencia de Incontinencia Urinaria por Esfuerzo que las mujeres que realizan actividad física moderada o baja, siendo significativo (p=0.04) y ajustado a las variables edad, tipo de deporte y tiempo de deporte. Conclusión: Se encontró asociación entre la Actividad Física de alta intensidad con la Incontinencia Urinaria por Esfuerzo en deportistas mujeres universitarias. / Tesis
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