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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronic and Magnetic Structures of Some Selected Strongly Correlated Systems

Pal, Banabir January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Transition metal oxides and chalcogenides are an ideal platform for demonstrating and investigating many interesting electronic phases of matter. These phases emerge as a result of collective many body interactions among the electrons. The omnipresent electron, depending on its interaction with other electrons and with the underlying lattice, can generate diverse phases of matter with exotic physical properties. The ultimate objective of Materials Science is to provide a complete microscopic understanding of these myriad electronic phases of matter. A proper understanding of the collective quant-tum behaviour of electrons in different system can also help in designing and tuning new electronic phases of matter that may have strong impact in the field of microelectronics, well beyond that predicted by Moore s law. Strong electron correlation effects produce a wide spectrum of ground state prop-retires like superconductivity, Metal Insulator Transition (MIT), charge-orbital ordering and many more. Similarly, different spin interactions among electrons, essentially due to various kinds of exchange coupling, give rise to varying magnetic ground state prop-retires like ferromagnetism, anti-ferromagnetism, spin glass, among others. The main objective of this thesis is to understand and rationalize diverse electronic and magnetic phases of matter in some selected strongly correlated systems. In chapter 1 we have provided an overview of various electronic and magnetic phases of matter which are relevant and necessary for understanding the chapters that follow. The first part of this chapter describes the fundamental concepts of the so called Metal Insulator Transition (MIT). A small section is dedicated to the subtle interactions among electrons and lattice that actually drive a system from a highly conducting metallic state to a strongly resistive insulating state. The second part of this chapter offers a compilation of different magnetic ground states which are discussed in detail in the last two chapters. In Chapter 2, we have explained various methodologies and experimental tech-antiques that have been used in the work reported in this thesis. In Chapter 3, we have provided a detailed understanding of the MIT in different polymorphic forms of Vanadium dioxide (VO2). Although VO2 exhibits a number of polymorphic forms, only the rutile/monoclinic VO2 phase has been studied extensively compared to other polymorphic forms. This phase shows a well-established MIT across ∼340 K, which has been extensively investigated in order to understand the relative importance of many body electron correlation effects arising primarily from on-site Coulomb interactions within the Vanadium 3d manifold, and single electron effects flounced by the dimerization of Vanadium atoms. Unlike the rutile phase of VO2, little is known about the MIT appearing across 212 K in the metastable B-phase of VO2. This phase shows dimerization of only half of the Vanadium atoms in the insulating state, in contrast to rutile/monoclinic VO2, which show complete dimerization. There is a long standing debate about the origin of the MIT in the rutile/monoclinic phase, that contrasts the role of the many-body Hubbard U term, with single particle effects of the dimerization. In light of this debate, the MIT in the B-phase offers a unique opportunity to understand and address the competition between many body and single particle effects, that has been unresolved over several decades. In this chapter we have investigated different polymorphs of VO2 to understand the underlying electronic structure and the nature of the MIT in these polymorphic forms. The MIT in VO2 B phase is very broad in nature. X-ray photoemission and optical conductivity data indicate that in case of VO2 B phase both correlation effects and dimerization is necessary to drive the MIT. We have also established that the correlation effects are more prominent for VO2 B phase compared to rutile/monoclinic phase. In Chapter 4, we have discussed the electronic structure of LaTiO3 (LTO)-SrTiO3 (STO) system. At the interface between polar LTO and non-polar (STO) oxides, an unique two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) like state appears, that exhibits a phenomenal range of unexpected transport, magnetic, and electronic properties. Thus, this interface stands as a prospective candidate for not only fundamental scientific investigation, but also application in technological and ultimately commercial frontiers. In this chapter, using variable energy Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES), we have experimentally investigated the layer resolved evolution of electronic structure across the interface in LTO-STO system. HAXPES results suggest that the interface is more coherent in nature and the coherent to incoherent feature ratio changes significantly as we probe deeper into the layer In chapter 5, we have investigated the electronic structure of the chemically exfoliated trigonal phase of MoS2. This elusive trigonal phase exists only as small patches on chemically exfoliated MoS2, and is believed to control functioning of MoS2 based devices. Its electronic structure is little understood, with total absence of any spec-troscopic data, and contradictory claims from theoretical investigations. We have ad-dressed this issue experimentally by studying the electronic structure of few layered chemically exfoliated MoS2 systems using spatially resolved X-ray photoemission spec-otoscopy and micro Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with electronic structure calculations. We have established that the ground state of this unique trigonal phase is actually a small gap (∼90 meV) semiconductor. This is in contrast with most of the claims in existing literature. In chapter 6, we have re-examined and revaluated the electronic structure of the late 3d transition metal monoxides (NiO, FeO, and CoO) using a combination of HAX-PES and state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. We have observed a strong evolution in the valence band spectra as a function of excitation energy. Theoretical results show that a combined GW+LDA+DMFT scheme is essential for explaining the observed experimental findings. Additionally, variable temperature HAXPES measurement In chapter 8, we have differentiated the surface and the bulk electronic structure in Sr2FeMoO6 and also have provided a new route to increase the Curie temperature of this material. Sr2FeMoO6 is well known for its high Curie temperature (Tc ∼410 K), half-metallic ferromagnetism, and a spectacularly large tunnelling magnetoresistance. The surface electronic structure of Sr2FeMoO6 is believed to be different from the bulk; leading to a Spin-Valve type Magnetoresistance. We have carried out variable energy HAXPES on Sr2FeMoO6 to probe electronic structure as a function of surface depth. Our experimental results indicate that surface is more Mo6+ rich. We have also demonstrated what we believe is the first direct experimental evidence of hard ferro-magnetism in the surface layer using X Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) with dual detection mode. In the second part of this chapter we have designed a new route to increase the Curie temperature and have been successfully able to achieve a Curie temperature as high as 515 K.

Theoretical approach to Direct Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering on Magnets and Superconductors

Marra, Pasquale 02 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The capability to probe the dispersion of elementary spin, charge, orbital, and lattice excitations has positioned resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the forefront of photon science. In this work, we will investigate how RIXS can contribute to a deeper understanding of the orbital properties and of the pairing mechanism in unconventional high-temperature superconductors. In particular, we will show how direct RIXS spectra of magnetic excitations can reveal long-range orbital correlations in transition metal compounds, by discriminating different kind of orbital order in magnetic and antiferromagnetic systems. Moreover, we will show how RIXS spectra of quasiparticle excitations in superconductors can measure the superconducting gap magnitude, and reveal the presence of nodal points and phase differences of the superconducting order parameter on the Fermi surface. This can reveal the properties of the underlying pairing mechanism in unconventional superconductors, in particular cuprates and iron pnictides, discriminating between different superconducting order parameter symmetries, such as s, d (singlet pairing) and p wave (triplet pairing).

Electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in strongly correlated systems

Sica, G. January 2013 (has links)
In this work we investigate some aspects of the physics of strongly correlated systems by taking into account both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions as basic mechanisms for reproducing electronic correlations in real materials. The relevance of the electron-electron interactions is discussed in the first part of this thesis in the framework of a self-consistent theoretical approach, named Composite Operator Method (COM), which accounts for the relevant quasi-particle excitations in terms of a set of composite operators that appear as a result of the modification imposed by the interactions on the canonical electronic fields. We show that the COM allows the calculation of all the relevant Green s and correlation functions in terms of a number of unknown internal parameters to be determined self-consistently. Therefore, depending on the balance between unknown parameters and self-consistent equations, exact and approximate solutions can be obtained. By way of example, we discuss the application of the COM to the extended t-U-J-h model in the atomic limit, and to the two-dimensional single-band Hubbard model. In the former case, we show that the COM provides the exact solution of the model in one dimension. We study the effects of electronic correlations as responsible for the formation of a plethora of different charge and/or spin orderings. We report the phase diagram of the model, as well as a detailed analysis of both zero and finite temperature single-particle and thermodynamic properties. As far as the single-band Hubbard model is concerned, we illustrate an approximated self-consistent scheme based on the choice of a two-field basis. We report a detailed analysis of many unconventional features that arise in single-particle properties, thermodynamics and system's response functions. We emphasize that the accuracy of the COM in describing the effects of electronic correlations strongly relies on the choice of the basis, paving the way for possible multi-pole extensions to the two-field theory. To this purpose, we also study a three-field approach to the single-band Hubbard model, showing a significant step forward in the agreements with numerical data with respect to the two-pole results. The role of the electron-phonon interaction in the physics of strongly correlated systems is discussed in the second part of this thesis. We show that in highly polarizable lattices the competition between unscreened Coulomb and Fröhlich interactions results in a short-range polaronic exchange term Jp that favours the formation of local and light pairs of bosonic nature, named bipolarons, which condense with a critical temperature well in excess of hundred kelvins. These findings, discussed in the framework of the so-called polaronic t-Jp model, are further investigated in the presence of a finite on-site potential U, coming from the competition between on-site Coulomb and Fröhlich interactions. We discuss the role of U as the driving parameter for a small-to-large bipolaron transition, providing a possible explanation of the BEC-BCS crossover in terms of the properties of the bipolaronic ground state. Finally, we show that a hard-core bipolarons gas, studied as a charged Bose-Fermi mixture, allows for the description of many non Fermi liquid behaviours, allowing also for a microscopic explanation of pseudogap features in terms of a thermal-induced recombination of polarons and bipolarons, without any assumption on preexisting order or broken symmetries.

Dynamics and disorder in quantum antiferromagnets / Dynamique et désordre dans des aimants quantiques

Dupont, Maxime 05 July 2018 (has links)
La physique de la matière condensée, et notamment les systèmes fortement corrélés, amènent à des problèmes parmi les plus stimulants et difficiles de la physique moderne. Dans ces systèmes, les interactions à plusieurs corps et les corrélations entre les particules quantiques ne peuvent être négligées, sinon, les modèles échoueraient simplement à capturer les mécanismes physiques en jeu et les phénomènes qui en découlent. En particulier, le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit traite du magnétisme quantique et aborde plusieurs questions distinctes à l'aide d'approches computationnelles et méthodes numériques à l'état de l'art. Les effets conjoints du désordre (i.e. impuretés) et des interactions sont étudiés concernant un matériau magnétique spécifique : plutôt qu'une phase de la matière dite localisée, attendue à fort champ magnétique, une phase ordonnée induite par le désordre lui-même est mise en lumière, avec une réapparition inattendue de la cohérence quantique dans ledit composé. Par ailleurs, la réponse dynamique d'aimants quantiques à une perturbation externe, comme celle mesurée dans des expériences de résonance magnétique nucléaire ou de diffusion inélastique de neutrons est étudiée. / Condensed matter physics, and especially strongly correlated systems provide some of the most challenging problems of modern physics. In these systems, the many-body interactions and correlations between quantum particles cannot be neglected; otherwise, the models would simply fail to capture the relevant physics at play and phenomena ensuing. In particular, the work presented in this manuscript deals with quantum magnetism and addresses several distinct questions through computational approaches and state-of-the-art numerical methods. The interplay between disorder (i.e. impurities) and interactions is studied regarding a specific magnetic compound, where instead of the expected many-body localized phase at high magnetic fields, a novel disorder-induced ordered state of matter is found, with a resurgence of quantum coherence. Furthermore, the dynamical response of quantum magnets to an external perturbation, such as it is accessed and measured in nuclear magnetic resonance and inelastic neutron scattering experiments is investigated.

Propriedades estáticas e dinâmicas de sistemas fortemente correlacionados

Ramos, Flávia Braga 17 February 2017 (has links)
FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Neste trabalho, investigamos propriedades estáticas e dinâmicas de sistemas fortemente correlacionados quase-unidimensionais. A principal técnica utilizada no estudo de tais sistemas foi o grupo de renormalização da matriz de densidade. Neste contexto, um dos sistemas que consideramos foram as escadas de Heisenberg de N pernas com spin-s. Para estas escadas, investigamos propriedades estáticas, tais como energia por sítio no limite termodinâmico e gap de spin. Em particular, verificamos a validade da conjectura de Haldane-Sénéchal-Sierra para o comportamento do gap de spin das escadas de Heisenberg. Ainda para sistemas com geometria de escadas, outro problema que analisamos foi a entropia de emaranhamento de escadas quânticas críticas. Neste caso, propusemos uma conjectura para o comportamento de escala desta entropia. A fim de verificar nossa conjectura, consideramos as escadas férmions livres, de Heisenberg e escadas de Ising quânticas. Por fim, investigamos o comportamento das correlações dinâmicas de sistemas fortemente correlacionados unidimensionais. Para este caso, apresentamos um estudo detalhado do comportamento assintótico das autocorrelações de spin dinâmicas no bulk e na borda de tais sistemas. / In this work, we investigated static and dynamical properties of quasi-one-dimensional strongly correlated systems. The main technique used in the study of such systems was the density matrix renormalization group. In this context, one of the systems that we considered were the spin-s N-leg Heisenberg ladders. For these ladders, we investigated static properties, such as the energy per site in the thermodynamic limit and the spin gap. In particular, we checked the validity of the Haldane-Sénéchal-Sierra's conjecture for the spin gap behavior of the Heisenberg ladders. Also for systems with ladders geometry, another problem that we analyzed was the entanglement entropy of quantum critical ladders. In this case, we proposed a conjecture for the scaling behavior of this entropy. In order to check our conjecture, we consider free fermions, Heisenberg ladders and quantum Ising ladders. Finally, we investigated the behavior of the dynamical correlations in one-dimensional strongly correlated systems. For this case, we presented a detailed study of the asymptotic behavior of the dynamical spin autocorrelations at the bulk and the boundary of such systems. / Tese (Doutorado)

Theoretical approach to Direct Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering on Magnets and Superconductors

Marra, Pasquale 26 October 2015 (has links)
The capability to probe the dispersion of elementary spin, charge, orbital, and lattice excitations has positioned resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the forefront of photon science. In this work, we will investigate how RIXS can contribute to a deeper understanding of the orbital properties and of the pairing mechanism in unconventional high-temperature superconductors. In particular, we will show how direct RIXS spectra of magnetic excitations can reveal long-range orbital correlations in transition metal compounds, by discriminating different kind of orbital order in magnetic and antiferromagnetic systems. Moreover, we will show how RIXS spectra of quasiparticle excitations in superconductors can measure the superconducting gap magnitude, and reveal the presence of nodal points and phase differences of the superconducting order parameter on the Fermi surface. This can reveal the properties of the underlying pairing mechanism in unconventional superconductors, in particular cuprates and iron pnictides, discriminating between different superconducting order parameter symmetries, such as s, d (singlet pairing) and p wave (triplet pairing).

Ladungsanregungen im ungeordneten t-t’-t”-J-Modell

Kühnert, Christian 13 January 2009 (has links)
Für die theoretische Beschreibung verschiedener Substanzen, so z.B. für diverse Kuprate die Anwendungen als Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter finden, spielt das t-J-Modell eine wichtige Rolle. In vielen Fällen kann man Abweichungen der Verbindungen vom idealen translationsinvarianten Festkörper vernachlässigen, für bestimmte Eigenschaften ist jedoch der Einfluß von Störstellen,z.B. Dotieratomen, bedeutsam. Um solche Verunreinigungen einzubeziehen, behandelt die vorliegende Arbeit das t-J-Modell mit einer zusätzlichen on-site-Energie mit über die Gitterpläte zufallsverteilten Werten. Um für dieses Modell die Einteilchen-Greensfunktion zu bestimmen, wird ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches auf der Projektionstechnik basiert und die Einbeziehung des Unordnungsterms ermöglicht. Die notwendige Mittelung über die möglichen Unordnungskonfigurationen erfolgt näherungsweise durch Faktorisierung und ist verwandt mit der sogenannten average T-matrix approximation, wird hier jedoch auf ein stark korreliertes System erweitert. Zur Illustration wird der Grundzustand von La2−xSrxCuO4 und Nd2−xCexCuO4 bei einem zusätzlichen Ladungsträger über Halbfüllung untersucht. Wie Bandstrukturrechnungen zeigen, ruft die Dotierung der elektronendotierten Substanz gerade einen solchen Zufallsterm hervor. Dies wurde in der bisherigen Literatur meist vernachlässigt. Bei der Übertragung der Bandstrukturergebnisse in die Modellparameter des t-t′-t′′-J-Modells zeigt sich, daß der Einfluß der Dotieratome bei La2−xSrxCuO4 um etwa eine Größenordnung geringer ist als in Nd2−xCexCuO4 . Als wichtige Ursache hierfür wird der Einfluß der Apex-Sauerstoffatome angesehen, die im Fall von La2−xSrxCuO4 die Seltenerd- Dotieratome gegenüber der Kupferoxidebene abschirmen. Für das mit diesen Parametern belegte Modell wird anschließend die Einteilchen- Greensfunktion berechnet, die Ausgangspunkt der Berechnung verschiedener Observablen ist. Die für die elektronendotierte Substanz auftretende lokale Mode gibt zu dem Vorschlag Anlaß, daß die unterschiedliche Stabilität der antiferromagnetischen Phase für die beiden betrachteten Substanzen nicht nur auf die Art der Ladungsträger zurückzuführen ist, sondern auch auf die Struktur der Elementarzelle. / The t-J-Modell can be applied to several classes of materials, e.g. high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Often translational invariance can be assumed, but sometimes it is necessary to take into account the effects of the doping atoms at randomly distributed sites. Therefore a t-J-Modell with an additional randomly distributed on-site energy is investigated. To calculate the one-particle Green’s function considering this term of disorder, a method is developed which bases on projection technique. The average over the possible configurations of the dopand atoms is approximated by factorization and is similar to the so-called average T-matrix approximation. Here it is extended to a model with strong correlations. In order to illustrate the methode the single-particle ground state of La2−xSrxCuO4 and Nd2−xCexCuO4 is analyzed. Band-structure calculations exhibit that for the electron-doped case the doping atoms (in first approximation) induce indeed a term of disordered on-site energies. The transformation of the values of this energies at the copper sites into the parameters in the t − t′ − t′′ − J-model shows that the influence of doping in La2−xSrxCuO4 is by about an order of magnitude smaller than in Nd2−xCexCuO4 . The existence of apex oxygen atoms between the rare-earth plane and the copper-oxygen plane in La2−xSrxCuO4 is one important reason for that effect. The single-particle Greens function for the t-t′-t′′-J-model with these parameters is calculated. A local mode appears in the electron-doped case, which suggests that the differences of the stability of the antiferromagnetic phases in both compounds are not only due to the type of charge carriers but also due to the structure of the unit cell.

Dynamique quantique hors-équilibre et systèmes désordonnés pour des atomes ultrafroids bosoniques / Out of equilibrium quantum dynamics and disordered systems in bosonic ultracold atoms

Sciolla, Bruno 13 September 2012 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux thématiques générales qui peuvent être explorées dans des systèmes d’atomes froids : d’une part, la dynamique hors-équilibre d’un système quantique isolé, et d’autre part l’influence du désordre sur un système fortement corrélé à basse température. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé une méthode de champ moyen, qui permet de résoudre la dynamique unitaire dans un modèle à géométrie particulière, le réseau complètement connecté. Cette approche permet d’établir une correspondance entre la dynamique unitaire du système quantique et des équations du mouvement classique. Nous avons mis à profit cette méthode pour étudier le phénomène de transition dynamique qui se signale, dans des modèles de champ moyen, par une singularité des observables aux temps longs, en fonction des paramètres initiaux ou finaux de la trempe. Nous avons montré l’existence d’une transition dynamique quantique dans les modèle de Bose-Hubbard, d’Ising en champ transverse et le modèle de Jaynes-Cummings. Ces résultats confirment l’existence d’un lien fort entre la présence d’une transition de phase quantique et d’une transition dynamique.Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié un modèle de théorie des champs relativiste avec symétrie O(N) afin de comprendre l’influence des fluctuations sur ces singularités. À l’ordre dominant en grand N, nous avons montré que la transition dynamique s’apparente à un phénomène critique. En effet, à la transition dynamique, les fonctions de corrélations suivent une loi d’échelle à temps égaux et à temps arbitraires. Il existe également une longueur caractéristique qui diverge à l’approche du point de transition. D’autre part, il apparaît que le point fixe admet une interprétation en terme de particules sans masse se propageant librement. Enfin, nous avons montré que la dynamique asymptotique au niveau du point fixe s’apparente à celle d’une trempe d’un état symétrique dans la phase de symétrie brisée. Le troisième volet de cette thèse apporte des éléments nouveaux pour la compréhension du diagramme des phases du modèle de Bose-Hubbard en présence de désordre. Pour ce faire,nous avons utilisé et étendu la méthode de la cavité quantique en champ moyen de Ioffe et Mézard, qui doit être utilisée avec la méthode des répliques. De cette manière, il est possible d’obtenir des résultats analytiques pour les exposants des lois de probabilité de la susceptibilité.Nos résultats indiquent que dans les différents régimes de la transition de phase de superfluide vers isolant, les lois d’échelle conventionnelles sont tantôt applicables, tantôt remplacées par une loi d’activation. Enfin, les exposants critiques varient continûment à la transition conventionnelle. / The fast progress of cold atoms experiments in the last decade has allowed to explore new aspects of strongly correlated systems. This thesis deals with two such general themes: the out of equilibrium dynamics of closed quantum systems, and the impact of disorder on strongly correlated bosons at zero temperature. Among the different questions about out of equilibrium dynamics, the phenomenon of dynamical transition is still lacking a complete understanding. The transition is typically signalled, in mean-field, by a singular behaviour of observables as a function of the parameters of the quench. In this thesis, a mean field method is developed to give evidence of a strong link between the quantum phase transition at zero temperature and the dynamical transition. We then study using field theory techniques a relativistic O($N$) model, and show that the dynamical transition bears similarities with a critical phenomenon. In this context, the dynamical transition also appears to be formally related to the dynamics of symmetry breaking. The second part of this thesis is about the disordered Bose-Hubbard model and the nature of its phase transitions. We use and extend the cavity mean field method, introduced by Ioffe and Mezard to obtain analytical results from the quantum cavity method and the replica trick. We find that the conventional transition, with power law scaling, is changed into an activated scaling in some regions of the phase diagram. Furthermore, the critical exponents are continuously varying along the conventional transition. These intriguing properties call for further investigations using different methods.

Theoretical methods for the electronic structure and magnetism of strongly correlated materials

Locht, Inka L. M. January 2017 (has links)
In this work we study the interesting physics of the rare earths, and the microscopic state after ultrafast magnetization dynamics in iron. Moreover, this work covers the development, examination and application of several methods used in solid state physics. The first and the last part are related to strongly correlated electrons. The second part is related to the field of ultrafast magnetization dynamics. In the first part we apply density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory within the Hubbard I approximation to describe the interesting physics of the rare-earth metals. These elements are characterized by the localized nature of the 4f electrons and the itinerant character of the other valence electrons. We calculate a wide range of properties of the rare-earth metals and find a good correspondence with experimental data. We argue that this theory can be the basis of future investigations addressing rare-earth based materials in general. In the second part of this thesis we develop a model, based on statistical arguments, to predict the microscopic state after ultrafast magnetization dynamics in iron. We predict that the microscopic state after ultrafast demagnetization is qualitatively different from the state after ultrafast increase of magnetization. This prediction is supported by previously published spectra obtained in magneto-optical experiments. Our model makes it possible to compare the measured data to results that are calculated from microscopic properties. We also investigate the relation between the magnetic asymmetry and the magnetization. In the last part of this work we examine several methods of analytic continuation that are used in many-body physics to obtain physical quantities on real energies from either imaginary time or Matsubara frequency data. In particular, we improve the Padé approximant method of analytic continuation. We compare the reliability and performance of this and other methods for both one and two-particle Green's functions. We also investigate the advantages of implementing a method of analytic continuation based on stochastic sampling on a graphics processing unit (GPU).

Probing Dynamics and Correlations in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators

Geier, Kevin Thomas 21 July 2022 (has links)
Cold-atom quantum simulators offer unique possibilities to prepare, manipulate, and probe quantum many-body systems. However, despite the high level of control in modern experiments, not all observables of interest are easily accessible. This thesis aims at establishing protocols to measure currently elusive static and dynamic properties of quantum systems. The experimental feasibility of these schemes is illustrated by means of numerical simulations for relevant applications in many-body physics and quantum simulation. In particular, we introduce a general method for measuring dynamical correlations based on non-Hermitian linear response. This enables unbiased tests of the famous fluctuation-dissipation relation as a probe of thermalization in isolated quantum systems. Furthermore, we develop ancilla-based techniques for the measurement of currents and current correlations, permitting the characterization of strongly correlated quantum matter. Another application is geared towards revealing signatures of supersolidity in spin-orbit-coupled Bose gases by exciting the relevant Goldstone modes. Finally, we explore a scenario for quantum-simulating post-inflationary reheating dynamics by parametrically driving a Bose gas into the regime of universal far-from-equilibrium dynamics. The presented protocols also apply to other analog quantum simulation platforms and thus open up promising applications in the field of quantum science and technology. / I simulatori quantistici ad atomi freddi offrono possibilità uniche per preparare, manipolare e sondare sistemi quantistici a molti corpi. Tuttavia, nonostante l'alto livello di controllo raggiunto negli esperimenti moderni, non tutte le osservabili di interesse sono facilmente accessibili. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di stabilire protocolli per misurare delle proprietà statiche e dinamiche dei sistemi quantistici attualmente inaccessibili. La fattibilità sperimentale di questi schemi è illustrata mediante simulazioni numeriche per applicazioni rilevanti nella fisica a molti corpi e nella simulazione quantistica. In particolare, introduciamo un metodo generale per misurare le correlazioni dinamiche basato su una risposta lineare non hermitiana. Ciò consente test imparziali della famosa relazione fluttuazione-dissipazione come sonda di termalizzazione in sistemi quantistici isolati. Inoltre, sviluppiamo tecniche basate su ancilla per la misura di correnti e correlazioni di corrente, consentendo la caratterizzazione della materia quantistica fortemente correlata. Un'altra applicazione è orientata a rivelare l'impronta della supersolidità nei gas Bose con accoppiamento spin-orbita eccitando il corrispondente modo di Goldstone. Infine, esploriamo uno scenario per la simulazione quantistica della dinamica di riscaldamento post-inflazione modulando parametricamente un gas Bose e portandolo nel regime della dinamica universale lontana dall'equilibrio. I protocolli presentati si applicano anche ad altre piattaforme di simulazione quantistica analogica e aprono quindi applicazioni promettenti nel campo della scienza e della tecnologia quantistica. / Quantensimulatoren auf Basis ultrakalter Atome eröffnen einzigartige Möglichkeiten zur Präparation, Manipulation und Untersuchung von Quanten-Vielteilchen-Systemen. Trotz des hohen Maßes an Kontrolle in modernen Experimenten sind jedoch nicht alle interessanten Observablen auf einfache Weise zugänglich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Protokolle zur Messung aktuell nur schwer erfassbarer statischer und dynamischer Eigenschaften von Quantensystemen zu etablieren. Die experimentelle Realisierbarkeit dieser Verfahren wird durch numerische Simulationen anhand relevanter Anwendungen in der Vielteilchenphysik und Quantensimulation veranschaulicht. Insbesondere wird eine allgemeine Methode zur Messung dynamischer Korrelationen basierend auf der linearen Antwort auf nicht-hermitesche Störungen vorgestellt. Diese ermöglicht unabhängige Tests des berühmten Fluktuations-Dissipations-Theorems als Indikator der Thermalisierung isolierter Quantensysteme. Darüber hinaus werden Verfahren zur Messung von Strömen und Strom-Korrelationen mittels Kopplung an einen Hilfszustand entwickelt, welche die Charakterisierung stark korrelierter Quantenmaterie erlauben. Eine weitere Anwendung zielt auf die Enthüllung spezifischer Merkmale von Supersolidität in Spin-Bahn-gekoppelten Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten ab, indem die relevanten Goldstone-Moden angeregt werden. Schließlich wird ein Szenario zur Quantensimulation post-inflationärer Thermalisierungsdynamik durch die parametrische Anregung eines Bose-Gases in das Regime universeller Dynamik fern des Gleichgewichts erschlossen. Die dargestellten Protokolle lassen sich auch auf andere Plattformen für analoge Quantensimulation übertragen und eröffnen damit vielversprechende Anwendungen auf dem Gebiet der Quantentechnologie.

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