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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stigma for Caring for those with Mental Health Issues in the Student Nurse Community: A survey

Boyd, Matthew 01 December 2018 (has links)
People living with a mental health issue is elevated both nationally and internationally, and the likelihood of a person interacting with someone who has a mental health issue is high. It is even higher for those who work in the health care profession, so understanding their attitudes on this matter is important. As a review of current literature reveals, there is not only stigma in the health care system, but there is also stigma among health care professionals and students. One of the groups of students that has not been researched to a great extent is nursing students and the degree of stigma they have for caring for those with mental health issues. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the degree of stigma among these individuals. A voluntary online survey was done was administered to undergraduate nursing students at a university in the southeastern part of the United States using the twenty item Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers (OMS-HC). The results indicated that mental illness stigma did exist within the student nurse community with no association between gender, classification, and mental health nursing course completion and total score on the OMS-HC scale.

Sykepleierstudenters opplevelse av miljøets betydning for læring, ved praksis i intensivavdelingen-En integrativ litteraturstudie / Nursing students` experience of the impact of the environment for learning, trough practice in the intensive care unit- an integrative review

Lorentzen, Line Solbakken, Hammer, Reidar January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Mangelen på intensivsykepleiere kan påstås å være allment kjent i helsevesenet. Kravet om kompetanse er stigende, som igjen stiller høyere krav til utdanningsstedene. I løpetav studiet skal sykepleierstudentene gjennomføre klinisk praksis, og skal her knytte teori ogpraksis sammen, for å selvstendig kunne møte kompetansekravet som venter. Hensikt: Å finne ut sykepleierstudenter som har praksis på intensivavdelingen, sin opplevelse av miljøets betydning for læring. Metode: For å fange sykepleierstudentens perspektiv, er det gjort en integrativ litteraturstudie, hvor det sammen med bibliotekar systematisk er søkt etter forskning, som svarer til hensikten. Studiet består av seks kvalitative artikler, der data er analysert og systematisert.Resultat: Resultatet viser at intensivmiljøet er ett krevende sted å være i praksis, og mange følelser oppstår hos sykepleierstudentene. Opplevelsene til sykepleierstudentene som hadde betydning for læringen i intensivmiljøet, er presentert i 3 kategorier. Kategoriene viser at miljøet oppleves som krevende, men lærerikt, at det er viktig med ett god samspill og relasjon med veileder og at miljøet oppleves som stressende, dystert og høyteknologisk. Konklusjon: Miljøet i intensivavdelingen er krevende for læringen, men til tross for dette er det et bra sted å knytte teori og praksis sammen. Å ha en god relasjon til veileder virker å være essensielt for ett godt læringsmiljø. Samtidig viser studien til viktigheten av å være forberedt på hva intensivmiljøet innebærer. Med denne kunnskap kan studiesteder og praksissteder gjøre en forbedring. / Background: The lack of ICU nurses, can be claimed to be widely known in the health caresystem. The demand for high competence is rising, which puts a higher demand on the educational institutions. During the nursing program there is a time of practical training, where the goal is to link theory and practice together, in order to become an independent nurse who can meet the competence that is required. Aim: The aim of this study was to look at the nursingstudents' perceptions on how the environment impacts the learning, through practice in the intensive care unit. Method: In order to capture the nursing student´s perspective, an integrativeliterature study has been carried out, and together with a librarian, a systematic search for research have been done, which corresponds to the authors intension. The study consist of six qualitative articles, where the data was analyzed and systematized. Results: The results shows that the ICU is a demanding place to be in practice, and many emotions arise in the nursing students. The mainfactors in the environment that have impact on the nursing students learning, are presented in 3 categories. The categories shows that the environment is demanding, but educational, the importance of a good relation with the mentor, and that the environment is stressful, gloomy and high-tech. Conclusion: The environment in the ICU is demanding for learning, but despite this, it is a good place to link theory and practice together. Having a good relationship with the supervisor seems to be essential for creating a good learning environment. At the same time, the study points out the importance of being prepared for the ICU environment. With this knowledge, study institutions and internships can make an improvement.

The Relationship Between Pre-Licensure Employment and Student Nurse Self-Efficacy

Grimm, Khristina Lee 01 January 2017 (has links)
Student nurses transitioning to acute care practice often feel unprepared to accept the responsibilities associated with their new role. Lack of self-efficacy in nursing practice contributes to high levels of stress and anxiety as the new nurse enters the workforce which causes turnover during the first year of practice. Little is known about how the type and amount of pre-licensure employment affects the self-efficacy in nursing practice of the student nurse. Using Bandura's social cognitive theory, the purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between type and amount of pre-licensure employment and self-efficacy in nursing practice of student nurses' in their final semester of college. The Casey-Fink Readiness for Practice Survey-© was completed by 132 senior nursing students. Data were analyzed using correlation and multiple regression. No significant relationships were noted between the type or amount of work experience and self-efficacy. No significant relationship was noted between type of work experience and self-efficacy in managing a patient care assignment of 2, 3, or 4 patients. A significant positive relationship was revealed for amount of pre-licensure work experience and self-efficacy in management of a patient care assignment for 2, 3, and 4 patients (r = .19, p = .02) and healthcare experience was the best predictor of positive self-efficacy in managing a patient care assignment of 3 (F = 4.60, p = .01) and 4 patients (F = 3.42, p = .04). Findings of this study can influence positive social change in nursing by influencing the development of recommendations regarding the amount of pre-licensure employment which could improve a new nurse's self-efficacy in practice and reduce turnover in healthcare.

Sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters kunskap om HBTQI : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses´ and nursing students´ knowledge about LGBTQI : A literature review

AL- Janabi, Bedoor, Andersson, Lucas Wilco Penny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: HBTQI personer är en minoritetsgrupp som historiskt sett har blivit diskriminerade och inte haft samma rättigheter som andra. Studier visade att många HBTQI personer möter diskriminering, fördomar och stigmatisering både i vardagen och även i kontakt med vården vilket ledde till psykiska problem som bland annat depression, ångest, självmordstankar och självmordsförsök. HBTQI personer berättade om rädslor att bli avvisade. Sjuksköterskans roll är att främja hälsa, återställa hälsa, förebygga sjukdom och lindra lidande. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenters HBTQI kunskap för att vårda HBTQI personer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som i resultatet utgår från tio vetenskapliga artiklar varav fyra var kvalitativa, fem kvantitativa och en av mixad metod. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas under tre teman: ”Kunskapsnivåer; upplevda och mätbara”, ”Konsekvenser av bristande kunskap, känslor och attityder” samt ”Kommunikation med HBTQI personer”. Första temat visade en genomsyrande brist av HBTQI kunskap inför att vårda HBTQI personer hos sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter. Andra temat visade att bristande kunskap hade samband med negativa attityder och känslor av obekvämhet, vilket ledde till konsekvenser för vårdandet av HBTQI personer. Tredje temat visade att en brist på kunskap innebar bristande förståelse för hur man som sjuksköterska eller sjuksköterskestudent kommunicerar med HBTQI personer. Sammanfattning: Resultatet av denna litteraturöversikt visade att sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskestudenter hade en både upplevd och mätbar brist på HBTQI kunskap inför att vårda HBTQI personer. HBTQI kunskap som saknades var relevant terminologi, information om hälsa och förståelse för hur man kommunicerar med HBTQI personer. Andra teman som kom upp i resultatet var påverkan av känslor och attityder mot HBTQI personer. Bristande HBTQI kunskap är delvis en konsekvens av brist på HBTQI fokus i läroplanen för sjuksköterskeutbildningar. / Background: LGBTQI people are a vulnerable minority who have historically been oppressed by society. Studies showed that many LGBTQI people face discrimination, prejudice, and stigmatization both in everyday life and in contact with healthcare, which lead to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts. LGBTQI people talked about fears of being rejected. The role of the nurse is to promote health, restore health, prevent disease, and relieve suffering. Aim: To illustrate nurses' and nursing students' LGBTQI knowledge to care for LGBTQI people. Method: A literature review based on the results of ten scientific articles, of which four were qualitative, five quantitative and one from a mixed method. Results: The results are reported under three themes: “Knowledge levels; perceived and measurable”, “Consequences of lack of knowledge, feelings and attitudes” and “Communication with LGBTQI people”. The first theme showed a pervasive lack of LGBTQI knowledge around caring for LGBTQI people among nurses and nursing students. The second theme showed that a lack of knowledge was associated with negative attitudes and feelings of discomfort, which led to consequences for the care of LGBTQI people. The third theme showed that a lack of knowledge also meant a lack of understanding over how to communicate with LGBTQI people as a nurse or nursing student. Summary: The result of this literature review showed that nurses and nursing students had both a perceived and measurable lack of LGBTQI knowledge over caring for LGBTQI people. The LGBTQI knowledge that was missing was relevant terminology, information about health and understanding of how to communicate with LGBTQI people. Other themes that came up in the results were the influence of feelings and attitudes towards LGBTQI people. Lack of LGBTQI knowledge is partly a consequence of a lack of LGBTQI focus in the curriculum for nursing education.

An Examination Of Best Practices In Retention In The Associate Degree Nursing Programin The Florida Community College System

Lewis, Mary 01 January 2005 (has links)
This mixed-methods research examined student nurse retention methods perceived as best practice by directors and coordinators in selected Associate Degree Nursing (AND) programs within the Florida Community College System (FCCS). A critical nursing shortage is expected to worsen over the next twenty years due to the aging workforce and the inadequate supply of qualified nurse graduates. The Associate degree nursing programs supply the majority of nursing graduates to the workforce. Thus, the associate degree nursing programs and student retention measures were studied. The research was conducted using a Delphi survey of directors of nursing in ADN programs within the FCCS. This survey served as the template for faculty surveys, which were distributed to faculty members under the selected ADN program directors. Students were surveyed with a similar Likert type scale with focus groups to allow for open-ended interviewing. Following analysis of the data, directors of nursing, faculty, and students in the ADN programs identified eleven best practices. Extensiveness strengthened the research. Resulting information will be helpful for nursing program curriculum and program planning. Future research can examine best practices quantitatively. This study can also be replicated at other venues.

Zdraví všeobecných sester a studentů ošetřovatelství / Health of nurses and nursing students

PŘIBYLOVÁ, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with health of nurses and nursing students. The World Health Organization defines health as follows: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition includes three components - physical, mental and social. In case that it comes to disharmony in one of the three components, it means a disorder of human health, what is subsequently blending into the other components. By this reason it is important for people to be concerned about their health properly. However, health care should not only be the task of health service. Everyone should realize the value of health and should have a big share of its sustaining. The thesis includes two parts. The theoretical part focuses on the prevention of health, personality of nurses and their health care. There is also described how can employers take care of nurses´ health and what lifestyle do the nursing students keep. The conclusion of the theoretical part deals with healthy lifestyle and proper observance of wholesome principles. The second part of this thesis presents an empirical part. The research has been realized in the form of quantitative survey. There were used electronic questionnaires within the research addressed to two groups of respondents, i.e. nurses and nursing students. The questions in the questionnaires have been focused on health and compliance being in accordance with the wholesome principles of respondents. The first research group has been formed of nurses who pursue their profession in various medical facilities in the Czech Republic.There have been provided five goals For the purpose of this research work. The purpose of the first goal has been to compare how the nurses and students keep their own health. The results showed that in the context of compliance with health wholesome activities are not striking differences between the nurses and students. Both groups (nurses, students) take care about their health almost to the same degree. There are no significant differences even in case of doing harmful activities (smoking, alcohol consumption, taking drugs). The second goal of this work has been to determine what health problems start the students their studies with. By the research there was found out that the most students have been gone on their studies with chronic health problems such as asthma and allergies (26%), diseases and musculoskeletal pains (17%) and diseases of gastrointestinal tract (11%). The third aim should determine whether their health - from the perspective of students - was changed during their studies. The results of that survey have showed that 17% of students really changed the state of their health during their studies. The fourth aim has been to find out which health problems take nurses to their jobs with. The nurses commence with more diseases and musculoskeletal pains (23%) following by asthma and allergy (14%) unlike the students. The last aim has been set in order to find out if the health status of nurses is changing during the pursuit of their professions. The results have been pointed out that 46% of nurses changed their health status during their careers.The thesis has been conceived very widely because of the extensive concept of health and healthcare. Moreover, the both experimental groups represent a large part of the population and include various differences. In this work have been outlined various issues that could definitely be a good basis for further research. In case that anyone would be able to deal with this issue, it could be good to split the two groups and focus on the specific problems of selected groups only. Definitely it is necessary to start dealing with the health status of nursing students.

Enhancing the affective domain in order to reduce fear of death in first-year student nurses

Goode, Kim Patricia January 2015 (has links)
This study seeks to investigate fear of death in first-year student nurses. It considers how this might be ameliorated through teaching and learning interventions that involve addressing emotional and spiritual intelligence within the affective domain. Fear of death, for this study, is defined as fear of death and of caring for dying people and their families. A pragmatic paradigm and a mixed method approach were used to explore the feelings and experiences of newly recruited student nurses in relation to fear of death and the care of the dying person and their families. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to examine the impact of two different interventions intended to reduce the fear of death. A questionnaire was used to measure aspects of fear of death. The students were then randomly allocated to three groups. The members of two of the groups experienced an intervention, either a psychological self-help programme called 'Do Something Different', (Fletcher and Pine, 2009) or a weekly group meeting that explored relationships and the use of spiritual strategies based on Family Constellation theory (Hellinger, 2006). The third group acted as a control. After a period of time in clinical practice, the questionnaire was administered again and the results analysed and interpreted. The relationship between the students' fear of death and their age, previous experiences, ethnicity and spiritual beliefs was explored. Findings indicate that the interventions had a positive influence on reducing the students' fear of death. The qualitative part of the study involved semi-structured interviews with fifteen of the students who had completed both questionnaires. Their experiences of preparation for caring for dying people and of being in an intervention group were discussed. The interviews were analysed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPE). Influencing factors from home, such as cultural issues, and from within the clinical context, such as mentorship, were identified. The thesis contributes to nursing education and practice by showing that early preparation for caring for dying people can be effective in reducing fear of death. Results demonstrate that there is value in using strategies to help the student to develop emotional and spiritual intelligence in order to prepare for aspects of dying, before they experience the death of a patient. This preparation enhances the quality of the therapeutic relationship between student and patient. Another outcome is that students need a particular quality of support, at home and in clinical practice and that there are particular implications for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students. Mentors of students need to be trained to be sensitive to the students' needs when caring for people who are dying. Greater attention to preparation for death and care of the dying is likely to enhance the provision of end of life care and may also reduce attrition in first-year student nurses.

Elevhälsa på distans: skolsköterskors upplevelser av videosamtal med gymnasieelever under Covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ enkätstudie / Remote student health: school nurses’ experiences of video calls with high school students during the Covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative survey

Björneheim, Annika, Eriksson, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under Covid-19-pandemin använde skolsköterskor på gymnasiet videosamtal för att kommunicera med sina elever. Enligt kompetensbeskrivningen ska skolsköterskan kunna ta ny teknik i anspråk och använda informations- och kommunikationsteknik för att kommunicera. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva skolsköterskors upplevelser av videosamtal med gymnasieelever under Covid19-pandemin. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats användes. Data samlades in genom en webbenkät med öppna frågor. Fritextsvar från totalt 24 respondenter analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier: Videosamtal inverkar på kommunikationen mellan skolsköterska och elev; samt Olika praktiska aspekter av att erbjuda eleven videosamtal. I de två huvudkategorier framkom sex underkategorier. Konklusion: Videosamtal ökar tillgängligheten till elevhälsan och medverkar till att skolsköterskankan arbeta mer flexibelt. Elever som av olika anledningar inte kan vara i skolan kan speciellt främjas av videosamtal som mötesform. / Background: During the Covid-19 pandemic school nurses in high school used video calls to communicate with their students. According to the skills description, the school nurse must be able to use modern technology, information, and communication technology to communicate. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe school nurses' experiences of video calls with high school students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The study uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Data were collected through an online survey with open-ended questions. Free text responses from a total of 24 respondents were analysed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories: Video calls affect communication between school nurse and student; Several practical aspects of offering the student video calls. In the two main categories, six subcategories emerged. Conclusion: Video calls increase accessibility to student health and contribute to the school nurse being able to work more flexibly. Students who cannot attend school for various reasons can particularly benefit from video calls.

Student nurses' experiences during clinical practice in the Limpopo Province

Mabuda, Bernard Tendani 01 1900 (has links)
Clinical learning experiences form an integral part of the student nurse's training, for it is in the clinical setting that students acquire the knowledge, skills and values necessary for professional practice. The purpose of this research was to explore student nurses experiences during clinical practice. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual design was utilised, employing the phenomenological method. Unstructured interviews were conducted with student nurses in their final year of the four year nursing programme at a nursing college campus in the Limpopo Province. Tesch's method of data analysis was used. The findings indicate that there are aspects which impact negatively on student nurses' clinical learning experiences, such as lack of teaching and learning support, lack of opportunities for learning, poor theory-practice integration, and poor interpersonal relationships between the students, college tutors and ward staff. Recommendations to enhance the clinical learning experiences of student nurses were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Factors influencing output in the four (4) year nurse training programme in the Free State province

Lehasa, Kelebogile Cecilia 11 1900 (has links)
A quantative descriptive study was used to describe the factors that influence the output in the four (4) year nurse training programme. Data was collected by using a self administered questionnaire to 73 participants sampled by stratified random sampling in the Southern Campus of Free State School of Nursing in the Free State Province. Data was analysed by using SPSS computer version 15. The findings of this study revealed that there were difficult subjects like Fundamental Nursing Science, General Nursing Science, Basic Nursing Science, Psychiatric Nursing Science and Midwifery. These were identified per year level of study. The study revealed that difficulty experienced by students resulted in them failing the indicated subjects. Recommendations were made as to how to address the identified factors especially those regarding subjects that were failed in each level, different teaching strategies that could be used to improve the throughput. / M. A. (Health Studies) / Health Studies

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